ABC, Ellen and the Culture War

Alex Colvin
June, 1997
Washington, DC

Well, I recently sat through an hour and a half of heavy pro-homosexual propaganda on ABC-one hour of Ellen and the first section of Prime Time with Ellen and her family.

Why, I ask myself, when we realize that the breakdown of the family is the number one problem in America, is the major media in this country promoting an aberrant sexual life style? For weeks the newspapers have been touting the program, as though the appearance of a gay lead in a television series is equivalent to Jackie Robinson's debut in professional baseball.

The program itself is not funny. Ellen is made out to be a spineless neurotic. Oprah Winfrey is featured as a psychiatric guru joyfully proclaiming to Ellen on the basis of a one day infatuation with someone that she has just met that she is gay. Heterosexuals are portrayed as stereotypic nincompoops. Not one person is portrayed as a sensible person reflecting the majority common sense position of every major culture that homosexuality is wrong.

In Prime Time all of the myths of the radical homosexual activists are presented as accepted wisdom. Pro-family groups who think that homosexuality is morally wrong and detrimental to the society are characterized as "right-wing extremist groups" maliciously attacking a poor sensitive woman who has just found her true sexual identity.

I'm sorry. I don't buy it. Even if the producers of ABC tell me that Oprah Winfrey represents middle America and, if she says it's allright, then it's all right, I don't buy it.

Homosexuality is wrong!

It's common sense. God made man for woman and God made woman for man. God created the sexual organs so that a man and a woman could become one with each other in a joyful expression of their love. God valued the sexual union between husband and wife to the degree that he made it the means through which the chromosomes of a man and woman could unite to create a new life. That is the purpose of creation. It is natural law. And men and women throughout the world know innately that it is so.

It is not only homosexuality that is wrong. Any sex outside of marriage is wrong. Adultery is wrong. Premarital sex is wrong. The central virtue for a healthy society is chastity. Young people should remain virgins until they are married. Husbands and wives should be faithful to each other. Within marriage, a husband and wife are free to enjoy the God-given pleasure of sexual ecstasy. It is one of the great blessings of conjugal love.

It's really pretty simple. Every child naturally dreams of growing up to find his true love and live happily ever after. Yet our culture has strayed far from this simple truth. We have strayed to the point that the major media is aggressively promoting homosexuality as a healthy lifestyle.

Sexual morality is at the core of the cultural war. On the one hand, adherents of traditional religions proclaim that we are created in the image of God and that we are to perfect ourselves in love by living in accordance with moral principles. On the other hand, secularists proclaim that we are animals with natural urges that should not be repressed. The roots of the conflict go back to the Garden of Eden, when our first ancestors were tempted by Satan to defy the word of God.

Throughout this century, the popular culture has been bombarded with deviant wisdom: Sigmund Freud proclaiming that the primary principle of life is pleasure, that denying the libido is the root of mental illness; Havelock Ellis proclaiming the gospel of sexual freedom. Margaret Sanger crusading for birth control, abortion, sterilization, and the end of marriage. Their ideas bore fruit in the sexual revolution of the '60s. In the name of liberation, people have been encouraged to allow themselves to be enslaved by their sexual desires.

What are the fruit of the sexual revolution? An epidemic of sexually transmitted diseases, a cancerous traffic in child pornography, a tidal wave of teen pregnancy, a holocaust of abortion, a skyrocketing divorce rate, and a plague of sexual abuse. The traditional two-parent family in America is coming apart at the seems.

America is at the mercy of a sex-drive gone mad. Freud was correct in that the libido is very powerful. He was wrong in advocating that it should be allowed unbridled freedom. Every individual experiences the power of the sex drive as it develops during puberty. It is important that during this time a person realize that their mind is more powerful than their sexual urges. Adolescence is the period to learn self-control. To master the sex drive, young people need to understand the ideal of true love-a mature loving man and woman united in an unbreakable bond of love. If they preserve their purity until marriage, they will find fulfillment in their relationship with their spouse and the sexual relationship will be a powerful force sealing the bond of love. Young people who misuse their sexuality damage their ability to form a total loving union with a spouse.

