New Music: What's Your Favorite Song?

by Kate Tsubata-Silver Spring, MD

Everyone knows that the music that you listen to affects your moods. There is a logical reason for this. Songs are composed of words, which express ideas and emotions, combined with sound, which is the result of vibration or energy. When you take words and set them to the melody and harmony, you create a very powerful way of communicating a message.

People have known the strong power of music to sell an idea for centuries. Music has been used for both good and evil, because it works so effectively. In the case of evil, words of hate, seduction, or betrayal are cloaked in pleasant sounds and beautiful instrumentation, so that we don't even know how ugly the message is that we are allowing into our mind. On the other hand, good and inspiring messages are greatly enhanced by beautiful musical composition. Thus, even saints said that a single song was equal to a thousand prayers.

True Parents have long been aware of the powerful effect of music and art on people's thinking, however. They founded the Little Angels, even in the early, difficult years of their ministry, and continued until today with such projects as the New York City Symphony, the Kirov Academy of Ballet, the Manhattan Center, and dozens more. In 1978, Father called many musically-trained members to Europe to form the Go World Brass Band teams. For months, Father gave the band members in-depth guidance on the importance of music, and the need for them to develop original songs which could move .people's hearts to feel God. He instructed the members to perfect their skills and explained that music would be a stronger force for restoration than official witnessing.

Mehrdad Mizani was one of the members who received this special mission at that time. Previously, he had received classical training, followed by a performing career in the popular music realm. As one of the Go World Brass Band team, he determined to carry out True Parents' direction to create original music which would express God's viewpoint.

After moving to America with his wife, Anna, Mehrdad searched for someone with whom he could collaborate. In 1992, he agreed to compose music for a piece about Christopher Columbus for the 500th Anniversary of the discovery of the Americas, which was organized by New Hope Academy dance teacher Concha Egea. At the same time, Kate Tsubata was asked to write the lyrics. When, after the words and music were written, Mizani and Tsubata finally met, they found they had a common dream of creating principled lyrics and beautiful music to express God's viewpoint.

The Columbus project became "Go West," in which song, drama and classical Spanish dance were combined to recount the tale of the man whose dream resulted in the discovery of America by the Spanish expedition. From that time, the two have been producing songs and musicals which reflect the deepest desire of humanity and God. Each song reflects either the incredible value and potential of each person, or the importance of loving families, and a loving society.

Four years and some thirty songs later, the team published their first album, "Crazy Quilt," in July of 1996. One song, "Innocence", was used as the background music for the WFWP video about the first set of sisterhood ceremonies between Japanese and Korean women. Another "Don't Give Up," was written for Blessed children, although people of all ages like its inspiring message and rock tempo. "I Have a Dream" took its theme from Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. who True Parents have called the greatest American of the 20th Century. "Common Victory" testifies to the love of a couple who have weathered difficulties by working hard, side by side, and whose love has grown as a result.

The team is publishing their second album, "Jewels Against the Night," this month. This collection focuses on the unique, eternal and unchanging value of each human being, as a reflection of the Creator. "Diamonds in the Rough", "What is your Magic", and "Clay" are just a few of the titles on this album.

Because they want to market the music internationally, the team has gotten translations of the lyrics into Japanese, German and Russian languages already. They are seeking translators for Korean, Spanish and French versions as well. The tape is fully guaranteed. If not completely inspired by the music after listening to it several times, Original Heart Productions will refund the purchase price of $10.

To the authors' surprise, the songs' appeal reaches far beyond the contemporary adult audience; children, young adults and grandparents .have become some of the biggest enthusiasts. Also, some Unificationists report that the music is a great witness; parents, relatives and friends listen to the songs a few times, and begin to feel the natural joy of living with God's heart as the focus.

As the season of gift-giving approaches, you may be faced with the typical gift needs. If you would like to give a gift that surpasses a tie or a box of chocolates, both in usefulness and in enjoyment, Original Heart Productions will gladly help. Either send us your list of recipients, and we will gift wrap and ship them the tapes directly, in plenty of time for the holidays, or we can send them to you, for you to give personally. Or, you can call the toll-free phone number, for verbal orders. Your check or money order can be made payable to Mehrdad Mizani or Kate Tsubata.

We pray that you and your families will have a loving and safe holiday season, and that "Peace on earth, Goodwill towards men" will be firmly established at last.

For more information, call 1-800-484-6807 (access code 5301) or write to Original Heart Productions P.O. Box 3145, Silver Spring, MD 20918- 3145.

Mother in NYC

by Chen Lawrence Fong-NYC

The last stop on Mother's speaking tour was the Manhattan Center in New York City on October, 29. It was a fittingly victorious conclusion to this tour to inaugurate the Family Federation for World Peace. I wondered if the 1100 people in the audience realized what a profound and sacred destiny was being ignited?

