Pure Love Pledge

by Sally Imoto-Hollywood, CA

Mrs. Lehong Brown, accompanied by her husband David and three young children, was among Long Beach residents who took to the streets of Hollywood recently with placards and balloons to urge young people to save sex for marriage and to promote true love as a way of life.

Called "The Pure and Proud Rally for Pure Love," the event brought several hundred demonstrators out into the balmy Sunday afternoon sun on Hollywood Boulevard. Speakers called Hollywood's movie and TV industries "the source of immoral and toxic information which glorifies violence, infidelity, broken families, sexual abuse and perverse relationships."

"Is this what it means to live in a sexually liberated society?" asked speaker Jin Hun Moon, who invited participants and observers to sign the Pure Love Pledge.

The pledge reads, in part: "The pure relationship of love between a man and woman is a gift from God to be cherished and honored for the sake of building a true family, a healthy society, and a world of peace for future generations. Once that love is consummated, it should never be broken."

"I thought it was really refreshing," Brown said. "I could really feel the purity in the young people who participated and I was very much inspired!"

Marchers, who included an assortment of teenagers, college students, and families with babies in backpacks and strollers, chanted, "Keep it pure, keep it sure," and carried signs reading: "Save sex, not safe sex," "Pure is the cure," "Love is long, lust is wrong," and "Break- ups boom in Hollywood."

Marchers stopped opposite the busy Mann Chinese Theater and sang, listened to speeches, cheered, and generally had a good time while putting forth their message.

Gary Jones-Locke, a rally organizer, said, "Hollywood has sold our young people down the drain. We wanted to get in its face and tell them that we won't accept any more portrayals of immorality as the norm and of infidelity as acceptable."

Jones-Locke said that 300 participants and observers signed the Pure Love Pledge "to refrain from all sexual relationships before marriage, to respect and honor the ideal of purity in myself and others, to learn how to practice pure love as a child, friend, spouse and parent, to dedicate myself to absolute fidelity within marriage, and to encourage others to do the same."

He agreed with Jin Hun Nim that this new vision of pure love is what Generation X has been looking for in order to reclaim their identity and value.

Jin Hun Nim said that pure love does not simply mean abstinence, but that "a pure love lifestyle is much more vibrant, exciting and dynamic than we have ever experienced before." He added, "We need to understand that there is a deeper kind of happiness that goes far beyond pleasure and need gratification."

He said, "Pure love teaches us how to love and live for the sake of others" and "how to respect and appreciate the uniqueness of every human being, as well as all races, cultures and nationalities."

Jin Hun Nim said, "If we live this kind of lifestyle, we can eliminate the gravest problems of humanity"-AIDS and STDs, "the menace of rape, sexual assault, incest, sexual abuse, and other crimes of violence against women and children." The streets would then be safe again, and "divorce would cease to destroy lives...instead, moral and stable families will be restored.

"As pure love and true families become the norm rather than the exception, the transformation of humanity will be well under way," he promised.

Jin Hun said that the world's major religions teach about a Supreme Being who is said to be eternal, absolute, unchanging and unconditional. "These are the same qualities as pure love. Perhaps it is because we lost God in our families that we lost purity and the experience of true love in our families," he said. Perhaps "once we bring God back into our relationships, pure love will reappear and we can create lasting love in our marriages and families."

He said such families will then bring about the transformation of humanity and are the only possible foundation for lasting world peace.

Purchasing a Master Marine Boat

Mr. Yamaguchi was the first member of the church to purchase one of the new Good Go boats. This is an interview with him.

Q. Congratulation! You are the first member to purchase a Master Marine boat. Tell us about your story.

A. Well, already 10 years passed since I arrived in America. Now, I remember so many things from these past 10 years.

I joined the Unification Church when I was 28 years old. Before that, I was living in deep mountain. I grew up climbing mountains in summer time and skiing in winter time. All my life was a mountain life.

Then, since I joined the Unification Church, I found out about Father's ocean providence. In the airplane on my way to America, I was thinking about all this and I determined to change my life style from mountain to ocean.

Q. What is your motivation that made you decide to purchase a boat? Did you have any fishing experience?

A. I had a chance to experiment tuna fishing in Gloucester, but only for 4 days. At that time, I was so terribly seasick, I didn't enjoy fishing.

