Camp Sunrise

by Bruce Grodner-NYC

Camp Sunrise is quietly resting under a blanket of snow patiently awaiting for the spring thaw.

This season will mark our 8th year at the camp. Oh, how time flies. Over the years we've hosted many seminars and various programs and outings for a number of church and non-church functions. However our greatest use has come from the ever-growing 2nd. generation population.

Last year we had our biggest challenge and honor to host our 2nd. Generation's 70 Day Training program as well as having the opportunity to attend True Father and Family when they visited.

There were many challenges that presented itself to us especially from the NY State Dept. of Health. For the last seven years we've been under the heading of a family camp. However in running a children's camp there are many more rules and regulations. Eventually, with the assistance of World CARP, we were able to receive the blessing in the form of having a permit issued from the State of New York for children's camp.

I'm reminded once again how fortunate we are to have such a place just 43 miles from mid-town Manhattan and away from the many distractions of daily life. To have a place where members guests and friends can go to feel the presence of God.


Toward the end of November 1994, we were quite desperate in fear of loosing our lease due to a lack of funds. We had to pay $7500 to reopen the camp. We know how much everyone loves and appreciates the camp so we asked our church community for help.

We decided to have a membership drive and raised exactly enough to open last year.

Thank you everyone.

Many people asked if we are going to continue with the membership. We will. Hopefully with even a greater response. This years membership will have more advantages than before.

Membership Has Its Privileges

Here are the plans

Plan A for a donation of $250

1) You, your family and guest will have access to the camp and your $7 Admission Fee will be waived for the season (up to 3 vehicles).

2 You and your family will have 2 days and 2 nights free lodging (meals will be included).

3) You will be given a discount of 25% off of any future accommodations this season for food or lodging for you, you family and friends (a total of 10 people or less).

(Swimming will be limited to the weekend and special occasions)

Plan B for a donation of $125

1) You will have access to the camp and your $7 Admission Fee will be waived for the season.

2) You and your family will have 2 days and 2 nights of lodging (meals not included)

3) You will be given a discount of 20% off food and lodging any time you stay or eat at the camp.

(Swimming will be limited to the weekend and special occasions)

If you respond before April 1, 1996. Plan A will be $200 Plan B will be $100

Thank you, we are looking forward in hearing from you.

Beach Ball

Most prison movies seem to have a similar formula. They all have a scene where one of the prisoners defies the commandant. The guards stick him in solitary confinement in the box which is sitting out in blinding sunlight. After a while the prisoner notices that if the guards were to dab him with some barbecue sauce and flip him over a few times, they could probably serve him later with french fries and cokes. ("Why, this tastes like chicken," he might imagine them murmuring.)

The house I live in reminds me of that. It has symbolic porthole-type windows. The concept of ventilation never crossed the builders' minds. They never considered that air conditioning doesn't just appear magically when it gets hot. The temperature in this house is similar to a blast furnace since our air conditioning broke a month ago. I discovered it had broken one day when I went downstairs to the basement to put some laundry in the dryer and found myself up to my ankles in water. The repair man came and charged us $120 to shine a flashlight into the panel on the side of the central air conditioning unit. "See, it's broken," he said." It's leaking." A squirchet had disengaged from a wucca wucca belt and it would cost $800 to fix it. So we plugged in a fan.

Yesterday we were expecting guests, so when I got up I began to clean the house. Within minutes I had to do a Heimlich maneuver on my brand- new, second-hand Electrolux vacuum cleaner. It had sucked up some big wad of googah and the motor started to sing a high pitched aria. After about a minute the whining stopped suddenly and the vacuum began to spit dirt on the carpet instead of inhaling it. I knelt beside the corpse of my Electrolux and used my fingers to pick up the biggest gobs of dirt. After about 10 minutes of that I was drenched with sweat and spitting nails.

My innocent husband was in the next room shaving. I went in to greet him resembling Bette Davis in, Whatever Happened to Baby Jane? After about three minutes of conversation I had managed to call him an expletive and had told him to shut up. Well, "good morning to you, too."

Our guests came and went. I apologized in tears for being so crabby. By this time it was about 4:00 o'clock in the afternoon. Then Peter had a revelation.

Let's go to the ocean!

We live around 100 miles from Virginia Beach, so it wasn't an impossible idea. Somehow I became paralyzed again with the monotone of worries pumping through my mind. We don't have any clean towels. There's no air conditioning in the car and we'll be poached in our own sweat. The kids will be so hot they'll start mindlessly gnawing on each other. Besides, by the time we get to the beach it'll be dark.

I was cranking up into one of my world-class worry fits.