Chastity-sexual purity before marriage and sexual fidelity in marriage-is the healthy norm. Ultimately, this is the only solution to the problem of abortion, single parenthood, and sexual disease. Premarital sex, adultery, and homosexuality are all deviations from this norm. They are all destructive for the society and for the individuals who indulge in them.

We recognize the havoc that sexual irresponsibility is reeking in our society. We are aware of the tragic effect of the breakdown of the family in our cities and towns. In light of this, isn't it grossly irresponsible to advocate lifestyles which are diametrically opposed to the creation of stable families?

ABC and the major media have just completed a major propaganda campaign promoting homosexuality as a normal lifestyle. This is more than a slap in the face of the family. This is a heinous assault on the moral foundation of our society. There is a culture war taking place in America-a war between God-centered morality and self-centered amorality. ABC and those who have cooperated in their publicity campaign for Ellen have clearly declared their position as enemies of the moral principles which are necessary to preserve our country.

A New Form of Church

Reverend Sun Myung Moon
Translated by Peter Kim
May 1, 1997
Belevdere, NY USA

Now is the time for all these old church or church-related signs to come down; a new form should emerge. The church era focuses on individual salvation; however, it is time to rise from the individual level of salvation to the family level, because the family is the cornerstone or basic unit for building a nation.

What happened in the family of Adam and Eve at the time of the human fall? Not only individuals but the entire family collapsed. Therefore, in the providence of restoration involves restoring mind/body unity, unity among family members, and then unity within the tribe, society, nation and so forth. Because of the fall, the human race started with a false blood lineage, and it expanded into families, tribes, societies, nations and a world; that's the world we are facing every day. Therefore, True Parents come to save humanity and change this blood lineage into the heavenly lineage; we have to expand this worldwide. This is the period of equalization, centering on True Parents. Do you understand? The worst parents appear and break down everything, causing separation in every direction. In this time, True Parents bring mind/body unification and perfection of man and woman, connecting with one another and creating a perfect family. This can expand horizontally into a unified world. Do you understand? This is the opposite of the fallen down way, where individuals separate and families separate. Satan has been occupying the whole world.

Rebirth is needed. True Parents appeared and connected the true individual base, accomplishing complete unification of mind and body. The authority of that kind of man and woman, centered on their perfected family, extends to the Kingdom of Heaven. The period of religion is passing away, because the purpose of the major religions was individual salvation. That is why the signs of all religious organizations, not just the Unification Church, should come down sooner or later. If Adam and Eve had been totally united with God to begin with, do you think religion was necessary? What about the history of restoration? No. Everything was supposed to be accomplished at that time.

Because of the human fall, all of humanity throughout history has been suffering from fall sickness. Therefore, True Parents come to bring the new serum of truth. When you get a shot or injection, you are engrafted into the heavenly lineage. It's like receiving a vaccination during an epidemic. That is why receiving the Blessing is the most important thing in your life.

Tribal messiahship

We are in the position of restored Adam and Eve, working towards the level of perfection. Centering on blessed couples, the entire world has to be restructured and reorganized to meet the criteria of the Kingdom of Heaven. That is why I gave orders to blessed couples to play the role of tribal messiahs. If you perform the tribal messiah role properly, you should be able to bring 160 families, including your relatives and your immediate family, to the Blessing. By doing so, you will set a condition to restore your entire tribe. Based on this tribal restoration, the nation can be built, restoring the failure at the time of Jesus Christ. The families of John the Baptist and Joseph will be restored; all the foundation will be laid, then the nation will be formed. Then we will continue building the world centering on God.

As you know, already in 185 nations, national messiahs are forming this center. Your responsibility is to do tribal messiahship where you are living and carrying out your mission. Once we accomplish the three levels of family messiah, tribal messiah, and national messiah, and do our responsibility properly, then Satan cannot interfere in our work and in our life. Once all these levels are completed and the national messiahs are totally united and the worldwide level is prepared, they will be called "world messiahs." All humanity will be in the position of the original Adam and Eve who have completed the eight different stages will be called "perfected."

