Divine Principle on TV

by Erling Lea-Austin TX

Getting DP on TV is not a short cut for the Blessing this year, but it is a good way to influence all the others.

After three years and 500-600 hours with our church program Unificationism, I personally think with the number of members we have here in the USA it is the best way to wake up America. The reason True Father still has not received the Nobel peace prize is because most people do not know what True Father is doing. When I witness to ministers, they bow their head in respect to True Parents-or, they politely say they do not agree with our theology. I know for sure around thirty to forty political decisions have been influenced by our programs-maybe more.

The best way to vindicate Father's going to Danbury is to show the video of the congressional hearings over and over again; the people of Texas know for sure that Father was innocent going to prison; combine that with the ATF raid in Waco, and it is shocking.

The cost to headquarters for airtime with national broadcasting is around $100,000; more primetime (6pm to 11pm); and $30,000 to $40,000 after midnight. This price is for one airing only. The cost for me on public access each week is $10 a week for one primetime airing.

It cannot be done, some may say; we need 3/4" broadcasting tapes from HQ. Not necessary; today's machines are so good that a VHS in SP speed works fine; the stations have machines that keep the signal strong all the way. It looks even better than you will play it in your home VCR. Labor involved is approximately two hours for each program.

Why is "60 Minutes" so famous? Because for years and years they kept the same time spot and same type of show over and over again.

Christian churches are now imitating our teaching style with slides and overhead projectors.

On the last election, the talk of the town was not who the president was going to be; it was Unificationism, with old CAUSA reruns as an educational program about communism. Who has most influence here in America: the common preacher or television?

By studying people's lifestyle, it is easy to see which has most influence. If interested, write, phone, fax or e-mail me.

LP Time, P.O. Box 141744, Austin TX 78714.
Ph 512 837 8705; Fax 412 837 8731.
E-mail: LP Time @ AOL.com

Denver Celebration of True Love

by Joy Garratt-Denver, CO

A petite Taiwanese grandmother looking with glowing eyes at her husband of over 50 years as he gently helped her down the stairs of the bridge; a romantic Russian-American couple embracing on the bridge before taking the chalice of love to renew 47 years of marriage.... Parents faithful to each other for 52 years crossing the bridge of peace only to be followed by their daughter and son-in-law who wanted to inherit the love and longevity of their parents' marriage.

These are only a few of the moving images which infused the Celebration of True Love on June 1 in Denver with remarkable warmth and closeness. Cosponsored by the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification and the Women's Federation for World Peace, 33 couples renewed their commitment to one another as families and friends filled the Parkside Mansion overlooking downtown Denver's City Park.

Express Love in the Way your Spouse Needs it

After master of ceremonies Peggy Yujiri welcomed the participants to the celebration, Dr. Linda Schupp. president of the Being and Becoming Institute, reminded the couples how important it is to "express love in the way your spouse needs it, the way your children need it." A nationally-acclaimed speaker and seminar leader, Dr. Schupp described how we must discover our spouse's love language. "Ask your spouse specifically what makes them feel loved. Make a list. Some people want dinner dates or concert dates. Some want to hold hands. Some just want to be listened to without interruption. You must do what is meaningful for your mate, not what is meaningful only for you."

Dr. Schupp, a psychologist, also emphasized the importance of learning to apologize to your spouse. "What you do not talk about will destroy your relationship. What has hurt you does not go away because you don't talk about it; it hovers beneath the surface of your heart waiting to strike again."

World Peace Begins with the Sacred Commitment of Husband and Wife

After Dr. Schupp's dose of practical guidance, the regional director of the Rocky Mountains FFWPU, Jim Flynn, summarized the purpose of the Federation: "The core of the family is the sacred commitment of man and wife. The FFWPU recognizes that a peaceful world begins with peaceful families, families wherein that sacred commitment between husband and wife thrives. Government leaders can't impose world peace without that foundation.

"We ask people of all backgrounds to look for the commonalty of true love among ourselves. True love takes effort; it is something you build. This ceremony and the November 1997 world-wide celebration by satellite underscore our mutual commitment to establishing world peace beginning with building true love in our families."