Then Peter looked at me, his eyes full of comfort and warmth. He said, "Let's just go and have a good time." "Yeah!" I said.

So we ran around wildly, gathering up towels, sunscreen, bathing suits and whatnot. It took us two hours to get to the town of Virginia Beach. Then we spent a half an hour traveling 5 feet per ten minute interval because of the idiotic traffic lights. (9 minutes and 45 seconds waiting at a red light and 15 desperate seconds to try to squeeze through a green light.)

But we finally arrived!

We played in the waves for almost two hours. I was careful to remove the baby's diaper after it had swollen to eleven times his weight and had begun to engulf him. (And I disposed of it responsibly!)

Watching my husband frolic in the waves was so great too. There we were, swimming in our clothes, too embarrassed to be seen on the beach in European spandex. Wave after wave filled our underwear with sand. Who needs a loofah?

The stress of life is so all-consuming. No wonder there are disgruntled postal workers. People need time to play and laugh. Sometimes I feel like we should take all the Muamar Quadafis (sorry Muamar) and the Saddam Husseins of the world and tickle them.

All the resentful militant types of every race and religion should be grabbed, lined up and tickled until they wet their pants. They'll either start laughing or be so embarrassed that they won't bother anyone anymore. We have a mission to dismember the resent-a-thons of the world! I have a theory that a lot of anger and violence stems from blocked humor organs. Studies show that unmerciful tickling forces out all the blockages from things like noses and bladders, thereby freeing all the bottled up stress

So as the sun went down we trudged back to the car. Our stress was deftly exorcised until the next onset. Our bodies were scraped raw from encrusted sand. There was nowhere to change and no money for a motel room. We had a jug of water in the car, so we rinsed the kids off and dressed them in dry clothes. ("Close your eyes so nobody sees you.") Peter and I changed in a Wendy's bathroom.

We drove home munching our burgers, talking, smiling, completely hot and sweaty again. Still, as I looked at Peter next to me in the dark, I actually had the cliche'd thought, "It doesn't get any better than this." Who the heck said Life's a Beach? Maybe sometimes it is.

A Family Affair - East Meets West Across Generations

by Mrs. Therese Stewart-Red Hook, NY

More than 200 family members and friends gathered for a reception and dinner hosted by Mr. and Mrs. Farley Jones on Sat., Oct. 28, 1995 at the Troy Country Club in Troy, NY. The event honored Matthew and Yun Hee Jee Jones, and M. and Cara Jones Kamiyama, who were blessed in the Aug. 25, 1995 Blessing of 360,000 Couples.

Mr. and Mrs. Farley Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Han Young Jee-Yun Hee's parents-and Mrs. Y. Kamiyama Moon, sister of M. Kamiyama, greeted the guests. Sebastian Huemer, a gracious master of ceremonies at the dinner, welcomed the guests, and Dr. Hugh Spurgin offered a prayer before the meal. Jo Won Seuk and Joni Ang Choi, representing other second-generation couples blessed with the Jones and Kamiyama couples in August, offered toasts to the two couples. A delicious dinner followed.

During the dinner, both couples sang and Yun Hee performed a classical Korean dance. Matthew and Yun Hee sang "Keeper of the Stars." Cara and M. sang "Love Can Build a Bridge." A brief slide show included photographs of the Blessing in Korea. After dinner, Mr. Farley Jones addressed family and friends, warmly introducing his father, Mr. E. Stewart Jones; his brother, sister-in-law, and sisters; Mrs. Mary O'Neil, Betsy's mother; and Marilyn, her sister. Farley reminisced about his and Betsy's Blessing in 1970 and the 25th anniversary which they celebrated recently, portraying marriage in the Unification tradition as he did so. Farley and Betsy together thanked everyone for sharing this historic and happy moment with them. Mr. Jee expressed appreciation on behalf of Yun Hee's family and Mrs. Y. Moon spoke on behalf of the Kamiyamas, who could not be present for the occasion. She expressed her happiness for M. and welcomed Cara as his bride and, from now on, as wife of the eldest son, "the one who takes care of the Kamiyama clan." The couples cut the three-tiered wedding cake.

Perhaps first among many factors contributing to make this a true family celebration was the diversity of those present-the international couples themselves; their parents, brothers and sisters; second-generation friends who were blessed with them; fellow students from Williams College, Princeton, New York University and Johns Hopkins; former school friends and athletic coaches; and other friends and colleagues of both the couples and their parents. Farley introduced Dr. David S.C. Kim as an early member of the Unification community, further bringing together many different worlds into one. The evening was the culmination of the Jones family's many years of tribal messiah effort in their hometown of Albany.

