Champion and Hero of Peace Sun Myung Moon Has Ascended into the Spirit World!

Angelika Selle
September 2, 2012
President, WFWP USA

Dear members and friends of Women's Federation for World Peace,

Greetings in the love of God!

We just received the news that our dear Father Moon, Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon, husband of Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, our WFWP founder, transcended into the spiritual realm in Korea this afternoon at 12:54 pm Eastern time.

At age 92, after a life of suffering, service and constant investment for the sake God and humanity, he kept pushing himself (working hard and barely sleeping) even at his ripe old age to bring about a world of peace even one day sooner. A couple weeks ago, due to severe pneumonia, he was admitted to a hospital in Seoul, Korea. And yesterday, after there was no further hope of saving his life with modern medical science, he was transferred to the Cheongshim Hospital, where he passed away, surrounded by his wife and children.

Thank you for all your prayers and fasting support to bring about healing even against all odds. Words cannot describe how many of us feel who have known him and worked with him for the last 40 years, and we are deeply saddened that he passed from us so quickly. Yet knowing him, he will not rest, but rather continue to work from the other side to make God's dream and humanity's dream a reality.

May we as women, mothers and daughters, surround him with our love and prayers as he is ascending. Let us also surround our dear Mother Moon, Rev. In Jin Moon, their daughter who is also the national pastor of Lovin' Life Ministries here in the United States, as well as all their family.

May we now even more than ever before support and work together with our Mother Moon, our founder of WFWP, as she will be leading the Unification Movement on Father Moon's behalf.

The time and place of his Ascension Ceremony will be announced soon.

Please send any letters of encouragement and condolences you might wish to write to Father Moon's family to as soon as possible.

With love,
Angelika Selle