Crossing the Bridge of Peace and Renewing True Love

Taking these words to heart, 33 couples then crossed a symbolic Bridge of Peace and renewed their commitment to one another by drinking the Cup of True Love together and being sprinkled with holy water. As a remembrance of this special day, each couple was presented with the glass cup (engraved with the words "Bridge of True Love, 1997") following the ceremony.

While some participants commented that they felt as though they were feasting on true love already, everyone welcomed the international banquet which completed the evening. As over 120 people sat down to fresh salmon and grilled chicken, Lasting Love Awards were presented to seven couples who had been married for over 40 years, including a couple celebrating their 50th anniversary on the very day of the event! Finally, the lights were dimmed and the audience joined to sing "Let There Be Peace On Earth" as the Flame of True Love and Peace was passed from candle to candle, hand to hand, heart to heart.

Blessings In Washington, DC

by Claude Aubert-Washington DC

Washington DC and Region 3 have surpassed 12,000 couples who have rededicated their marriages, including a city official, important ministers, and a national level leader. The region now averages 800 new couples every day; the goal is to bring this number up to 1,000. The providence is developing rapidly, and our mind-set needs to keep up with it. Father wants to finish and proclaim 3.6. million couples by July 20, and move to the next level of blessing. To inherit and support TP's restoration of 185 nations, Father has asked all tribal messiahs to bless 185 couples.

New couples from tribal groups of 185 completed by August 6 will be considered as part of the 3.6 million level blessing. Tribes completed afterward will be part of the next blessing level.

Mrs. Joong Hyun Pak at DC Church:

Sunday June 13 Mrs. Pak, wife of continental leader Rev. Joong Hun Pak, spoke to the Washington, DC, congregation about her experience with blessing couples. Mrs. Pak joined the church in 1955. She has raised 5 children into public life; one of their sons is married into True Family.

Until June 13 Mrs. Pak has blessed 561 couples. She started on June 17, working hard from early morning until late at night (16 -hour days). The first day she found 10 couples, the next another 10, then 21. Then she challenged 30 a day, and up to now her highest daily result was 44 couples-on that day she didn't even have time to eat lunch!

Mrs. Pak's guidance to the audience consisted of two main points: 1) Volunteer 3 hours every day to God and go out with the goal of blessing just one couple. If you volunteer with the right heart, you will be able to bless at least one couple per day. 2) Let's work together. Everybody should get involved in the campaign, not only some people, while others look on.

Mrs. Pak also said that our responsibility is just to bless. We don't need to worry about educating the couples. That will come later. Rev. Schanker mentioned in his introduction that Father is talking about educating by TV, etc.

Blessings in Peru

by Fritz Piepenburg-Lima, Peru

After holding many Blessings seminar-introducing the Blessing and having people sign the Blessing applications-we finally embarked upon our first Blessing ceremony on May 25 in Lima. Altogether 155 previously married couples attended, and we had a very beautiful and high-spirited celebration. We hired a folklore musical group and everyone got up and danced at the conclusion (dancing is a vital part of virtually any social event here in Latin America).

Immediately after this successful event, we organized similar celebrations for the five other cities where centers have been established. Blessed couples from 1995 helped invite the guests and organize the ceremonies. By now we have close to 500 Blessed couples here in Peru. We are now holding Blessings anywhere and at any time. Our teams of Japanese and Peruvian brothers and sisters are going out every day, re-contacting those who already have signed the application and inviting them to one of our central ceremonies taking place three times and week at our center, or giving the Blessing right there in their homes.

One challenge here is how to work on a large scale without upsetting the Catholic Church. After all, some 95% of the population is Catholic. Catholicism has a powerful foundation and, because of it, people are quite religious and have a solid faith in God. We are always making the point that the Blessing is not for changing anyone's faith, but affirming our common Christian values and the need to live up to the teachings of our respective churches. In fact, our Korean president of the Federation likes to tell those attending that they should go back to their church and serve their Catholic priest even better than before. They should from now on behave as true Catholics and become exemplary families for their fellow believers. This is a very good approach, I believe.