January 1996

Worldly Matters


We humans exist in two worlds. The physical world of everyday perception, which is studied by Science, and the invisible spiritual world, which -so far- remains the exclusive domain of Religion.

The Divine Principle explains that we humans live in both worlds, and have a constant `connection' to the spiritual realm. In fact, its existence is central to our human-ness; without it we would merely be very clever animals.

Archeologists have noted the flowering of art, the ritual burial of the dead, and other ancient signs of the emerging spirituality of the human race.

Religion properly credits Divine intervention with this emergence. Religion also understands that, unfortunately, humanity fell from grace, and that evil then came into the picture.

Thus, humans and animals share physical natures; while only humans comprehend spiritual things, and must also deal with fallen nature.

From ancient times to today there have been many paradigms; our basic ideas about ourselves and our world. Especially, about the causes of the bounteous blessings provided by our Earth, and the disasters that it sometimes brings. Also, people have always speculated about the blessings of love and friendship-and the curses of hatred and enmity.

Animals live out their lives, and fulfill their innate natures, without much comprehension. (With a nod to Walt Disney & co.) They enjoy or endure their world with little beyond instinctive attempts to alter it.

From the very beginning, we humans have been completely different. Constantly studying and altering our world, with steadily improving tools, and -having spiritual natures- contemplating ourselves as well. (Some scientists attempt to dismiss all art, philosophy, science, etc. as mere `artifacts' of a brain grown large enough to grasp `the abstract.' They must have very cold lives.)


People have always been grateful for the rain, soil and harvest. However, they've also endured floods, earthquakes and famine. The ancient `pagan view' attributes these to supernatural forces; capricious spirits and demigods. All sorts of rituals, from the casually trivial to the bloodily gruesome, were employed to placate those forces.

In Pearl Buck's novel The Big Wave, she illustrates the pagan mindset. She describes a typical old Japanese fishing village. The fishermen gain their living from the sea, yet fear the sea-god's anger. With reason: sudden tsunamis sometimes appeared and swamped the village. Yet, they built their homes facing inland, with no windows facing the sea! Even when warned, they reluctantly sent only their youngest children to safety on high ground, while they stoically awaited their probable deaths.

The Western world took a different course. Gradually, thanks to Greek scientific curiosity (and their rigorous thought and experiment), and Hebrew ideas of human dignity (and the individual's place before a rational God), science has uncovered the forces and processes which shape our physical world. (Yes, dear `pc' friends, other peoples contributed too, a little.)

We now know that the Earth's normal tectonic forces produce volcanoes and earthquakes-not some vengeful earth god. (Or, for that matter, an apocalyptic Christian God.) Even so, some people still build homes atop faultlines, and on the slopes of volcanoes! Advanced nations sometimes restrict the development of flood-plains and such, but too often they follow their pagan cousins into the waiting jaws of disaster.

Put succinctly: A wise personal and social policy would avoid a large proportion of such disasters. Also, science is getting closer to predicting `sudden' disasters such as tornadoes, lightning, and earthquakes. The lightning rod was an American invention-and some few preachers denounced them as interfering with God's Will!

On a more intimate -but no less important- scale, there are the twin problems of accident and disease.

Most accidents are due to carelessness, by one or more parties. (Anyone who has spent more than ten minutes on an urban freeway can testify to this!) Such habits as using the proper tools, firearms safety, and careful driving, will allow one to avoid most accidents. (Rev. Moon speaks of the importance of vehicle cleanliness.) Police departments and other community groups give classes on such subjects. Mountain climbing with ropes might be a safer way to get a thrill!

Most diseases are due to improper nutrition, sanitation, and lack of immunization. It is a shame that these remain problems, in a world where it need not be so, even in the Third World. (Especially when due to ignorance amidst plenty.) The sex-and-needle transmitted diseases can be (almost) entirely avoided simply by altering ones' personal behavior.

Thus we can enjoy the bounties of our physical world, and deal effectively with many of its dangers.


As if the physical world weren't dangerous enough, we must also deal with crime and evil; the dark and fallen side of our spiritual natures. With abusive persons, with lone criminals and gangs, and with evil terrorists and national-level powers.

Many people refer to criminals as "animals." Others point out that this is quite an injustice to real animals! Carnivores, even sharks, eat only when they are hungry-and that isn't nearly all of the time. Even without understanding the spiritual side of evil, it is terribly obvious that human cruelty far exceeds anything an animal would do.

People especially fear random violence-the crazed gunman or the sudden explosion. Some are fortunate enough to live in a "good area," or in a nation at peace. In any case, being "street wise" can often help one avoid criminals.