4 years ago, in 1991, I started working in NJ. I started to go fishing with a company Friend Mr. Nakai. I didn't know any fishing technique. Little by little, he taught me about fishing. I can never forget the first fish I caught. I was so excited, I wanted to catch even bigger fishes.

I started fishing from pier, but I wanted to fish on the ocean. Since then, I went quite a few times on the party boat to go out fishing. Through the party boat, I caught much bigger fishes.

Then, my desire grew up so quickly. I wanted to go fishing by myself anytime I wanted. That's the main reason why I want to buy the boat.

Q. What is your plan for using the boat?

A. I've had a dream that someday, I want to catch tuna with my own boat. However, after I read "God's Will and the Ocean", my vision became wider.

One of the reasons I want to buy the boat is that this boat is the result of Father's and all brothers' and sisters' blood, sweat and tears. Sometimes, I kept watching the members building a boat and I knew that boat was conceptualized by Father through many fishing experiences and according to Father's ideal plan. That's why it's a really fantastic boat.

Another reason is that I had a ski instructor for 12 years since I was in high school. That man also had fishing skills, he does fishing for living. Lately, I heard he is the manager of a fish restaurant that serves cooked river fish. When I left the place, he was the one I regretted the most. I hope I can do something for him. I want to show him how God's providence is developing. This boat is the solution. We can go out together on Atlantic ocean, and I'll let him fish. That way is faster to show him Father's vision and make him understand easier.

New Translation of Divine Principle Set for Publication in Early 1996

by Dan Fefferman-NYC

Very soon, you'll be able to read the first new translation of the Divine Principle since the sacred text of Unificationism was first published in English back in 1973.

The current text is a direct translation from the Korean Wolli Kangron (Exposition of the Divine Principle), which was published in 1966. The earlier Wolli Hesul (Explanation of the Principle), was published in 1957. Both of these were written with Rev. Moon's guidance by Rev. Eu and represented a systematized exposition of the manuscript Wolli Wonbon (Original Text of the Divine Principle), which was written and dictated by Rev. Moon in Pusan during the Korean war. For the past thirty years, Wolli Kangron has served as the official text of Rev. Moon's basic teaching.

The first English edition of Wolli Kangron translated by Dr. Won Pok Choi appeared in early 1973. A second edition was published later that year. The second edition became the standard English version and was reprinted numerous times with various page sizes and covers. (Some of these printings were mistakenly identified as new editions on their title pages.) The second edition also served as the source text for most translations into other Western languages.

According to Unification Church publications director Michael Inglis, the new translation should be available shortly after the new year and and will be titled, Exposition of the Divine Principle. It will be published in number of different editions:

A full size deluxe bible-bound color version with ribbon and gilded edges
A paperback black and white edition
A paperback black and white pocket edition
An unbound hole punched lecturer color edition

Heading up the translation team were Mr. Jin Goon Kim and Dr. Andrew Wilson, with substantial help from Mr. Inglis and Mrs. June Saunders. The year-long project was conducted at the Unification Theological Seminary in Barrytown and the Church Headquarters in New York City. It included a consultation with the original translator, Dr. Choi, in Seoul, and several meetings with Church founder Rev. Sun Myung Moon.

The new translation was authorized by Rev. Moon in association with a color-coding project, designed as a study guide for members and lecturers. In the color-coded version, the most essential material will be printed in red, important material will be printed in blue, and the next level material will be printed in green. Lecturers wishing to give a summary overview of the Principle can stick with only the text in red. When giving more thorough elaborations they can add blue and green text as needed.

Translator Jin Goon Kim was uniquely qualified for the job of rendering the sacred text into English. A native born Korean raised in the U.S., he is the adopted son of Rev. Won Pil Kim, one of Rev. Moon's earliest disciples, and the natural son of the late Rev. Hyo Won Eu, the UC's first president. Since Rev. Eu authored the Korean version of Divine Principle under Rev. Moon's guidance, it was significant to have his son work on the translation.

Although the team points out that "the core teachings of the Divine Principle were not touched at all," the new translation does represent a major change from its predecessor.

"Our approach was non-literal," says Mr. Kim. "It seeks to communicate the thought, more than the exact words of the original." Dr. Choi had adopted a more literal approach in the original translation.

