Holy Song Competition

by Dr Tyler O. Hendricks-NYC

Our church has a tradition of beautiful holy songs. These songs are unique, representing some deep insights into the heart of God and the way of restoration through tears of True Love. Also they uphold the highest ideals and boldest vision of God's kingdom coming through our hard work.

"Marching on heavenly soldiers/ Marching on with His love/ Uniting in life eternal/ With our God in Heaven and earth"

To fulfill the ideal of God's creation

Some of our holy songs are derived from the Christian tradition. One of the most well-known is "Song of the Garden", a hymn sung by the Scotch-Irish Presbyterians of the Appalachian mountains. "Spring of Life" also has a distinctly western flavor. Others, such as "The Father's Dwelling Place", are Korean traditional melodies with new words. Most, however, are original songs written by our church members, with several by Reverend Moon himself.

The melodies of these songs are unique, as far as my limited knowledge extends. They are not simple, but cascade through surprising shifts and turns. I told my wife, who is Korean, that these melodies are very unusual to western ears, and are they typically Korean? She said no, they sound unusual to Korean ears also!

We have a collection of 40 songs in the American holy song book. The Japanese holy song book and the Korean holy song book many more. These song books include Christian hymns and other songs which came from members and never crossed the Pacific Ocean.

We now want to increase the number and variety of American and western holy songs. To accomplish this in 1995, Reverend Joong Hyun Pak is calling for a holy song competition here in America--and to include of course the international readership of Unification News. Here are the ground rules:

(a) Send us a tape and lyrics of your song. The tape should not be overly orchestrated, but should allow us to hear the basic song as members would sing it.

(b) It must be either 1. an original song, written to the glory of God and True Parents work on the earth; 2. any song, especially a hymn, for which HSA can obtain copyright.

(c) A panel of judges will evaluate all submissions.

(d) The best songs will be published in a new holy song book in 1996.

(e) The top three songs will receive cash prizes in December, 1995.

(f) Deadline for submissions is May 1st, 1995

(g) Mail to: Dr. Hendricks, HSA Song Contest, 4 West 43rd, NY NY 10036.