People trapped in war zones have it much worse. Too often, their own society's too-proudly-held ethnic or religious divisions brought that war (or terrorism) upon them. Then the good people must risk their very lives, simply to work openly for peace! In places like Oklahoma City, we could only pray for the innocent victims. And then work against enraging injustices (if any)-and to enlighten those so darkened by hatred.

In humanity's relentless drive to remake the world, sometimes there are bad consequences, such as soil erosion and pollution. Also, there are `indirect' crimes such as shoddy workmanship or impure products. These result in physical disasters, but their cause lies in sinful greed and indifference.


As anxiety-producing as all this sounds, there is hope. The fear of crime has been greatly exaggerated in these days of instant live-on- scene television news.

Actually, most violence takes place within the family, and is done by a family member. Much of the rest takes place within narrow subcultures; usually groups where alcohol is fully involved. And there are, of course, various places that are well-known to be dangerous.

Always, a simple awareness of one's surroundings is important. Rev. Moon has said that "intuition is the highest spiritual sense." In a dangerous situation this would really come in handy!

God-centered families, and circles of friends and associates, are a blessing to those who live within them-and in more ways than one. Within the true Blessing, the `family violence' one hears about will not tarnish one's life.

The Bible calls this Earth a "vale of tears." We enjoy the blessings - and face the dangers- that flesh and spirit can bring. With common sense and a religious life we can deal with many problems. An example from your author's own routine: When parking the car, two forms of protection are always put to use, a sun-shield and "The ClubR."

Through science we can detect -and often avoid- incipient physical disasters. With prudence we can avoid almost all personal-scale calamities, as well. This is part and parcel of the fulfillment of the Three Blessings.

We must also contend with evil. Sincere religion, and even simple conscience, have done much to diminish evil, and the dangers it brings to our lives. The advancement of God's Providence now gives us the opportunity to push it entirely out of our lives (and eventually, our world), following the example of the True Family.

Both the physical and spiritual worlds obey certain laws and principles. Here on Earth, forces such as gravity and inertia are absolute, and (barring some fantastic future discovery) they will always affect us. Hence, some accidents will inevitably occur. God certainly could not be blamed for these.

Unknown to science, and known only vaguely by traditional religion, the spiritual world also has its laws and forces. We humans are constantly buffeted by these influences; reacting to them in countless ways.

Fulfilling the law and heart of tan gam ("indemnity") and selfless giving are as concretely beneficial to us as remembering to take our vitamins.


Ultimately, the entire world can become one Peaceable Kingdom. Rev. Moon, reaching back to Korea's shamanistic heritage, speaks of all things having some form of consciousness. Nowadays, modern Physics (Schrodinger's waveform theorems, etc.), may indicate that there is an unseen Unity between all things; even between the simplest of elementary particles.

The Bible states that the entire Creation -the Earth itself and every creature it bears- suffers from the effects of the Fall of Man. In the coming Kingdom, it is entirely possible that the weather, the flora and fauna, and everything else, will be bound together in a way that we can barely conceive of today.

Heavy rocks would still fall, and lions hunger for fresh meat, but all would be aware of their proper place in nature's order. Also, the spiritual world would be a constant, benign companion and protector. Lastly, all people would know God's Heart and Will, and would treat their work, each other, as He would.

c 1995 by Paul Carlson

Unification Internet Resources by Peter Wettstein

The most commonly asked question at social gatherings is not What's your name? anymore, but What's your e-mail address? It is fashionable to have at least an e-mail address, if not a home page on the World Wide Web. There is no doubt about the advantages of having e-mail and Internet access. For instance, you can send messages, letters, pictures, sounds, etc. in minutes or even seconds to anybody around the world, provided the recipient has also e-mail. There is also a vast amount of information on the Internet and as the Yellow Page commercial goes, If it's not in there, it probably doesn't exist. Likewise, practically anything you can think of is somewhere on the Internet. The only question that remains is how to find it.

In keeping up with technology, several brothers and sisters of the Unification community have made a lot of effort to make Unification resources like speeches, pictures, even whole books etc. available for anybody on the Internet.

Damian Anderson's Unification Home Page ( provides Unificationist resources in many different languages. This includes online versions of the Divine Principle, The Tradition, God's Will and the World, World Scripture, many early and most recent sermons of the Reverend Moon, and many more. You can also download Holy Songs and play them on your computer. This page also contains many links to other Unification Home Pages like the Sun Moon University in Korea (, the PWPA home page (, and others which I will mention in more detail. Furthermore, there are links to other religious resources like the Quran, the teachings of Swedenborg, etc. The Unification Home Page is a great starting point for Unification resources.