A draft of the translators' preface explains, "The Korean language has a structure and sensibility very different from English. Sometimes a literal translation shrouds profound thought in obscurity and does not convey complex argumentation in a manner intelligible to the Western reader."

The translating team sought "to accurately render the meaning of the Korean text into clear English, even if it meant breaking up sentences and rearranging the order of thought in a manner more suitable to the Western mind. At times we had to use creative phraseology, rather than a dictionary definition, to evoke comparable understandings, feelings and cultural associations."

Reading the new translation, one notices that the language has a more contemporary feel that the previous version. Sentences are shorter and less complex. Words have been updated, too. For example:

the generic term "man" has been replaced by "humans."

the terms "subject and object" are now rendered as "subject partner and object partner."

the title of one chapter has been changed from "Providential Age of Restoration and Age of the Prolongation of Restoration from the Standpoint of Providential Time Identity" to "The Parallels between the Two Ages in the Providence of Restoration."

"The whole thing flows more smoothly now," reflects Mrs. Saunders. "It's a lot less circular and convoluted. It's the same message, but it feels refreshed, almost like new material."

In addition to stylistic changes, the new translation has moved the biblical references from the text to the footnotes. It also clarifies confusing passages which resulted from differences between the Korean and English translations of the Bible. The team also created a new numbering system with four levels. The running head indicates not only which chapter but also the section and subsection; this greatly eases finding specific sections and is very similar in function to the chapter and verses we find in all Bibles.

The team spent long hours going over every sentence in the book after Mr. Kim and Dr. Wilson's initial rendering. Sometimes a whole afternoon was spent on a single paragraph.

"When we felt stuck, we'd back off, think about it, and then a clear solution would come later." explained Mr. Kim. "We definitely felt guided to concentrate on certain points."

Members of the translating team took the job very seriously. "Things happening around us confirmed the importance of the project," said Mr. Kim. "There were also moments where the internal world and external world seemed to resonate," he continued. "For instance, we'd be dealing with a certain historical period during the day, and then I'd happen to see a television documentary on the same subject that night. This happened several times. It was uncanny."

"I felt that President Eu was definitely working with Jin Goon," says Mrs. Saunders. "And one day while we were doing some editing, I seemed to hear his voice saying, `I am working with all of you.'"

Mr. Inglis also reported a spiritual experience. "I saw Jesus walking up a hill. He was carrying a huge cross. I was struck by how big and heavy the cross was--about fourteen feet tall. He looked at me and asked, `Will this book carry my cross?' I pledged that it would. I interpreted this to mean that the new translation is meant to help us bring the Principle more effectively to Christians." June Saunders had a similar experience.

In addition to the four-person translation team, several other advisors and consultants worked on the project, including Mrs. Choi, Rev. Joong Hyun Pak, Rev. Peter Kim, Dr. Tyler Hendricks, myself (Dan Fefferman), Dr. John Sonneborn, Mike Balcomb, Tom Bowers, Jonathan Gullery, Kathryn Coman and Il Hyun Kim.

Sidebar - quotes to be laid out side by side in Columns.

Previous Version

What then is the relationship between internal character and external form? The invisible internal character is the cause and is in the subjective position, while the visible external form is the result of the former and stands in an objective position to it. Accordingly, the reciprocal relationship which exists between the two is one of internal and external, cause and result, subject and object, or vertical and horizontal. (p 22)

From the above, we can see that Jesus' crucifixion was the result of the ignorance and disbelief of the Jewish people and was not God's predestination to fulfill the whole purpose of Jesus coming as the Messiah. I Corinthians 2:8 says, "None of the rulers of the age understood this; for if they had, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory." This should be sufficient proof. (p. 145)

God's form is also mathematical. Therefore, the world of creation, centering on man, is the substantial object of God, with His dual essentialities mathematically developed. For this reason, the development of science, which is searching for the principle of created things on the horizontal plane, is possible only by mathematical research. (p. 381)

New Version

What is the relationship between internal nature and external form? The internal nature is intangible and causal, and stands in the position of a *subject partner* to the external form; the external form is tangible, resultant, and stands in the position of an *object partner* to the internal nature. The mutual relationships between these two aspects of an entity include: internal and external, cause and result, subject partner and object partner, vertical and horizontal. (p 17)