It was New York's privilege to organize a whole-hearted show of support for True Parents' effort. Fortunately, our large and complex region was mobilized by Dr. Hendricks despite the fact that he was simultaneously carrying out his duties as national president. He organized a staff of volunteers and professionals to pull off a smoothly-running program.

The program included a reception for over 100 VIPs from the United Nations, the embassies and clergy. Fourteen proclamations celebrating the event were presented.

After the event, Mother shared over the phone with Father in Uruguay. She then shared with the gathered staff these points: With the successful completion of the 43-city speaking tour, True Parents will perform a ceremony of liberation for the spirit world indemnifying Eve's failure fully. The message of the tour are the final proclamations to humanity and will unite the world through ideal families. We should read the proclamations many time and make the concept of absolute sex common knowledge around the world.

Concluding the tour, Father in Montevideo and Mother in NYC simultaneously lit a celebratory cake and we all joyfully participated in a victorious Mansei.

Lawyers' Conferencein South American: I Have Seen The Mountain

by Peter Ross-Napa, CA

Many years ago, a sailor on a Spanish galleon shouted "monte video" ("I see the mountain") as his vessel sailed into the estuary of the Rio de la Plata. Having thus provided the name to the capital of what was to become the nation of Uruguay, the anonymous tar must have blushed with embarrassment when he and his crew neared land only to be greeted by a modest hill dominating the headland. His exaggerated exclaim had probably more to do with his delight at seeing land, with little or no concern for geographical exactitude. On the morning of Thursday, October 10, after my journey from San Francisco, to New York, to Buenos Aires, to Monte Video, I too exclaimed-"Monte Video video"-when I saw that mighty peak!

The first impression of Monte Video is not what I expected of a South American city. Its design and prevailing atmosphere is entirely European. The natty starched uniforms of the waiters serving coffee cornados in the cobblestoned plaza in the shadow of the old cathedral and the smart European fashions worn by the ladies present a people who have carefully transposed their Italian and Spanish cultures down the globe. The striking elegance of the residential architecture along the narrow Calle Sarandi stretches down to the quays by the old navy yard. There old men fish with 15 foot long poles without even a reel and manage to pull in small sprat-like fish. The fine leather craftsmanship of an emigre French Jew-his skills with the needle equaled only by his charms as an effective salesman-and when fishing, the Magellan-like boatsmanship of our young charter captain seemed more at home at some distant place and time. These images abruptly defy any expectations of a brash and uninhibited post-colonial indigenous metropolis. But this is the Monte Video that Spanish and Italian settlers have passed on to their descendants generations later, to the virtual exclusion of any other influences. And they are proud of their achievements tending to set themselves apart from the rest of South America with a sense of some unrealized destiny. They are generous as a people, courteous in service and they possess an obvious relish for discreet yet unpretentious humor.

And then came the lawyers. Two years ago Father hosted a conference for a representative group of lawyers from within our Unification community in Kodiak. He certainly does not disappoint in his selection of exotic locations for our international conferences. His purpose as ever was multi-dimensional.

On a collective level he quickly got done to business. To ensure he had our attention Father inquired whether God really needed lawyers and if in God's Kingdom there would be any call at all for lawyers. He was curious as to what lawyers could offer God. His immediate answers to his own rhetorical questions later provoked considerable debate even in our own ranks. (I am sure the reader has his/her opinion too. But do read on.) Father asked what we had done since our last conference and whether we had pursued the recommendations he had then conveyed to us.

Father first reiterated his hope that we form an international lawyers association (Lawyers Federation for World Peace). He mentioned that he could have done so by himself as he is "somewhat famous." But he thought we would prefer to do it ourselves. Secondly, as of two years ago, he was especially keen to see us create a publication to address the legal issues of the day and even of history in order to guide society in the shaping of public policy. Of importance in this regard, is the ability to identify and study current trends to better inform and thus protect society. Our publication should likewise clear up old mysteries and unsolved crimes of history in order to allow society move to a new level. Corruption within public institutions should also be reported-particularly within the Executive, the Congress, and the Courts. This should be done in a non-partisan way in order to offer guidance that is beyond reproach and to be a bridge to provide public officials with a central path to lead the nation. Ever consistent in his conviction that the family is the most sacred creation of God, Father advised that such a publication exalt and defend the family. While it would inevitably begin small he hoped it would grow quickly and soon attain international recognition! And this was just for openers. We realized as the conference evolved that he had other matters to entrust us with.