While you were not aware of what I was doing, I laid all the necessary ground work to dispatch these national messiahs to the world. No matter what nation it may be, if four national messiahs can be totally united centering on God, then the entire world can be restored. After four nations, the next stage will be twelve nations. The four-position foundation will be elevated to restore twelve nations and then the world. People tend to keep their old habits from before they joined the church, but while you are still struggling with your old habits, the time line of God's providence has progressed so fast that it makes you dizzy. You don't know how fast it is traveling, but soon it will be beyond your reach; thus, you have to be fully alert.

Stages of restoration

There are eight different stages horizontally and eight different stages vertically. Through shrinking the satanic realm from the worldwide level to the individual level, in eight different stages, we can get rid of it. Right after World War II, if people had connected with God's blessing centering on the Lord of the Second Advent, this process would have been completed by now. Then it would have expanded vertically centered on God's direction, the heavenly line, not the satanic line. It is like establishing and rebuilding the Garden of Eden again. But that didn't happen.

The Lord of the Second Advent would have become the True Parent to an entire humanity, but because of the failure of the Allied countries and Christianity, the True Parent was kicked out of this world. I, who was supposed to build this vertical original world, was chased away to this satanic world level, into the wilderness. So I started from scratch, from the zero level again, to complete these eight different stages. At each stage, I had to get the Cain and Abel representatives to unite. Finally, True Parents won victory on the worldwide level here. That is why after I won the victory in Korea, I moved to America so that I can work with world level Christianity centering on Catholicism and Protestantism, which represent Cain and Abel and are in a mind/body relationship.

The United Nations represents only the body, the minus, because it is a political organization. It doesn't have the plus. The United Nations represent world politics; therefore, the United Nations need a woman figure. In other words, Eve and Cain and Abel figures are needed. I am preparing this very foundation for the sake of the United Nations. Just as our body always puts pressure on our mind and tortures our mind, the United Nations has been putting pressure on religion and putting down religion, which represents the mind. That is why body-centered politics, such as United Nations, doesn't have anything to do with God or God's original purpose. Mind and body have been separated in the history of restoration; they have to reverse the course to meet the original point. Once I reach the worldwide victory, I will bring the entire world to this original point. There have been two different battles, internal and external, because of the battle between the good spirits and the evil spirits in the spirit world. And also, in the physical world there has been a struggle between evil parents and True Parents. The satanic individual base has extended to the worldwide base, and battles have taken place from the individual level to the worldwide level.

Up until recently, the entire world, including the democratic world and the communistic world, mobilized to oppose and attack me. However, that era is over. I set the indemnity condition and restored 4000 years of human history in 40 years. The Old Testament era, which was the first Israel, the first Messiah era, and the New Testament era, which is the second Messiah era, failed, and I had to restore those 4,000 years of history of failure. The spirit world and the physical world are now joined with True Parents. So once I reach the worldwide victory level and embrace this entire world, the entire world will go through the engrafting process, the process of rebirth, and the Kingdom of God will be built on earth. These eight horizontal stages of completion will be established vertically too. During the last 40 years, the entire spirit world and the physical world joined together and attacked and persecuted me. That time is over. Satan is losing his dominion of the entire world. There is a new world, nation, tribe, family and individual. Because at this point, we meet with our own mind and body.

The Future of America

Americans say that America represents the free world and is the supreme nation of the world, but suppose the entire world disappears and America alone exists. America is the kingdom of extreme individualism, the kingdom of free sex. In the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve became the ancestors of extreme individualism, selfishness, and free sex. You will reap what you have sown. That was the season of spring, and we are reaping same result as a harvest. The country that represents Satan's harvest is America. The original individual personality, family values, tribal base, national base and worldwide base were lost. This is reality, not a concept. Do you understand?

America doesn't have anywhere to go now. As American brothers and sisters, do you have enough resources and power to rule the world? You lost your grandparents, your parents, your siblings; there is no relationship. Relationships became complicated and were lost. Can anybody deny that? So, centering on America, there may be twelve major nations in the world that are leading world affairs. These countries are repeating the same mistakes that Adam and Eve had made in the Garden of Eden at the time of the fall.