From all the above evidence, we can deduce that Jesus' death on the cross was not necessary for the complete fulfillment of his mission as the Messiah. Rather, his death was the unfortunate outcome of the ignorance and disbelief of the people of his day. This is well illustrated by Jesus' last words on the cross: "Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do." (p 105)

The Principle by which God exists has a numerical aspect. The universe, with human beings at its center, was created based on numerical principles to be the unfolding of the dual characteristics of the invisible God as His substantial object partner. This is the reason science, which seeks to discover the external laws governing the universe, progresses only through research conducted with the aid of mathematics. (p. 263)

For the next few months we will print chosen excerpts from the new Exposition of the Divine Principle

Introduction - pages 3 - 5

We can discern two broad courses in the search for solutions to the fundamental questions of human life. In the first, people have searched within the resultant, material world. Those who walk this path, believing it to be the supreme way, kneel before the glories of highly developed science. They take pride in its omnipotence and the material comforts it provides. Nevertheless, can we enjoy full happiness founded only upon external conditions that satisfy the flesh? The advance of science may create a comfortable social environment in which we can enjoy abundant wealth and prosperity, but can that alone truly gratify the spiritual desires of the inner self?

The passing joys of those who delight in the pleasures of the flesh are nothing compared to the bliss experienced by those on the path of enlightenment, who find joy in the midst of simple poverty. Gautama Buddha, who abandoned the luxuries of the royal palace and became enraptured in the pursuit of the Way, was not the only one who wandered about homeless while searching for his heart's resting place. Just as a healthy body depends upon a sound mind, so too the joy of the body is complete only when the mind is content.

What of the sailor who voyages on the sea of the material world under the sail of science in search of physical comforts? Let him reach the coast for which he longs. He eventually will come to realize that it is nothing more than the very graveyard where his body will be buried.

Where is science heading? Until now, scientific research has not embraced the internal world of cause; it has limited itself to the external world. It has not embraced the world of essence, but has limited itself to the world of phenomena. However, science today is entering a new phase. It is compelled to elevate its gaze from the external and resultant world of phenomena to the internal and causal world of essence. The scientific world has begun to recognize that science cannot achieve its ultimate goals without a theoretical explanation of the causal, spiritual world.

When the sailor, who has completed his voyage in search of external truth under the sail of science, adds another sail, the sail of religion, and embarks on a new voyage in search of internal truth, he finally will be headed toward the destination for which his original mind yearns.

The second course of human endeavor is the attempt to answer the fundamental questions about human life by transcending the resultant world of phenomena and searching in the world of essence. Undeniably, philosophies and religions which have pursued this path have made many contributions. Philosophers, saints and sages set out to pave the way of goodness for the people of their times. Yet their accomplishments have become added spiritual burdens for the people of today.

Consider this objectively. Has any philosopher ever arrived at the knowledge that could solve humanity's deepest anguish? Has any sage ever clearly illuminated the path by resolving all the fundamental questions of human life and the universe? Have not their teachings and philosophies raised more unsettled questions, thus giving rise to skepticism?

Furthermore, the lights of revival which religions of every age cast upon the many souls who were groping in the darkness have faded with the onward flow of history. They have left only dim, sputtering wicks glimmering in the falling darkness.

Examine the history of Christianity. Professing the salvation of humankind, Christianity has expanded through a two-thousand-year tumultuous history, extending its influence throughout the world in the present era. Yet what has become of the Christian spirit that once cast flames of life so brilliant that, despite the most brutal persecution by the Roman empire, Roman citizens were brought to their knees before the crucified Jesus? Medieval feudal society buried Christianity alive. Even though the Reformation raised high the torch of new life, its flame could not turn back the sweeping tide of darkness.

When ecclesiastic love expired, when waves of capitalistic greed surged across Christian Europe, when starving masses cried out bitterly in the slums, the promise of their salvation came not from heaven but from the earth. Its name was communism. Christianity, though it professed the love of God, had degenerated into a dead body of clergy trailing empty slogans. It was then only natural that a banner of rebellion would be raised, arguing that a merciless God who would allow such suffering could not exist. Hence, modern materialism was born. Christian society became a hotbed of materialism; it was the fertile soil in which communism flourished.