Also, from recent speeches it is obvious that even the Pope is very concerned about the family structure (especially in Latin America) and calls for the establishment of sound and strong families as building blocks of a healthy and harmonious society. Well, we are doing exactly this job. Because of the vow of celibacy, the entire Catholic leadership for 2000 years up to the present could give little or no advice on the correct husband-wife relationship and how to establish sound families. The Pope, in short, is not supposed to know much about the opposite sex! Then how could he council on matters of partnership and matrimony? We can, because we have the experience and the Blessing. If the Catholic Church realizes that we are doing now what the church was trying to do for the past 2000 years-or the past 400 years in Latin America-namely, putting the teachings of Christianity and Catholicism concerning the family into a living reality, it should be able to appreciate the Family Federation and willingly cooperate with it. I do have this vision of the Catholic priest in every tiny village calling upon his people to come to the church by pairs and attend the Blessing ceremony, where all families can rededicate themselves to living up to the highest Christian and Catholic values.

Blessings in Germany

by Nina Makarova-Frankfurt, Germany

Finally we are able to report some exciting news from Germany, too. Last week a door-to-door Pre-Blessing strategy was introduced in Germany for the first time. As a result of the members' determination 44 couples and 17 singles were blessed in one week.

This number might seem to be small, compare to thousands in Africa or Philippines, but one should remember, that such action in a country like Germany often means knocking at the doors not of some modest flats, but rich villas, where people think they already have everything they need. Also, it is just a beginning.

While reporting about the Pre-Blessing at Sunday Service in Frankfurt, Werner Lindermann, a city community leader, said, that the response of the people was very clearly positive or negative. Surprisingly, they met couples who seem to have been waiting for somebody to visit; there were people out there who were prepared, thus breaking the concepts, that Germany is a very tough country for a spiritual work.

Shortly before this 40-day Pre-Blessing national campaign was lunched in Dusseldorf, a group of the German Church leaders came back from Chung Pyung lake, where the spent together 40 days at the workshop. They were totally inspired and Andreas Rath, the national leader, personally led the campaign together with national messiahs Hans Wagner and Mrs. Kumagawa. That was a very important condition for success, for it happened often before, that leaders had good ideas and strategies, but left reality-test to the members. More than 10 other brothers and sisters joined them, coming to Dusseldorf from other cities as well.

Makoto Noguchi said, that he had met the person blessed by him the next day and this person told, he felt somehow completely different from before. At Sunday Service Werner Lindermann explained the „technology" of the Pre-Blessing Process to those, who would like to try it out, and demonstrated the „Blessing case" which they used. When you visit homes with such a case, people might take you for an insurance agent. In Germany there is a very well established social system, however, spiritually the country is going down. The „Blessing case" contains no insurance papers, but the Holy Wine (Holy Nectar, etc. ), Holy Water and True Parents picture. The newly blessed couple receives a special certificate with True Parents' signature.

The Pre-Blessing team will continue their activity in Dusseldorf and surrounding area, while members in other cities will introduce a new strategy as well.

Blessings Confront the New with the Old in Nigeria

by Michael Kiely-Lagos, Nigeria

Femi Martins is a twenty-year Nigerian member witnessed to by one of the original missionaries to the country. Darcy (Turner) Hovard approached him as he was preaching in a crowded city bus in Lagos. He joined in 1977 and has himself given birth to numerous spiritual children since that time. During the 1995 Blessing he was one of the first to pioneer community Blessings. He traveled from village to village introducing the Blessing to the chief and elders of each village and having them call their people together to be blessed. Now his main responsibility is to supervise all the Blessing activities in and around Lagos in an area within a radius of about 300 miles. It is a densely populated region where most people belong to the Yoruba tribe, one of the four main tribes in Nigeria and the tribe with the most Blessed couples in Africa.

