Table of Contents


Preface From The Korean Text
Preface To the English Edition

Book 1 True Parents
Chapter 1 True Parents [Part 1]
Chapter 1 True Parents [Part 2]
Chapter 2 Messiah and True Parents
Chapter 3 The Necessity of True Parents
Chapter 4 The Mission of True Parents
Chapter 5 True Parents and the Kingdom of God
Chapter 6 True Parents and Us [Part 1]
Chapter 6 True Parents and Us [Part 2]
Chapter 6 True Parents and Us [Part 3]
Chapter 7 Our Life Centered On True Parents
Chapter 8 Three Great Subjects Thought and the Proclamation of True Parents [Part 1]
Chapter 8 Three Great Subjects Thought and the Proclamation of True Parents [Part 2]
Chapter 8 Three Great Subjects Thought and the Proclamation of True Parents [Part 3]
Chapter 9 Directions Regarding True Parents

Book 2 Earthly Life and Spirit World #1
Chapter 1 - The Existence of Human Beings on Earth And In the Spirit World [Part 1]
Chapter 1 - The Existence of Human Beings on Earth And In the Spirit World [Part 2]
Chapter 1 - The Existence of Human Beings on Earth And In the Spirit World [Part 3]
Chapter 2 - Death and the Spirit World [Part 1]
Chapter 2 - Death and the Spirit World [Part 2]
Chapter 2 - Death and the Spirit World [Part 3]
Chapter 2 - Death and the Spirit World [Part 4]
Chapter 3 - The Spirit World [Part 1]
Chapter 3 - The Spirit World [Part 2]
Chapter 3 - The Spirit World [Part 3]
Chapter 3 - The Spirit World [Part 4]

Book 3 Earthly Life and Spirit World #2
Chapter 1 The Kingdom of God [Part 1] 
Chapter 1 The Kingdom of God [Part 2]
Chapter 1 The Kingdom of God [Part 3]
Chapter 1 The Kingdom of God [Part 4]
Chapter 2 The Messiah and the Spirit World [Part 1]
Chapter 2 The Messiah and the Spirit World [Part 2]
Chapter 2 The Messiah and the Spirit World [Part 3]
Chapter 3 Entering the Spirit World [Part 1]
Chapter 3 Entering the Spirit World [Part 2]
Chapter 4 The Relationship Between Ourselves and Spirit People [Part 1]
Chapter 4 The Relationship Between Ourselves and Spirit People [Part 2]
Chapter 4 The Relationship Between Ourselves and Spirit People [Part 3]

Book 4 Filial Piety
The Prayers of Sun Myung Moon - Filial Piety [Part 1] 
The Prayers of Sun Myung Moon - Filial Piety [Part 2]
The Prayers of Sun Myung Moon - Filial Piety [Part 3]
The Prayers of Sun Myung Moon - Filial Piety [Part 4]

Book 5 Life In the Spirit World and On Earth

Chapter One - A Letter Of Offering To True Parents
Chapter Two - Earthly Life And Life In The Spirit World [Part 1]
Chapter Two - Earthly Life And Life In The Spirit World [Part 2]
Chapter Three - Life In The Spirit World Viewed From The Principle
Chapter Four - Meetings In The Spirit World I
Chapter Five - Meetings In The Spirit World II [Part 1]
Chapter Five - Meetings In The Spirit World II [Part 2]
Chapter 6 - Lucifer, A Criminal Against Humanity [Part 1]
Chapter 6 - Lucifer, A Criminal Against Humanity [Part 2]
Chapter 6 - Lucifer, A Criminal Against Humanity [Part 3]
Chapter 6 - Lucifer, A Criminal Against Humanity [Part 4]

Book 6 Who Is He
Chapter 1 - The Principle Of Constructing Secret Messages and How To Render Them In Plain Language
Chapter 2 - The Korean Books Of Prophecy
Chapter 3 - The Historical Accuracy And Validity Of Korean Prophecies
Chapter 4 - Objective Messianic Qualifications Found In The Books Of Prophecy
Chapter 5 - The Purpose Of the Messiah's Advent
Chapter 6 - Look For the Messiah



Book 1 True Parents
Chapter 1 True Parents
Chapter 2 Messiah and True Parents
Chapter 3 The Necessity of True Parents
Chapter 4 The Mission of True Parents
Chapter 5 True Parents and The Kingdom of God
Chapter 6 True Parents and Us
Chapter 7 Our Life Centered On True Parents
Chapter 8 Three Great Subjects Thought and the Proclamation of True Parents
Chapter 9 Direction Regarding True Parents

Book 2 Earthly Life and Spirit World 1
Chapter 1 The Existence of Human Beings on Earth and in the Spirit World
Chapter 2 Death and the Spirit World
Chapter 3 The Spirit World

Book 3 Earthly Life and Spirit World 2
Chapter 1 The Kingdom of God
Chapter 2 The Messiah and the Spiritual World
Chapter 3 Entering the Spirit World
Chapter 4 The Relationship Between Ourselves and Spirits

Book 4 Filial Piety

Book 5 Life In the Spirit World and On Earth
Chapter 1 A Letter of Offering to True Parents
Chapter 2 Earthly Life and Life in the Spirit World
Chapter 3 Life in the Spirit World Viewed From the Principle
Chapter 4 Meetings in the Spirit World I
Chapter 5 Meetings in the Spirit World II
Chapter 6 Lucifer, Criminal Against Humanity

Book 6 Who Is He
Chapter 1 The Principle of Constructing Secret Messages How to Render Them in Plain Language
Chapter 2 The Korean Books of Prophecy
Chapter 3 The Historical Accuracy and Validity of Korean Prophecies
Chapter 4 Objective Messianic Qualifications Found in the Books of Prophecy
Chapter 5 The Purpose of the Messiah's Advent
Chapter 6 Look for the Messiah!

Preface From The Korean Text

Preface From The Korean Text

Reverend Sun Myung Moon received a special summons from God at age sixteen and has walked only that one path all of his life. The value of Reverend Moon's noble life is that he revealed God completely who has been hidden throughout human history, and that he has accomplished God's Will.

Reverend Moon clarified that man is the essence of true love, true life and true lineage, with God and man existing in a parent and child relationship. The fall of man, brought on by humankind's ancestors, destroyed man's original value and brought him to the pitiful state of sinking in the swamp of sin. This Teacher, Reverend Moon, who has realized with his whole being the suffering God who has been recreating His children to their original shape, tried to bring freedom to God and humanity. The teacher expressed the reality of his life in the following words:

Until now, I have walked the path of persecution. The Unification Church of Reverend Moon has received the most persecution, from the individual, family, tribe, society, nation and the world.

If I summed up my life and described it in one word, it would be misery, indescribable misery. I have a past that no one has understood; only God knew the situation. Those who prayed about me expressed that there are only tears. Those who prayed to find out who the teacher is, could only cry at his situation.

In brief, Teacher's course of life is the indemnity course for the total restoration of God's providence, and therefore each of those countless sufferings contains great significance as a providential event. Teacher is the ancestor of goodness and the one who walked the path of True Parent all of his life, washing away the sinful history of the false parents, caused by Adam and Eve's fall, through his blood, sweat, and tears.

We can realize the value of True Love and True Parents through the life of Reverend and Mrs. Moon's couple. Moreover, through his words we can know his identity deeply. Through the already published 240 volumes of speeches, he clearly explains God and man, the world, history and the spirit world. The evidence that he has come from Heaven is that he has the truth and that truth is revealed through his life.

Teacher said the unique strategy of the providence of restoration is to be hit first, and then to claim ownership. All his life, he was hit and walked the suffering path of indemnity, and finally he took back the heavenly elder sonship, parentship and kingship positions from Satan. He opened the Declaration Day of the Realm of the Cosmic Sabbath for Parents of Heaven and Earth (the Declaration Day was July 7, 1997, by the lunar calendar).

Now, truly, the new age has arrived and God's sovereignty of goodness can settle on this earth. He said that all the blessed families who are to become the owners of this age should establish the identity of heavenly citizens by establishing the ideal of true family, and by becoming the spring of life of the Word, where the parents of heaven and earth can settle and rest.

True Parents established Hoon Dok Hae (gathering for reading and learning) on October 13, 1997, for us to read and study the Word every day, establishing the true family tradition of attending heaven.

We published Blessed Family and Ideal Kingdom I and II,, the central content of Teacher's speeches. This time we are publishing a volume with the name of Completed Testament Age & Ideal Kingdom. This book is a compilation of previous separate publications:

True Parents
Earthly Life and Spirit World I and II
Filial Piety
Life in the Spirit World and on Earth
Who Is He?

Through this publication we will understand how to bring about the settlement of heaven and true peace and happiness in the family, society, nation and world. I believe John 8:32 which says, "The truth will set you free." That promise of the New Testament Age can be realized through this book of the Completed Testament Age.

Sun Jo Hwang, President
Family Federation for World Peace and Unification International
December, 1998

Preface To the English Edition

Preface To the English Edition

Welcome to a new world, a new time and a new place, The Completed Testament Age and the Ideal Kingdom. This world includes the entirety of human life, from the ordinariness of daily routine to the vastness of the spirit world. It is the fruit of the universal human struggle for righteousness in all nations, races and religions. This world embraces the totality of humankind, the original man and woman and all their descendents. It is the world of their resurrection and eternal life.

This world also embraces the sensual world of our waking and sleeping, eating and drinking, loving and struggling, sunlight and shadow. It dwells in those human affairs about which we place such concern -- the labors and pleasures that consume our brief stay on earth. The Reverend Sun Myung Moon celebrates this physical life of blood, sweat and tears and calls it redeemed in Christ and calls it to become what it always should have been-the realm of God's original love.

Reverend Moon created this anthology, the first three volumes of which are composed of his direct teachings. The first selection, entitled True Parents, defines the meaning of the Messiah, in the context of the Completed Testament Age, as the True Parents. The Earthly Life and Spirit World volumes outline the nature of the cosmos as a dual reality, invisible and visible, the world of mind and the world of the body. Humankind has suffered through our ignorance of both worlds. Through science we are now gaining mastery of the physical world. Reverend Moon pioneered a parallel breakthrough in our comprehension and mastery of the spirit world.

The fourth selection, Filial Piety is a collection of Reverend Moon's prayers rendered in poetic form. It is one of a twelve-volume set that will be published in English later this year.

Dr. Sang Hun Lee's revelations, Life in the Spirit World and on Earth, bring Reverend Moon's teachings on spirit world into vivid reality. Dr. Lee, a medical doctor, philosopher and early Unification disciple, has industriously researched the spirit world since his transition there in 1997. His reports on the state of married couples in heaven, of persons in hell, and of specific historic figures, provide compelling testimony of the reality of the next life.

The final work, Who Is He? is a presentation of several-centuries old Korean prophetic texts, together with brief selections from Nostradamus and the Old and New Testaments. They mutually point to the advent of a messianic leader in our time, and the author, Sung Mo Koo, concludes that these prophecies can refer to no one other than the Reverend Sun Myung Moon. For the benefit of scholars, we have included the original Chinese calligraphy and associated Korean Hangul.

We pray that these English translations may open to the reader the vistas of this new world of the Completed Testament Age and the Ideal Kingdom, and that the reader may find himself or herself moved not just to enjoy that vision, but to participate in its realization.

With sincere appreciation to the creators and laborers who brought forth this noble scripture, I recommend it for your eternal edification.

Tyler Hendricks, Ph.D., President
Family Federation for World Peace and Unification, America
July 1, 1999
The 9th Declaration Day of God's Eternal Blessing

Chapter 1 True Parents [Part 1]

Chapter 1 True Parents [Part 1]

1. The Meaning of the Word "True Parents"

Among the words popular among our members, we have a word "True Parents." It is a simple word but has astonishing content. None of the libraries in the world ever has had such content. "True Parents" is a simple word, but is a word owned only by us and is used only among us.

Please think about it. Christianity, after 2000 years of its history, still could not announce the simple fact that since our ancestors are fallen, they are false and bad parents, and that only parents who are not fallen could be good and true parents. History has waited for this moment for the declaration of this fact.

There may have been some person who thought of true parents, but there was no way to figure out what stood behind that idea. Without being equipped with the vast content of the Divine Principle, there is no way to figure out why no one could use the word "True Parents" easily. It is a magnificent fact that we brought the clear word of the Divine Principle view of history so that we know the root of the original nature in human beings.

What can we understand through knowing the meaning of the word "True Parents"? We can understand that the fall of our first ancestors occurred through an illicit love relationship, and it left us with a blood lineage not related to God and without any true parents trying to realize the ideal of creation. This means that we are of a false lineage.

Therefore, the word "True Parents" is a word to be used centering upon the idea that we are going to cleanse the history of our false blood lineage and connect to love, life and lineage centering on God and the new root of the original nature. (201-60)

2. The Origin of "True"

1) What "True" Is

Who among this universe is the "True" person? He is the Absolute. In the Korean language, we call this Absolute being "One and only Lord." When it is shortened, "One Hana) and only Lord" becomes "God (Hananim)." God is our one and only Lord.

Who, then, is God? God likes both good and bad persons on earth. Isn't it true that even condemned criminals cry out, "God! Please pity me. I love you," before execution? Is it true or not? (Yes it is) "God, I'm gonna die! You made me like this!" (Laughter) Are you going to say this? (No!)

Then why when he is about to die, does a person who has done bad things, pledge with a good and sacrificial heart, and hope for his restart? He hopes to comprehend God fully, trust Him, try to be with Him, share with Him his heart and difficulty more than with his parents or with his brothers or sisters. Is this because God is true or because God is false? (Because He is true!) Because He is true we behave this way.

A true person should love not only one whom he likes, but even an enemy who tries to kill him. He should be the person whom we can trust fully, with whom we want to share our problems, and with whom we can wish everything. You now understand what a true person is, right? (Yes!)

Then, is a person who hates someone a true person or a false person? (False person) All men here, is a person who hates someone a true person or a false person? (False person) Definitely a false person. Then, do we have many true people in this world or many false people? (Many false people) Many false people right? (Yes) You must clearly realize this fact.

To be a true person, you must be true in all dimensions. If you members love a person who loves Father and hate a person who hates Father, are you good members or bad members? (Bad members).

Therefore, I love even a person who hates me. If I love a person who hates me, do you think he will feel bad? (Feel good) He feels good. If I love him three times more than he hates me, he automatically will bow his head. If I do good to him three times, he will bow his head. Try and see if it is true or not. Man has a conscience, so that he knows whether he has done right or wrong. (39-302)

Don't you think we have many good men in our country? There are many great people in the world. Who then is the great man of Korea? Whom do you recall as a great person of Korea? (General Sun Shin Lee) That is so. General Sun Shin Lee! He is a great person. Do you like general Sun Shin Lee or do you hate? (We like him) All of him? (Yes)

Then, is General Sun Shin Lee a true person or not? (I don't know) You don't know. You don't know why, but you like him. However, Father doesn't like him in this way. Because I speak this way, people think "It's strange. Why does he say that? He hates our loyal general. He may be a Communist, or is he a national traitor?" Yet I hate General Sun Shin Lee. You may want to know why. Let me answer.

All Korean people recognize him as loyal to his King. But how do Japanese recognize him? Isn't he an enemy? Japanese think of him as an enemy. It is clearly written in Japanese history books. General Sun Shin Lee is an enemy to the Japanese, but at the same time a loyal general for Koreans. Therefore, Father doesn't like him.

To be true means to be true in England, to be true in Germany, to be true in the USA, to be true in Korea. What about in Africa? (True!) In Japan? (True) It should be like that. Therefore, there is no enemy for a true being. There is no one who hates something "true." Someone loved by one and hated by another cannot be a perfect "true" being. Don't you think so?

If General Sun Shin Lee was a perfect "true person," Japanese should admire him as great person, along with Koreans. But from the standard of "True," General Sun Shin Lee is not a perfect "true" person. He is "true" in Korea but not in Japan. Any objection? (No) I seek for a "true" person; therefore, I don't like a person who is partially true, such as General Sun Shin Lee.