How can we say that our tribe, our nation, and our world are centered on God? Even your view of life and way of life is based on this selfish and extreme individualism. That is why you lost everything from individual level to the worldwide level. This is a result of free sex. Incest is taking place in this world. Incest is not connected to God's side, but completed connected to Satan's side. This has been the reality.

You have to turn back 180 degrees; otherwise, there is no hope. The world, with its nations, tribes, families and individuals, have all been connected to Satan's side. Now Satan's work has collapsed. True Parents restore all that was lost throughout human history and establish it on a vertical level. All levels and viewpoints have to be re-established centered on God, through True Parents-from the universal views to the world views, national views, family views, and individual view. By establishing home church, you are in the position to inherit everything. Everything connects to that direction. Do you understand? Adam connects to the individual viewpoint and to the viewpoint of the tribe, nation, world and cosmos, centering on God's love. Is that right? [Yes.]

We take things away from Satan. The first thing we have to accomplish is the restoration of the elder son's birthright. Then once Cain and Abel have reached unity, they have to be united with the mother figure. Then, when they join the United Nations work and unite as plus and minus, Cain and Abel, the restoration of the kingship will take place. For that reason, I established the Women's Federation, Religious Federation, Youth Federation, and all these federations to work with the United Nations for world peace. The day that the United Nations declares True Parents' Day to the world, the entire world will celebrate. Also United Nations should invite True Parents to take the position of Secretary-General in eternity. When that kind of tradition is set, then restoration of the world will be completed. Then we can proclaim not just one nation under God but one world under God. [Clapping]

The Future of the United Nations

America cannot control the United Nations. Recently, the Republican party, had an agenda to somehow pull America out of the United Nations. But I used the Washington Times to stop that evil attempt. I mobilized many ambassadors from around the world to exert their influence to stop it. UN ambassadors and American ambassadors met to discuss how to solve the United Nations' problems. The Washington Times pointed the direction for the future. You were not aware of that, were you? Because each nation sends ambassadors to the United Nations to America, I mobilized both ambassadors from each nation and worked with them. As individuals, we consist of mind and body. The same principle applies to the organization of the United Nations. Because we lost on the individual level the elder sonship, parentship and kingship, we have to restore the elder sonship, parentship and kingship on the worldwide level, centering on the restoration of Cain, Abel and Eve. I am told that the United Nations is in debt for about 3 billion dollars, but I am confident that we can take care of that debt if we truly mobilize the Women's Federation for World Peace, Federation for World Peace, Youth Federation for World Peace, HARP and CARP, and all organizations under my wing. The family of Adam included the father, Eve, Cain and Abel. What was lost in the family of Adam should be restored before we attempt to restore the world. That is why we have to make sure that the elder sonship, parentship and kingship are restored, centered on God.

Where is the base for advancing God's providence of restoration from the individual level to the world? The home church. The family church. Suppose everyone in a nation, from the president and the cabinet members to all its families, establish this family church; then national restoration comes automatically.

Suppose that by the end of August of this year, with only three months to go, we reach our goal of 3.6 million couples; then I will proclaim to the world that beginning from September 1, we will march forth the goal of reaching 36 million couples. Once that happens, the entire world will be stirred up.

The family is clearly the starting point, the direction, and the terminal point. It is the clear cause and clear result. Churches and religions did not have a clear starting point, a clear direction, or a clear destination. They have lost their direction. The Unification understanding offers a clear purpose and direction for the individual, family, nation, world and cosmos. It clarifies God's starting point, direction and purpose. At last we will be with God. All humankind and everything in the cosmos will be centering on God and become new creatures with a clear direction. Then they can embrace God and God's true love place. Every place will enjoy dancing and singing. People of all tribes and nations will be dancing and singing. The cosmic Kingdom of Heaven on earth and in heaven will be an enjoyable world of dancing and singing . That is the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. Is that right? [Yes.] How great everything will be when race and color are no problem! Love power is most strong. Think of the power of blood lineage when it is directed towards unity. Do you understand?

Because such a time has come, I took down the sign for HSA-UWC. It is reborn as the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification. Through the course of Old Testament era and New Testament era, we lost everything from the family to the worldwide level. Since we are in the time of world, I started from the worldwide level and went to the family level; so now we are establishing family church.