Rev. Kevin Winter, the assistant to Continental Director Rev. Kathy Rigney, related the following testimonies by Femi. More will follow-reportedly he has many such stories to share.

New Blood for a Witch Doctor

In one Nigerian village there was an herbalist, more commonly known as a witch doctor, who was well known and feared by the population. People were afraid that if he simply looked at them or pointed his staff at them, something terrible might happen to them. He was feared even more than the Oba, or King. But his strong point of character was that he was a true traditionalist. He respected African traditions, hierarchy and rites. Particularly, he was absolutely obedient to the Oba. Also, he was unusual among witch doctors in that he had only one wife. Most witch doctors were polygamists with several wives.

One day Femi came to see the Oba and made a presentation to him about the Blessing. The Oba thought the Blessing was a good idea for his village and decided to call together all of his people. He sent out the town crier, or "gong gong," to hit a large cowbell and call his people to gather. When the witch doctor heard the gong gong, he had a premonition that something sinister was about to happen. He looked at the sky and saw dark clouds even though those around him said the sky was clear. So he hesitated to go, but his sense of duty to the Oba told him he had to attend because he had been called. He reasoned with himself, "After all, I am a very powerful witch doctor. People fear me. I don't think any evil force could possibly disturb me." Nevertheless, he took many beads, amulets and other sacred objects which he wore like a sash over his shoulder outside his clothing. He also took his staff which he employed in his rituals as well. Then he went off to the meeting with his wife in tow ready for spiritual battle.

At the meeting the villagers, including the witch doctor, listened to Femi's presentation about the blessing, then with the Oba's encouragement, they all participated, receiving the holy wine, the holy water and True Father's prayer. The witch doctor and his wife also drank the Holy Wine and participated in the Blessing. The villagers received the blessing joyfully, then when the festivities were over, they - along with the witch doctor and his wife - all returned to their homes.

When he arrived home, the witch doctor decided to consult the oracles at his shrine where certain spirits usually gave him guidance. The moment he bowed down before his shrine, however, he was startled to hear a loud voice from the shrine speaking to him as if someone were standing in front of him. The voice said in anger, "You are no longer my son because you now have different blood flowing in your veins! From this moment forward I will never speak to you again or answer your questions! Go away!"

The witch doctor was shocked and dismayed. His practice, which depended on this spiritual guidance and support, was his whole life and his source of power and respect. That guidance and support, and consequently his profession and position of respect, had all quite suddenly been taken away from him. With growing anger he concluded that the young Femi Martins had come to him with the Holy Wine in order to steal his powers from him. He wished out loud that there was some way he could purge himself of the holy wine so that he could recover his powers. Perhaps the only way to do that, he reasoned, was to kill Femi. Then perhaps his powers would return.

In a rage he picked up his machete and returned to the Oba's courtyard in search of the young man who had robbed him of all that was important to him. The Oba, seeing his witch doctor beside himself with rage, told him to sit down and asked him what was going on. Out of a sense of obedience to his Oba, the former witch doctor explained all that had just happened to him and declared that he intended to kill Femi in order to regain his former powers. The Oba empathized with him but told him that Femi had gone home and would not return till later that week. The Oba promised, however, to send Femi to him on Femi's return.

After the encounter with the Oba the former witch doctor returned home frustrated that he had failed to accomplish his plan and, as a consequence he presumed, had not been able to regain his powers that day. That evening in his sleep he had a vivid dream in which all the powerful ancestors of his lineage lined up over him looking down at him. They told him sternly, "You have been a powerful witch doctor until this day. But from today you must become a new person and start a new life." Then they left him. When he awoke the next morning, he realized that what had happened to him was much larger than the plan of some young man to steal his powers. It was nothing less than the manifestation of the will of his ancestors, of heaven itself, that he create a new life for himself from that time on. So, he quickly forgot his anger against Femi and felt, instead, grateful to have been called in that way. He returned again to the palace of the Oba to report his experience with his ancestors and his new realization.