Also World CARP has it's own home page (

It provides information about the CARP Academy, CARP Newsletter, and others. World CARP in Chicago ( run by Paulette Hill has also a web page. Besides having very informative essays on CARP, it provides an extensive list of Projects of the Unification Movement.

If you want to know the latest on political events nationally and world wide and you don't want to rely on your biased local newspaper, turn to The Washington Times National Weekly ( times/). In order to be able to navigate on this page, you have to enable your browser to load images.

For German speaking members, there is Paul Ettl's Informationen der Vereinigungsbewegung (, another great starting point. It contains the Divine Principle and many other texts and speeches you guessed it in German. Paul Ettl is also running a mirror of the Unification Church files from Gary Fleisher's BBS. Here you can download speeches, books, pictures and many other resources of the Unification Movement a true treasure chest. So if you don't want to spend a lot of money on long distance phone charges to download files from Gary's BBS in Colorado, connect to ( Paul Ettl also has a nice compilation of all Unification on-line resources, however, your browser has to support tables. It is at ( If you are using America Online, your browser does not support tables. In this case you are better off connecting to Damian Anderson's page that gives the same resources without the table format.

Another valuable resource is Lai Hong Cheong's page The Parents and the Completed Testament Age ( CTA.html). He deals extensively with the significance and history of the Holy Weddings, listing them with dates, numbers, pictures and other information. In the sub- section The True Family, there is a brief biography of Rev. Moon, an introduction to the Life and Teachings of Sun Myung Moon,and the full text of the booklets The Reverend Sun Myung Moon I Know by Dr. Young Oon Kim and Father's Course and Our Life of Faith. This web page also lists many organizations and activities of the Unification movement.

HeartWing ( is a newsletter published by Victoria Clevenger. HeartWing's purpose is to help us learn from, connect to, and more deeply value the heart and insight of each other, beyond any differences in race, religion, nationality, or gender.

The HeartThread Resource Page ( - The Internet Resource Page of Marriage, Parenting & International Family Traditions , is not church-related, but is a non-denominational, educational page sponsored by FutureRealm Productions. The site includes HeartQuestions , a Q&A Forum where you can submit questions about marriage, parenting or family issues to Peter F. Brown, author of the book Striving For Parental Love - A Practical Guide on Giving Parental Love to Children. Send mail to (Peter F. Brown).

The latest addition to these Internet resources is the HSA E-Directory ( It is sort of the White Pages of e- mail addresses of members of the Unification Movement. I am planning to list also e-mail addresses of UC organizations. If you would like to be included, please send a note with your name, e-mail address, city, state or country to (Please note, this is not the official HSA e-mail address. It is only for the E-Directory!) Here you can also download a tab delimited file that contains all addresses and import them into your database, word processor or spreadsheet for printout.

If you have been toying with the idea of getting online, just do it. With a computer, a modem (preferably 14.4 kbps or faster), and a free copy of the America Online software, also you can be hip and surf the net. The America Online software comes free with almost every computer magazine these days. Try it out for free for a month (10 hours). If you don't like it, the cancellation process is simple. America Online has a wealth of information, software programs to download etc.--as do all other online services, of course.

Triumph Of The Il Hwa Soccer Team

Mr. Peter Kim

This soccer team, Il Hwa professional soccer team, was formed seven years ago by Father. Father certainly saw the value and significance of developing athletics. When he formed this team, there were only five professional soccer teams in Korea. When the Il Hwa team joined the league, the other owners really didn't like it, because the other teams had been formed and supported by international conglomerates, like Hyundai, Daewoo, Samsung and Posco, which is the Po Hong iron mill company. Those mega-industrialists had their teams, then suddenly one religious group came along with this soccer team and put the name Il Hwa on it and joined their league. And not just because it was a relatively small company, Il Hwa, backed by a church, but whenever a rookie team comes, they always give a hard time. But Il Hwa's case was more than that, because of who the owner is. So our team had some difficulty. Even the referees and the people who were involved with the professional soccer league in Korea gave our team a hard time. Yet Father kept pushing our team to be strong and firm and brave and be a winner.

For that purpose, Father picked a special head coach, Mr. Pak, who has been well-known in Korea as the toughest coach. He loves the old-time Spartan training, very hard training. So once the players are in the dormitory for group training for several months, two or three months at a time, they cannot even go out at night. Even during the daytime they cannot go out, even to visit their wives. They cannot drink, they cannot smoke, nothing. They have to absolutely follow the strict training regimen. That hardship training was coach Pak's trademark. This Il Hwa team has been well-trained by Mr. Pak.

