Turn On, Tune In and Get Blessed - U.C. Philippines Goes On The Airwaves

by Lloyd Howell-Holiday, FL

A breath of fresh air blows through the Philippines as Unificationists mount the airwaves to talk freely and publicly of True Parents and the Blessing.

Like a thief in the night, the Unification Church of the Philippines began broadcasting news of the arrival of the Completed Testament Age in January 1997. Since then, the 1 1/2 hour radio broadcast comes on the air every Sunday night on 1242 khz in a mixture of both English and Tagalog, the main national language.

Frederico V. Niduasa, former U.C. national director, is spearheading this providence with assistance from retired Brig. Gen. Florencio Magsino, Edgar Tanate and Fe Miranda, each taking turns as co-hosts on the program, which is broadcast live.

The station, DWBL, has a broadcast radius of more than 200 km, centering on Manila, the nation's capital, and a potential audience of more than 15 million listeners. Mr. Niduasa reports that broadcasts have even been received at 500 km distance. The broadcast team develops lively and varied shows consisting of Unification news from around the world and in the Philippines, discussion of Divine Principle topics, interviews with guest ministers, music breaks and listener call-ins. Special thanks goes to Nathaniel Nitro, who has become sound and special effects technician.

According to Gen. Magsino, the broadcast is instrumental in dispelling rumors, blunting persecution and getting listeners to respond. In one instance, the critical family of one blessed member came to the realization, after listening to several programs, that their opposition was mistaken, and then decided to participate in the pre-blessing. Mr. Niduasa reports positive feedback with listeners stating, for instance, that the program is unique in that it deals directly with family problems in a God-centered context as opposed to simply quoting Biblical passages.

Certainly, one of the main foci of the show is to highlight the upcoming worldwide Blessing of 3.6 million couples. Thus the radio show is fast becoming an important vehicle of communication as Philippine members strive to stay in contact with and educated the hundred thousand-plus couples who have already participated in the pre-blessing ceremonies! Moreover, reports are now coming back of members going door to door to invite people to the blessing, finding some saying they had heard the program and were waiting to be visited!

Already, plans for expansion of the radio providence to eventually cover all the many islands comprising the Philippine nation are underway, and contractual arrangements have been made with stations in Tuguegarao, Cagayan de Oro, Davao, Cebu, Baguio and Legaspi.