On a personal level, Father again expressed his concern for our individual spiritual lives. As a religious teacher he shared his wisdom for those in professions who are called upon to exercise an expertise unavailable to others. He noted how three professions in particular-ministers, lawyers, and doctors-are obliged to exercise great care in how they treat their flocks, patients, and clients. Referencing the Korean word "sa" which means "professional," he said that word has come to connote "those who swindle" people who are less informed of spiritual matters, medical matters, or legal matters. To violate that hallowed trust and duty of care is wrong. Moreover, it is a spiritual transgression that ultimately must be accounted for. For example: if a lawyer intentionally overcharges a client, he/she should make a donation of twice the excess to a public charity or church. Otherwise his/her future descendants will suffer.

After inquiring of each person's legal practice, professional achievements, and fondest memory, Father imparted the most insightful counsel specifically for those engaged in the practice of law. In several sessions he expounded upon the following topics among others: how a lawyer should best represent a client; how to succeed in litigation and at trial; how to establish a successful practice; how to improve professional skills; and how to establish and maintain a lifestyle that consistently promotes personal growth and professional improvement. I will not say more or provide any further detail in this summary report. But keep an eye out for the first edition of a new publication! And perhaps by now you might have to reconsider your answers to Father's rhetorical questions about lawyers as referenced above.

A very important part of our time with Father was his enormous personal effort to inform us of his current activities in South America and how they fit within the central stream of God's providence. He invited other representatives of our community in South America to explain some of the achievements and recent accomplishments. It is more than impressive. But hearing Father's own intimate account of how this has been done, how he has applied himself throughout his life, the obstacles and difficulties he has contended with, and how he still continues was so much more-a wondrous encounter. Father spoke of how he made the Unification Church, no, how he created the Unification Church out of nothing. ("Made" he said connotes pre-existing and available raw materials.) Do you want to be people who make history or who create history he then asked. God's providence of restoration is in fact "re-creation." Therefore the person who creates history must be someone who is self-motivated. God cannot be liberated or perfected by Himself. If God is sorrowful how can we help Him if we too are sorrowful. In order for development to take place, the object has to become greater than the subject. Unless true people open the door, God cannot come to the world. Until then, God is under house arrest. This is why God graciously bows down to those who absolutely accomplish His Will and why God allows true people to come to the place of True Love before Him.

As always Father spoke poignantly about Jesus and his mission to overcome the fallen world. Every time Jesus cried and overcame, God appreciated him. Father too makes God cry. How many times have we made Father cry? When Father accomplishes a project God always cries. The way to make God really cry is to jump in front of God and say "I will do it/I will go!" If we ask a spiritualist, they will say that Father is the figure who's whole life is the union of 3 bodily liquids-tears, snot, and drool-as he cries in anguish for God and the world.

After one such session, he said we should be able to comprehend what Father is doing and why he does what he does. Therefore when we return to America (and to the other countries represented at the conference) we should apply the principled methodology that Father has consistently practiced throughout his life and be responsible for America. He smiled and said "I leave America up to you." My honest reflection and regret is that while I hear Father I know I have not yet comprehended the depth and quality of his motivation. I recall, when once asked why he was so persecuted throughout his life, Father answered simply that people did not understand his heart and thus his motivation.

During our stay, Father invited us to be a part of the Convencion de Lidres Deportistas del Mundo, sponsored by the Family Federation for World Peace. This event was held simultaneously at the Victoria Plaza Hotel from October 12 through 14. This convention attracted over 700 representatives from the world of sports throughout South and Central America. Father asked those present at the lawyers' conference to represent our countries at this exciting event. And so we did. Remarkable as it might seem, there was a very natural basis for us to readily establish friendship with the sports personnel-not only because we could clearly be identified as fishermen after our days on the water-but because many of the national delegations had sports personnel and athletes who were also lawyers!

Father's immediate hope was to establish through this conference a special organization to promote sports, the arts, and culture, with the purpose of exalting and edifying the peoples of the world. He did so at the closing banquet with the unanimous support of all the participants. He expects the top champions in all areas to be examples and role models and particularly so for young people. Father's welcome contribution to the world of sports as expressed by many I spoke with is his emphasis on the importance of spiritual values and spiritual principles in training, playing, and managing, as well as in the administration of sports events and competitions. Father appears confident that a world that promotes these additional elements in sports will in turn foster and promote peace. And because he was not quite done with us yet, he commissioned our delegation to actively assist in the expansion of the Cultural and Sports Federation for World Peace throughout North America. In the near future, increasing numbers of sports programs will take place under the banner of this federation. Stay tuned as well as toned.