As a result, even though persecution and mistreatment came from all the other teams and league officials, the Il Hwa team started winning. Two years ago, in fact, in 1993 Il Hwa won the national championship. The soccer-related people in Korea were in shock, because they never expected that Il Hwa would win. Il Hwa was always put down, and they treated Il Hwa as a third-rate team, but Il Hwa suddenly won the championship

Then the other teams became serious about Il Hwa. But at that point, Father scouted one good goalie, a Russian. His name is Zaruchev. By now he is known among soccer people in Korea as the "goalie with the hands of God." He never misses any ball, he never let any ball go into the goal. With this goalie scouted from Russia, Il Hwa was in good shape.

So Il Hwa steadily improved and then last year, Il Hwa won the national championship again, for the second year in a row. So when they accomplished this second championship, Father brought them to Europe, to show them around the European continent and give them a chance to play a friendship game with a German team. So they all came with their wives, their families, to the European continent and I heard they had a good time. They were invited to our hotel in France. When those guests come, our Unification Church brothers and sisters are good in serving them, so our service melted their hearts, and they were really happy. They were well fed. At the same time they had a friendship game with one German professional team. By the time they returned to Korea, they really knew the meaning of heavenly true love.

After that treat was given, Father demanded that they win one more time, three years consecutively, to set the historical record, an unprecedented record in the history of the Korean soccer league. Also even in the future, I don't think any professional Korean soccer team will break that record. Father told them, "You must win one more year.

Then I will give you another surprise." So they were determined to win this year. Actually even though Father said it, and they were really determined, but not many people believed that they would win one more time. Commentators said, "Well, beginner's luck. Maybe you were really lucky, that's why you won twice in a row. But the third year there is no chance." That was the general feeling among these soccer-related people in Korea.

The Korean soccer season is divided in half each year. The first half of the year, six months, they have one league there, of course, which is now eight teams, and they select one finalist out of the first half year. Il Hwa became the finalist from this first half year season. So the hope was high, and everybody thought now this third year championship was within reach. But what happened was because of their pride, they became a little bit arrogant, I think. They felt they had won the first half year, so it's a piece of cake now.

Then the second half of the year, Il Hwa placed seventh out of eight. Also, the finalist team of the second half year had now really good players and they were a rising star. From the beginning to the end they constantly won and won. Nobody could beat them. So everybody in Korea thought the finalist from the second half of the league year would win the championship this year. That was their analysis and all the specialists in Korea believed so.

Yet Father said, go ahead and win the championship again! Even though Il Hwa was seventh in the second half of the year, because Il Hwa was the finalist in the first half of the year, our team still could have the play-off with the finalist from the second half of the year. Il Hwa had the play-off in the month of October with the finalist team called Posco, the team of the Po Hang Iron Mill Company, which is maybe the second or third biggest iron company in the world. They tied the first game one to one. Then the soccer specialists started shaking their heads: we thought Il Hwa would be easily beaten by Posco, but what's happening? Then people started wondering.

The second match took place at the begining of November. This second match had significance. That was the day, I am sorry to remind you about this, that was the day that Father was detained at the airport in Paris. So Father was taken into the immigration office in the airport, this little tiny office, he was sitting inside there and True Mother, Rev. Kwak, and President Sa of the European continent were sitting outside in the waiting room. Of course, Rev. Kwak strongly protested to the immigration officials and the airport people. They were fighting: "This kind of injustice cannot be done here, please release Rev. Moon right away." They had all kinds of arguments, and everybody was in a very tense mood. In the midst of that serious fight suddenly Father sent a message to Rev. Kwak to call Korea and find out the result of this second soccer match.

That morning as Father and Mother left Hungary, already the first half of the second game was over, and Il Hwa was losing 2-0. That's why by the time they arrived at the airport in Paris, when Rev. Kwak called Korea, he had no cause for hope. The first half score was 2-0, and that game was taking place in Posco's home stadium. Over 25,000 people were gathered there cheering the Posco team. Even though the Il Hwa bought busloads of people, we had only 2 or 3,000 people, so it was not a match at all in terms of the crowd support. Yet Rev. Kwak had to call Korea because he was told to do so, and the news came that the score was tied 3-3! In the first half Il Hwa was losing 2-0, but in the second half, Il Hwa made three goals right at the start, so Il Hwa was leading by 3-2. If Il Hwa could have held on and defended themselves, they could have won, but in the 43rd minute of the second half, Posco made another goal. So the game ended in a tie.

