Mother in NYC

by Chen Lawrence Fong-NYC

The last stop on Mother's speaking tour was the Manhattan Center in New York City on October, 29. It was a fittingly victorious conclusion to this tour to inaugurate the Family Federation for World Peace. I wondered if the 1100 people in the audience realized what a profound and sacred destiny was being ignited?

It was New York's privilege to organize a whole-hearted show of support for True Parents' effort. Fortunately, our large and complex region was mobilized by Dr. Hendricks despite the fact that he was simultaneously carrying out his duties as national president. He organized a staff of volunteers and professionals to pull off a smoothly-running program.

The program included a reception for over 100 VIPs from the United Nations, the embassies and clergy. Fourteen proclamations celebrating the event were presented.

After the event, Mother shared over the phone with Father in Uruguay. She then shared with the gathered staff these points: With the successful completion of the 43-city speaking tour, True Parents will perform a ceremony of liberation for the spirit world indemnifying Eve's failure fully. The message of the tour are the final proclamations to humanity and will unite the world through ideal families. We should read the proclamations many time and make the concept of absolute sex common knowledge around the world.

Concluding the tour, Father in Montevideo and Mother in NYC simultaneously lit a celebratory cake and we all joyfully participated in a victorious Mansei.