Rev. Pak Speaks to National Baptist Convention

by Richard L. Lewis-NYC

Rev. Joong Hyun Pak took the providence a great step forward as a keynote speaker at the National Baptist Convention (NBC) held January 19–22, 1998, in Los Angeles. This Convention is one of the largest associations of Baptist churches in America, including some 33,000 churches. Speakers to the Convention this year also included Rev. Jesse Jackson and singer Stevie Wonder.

Rev. Pak was invited to speak to some 2,000 clergy, including the NBC state presidents of 50 states. His speech was entitled, "True Families and the Kingdom of God in America." Prior to the speech he was able to have a constructive meeting with Dr. Henry Lyons, President of the NBC, and his family and staff. They understood the crucial role of the family for the future of America, and the necessity to strengthen the family through marriage rededication and True Family Values.

Dr. Lyons was concerned that the larger body of clergy might not be completely receptive to a message from a different denomination, but in the spirit and wisdom of Dr. Martin Luther King, who was a member of the Convention, he invited Rev. Pak to speak. Rev. Pak was the first Asian, by the way, to formally address the NBC.

Rev. Pak first thanked the NBC for their support during Reverend Moon’s imprisonment in Danbury and the work of the Coalition for Religious Freedom. He then outlined the True Family Values Ministry and the role of the Blessing in rededicating families to a God-centered marriage. He spoke of his admiration for Dr. Martin Luther King and his efforts to bring religious and racial harmony.

The wisdom of Dr. Lyon’s ecumenism was vindicated when Rev. Pak’s speech received a standing ovation!