You may have noted that the time Father spent with us overlapped the schedule of the Sport Federation Conference. Father gave all he had to us and to the Sports Conference participants (he spoke on two occasion to all the participants and met with others more privately). When he finished his formal speech at the closing banquet of the Sports Conference he continued to talk with great passion of his vision for South America, the vertical tradition of love within the family, and the true standard of patriotism in each nation and citizenry in the world. The participants gathered closer as he walked among them and interacted freely with them Belvedere style. He completely delighted them! They in turn responded with spontaneous affection and admiration in a way I had not seen before from a diverse audience in such a setting.

Father also made time to go out for many hours on the ocean to fish and to contemplate. He invariably returned on time to his suite to support and listen to Mother as she spoke publicly throughout Europe and America. With the windows to his verandah opened to the night sea air, Father would look out across the ocean in Mother's direction or otherwise maintain a prayerful vigil. The ensuing celebrations after each event stretched into the wee hours, Uruguay time. But Father never tired and remained ebullient and full of song. A principal reason is the absolute love he and Mother share. For never have I seen a couple so intimately and passionately in love express their sentiments in a manner so uplifting and nourishing for others. Those parting lingering words of love between Father and Mother as the telephone link closed-like lovers slowly letting go of each other's fingers at the moment of farewell-will ever remain my reference for what is true and soaring romance. Monte video!

Italian News on the Internet

by Antonio Zoroddu-Rome, Italy

For several years I've been taking care of the Italian Church page on Internet, while endeavoring to keep it up to the state of the art.

Recently I had the idea of realizing special pages for those Italian members who left here and wish to be informed of the developments in their native country.

The Nuova Famiglia is a short column taking its name from the newsletter the Italian families, members of the Unification Church, periodically receive.

The aim I pursue is passing on the news about the Italian Church that our brothers and sisters abroad could otherwise hardly receive; they may also exchange and have published their letter and photos, in order to create opportunities of re-contact with each other.

Moreover, through the Web pages they can read the Italian newspapers available on Internet, and keep themselves informed of the national news.

The Internet address for "La Nuova Famiglia On Line" is:

For info, email me at: or fax: +39/6/7045-0184

International RYS Project Taipei, Taiwan 1996

by the RYS staff, Taipei, Taiwan

A glorious example of love and harmony through cooperation and coexistence was displayed by participants in the 1996 International RYS Project recently held in Taipei, Taiwan from Aug. 21 to 31. Participants from Taiwan, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, USA, Japan, Singapore and Australia were drawn together representing their nation and religious tradition. Their love for God and humanity was expressed through ten days of inter-religious action. Their hopes for world peace became a reality over this period through a substantial model of unity. Included were service work, recreational and cultural activities, and general internal guidance in order to recognize the meaning of "service for others" as the purpose of life. Other activities included group discussions and interaction to learn more about religion, culture and the self. It was a chance for participants to discover spiritual principles and ideals as a common foundation for true unification and world peace.

To mark the beginning of this international RYS project, an opening ceremony was held at convention facilities in the heart of Taipei. Dr. Thiagaraja, secretary general of the Malaysian Consultative Council of Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism and Sikhism, accompanied by his wife, offered the opening prayer. Welcoming remarks were given by Dr. Peter Kun Yu Woo with a response and introduction to RYS given by the International Project directors Drs. Ronald Burr and Sherry Hartmann- Burr. A must for any group activity is of course the group picture, which closed the opening ceremony. Our place of abode for the duration of our service work was at the Tzu Hui Buddhist Temple.

On Aug. 22 after a hearty breakfast prepared by our ever-serving staff, we began a full day of work orientation. We touched on the fundamentals of leadership and its value relative to individuals, teams and RYS objectives, engaging in exercises to stimulate various aspects of our mind through which we express ourselves, and to understand the personality parameters of our intellect (active, creative), emotion (bright, lively) and will (initiating, taking responsibility). We undertook an exercise to develop an ideal or vision for our RYS project through which we could mindfully understand the meaning of true character-"having the spirit to think of, unconditionally embrace and serve others." In the afternoon we visited the National Palace Museum, viewing many artifacts of successive Imperial Chinese collections from the various dynasties of the past.

The project

After morning meditation and breakfast the following day, we started our on a 15-minute walk to the project site at the Kuang-Tzu Elderly Hostel of Taipei. We were given a brief talk on paint-stripping, plastering and painting techniques. We arranged ourselves into teams and each was allocated a certain area of the hostel. The first day was a day of learning, giving us the opportunity to become more orderly and time-efficient, smoothing off our rough edges in preparation for the remaining four days of service work. With an opportunity to learn something about another faith, we assembled for a lecture on "Christian and Confucian Contributions to the Future of Democracy" by Dr. Peter Kun Yu Woo, dean at the Department of Philosophy, University of Taiwan. We had a Buddhist presentation in the evening, with some reflection time before retiring.