Christianity lost the ability to equal the successes of either communism or materialism and failed to present the truth that could conquer their theories. Christians watched helplessly as these ideologies budded and thrived in their midst and expanded their influence all over the world. What a pity this is! What is more, although Christian doctrine teaches that all humanity descended from the same parents, many citizens of Christian nations who profess this doctrine will not even sit together with their brothers and sisters of different skin colors. This illustrates the actual situation of today's Christianity, which has lost the power to put the words of Jesus into practice. It has become a house of lifeless rituals, a whitewashed tomb.

The Principle of Creation - pages 24 - 25

2.3 The Four Position Foundation Which Realizes The Three Object Purpose Through Origin-Division-Union Action

2.3.1 Origin-Division-Union Action

The process of God's creation begins when the dual characteristics within God form a common base through the prompting of universal prime energy. As they engage in give and take action, they generate a force that engenders multiplication. This force projects the dual characteristics into separate substantial object partners, each relating to God as its center. These object partners to God then assume the position of subject partner and object partner to each other as they are prompted by the universal prime energy to form a common base and engage in give and take action. They then join together in one harmonious union to form a new object partner to God. This whole process-in which out of God, the Origin, two entities are separately manifested and reunited in oneness-is called origin- division-union action.

2.3.2 The Three Object Purpose

As a result of origin-division-union action, four positions are formed: the origin at the center, the subject partner and the object partner (distinct substantial object partners to the origin in the

pattern of its dual characteristics), and their union. Any one of the

four positions may assume the position of subject partner and engage the other three as its object partners, forming a communion of three object partners. When each of the four then acts as the subject partner and enters into give and take with the other three revolving around it, they fulfill the three object purpose.

2.3.3 The Four Position Foundation

When through origin-division-union action, the origin, the subject partner and object partner projected from the origin, and their union all fulfill the three object purpose, the four position foundation is established.

The four position foundation is the root of the number four. It is also the root of the number three, because it is the fulfillment of the three object purpose. The four position foundation is realized by God, husband and wife, and children; they complete the three stages of origin-division-union action. Hence, the four position foundation is the root of the principle of three stages. Furthermore, each of the four positions in the four position foundation takes on three object partners in fulfilling the three object purpose. In total there are twelve object partners; hence, it is the root of the number twelve. The four position foundation is the fundamental foundation of goodness. It is the realization of God's purpose of creation. It is the fundamental foundation for the life of all beings, providing all the forces necessary for their existence and enabling God to abide in them. Therefore, the four position foundation is God's eternal purpose of creation.

New Hope Academy Establishes Scholarship Fund, Seeks Donations"

Ted Agres-Washington

The New Hope Academy is seeking donors to help establish a special new scholarship fund for qualified elementary-age students. New Hope Academy, a private elementary and pre-school established by Unification Church members six years ago, offers high-quality academics combined with Shimjung education (heart and character).

Due to the lean finances within our movement, the level of corporate sponsorship among businesses has decreased over the last two years. This new scholarship fund, therefore, is especially important since it will allow many more families to enroll their children.

New Hope currently has more than 100 elementary students in grades K-8 and 60 additional children enrolled in day care/pre-school. The school is fully diversified with more than half of these children coming from 20 different faiths and with students and staff representing some 30 different nationalities.

"New Hope provides a beautiful, creative and safe environment that fosters learning and character development," said Joy Morrow, New Hope's principal and administrator. "In addition, results from annual Stanford Achievement Tests place New Hope in the top 20th percentile of all schools -- public but mostly private -- taking that standardized exam," she added.

Equally important, Mrs. Morrow continued, "Shimjung education encourages students to use not only their critical thinking skills, but also to use their conscience and to recognize God's intrinsic presence in all things."

New Hope was started in 1990 when 40 Unificationist families in the Washington, D.C. area pledged $300,000 to handle the costs of starting up a school. "Divine inspiration showed us which building to buy -- a $1.1 million former public school building in a working class neighborhood just outside Washington," said Mrs. Morrow. Dr. Bo Hi Pak, who was at the time in charge of certain businesses in the area, agreed that those businesses would contribute toward the $6,000 per month mortgage payments as well as cover some renovation if the members would handle all the other expenses.

"Father personally approved of this school project and gave it its name -- New Hope Academy," Mrs. Morrow said.