What kind of person is a true person? As I said before, he is someone loved by bad people as well as good people: should a bad person hate someone a good person loves? He should be someone loved by bad people, too. There are good people and bad people, but there is something that everyone wants the most. There is something everyone loves most. It means that it is loved by good people as well as by bad people. Isn't it true? (Yes)

Therefore, you are not "true" if you hate a person because he is bad. You should love a bad person the most as well a good person. This is the definition of a true person. He loves a bad person the most and loves a good person the most. If there is someone like that, it is he who should be the "true" one. Any objection? (No objection) (39-301)

2) The Origin of "Trueness"

"Trueness" is not a term limited to individuals. It transcends everything as a relation of value. "Trueness" must be everywhere because it is something which everyone loves and seeks. (63-89)

We came together not for our private purposes, but for the sake of the whole. We should exist not for ourselves, but for family, for tribe, for nation and for the world. Before trying to make yourself "true", you should first make your family "true", and the nation and the world should also become "true". We human beings are in a course of restoration in which the desire for fortune should not be the motive for anything. What, then, should be the motive? The "True." For man to realize his true nature, he must have a relationship with God, the origin of everything. Without having this relationship, a true structure cannot be formed within an individual self.

Trueness must be centering upon God. Man can realize trueness only when he establishes a foundation for feeling loving dominion toward everything. You must realize that unless one establishes this foundation, you cannot be a person of trueness.

The origin of trueness is God. With the existence of God, trueness can be realized. When God departs, trueness also departs. There comes into existence something not true-the origin of evil.

A true result can be realized only when there is truth. In other words, God's ideal can be realized only with the existence of God. Therefore, words such as "true" or "good" were made not centering upon man, but upon God.

From this kind of perspective, too, we can tell that trueness is not something man can think of based on himself. Trueness cannot be controlled by fallen humanity; rather, trueness should control us. Therefore we should always be obedient to the truth. We should prize it and follow it. Observing your physical life and your conscious life, you cannot deny the fact that truth does belong to heaven.

When we prayed, we very often prayed habitually, "Precious heavenly Father, our true God." But there was no real trueness before today. Therefore, the origin, to which trueness is to be related, was not within the history of humankind but located beyond the history. Everything starts from there. The origin should be sought beyond circumstances; religions should not form beliefs through centering upon a human being.

Of course, there are people erecting a standard of faith centering on a founder, but many seek for trueness from beyond the human-religions looking to God. When we consider this fact we can say that we cannot find the origin of trueness in our substantial life or in the history of our human life.

The origin of trueness cannot be grasped in relationship to man only. Trueness must be an absolute standard. Questions of God or the Absolute must therefore come into the discussion. Why is it so? It is because there was no "True" love on this earth. Man himself seeking for the truth cannot be the motive. At each crucial turning point of the history of human beings, God intervenes. Absolute being is needed in such a situation.

The term "God," "Transcendent being," or "Absolute being" is needed when one considers philosophical questions, such as the ultimate aim of truth or the foundation of existence. Why is this? It is because one cannot solve these scholarly questions or those of the origin or value of existence without their being related to Absolute being. People have therefore been trying to find their way out of their serious difficulties through the truth.

We cannot deny these facts. Therefore, the origin of trueness is not in the hands of man but should be handled by Absolute Being, by God.

Religions correctly claiming to be "true" cannot exist without God. Ethics correctly identifying "trueness" cannot deny God.

Confucius therefore said, "One obedient to Heaven will prosper, but its betrayer will perish." This word was centering on Heaven. Man has always to relate himself to Heaven. The origin of rising and falling is not in a human being himself, but in Heaven. Accordingly, one cannot establish trueness unless it originates from motivation centered on God. The question then arises whether or not there is any "True" person on this earth.

Where, then, is trueness established? Of course, Heaven, the origin of trueness, will try to establish it on earth. This is God's Will. The next question, then, is, "Where among humankind will it be established?" It will be established within our ordinary life. Jesus therefore said, "The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand." The Kingdom of Heaven, the "true" country is within our hearts. It is in a deep valley where there are no evil motives.

When we analyze the core of our being, heart, we will find it manifesting as intellect, emotion and will. Which among them is fundamental? Fundamental among them is emotion: not intellect, not will.

Everyone, if you have something you hold most precious, where do you want to put it? You may want to put it in a place no one else knows, where no one else can touch it, and where you yourself can absolutely control it. Where is that place? It is somewhere deep within your heart -- bury it in the deepest place in your heart. Place it where you feel it's very safe, as in a drawer for valuables. Seen from this perspective, the place where trueness should settle is the deepest place in your heart. <24-317)

3) Primary Standard of "True"

It is the "true" heart that does not change. This is why without it you cannot make a true standard, you cannot make true judgment, you cannot have a root of content that can be certified by an absolute standard or by the core of the cosmos. If you do not have a standard that is not true, everything valued by that standard will be floated away.

A measurement, such as the meter, has its primary standard. We can calculate any deviation from that standard. We refer to that original standard whenever we need to settle some relevant argument. (186-66)

There is neither revolution nor change in love. Nothing that changes physically can be the most precious. Diamonds are treasured for their unchanging hardness. Gold is precious for its unchanging golden color. A pearl is precious for its unchanging, harmonious, elegant coloring. Why have we based the standard for the preciousness of treasures upon the unchangingness of an object? It is because that is the standard for evaluating everything.

What, then, in the cosmos is the fundamental standard for measuring the value of everything? This must be the question. Is it gold or diamonds? It is unchanging and unbreakable love. Love seems fragile, yet does not break. You may think you can handle it yet you cannot. You belong to it. You will be evaluated by it; not the other way around.

When I asked what could be the ultimate primary standard of this cosmos, I found it was not some standard of measurement or some unchanging substance.

Man cannot change that standard. Even God cannot change it. What is the standard for absolute evaluation which transcends time, space, heaven and hell-which is eternally unchanging and has the greatest value of anything internal or external?

On earth there are zero standards for latitude and longitude. Zero longitude is located at the astronomical observatory in Greenwich, England. It is unchanging. Shouldn't there be a zero standard at a point where longitude and latitude meet at 90 degrees? If not, the world of order will not he realized.

What is the standard that every measurable eternal and unchanging thing wants to have as its standard, which even God can follow and which everything must obey? Is it money? Gold? Or a diamond? God can create all of those.

We can say that love, too, is created by God; however, He cannot possess love. Love must be owned by two persons. Even God cannot realize love alone. Accordingly, the fundamental standard for evaluating everything in the universe and in the eternal world is indeed love. Love is not affected by any seasonal changes. (137-235)

Each one of you knows that there are standards for measuring distance. If the standard measurement is 1 centimeter, that is the absolute model. Everyone can agree if their measurements are based on the standard. You may claim to be the best person, but if you do not fit the original form, you do not pass.

One centimeter is 10 millimeters. Therefore, 1 millimeter is also an absolute. If you have 10 millimeters it will be a centimeter. 100 of them make 10 centimeters, and so on. Thus, they all have a common and unified element.

What, then, is such a standard for human beings? To unite the world of human beings, there should be a form, a standard not containing any struggle between mind and body, to show how man should be. (128-78)

Everyone, if we have a standard meter, it is no problem at all to have another meter or 100 meters or more. What, then, is the standard measurement of meters? It is 1 millimeter. It is because 1 millimeter is so small, that we usually use 1 centimeter.

Even astronomical units must be calculated based on 1 millimeter. We will be able to use it as a standard throughout the world only when all the millions of numeric measurements are calculated from 1 millimeter.

One millimeter in America, 1 millimeter in Korea, and 1 millimeter in England, all must be same. There must be no differences. That's the truth.

Everyone, what is the truth? "It is true." What is "true?" Certainly something is true when there is no way to evaluate things without it. There must be a Doctor of Physics among you. To study physics you must know all motions of the natural world. Things do not move aimlessly.

Think about it. How big is this earth? There is not even a minute deviation in the time this huge earth takes to revolve around the sun every year. Not even a second of deviation. If there were a deviation, there would be a big problem. If there were, the question would be whether the deviation would become larger or smaller. If that happened, the oceans and the earth would split into pieces.

We evaluate the age of the earth to be 4.6 billion years. The earth's perfect performance of motions and operations throughout this 4.6 billion years must be connected to a standard centering on some unit. For our evaluation, there had to be some unit of measurement centering on some principle, formula or axiom. The same holds for determining "trueness." Trueness must be applicable to one thing and be equally applicable to a combination of millions of things.

We call pure gold 24 carat gold. 24 carat gold is "true" gold, isn't it? Is there 25 carat gold? Is there 26 carat gold? If so, there is a problem. From this perspective, the smallest unit stands in the center and establishes balance. When we look at the smallest unit, the vertical parallel line must correspond ... Otherwise, this is not "true".

The degrees of impurities of gold form a straight line until they reach 24 carats. Because all impure gold is in the realm of change, we can say that 24 carat gold is the "true" one. This holds whether you apply it perpendicularly or to a vertical standard. It will be parallel to both something universally vertical and something universally horizontal.

Neither movement nor fortune occurs randomly. That which causes the circular motion in a subject-object relationship centering on law is always vertical. If the vertical were to change anytime, things would fly away. They would be floated away. They would break. To have a foundation of existence by locating yourself within space, the vertical must have a firm position. This kind of words may be a little difficult for you.

What, then, is the standard for the measurement of us human beings? Human beings also should have some measurement, isn't it so? When you solve a mathematical problem based on a universally accepted mathematical standard, if you answer "One" the world will reply to you "One, you are right." Or, if you answer "Two" or "Three," the world will say, "You are right," repeating your numbers. When a resolution is founded on a global standard, we call it true.

What is inside the truth? There are always four directions inside the truth. Whenever there is a truth, there always is an environment. Then which is more original, the environment or the truth? This will be the question. The environment is more original.

What about the case of man? It is a problem to find what a true man is when we observe existing human beings. He should be the standard of both vertical and horizontal, someone of whom we can say, "He looks okay vertically and looks okay horizontally too."

Only when vertical and horizontal coincide will there be no deviation whether in front or back, right or left, or up or down. They will correspond perfectly. You will say, "It is true!" when there is correspondence in the East, in the West, in the North, in the South, on earth and in the spiritual world.

On the other hand, when you measure something big in millimeters and discover a deviation of even half a millimeter from your desired measurement, it is not perfect. It must be thrown away. Don't we need such a standard? We need a standard for measuring. (180-14)

4) "True" and "True Love"

What is this word "true?" Is it round or angular? Or is it something flat? What is its definition? And centering on what can "true" be defined? That is the issue. When you say "true person," what kind of person is he? A true person would have two eyes and a nose. It's simple: it is a person who has eyes, nose, mouth, and every part of the body.

Then does "true" indicate being limited to a certain place or transcending a certain place? (Transcending.) Then how? With what? Why must it transcend that line of limitation? What does this tell us? We know that it must have a content that can represent everything.

In arithmetic, there are formulas, and in physics there are axioms. How can -'formula" be defined? Is formula something small? The unit of a formula is simple, however, and should have subjectivity in comparing everything. Unless that is so, the formula and its standard of units cannot be established. If the formula and its units are wrong, calculation from the small unit will not exactly fit the enormous universe.

When we look at forms of measurement, we find systems such as decimal systems and duodecimal systems. These are small, but parts based on them all fit perfectly. If they didn't, they wouldn't revolve properly. Even if a part is correctly formed, it does not come into existence unless it coincides with the whole. If not, the whole would be lost.

This holds also in the world of humanity. What is a true person? In the life of a person, there are things such as scales and measures which connect forces and expand them to the world. I am saying that all of them expand with balance.

It becomes evident that a human being needs such a formula for the path of his life. (133-9)

Five billion people live in this world today. But how many people have lived and died on this earth, eventually becoming the ancestors of the people living in this global village today? Have you ever thought about its At least hundreds and thousands of times the number of people living today must have lived and died. Then, how many of them were true persons that humanity would cherish? For something to be true means that it is always true, whether a thousand years ago or today.

When we say pure gold, we are talking about 24 carat gold, right? That does not change according to geographic distance or area or time. No matter what, it is unchangeable. This gold looks the same in the hands of a king as in the hands of some crook. There is no way that it can be changed even in environments of enormous changes. Then, we say the color of gold is a true color. Do you understand? (Yes.)

You must like the color gold. To what are all other colors compared? They are compared to the color gold, isn't it so? Light colors are close to the color gold. Is the sunlight white light or does it have more color of gold in it? (Color of gold.) The sunset has even more.

Therefore, is there or was there any true man within humanity who had unchanging color that lasted for millions of years-that is the question. Any true woman? What do you think?

Religions understand that humanity had fallen. There are religions with different backgrounds, of course, but all of them are seeking a valuable new person for the sake of salvation. They have always pursued it, for they couldn't reach the image of True Original Person, the True Original person. This was the same millions of years ago. It is the same now, and will be in any environment. No matter the times, religions are to pursue it. You should know that.

Every one of you is also searching for that true person, for the true man and true woman. All the men and women who came into life throughout the ages of history were destined to think about it even at the risk of their lives. This way, if someone lives in a village, he will try to become the most advanced true person in that village. (177-100)

5) What Are True Parents

I. Two Stone Tablets and True Parents

When God led the people of Israel in the wilderness, weren't there a pillar of fire and pillar of clouds? The pillar of clouds guided during the day and the pillar of fire guided during the night. What did they mean? They symbolically showed us the coming of parents in the Last Days to be attended by chosen people. People who do not follow the guidance of these pillars will all perish.

God called Moses to Mt. Sinai to give two stone tablets after his forty-day fasting because He worried that the people of Israel might all die losing their direction in the wilderness and wandering for forty years. You should know that these two stone tablets were symbolizing Adam and Eve, the True Parents. That is why they were put in the ark of the covenant. (134-174).

What is our desire? It is that we become the beloved sons and daughters in the place where God, the vertical parent, and Adam and Eve, the horizontal parents become one and rejoice. However, it is our deepest sorrow that we couldn't do so. Isn't that right? Everyone has the fervent desire to receive such a love for once. All the religions seek this.

Have there been any parents who could love within the unity with the vertical God on the horizontal plane? No, there haven't. Because of the fall, all became false parents. Since all became false parents, such loving parents never existed. True Parents need to appear. True Parents must appear in history.

Who is the being denoted by this noun "True Parent" who is to carry out such a historical mission? This is the being called the Savior, the being called the Messiah. When we say "save", what is to be saved? He is not coming to save the body, but rather to fulfill our desire for ideal love. To do that, what has to be done? For salvation to be accomplished, as what kind of being must the Messiah come? It is without question that they need to come as True Parents. The Messiah needs to come as True Parents. Christianity believes in Jesus as the Messiah. It believes in him as the Savior.

In order to come as True Parents, how must the Messiah come? It can't be alone. He must appear as a man who can represent "True Father". Until now, numerous religions have been searching for one man. It can be said that Confucius' teachings include searching for a man who will improve the standard of daily life, and that Buddhism includes looking for a man to make the spiritual world subject.

Then what was Christianity? Christians sought to become the children of God and establish a beloved family. Christianity brought more concrete content. Thus Jesus said, "I am the only begotten son" of God.

It would be a serious matter for the only begotten son to live alone. There must be an only begotten woman. Therefore, he must search for the only begotten woman, and they must get married in a place they mutually prefer centering on God. They must get married, becoming the bridegroom and the bride who can rejoice as horizontal parents with God rejoicing as the vertical parent, and multiply children on earth. Then their tribe starts to expand. Isn't that how it is?

Therefore, there was something Jesus most had to get, even at the risk of disobeying the nation of Israel and Judaism. What was it? And what was the subjective motivation that enabled him to seek again? It was certainly a woman. There must be a woman in front of a man.

Jesus said "I am the bridegroom, and you are the bride," as he was dying after being unable to accomplish the Will of God. This is why Christianity has been waiting for Jesus the bridegroom for two thousands of years, struggling to become the bride.

What is its standard? It is the Messiah, with the position of True Parents. That is the marriage of the lamb. (58-218)

Chapter 1 True Parents [Part 2]

Chapter 1 True Parents [Part 2]

3. The Definition of True Parents

What is "True Parents" that the Unification Church talks about? This is the question. What would have happened if the first human beings had not fallen? If there had been no fall, God would have become vertical love, and Adam and Eve would have become the full incarnation of God. This would be as if they were the flesh of God; God as the bones, and Adam and Eve as the flesh. God also has mind and body. Do you understand? (Yes.)

Yes. Whom do you resemble? (We resemble God.) God and? (True Parents) True Man. You resemble God and True Man. But you know, I am not talking about the president of the United States. (laughter)

God would have become the internal parent in the internal place, and Adam and Eve the external parent in the external place. Internal and external parents become one through love ... We came to attend the internal parents and have external parents. With the cooperation of love between God and humans, the True Parents, the perfected humans, were to be consummated. Without this cooperation of love, there could be no perfected person.