Every morning participants were able to share their traditional prayer or meditation activities. After breakfast Aug. 24, we commenced our work at the elderly hostel. Because of the previous day's work, many had an idea of what was required preparing and painting more efficiently. We were starting to embrace the elderly, with some very touching experiences. Our afternoon was taken up by a visit to the Taipei Botanical Gardens and the National Museum of History. After dinner we prepared for a lecture presentation on Tao given by Prof. Wong. After discussion we closed our day around 10pm.

We prepared for an early start Sunday, Aug. 25, rising at 5:30am. We departed on a one-day tour to Yan Ming mountain, which showed signs of volcanic activities, hissing steam and sulfur. We spent the afternoon in a mountain park quoting from religious scriptures and playing games, which everyone thoroughly enjoyed. Later in the afternoon we attended Catholic mass and a hospitable dinner and talk on church activities hosted by the priest. We were fortunate to have Tag Hamad from the International Religious Foundation drop by after the Federation of Peninsular Nations conference to deliver a message to RYS participants from Rev. Chung Hwan Kwak, chairman and president of IRF.

On Monday, Aug. 26 we continued our service work at the elderly hostel, working very hard and often covered in paint. We made an afternoon visit to Lung Shan Temple (Tao-Buddhist) and were shown around by an informative guide. In the evening we prepared for a lecture presentation on Christianity and received a startling insight into the decay of mainstream Christianity since the end of World War II. Since Christianity was prepared to be the bride of Christ, its decay shows us that "he is at the very gates."

On Tuesday, Aug. 27 we continued our service work, moving into new areas of the hostel block after each day's work. In the afternoon we visited the Buddhist Compassion Relief Tzu Chi Foundation. We were given a warm welcome and an informative presentation on the worldwide activities of Tzu Chi. By 5pm we were back at the temple preparing for a lecture presentation on "An Introduction to Yi Kuan Tao," an informative and humorous presentation. After dinner we were treated to traditional Chinese Buddhist orchestral music at the Tzu Hui Buddhist Temple with some exciting traditional dancing to cheer the spirit.

On Wednesday, Aug. 28 we continued our action-packed schedule, meeting for breakfast at the elderly hostel. We spent two hours hard labor preparing to complete our work. By 10:30am we had washed down, and all the staff and participants spent 45 minutes as one group visiting the work sites of all the teams. It was an inspiration to see our completed work and brought great joy to our hearts. The elders greatly appreciated our work, showing their gratitude with waves and smiles. We spent the afternoon preparing decorations for our cultural evening of song and dance before saying good-bye to Dr. Ron, our project director. The evening was very successful, with performers and audience sharing the delight.

On Thursday, Aug. 29 we made preparations to leave Tzu Hui Temple. We boarded the bus at 9am, our first stop being at a Muslim mosque before departing to Tao Yuan city to attend an International Peace Conference hosted by the religious leader Yang Tien Chang of the Jing Chyueh religion, a new religious movement, uniting Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism. It was a religious ceremony with members of the Japanese royal family in attendance. Immediately after the ceremony, we boarded our bus heading for central Taiwan. We arrived early in the evening at the Lord of the Universe church, and were given a warm welcome by church members. We had dinner and then prepared for a cultural performance in front of the majestic temple building. Some wonderful and entertaining performances were presented.

The following morning, Aug. 30, we were shown around the main temple building, visiting the museum which displayed photos and artifacts of the church's history and founders. We assembled in an upstairs lecture hall to hear Dr. Darrol Bryant of IRFWP offer an explanation of the history and purpose of RYS, explaining that this was the 57th International RYS Project. We were soon back on the bus heading for the training center at Fuan Yan, our spiritual retreat for the next day or so. We started our afternoon activities with a three-hour period of silent reflection. In the evening we attended an exciting dinner, with toasts and picture-taking, hosted by Mr. Chang, the national president of IRF-Taiwan.

As the last day of the project dawned, we climbed the hill behind the center to offer our last morning meditation and prayer. We assembled in the classroom to evaluate the project, indicating our feelings during different aspects of our RYS experience. We also planned and modeled a vision around basic principles which would help us in our effort to continue the spirit of RYS in our nations. After lunch we held the closing ceremony, with candles lit, solemn prayers and songs of farewell.

For most of us, the ideal or vision of our RYS project changed from mindful faith to incarnate wisdom as we met with it face to face. Our experience was a testimony to the attainment of world peace and harmony transcending race, religion, nation and language in our lifetime when mankind finally will live in the love of God.