However, over the past few years, the businesses no longer were able to donate the needed funds for the mortgage payments, so the entire financial responsibility has fallen on the member community. "Last year we approached Father about New Hope's finances and he said that we were a project of the American movement and that American families and businesses should sustain it," Mrs. Morrow said.

"This is part of the reason we are approaching the members outside of the Washington area," she added. "We also believe that New Hope's success will allow it to become a model for the same kind of school in various communities all across the country," she said.

The new scholarship fund will provide scholarships to worthy students. Arrangements may be made for older elementary students from around the country to attend New Hope and stay with a local family for a period of time.

Donors may pledge anywhere from $5 a month on up. A donation of $210 per month provides a half scholarship, $105 a quarter scholarship, and smaller amounts may be pooled together to offer additional half and quarter scholarships.

Tax-deductible contributions may be earmarked for preference to grade level, religion, ethnic background, learning disability, talented and gifted, and so on.

Mrs. Morrow also reminds families that an end of the year tax donation to the scholarship fund, or to the school in general, is the perfect way to make sure that you have your full tax deduction for 1995.

Checks and/or pledges should be made out to Unification Educational Foundation, Inc. (UEF) and mailed to: UEF, 7009 Varnum St., Landover Hills, MD 20784. Write for additional information or call: 301/459- 6271.

Loosening the Apron Strings

Usually we associate issues of loss and separation with the death of a loved one. We go through Kubler-Ross' stages of bereavement-denial, anger, bargaining, depression and finally acceptance of the absence and adjustment to life without the Other.

But what happens when the Other doesn't die, but leaves us anyway? What about the loss, through growing up, of our children?

We bring the little one home from the hospital. He is so helpless; so needy; so dependent on us. We hold him close, and vow never to let him down; never to permit the big, ugly, dangerous world to intrude with its dark shadow upon this bright countenance. Sniffles and fevers may occasionally come to remind us that destiny or chance could sever our bond at any moment; but we go to war against them and we are victorious. Those First Steps

Then a great and terrible thing happens: your child rises and walks. Those first steps are the beginning of loss. They become faster and steadier. Frequently they turn toward the parent, but more often, away. And sometimes the freedom of toddling is so delicious that the little one does not respond to a call or a handclap or a whistle. He may even resist-with flailing arms and legs and shrieks of rage-your efforts to bring him back.

At this point, many parents begin working on a second child. "To be company for the first one," of course; or to "go for a girl this time." More often, however, the deep internal unconscious reasoning is to replace the little explorer who now finds the contents of their house, kitchen, cabinets, more exciting than they.

Or they get a pet. A dog. It will come when it's called. Or-Mom particularly-they get a job. Then she does the leaving.

Or the parents spend a major portion of the day stifling the child's growth, "baby-fying" him. They do everything for him: smash his food long and ladle it into his mouth long after he can chew and feed himself, pick out his clothes, put his toys away.

The Daddy World

Fathers usually handle this phase better than mothers. After all, to get to the child, the father had to get it out of the woman. Now he feels the same desire: to get the child out of the house to play ball, to visit somebody...just to be with him and get a little Daddy fragrance on his child. For the little one, Daddy is so much more exciting. He appears to have mastered the world that Mommy fusses so much about. He scoffs at the stroller, preferring to hold his offspring (Real Men don't push strollers with bears and Barbie dolls all over them).

To Moms, Dads often appear to be a part of the big, ugly world. Most women assume their husbands know little about raising children, and load them down with paraphernalia and useless advice which they themselves don't need. School Bells Ring

Just as the family has resigned itself to a few adults outside sharing the child's affection, it becomes time to educate him. For most children, nursery school or Play Group happens at about age 3 1/2. Nearly all children are off to school by age six. For many of them, this is the first real experience away from Mom and Dad. Whether it is an exciting or traumatic one depends on the parents.

The classic of the first day of school is of the six-year-old clinging miserably to his mother's skirt, while Teacher attempts to pry his little fingers loose. A former Jacob House caretaker smiled at this image as she related the story of a little girl of five, one of her charges, who would throw a howling fit every time her mother brought her to the facility. Mother would attempt, with tears and pleading, to comfort the child, and promise...promise...to come back soon, as the caretaker carried the child, now limp from weeping, up the stairs. From a second-floor window she would sit, literally shaking with sobs, forlornly waving as mother went down the walk and started up the car. When the taillight smoke had disappeared, the child transformed. She chuckled and shook her head as she turned away from the window. It was at that moment that the caretaker understood: the act was for Mom! Of course, some parents home-school. That prevents separation. But while home schooling is the best way to go when done by a qualified parent with plenty of time and motivation to do it, too often it is botched by the well-meaning. What gives home schooling a bad name is the number of parents who just have so many things on their plate that lessons are put off and put off, and the child learns little, if anything.