Although Jesus Christ was crucified 2000 years ago, his power and influence has been felt all over the world. But suppose Jesus Christ had not died but rather established his family: if his children had multiplied, how long do you think it would have taken place to restore the entire world? Not more than 600 years. Do you understand? Jesus' family would have been mainstream of the world's family. Do you understand? The mainstream is like the true olive tree. The fallen world's wild olive tree would have been cut down at the starting place, making that true olive tree and influencing the whole orchard. Then God would have been able to dominate the true olive orchard. Is this clear? The wild olive trees need to be engrafted with True Parents' Blessing. The trunk has to be cut down and then engrafted with a new branch. The new branch is the new blessing. This engrafting process takes place through receiving the blessing. In this way, the very family that was lost in the Garden of Eden will be restored on the worldwide level.

No matter how much America may try to harm the Unification Church, it will not be destroyed. Even if Germany or the entire European continent is mobilized, there is no way for them to achieve it. The entire Japan nation was mobilized to get rid of the Unification Church, but they found no way.

The conclusion at this point is that unless we take down this sign which deals with religion, Christianity, we cannot accomplish restoration of humanity because this very sign limits salvation to the individual level. Do you want salvation to remain on the individual level, or do you want to see national and worldwide level salvation?

June 1997

Young People and Crime

Haven Bradford Gow
May, 1997

In the Bronx, NY, a high school principal suspended a student for bringing a loaded gun to classes. And it is a tragic and alarming fact that New York City school officials confiscated 6,920 weapons, including 129 handguns, in the 1995-96 school year.

In Peoria, Ill., police recently captured a six-year-old boy who had broken into a neighbor's home and stolen some food. Because of the boy's age, police said he will not face any criminal charges.

According to a disturbing new report from the University of Arkansas in Little Rock, more Arkansas young persons were arrested for violent crimes, property crimes and alcohol or drug offenses in 1995 than in any previous year. In 1990, there were 444 Arkansas youngsters arrested for violent crimes; 714 during 1994; and 911 arrested in 1995.

Statewide, 2,238 were 15- to 17-year-olders arrested for alcohol- and drug-related offenses in 1995, compared with 1,843 in 1994. In 1994, 3,416 Arkansas youth were arrested for property crimes, while in 1995 the figure rose to 3,496.

What is happening to youth morality and character in this nation? It is regrettable but true that many young persons today are not being taught the meaning and habits of virtue and good character. Consider, for example, the fact that, of the 12 million new cases of sexually transmitted diseases in the U.S. each year, two thirds occur in persons age 24 or under and 25 percent occur in teenagers.

Consider, too, that within the past four years, drug use among teens has jumped 105 percent, marijuana use has increased 141 percent, LSD use among teens has skyrocketed 183 percent and in just one year (1994-95) teen cocaine use rose 166 percent.

Eugene Bogen, federal magistrate judge in Greenville, Miss., says the problems of juvenile crime and delinquency emanate from broken homes and broken families. And the increases in juvenile crime and delinquency also result from the lack of character education in our families, churches, schools, social organizations and business community.

But how do we go about teaching virtue and good character to young people? According to Oxford University scholar Mary Warnock, "You cannot teach morality without being committed to morality yourself; and you cannot be committed to morality yourself without holding that some things are right and some things are wrong."

C. Brett Bode, a family court judge in Pekin, Ill., stresses the importance and necessity of teaching virtue and good character through example, as well as in words. "Children, for the most part, will live up or down to the expectations of their elders revealed not by what their elders say but by the way their elders live," Judge Bode observes.

Dr. G.H. Wang, president of an educational/cultural affairs foundation in Chicago, likewise insists the best way to teach virtue is through personal example. We can best teach young people to be virtuous by displaying in our own lives and careers such values as moral and intellectual courage and integrity.

For example, if someone is being unjustly persecuted and abused, a person of moral courage will stand up and defend the victim of unjust treatment. If one finds that the evidence shows our previous position on, say, abortion is wrong, a person of moral and intellectual integrity will acknowledge his mistake and change his position. A person of moral and intellectual courage and integrity will speak out on behalf of what is right (for example, on behalf of racial tolerance and understanding), even though his stand may cause him to lose friends or money or even a job.