Later that week, Femi returned to the palace and met with the Oba. The Oba told him everything that had transpired with the former witch doctor and sent him to meet him. When they met each other, the former witch doctor told Femi all that had happened. Then the former witch doctor smiled and said, "You are a lucky man that I did not find you right after the Blessing! Otherwise you would be dead now! But I have come to understand that these events were the manifestation of heaven's will and not just the fruit of your machinations, as I had at first imagined." Word of these happenings spread quickly throughout the region.

After their meeting, Femi worked in the area with a local pastor who had a small church in a nearby village. Femi suggested to the pastor that he set up a branch church in the former witch doctor's village because there was no church there and that he make the former witch doctor the head pastor. The pastor followed his advice, and everyone was amazed at the results. Because of the former witch doctor's fame and because of his dramatic and widely publicized conversion through the Blessing, in the first week over 500 people assembled in his new church. Virtually overnight he had gathered a large congregation. How many church founders would be delighted to find 500 members in their first week! This new congregation was the direct fruit of the Blessing.

Miraculous Homecoming

On another occasion, Femi was performing Blessings house to house. For a person whose spouse is absent to receive the Blessing, his or her marriage must be intact and the absent spouse must accept the Blessing. In rare cases when the spouse who is present is considered trustworthy and is absolutely confident that his or her spouse will accept the Blessing, then he or she may receive the Blessing. In one home, a man presented his wife's picture for the ceremony, claiming that she was simply away. He was able to convince Femi of his story, and Femi blessed him. After the ceremony a neighbor revealed to Femi that the man's wife had abandoned him and his two children and had not been seen at all for two years. She had simply disappeared. So, their marriage was not at all intact.

Femi was angry with the man for having deceived him about his wife's status. But the man begged Femi to forgive him saying that until the present he had always prayed for his wife's return. He felt strongly when he heard Femi's presentation that this could be the event that would answer his prayers and bring his wife home. When Femi heard the man's words, his anger left him and he admired the man's faith. All he could do was to wish him well and go on to the next home.

About ten day's later Femi came back to check on that household. The man's attitude had changed completely. While before he had been depressed, now he was beaming. He told Femi he had good news to share. Exactly a week to the day after his Blessing he had returned home from work quite tired and had sat down in the sitting room. Suddenly he heard a quiet knock on the door. He got up, casually opened the door, and without even looking up, turned to sit down again. When he did look up, he was shocked to see his wife whom he had not seen in two years.

She was fearful that he would be angry at her for abandoning him and their children for so long and that he might even want to kill her. As a result, her first words to him were a challenge. "Don't I have the right to visit my own children?" she asked with nervous defiance. The man was startled by her tone and said, "Oh, of course. You can see your children. Please go on in." She rushed into the bedroom to see her children. Shortly afterwards she came out, but instead of leaving, she went straight to the kitchen. There she prepared the man's favorite meal and set it on the table for him to eat. The man was so astonished by the whole scene taking place in front of his eyes that he had no appetite and told his wife when she called him to eat, "No thank you. I'm not hungry."

The wife, once again, mistook the man's refusal to eat and his silence after her long absence as anger and decided she should leave. As is customary when a guest wants to leave, she asked her husband, "Won't you see me to the door?" The husband felt deep disappointment that she was going. He did not realize that she also felt disappointment that she had to leave. So, he sadly escorted her to the door and opened it for her. After she had gone out, he closed the door, went back to his seat and began thinking about what had happened, wishing he had said something to stop her. At that moment the door slowly opened again. His wife poked her head inside and said timidly, "It is very dark outside. If you would allow me to spend the night here, I will go first thing in the morning."

The husband happily assented. That night the wife spent the first night at home for more than two years and did NOT leave the next morning as she had proposed. The two of them have been together ever since. Because of the Blessing, their long separation ended and their marriage was healed.

When Femi gives his testimonies, he always asks brothers and sisters, "Where would these people be if someone had not knocked on their door to offer them the Blessing? The witch doctor would still be bewitching people. The man would still be lonely without his wife waiting with his children for her return. Because we get out and offer this grace of the Blessing to people, their lives really do change. The Blessing is so powerful in the way it can alter people's destiny.