These were to be our original ancestors, the original persons whom God had created. We should be born from such persons. We should he born from persons with the divine nature. Then we would have God's divine nature and our parents' human nature.

The perfection of Adam and Eve turns outward only when connected to the love of God. Without the connection, it is no good. The point where God's vertical love and horizontal physical love would be connected was to be the very root of the lineage of our ancestors. Do you understand? (Yes.) That place would begin the lineage of our ancestors. All of humanity would arise from there.

The Fall separated the loves of man, woman and God. Because of the fall, the love of man, the love of woman and the love of God were not connected. If there had been no fall, they would have been connected automatically. Man and woman would become tied together by love, automatically. Why would man and woman try to become one? They would do it for love. What would they say they would do after uniting with love? They would say that they would receive God's blessing. That is the purpose. (184-71)

When you review the Ages in the providence, you find that the providence for restoration is completed through the Last Days. The closer to the end it comes, the nearer the time when the purpose of religion will be accomplished. The final moment, in which the purpose of religion will be accomplished, is the time when the True Parents appear.

What kind of persons are those True Parents? This is the issue. The True Parents, as our Principle teaches us, are the parents who, in the position of having completed the human portion of responsibility and having passed through the entire realm of dominion based on accomplishments through the Principle (i.e., the realm of indirect dominion) into the realm of direct dominion, have realized the ideal union centering on the love of God. For the first time in history, God and human beings have realized the ideal union centering on love, and God's ideal of love has started landing on earth for the first time, centering on the family of True Parents.

The Fall blocked the realization of this ideal of True Parents. Faced with their mission -- their portion of responsibility -- Adam and Eve were to lay a bridge from the realm of dominion based on accomplishments through the Principle (i.e., the realm of indirect dominion) into the realm of direct dominion, perfecting these; however they didn't do it. Instead, Satan started to invade the realm of indirect dominion. You must know this. If you do not, you cannot register when you go to the other world. (143-76)

So, what in the world are true parents? (The center of love.) What are they? They are the point of origination where true love, the ideal love, can spark for the first time since the emergence of this universe. That's why we call them true parents. Then, what kind of children must there be in front of the true parents? (True children.) Then, what are true children for? These children hold enough internal and external beauty to receive the first love of those true parents. (125-166)

What are true parents -- true man, and true woman? What are true children? They all must come with the word "true." Their root must be connected to and centering on God. When God above descends with love, there is only one way for Him to move since love travels in the shortest course. The conclusion is that there is only one vertical line. (189-198)

What is that word "True Parents" that the Unification Church uses? What are True Parents? (God has appointed True Parents.) What does it mean, that God has appointed True Parents? It means that the love of God landed on humanity for the first time. It means that True Parents are the starting point. You should know that.

Then, if Rev. Moon is the True Father come down, did he become the True Father after coming to America? Where did he become the True Father? Where? Where? (In Korea.) What? (Korea!) Who had known Korea? However, known or unknown, desert, branch, or lump of stone, the place where God's first love landed becomes the precious place. (130-111)

What are True Parents? They are our first human ancestors who can start with the complete and absolute unity of Adam and Eve centering on the love that sets God's love as its core. You should know that clearly. Without knowing the true parents, true children cannot be understood. (135-161)

Who becomes the core of history, of generations, and of the future? In other words, what is the center of the cosmopolitan thought which, seen within the context of history, can become the historical fruit, within the context of the age can become the generational center within the context of the future can become the origin of future? That is true man and true woman.

Then, what is the view of life held by the true man and true woman? It is to lead a life living for the sake of the world. The two love each other for the sake of the world; they bear children developing the motivation to love the world even more.

Such a thought is the one we are suggesting right now. I do not know if you all know such a content, but as I look with this knowledge, history must be clarified at that standard, whether it is viewed centering on the horizontal realm of space, or on the vertical realm of time. This conclusion is automatic. (25-147)

Where was the origin of the Fall? It began from one pair, Adam and Eve. All the problems came to occur because Adam and Eve fell and became false parents. Because of this, the problems of heart, lineage, personality, language, daily life, nation and world occurred.

Then, from where can a true standard that can simultaneously accumulate and integrate all these start? It cannot be established in some realm of religion; neither can it be at the level of society or nation. It is absolutely impossible even at the level of the world. Since all problems originated from false parents, restoration can occur only centering on the connection with true parents.

Only by centering on the noun, "True Parents," can we become one with the heart of God. The original lineage begins centering on True Parents, original personality begins centering on True Parents, language returns to its original position centering on True Parents, life can be returned to its original form centering on True Parents, the formation of a nation and world according to the Ideal must be established centering on True Parents.

Then, what is the core matrix that totally epitomizes all this? It is the True Parents. By the one True Parents, everything is determined. Therefore, "I" must inherit all of their thought system. Without inheriting all their heart, personality, view of life, and view of the world, one cannot stand in a central position. (28-248)

There should be neither any education without the True Parents, nor foundation of living. Do you understand? You must completely unite with the True Parents. Uniting means to think and feel that "the True Parents' life is my life, the True Parents' idea is my idea, the True Parents' work is my work, and the True Parents' realm of love is my realm of love." (44-145)

4. True Parents Are Beings Who Have Fully Realized The Individual Nature

Among saints and sages in our history, was there anyone who could say, "throughout human history, only I, as a representative of humankind, accomplished the unity of mind and body completely, free from any struggling. Therefore, you should follow me"? Although there are many professors who have responsibilities concerning the ethical life, do they know what is important?

Is the body important or the mind? The mind is important, and the body is also important. However, much more significant is unity between our mind and body. That is more important. Those who cannot accomplish this unity will be in the wrong even if the world is fully unified.

Now, bodies are different from minds, and minds are also different from bodies. Then, when can both be united? Today, and in human history, no one can declare that he has unified the conflicting body and mind.

St. Paul lamented that he found the law of his mind and the law of sin in himself conflicting. Who would rescue this wretched man from this body of death? It could be only Jesus Christ, love of God. He really felt that. We are released from our sin through God's love within Jesus Christ.

Where does the conflict between mind and body originate? To say what kind of person God is, he is the vertical subject of love, which becomes the origin of this universe. If a heavy burden has fallen on the earth, God cannot lift it simply by thinking. Even God, to pour out his love on the horizontal plane, needs power that can pull that out.

If the electricity is strong, lightning strikes when it approaches a negative charge of electricity on the earth. Is that true? It must come down. Even though it is in the higher place, it must come down. Likewise, for the higher love to come down, the love of minus (responder) must be found on the earth first. The love of minus occurs first, then the love of plus (giver) automatically occurs. These are complements.

In this active world, action and reaction must exist. When things correspond there is interaction. On the other hand, there is reaction. Generally, people regard reaction as opposing the power of action; however, it does not. Reaction operates to protect the existence of correspondence. Only this way can we understand logically all problems of good and evil. Unless we can find the theory for protecting against evil by centering on goodness, there is no way to resolve the history of conflicts between good and evil.

Where does God come through? It must be through vertical love. For vertical love to have value, a horizontal foundation must he erected. Is it the same for both men and women? Until you have discernment, you do not understand anything; however, upon growing up, women want to have the world, and men do, too. Therefore, to have that kind of world, what do we do? We should not act like this. Where should we meet? We should grow up completely and become mature; then we can meet. To do so, we have to attain the stage where we can say that the world is ours.

We say that "we must occupy this". However, we cannot do so by our own power. We can occupy it only by love. Because there is the power of love, both men and women can have ideals of and dreams of world conquest. You want to have the whole world yourself, don't you?

If there is heaven, or if there is an invisible world, you also want to have such infinity or invisible world, don't you? Why do you want to do so? Because we have vertical desires and horizontal desires.

The horizontal desire is to have the entire earth itself, which is representative of the horizontal world. On the other hand, the vertical desire is to have this cosmos itself. Do you understand? The body has limitations. It cannot go beyond the boundary of the universe. But the vertical world can always be expanded.

From this perspective, we can realize that a father, as a representative of the body, must be the ancestor of humankind centering on true love. The father, who is a representative of the body, must be the first man of humankind! Do you understand? (Yes.)

In the Unification Church, we seek the truth that was not comprehended throughout history, and we hear and use a noun which deals with and corresponds to it. That noun is "True Parents!" (Amen!) Therefore, the horizontal position of True Parents is the position which we consider the original ideal of creation, the position of son and daughter of God. Adam and Eve had the position of God's son and daughter. If Adam and Eve are likened to bodies, then God, standing in the father's position, is likened to mind.

What can make God as mind and a person as body unite into one? It is not power, or knowledge, or authority. What is it? (It is love.) It is love. The individual is the model for the principle for unifying internal and external characteristics. Therefore, when we seek the origin, there must be a father who is likened to the body, and there also must be a father who is likened to the mind. Then, the internal father's position is the position of God, and the external father's position is the position of the first ancestor of humankind.

In that case, in what kind of place do the first ancestor and God become one? Where do they unite? Centering on true love, they should unite in the core of the sphere of love. Man and woman meet each other centering on the vertical point.

1) The Meaning of "True Parents," Which We Should Know

A. The Word "True Parents" Is A Precious Word

You should know how important and precious is the word "True Parents." Even if you cannot have trust in your nations, presidents, teachers, parents, and brothers and sisters, you ought to believe in the True Parents. Do you understand what it means? (Yes.) We should know the fact that the concept of True Parents implies the idea of salvation, which means that hell and the evil satanic world are saved.

Think about this. Although you are standing in the position of death in Satan's world, the True Parents become the power which can be a shield against death. On account of this, if heaven and earth can recognize it officially and history can recognize it officially, then how proud it is. The True Parents are protected by God and history! Is that true? You should know how the word "True Parent" came about.

It does not mean that Rev. Moon decided to be a true parent and then started this work. It means that this work cannot be done without true parents, therefore I am compelled to do it. Do you understand?

2) The Word "True Parents" Is To Be Exalted As a Superb Word

Even if all our ancestors revive, and praise the glory of their resurrection, the praise and glory could not rise beyond the realm of the fall. However, we should be proud of the word "True Parents," which we use in the Unification Church, for this word is more valuable than any praise of glory which, no matter how miserable you are, you praise with your ancestors as the victor of liberation of a nation. We should also know that, by meeting the True Parents, the way is opened to the place where we can meet God, and that the position where you meet the Unification Church connects to the way where we can find in the near future the kingdom of God and the fatherland, for which the True Parents are longing.

Until now, humankind has had different native lands and different cultural backgrounds. Moreover, people say, "Here is our fatherland; even though its boundaries have changed, and our ancestors lived here, we are living here now, and our descendants will live here in the future." However, it is certain that all this is in the realm of the fall.

You must break through this realm of the fall and must seek the kingdom of love where we can proudly give praise with our ancestors and claim the victory in front of our descendants and where we can praise the glory of the victory. In this kingdom of love, you can have parents of love. Furthermore, if there is God as the center of the fatherland, you can say, "Here is the place to serve to God; there is no more glorious place." You must know it.

Who is the Messiah? The Messiah is Adam who fully substantiated God's love; therefore, he comes having the qualification of original father. God's original love, centering on the father and the mother, is the center of this foundation, and centering on this foundation, the rights of ownership for individual, family, tribe, people and nation become the Messiah's own by centering on true love. Then, the areas of ownership of the nation, the people, the family and of the individual's possessions are to be expanded.

Therefore, if Messianic love had been established from the individual to the nation, and if this had then been propagated rippling to Rome and the world, the idea of a Second Advent would not have been needed. From this perspective, can we say that the United States belongs to the realm of God's love? (No.) Think about it. Is there any country that does? (No, there isn't.) No, there isn't. Can we say that a large number of Christian churches have the right of ownership coinciding with the principle of God's love? (No.) Absolutely not. The Kingdom of Heaven is not on the earth.

Based on this point, you must know, among all words in history, how great and superb the words "True Love" and "True Parents" are. These words are the only basis for breaking through the realm of the fall and the satanic world. Therefore, you should be grateful for the word "True Parents." You should also know that, apart from understanding the meaning of it, even if you hear this word hundreds and millions of times and then appreciate it, it is not enough.

3) The Word "True Parents" is an amazing Word

What you should know is that we lost our original fatherland because of the Fall. We also lost our original country and world. Furthermore, we lost even God and his love. The one starting point from which we can search for these enormous things that we lost is this amazing noun, "True Parents."

From God's view, what is the goal of the providence, for which God has had longing throughout history? It is the standard of true parents. For what has He been bearing the history of indemnity from the human fall even until now? It is to seek true parents. Many Christians are waiting for the day of the coming of the Lord at the Second Advent because of this goal. Many religions are longing for this day because of this goal. From this fact, you must know that the birth of true parents is a formidable and amazing event.

You want to go back to your homeland because your parents, brother and sisters are there. Your home is the place where relatives are centering on your parents. That is why you think of your home. People call the country where their hearts and relatives live their fatherland. Generally speaking, the fatherland is that kind of place.

From this perspective of the fatherland centering on original man, there is no home and fatherland. We could not have such homes in the past and we also cannot have them now. There are fatherlands; however, they are evil lands and these have no connection with us. They are not related to the True Parents.

The word "True Parents" which is used in the Unification Church is an amazing word. False parents had false love centering on Satan's love. On the other hand, the True Parents rise up centering on God's love; therefore, they march forward to the world of love. Do you understand, or not? (Understand!)

Then, why do we try to find this love? Love is a great thing. Love is equal eternally. We just hear the name of love and we can be qualified to immediately reach any kind of higher position. A woman who does not know a letter and a man who is a great world scholar equally can do it.

In the Unification Church, we use the word "True Parents." Who are true parents? Since false parents were born, true parents have to arise. What should true parents do? They should correct the false lineage which became the root of Satan's world, restore false life, and sever the way of false love. It is said in the Bible, "Whoever seeks his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it." We have to consider why this paradoxical theory had to he brought out. You should die in Satan's world.

I am not a handsome man. However, if I can say that I have an unchanging hope, it is to pursue God's Will. True parents are the standard for and the fixing point of this ideal purpose. That is true parents. True parents. Do you understand? That is true parents. Then, what is the completion of God's Will? What is the accomplishment of the ideal of creation? The ideal criterion is for Adam and Eve to complete the ideal of love and stand as parents in the realm of direct dominion. That is the completion of the Will.

You should know how amazing it is that I came to this earth with the word "True Parents." Do you follow me? The word "True Parents." That word is the most blessed word in this world, and for fallen mankind, seeking the word "True Parents" is more important than looking for a nation or world that they lost. It is more precious than any other thing in heaven and earth.

4) The Word "True Parents" is a terrifying word

What is the one frightening teaching in the Unification Church? It is the word "True Parents." God is afraid of this word, and Satan is also afraid of it. We who are human are in the realm of Satan. Therefore, centering on the True Parents, those who follow them are judged by their words.

God may feel that he wishes I had not come to the earth. However, because I came as a person who has to judge people, God listens to my words. Why is Satan afraid of the word "True Parents"? If people believe in this word and follow it, then they destroy everything that belongs to Satan and defeat him. That is why this word is a very frightening word for Satan.

Satan always hinders True Parents' advance, and he hopes that I fall down and become evil. Therefore, it is a problem to follow this way, however much you believe in the True Parents and follow them. Once you stand at the front of this way, you should do your best for God's Will, and should go this way joyfully. You should know that this is the way that you must go.

(From Father's prayer) "I know very well how frightening a word the name `True Parents' is. Until today, I have fought, not seeking to live in a peaceful place, but to accomplish this mission of the Will. Looking back on the past, there were many circumstances and regrets; however, I realized that my situation could not be compared with yours. Therefore, I know that I am the miserable one who cannot but shed tears on my knees. Please accept my heart which feels such things, and from this day, please open the door of heaven and earth."

What is the question? It is truth, that is, true parents. What are true parents? It is not easy to understand the meaning of the word "True Parents." This is the most terrifying word. You cannot imagine how frightening it is. Only one word, that is, "True Parents", controls history. To find this word, many of our forbears went the way of sacrifice. The name was found by hoping with writhing and shouting throughout a continuous strife of blood. This holy name is "True Parents".

There must be true children in front of true parents. Then, did you become true children? Think about it. Are you true children? Trueness has not changed in the past and present, and will not change in the future.

Chapter 2 Messiah and True Parents

Chapter 2 Messiah and True Parents

1. History and True Parents

1) The Fall and True Parents

Now has come the time of the end of humankind's fallen history, with the intersection of democracy and communism. The era of Satan's full authority came and expanded throughout the world. There was no room for further advance. Therefore, it began to decline. Specifically, once Satan's realm reached 70% of the world, it had to retreat. From this perspective, Satan's fallen world is to be indemnified centering on a human history of 7000 years.

