RYS & WFWP to Cosponsor School Project in Guatemala

by John Gehring-NYC

A decade ago, the World Student Corp worked to construct two schools in Santiago Atitlan in a mountainous region of Guatemala. In 1998, one of the schools is in desperate need for expansion because of the growing demand from poor villagers seeking a basic education.

On May 14-23, the 4th American Friendship Project will be held in Guatemala and it will include substantial construction work on the expansion of the one of the schools in Santiago Atitlan. The crowded five room school house now can fit 50 students but an equal number of poor local students are currently seeking admission. As a result of this demand the RYS and WFWP are joining together with friends in Guatemala to help construct a second floor to the school.

America's Friendship Projects (AFP):

The RYS and WFWP have been sponsoring the American Friendship Projects which began in 1996 in an effort to bring students and young adults from the America's together to provide service, share friendship, culture, ideals and faith.

The first American Friendship Project was hosted in Haiti, 1996 and was followed by projects in Honduras and in the Dominican Republic. The 4th AFP being held in Guatemala will involve fifty youth from more then a dozen nations in an effort to deepen links of friendship and promote a future of peace and cooperation.

The Guatemala AFP project will focus on a theme of, " Sharing True Values through Educational Uplift". The project will begin with a two day orientation in Guatemala City on May 14 and will be followed by five days of work service in Santiago Atitlan near beautiful Lake Atitlan which is between three volcanoes.

Participants will work together to help construct the 2nd floor of a rural school house. Immediately following the project participants will be offered an optional two day sightseeing adventure.

The sponsors of the American Friendship Project include the Religious Youth Service (RYS) and the Women's Federation for World Peace. (WFWP). RYS was initiated in 1985 as an international service project that has involved tens of thousands of young adults from over 90 nations in active service and religious cooperation.

RYS has sponsored nearly 70 service projects in twenty seven nations.

The WFWP was inaugurated in 1992 and is a UN registered NGO with chapters in over 180 nations worldwide. The WFWP has had numerous peace activities, promoted service and educational outreach globally. The WFWP has cooperated with the RYS in sponsoring American Friendship Projects since 1996.

If you are from 18 - 28 years of age the RYS is accepting applications for those who would like to participate in this project. We look forward to involving an increasing number of students and young adults in these exciting adventures. This project, as all RYS projects, depends on the generosity of people like yourself.

4th America's Friendship Project

Guatemala, May 14-23, 1998 (tentative dates). Theme: Sharing True Values through Educational Uplift. Sponsors: The Religious Youth Service, Women's Federation for World Peace. Participants: Ages 18-28. Qualifications: Good health, excellent morals. Language: Either English and/or Spanish.

For more information and application for the RYS, or if you are able to make a monetary donation to support the project, please contact us at:

RYS, 4 West 43rd Street, New York, NY 10036. Fax 212 869-6424, Phone 212 869-6023 ext 429. e mail at: rys@pipeline.com. Donations by check should be made to IRFF or the IRF with a note that it is to be used for the Guatemala project.