Rev. Al Sharpton Blessed in NYC

by Juanita Pierre-Louis

No Justice! No Peace! No Justice! No Peace! What do you want? Justice! When do you want it? Now!

This is the battle cry you hear on Madison Avenue at 125th Street every Saturday morning at the broadcast of the Right Reverend Al Sharpton-or should I say, Mayor Sharpton-at 11pm, the headquarters of the National Action Network, better known in Harlem as The House of Justice-where Rev. Sharpton is also the President.

Rev. Sharpton is planning to run for the seat of Mayor of New York City. And all of us know that's a big seat; however, Rev. Sharpton is a big man, spiritually and physically! It might fit!!!!

On May 24, 1997, The House of Justice turned into The House of the Holy Blessing, where Rev. and Mrs. Al and Kathy Jordan Sharpton renewed their marriage vows, as their beautiful daughters approved. Officiating the ceremony were Rev. and Mrs. J.H. Pak, leaders of the North America True Family Values Ministry, and Dr. Tyler Hendricks, president of the American True Family Values Ministry. Also in attendance were the directors of the Harlem True Family Values Ministry, Mr. and Mrs. Edner and Juanita Pierre-Louis, with other members and staff of the TFVM.

The ceremony was profound and beautiful. In rededicating their marriage, Rev. and Mrs. Sharpton made certain vows to God and each other. The vows pertained to never divorcing, always guiding their children to practice sexual purity before marriage and fidelity to their spouses after matrimony, and pledging to participate in the 3.6 million couples Blessing on Nov. 29, 1997 at RFK Stadium in Washington DC to help foster world peace.