New Experts in the House

Now the parents' knowledge, opinion, and even authority comes into question with a new authority figure. "But, Mom, Teacher says"" becomes the start of every sentence. Teacher says that gloves are better than mittens; that a PBJ and a Twinkie do not constitute a healthy lunch; that a subject and a verb have to agree.

Friends and their parents become competition, too. "Frankie gets to stay up late. Billy's mom let him watch "The X Files." Susie's folks order pizza all the time." Activities outside the home take him away, too; "overnights" with friends and trips to the mall. You hope the friends-even the Church ones-will care for him as you would. Are there weapons in the house? Can he see to cross the street without getting hit? No amount of "street-smarts" ever takes the fear away completely; and more than one parent has lain awake, anxiously listening for the 'phone, while the object of his anxiety slumbered peacefully on the other side of town.

...And so, Goodbye...

Finally come the days which cannot be avoided: the acceptance to a university in a distant city, or the assignment to a mission far away, or the Blessing to a spouse in another country. Father and mother's feelings are bittersweet: of course the child should go; must go. But is he ready? Can he take care of himself? Will he be all right? And what will fill the silence in the house and the ache of loneliness in the parental heart?

If parents and children have communicated well over the years, this will not be a problem. Phone calls and letters will fly back and forth, and AT&T and the postal service will prosper. If, on the other hand, communication has been difficult, the sadness parents feel may well be regret at not having forged a richer relationship.

Our children are with us for such a short while, and our days are so full that we often don't have time to connect. Rather than being anxious about the future, we need to use every possible opportunity to forge a relationship of love, closeness and support, so that our children will come back to us whenever they can and remember their good experiences with us. That is what they will pass on to their future generations.

Kook Jin Nim Speaks in Phoenix, Arizona

by Mark Anderson-Phoenix, AZ

On Oct. 22, Kook Jin Moon, the seventh child of Rev. and Mrs. Sun Myung Moon, delivered the "True Family and I" address in Phoenix, Arizona.

Close to 150 people filled the sanctuary of the Higher Vision Center to hear the inspirational message of hope and unification.

The program began at 2:30pm with a reception in the courtyard outside the beautiful sanctuary. At 3:00 the choir of the Open Door Church led by their irrepressible pastor, Rev. Morrison, got the spirit moving with several gospel numbers.

This was followed by original music and lyrics offered by the New Inspiration Singers, a local Arizona a cappella singing ensemble. In introducing one of the original numbers, the group's leader, Mrs. Elayssandria London, shared about the power of repentance. She pointed out in the audience her white friend, who had asked Elay's forgiveness for the past sins which whites committed against blacks. This in turn has helped Elay to begin to lay bridges of love and understanding between herself and those of different races. It was a deeply moving moment for the entire audience, which was a beautiful mix of many races and skin colors.

The master of ceremonies, Mr. Eugene Hutloff, a local high school teacher, introduced Mrs. Beverly Tidwell, the president of the Arizona Chapter of Candlelighters, a support organization for families with children who suffer terminal illness.

Mrs. Tidwell introduced the keynote speaker, Kook Jin Moon, by sharing how the vision and example of Kook Jin Nim's parents had transformed her own life.

Kook Jin Nim conveyed the profound content of "The True Family and I" with sincerity and emotion.

Following the speech and the presentation of flowers to the speaker, the Open Door Choir closed the event with a powerful gospel rendition.

A gift basket containing a variety of edible goodies was presented by the members to Mrs. Kym Guntermann, the pastor of the Unification Church of Arizona, in appreciation for her faith, love and perseverance in spearheading the effort to organize and put on the program.

A victory cake was enjoyed by Kook Jin Nim and the local congregation at the Arizona Unification Church center after the speech. The regional leader, Rev. Sung Sang Lee, shared news of the worldwide movement during the informal gathering which followed.