Certainly the Book of Proverbs is right on target when it declares: "Even a child is known by his actions, by whether his conduct is pure and right.... Train a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not turn from it."

What of the Crusader?

Curtis W. Walker
May, 1997
Houston, TX

So Billy Graham is still crusading. What of it? After five decades of having preached to more people than any man in human history, he has brought World Christendom no closer to erecting God's Kingdom on Earth than it was when this sermonizer first started his ministry.

Graham's triangle religion is rooted in three points: humanity's origin, life in the hereafter, and the second coming. It's a theoretical, piously irrelevant religion.

Unlike an authentic faith, which is rooted in disciplined, healthy and unselfish relationships, Graham's triangle religion leaves you free to do whatever you feel like doing to your fellow man, as long as you believe in Jesus. That's because Jesus, after a little while, will come along and just fix everything that's wrong.

With this type of magic-formula Christianity, Billy Graham has lived his life right through the "golden" fifties and the seismic sixties; into the second-thoughts seventies; through the empty eighties; right up until today.

He responded to Jim Crow and to the advent of the Civil Rights movement by retiring to the safety of his study, and penning a 250-page book entitled "Angels".

Can you imagine the leader of World Protestantism, after his having observed the revolutionary example set by the Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., taking the time to write about angels?

Following that, Graham authored two more titles: "The Holy Spirit" and "The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse." It's these types of sanctimoniously trivial issues that have fascinated Graham for the past 30 years. While his concern for angels and ghostly horsemen is high, his interest in people demonstrably loving one another is non-existent.

Close associates and supporters admire the "simplicity" of Graham's message. That message is simple, not because its messenger has special insight on the Bible, but because he is a profoundly trite thinker.

Careful study of Graham's writings reveals his devotion to "salvation in the heart" and "salvation in Heaven with Jesus." This man never preaches salvation here on Earth, and he never urges Christians to commit themselves to building the Kingdom of God here on Earth.

Billy Graham's milquetoast comfort-zone Christianity is the reason he is featured every year in "People" magazine as one of America's ten most popular citizens. This preacher is popular because he refuses to shake up the establishment with the trenchant, delusion-shattering challenges of the Gospel.

A genuinely prophetic evangelist would not sit and watch this society just drift along into higher divorce rates, higher crime rates, and higher rates of drug addiction, without sternly reprimanding the entire nation for her failure to become more and more like God's Kingdom.

Graham repeatedly ignores the fact that the Lord's Prayer emphatically declares, "Your Kingdom come, Your Will be done, on Earth...." With the influence he wields and the wealth he has at his disposal, Graham ought to be the prime mover in the effort to realize this ideal.

But he isn't. He would rather just "crusade". And because that crusading ends up being only words, and not words lived, the forces of evil don't even know who Billy Graham is. And those forces are certainly not worried about the fact that Graham is ready to crusade yet again.

UTS Holds 21st Annual Oratorical Contest

by Gareth Davies-Barrytown, NY

A record 26 students participated in the 21st Annual David S.C. Kim Oratorical Contest on Wednesday February 26. The preliminary round took two full days, finally reducing the field to eight. The level of interest may have been increased by this year's intriguing topic; "Absolute Sex is the Foundation for World Peace." This topic was based on Reverend Moon's speech "In Search of the Origin of the Universe" which was delivered at the launching of the Family Federation for World Peace last year.

Continuing a recent trend, African students completely took control of this year's contest. Last year's winner, Raymond Otika of Uganda, served as MC, no fewer than five of the eight finalists were Africans and even the timekeeper was African! The odds were in favor of an African winner and so it proved to be. Glory Umoh of Nigeria, the single female finalist, received the trophy with Prince Tambi of Sierra Leone in second place and Chris McKeon, one of two American finalists, taking third.

The finalists gave a speech of eight to ten minutes and were judged on content, organization and delivery. They were told to tailor their addresses to a mixed audience including non-Unificationists.

