Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon in Montreal

by Franco Famularo-Montreal, Canada

As part of a world wide speaking tour to inaugurate the Family Federation for World Peace in 185 nations, Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon addressed a bilingual audience of some 400 people on Wednesday October 9, 1996 at the Marriott Chateau Champlain in downtown Montreal. Her speech, "True Parents and True Family" was delivered in English as simultaneous translation was provided for the French speakers. This was Mrs. Moon's first public appearance in the predominantly French speaking province of Quebec. This was Mrs. Moon's second visit to Canada in less than three months.

The evening program, which was guided by our fluently bilingual MC, John Bellavance, began with musical selections by Mrs. Raphaelle Paquette, winner of the contest for the best French singer in Canada, who sang Ombre Legere by Meyerbeer and O Mio Bambino by Puccini. She was accompanied by Mrs. Caroline Veillette on piano.

The invocation was given by Reverend Ugo Monaco of the United Church of Canada and representative of the National Council of Ethnic Organizations in Canada.

This was followed by congratulatory remarks made by a prominent Quebec City architect, Mr. Jocelyn Perron, who expressed his welcome on behalf of all Quebecers. He expressed his admiration for Mrs. Moon's efforts to provide a new outlook on family values within the context of the end of the 20th century. He praised her for her many accomplishments, while at the same time raising a family of 13 children.

A video of Mrs. Moon's recent activities was then shown. The video presentation, entitled "The Origin of a World Peace" shown in its French version, encapsulated the wide range of activities Mrs. Moon has been involved in. The video served as the introduction to Mrs. Moon.

Mrs. Moon then read her speech in impeccable English which was simultaneously translated by Mrs. Claudine Veilleux-Champagne. The speech, entitled "True Parents and True Family" provided a view of the family from a biblical perspective and emphasized the importance of sound family values for the establishment of a better society and world. It was well received by the audience and at times elicited several boisterous cheers.

At the conclusion of the speech, Reverend Bernice Seabron of the International Temple of Spiritual Revelations, presented a plaque to Mrs. Moon in appreciation of her efforts for Inter-religious harmony and World Peace. Daniel Duffy, a representative of the youth wing of the Family Federation immediately followed with a floral presentation to Mrs. Moon.

The program continued with Reverend Chung Hwan Kwak's reading of Reverend Sun Myung Moon's speech entitled "In Search of the Origin of the Universe". Rev. Moon is also a co-founder of the Family Federation. The speech, which was originally delivered in August of this year at the Inaugural meeting of the Family Federation for World Peace emphasized the importance of the marital relationship as the basis for healthy and happy families. Reverend Moon's speech was blunt and direct and often pointed out that the husband's sexual organ belonged to his spouse and that the wife's organ belonged to her husband's. This was to emphasize the importance and sanctity of the sexual relationship in a true marriage. The speech was simultaneously translated into French by Richard Fortin.

The speech was well received and the audience often clapped in agreement with many of the points made.

At the conclusion of the speech the audience, which consisted of several ambassadors who drove from Ottawa for the event, at least 20 or so academics from both French and English universities in Montreal, a native elder and artist from the Mohawk nation, representatives from different faiths including Christian, Muslim and Buddhists, numerous family and friends, mingled over refreshments. There was strong representation from Quebec City, Ottawa and from as far away as Toronto and the north eastern United States. All in all the event was an unqualified success.

To provide a glimpse of Mrs. Moon's schedule during her time in Montreal I would like to share the following:

Mrs. Moon arrived at Montreal's Dorval airport on a flight from New York City at 12:30pm on October 9, 1996. There she was greeted by several elders of the Unification Movement as well as, by her high school classmate, Mrs. Helen Kim, who had driven from Ottawa for the occasion.

After arriving at the hotel, Mrs. Moon had lunch with several members of her entourage, Reverend Chung Hwan Kwak, Mr. Peter Kim and representatives of the Canadian Unification Movement. These included, recently appointed national messiahs Dr. Chae Hee Lee, Mr. Habara and Mitch Dixon, Canadian Unification Church leaders Stoyan Tadin and Franco Famularo. At lunch while overlooking the city of Montreal much information was shared about the city of Montreal and the province of Quebec, its French character and the ongoing Canadian unity debate. Mrs. Moon carefully listened to the various reports given by those present.

Later after the public speech, about 100 Unificationists and Family Federation members gathered in Mrs. Moon's suite to share some time together with Reverend Moon via telephone who was then in Uruguay. Songs were sung and greetings were shared. . Mrs. Moon then gave the following brief talk: (This is an incomplete summary taken from personal notes. The translator was Mr. Peter Kim.)