So as soon as that news was given to Rev. Kwak in that intense moment outside Father's detaining room there, they were shouting and laughing and all kinds of commotion was taking place, so these French immigration officials and police were puzzled. "We thought these people were serious, but they are suddenly laughing." Of course, they were talking in Korean, so the French people didn't know. But Father and Mother were so much giving support and interested in and even praying for this soccer match, that even in that intense moment, Father wanted to know what the result was. Father didn't care: "Oh, you bring me in here and try to find out what's happened with me and interrogate me, go ahead, I don't care, but I have to see what's happening in Korea." That's Father, that's what Father is like. It was the same thing in Danbury. When he was in prison there, he never paid any attention about the hardship he was going through and the treatment he was receiving from them. Even while he was sweeping the floor, he showed no emotion, but always worked toward his goal, large or small. By the same token, even at that particular moment, Father doesn't speak French, actually Father was left in the dark to a certain extent, yet he told Rev. Kwak to call Korea and find out. So that much attention was given by Father to this game.

So twice the games ended in ties. According to the regulations of the Korean soccer league, they had to play one more game, the final game, the third match. The winner decided by the third game would be the champion. If the third game ends in a tie, they will decide the winner by sudden-death overtime. As soon as one team makes a goal, then overtime play ends right there. Even three minutes into the overtime period, if a goal is scored, then the game finishes there. So this third round final match took place on November 18. This time the game took place near Seoul, in a city called An Yang, maybe twenty miles south of Seoul. Seoul is Il Hwa's home ground, the Il Hwa team represents the Seoul region, so of course many of our fans went there to cheer our team.

Now, the second match between Posco and Il Hwa was labelled, "the game of the century," because it became so interesting and everybody was doing their absolute best to win. Nobody tired and the goals were stunning, miraculous plays. I think you have to watch the videotape, which Father watched twice. One television commentator said, "I never saw such a game. Such professional play will bring millions and millions of people to watch. Now Korean soccer has a future; if each Korean soccer game is this exciting, it has a good future." It was a beautiful game. But on the other hand, the third match was really dull, because now each team was desperate not to lose. Offense was not the strategy, but defense was the strategy. Once a team makes a goal, they don't have any chance, because, according to Rev. Kwak, in a professional soccer match, there is a term called locking. If you make a goal, until the end of the game, to secure the score, the entire eleven players build a wall in front of the half line so that the ball cannot penetrate. That kind of lock system is difficult to overcome.

The players know that, so that's why they didn't want to give up one goal. Each team had the same strategy. Instead of showing their skills and running and playing with the ball, everybody started pushing and kicking each other, then many players got kicked out because they received the red card, and twice yellow card, and got kicked out. Finally the Posco team lost one player, so they had to play with ten players instead of eleven, whereas the Il Hwa team still had eleven. The Il Hwa team too received many yellow cards, they were right on the verge too, but they still had eleven members.

The game was going on, but after ninety minutes, there was no score. Obviously everybody was disappointed. But still they were cheering. But everybody was disappointed, because it was fighting, not really playing. But then there was overtime, so they had to continue this tough game. Then in the 13th or 14th minute of overtime, Il Hwa finally made a goal. As soon as Il Hwa made the goal, that was the end of the game. Il Hwa became the third-year consecutive champion, setting a new record in Korea.

In an interesting analysis, one newspaper, the biggest newspaper in Korea, wrote an article on this championship tournament. This is a daily newspaper, not a sports paper. The title was "God prepared Il Hwa to win, step by step." They said God prepared Il Hwa to win, first, by having Posco lose one player. It wasn't Il Hwa's fault, it was Posco's fault. The referee was not on Il Hwa's side, actually the referee was in favor of the Posco team, but because they made a big mistake the referee kicked one player out, so Il Hwa had the advantage. That was the first step.

Second, two of the top players on the Posco team were out already, because one was injured and the other already received many yellow cards so he couldn't play in that particular game. So the Posco team was not as strong as it could have been.

And third, they said the Il Hwa team's head coach is a very wise person and he made a substitution just at the right time. The new player who was sent in to replace another player made the goal. Thus this head coach had a brilliant strategy. They didn't want to say clearly that God was with the Il Hwa team, but at least they wrote "God prepared the Il Hwa team to win step by step." Also everybody in Korea knows that the owner of the Il Hwa team is Rev. Moon. This has some kind of positive connotation, indicating that because Rev. Moon supports this team, God is with this team, and that's why the Il Hwa team won. That is what they were saying. In other words, heavenly fate was with the Il Hwa team. That's why even though all those soccer professionals expected that the Posco team would win, Il Hwa won the championship this year again. That is the victory we shared during this world speaking tour. Father and Mother were so happy.

Father had promised them another bonus this year, so he would bring this Il Hwa team to South America and give them a chance to play with a world-renowned professional team from Argentina or Brazil.

