Inaugural Ceremony for the Family Federation for Unification and World Peace - America Held in New York City

On the evening of November 22, 1994 the Family Federation for Unification and World Peace had its inaugural service in the main chapel at the Unification Church National Headquarters building in New York.

The emcee was Rev. Daryl Clarke, who serves as pastor for the Unification Church in Manhattan and Harlem. Mr. Robert Hall led singing, and a beautiful banner made by Terry MacMahon graced the chapel from above the stage. Dr. Frank Kaufmann, Executive Director of the Inter Religious Federation for World Peace, gave the opening prayer. As the leader of a sister organization to the Family Federation, Dr. Kaufmann's prayer signified the collegiality of the several Federations which Reverend and Mrs. Moon have established at the outset of the Completed Testament Age.

Dr. Tyler Hendricks, Vice-President of the Unification Church in America, then gave an opening address, introducing some points about the providential meaning of the Family Federation. This talk is excerpted in this Unification News, along with Reverend Moon's much more substantial explanation of the Family Federation.

Mrs. Nora Spurgin, President of the Women's Federation for World Peace, then introduced the presidential couple of the Family Federation, Reverend Farley Jones and Mrs. Betsy Jones. Her remarks are also reprinted in this issue.

Reverend Jones then took the podium and delivered his opening address as our new Family Federation President. His talk was in large part autobiographical, because his exact mandate as leader of this newly- founded organization is not precisely defined. Nonetheless, his attitude of faith and desire to serve the country is the true foundation for victory in the new responsibility accepted by his couple. His address is also excerpted in this issue.

Reverend Clarke then introduced Mr. Bill Lay and Mrs. Lisa Lay, who are the directing couple for the Family Federation of New York Region. As is Reverend Jones, Mr. Lay is a practicing lawyer; Rev. Jones working in Albany, New York and Mr. Lay on Wall Street. Mr. Lay's remarks drew a good bit of laughter from the audience, as he traced his family's repetition of the Jones's course over the past few years (see excerpt).

Mrs. Spurgin gave the closing prayer, and after the singing of the holy song, "Song of the Banquet," Rev. Jones led a rousing mansai to close the service. A lively reception followed in the 4 West 43rd Street lobby.