The key, then, lies with the number 7. Germany was 70% victorious in World War I. Japan also was 70% victorious in World War II, which is called the War of Dae Dong Ah (The War of Great East Asia). Once they reached that percentage, they had to retreat. History has developed according to this kind of fundamental formula.

Because fallen human beings were born from the false parents, the contents of history have been very intricate. Human history originally was to be developed centered on True Parents. Since it did not, it has to be restored to accord with the ideal of creation. In fact, it has had to go through the way of restoration at the levels of individual, family, tribe, society, nation, world, and universe. (211-310)

We ourselves are attending the True Parents. However, in this world, there are not only children of the True Parents, but also children of the fallen parents. Originally, humankind would have been God's beloved children through the blood lineage of True Parents; however, owing to the Fall, they became fallen children. Therefore, someone must come and liberate humankind from the false bond of human beings' progenitor. That person is the very Lord at the Second Advent, and the Savior.

When the Lord comes, he must restore to his rightful position the elder son. The elder son became like an illegitimate son, for his blood lineage was changed. Originally, he was to inherit God's blood lineage through original love; however, owing to the Fall, he came to inherit the false blood lineage. In spite of that, God did not abandon him.

The elder son was as an adopted son and can be likened to a wild olive tree. Because Satan has the ownership of the field of wild olive trees. God has to have the wild olive trees transferred to His ownership. God does not take this field coercively, with guns or with swords. He recovers the wild olive trees by ones and twos, all the while being persecuted and being treated with contempt.

You may not know how much sacrifice Christianity suffered in order to establish its worldwide foundation. Christianity has such a bitter history that there may be no place where the miserable outcry of its sacrificial offering did not ring out. Even to the present, sacrifices have been offered continuously on the Christian altar of martyrdom. You should know that Christians' historical bitter heart is entangled in all humankind, as the altar of blood is continuing. Therefore, we have the solemn historical responsibility to liberate God and Christianity, inheriting such Christians' historical heart of suffering. (210-360)

The human fall means the spreading of the false love, false life, and false lineage of Satan. Here, you men! Do you have love or not? We have it! Then, do you have life? Yes! Men have the blood lineage inherited from their ancestors. Accordingly, you are the result of love, life, and blood lineage inherited from your ancestors.

What does this mean? It means that you are in the position to be God's enemy, inheriting Satan's love, life, and blood lineage. Peace on earth cannot be realized without removing such false love, life, and lineage. Therefore, Rev. Moon comes with the ideal of True Parents.

What do True Parents do? By cleansing false love, True Parents fight to clean out Satan's elements, which are opposed to peace, in order to separate individuals, families, tribes, societies, and nations, from Satan. (217-185)

2) Desire of History

Our Unification Church is using the term, True Parents. When we look at the history of the fallen world, we find that fallen parents were born in this world and established the fallen world.

In this sense, this world became the world of the fallen parents having nothing to do with the True Parents and God's original ideal. Therefore, no matter how many people may have lived in this world, there has been no one who could take pride in his life as a totally successful person and stand before the universe saying, "Ah! I was the happiest person in the world and succeeded in all directions."

Therefore, we are saying that the history of the world is like a sea of anguish. It is the history of tragedy, of war, and of disease. It is because of the Fall that human history has been a tragic history.

What is the first desire of each human? It is to become a perfect person. Then, where can we find such a person, one who can stand in front of absolute and perfect God? How can a perfect person be realized? To the present, humankind has tried to find the answer to this problem through philosophy and religion; but now humankind lies in the situation of surrender. This is the present human situation. (137-81)

Throughout fallen history, the deep-rooted desire of each human has been to meet True Parents and attend them. The reason that God established the nation of Israel and Judaism was to prepare for the attending of the Messiah. Then, what kind of person is the Messiah? He should be a True Parent. The reason why God established Christianity and its cultural sphere was to make a foundation for people to attend the Lord at the Second Advent. Who is the Lord at the Second Advent? He is the True Parent who comes as the third Adam.

The time when True Parents come is the era in which the nations of the world exist as brothers under True Parents. Therefore, after the Second World War, victorious countries had to liberate the countries they defeated. This is because nations that were in the position of elder brothers had attacked nations in the position of younger brother. It was because this occurred during the time of the True Parents that this unusual history developed.

That for which history has been looking is True Parents. The purpose for the appearance of religion was also to meet True Parents. The purpose for which nations and the world emerged was also to meet True Parents. All were to prepare the providential path of True Parents. (51-354)

3) History and True Parents

What has religion been doing thus far? Religion has tried to make a true son. God has made efforts thus far to find a true son. Therefore, there is no woman among founders of religion.

Do you know of any woman among the founders of religions? (No!) Each was a man. This is because the founders of religions were part of the process of finding a true son. The history of religion has developed through so many stages and, ultimately, it has to find one master, one son who will take the final baton for determining victory or defeat in history. This is the history of the world to the present. (421-28)

Why has God made many religions? It was not to make a patchwork world. The purpose was simple. It was in order to find one true son who can fulfill God's true love. Within an environment of love, God finds one true man through his providence; then the purpose of religion is completed. For this purpose God does not need two or three sons, but only one son. In the realm of love, a being has one object partner. (173-34)

The history of restoration is the history to establish True Parents. Therefore, God has worked internally from the time of Cain and Abel to the present in order to realize True Parents. Whoever opposed or disturbed God's fundamental providence to accomplish this purpose was a failure and was abandoned before the way of truth. (9-10)

What is the meaning of history The liberation of God is possible only when the condition of Satan's false accusation is completely removed through unity with True Parents. Without the condition of Satan's false accusation being removed, it is impossible to liberate God. Then, how can you enter the realm of ownership of God's heart.

You and your parents, as well as all things, are not in the position to be determined as God's possessions on the same line. That position must be restored through indemnity. (137-269)

4) Providential History of Restoration is the History to Find True Parents.

A) Who Are the True Parents Who Come To the Earth On Behalf of God's Will

The True Parents have to establish the absolute position for restoring God's dominion over all things through fighting against Satan's world in order to destroy the realm of Satan who has dominion over the realm of human beings, being able to subject even numerous spiritual beings, contending with the spiritual world. The True Parents have this mission.

Therefore, God has, until now, prepared the way to send True Parents to realize the one world in which can be connected all things, human beings, and Heaven.

We learned, through the Principle of Restoration, that for True Parents to come, there must first be true sons and daughters, and true servants for true sons and daughters to come.

When we looked at the course for restoration, we learned that God worked to establish the True Parents' Day by going through the Ages of Servants and of Children. Moreover, we learned that spiritual persons in the spiritual world helped the process of realizing the Age of Parents, as the process developed through the Ages of Servants and Adopted Sons to the Age of Son.

True Parents cannot come to the world until there is prepared the worldwide foundation, beyond the national foundation. Therefore, during the providential period of 2,000 years from Noah through Abraham, God had Jacob prepare the foundation for the formation of the people Israel. Then God had this people form a nation. Through many historical courses, God invested so much to establish that.

In order to do so, God had to have individuals gain victory in fighting against Satan on behalf of God -- at the levels of individual, adopted son, and direct son. Otherwise, human beings could not meet True Parents. It is for this that providential history developed through the Old Testament Age and the New Testament Age to the present.

The purpose for which God would send the Messiah on earth is for people to establish a bond of blood with True Parents after establishing the victorious foundation of restoring the positions of adopted son and direct son.

However, because of disbelief among the people of Israel, the foundations of servant and adopted son, which had been prepared for 4,000 years, were destroyed. Thus, 2,000 years ago, Jesus was in the position of having to go forward to the position of direct son after himself gaining the positions of servant and adopted son. This was the very position of Jesus.

The purpose for which God sent Jesus was to establish the bond of True Parents on the foundation of the nation of Israel, established after the traversal of the positions of adopted son and direct son. To accomplish that was Jesus' mission in this world. However, because Jesus was compelled to go to the cross, the victorious foundation could not be founded on the substantial level. Instead, the bond of True Parents has been developed centering on the spiritual level.

However, individuals, families, peoples, and nations have not been able to finally settle in the originally ordained positions. Accordingly, providential history has developed through the individual, family, people, and nation who follow God's will.

In the global era, God sends the Lord who will become a bridegroom according to God's promise. Choosing a bride, the Lord will establish the true victorious foundation. Because the position of True Parents is the position originally ordained according to the purpose of creation, God has fought for 6,000 years in order to prepare the foundation.

Therefore, it is no exaggeration to say that the providential history of restoration for 6,000 years has been the history to find True Parents. True Parents are persons who are representatives of the history of 6,000 years. Thus, you should know that not finding True Parents has been sadness and anguish to all humankind.

Human history has been the history of realizing True Parents. Without realizing True Parents, there can be no true children. Before establishing true children, there cannot emerge true families, tribes, peoples, nations, world, and cosmos. God has worked during this long period of 6,000 years to establish this standard.

Jesus, who came 2,000 years ago, was the one who came with the glory of True Parents for the first time in human history. However, in order for Jesus to stand as True Parents, he had to gain the victory in every way. Because he was the fruit of history, he had to fulfill the mission of son as well as that of True Parents.

Jesus had to walk the path not only to restore the position of son physically, but also to restore the position of parents spiritually. Moreover, Jesus had to establish the standard to be able to unite with God through fulfilling both of these responsibilities.

If this standard had been established, it would have become the foundation of Israel at the levels of individual and family. Moreover, it would have become a foundation for Israel at the levels of people, nation, and world. If the standard had been established, Jesus would have accomplished the spiritual and physical foundation. However, because of disbelief in Israel, Jesus could not erect the standard.

From the original viewpoint of the Principle of Creation, True Parents must be persons who receive God's blessing spiritually and physically. However, Jesus could not establish True Parents because of disbelief in Israel. Nevertheless, Jesus prepared the foundation for attendance on True Parents in the spiritual level.

What is the meaning of that? The Lord at the Second Advent coming on earth has to restore the positions of spiritual parents and physical parents. Jesus, who knew that, prepared during 2,000 years the foundation for the Lord at the Second Advent not to be persecuted in the spiritual level. He has prepared the foundation of the spiritual society, people, and world centering on Jesus.

Jesus works in the spiritual world. Accordingly, Christianity has been able to establish the bond with spiritual parents. The Lord at the Second Advent has to inherit from Jesus all the foundations of individual, family, nation, and world that Jesus established in the spiritual level. This is similar to Jesus' needing to inherit all blessings from John the Baptist. Without his going through such positions, the bond of True Parents cannot be established on the earth.

According to God's principle, the standard of spiritual inheritance must be established on the earth. When Jesus came in order to bequeath his spiritual foundation to the Lord at the Second Advent, if the Christians on earth had united with the Second Advent Lord, the standard of inheritance on the earth would have been established. However, because Christians did not attend the Second Advent Lord, the foundation of spiritual victory could not be completely bequeathed and the position of True Parents established.

Therefore, for True Parents to be established, there has been the history of struggle to restore the standard of spiritual and physical inheritance. The purpose for which God worked during 6,000 providential years was to establish the foundation for True Parents and to be able to accomplish the victorious foundation during their lifetimes. However, because Christians in this world did not follow as one body the command of their spiritual parent, and did not move in step with his direction, there was no standard for the spiritual foundation that Jesus prepared to be bequeathed

to the Second Advent Lord. For this reason, the Lord at the Second Advent, who is to be a True Parent, has had to walk the path of being tested in the spiritual world at the levels of individual, family, tribe, people, nation, and world, overcoming the test, and establishing the standard of the inner victory. So that the victorious standard could be established on earth, he could not but go through the way of inner struggling. (14-281)

Why does God accomplish the providence for restoration? The purpose of the providence for restoration is to establish the bond of original parents, True Parents. Who are True Parents? True Parents are the substantial temple in which God can dwell. Can you feel this practically? How great is the value? Is it as valuable as your house? Is it as valuable as your body, your children, your nation, or the world?

However, there are some people who regard God as less than they regard a jewel in their cabinet. Such persons are asking God to give blessing. Can God's will be established through that kind of people? Is it possible? You know that it isn't. (22-44)

2. Messiah Is True Parents

1) Messiah is True Parents

Who is the Messiah who comes? He is the person who can stand as the substantiation of faith, hope, and love on behalf of individuals, families, tribes, nations, and the world. Only when he stands in that position can the faith, hope, and love which have remained in human history bear fruit. Otherwise, the faith, hope, and love cannot bear fruit. The word of the Messiah is not the word of just the individual level. If you speak the word with strong belief, even though the word comes from your individual mouth, it becomes a word which accords with the contents of the worldwide history.

Who is the wise man? He is the person who, firstly, has such perception as to be able to discern the time of the world and the time of hope. It is the wise man who, firstly knowing the time, is in the position to take responsibility to make the time his own, by analyzing, criticizing, and practicing. When the Messiah comes to this world, although he comes alone, he is not at the level of the individual. The value of the Messiah is that he can produce the fruit of the faith, hope, and love that all humankind have. This bearing of fruit connects all of history; that is, past, present, and future. (213-134)

The Messiah is True Parents. We are their true children. Standing in the realm of the same destiny, we must belong to them. (55-99)

2) The Process of the Manifestation of the Messiah

The mission of religion until now was to find one man. Even though religions have pursued various things, such as salvation, repentance, etc., the ultimate purpose of religion is to find one person who can transcend the highest position among the various religions. In this sense, the centers of all religions converge to one person. Who is that person? He is the very Messiah. In other words, every religion has actually sought for one person who is the center of all existing beings-the Messiah, and Savior. However, the Messiah cannot come to people immediately, but has to go through a course of 7 years. The Messiah is a man. He comes and has to gain victory fighting against Satan and transcending the blood lineage of the satanic world.

Centering on the victorious man, we have to establish the foundation to be able to gain victory over Satan at the levels of family, tribe, people, nation, and world. It cannot be done by only one man taking a position superior to Satan. The Messiah cannot govern Satan's world without standing in the position superior to that of families in Satan's world.

The highest standard Satan attains is that of the nation. Satan has fought centering on the nation. Since Satan came to dominate at the level of nation, Satan has attacked God's side at the levels of individual, family, tribe, people, and nation. Centering on the nation, Satan has blocked the way which God has been preparing. Accordingly, the reason that God's side has been opposed and persecuted is that God's side has been inferior in scope to Satan's side. If God's side were stronger than Satan's side, God's side, instead, would subjugate Satan's side. Because this world became Satan's world owing to the Fall, this world is covered with Satan's families, Satan's tribes, Satan's people, and Satan's nations, not God's side. Even though there were individuals on God's side, there were no families, tribes, peoples and nations which developed from this level of the individual.

Ultimately, without the foundation that the Messiah, as an individual, can establish at the levels of the family, tribe, and people, there could be no way for people in general to be able to rise to a higher stage. Accordingly, God prepared the realm in which people would be able to rise following the Messiah: that was the nation of Israel. This is how we must understand the concept of chosen people.

However, the people of Israel did not rise up to the desired stage. The chosen people were faced with a limit, and their hope was to transcend the limit. If they could not transcend the limit, there would be great trouble for them. Yet, no matter how much effort they might make, they could not transcend the limit by themselves.

Therefore, God promised the people Israel that He would send the Messiah, the Savior. In order to have them transcend the limit of the level of nation, God had for thousands of years worked to prepare the foundation for attending the Messiah and had promised the Messiah's coming.

When the Messiah came, if the people of Israel had completely united with him so that Satan could not separate them from the Messiah, from that absolute unity the people of Israel would have been engrafted into the Messiah as individuals, families, tribes, a people, and a nation, and the entire nation would simultaneously have been drawn up to the new stage.

This should be the thought of chosen people in this world: that centering on the people chosen by God, a nation which God can choose must be formed. That there are chosen people proves the existence of God. Moreover, that there is a prophecy for the Messiah proves the existence of God.

Then, what is the reason that we need a Messiah? Because of the Fall, we have false parents. Parents united with God were forfeited. It is the Messiah who erects the position in which one is able to realize oneness with God. This is the first reason. The second reason is that the Messiah will give birth to us again. Because Satan's blood flows within our bodies, the Messiah will give birth to us again by engrafting us into himself so that through the removal of Satan's blood we should no longer be Satan's children.