Blessing in Chicago

by Bruce Sutchar-Chicago IL

Although I grew up in Chicago, I joined the church in San Francisco and did not return to Chicago for about six years. After living and working on both coasts, the thing that amazed me the most about Chicago was the unity of the departments and the community. Several years later, after pastoring our churches in New Mexico and Wyoming, I had the opportunity to move back to my hometown and I have now been here for the last ten years. Every area of the country is unique in its own way. The one experience which I still find so special about Chicago is the unity of the community.

Somehow God put a package together back in the early 1980s, and when the CAUSA Ministerial Alliance began, the African American community in Chicago responded tremendously. Ministers got involved in CAUSA, and in each subsequent activity, including the Religious Freedom Coalition, the ICUSA, the American Leadership Conferences, USA, and basically every project, tour and campaign over these past 15 years. Because Father has pushed us so hard, we have had to keep coming back to our ministers, and they have over and over again responded-now, on deeper and deeper levels.

Often we would lament, because it seemed like every time we were calling one of our ministers, it was to invite them to something: a conference, a trip, a project or one of Father's or Mother's tours. But in-between times, we visited their churches, we worshipped with them, we attended their banquets, celebrated their birthdays and developed ever deeper relationships with them, their families and congregations.

As we have progressed, we have been able to include the key members of their congregations in events like the Women's Conferences and the True Family Values conferences. This has made a tremendous difference in having not only the ministers, but their congregations, embrace our movements and members. More and more the ministers and their congregants are even visiting our church not only as speakers but as visitors.

It is in this vein that we have emerged into the 1997 3.6 million Blessing providence. In August 1995 one of the most influential ministers in all Chicago, Rev. Dr. Amos Waller, learned about the Blessing of 360,000 couples. We had originally planned to hold a number of Blessings all over the Chicagoland area. However, Dr. Waller got really inspired and invited all of the Blessings in Chicago to be unified into one Blessing in his Mercy Seat Missionary Baptist Church. And so, on that wonderful day in August 1995, 42 couples joined Dr. and Mrs. Waller and received the Holy Wine and the Blessing together. (Later, Dr. Waller, who had had a dream about meeting our True Parents nearly 20 years ago, would arrange it so that the Mayor of Chicago would provide official police escorts for both Father and Mother upon their subsequent visits to Chicago.) Dr. Waller was inspired because he feels that the young members of his church need to see their parents re-dedicating their vows in front of God. And Dr. Waller was so inspired that he suggested we hold a Blessing in his church every year.

Little did we know that the 3.6 million Blessing would be just around the corner.

In the meantime, God inspired another major Chicago ministerial leader, the Rev. T.L. Barrett, Jr. Rev. Barrett leads a beautiful church on the side of Chicago which holds upwards of 2,000 people. As we have already shared, Rev. Barrett was inspired to host True Mother during her tour of America last autumn. Rev. is a leader of a major church with a consistently growing congregation, but he was so humble and serving when True Mother spoke in his church. Shortly after True Mother's speech, Rev. hoisted up the first FFWPU flag in America over his church, which stands on a street which the Mayor of Chicago named in his honor. Continuing in this spirit, Rev. hosted the first major Blessing in the 3.6 million Couple providence in Chicago, two days after Christmas.

And Rev. has continued in this spirit throughout 1997, hosting two major Blessings on March 15 and then again on May 31. The May 31 Blessing was quite exceptional in that Rev. asked to be the host and sponsor of the Blessing-rather than having the Unification community host the event. He explained that he felt the Blessing belonged not to the Unification Church-not to his own Life Center COGIC (Church of God in Christ)-but rather to God. God, Himself, was the owner of the Blessing and we were each being called to open the pathway for the people of America to receive it.