Jin-A Kindergarten: Moving into a School of Tomorrow

by Sarah Ribble-Clifton, NJ


Recently I had the opportunity to visit my daughter Daniella's new Kindergarten class at Jin-A. The Kindergarten program just started this year with 12 students (six boys and six girls) attending.

The upstairs Yellow House has been completely converted to an incredible multi-purpose learning center. I was very impressed with the excellent curriculum and quality learning materials being used. The curriculum includes a multifaceted approach to reading, writing and phonics. The math curriculum introduces creative thinking, hands- on learning, manipulatives, as well as teaching basic math concepts. The core of the program is focused on Shim Jung education, which includes internal guidance, teaching responsibility, and including God in all subjects. Monthly themes such as "Gratitude" and "What God Created" provide many opportunities for deeper sharing. Bennett's "Book of Virtues" is an often-used source of inspiration.

I am most impressed with the Kindergarten teacher Maxine Becker. Maxine has invested much time and effort in preparing for each lesson. Maxine also teaches programs on parenting and children's self-esteem and this certainly comes through in her teaching style.

The children also receive special art and music enrichment classes from Kindermusic certified teacher Anna Collura. Anna will also be teaching a special Kindermusic Program for all children starting next in December (please call Jin-A for details).

Recently the Kindergarten received a donation of a computer and color printer along with many learning programs which the children have been learning to use.

Every day I am grateful that our children can be a part of a nurturing and loving environment, receiving a quality education of heart and academics.

School of Tomorrow

New and exciting developments are on the horizon at Jin-A. The Jin-A Board of Directors has given approval to research starting a first grade and perhaps additional grades at Jin-A. A representative for "School of Tomorrow" gave a presentation to interested parents and teachers. The "School of Tomorrow" is a Christian-based organization which specializes in developing curriculum and methods which churches can use to begin their own schools, and we are thinking of implementing this program. The curriculum is a mastery-based system which is individualized to meet a child's specific learning needs. Another impressive point is that character development is woven throughout the entire fabric of the curriculum. The program can also be tailored to include other subjects such as Divine Principle and Korean. This system allows you to have students of various grades in the same classroom.

We are still in the planning stages, and at this point we are looking for two qualified teachers as well as others who want to be on the advisory committee. Please contact Jin-A Childcare Center if you are interested. We are extremely excited by these new developments and will keep you informed of our progress. 

In Memoriam: Eugene Dickson (1965-1995)

It was on Feb. 22, 1995. The Church of God in Christ in Idua Eket, Nigeria, had scheduled a Divine Principle evening workshop for its members. We needed an excellent Divine Principle lecturer because some of the church members were college students. None of us felt confident to teach. The workshop was set for 7pm Wednesday evening. Preparation had been made at a prior visit to the church. A brother who teaches the Divine Principle very well had to undertake another responsibility on the very day of the workshop; the assignment would last up until the hour of the workshop. We literally panicked because he had to make a great presentation at this church for the benefit of the participants as well as a foundation for the other churches we would be contacting. As the hours rolled on, we reached fever pitch by mid- day wondering who would teach these people.

That afternoon, a few hours before the workshop, a little child ran from the front yard to announce the arrival of a visitor. To our surprise, there stood Eugene. Praise God! Please, Eugene, prepare yourself-we said-you have only a few hours to teach the Divine Principle to an entire church! Without any hesitation he accepted. He prayed deeply for the short period he had to prepare. He refused to eat until he was finished teaching.

How did Eugene know that we were in Eket? Maybe someone told him; however, we did not ask him any questions, completely overwhelmed and relieved at seeing him. How did he know that we needed him so desperately at that particular time? It must have been God who assessed the situation and sent in help.

He passed on while teaching a 40-day Divine Principle workshop. How glorious his "sleep"! Words cannot express our true feelings about Eugene's absence in this physical realm. Yet we rejoice; the memory of this great saint lingers on, as we wish her could be here a little longer. Who understands the ways of God? Eugene's responsibility in the spiritual world must be greater-hence, his early call.

To his new spouse we extend our comfort. To Eugene's parents: we say your son is a great offering. All brothers and sisters who knew Eugene realized that we have another champion in the spirit world who will push to advance God's providence in this physical as well as the spiritual realm.

Eugene, we love you and thank you for accepting the call to be the offering.

Iwuk Asuamah