The third reason is that the Messiah enables us to keep Satan as a servant. That is, the Messiah comes and makes us qualified for subjugating Satan, keeping Satan as a servant, and being able to judge Satan.

Because of the Fall, first, human beings could not have True Parents. Second, human beings inherited Satan's blood. Third, human beings came to be subjugated by Satan. Accordingly, to recover we have to walk a course which is the reversal of that.

In the Divine Principle is taught the Foundation of Faith and the Foundation of Substance, and that only when we have established these foundations can we attend the Messiah who is to come. This is God's principle. Therefore, let's establish the Foundation of Faith and the Foundation of Substance. (54-186)

The Messiah himself is the substantiation of faith, hope, and love. When you attend the Messiah, the purposes of faith and hope come to be accomplished. Then what remains to be accomplished is love. Only the purpose of love remains because the purpose of faith and hope is realized.

Therefore, the Bible says that of faith, hope, and love, only love remains. It is the Messiah who comes as the representative of love. (13141)

3) The Mission of the Messiah

What is the meaning of the Messiah? The Messiah has the horizontal foundation begun after completing the vertical foundation. Then, who is the Messiah? The Messiah brings the inner plan for fulfilling God's will.

He brings the purpose of co-righteousness -- which God and mankind should follow-to accord with the vertical standard, and establishes the standard of the vertical substantiation of individual, family, tribe, people, nation, and world. (71-80)

In all of reality there are only two existing beings that are proud of themselves. They are God and Satan. (laughter) Don't you think so? Two masters, good and evil, are fighting.

How excellent Satan is! Satan has dominated the entire human history as a master of evil, and has given so hard a time to God that God cannot move an inch. Who will finish this struggle between good and evil? Even God cannot finish the fighting, and Satan also cannot finish this. You may be hearing this for the first time. Who will end the fighting between the evil being and the good being? It is not Satan, not God. Then, who can finish that? It is only the true human who can end this fighting.

Without being the protagonist of true love, which all humankind can follow, you cannot end the fighting between God and Satan. If human beings are not liberated from this fighting, the word "peace" will remain a fantasy in human history, the word "ideal," just an abstract and emotional word.

Then who can solve this problem of struggle? God sends his representative whose main thought is called the thought of the Messiah. The Messiah is the person who liberates not only human beings, but also even God. He is the Savior who judges evil and liberates God.

In Korean, "Savior" is "Gu Se Joo." The character "Se" refers to the world. From this perspective, God did not send the only begotten son to love only Christians, but to love the whole world. You Christians who recite John 3:1C well: did God say that "because God gave his only begotten son to love Christianity, whoever believes in him will not perish but have eternal life"? Did you omit that God loves the whole world?

What is the mission of the Savior? It is to liberate God and judge Satan. Who can remove that chief instigator of long-lasting aggrievement who has given so great a false accusation against human beings? Even God cannot do that. Only the Messiah, the Savior can do that. What will the Messiah do? He comes as the commander of the struggle to win over the world, after establishing the foundation of God's sovereignty, land, and people of God's nation for the first time in human history. That is the mission of the Messiah. You should know this.

Satan cannot be subjugated only through winning over a nation. Because Satan already has worldwide sovereignty, his worldwide domination has to he expelled. Only when this is done can the realm of liberation of true freedom on the earth be realized.

As long as any accusation by Satan remains in the world, the ideal of the Garden of the Eden, which God had created as the Garden of Freedom and Peace, can never be realized. Only when there is no longer any more accusation by Satan can the Kingdom of God on earth be established. Only

when the Kingdom of God on earth is established can the movement for the liberation of the Kingdom of God in heaven begin. This is the way in which members of the Unification Church must go forward. (57-130)

What does the Messiah have to do? He has to establish the victorious path by subjugating Satan and removing Satan's blood lineage at the levels of individual, family, tribe, nation, and world. This is the way for the Messiah to go forward. In other words, first he must establish the way for individuals to go; second, establish the way for families to go; third establish the way for the world to go.

After defeating Satan individually, if the nation and democratic world attack him, being mobilized by the worldwide Satan, the Messiah has to overcome the attack. The same is true when he gains victory at the level of family and at the level of the world. When Jacob had victory over the angel, and when Abel struggled with Cain, the fighting was one to one. However, now is the time for God to liberate the whole world from Satan. For that, God needs a foremost representative nation. This is Korea. (54-190)

3. Jesus and True Parents

Who is Jesus? Owing to the Fall in the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve became false parents and multiplied false descendants. Therefore, for restoration Jesus came to establish True Parents. Adam and Eve did not become true parents, a true couple, and bear true children. Therefore, only if people believed Jesus completely and became one with Jesus could true children, true couples, and true parents be established. This is why Jesus said to love him above all others. (8-109)

According to the Book of Revelation, the Lord will come to this earth in the Last Days to meet a bride. Do you know what "the banquet of the lamb" means? It means a bridegroom and a bride getting married centering on God for the first time in human history.

Because of the fall of the first ancestors, they did not become true parents, but false parents. Thus, the position of the original parents, which God had envisioned, was not established. In the Bible it is written, "I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last." (Rev. 22:13) Because God's purpose presented in the Book of Genesis was not fulfilled, its accomplishment is presented in the Book of Revelation.

Then, who is Jesus? Jesus came as the perfect person who could completely unite with God's love. Thus, 1 Corinthians 15:45 says, "The first man Adam was made a living soul; the last Adam was made a quickening spirit."

According to the Bible, Jesus is the second Adam. Without establishing the positions of true children, true couple and true parents whom God can endow, God cannot realize the family which he has planned to establish on the earth. Because of that, the second Adam had to come on the earth. There are many religions in this world; but of them, only Christianity has the ideas of being able to be God's children, of becoming one with God, and of establishing a new family through bridegroom and bride centering on God's will. Because Jesus came having such ideas, the religion that believes Jesus could not but become the global religion. (254-108)

4. Second Coming and True Parents

1) The Preparation for the Messiah to Come

The place where you will live is the Kingdom of God. However, are you living there now? No! The Kingdom of God does not emerge immediately.

Then, what has to be realized before the Kingdom of God comes? The Messiah has to come. However, the Kingdom of God cannot be completed by the Messiah alone. Didn't the Messiah come to the nation of Israel? (Yes, he did.) Yet, the Kingdom of God was not realized.

Before there can be a nation of God, there must first be a people of God. You should know that. Then, what is required in order for there to be the people for a nation? Do the people for the nation emerge all at one time? A special tribe has first to emerge. The tribe stands forth and has to lead the people.

Then, what is required in order for the tribe to emerge? There has to be a clan. What is required in order for the clan to emerge? A family has to emerge as the center of the clan. Moreover, in order for the family to emerge, there must be children and parents. In order for children to emerge, there must first be parents. In order for these parents to emerge, there has to be one man who can represent everything of God's Kingdom.

Who is that? It is the Messiah. What does this man have to do? In order for the man to be a parent, he has to find his object partner, and they must become one. That is the teaching of Christianity. That is the ultimate goal.

For 2,000 years, Christianity has gone through a course the reverse of that of the Fall in order to spiritually restore the world. This is the spiritual Christianity. If Christianity now attends the Messiah on this foundation, everything will be completed.

When the Lord comes at the Second Advent, the whole world will become one. All nations will become one. Christian denominations in nations will unite and clergy in denominations will unite. Clergy will unite and come to unite with Christ. If they attend Christ and unify, the world will be restored in the Messiah's time. God had been preparing this for 2000 years.

However, because not all connections were established, the foundation has again to be prepared. (66-277)

2) The Task of the Lord at the Second Advent

What is the task of the Lord? He has to win victory over Satan and then has to win victory over leading spiritual beings. These days, there are many people who have spiritual ability and proudly think that they will become famous and great in the world. But they cannot attain that if they only devote themselves, without knowing the contents required for the liberation of the fallen realm.

The Messiah has to win victory over Satan in the spiritual world. That is not the corporeal world, but the incorporeal world. If he were not to gain victory against leading beings in the incorporeal world, the way to advance to the entire spiritual world could not emerge. Thus, he could never enter the spiritual world. Moreover, even if he could then enter the spiritual world, he could not be victorious fighting against all spiritual beings, owing to many obstacles. Accordingly, after defeating Satan, he must defeat the leading powers of the incorporeal world.

Therefore, the Messiah has to take the course to finally win over even Christianity, after having victory in the realm of Satan, the entire spiritual world, and various other religions. Why is that? It is because he has to inherit everything from them.

When he has received authorization from heaven and earth through this struggle, the Messiah will hear the word from God, "You are the victor over Satan and the spiritual world." Then, the path to be able to act on the earth will open. You must know this. This history remained. Then, who is the Lord to come? He has to win over Satan, numerous spiritual beings-including many founders of religions and many leaders-face-to-face. Through having them realize the origin of religion and of the universe centering on God's nobility and true love, he can win over them.

Every existing being in the universe is willing to be absorbed by a higher protagonist of love on the earth. Don't you think so? Birds and dogs also go to find a village which can give them more love. It is the same.

Accordingly, the Messiah has to inherit all authority by gaining victory centering on true love. He has to inherit the authority of unification. That is the responsibility of the Messiah who is to come on the earth.

The Kingdom of God cannot be realized even through a unified Christianity. Christianity might be able to be unified on this earth. However, it could not unify all cultures, such as those of Buddhism and Hinduism, which are the foundations of the spiritual world. As long as cultural boundaries remain on earth, not being destroyed, so that there is no originating point for unifying the spiritual world, the realm of unified culture cannot come about. (100-18)

The Messiah has the responsibility to be able to unify the nation, the world, and heaven and earth. Can the Messiah do that? Even God has not accomplished that; how can the Messiah do it? From this perspective, what kind of religion does God have to establish? It must be a strong religion to be able to unify individuals, families, tribes, nations, the world, and the cosmos. Satan agrees that that is the mission of the Messiah. In this sense, the mission of the Messiah is decided. (130-175)

Chapter 3 The Necessity of True Parents

Chapter 3 The Necessity of True Parents

1. The Universal Need For Parents

Originally, after God created Adam and Eve, God wanted to dwell in them. God as the Parent wanted to bear the fruit of children, and God wanted His children to know Him as their Parent. God wanted to perfect both roles through this process. By fulfilling this plan, God could harvest and have both.

Why do we need parents, and why does God need children? God is spiritual, and His son is corporeal. The relationship between God and man is as a father and son. The invisible God, by bearing fruit through His visible son, enters the mind of His son and manifests himself as God. The invisible God bears fruit in His son's mind. Thereby the son also bears fruit, and God can even bequeath His fruit to His son. Through this process, God bears both the fruit of God and the fruit of parents. These are of equal value.

Why do we need parents and children? Even God, with all His love, needs a counterpart. We, His children, if we have love, also need our counterpart. This reciprocal relationship is the relationship of heaven and earth. It is a vertical relationship.

This world can be divided into two parts: the spiritual world and the physical world. As the children of the invisible God, people are born and plunge into history. Their lives move from one pole to the other. They grow up and wish to search for the Invisible. One day they will become bridegrooms and brides and become one with their partners through love. It is like the waxing moon and the waning moon becoming one.

We conclude that children need parents in order to occupy the realm of heaven, and parents need children to take possession of the earth. Parents' mind is the mind of heaven. When you are a child you do not know this mind of heaven, but you come to know it when you become a parent.

The task of love is to occupy both worlds and unite them. When it happens, the relationship of father and son becomes glorious. They are one. Neither father nor son can stand in front or behind. Do you understand this glorious relationship of father and son?

Why do we feel sorry for people without parents? They do not have the means to occupy the spiritual world and the physical world. We also feel sorry for people without children. It is because God's ideal of creation is designed such that parents and children unite and bind the cosmos together with love. Therefore, people without children are not qualified to be an example to others. They will be thrown into the trash and end up in hell. That is why people without parents and people without children are full of grief.

2. Physical Parents and True Parents

What is the position of your physical parents? They fall into the category of parents in the evil world, which is the opposite of True Parents. Some people ask, "If Rev. and Mrs. Moon are our True Parents, does that mean our real parents are evil parents?" This is a problem.

If the world were not fallen, do you think people would pull their children away, insisting, "He is my son! She is my daughter!" Do you think that in the Garden of Eden there was the concept that one has to abandon one's own mother and father to find a new mother and father? (No, there was not.) Why, then, are we born with this kind of destiny? This situation was not created by God, but by Satan. It is a consequence of the Fall.

Satan divides everything. Satan divides mother from father, son from daughter. Satan divides families, nations, and breaks the entire world into pieces. The Last Days is the era when Satan divides everything. Therefore, the Last Days is the end of the world. We must know this.

The Last Days is also the time of a new beginning. According to the Divine Principle, God initiates a movement in the Last Days to unite everything that is divided.

What are the True Parents? What is the difference between your physical parents and the True Parents? What do the True Parents do? What kind of love do the True Parents teach? The difference between your physical parents and the True Parents has to do with love and the concept of love. Your physical parents teach you about love centering on the flesh, and your spiritual parents teach you about love centering on the spiritual world. These have very different content.

Why do you need spiritual parents, when you already have physical parents? You need them to resolve the problem of the Fall. Your fallen parents have taught you the downward path by centering on yourself. Their parental love has made a rope connecting you to the satanic world, to keep you there forever. You do not have the means to cut that rope. (129-29)

When the True Parents appear, they love centered on God. Therefore, God cannot but love everything that the True Parents love. You know this is true according to the Principle. You, who were born into the satanic world, come to follow the True Parents, saying, "I like True Parents' nation and True Parents' family more than my mother and father, more than my home, and more than my sons and daughters. God's love is far better than anything else."

If you have True Parents' love, then Satan cannot pull you away, no matter how hard he tries. The realm of God's love and True Parents' love is the ideal realm of the original world. Therefore, Satan has no authority to take away these sons and daughters. Unification Church members from all five races, you all have parents, right? What kind of parents are they? They are your normal parents. The Unification Church has True Parents. They are your special parents. The True Parents are completely different from your parents.

Your normal parents raise a big commotion. You are trying so hard to come to your special parents, and they are trying to kidnap you to prevent you from coming to Rev. Moon. Nevertheless, your special parents remain calm, closing their eyes. I do not command you to follow me. If you want to follow me, then come. If you want to go your own way, then leave. It's up to you.

Your normal parents become hotheaded and scream, "Reverend Moon is Satan. He is a heretic!" But the True Parents stay silent. Your normal parents say, "We are your special parents." Are they correct? (128-138)

Rev. and Mrs. Moon are the parents of three ages. They are the parents of the Old Testament Age, the parents of the New Testament Age, and the parents of the Completed Testament Age. That is why they are True Parents. By the way, some of you pray, "in the name of Parents." You are not supposed to pray like that. Rev. Moon alone is qualified to pray in the name of Parents. You should clearly know this and teach this.

What is the difference between your birth parents and True Parents? They are not the same. Your parents are situated within a single age, but the True Parents encompass the three ages. They encompass the past, present and future ages, both the spiritual and physical worlds.

The True Parents are the root and the bud. Your physical parents are branches. Do you understand? A bud grows on a branch. Thus, your physical parents are parents on the branches stemming out of the current age. True Parents, however, are the parents of all three ages. They are the parents of the age of the root, the age of the trunk and branches, and also the age of the leaves.

Thus, you should not forget the word "True Parents." You have some nerve to think that you can pray in the name of "Parents" because I pray in the name of "Parents." It is contrary to the Principle. Do you understand? If you continue to do that, what will happen? Children call their mother and father "parents." If you pray to parents, they will be confused and ask you, "Who are our parents? What's the difference?" Don't confuse them like that. Birth parents are the parents of one age, while Rev. and Mrs. Moon are the parents of three ages. They are vertical parents. Rev. and Mrs. Moon are the parents of grandfathers and fathers and grandsons -- three ages, three stages. You have to know this clearly. Therefore, True Parents cannot do whatever they wish. They cannot leave the position of the root. They may think, "it would be nice to wander about like a branch," but they cannot.

Can the root do whatever it wishes? Can the buds wander around as they please? Both the root and the buds are longing for the branches. How confining it is to keep one's position for thousands and millions of years! How confining is my position! Yet I have to keep it even though I may shrivel up. It is a position with no freedom. However, the branches can wander around as they wish. You have to know that. (141-226)

3. The Reason for the Coming of True Parents

What is your highest hope? You want to become people fit for the Kingdom of Heaven. You want to become the sons and daughters of the Kingdom of Heaven. Is this your wish? (Yes.) If you become people, sons and daughters, fit for the Kingdom of Heaven, then the Kingdom of Heaven will inevitably appear.