Mother talk to members

Mother's message tonight is the compressed 6000 years of God's providence in one hour. You have to understand that this message is turning entire Christian History upside down. Suppose True Parents had proclaimed this 5 or 10 years ago. There would have been trouble. Consider South America which is mostly Catholic. Many consider Catholicism the national religion. Protestantism is just taking root in South America. In Catholic Theology, Mary is like God and then in the midst of this True Parents appear to tell them that Mary made a mistake.

This message is one hour but it is absolutely logical. No one can come against it. Even since True Parents started providence in South America they have been dealing with movers and shakers mostly VIPs attended speech in South America. True Father has been staying in Uruguay giving education to various leaders in various sectors. Father established a new Federation for the Salvation of New Nation. Also the Family Federation took birth in Uruguay.

True Father also revealed a new plan for True Mother. From October 12 Father is bringing leaders of the various sports fields (soccer, basketball etc....) All sports leaders association many will come to Uruguay. Father asked Mother to come up with money to pay for this. In South America the influence of sports leader's is greater than that of political leaders. Once they go through this education program then Father says to them to go here or there and they will go. As long as it is fine with their schedule they will come to see Father.

In Central and South America there are 33 independent states. Knowing this Father selected leaders from 33 nations. Father put them through three days workshop. Even though they have a weak Unification Church foundation the leaders got many to come and listen to Father's and Mother's message. For example in Bolivia, the poorest country in South America and also a country where the Unification Church is very weak, out of 33 leaders , many came and some 3000 students signed membership. None of those were simply people from the street but those that heard 1 day workshop. Over 1000 students came to the speech. This kind of miracle is happening in Bolivia. Those countries are competing with each other.

Of course there are national messiahs. One of them told Mother that he has the country in his hand. National Messiah's are determined to accomplish their mission. God's agony is being liberated. Mother Mary is being liberated. Until now Jesus Christ could not find foundation on earth. They are on earth. As you know if it is bound on earth it is bound in heaven. We have to solve problems on earth. God has been working on earth. Only Mother Mary is being liberated and will be able to come to help you spread this message all over the world.

Our responsibility is to do our absolute best to spread this message to all people. Unlike past, those that are prepared will open their heart and receive this message. Your result will depend on how strong a determination you Canadians have. Nothing will stop us. When it comes to Christianity, Koreans are the most stubborn, yet Mother took message to Korea and declared it. If Mother had done this several years ago, they would have protested but this time they did not. Mother wishes that you Canadians have pride and do your mission to bring couples to 3.6 million Blessing. Add one zero to your goal. Try your best. Even during this speaking tour, Mother met many dignitaries and presidents and after a few minutes, Mother's talk turned to the Blessing. As tribal messiahs this is your responsibility. When can you do this task as tribal messiah. If you don't, you will feel regret. You will be resented. if you can't unite as leaders and tribal messiahs. Make plan to bring back victory. Mother's direction is that you read Mother's speech more than your age. So if you are 35 years old, you should read it at least 36 times. Father's instructed 33 leaders to spread message. Do your mission.

The next morning Mrs. Moon had breakfast with the same group that shared lunch with her the day before. After breakfast Mrs. Moon spoke again:

You leaders need to have confidence to approach VIPs, government leaders etc.... So that they can bring people with them. Especially if there is government leader dealing with social issues, you can even go above them to reach the prime minister. In the US there are now 1000 ministers that have been to the Washington DC conferences. Some ministers have requested that their church group to receive blessing in their church. We have plenty of proofs and avenues that we can use to promote the Blessing. This morning Dr. Lee shared that one member was the last child and the parents mistreated him. He received the Blessing and his brothers and sisters married and all were divorced. Their marriages ended in disaster. This particular brother's parents changed their attitude and started paying more attention to him.

After this short talk there was a discussion on what to do with a few hours of free time that Mrs. Moon had. Although there was a plan to go on a sightseeing tour of Montreal, because of the rain it was decided to go on a short trip to the Laurentian ski resorts, north of Montreal to see the changing colors of the leaves. We drove to St. Sauveur, about 1 hour north of Montreal. It was a beautiful sight, in spite of the rain, and Mrs. Moon enjoyed it. We stopped for coffee and donuts at Dunkin Donuts and then drove back to the Rockland Shopping Mall in Montreal where Mrs. Moon took us all on a short shopping spree as she bought ties for all the men in her entourage. After having lunch in the food court of the mall, we departed for the airport. There we spent an hour or so talking with Mrs. Moon as she prepared for her flight to Rome, Italy.