Participants' Reactions

A number of brief testimonies were given by some of the participants. The following are some excerpts from those testimonies:

"This was an incidental opportunity-I did not believe in God. I do not know why I joined RYS. I learned about cooperation and hard work. I have never shared or expressed my feelings in public. This is my first time to share in front of brothers and sisters. Through this RYS project I learned to be more orderly and apply it in my daily life. I have learned so much. I could learn more about history from the museums and religious talks. I feel grateful to RYS because now I'm able to love, respect and learn about other religions. I must start to serve my own family now. I encourage all brothers and sisters to reflect on what we learned and apply it in our daily life." -Dave, Taiwan

"I feel lucky to have had this opportunity to join RYS. I went to pray with a Muslim brother and could learn from him and feel more spiritual. For many people it was the first time to take up a brush and paint. I was surprised when we walked around at the end that we achieved so much although we spent so few hours working. I think it was possible because of our unity." -Jay, Taiwan

"Although there were differences of race, religion, nation and language we could still work together. I hope we can all organize mini-RYS projects so we can share this experience with others." - Grant, Philippines

Father & Son Workshop at Tehachapi

by Godwin D'Silva-Los Angeles, CA

There is a place where there is fresh air, blue skies and beautiful sloping hills, with horses and cows grazing the landscape. It is right here in California: Tehachapi Mountains, to be precise, located two hours northwest of L.A.

This was an idea of Bob Spitz, who felt that fathers needed to spend more time with their growing sons. Although the workshop at the Sky Mountain Resort was short in duration, beginning Saturday with an overnight stay in beautiful condominiums and cottages, we dads and sons received Divine Principle lectures to our hearts' content, given by some very talented speakers like Mike Ginze, Mark Alexander and Bob Spitz.

Surprisingly, at the lectures, the boys, ranging from ages six through twelve, were attentive and asked a lot of questions.

Games like soccer, volleyball and table tennis were part of the program. The soccer matches had all-sons' teams versus all-dads'. The sons' team won 4-2. Dads were in various states of exhaustion by the end of the game.

The workshop had 30 guests with 12 adults, 18 children, some coming in from as far north as Ventura County and as far south as San Diego.

Sons and dads all came away from this weekend retreat eager to attend the next one!

Reprinted from The Unificationist, HSA-Southern California newsletter.

Family Values Seminars for Alumni

by Gareth Davies-Barrytown, NY

On October 12, about 40 UTS graduates and 20 others attended the first in a series of seminars on True Family Values at the Unification Church headquarters in New York City. Following Dr. Shimmyo's report on the Alaska workshop, Dr. Tyler Hendricks, President of the UC of America, described the purpose and background of the seminar.

Dr. Hendricks reported that in 1995, the headquarters staff were discussing the most effective way of presenting the Blessing to those who are not members of the UC. "There was the question of how to educate people in a short time, given that they only need to understand the authority of True Parents," he said. At that time, Continental Director Reverend Joong Hyun Park offered the outcome of his study of the Family Pledge which had been completed in cooperation with Dr. Andrew Wilson. Based on this document, Dr. Hendricks then developed a document titled "Seven Principles for the Growth of Love."

Dr. Hendricks next attended a seminar in New Jersey in which a very successful pastor from California used videotaped dramatizations, overhead projections and fill-in-the blanks workbooks to fully engage his audience. Dr. Hendricks tried some of the elements of this pastor's approach in a subsequent seminar which he conducted in Queens, New York, with encouraging results. "After one or two presentations," he said, "one minister asked, `Can you come to my church? How much do you charge?'"

"I thought it would grow organically and gradually," said Dr. Hendricks, "but Father had another view! He told us to start seminars in Washington D.C. right away." The response has continued to be good at these gatherings titled "Empowering Christianity Through True Family Values," and several ministers have asked for seminars to be organized in their churches.

Following his explanation of the background, Dr. Hendricks made a presentation on "The Holy Communion of Marriage" in just the same way as he would present it to Christian ministers, using overhead projections of the content while the participants followed along in their workbooks. In the introduction to the workbook, the purpose of the seminar is explained. "It is designed to help you and your congregants get to the bottom of the social and family problems of today. It provides insights you can apply in your own life and positive, meaningful assistance you can give to others working through these problems."

After lunch, Mr. Michael Inglis outlined the plan by which the expectations for next year's Blessing can be realized. He equated the present time with 1975 when, just as happened recently, hundreds of missionaries were sent out to the world. In the following year, the Washington Monument rally drew 300,000 people and now once again the church is preparing for a huge event next year in Washington D.C..

During the afternoon, the participants practiced teaching in pairs and at the concluding meeting, Dr. Hendricks offered an overview of recent developments and issues in Christianity. A similar seminar was later held in Washington D.C. and the series will continue in major cities across America to encourage UTS graduates to reach out to Christian ministers and their congregations.