From this viewpoint, can we say that the democratic world is the Kingdom of Heaven? (No!) What kind of world is it? The democratic world is a means, not an end. Its purpose is to help the coming Lord to easily replace the existing political regimes. The rise of democratic ideas is an interim phenomenon. Once the Lord comes on earth, all the people in the world will follow the Lord. Whom else can they follow? When this happens, it will be more convenient for all nations to organize themselves into one nation. However, with democracy, the world cannot unite into one.

The democratic experiment is already finished. Can America by itself lead the world? America is on the verge of perishing. Currently, the issue is how we can revive America, and how we can raise America to be the leader of the world on the path to the Kingdom of Heaven. If that is God's will, then America would do well to tackle these issues with the thought of the Unification Church and the teachings of Rev. Moon. Until she does that, America will have no way to survive, nor can its people build the bridge to the Kingdom of Heaven.

The spiritual world is already organized according to this principle. How long will it take for this form to appear in the physical world? First, God should become the center. Second, True Parents should appear. Third, true children should appear. Fourth, true people should build a true nation. Has the spirit world been expecting this to happen? People in the spirit world have been waiting thousands of years for you to be born on the earth and complete the original will of God.

How is this present world organized? First, human beings placed Satan at the center. Second, it is centered on false parents-that is, fallen parents, evil parents. Third, they brought forth evil offspring, who built up evil nations. This is how this world was organized. The spirit world and the ideal world to come will reject all of it.

Because the word "True Parents" is used in the Unification Church, your mothers and fathers oppose us, saying, "If they are your True Parents, who are we?" There have been episodes when parents kidnapped their own sons or daughters, who wished to become true sons and daughters. All the nations in this evil world opposed us and cast us out. Now, they cannot oppose us any more. They can fight against Rev. Moon, but they cannot win.

We must escape from Satan's realm. Satan mobilizes individuals, families, tribes, peoples, nations, and the whole world to keep us from escaping. This is the very last, decisive battle. (161-224)

4. Preconditions for the Appearance of True Parents

What needs to be accomplished in order for the True Parents to appear? Can the True Parents appear without the archangel having been restored? (No.) Can the True Parents appear without Jesus having been restored? (No.) Can the True Parents appear without a bride having been restored? (No.) The religious world should resolve these problems. At the place where all the difficulties in God's providence for restoration are resolved, the word "True Parents" newly appears. Therefore, you should recognize that the True Parents are not any ordinary people. Are the True Parents inferior to your wives, your mothers and your brothers?

The True Parents do not appear unless the archangel is restored. The True Parents do not appear unless Adam is restored. The True Parents do not appear unless a bride-Eve-is restored. This is the truth. (46-214)

5. The True Lineage Comes Only Through True Parents

Humankind needs True Parents. What began from the false parents should be begun from the True Parents. The false parents were the people who, by living in false love, received false life and the false lineage.

We have to reverse this wrong beginning. How can we inherit true life and the true lineage centering on the love of True Parents? In other words, because we inherited the wrong seed, the issue is how we can recover the original seed.

Since this is the problem, we understand that the Messiah comes on the earth bearing the messianic seed, the new seed of the True Parents. We cannot receive this seed except from the True Parents. Through a process of engrafting, the True Parents infuse their seed into us over and over again. We can thus be restored to the position of an original Olive Tree. It is that simple.

Therefore, God is our True Parent. He is so close to us! God is our vertical Parent and the True Parents are our horizontal parents. Together, they realize the ideal of true love. (218-224)

Look at the government of the United States, a democratic country. Democracy is brotherhoodism. That is why the political parties are constantly fighting with each other. I have proclaimed, "There must be parents. Only when there are parents, can brothers stop their fighting. Parentism is needed in this miserable situation. Godism is needed, the teaching that we should live centering on God!" What kind of parents can fulfill this hope for peace? These parents do not exist in the satanic world. They would be totally opposite from parents in the satanic world. These parents are called True Parents.

Why do we need True Parents? True Parents are needed in order to eradicate the foundation of satanic love, satanic life and satanic lineage. How did man and woman fall into such a condition? They fell through wrong use of the sexual organs. The sexual organs! The sexual organ was originally meant to be the palace of love. Yet, how is this palace now? A person's sexual organ is something so precious. It is the palace of love, the palace of life and the palace of lineage. Is it something dirty? No. It is holy.

The sexual organ became a dirty thing because of the Fall. From God's original viewpoint, it is not something dirty, but something holy. It is the most precious place, where life, love and lineage are joined. Yet Satan defiled it. (218-178)

6. The Reason We Absolutely Need True Parents

Today, Unification Church followers call me True Parents. The word "True Parents" is a fearful word. Yet it is wonderful to know this word.

A tribe, people and nation are not formed without a family. The family originated from the womb of God's love. The family was then to expand to form a tribe, people and nation. Therefore, to defeat the satanic world, we have to march forward centering on the model of the True Family.

We fallen human beings stem from evil ancestors. From the first fallen ancestor to the multitude of your ancestors to your mothers and fathers-all are parents in the fallen realm. All of them are immersed in the tradition begun at the human Fall. Considering this, it is truly amazing that the True Parents have appeared.

We need True Parents because this world is not the realm of love. The realm of love is an environment where all are one in heart, where everything is united, everything is clear, and everything is complete. It was God's original will for Adam and Eve to begin that realm from a pure, unfallen love-nest. The realm of love would begin where unfallen Adam and Eve unite with God and realize the ideal. Once the realm of love is manifest in this world, we will not need the word "Unification Church." We will not need the world. To find this realm, we have to abandon the world, abandon the nation, and search until we find the True Family. We need the True Family. We must find this family even if we have to give up everything. This is important. (138-277)

Whom do we need? We need True Parents. True Parents are more valuable than your friends or your teachers. Therefore, you have to follow True Parents even though you may have to give up your best friend. You have to follow True Parents even though you may have to leave your teacher.

When you join the Unification Church, your friend may say, "Our friendship is over." Your teacher may say, "I am no longer your teacher." Yet, you have to follow this road. Even your mother and father may reject you. Yet, you have to follow this road. Would that, all of a sudden, everyone liked this road. It would be the historical beginning of a new heaven and a new earth. (33-338)

Human beings need True Parents. Why is that? For the first time in the history of humankind, people can be connected to the axis of love. Do you know how meaningful this is? It is an event in the Principle that has never happened before in history and never will again. You have to know this clearly. The axis of love is one, not two. Love that stems from this axis is true love. Your mother and father's love is not true love.

The first commandment reads, "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and all your soul and all your might," and the second commandment reads, "You shall love your neighbor as yourself." That is how God has loved us. (137-108)

Why do we need True Parents? By completing their individual responsibilities, the True Parents can cast out the world-level Satan, whose fetters bind every individual on earth. Do you understand? By completing their individual responsibilities and by fulfilling the conditions needed to indemnify the fall of the family, the True Parents inevitably complete the course for restoration through indemnity. Unless one individual completes his portion of responsibility for restoration through indemnity on the world level, the world cannot be restored. Do you understand? Unless one individual fulfills the portion of responsibility necessary to bring Satan to submission, restoration cannot be accomplished. (137-106)

We need True Parents for God to come down and settle on the earth. That is why True Parents bear hardship on the earth. (217-354)

Why do you need True Parents? You need True Parents to inherit the new lineage. According to the Divine Principle, the Old Testament Age was the age to lay the foundation of faith, the New Testament Age has been the age to lay the foundation of substance, and the Completed Testament Age is the age to realize the new ideal. Therefore, as people living in the age of love, we should inherit the good lineage. Until now, all people have not inherited a good lineage. Everyone's lineage is mixed.

Rev. Moon inherited the original lineage, the original tradition, and he came to know the truth. That is why he has been fighting against Satan. Do you know that?

True Parents are like the new buds of a good olive tree. You must truncate your tree and have a bud from the True Parents' tree engrafted to your stump. You must receive the graft of a bud from True Parents and God. Do you understand? Then, your body will not be your body, your thought will be the same as God and True Parents' thought. You will bear the same fruit, giving birth to good sons and daughters. This is not possible if you live by the ways of the satanic world. It is not propitious to have sons and daughters before you receive the graft from God and True Parents.

Now you know how great it is to be victorious over the three ages. You should be a person who fights and wins representing these three ages and three countries. How are you going to handle the three countries of Germany, Japan and Korea? People who are not confident to handle their opponents should not go to war. You have to be determined! Who ever believed the world would change like this? You may have thought that White people would live only with White people, but they also must live with Blacks and Orientals-three races.

The victor who can represent the world of three ages, symbolized by the number three, encapsulates in himself the Old Testament Age, the New Testament Age, and the Completed Testament Age. When you become the victor of the three ages, or three stages, your victory carries the whole world. Do you want to be like that? (Yes!)

You have to put in ten times more effort than did Noah. If you volunteer to become a slave, you will pass. You will pass through the trial and accomplish everything. Doors will keep opening for you. Although you try to bear hardship, doors of prosperity will keep opening. Although you try to fast, someone will keep bringing you meals. Although you try to work, someone will keep doing the work for you. Only work willingly and voluntarily, not because you have no other choice. (125-208)

7. The Decision To Send the True Parents Was Preordained and A Subject of Prophetic Foreknowledge

In the Last Days a great transformation will take place. Human beings, who have inherited evil love, evil life and evil blood, will receive God's love, God's life, and God's blood. For this change to take place, True

Parents must appear. True Parents are not just people who come and go. Do you have any idea how hard God has worked and how much blood religious people have shed so that the True Parents could come?

A few days ago, I saw a book titled Kyogamyoorok. This book came out later than Chungamnok. It prophesied the coming of one named Rev. Moon. Such is my significance.

There are many people who saw me before I was born. Did you know that? How could they see me even before I was born? The spirit world existed long before my birth. The spirit world told them about a person who was to come. Even so, only those who have endured suffering and anguish on the earth can enter the realm of True Parents' dominion in the spirit world. God uses such a strategy, in order that those who worked so hard will not lose their reward. These people attended True Parents by their suffering, even though True Parents appeared long afterwards. Hence, they were given the opportunity to follow True Parents in the spiritual world. That is why the loving God showed them everything concerning me decades or centuries before my birth.

Truly, I am a historical figure. Now when I declare that I am a historical figure to Koreans or to the people of the world, everyone readily agrees with me. Although I may declare it at midnight or early in the morning, it is as if they are listening to me in the daytime.

Now, everything is finished. The fighting is all over. In the near future, I will pluck out with a pair of tweezers those who are against me. There are only a few of them, and I see that they are mostly people who had some kind of relationship with me in the past. Why do they come against me? They have become hostage to the conventional customs and ways of the secular system. Unless they free themselves, they will go to hell.

God will record who is right and who is wrong. It is an instant judgment. After God sees something, does He pretend that He didn't see it? God is not like that. (213-27)

8. True Parents Are Not Elected

It has been hard to restore the family. It has been hard to restore the church. It has been hard to straighten out the direction of the free world. It has been hard to straighten out the collapsing Communist world. Rev. Moon has restored the right to inherit. You know the history of Cain and Abel. Now the right to inherit has been restored. Originally, had Adam not fallen, Adam himself would have had the right to inherit. Also, Adam would have become the True Father. Then, Adam would have become the King of Kings.

What did human beings lose as a result of the Fall? First, Adam lost the elder-sonship. Adam lost the right of the elder son to inherit the great enterprise of Heaven and earth. He lost it because of Satan. Furthermore, Adam lost his right to become the True Father. Adam was to have become God's eternal blood relative. Centering on God's love, God's life and

God's lineage, he was to attend his Parent, the Creator of the cosmos. Also, if Adam had not fallen, human beings would share one culture. It would be Adam's culture. All people would be Adam's relatives. Thereby, Adam would have established one royal authority. The democratic world is like a crutch. Democracy is brotherhoodism. The democratic way is that all the brothers gather together to elect their representative, who will sacrifice more, serve more, and build the tradition.

Democracy is internationalism, but Parentism is higher still. Know that the era of Parentism is coming. Do you choose your parents through an election? Can you select the Messiah through an election? Can you choose God through an election? No! Democracy has the potential to create a culture of mistrust. Why? It rewards people who act for their own self-interest. People employ deceit, slander their rivals, mobilize financial power and manpower, anything, in order to advance their personal cause. (211-343)

Chapter 4 The Mission of True Parents

Chapter 4 The Mission of True Parents

1. The Position of the True Parents

When we review world history, we find an era of feudalism, an era of monarchy, an era of imperialism, and now the era of brothers, which is democracy, along with the era of servants, which is Communism. When we find that in all these eras people were not governed centered on the law of love, we can know that it has been a false world. We can make this conclusion.

The original world was to be formed centered on the original heart: therefore, there must be the original human being. But where is the human being who accords with the original ideal? "Human being" refers to man or woman.

Today, since this world is undoubtedly a satanic world, history is searching in the world for the original human being. We can make such a conclusion. Today in the world with a population of four billion, history is seeking for one leader who can guide and lead a true world and heaven and earth.

Then, how will the original leader come? He will come transcending the fallen individual, family, tribe, people, nation and world. What kind of person is he? (He is a true man) Indeed, he is a true man, but what kind of person is a true man? I am speaking of a definition of a true person. It is a person who attains true love. It is quite simple. Then what about this simple person? What is such a person? (He is a true parent) Simply, it is so.

What kind of being is God? God represents true love. What is the characteristic of God? (God can love all people) Yes, we should know this. God has an ability to love all existence. Simply put, God loves the big and the small. He loves all. Whether big or small, everything is embraced. Everything is in. Do you understand?

This is true indeed. We have to make this clear. All existence in the world, whether big or small, all can enter. Do you understand? (Yes) Therefore, God is a Being who is capable of loving all, from the biggest to the smallest. (124-117)

We should get to our destination for the sake of the world. No matter how difficult, we must go. We must go for the sake of the world, and we must give for the sake of the world. America should give for the sake of the world, and wherever she goes, she should give.

The True Parents should give. It is a principle. It is in this principle that we discover something new, that there exists a new world, and that a new fate is created. I gave up Korea in order to give life to America. I gave up a nation in this way. (147-143)

All of you call Rev. Moon "True Father," don't you? I am guiding you to this path because I am trying to give you everything that is the very best, knowing as a principle that all of you are seeking to receive the very best as well. I am doing this in God's stead. We should know this. (127-329)

You all have a background. It is a perfect background. The background is the True Parents. The True Parents cannot be accused by Satan. They receive an identification card. Do you understand? On this ID card God and also Satan have to sign, and that's not all. The Archangel has to sign, and the next person to sign is Adam. Do you know what I am talking about? (117-161)

2. The Path of the True Parents

There is a war going on in the world now. Who is going to deal with it? Who should do that? We will. We have to fight Communism; furthermore, we must fight against moral destruction. We also have to prevent the fall of religion.

Rev. Moon is gathering the world's scholars and theologians for a conference and discussing and examining such issues seriously. America is doing things that she never dreamed of. You say you are active in your mission, but who is dealing with the more difficult task, you or I?

It is a fundamental principle that parents should bear more hardship than do their children, therefore I am living this way. If there is some money available, I never eat and live a luxury life with such money. I am opening a better path for the future descendants for their well being. I earn money with a heart of love for the future generation.

Who is Rev. Moon? What are the True Parents? In the same position as a Father, the True Parents must connect families, tribes, peoples, nations, the world, and the cosmos. They have to connect them all and protect them. True Parents must love mankind as if loving a husband, as if loving their own sons and daughters. They must love humanity as if loving their own parents. (118-242)

God's desire is to find someone who wants to live together with God. It is a person who wants to live his or her life with God forever. This is as if once you put your head together with your beloved son or daughter, you would never want to take your eye from them for thousands of millions of years. Such a person God is searching for. Do you understand? Once God touched His finger on his loving son, He would never want to let His finger depart from him, even if thousands of years or millions of years passed. God wants to live with this kind of love.

The Unification Church is trying to teach parent-child relationships and husband-wife relationships governed by this principle of love. We are promoting families and brother-sister relationships governed by this love principle. Brothers are not those who would get together once and depart. They would want to stay together for thousands of millions of years, and still want to be together. These are the kind of brothers and sisters we are talking about.

When this is practiced throughout the five different races, then, and only then, is the realm of God's love established and God can dwell in it. Is it easy or not? There must be a presence of parents who let everyone else eat all the food and wait still more until they have consumed the food at the next meal, and then wash all the dishes for them and watch them go to sleep, before they will finally eat their own food. There must be parents who live like this.