Decrying the current social situation of sexual confusion, Prince Tambi reminded the audience that "God created Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve!" He said that taking responsibility has three aspects. Firstly, each person should become a master of love, developing self-discipline and can then, secondly, take responsibility for the object of love. Finally, such a person can give love to children.

Chris McKeon defined "absolute sex" as "the God-centered, spouse-immersed, 100% faithful marital relationship" and blamed the absence of such relationships for the prevalence of violence and disorder. "How many have died in these spasms of anger and violence?" he asked.

Absolute sex can be defined as the transcendent point where God and a couple unite into one. It is total fidelity in marriage; husband and wife can never under any circumstances betray each other. In free sex, God is excluded. What can solidify the family foundation? Only absolute sex, true love, total commitment and shared responsibilities. Who initiated this phrase 'absolute sex'? Reverend Moon is a man who understands God's plan for humankind because he is the man who, after years of intense prayer and study, discovered that the Fall of Adam and Eve was related to the misuse of sex."

Unification Church of Germany Fights the Government

Nina Makarova-Frankfurt, Germany

In 1995 the International Holy Blessing Ceremony was held in Frankfurt am Main, Germany as a part of the world-wide event. The event attracted a lot of media attention. It was very moving to see men and women from different parts of Europe and other continents joining their lives forever. As Siegfried Klammsteiner, the former German Unification Church leader expressed later, it was his best experience during the years of leadership. The worst came in October 1995, when Rev. Moon, the founder of the Movement, was denied to enter Germany.

The reasons given by the Ministry of Interior were nothing new: the Church is destructive for the youth, Rev. Moon's claim for world power is against the democratic constitutional order of the German Federal Republic.

In December 1995 the Unification Church of Germany sued the Government for violating the principles of religious freedom. The main argument: through the ban for Rev. Moon to enter the country the followers' right to receive guidance from their leader was restricted. It was clear from the beginning, that it would take at least 2 years for the court to make any decision. In response to the Church's appeal the defendant justified the action with a file containing 700 pages of documents, a summary of all negative information worked out by so-called sect-experts. ( Due to the close relationship between the Government and the mainstream religions after the arise of new religious movements official sect-experts were installed by the Catholic and Evangelic churches). All the points of accusations, mainly the old widely spread lies about "moonies" and their "sect", were proved by the Unification Church of Germany (with a help of American experts) to be wrong. One German professor of religious studies was requested to write an expertise on the confession and its teaching. That research was presented by the Unification Church to the court. However, it's not really possible to accelerate the court's decision. It will take time.

Meanwhile in 1996 a lawyers' council was held, when lawyers from Germany, France, the Netherlands and USA could meet with an expert on Schengen Treaty entry law. The Schengen countries have a common "black list", but each of the member countries has liberty to make an exception upon a request. It was decided to make such a request to the Netherlands. The answer has not come yet, but in case of a positive decision that would be a good chance to show Germany that not everybody is following its strange politics.

Besides that, we brought the case to the Human Right Committee of the United Nations. Siegfried Klammsteiner met the person who is working in the office of the UN Human Right Special Rapporteur. This Rapporteur will come in the second part of the year to Germany and he will be provided with information and suggested the people to meet.

Proclaiming True Parents

Last year the German Government organized a special Commission to investigate "so called sects and psycho-groups." In December the Unification Church of Germany together with other groups was asked to answer 18 questions and present itself in front of the Commission. On January 13, 1997, we were invited to the special hearing in the Bundestag in Bonn. Our representatives were very well prepared and as we could hear from the members of the Commission, that they were "positively shocked", how professionally it was done. Also it was clearly shown, that the UC of the 90-ties is very different from the image of the 70-ties, it developed and progressed a lot. The most inspiring for the members was a short presentation made by Christian Hausmann who summarized main ideas behind the Unification Movement and openly proclaimed that, according to that teaching, the Messiah is on Earth.

Recently we got 12 additional questions and we are working on detailed answers to that.

