Blessing News Memo

HSA-UWC North America Family Church
4 West 43rd Street New York, New York 10036
Vox (212) 997-0050 ext 282 Fax (212) 768-0791 e-mail
Rev. Joong Hyun Pak, Continental Director Dr. Tyler Hendricks, President

August 18, 1997

TO: Regional Directors
FM: Tyler Hendricks

By fax and e-mail to Regions/By e-mail to States and Departments
The following important memo was received today from Korea.

To: Continental Directors, National Messiahs, National Leaders and Missionaries
Fm: FFWPU International President

Date: August 16, 1997

I pray that God's grace will constantly be upon all leaders and members around the world who are making effort for the blessing of 36 million couples. Following are the contents of decisions and directions made by True Parents at public and private meetings surrounding the declaration of "The Realm of the Cosmic Sabbath for the Parents of Heaven and Earth." I ask you to do your utmost in their implementation.

1. Congratulations for the declaration of "The Realm of the Cosmic Sabbath for the Parents of Heaven and Earth." True Parents said that on July 7 (lunar calendar) of each year from now on we will commemorate the "7.8" Holy Day (meaning: eight times the number seven), and that this will be an important Holy Day among the eight major Holy Days.

2. The day after arriving in Korea on July 21, True Mother began her successful series of rallies for leaders in sixteen cities throughout Korea, on the subject "True Family Practices Leadership Rally Toward World Peace and Unification, Korea." She furthermore held two successful rallies for women leaders. During the period of these rallies, miraculous pre-blessing results became possible through the manifestations of heavenly fortune and True Mother's grace.

3. After going through a course of suffering and sacrifice on the front line of pioneering three countries in South America, True Father arrived in Korea on August 6. On August 9, he declared the historic "Realm of the Cosmic Sabbath for the Parents of Heaven and Earth" and educated 8,000 National Messiahs.

4. While supervising the worldwide leaders conference, True Father gave guidance for a life of faith, and new directions. He also awarded prizes for the pre-blessing results accomplished up until now, as follows:

Position Country Number of couples Prize Awarded

1st Korea 1,051,852 $400,000
2nd Philippines 952,281 $300,000
3rd Nigeria 748,814 $200,000
4th Ghana 658,000 $100,000

For your reference, the ensuing eight positions, and their results, were: 5th: Sudan, 515,200; 6th: Taiwan, 486,812; 7th: Russia, 285,643; 8th: Mexico. 231,102; 9th: USA, 178,611; 10th: Zaire, 173,000; 11th: Colombia, 148,711;

12th: Malawi, 140,306. In addition True Parents announced their plan to award prizes for the 36 million and the 360 million couples blessings. Results coming from August 9 and afterwards will accrue to the 36 million couples.

5. On August 6, Father matched Young Jin Nim, sixth son of True Parents, with Miss Yoo, Hwa Jeong, daughter of Yoo, Chong So (1800 couples) and Hyung Jin Nim, seventh son of True Parents, with Miss Lee, Yeon Ah, daughter of Lee, Seung Dae (777 couples). Their joint Holy Wedding will be held in New York, USA, on September 6 of this year. We offer our congratulations and gratitude on this great occasion for True Parents' family.

6. The essence of blessed family education, including that for the 3.6 million couples, is contained in the Family Pledge and the three speeches (View of the Principle of the Providential History of Salvation, In Search of the Origin of the Universe, True Family and True Universe centering On True Love) which comprise the essence of the word of the Completed Testament Age. All members should study and memorize these speeches. In the future, contests for the recital of these speeches off by the heart will be held. Leaders should be the first to memorize them. Failure to memorize these speeches will mean being unable to inherit the realm of the blessing. From now on, the memorizing itself is an important qualification, and these contents will be the basis of the tests.

7. Japanese women missionaries who have temporarily returned to Japan after accomplishing the pre-blessing of 185 couples in their mission country should work in Japan for forty days only. They should bring 185 couples to pre-blessing in Japan within that period. Even if they cannot reach that goal, they should return to their mission country after forty days and work there.

8. From August 10, those who cannot speak Korean will, in principle, not be able to attend international conferences supervised by True Parents.

9. Those who make the blessing offering (donation) after receiving the blessing will be proud of having done so even if they go to the spiritual world. It is a precious condition which should certainly be offered. Leaders should encourage people to make their blessing offering in full, or to at least offer it in installments.

10. Upon the declaration of "The Realm of the Cosmic Sabbath for the Parents of Heaven and Earth," twelve clan federations connected with the Moon Tribe and Han Tribe were established. In the beginning, only twelve clans are represented, but this should expand and develop horizontally to twelve more clans, then a further twelve clans, and so on. This is to expand the Cain-realm organization for the salvation of the nation. This organization is to be compared with the orderly expansion of the blessed families into the Abel-realm within the providence. Among the 36 couples, twelve received the blessing as Adam-type families representing our ancestors and the past. Another twelve received the blessing as Noah-type families representing the current generation of humankind and the present, and the final twelve couples received the blessing as Jacob-type families representing future generations and the future. Then, as the 72, 124, and 430 couples, among others, received the blessing step by step, the foundation of the Abel-realm was thus expanded.

Important Words given by Father during Informal Meetings (August 6-14, 1997)

1. What is it that you are going to be proud of in the spirit world? To have blessed many couples is the first point of pride.

2. After the 360 million couples, the realm of blessing will be bequeathed to all families.

3. Parents are the owners of the realm of the practice of true love.

4. Do not worry how to manage things after the blessings of the 3.6 million couples and the 36 million couples. Educate with the Family Pledge and the three speeches (View of the Principle of the Providential History of Salvation, In Search of the Origin of the Universe, True Family and True Universe Centering On True Love).

5. True Father has been consistent in his life of devotion. Forgetting about the sunrise and sunset, he dedicated himself in one direction.

6. If you follow unwillingly, God does not work. Enjoy your life; live happily.

7. When you go to the spirit world, how you lived your life on earth is clearly shown. If your life was spent wrongly, you will therefore have to pay much indemnity. Do not seek the high position, therefore, but live with a humble attitude. You can go before God only after you pass through all the conditions of absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience. As this state is one of absolute selflessness, it becomes the object of infinite existence -- thus becoming the secret of acquiring infinite power.

8. In the future, exemplary families will rise in the world. If a family does wrong, that whole family and all the relatives will find themselves imprisoned together.

9. From today, those who do not speak Korean cannot attend international conferences supervised by True Parents.

10. From God's point of view, once you set up the condition of being one hundred percent united in heart with Father's work, the angels are mobilized and cooperate with you, and all kinds of miracles occur. God, who has been persevering despite being viewed until now as an incompetent God, would like to manifest Himself as a capable God.

11. The Blessing of 3.6 million couples is a watershed: from this blessing on, those who are receiving the "single person's blessing" can be blessed with their spouse in the spirit world.

12. In the course of restoration, you should not reject or criticize someone whom True Parents love just because that person does not fit in with you. Dedicate yourself and embrace that person more than True Parents do.

13. Since the declaration of "The Realm of the Cosmic Sabbath for the Parents of Heaven and Earth," True Parents are free. Do not try to know where True Parents are, whether they are in Korea or elsewhere. If necessary True Parents will transcend the organizational system to connect with you and guide you, or meet with higher level leaders of the country. Shouldn't it be that True Parents accomplish everything their hearts desire to do on earth before they pass away?

14. There is no filial piety or loyalty, and there are no saints or holy sons and daughters, in the situation where you are not united with the center.

Chung Hwan Kwak

FFWPU/International President