In this vein, Rev. came to our first planning meeting with a nine-page outline of what was needed to make May 31 a success for God. And he mobilized his entire staff of assistants to lead the way to victory. He explained further how his own church had been redirected by God's movement centering on the family. Rev. is a true visionary who always sees ahead. Therefore, he planned every Sunday in June to be a special Sunday service centering on some aspect of the family, i.e., Couples Sunday, Engaged Couples Sunday, Young Adults Heading Toward Marriage Sunday, etc. On the first Sunday in June (the day after the May 31 Blessing), Rev. invited Rev. Ki Hun Kim to give the Sunday service to kick off his family month and it was a huge success. It is obvious that God has a strong hand on the life of Rev. T.L., and that Rev. is responding accordingly.

One side note about the power of the family of Rev. Barrett's church is that when one of his assistant ministers was applying for a Community Directorship with the University of Illinois, Rev. Barrett and several of the church leaders accompanied her to the interview. Afterward, she was told that although she did not, at that time, have all the necessary qualifications and education credentials, Rev. Barrett's promise that hiring her was equivalent to hiring the entire church, became the basis for the University deciding to hire her. And today, having achieved all necessary credentials, she is continuing to lead and grow her children and community curriculum at the university.

The Blessing on May 31 was a great success. Sixty one couples renewed their wedding vows in a holy and sacramental spirit. Rev. Barrett believes deeply in beauty and tradition and thus the event, while following the traditions of the Blessing ceremony, has ever aspect of a beautiful wedding ceremony, including a beautiful arch and thousands of balloons, which were released immediately after the service-each filled with a little note from the Bible.

Now as we march toward the completion of our 3.6 million couples goal, Rev. continues to be in the foreground of all our activities. From getting up at 4am every day to do his morning radio show, to continuing to work to coalesce Christian ministers from all over the Midwest, Rev. is constantly marching to God's drumbeat and inspiring all God brings in contact with him. And in the true tradition of the Family Federation, Rev. is always putting the family first. He leads his congregation as a true parent would lead his own family, and he is inspiring all of us to understand God's precious love of the family as the pathway toward the heart of God.

Adultery: Today's Issue

by Michael Inglis-NYC

The last few weeks have seen the issue of adultery leap to the forefront of our attention. The many articles and TV newscasts document the moral confusion that pervades American society at the end of the twentieth century. A people who have lost hope in true love because they have not been true.

There are many causes for marital breakdown, but one root cause is our society's misapprehension of love. This misapprehension of love is sexually-based, and it is perpetuated in the popular media ad nauseam. How many acts of adultery take place on an average day of network television? How many songs celebrate lust and casual sex? Popular culture romanticizes the "affair," encouraging people who might otherwise be faithful to risk their family's welfare for an elusive "love" and cause incalculable suffering. Is it surprising then that adultery is broadly committed but lightly regarded.

The views of sexuality presented in the popular media are not healthy ones-sex as a commodity, sex as the center of all value and power, sex as the raison d'être of all there is. While sexual fulfillment is an essential ingredient of human happiness, attempts to "liberate" or revolutionize sexuality in modern times, a k a the Sexual Revolution, have left many people with a decidedly disillusioned feeling. At the extreme end of the spectrum are wrecked lives, abused children and broken homes.

This is why all the great spiritual teachings point out that adultery is the greatest sin. If we are to avoid inevitable decline, our country and its citizens must come to a new commitment to a family culture. America has long exalted individualism but sex is not an individual thing. But if the American experiment is to survive, its families need to come before its individuals.

The family is our learning ground of love. All the other relationships in our lives are patterned after these primary relationships with our mothers, fathers, siblings and relatives. When I read about the young girl in New Jersey who threw her baby into the trash can and went back to dancing I can't help but wonder about the state of the culture that produces such events. There must be very little understanding of family in it.

As we fail to learn how to love successfully we take with us wounds that need healing, wounds which prevent us from being successful in family life. Whether these affect our ability to type or command soldiers in the field I don't know but they sure affect our ability to love.

We may try to draw a line between public and private but all too often there isn't one. Are human beings so mechanistic? In the long run, adultery affects one's entire life, and the lives of those around us. Should we not try to teach what is right and wrong?