Today, the True Parents are walking such a path. This is the path that they must go. There are times when even True Mother does not understand True Father. When I am seeing people every day, while talking to them I forget the lunch time. When dinner time comes, I am still continuing to speak to them; meanwhile the rice gets cold and hard. In the kitchen, there are a few people wanting to wait on Father, so it becomes a big matter. Someone comes in several times to let me know that it is time to eat, but I say, "OK," and still continue to speak.

My philosophy is this. Food is not my concern. I am trying to find you, searching for the you who would never be bored living with me for thousands of millions of years if you and I lived together. Even if it becomes 12 o'clock midnight, or 2 o'clock in the morning, and even when the sky becomes white and a cock crows at the dawn-still I am longing to be with my sons, whom I cannot help but love so dearly. I am that kind of person. I am missing and longing for such a son, such a daughter, such brothers and sisters. (127-284)

If there were a true human being, this person, representing history today, would seek and find a path which he would teach humankind saying, "This is the true standard path that all humankind should walk." If there were such a true person, in order to search for this path he would pioneer that path, and then he could teach it to humankind. He would do that even if that meant that he would have to sacrifice greatly in place of humanity, or even if he would have to cry out until he could not stand up. One who knew the path and went alone by himself would not be a true person. (163-89)

What do you think the word "True Parents" means in the course of history? In order to get to "True Parents," how many steps do we need to climb?

First in the course of history, we need a true servant. It means a servant of servants. We should start from there, shouldn't we? Then, there should be a true beggar. A true laborer must be there, too. Everyone must be there. A true persecutor must be there, as well as the crucified. One who doesn't like to think about these people, cannot think of "True Parents." There must be a true criminal amongst criminals. Everyone must exist. The True Parents must walk this path, and must build a bridge.

There must be a person who represents love, who begins from the most miserable position in the world and can climb up and go beyond. We must know that in order to do this, he must walk the path of the cross of love. This is the bridge. He must climb step by step, from the position of a true servant, to a true adopted son, a true son, true Cain, and then to true Abel.

When you learn the teachings of the Unification Church, you study the paths of servant of servant, adopted son, etc. Who would go through this course? This is the path that Father must go. I went that path, fought and survived, and won the victory against those who persecuted me, and that's how I put a bridge there.

Therefore, when you see a miserable person on the street, know that Father is in this kind of situation. When, in such a position, I was hit and stomped on by the Communists, tortured and robbed, do you think I was angry or not? Even when I was in such agony, do you think I would say, "God, please let the lightning and thunder hit and destroy them?" No. I prayed for their well being from the position of shedding blood from my body. But they even tried to capture me and take me away. (116-114)

3. The Process Prior To Becoming True Parents

Owing to the fall of man, false parents were born. That is why I had to rediscover and erect a position of heavenly True Parents in the midst of this satanic world, going through a suffering path. All must be restored by parents. Parents must take entire responsibility for and indemnify everything that got overturned. (131-63)

In order to become true parents, one must love the Cain-world. This Cain-world is an elder sons' world, isn't it? Because the Cain-world is the fallen elder son's world, unless one establishes a condition for reconciliation through investing heavenly love no matter what the opposition, there is no restoration of the satanic world. We must know this.

We must love the elder son first. According to the Principle, Satan is the elder son, and that's why Satan says, "God, before loving Abel, you must establish a condition of loving an elder son first. You are not allowed to love the second son without first loving your first son!" This is only the Principle. Therefore, the course on which mother, or Eve, must go, is to make Cain and Abel one and then return to Adam.

When it comes to love relationships, Father has the world's record. In terms of conscience, there will appear a group that will have a cosmic record. You should know that this is not just a concept but is happening in reality. It is a fact, a historical fact. How threatening it is for Satan, and how hopeful it is for God! We should be able to feel such deep gratitude toward the amazing fact that the future of the Unification Church can only be hopeful. (Applause)

What did God and Rev. Moon -- God and True Parents -- do in order to accomplish this work? They had to penetrate barbed wire and force their way through in order to accomplish the work. There remains not only the stains of blood and tears, but even the pattern left by the whip of miserable, tragic torture. They pioneered such a path. The Unification Church members should have the attitude of heart not to dishonor this kind of heart of Heavenly Parents and True Parents. You must know that this heart is the storehouse of heavenly treasure. From this storehouse, we can abolish hell and create the Kingdom of Heaven. (Applause)

Today, as we are welcoming True Parents' Day, we are proclaiming the victorious realm of parents. How much Satan hated to see the victorious realm of parents, and how much God was waiting for this! This victorious realm-for which all of your ancestors and humankind had longed-is here now, and I am going to let you inherit it all. I am giving it all away to all of you children without my even once touching it to use it. Therefore, as you inherit it you should know that you have, at the least, to maintain a form of a small crystal stone, if not a huge crystal. (216-326)

True Parents must be two individuals. Without being two persons, they cannot stand upon the standard of True Parents. Further, even if they set a standard of victory in spiritual battle, without establishing substantial True Parenthood on the earth no victorious standard will be built in this world. No matter how the victorious standard was established in the spiritual world, without having True Parents on the earth, there is no basis to establish a foothold on the earth, corresponding to the one in the spiritual world.

Therefore, the True Parents who are to come must offer their lives for the sake of the battle on behalf of heaven and the earth. We must know that this was the forty-year period.

Then, what kind of struggle do they need to undergo when the True Parents come during this forty-year period? First of all, they must go through a spiritual trial in the spiritual world. Next, they are to go through a substantial trial on the earth. Even in the midst of such a battle, they must not perish, but keep the center and rise above it. Then, and only then, can they fulfill the providence for True Parents both in the spiritual and in the physical realm. This means finally fulfilling the hope of the 6000-year providential history.

We established True Parents' Day in 1960. What does this Day mean? This was the day to claim the starting point of true victory, both spiritual and physical. Also, the thought of the True Parents was proclaimed on this day. It was only one day, and the providence that began on that day was only partial. However, this small providence will go through to a cosmic destiny.

Furthermore, God was finally able to propel forward His plan both in the spiritual and physical worlds at the same time from that day on. This means that for the first time the ground upon which God can fight was established on earth, corresponding to that in the spirit world. Thus, the victorious ground was established, and we need only to build foundations on the levels of family, tribe, people, nation and world that can match and correspond to that ground.

Jesus could not accomplish his entire mission owing to the opposition of the Israelites. Therefore, he went to Paradise and gathered and subjugated Israel spiritually, thus standing in the position of the spiritual Parent. In the same way, the four-year period was a time of being able to establish a worldwide base of victory on the earth. Once the spiritual world and the physical world became one during these 4 years and we could establish a day of victory, on that day humanity entered into the era of a realm of grace in which all humankind can conduct activities in the spiritual realm higher than Paradise.

By the way, in this historical process, the coming True Parents must bear the cross for the sake of all humanity even though they are in the position of bearing an individual cross. Even when they are carrying a cross on the level of a tribe, a people, or a nation, they are to carry a cross on the level of the world for the sake of humankind.

When we look at the history of the Israelites, we know that Jacob was able to establish a condition for individual restoration because of his victory in the individual battle with Esau. After that, he went to the house of Laban, and there, with cooperation from heaven, Jacob was able to gain a family level victory and thus established a family. Afterwards, descendants of Jacob went into Egypt in the satanic world in order to form a people. With heaven's support they were rescued from Egypt and left it and entered into Canaan, where they were able to destroy the seven tribes of Canaan. In this way, the Israelites went through a forty-year course for the restoration of Canaan and were able to go on the attack against the Satan -- in this world for the first time.

Prior to the forty-year wilderness course, there was a three-day course. The Israelites were able to be the first to restore a Canaan only after completing the three-day course. After entering Canaan, the Israelites had to erect another period signified by the number 40.

Since the dispensation for restoration went through this kind of course, Father had to walk a three-year course and four-year course after completing the forty-year course. When we add up these three years and four years, they form a seven-year course.

Only after going through this kind of process can the history of restoration come to an end and the heavenly sovereignty be established. Originally, Jesus also was to start a seven-year course, from the age of 33, establish a standard of parenthood according to Heaven's desire, and then erect the standard for restoring all things. He was to have completed everything by the age of 40 and fulfill the Will of Heaven. This was the mission of Jesus. However, he was prevented from fulfilling this Will, and he died on the cross. Thus, this Will was left unfulfilled.

That's why True Parents who come are to take responsibility for both the internal and external battles and must go through a forty-year course of preparation, or battle period. Externally it was a forty-year period of preparation; however, internally it was a period of battle and struggle. In this way, through establishing a spiritual victorious path, the True Parents were able to prepare a combined spiritual and physical substantial foundation.

Having gone through a three-year period, in which the True Parents were the center, there had to come a four-year course for the restoration of all things, to prepare for all four directions. These, as a seven-year course, will conclude restoration through indemnity.

From the perspective of the whole course of history before history finds True Parents, a three-year course, a four-year course, and a 40-year course are short periods; however, these are periods for the collective restoration through indemnity of all the historical sorrow, all the agony and regret of history and the entire historical cross. Without having established an absolute standard, which cannot be defeated by all historical grief, pain, agony and regret, we would not have welcomed True Parents' Day, the Day of Victory of True Parents.

We Unification Church members have fought in place of Heaven and borne responsibility for the Will and that is why we are inviting these trials and sufferings and accepting them.

In this process, we must establish a self that is separated from the satanic world, and True Parents, as a living example of victory, must set the standards for true children, tribes, peoples and nations who can measure and judge the satanic world. Otherwise, we cannot accomplish on earth the Original Will for True Parents.

All of you who are fighting with me during this period are the individual representatives of the True Parents, and also their representatives on the levels of family, people and nation. You, representing such Parents, are spreading across Korea and fighting in every corner of this land. Your responsibility is to go toward the global stage to fight responsibly.

Looking from this perspective, what has been the grief of the spiritual world and the physical world until now? Originally, from the day when the True Parents appear on this earth, heaven and earth should be singing a song of peace, the entire cosmos should enter into the realm of happiness and well-being, and God's heavenly kingdom should be established on the earth. (13-285)

Until I proclaimed True Parents' Day, imagine how much suffering I went through, being spoken ill of and spending periods of time in prison. I went to prison six times, and only this year am I proclaiming True Parents. Therefore, the most miserable king of kings in the world is Rev. Moon. Your mother or father may say various other things, but the most miserable and poorest person of all is Rev. Moon. (211-161)

Think how much Father invested for the sake of the world. How much tears and blood did he shed, how much sweat did he perspire, and how many times did he sigh? They weren't done for a bowl of rice or for worldly success. They were for the sake of liberating the earthly realm, the spiritual realm, and Heavenly Father. A person like Rev. Moon never before existed in history. It is only the True Parents.

There is that background in history, and it is not only a concept. True Parents fought on a real battleground and formed a substantial realm of victory by setting a higher standard, to the level now where every nation in the world must bow her head solemnly. (210-364)

4. The Authority and Mission of True Parents

What did the True Parents come to do in front of humankind on the earth? They came in order to create something that humanity loves the most. What is that? That is to make each of you small true parents. (125-117)

What should the True Parents accomplish? They have to open all the blocked doors between the spiritual world and the physical world and build a highway. You have to know this. They will create a highway from hell, from hell in the spiritual world, to the place of heaven. (134-129)

The True Parents came to bring kingship centered on the spiritual and physical worlds. Therefore, in order to connect it to the spiritual world, the True Parents must establish a base of unification in the spiritual world and thus connect to earth the spiritual kingship foundation, which is a formation-level foundation. Without this, the spiritual world cannot resonate with the position of the earth, on which the True Parents have achieved a completion-level standard. Therefore, the True Parents must prepare for this. (140-54)

Where are your parents? (Here) Why is Rev. Moon your parent? Did he give birth to you? (Spiritual birth.) (Laughter) How is he a spiritual parent? There is one thing that is different. Rev. Moon is a parent who can connect you to God's love. Original Love. You should know this.

What is Adam? He is a parent who was to be your ancestor, yet he could not connect to God's love. He could not do it. That's why your parents cannot be connected to God's love. Do you understand what I am talking about? (Yes)

How are the True Parents different? They have the authority and privilege to connect you to the love of God. It is a privilege. The fact is that you are listening to Rev. Moon of the Unification Church and not to your parents. Is that a social good or evil? (Good) Why? It is because it is in accordance with the principle of heaven and earth. (118-148)

What are True Parents to do? Their role is to lead the false children and transform them into the children of True Parents. Therefore, Satan, in his attempt to stop this, attacks, smites, and does all kinds of things. On Satan's side are evil people. That is why the True Parents digest not only sons and daughters, but also the levels of family, tribe and world. It is easy to say, but the matter is serious. (149-280)

What Father is doing is to show you everything in this era of history. I am showing you the path that a servant of servants should go and teaching you how a servant should walk. I have done everything up to now in order that I could show you how you can go this way, and how you can become one with God. Only if you follow Father and accomplish every step can you get to the love of God eventually; there is no other way. You have to know this. (135-142)

How does one become a true parent? One can only become a true parent when he or she can establish a responsible condition for the destruction of all the blocked walls brought about owing to the fall of the human ancestors. When we look at our Unification Church, not only Christianity but also Tenshu-kyo (Tenshu religion), Buddhism, Confucianism and Islam are included.

Buddhism will eventually find its end here. Do you know it? Everyone, do you know it or not? (We do) You will be embarrassed if you don't know. It means that if you come here, all religions have the possibility to become one. After that would come the tribal and racial problems. Truly, the five races can become one. (118-270)

The wall created between the realm of the dominion of the Principle and the realm of direct dominion must he erased through indemnity. The walls on the levels of individual, family, tribe, people, nation, world, and cosmos must also be liquidated. The realm of the dominion of the Principle was entirely occupied by Satan. That's why Satan is in the middle position. If God is located at the top and humanity at the bottom, Satan is positioned in the middle. That's how the satanic wall was formed.

Then, how do we penetrate this wall and get to the position of God? This is the purpose of religion. Satan has tried to utilize the realm of indirect dominion from the period of the creation of heaven and earth until now. God's providence is to connect the two realms, and this is why God let religions develop throughout history. Such is Judaism. God's Will has been carried by religion. It came down through Christianity to us: that is our current situation.

The True Parents carry the responsibility to connect the two realms: indirect dominion and direct dominion. Then, how are we to destroy the walls on the levels of individual, family, tribe, people, nation, and world, which are all hooked by Satan? Satan in his own way has been trying his best to hinder God's continuous efforts in history. In this way, the two have been continuing the battle, and Satan has been tenacious in fighting against God.

So Father was always between Satan and God, always trying to eliminate Satan. How could I do the work without receiving Satan's accusation? This gave birth to the course of indemnity, which is fallen man's portion of responsibility. Until now human beings have not accomplished their portions of responsibility. Then, how do we fulfill such a responsibility?

Satan knows that this is the responsibility of the Messiah. That's why he gathered all of his satanic power and troops to attack the True Parents. Despite this, Father went through the work of destroying Satan's wall on the levels of individual, family, tribe, people, nation, world and the spiritual world. The Messiah must go through all of this course.

This is the history of our Church. We always held the Principle firmly against Satan, with love. God has struggled painstakingly to see how the fallen parents, who bequeathed the satanic lineage, could be replaced by True Parents of humankind. That has been the position of God.

That's how the Holy Wedding of Parents took place in 1900 for the first time in human history. Restoration from fallen parents took place. Jesus came to restore everything that came from the fall of Adam and Eve; therefore we were to do everything Jesus could not do. (131-70)

5. True Parents' Love

When you discover your true "self," that is when God is in your heart and you are in the realm of liberation. Your original self is born through connecting to the history of original blood lineage centering on God's original love and True Parents' original love. When you discover such a self, all is included in it. Are True Parents there or not? True Parents' love is there. Because "I" began with God's love, when we discover our "self," already there exists an original form of two kinds of love planted inside of me. That's the root. We cannot separate ourselves from God or from True Parents. We are an entity, and we cannot deny such a "self" that has been an entity stemming from that root. Do you know what I am talking about?

Everyone think about the cells. Whether you take a cell from a leaf or from a root, they are the same. Nowadays, people take a cell and multiply some plants, don't they? It is the same thing. The leaf has a root, and it has everything.