Reprinted from Cornerstone.

Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon in Montreal

by Franco Famularo-Montreal, Canada

As part of a world wide speaking tour to inaugurate the Family Federation for World Peace in 185 nations, Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon addressed a bilingual audience of some 400 people on Wednesday October 9, 1996 at the Marriott Chateau Champlain in downtown Montreal. Her speech, "True Parents and True Family" was delivered in English as simultaneous translation was provided for the French speakers. This was Mrs. Moon's first public appearance in the predominantly French speaking province of Quebec. This was Mrs. Moon's second visit to Canada in less than three months.

The evening program, which was guided by our fluently bilingual MC, John Bellavance, began with musical selections by Mrs. Raphaelle Paquette, winner of the contest for the best French singer in Canada, who sang Ombre Legere by Meyerbeer and O Mio Bambino by Puccini. She was accompanied by Mrs. Caroline Veillette on piano.

The invocation was given by Reverend Ugo Monaco of the United Church of Canada and representative of the National Council of Ethnic Organizations in Canada.

This was followed by congratulatory remarks made by a prominent Quebec City architect, Mr. Jocelyn Perron, who expressed his welcome on behalf of all Quebecers. He expressed his admiration for Mrs. Moon's efforts to provide a new outlook on family values within the context of the end of the 20th century. He praised her for her many accomplishments, while at the same time raising a family of 13 children.

A video of Mrs. Moon's recent activities was then shown. The video presentation, entitled "The Origin of a World Peace" shown in its French version, encapsulated the wide range of activities Mrs. Moon has been involved in. The video served as the introduction to Mrs. Moon.

Mrs. Moon then read her speech in impeccable English which was simultaneously translated by Mrs. Claudine Veilleux-Champagne. The speech, entitled "True Parents and True Family" provided a view of the family from a biblical perspective and emphasized the importance of sound family values for the establishment of a better society and world. It was well received by the audience and at times elicited several boisterous cheers.

At the conclusion of the speech, Reverend Bernice Seabron of the International Temple of Spiritual Revelations, presented a plaque to Mrs. Moon in appreciation of her efforts for Inter-religious harmony and World Peace. Daniel Duffy, a representative of the youth wing of the Family Federation immediately followed with a floral presentation to Mrs. Moon.

The program continued with Reverend Chung Hwan Kwak's reading of Reverend Sun Myung Moon's speech entitled "In Search of the Origin of the Universe". Rev. Moon is also a co-founder of the Family Federation. The speech, which was originally delivered in August of this year at the Inaugural meeting of the Family Federation for World Peace emphasized the importance of the marital relationship as the basis for healthy and happy families. Reverend Moon's speech was blunt and direct and often pointed out that the husband's sexual organ belonged to his spouse and that the wife's organ belonged to her husband's. This was to emphasize the importance and sanctity of the sexual relationship in a true marriage. The speech was simultaneously translated into French by Richard Fortin.

The speech was well received and the audience often clapped in agreement with many of the points made.

At the conclusion of the speech the audience, which consisted of several ambassadors who drove from Ottawa for the event, at least 20 or so academics from both French and English universities in Montreal, a native elder and artist from the Mohawk nation, representatives from different faiths including Christian, Muslim and Buddhists, numerous family and friends, mingled over refreshments. There was strong representation from Quebec City, Ottawa and from as far away as Toronto and the north eastern United States. All in all the event was an unqualified success.

To provide a glimpse of Mrs. Moon's schedule during her time in Montreal I would like to share the following:

Mrs. Moon arrived at Montreal's Dorval airport on a flight from New York City at 12:30pm on October 9, 1996. There she was greeted by several elders of the Unification Movement as well as, by her high school classmate, Mrs. Helen Kim, who had driven from Ottawa for the occasion.

After arriving at the hotel, Mrs. Moon had lunch with several members of her entourage, Reverend Chung Hwan Kwak, Mr. Peter Kim and representatives of the Canadian Unification Movement. These included, recently appointed national messiahs Dr. Chae Hee Lee, Mr. Habara and Mitch Dixon, Canadian Unification Church leaders Stoyan Tadin and Franco Famularo. At lunch while overlooking the city of Montreal much information was shared about the city of Montreal and the province of Quebec, its French character and the ongoing Canadian unity debate. Mrs. Moon carefully listened to the various reports given by those present.

Later after the public speech, about 100 Unificationists and Family Federation members gathered in Mrs. Moon's suite to share some time together with Reverend Moon via telephone who was then in Uruguay. Songs were sung and greetings were shared. . Mrs. Moon then gave the following brief talk: (This is an incomplete summary taken from personal notes. The translator was Mr. Peter Kim.)