The brochure "Moon's Movement" In December 1996 the Ministry for Family, Children, Women and Seniors of the German Government published a negative brochure about the Unification Movement. Its content happened to be very similar to the 700 pages file, provided in response to the appeal concerning entry ban. Therefore, it has many wrong statements and interpretations of the UC beliefs and wrong descriptions of its practices. That became a reason to start another court case. Relying again on the support from the USA, all the points of accusations were rejected in a very solid way. We requested to accelerate the court decision and we expect that some kind of conclusion will be made during the month of May. The decision could be the following: no more distribution of the brochure is carried out and those copies which have been sent out already should be blacked-out.

To provide our lawyer with all arguments he needed our PR team is going to conclude the response to the brochure. Then it can be circulated. The English translation of the brochure itself is already available.

Positive development

Our primary concern is how we can help Germany to come out of this "dead end" - a difficult situation with new religious movements. We see here two main problems. One is the relationship between the established churches and new religious groups. Today it is the so called "sect-experts" who lead the discussion in this field. Through this positive results can hardly come. The second is how the Government can find the way to handle the problem of new religions. As there is no clear enough separation between church and state the Government was misused by two big churches. It was pushed to use its power in order to create a negative image of new religious groups. The Unification Church is only one of the victims.

To solve these problems we would like to hold in Germany two international conferences on religious freedom. They are planned for autumn.

If we finally manage to change this sad situation that True Parents cannot enter Germany (i.e. all Schengen countries), it will mean a victory not only for Germany itself, but for the whole continental Europe. Even more: the fact, that in those "civilized" countries Rev. Moon is not allowed, is used by the Church critics and the media in other parts of the world, e.g. in Russia.

It goes without saying, that such a longtime and intense work, involving professional lawyers' help, demands substantial financial resources. For those who would like to support it, here is a bank account number: to Vereinigungskirche e.V. (Unification Church) Bank: Helaba; Account number: 25657008; Bank number: 500 500 00. Purpose: PR-Action.

Nina Makarova is on the staff of the Unification Church of Germany, PR office.

Turn On, Tune In and Get Blessed - U.C. Philippines Goes On The Airwaves

by Lloyd Howell-Holiday, FL

A breath of fresh air blows through the Philippines as Unificationists mount the airwaves to talk freely and publicly of True Parents and the Blessing.

Like a thief in the night, the Unification Church of the Philippines began broadcasting news of the arrival of the Completed Testament Age in January 1997. Since then, the 1 1/2 hour radio broadcast comes on the air every Sunday night on 1242 khz in a mixture of both English and Tagalog, the main national language.

Frederico V. Niduasa, former U.C. national director, is spearheading this providence with assistance from retired Brig. Gen. Florencio Magsino, Edgar Tanate and Fe Miranda, each taking turns as co-hosts on the program, which is broadcast live.

The station, DWBL, has a broadcast radius of more than 200 km, centering on Manila, the nation's capital, and a potential audience of more than 15 million listeners. Mr. Niduasa reports that broadcasts have even been received at 500 km distance. The broadcast team develops lively and varied shows consisting of Unification news from around the world and in the Philippines, discussion of Divine Principle topics, interviews with guest ministers, music breaks and listener call-ins. Special thanks goes to Nathaniel Nitro, who has become sound and special effects technician.

According to Gen. Magsino, the broadcast is instrumental in dispelling rumors, blunting persecution and getting listeners to respond. In one instance, the critical family of one blessed member came to the realization, after listening to several programs, that their opposition was mistaken, and then decided to participate in the pre-blessing. Mr. Niduasa reports positive feedback with listeners stating, for instance, that the program is unique in that it deals directly with family problems in a God-centered context as opposed to simply quoting Biblical passages.

Certainly, one of the main foci of the show is to highlight the upcoming worldwide Blessing of 3.6 million couples. Thus the radio show is fast becoming an important vehicle of communication as Philippine members strive to stay in contact with and educated the hundred thousand-plus couples who have already participated in the pre-blessing ceremonies! Moreover, reports are now coming back of members going door to door to invite people to the blessing, finding some saying they had heard the program and were waiting to be visited!

Already, plans for expansion of the radio providence to eventually cover all the many islands comprising the Philippine nation are underway, and contractual arrangements have been made with stations in Tuguegarao, Cagayan de Oro, Davao, Cebu, Baguio and Legaspi.