Unification Internet Resources by Peter Wettstein

The most commonly asked question at social gatherings is not What's your name? anymore, but What's your e-mail address? It is fashionable to have at least an e-mail address, if not a home page on the World Wide Web. There is no doubt about the advantages of having e-mail and Internet access. For instance, you can send messages, letters, pictures, sounds, etc. in minutes or even seconds to anybody around the world, provided the recipient has also e-mail. There is also a vast amount of information on the Internet and as the Yellow Page commercial goes, If it's not in there, it probably doesn't exist. Likewise, practically anything you can think of is somewhere on the Internet. The only question that remains is how to find it.

In keeping up with technology, several brothers and sisters of the Unification community have made a lot of effort to make Unification resources like speeches, pictures, even whole books etc. available for anybody on the Internet.

Damian Anderson's Unification Home Page (www.cais.com/unification/) provides Unificationist resources in many different languages. This includes online versions of the Divine Principle, The Tradition, God's Will and the World, World Scripture, many early and most recent sermons of the Reverend Moon, and many more. You can also download Holy Songs and play them on your computer. This page also contains many links to other Unification Home Pages like the Sun Moon University in Korea (www.sunmoon.ac.kr/), the PWPA home page (www.idis.com/pwpa/homepage.htm), and others which I will mention in more detail. Furthermore, there are links to other religious resources like the Quran, the teachings of Swedenborg, etc. The Unification Home Page is a great starting point for Unification resources.

Also World CARP has it's own home page (haven.ios.com/~natlcarp/shell.html).

It provides information about the CARP Academy, CARP Newsletter, and others. World CARP in Chicago (http://icarus.uic.edu/~phill1/) run by Paulette Hill has also a web page. Besides having very informative essays on CARP, it provides an extensive list of Projects of the Unification Movement.

If you want to know the latest on political events nationally and world wide and you don't want to rely on your biased local newspaper, turn to The Washington Times National Weekly (www.townhall.com/wash times/). In order to be able to navigate on this page, you have to enable your browser to load images.

For German speaking members, there is Paul Ettl's Informationen der Vereinigungsbewegung (www.ettl.co.at/vk/), another great starting point. It contains the Divine Principle and many other texts and speeches you guessed it in German. Paul Ettl is also running a mirror of the Unification Church files from Gary Fleisher's BBS. Here you can download speeches, books, pictures and many other resources of the Unification Movement a true treasure chest. So if you don't want to spend a lot of money on long distance phone charges to download files from Gary's BBS in Colorado, connect to (www.ettl.co.at/ettl/org/vk/hsabbs/). Paul Ettl also has a nice compilation of all Unification on-line resources, however, your browser has to support tables. It is at (www.ettl.co.at/unification/). If you are using America Online, your browser does not support tables. In this case you are better off connecting to Damian Anderson's page that gives the same resources without the table format.

Another valuable resource is Lai Hong Cheong's page The Parents and the Completed Testament Age (www.iscs.nus.sg/~cheongla/TP CTA.html). He deals extensively with the significance and history of the Holy Weddings, listing them with dates, numbers, pictures and other information. In the sub- section The True Family, there is a brief biography of Rev. Moon, an introduction to the Life and Teachings of Sun Myung Moon,and the full text of the booklets The Reverend Sun Myung Moon I Know by Dr. Young Oon Kim and Father's Course and Our Life of Faith. This web page also lists many organizations and activities of the Unification movement.

HeartWing (www.pacifier.com/~hrtwing) is a newsletter published by Victoria Clevenger. HeartWing's purpose is to help us learn from, connect to, and more deeply value the heart and insight of each other, beyond any differences in race, religion, nationality, or gender.

The HeartThread Resource Page (mediabook.worldgate.com/futurerealm/) - The Internet Resource Page of Marriage, Parenting & International Family Traditions , is not church-related, but is a non-denominational, educational page sponsored by FutureRealm Productions. The site includes HeartQuestions , a Q&A Forum where you can submit questions about marriage, parenting or family issues to Peter F. Brown, author of the book Striving For Parental Love - A Practical Guide on Giving Parental Love to Children. Send mail to futurerp@cris.com (Peter F. Brown).

The latest addition to these Internet resources is the HSA E-Directory (users.aol.com/HSAUWC/). It is sort of the White Pages of e- mail addresses of members of the Unification Movement. I am planning to list also e-mail addresses of UC organizations. If you would like to be included, please send a note with your name, e-mail address, city, state or country to HSAUWC@aol.com. (Please note, this is not the official HSA e-mail address. It is only for the E-Directory!) Here you can also download a tab delimited file that contains all addresses and import them into your database, word processor or spreadsheet for printout.

If you have been toying with the idea of getting online, just do it. With a computer, a modem (preferably 14.4 kbps or faster), and a free copy of the America Online software, also you can be hip and surf the net. The America Online software comes free with almost every computer magazine these days. Try it out for free for a month (10 hours). If you don't like it, the cancellation process is simple. America Online has a wealth of information, software programs to download etc.--as do all other online services, of course.