Mother talk to members

Mother's message tonight is the compressed 6000 years of God's providence in one hour. You have to understand that this message is turning entire Christian History upside down. Suppose True Parents had proclaimed this 5 or 10 years ago. There would have been trouble. Consider South America which is mostly Catholic. Many consider Catholicism the national religion. Protestantism is just taking root in South America. In Catholic Theology, Mary is like God and then in the midst of this True Parents appear to tell them that Mary made a mistake.

This message is one hour but it is absolutely logical. No one can come against it. Even since True Parents started providence in South America they have been dealing with movers and shakers mostly VIPs attended speech in South America. True Father has been staying in Uruguay giving education to various leaders in various sectors. Father established a new Federation for the Salvation of New Nation. Also the Family Federation took birth in Uruguay.

True Father also revealed a new plan for True Mother. From October 12 Father is bringing leaders of the various sports fields (soccer, basketball etc....) All sports leaders association many will come to Uruguay. Father asked Mother to come up with money to pay for this. In South America the influence of sports leader's is greater than that of political leaders. Once they go through this education program then Father says to them to go here or there and they will go. As long as it is fine with their schedule they will come to see Father.

In Central and South America there are 33 independent states. Knowing this Father selected leaders from 33 nations. Father put them through three days workshop. Even though they have a weak Unification Church foundation the leaders got many to come and listen to Father's and Mother's message. For example in Bolivia, the poorest country in South America and also a country where the Unification Church is very weak, out of 33 leaders , many came and some 3000 students signed membership. None of those were simply people from the street but those that heard 1 day workshop. Over 1000 students came to the speech. This kind of miracle is happening in Bolivia. Those countries are competing with each other.

Of course there are national messiahs. One of them told Mother that he has the country in his hand. National Messiah's are determined to accomplish their mission. God's agony is being liberated. Mother Mary is being liberated. Until now Jesus Christ could not find foundation on earth. They are on earth. As you know if it is bound on earth it is bound in heaven. We have to solve problems on earth. God has been working on earth. Only Mother Mary is being liberated and will be able to come to help you spread this message all over the world.

Our responsibility is to do our absolute best to spread this message to all people. Unlike past, those that are prepared will open their heart and receive this message. Your result will depend on how strong a determination you Canadians have. Nothing will stop us. When it comes to Christianity, Koreans are the most stubborn, yet Mother took message to Korea and declared it. If Mother had done this several years ago, they would have protested but this time they did not. Mother wishes that you Canadians have pride and do your mission to bring couples to 3.6 million Blessing. Add one zero to your goal. Try your best. Even during this speaking tour, Mother met many dignitaries and presidents and after a few minutes, Mother's talk turned to the Blessing. As tribal messiahs this is your responsibility. When can you do this task as tribal messiah. If you don't, you will feel regret. You will be resented. if you can't unite as leaders and tribal messiahs. Make plan to bring back victory. Mother's direction is that you read Mother's speech more than your age. So if you are 35 years old, you should read it at least 36 times. Father's instructed 33 leaders to spread message. Do your mission.

The next morning Mrs. Moon had breakfast with the same group that shared lunch with her the day before. After breakfast Mrs. Moon spoke again:

You leaders need to have confidence to approach VIPs, government leaders etc.... So that they can bring people with them. Especially if there is government leader dealing with social issues, you can even go above them to reach the prime minister. In the US there are now 1000 ministers that have been to the Washington DC conferences. Some ministers have requested that their church group to receive blessing in their church. We have plenty of proofs and avenues that we can use to promote the Blessing. This morning Dr. Lee shared that one member was the last child and the parents mistreated him. He received the Blessing and his brothers and sisters married and all were divorced. Their marriages ended in disaster. This particular brother's parents changed their attitude and started paying more attention to him.

After this short talk there was a discussion on what to do with a few hours of free time that Mrs. Moon had. Although there was a plan to go on a sightseeing tour of Montreal, because of the rain it was decided to go on a short trip to the Laurentian ski resorts, north of Montreal to see the changing colors of the leaves. We drove to St. Sauveur, about 1 hour north of Montreal. It was a beautiful sight, in spite of the rain, and Mrs. Moon enjoyed it. We stopped for coffee and donuts at Dunkin Donuts and then drove back to the Rockland Shopping Mall in Montreal where Mrs. Moon took us all on a short shopping spree as she bought ties for all the men in her entourage. After having lunch in the food court of the mall, we departed for the airport. There we spent an hour or so talking with Mrs. Moon as she prepared for her flight to Rome, Italy.