Also, one more point. Mother scouted one particular player. He is rather short, he is from Russia, his name is Lankovich or something like that. Anyway, he is short, but he is very skillful in terms of ball control. So even those Korean soccer players are afraid of him. He moves like a rabbit, this way and that way. This particular player contributed a lot to winning the championship this year. Mother scouted him. So of course, Mother was happy to watch him: "See, he is mine. I scouted him and he's doing well." So Mother had even more reason to be happy.

Rebuilding Hope for Oklahoma - The Restoration of the Historic Church Building in Norman

by Christoph Resmerowski-Norman, OK

Is there anyone out there who doesn't know our church house in Norman, Oklahoma? I didn't think so. Wherever I go, whomever I meet, church members ask me: "Do we still own the place in Norman? I stayed there in '77 with Mr. -'s team" or "I joined there in '78" or "I spent the night there on MFT in '82." In fact, many precious brothers and sisters lived and worked from this now almost 70-year-old structure on University Boulevard. And many others were reborn here, becoming aware of God's real situation, the eternal nature of life, and saying their first prayers in the name of True Parents. No doubt, True Father's overnight stay here makes it the historic building in all of Oklahoma.

It was Thomas Cromwell who bought the house when he pioneered Oklahoma. Through prayer he was given spiritual guidance in his search for a church center. Whenever he walked by the location, he had the strong feeling that this should be the building he was looking for. His perseverance eventually paid off. It's a beautiful house with 10- foot ceilings and it is very close to the University of Oklahoma campus.

This church center has seen a lot of action, campaigns and teams come and go-and many members went from here to the far reaches of the world in the service and support of our True Parents in the providence of God. Being always busy, there was not much time to be worried with the upkeep of the place. And many years of constant service for brothers and sisters have left the house in, shall we say, a "disadvantaged" situation.

In 1995 a major overhaul seemed to be in order. A new roof was installed, and then we took a good, hard look at the priorities, our financial situation and the future needs the house should fulfill in the context of Tribal Messiahship and proper representation of our True Parents and the Unification Movement.

After discussing the center's sorry situation with Rev. You, our regional director, and all the state leaders in Region 8, Oklahoma was finally given permission to go ahead and apply for a $30,000 improvement loan on the property.

To begin with, 20-year-old heating and air conditioning equipment needed to be exchanged, the foundation of the house had to be leveled, and old, soggy kitchen and bathroom subfloors needed to be renovated. Most old closets and some walls had to go, and some of the ceilings had to be lowered and properly insulated. The basement waste water discharge system was leaky for a very long time and needed major repair. Sixty-five gallons of paint and endless hours of brushing, rolling and spraying secured a completely fresh, new look and spirit for the house. The job seemed to be never-ending, all areas had to be painted repeatedly, and some walls needed even three or four coats of paint.

Most of the painting happened at night simply because I have a real life: church affairs, family, juggling finances. So, to be perfectly honest, I hit a few low moments, asking myself what I was doing here in the middle of the night, all by myself, destroying my health by breathing the toxic fumes of primers and paints, while the will of God seemed to be "out there on the Battlefield of Restoration" and the whole thing became such a drag on the real life...little sleep at night usually means lack of energy when you need it most in "the real life"...!!!

That night, to get away from my toxic fumes and the resulting unnatural high I experienced, I started thumbing through some old CARP magazines and stopped at the directions Fathers had given to the leaders then, many years ago. That promised to be good inspiration for someone in my situation here, I thought, and I started reading, and there it was, that one line, jumping right at me: "always keep your center clean and neat and freshly painted." Do I need to say more?

Experiencing my unnatural high had become part of the will of God, or is that too bold an assumption? You be the judge.

After the painting project was finally completed, we left the field to Brewers Carpet One. They came and installed good quality carpet throughout the house, new vinyl floors in the kitchen and bathrooms and a beautiful wooden floor in the entrance hall.

Most of the work is done by now. Enough new materials, changes (and emotional outbursts) called for sanctifying the church center with Holy Salt and rededicating it to the Work of God. Everyone is pleased with the dramatic change we have brought about, preparing this beautiful building for bigger and better things to come.

It is our privilege and obligation to make sure that we represent God, True Parents and the Unification Movement to the best of our capabilities. On Oct. 12 we were fortunate to have a member of the True Family stay with us, when Jin Hun Nim came to Oklahoma to deliver the speech "The True Family and I" on the University of Oklahoma campus.

And finally, I want to say a word of thanks to my own family: my wife, who has been an enthusiastic supporter of this project and who now as a result knows everything there is to know about paint and painting- and our two boys, who were of great help, too, and who had to dust off their schoolbags every day (and sometimes even the pizza), always without complaint.

Christoph Resmerowski is the Oklahoma state leader.