That's why "myself" is great. Inside me I possess the love of God and the love of True Parents. I have everything within myself. God's love and True Parents' love are the core of all the subjects in the universe. They are the eternal standard of subjectivity. Centering on love. they are trying to take everything into their bosom. Therefore. "myself" is a representative of everything. "Myself" can represent God, parents, elder brother if I have an elder brother, or younger brother, elder sister, or younger sister. "Myself" can be such a representative. When I become like this, everyone in my tribe welcomes me and there will never be any fighting. Opposition will not occur. Everything will be embraced and accepted-it is supposed to be that way. Words are easy, aren't they? This is the core of the Principle. Do you know it? (Yes)

We must perfect ourselves. To seek a religious path of spiritual training is to perfect ourselves, isn't it? In order to get to the position of my perfection, the ultimate way to go is to search for God, find True Parents, and be engrafted onto them. Since you as grown-ups cannot be horn once again from a mother's womb, engrafting is necessary. This is the reason why the Messiah comes.

What does the Messiah come to bring? A perfected man comes to bring original love, the love of the True Parents. He comes as a representative of the original ideal. Think about this every time you use the word "myself." Therefore, you need to be liberated. When you are liberated from Satan, from the realm of everyday life, and from the realm of fallen blood lineage, everything will be completed.

Then, what are you going to do after you arc liberated? Then we are to serve God instead of Satan and form a cultural realm. We have to form a realm of the life of True Parents. We will be standing in the position of a perfected Adam, therefore we will complete the purpose of life.

So, inside myself reside True Parents' love and God's love. This love is the essence of harmony, and enables me to become perfect. In other words, within me there are love, life and lineage. This is the trinity. (202-283)

Chapter 5 True Parents and the Kingdom of God

Chapter 5 True Parents and the Kingdom of God

1. Another Meaning of the Characters Heaven and Parents

The Chinese character Cheun (heaven) refers to two persons. The character In (love) also refers to two persons. What kind of two persons are they? They are persons who unite centering on true love, and thus become the center of the harmony between vertical heaven and horizontal earth. This means that the starting point for bringing about the harmony of heaven and earth is the love of two people. (186-62)

Which is first, heaven or earth? Heaven and earth? Or earth and heaven? Which is first? Likewise, is it mother and father? or father and mother? Which is first? In the case of a couple, husband and wife? or wife and husband? Which is first? People want to call a couple husband and wife. There is no one who wants to say, "Earth and heaven'". Everyone refers to heaven and earth.

Therefore, which should be first? Heaven should be first. Then should come earth. However, in the character PuMo (parents), we may ask why Pu (father) should come first? It does not mean to ignore a woman.

Please, let me explain this. Women also may like it. (laughter) In the character for parents, the character Pu (father) comes first. If we look at the character Mo (mother) carefully, it is very interesting. (True Father is writing it on the blackboard.) The character Mo (mother) consists of two characters of Ye (woman) combined and turned upside down.

The Chinese character Yeja (woman) is also interesting. If the character is doubled and turned upside down, it becomes mother. Therefore, mother has the characteristics of two women, representing heaven and earth respectively. In other words, when a woman has the mind representing heaven combined with the mind representing the women of earth, true mother is produced. Is it interesting? The character Pu (father), combines two characters In (human being). That means that when the man representing heaven and the man representing earth are combined into one, he can be father. Is it interesting? (Yes!)

The character Cheun (heaven) is made of two characters representing human being. Therefore, heaven can be made when two persons are combined. It is interesting.

How about the character Pu (father)? This is an interesting character. It wears a cap and goes up higher than heaven. What does it mean? When two persons love each other, they penetrate up to the top of the sky. Therefore, the word Pu Pu (couple) can be formed. Is it interesting? "Yes!" (laughter)

Then, is there anybody who can say, "Because I am a very handsome and great man, I don't need a father and mother"? "Because I am a man, I don't need a father. If my father dies, I will become a father and the lord instead; so, please let my father go and mother remain"? Does any man talk like this? No!

Then, if you are a woman, would you say, "Because I would be the chief woman in my house, please let my mother die and father live alone"? Does any daughter talk like this? No! Then, what should be there? There should be two. There should be father and mother. (59-182)

2. The Reason to Attend True Parents on Earth

The spiritual world is the world which our ancestors govern centering on Adam. The Kingdom of God on earth is the world which is governed centering on his descendants. Do you understand? (Yes!) You should know that.

When you die and go to the spiritual world, you may go to find the realm of your ancestors. Then, have you ever figured out how many of your ancestors are in the spiritual world? You have to pass through all your ancestors. For the mistakes you have made, you will be judged by your ancestors. What is the principle for passing their judgment? That is the question.

What do you have to do in order to pass through the family of ancestors? You have to follow this principle. Even in the spiritual world, all ancestors, families, nations, and the world are connected. From this point of view, you should follow this principle so that you may pass through all the gates of your ancestors. Do you understand?

Briefly, it is the ideal tradition of True Parents. The True Family is the family of the True Parents. The True Parents' position of that of the president of the family. Then, what is the position of the president of a nation? He is to stand in the position of the true parents of the country. The USA should come to be the country of true parents. For example, if Nixon is the president of America, Nixon should stand in the position of the true parents of the country. This is God's heart.

If so, people of the nation should unite with him as if attending their parents. According to the Principle, people of a nation are to unite beyond family, wife, parents. God's ideal is to transcend the smaller. You should value the true parents of the world more than the true parents of your family.

Why do we need to live like that? If we do not live like that, our way will be blocked in the spiritual world. They will not welcome us. Although you have the degree of doctor, as does Dr. Durst, it will not have effect there. Do you understand? The principle of the ideal world is to live for the sake of the true parents of the world more than for the true parents of the family. The true parents of a nation should be governed by attending the true parents of the world. The true parents of the country should live for the sake of the true parents of the world.

What does the Unification Church do? It is the place where we advance the realm of the True Parents of the world. The Unification Church walks the path of sacrificing the true parents of the family and of the nation in order to prepare for the highest standard of the human world. This is the movement of the Unification Church. The movement of the Unification Church is to overcome every difficulty to realize the ideal of the family for the realm of the global true parents. In order to do that, we have to sacrifice the parents of the family and of the country.

For us to become the center of the world, the standard will be how much we have sacrificed beyond individual, family, people, and nation. This will be written as the elements of the worldwide tradition. Do you know what I am saying?

3. The Kingdom Of God Is Possible Only Through True Parents

You cannot go into the Kingdom of God by yourselves. It is possible only when True Parents come down within you. Through becoming one with the Holy Spirit, you should be harmonized with Jesus' love.

In that case, it would seem that you could have the possibility of engrafting into the olive tree of God's side. However, you cannot engraft into it, because it is spiritual. At the time of the Second Coming, the True Parents will initiate engrafting.

That is the ground of the establishment of Kingdom of God. The formula is the same. It is the same as the relationship between Cain and Abel centering on woman. The relation between God and God's child is absolute. Who can separate it? Who can abolish the relationship between father and son? When a couple unites completely, no one can separate them. Even God cannot separate them. Their unity is eternal.

Did you become true couples to be able to attend True Parents through the complete unity between husband and wife? Can God's love and the love of True Parents dwell within your family? Do you love each other such that your children can be born in that realm of love? This is a serious problem. Without doing so, the door to the Kingdom of the Family cannot be opened. (137-186)

You have to pass through True Parents in order to enter the Kingdom of God. Without passing through True Parents, you cannot enter the Kingdom of God. Is it not so? Therefore, True Parents appear. When True Parents stand forth, the true family has to emerge centering on the True Parents. In order for a family in Satan's world to ascend to become a true family it must start from the True Parents. Through struggle, you should deny everything in Satan's world. (44-140)

Do you have a nation? Are you people who have a nation or not? (We are people who have no nation.) There is Korea, isn't there? However, the nation to which we are going is completely different. It is God's nation.

You cannot go to the Kingdom of God if you do not receive the authorized citizenship of that country. Satan cannot make any false accusation to people who have an authorized citizenship of that country throughout every direction, east and west, south and north, as well as through past, present, and future. Without that citizenship, you cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven. (148-288)

Today from the global perspective Communism has perished, Although Kim II Sung has been doing well in glory for about 40 years in North Korea, now he is alone. To the contrary, Rev. Moon has come under a lot of persecution and vilification, but the position of Rev. Moon in the world has gradually ascended. While Kim Il Sung, who came from the evil ancestors, falls into hell as the representative of the evil ancestors, Rev. Moon, in spite of persecution by the evil world, returns to the heavenly position with the original name of Parents, rather than the position of evil parents, centered on the global level.

The whole human being has to go back through True Parents' love. Without passing through that door, you cannot go back to the original hometown of the heavenly world. There is no way to go except toward hell. You have to go up the reverse path. You have to win fighting against the opposing nation.

Today, the Unification Church, inheriting the victory of the realm of worldwide Messiah, came down even farther than the realm of national Messiah to the realm of tribal Messiah. Going into Satan's families centering on the realm of the tribe of Satan, the Unification Church has to transform all of Satan's families.

"Tong Ban Gyuk Pha" (instruction of village and town), which Rev. Moon suggests, is to make sons and daughters of True Parents on the level of the family. In the family, we have to establish every relationship that was forfeited due to the fall. In the family, the couple which can love on behalf of True Parents' love has to be produced. The family, tribe, nation, and world, which were forfeited, have to be established centering on the levels of grandfather and grandmother, father and mother, husband and wife, and children in God's love. Through that, the realm of liberation on earth begins with the declaration that people's love can now reach so far that they can embrace all people of the world as their own children. (210-43)

According to the Bible, if you do not become as a child, you cannot enter the kingdom of heaven. What does that mean? To children, there are only father and mother. When they are eating or sleeping, they call father and mother. No matter what they are doing, their entire concern is father and mother. They just call, "Father, mother, father, mother ... !" (laughter) They grow up like this and then, even though they get married, they will never forget their father and mother.

God is also our father. He is father. God is our vertical father, and True Father is our horizontal father. Therefore, you have to try to do everything as the True Parents have. You need to learn the True Parents' language and customs and to visit their hometown, as well as to follow wherever they go. Through that, you can be united with the True Parents.

What do True Parents want to do through this historical indemnity? True Parents are going to liberate all humankind. Why? Only when humankind is liberated can God be liberated. (225-21)

4. Kingdom of God and True Love

From the point centered on True Parents, it is possible to start the ideal history, new culture, new love, new life, new family, new country, and the new world. God's nation and the Kingdom of Heaven are started from that point.

You should know that our word "True Parents" is not the same as the one you have known generally. The position of True Parents emerged though thousands of billions of sacrifices. So, the position of True Parents is one to which the blood of the numerous sacrificed victims cries out asking, "Why?"

In the Bible, Abel's blood was crying out to God after he was killed by Cain. It is the True Parents who have the position in which they can redeem sacrificial history and liberate the hearts of sacrificial victims. You are the people who inherit such a mission and walk the way of indemnity rightly. If you come to know your mission truly, you will not be able to complain about anything. (67-227)

God's original ideal of creation is the establishment of the Kingdom of God on Earth and in Heaven through the name of True Parents. Without the name of True Parents, the Kingdom of God on Earth and in Heaven cannot emerge. If you ask today's Christian, "Why cannot Jesus enter the Kingdom of God even though he is God's eldest son?" he will not know that answer.

The Kingdom of God on Earth and in Heaven is accomplished only through the substantiation of True Parents and the foundation of love. To unify the spiritual world is the responsibility of True Parents, not of others. Because Jesus could not become a True Parent, Jesus went to Paradise.

In the fallen world, no thing or person has ever received True Parents' love. You should know that there is a vertical and horizontal formula of the principle. You should not do as you wish. (131-184)

The Kingdom of God begins with love between man and woman. Do you understand? What is the center of the Kingdom of God? The original Kingdom of God is the place where everything that is on the horizontal line is unified centering on the vertical line. God comes into the central point, and man and woman become the core of that point, mind and body revolve around each other.

My mind is my vertical self and my body is my horizontal self. The vertical mind is God and vertical body is the True Parents. The horizontal body is parents. All these become one.

Did you see mind? No! Did you see God? No! The mind is vertical. Even though it cannot he seen, it exists as vertical. The body is horizontal. Do you understand? Yes! 90 degrees! Men like this. (laughter)

The family is the microcosm. Is there the spiritual realm within a human being or not? (There is) What is that? That is the mind. The visible body is the representative of the world. When mind and body revolve around the center, if they do not leave the center, an ideal man is formed. It is simple.

When the invisible mind and visible body become one centering on the core of love, that is the ideal man or woman, the realization of the individual nature. Do you understand?

When do your mind and body become one? Through what do your mind and body become one? Through what? (True love!) What kind of true love? It is vertical true love and horizontal true love. It is through two kinds of true love. This is 90 degrees. You are the fruit composed by inheriting love, life, and lineage from God. Love, life, and lineage have to become one through the core of vertical and horizontal true love. (217-150)

5. True Parents and Eternal Life

You have to follow your parents in order to meet your partner and have beloved children. When you have children, you should say, "Ah! I follow for the sake of the way to he able to govern the whole spiritual world." How wonderful it is! Also the earthly world. Through your family, you go to receive the Unification Church, the Unification Tribe, the Unification World, and the Unification Heaven. Why do we need to follow True Parents? You need to follow to inherit the whole cosmos. How nice it is! God and True Parents know everything. (Applause) This is True Parentism. True Parentism is this great.

Members who are loyal to God's will may say that wherever they may go, whether to Korea, Africa, or South America, "It is our Unification Church!" The greatness of the True Parents is that if you determine to unite with the True Parents forever, absolutely, you will inherit the whole cosmos from God. So, do you want to follow True Parents? (Yes!)

What are you going to do? If True Father goes to the stellar world, how can you find True Father? You can find the direction through the mind of love. "Teacher, Father! . . ." Then, your direction will be tuned to True Father. If you do so, you will come to the position of True Father automatically. That is the ideal of love of True Parents. Your direction is tuned exactly to True Parents'. Then, True Parents know it immediately. (Applause)

You should live missing parents until your death. You should die having the deepest affection for parents. Then, you can enter the Kingdom of Heaven. That is the Principle.

Because you have not done so, True Parents stand forth today and revive the movement again. Through that condition, you can enter the Kingdom of God. (14-40)

Who is the owner of the Unification Church? It is Rev. Moon. There is no opposition. Why is that? It is because Rev. Moon invested more than anyone else and lived most for the sake of others. Rev. Moon is also the teacher. No one can substitute for True Father. No matter how great his effort, he cannot reach True Father. It will not be long before he will become exhausted. Therefore, if True Father goes to the mountains to digs pools and hides, people will try to find True Father, using all kinds of methods. Why? Because there is no one like Rev. Moon.

The name of True Parents has the value of certification to bring all fortunes of heaven and earth, and can assure an eternal life. The name of True Parents gives certification before Satan and God. You should know that. If you have the name, your ancestors come and offer a full bow. On the day you receive the certification, three generations of your ancestors will come and give full bows. It is a surprising thing, isn't it? (200-73)

6. True Parents and Nation

Why have we sacrificed until now? It is to become the central parents in a tribe. How wonderful it is! Some people may question what kind of benefit will return to us after we have sacrificed so much. They may think that it seems to be meaningless. However, after all tribes are unified, you will stand in the position of father and mother among your tribes.

When you stand in the position of parents, how holy it is! You can show the true way of parents. Parents always sacrifice with love and service, don't they? When you think about it, you will think that to be true parents is a good thing. It is the same in America. Until now, Rev. Moon has sacrificed in the position of True Parents for the sake of America. Rev. Moon has tried to unify people with love, and people will come to recognize that Rev. Moon made these efforts with the mind and heart of True Parents. When people come to recognize that, the indivisible nation and world will be determined.

From that point, the True Parents will be welcomed everywhere. Don't you think so? Those in the welcomed position are the ones who connect to the realm of vertical heart as parents centered on God. You should know that. Unification cannot be accomplished without being connected to the center of the realm of vertical heart.

There are various vertical lines. There are the vertical lines of couple, parents of the family, parents of the tribe, parents of the nation, and parents of the world. Thus the vertical lines gradually enlarge. This means that from the tradition of True Parents, there are various centers in the realm of parents. Later, when a nation is established centered on the realm of parents, the world will be established centered on the nation of the realm of parents. (118-267)

You have inherited the realm of parentship and eldersonship. This is because you became a tribal Messiah. We have worked to establish the nation able to inherit the kingship by inheriting eldersonship and parentship. If you restore Korea, it will be the same as finding the whole world. This is the ultimate. This is the result of the Principle. There is no more.

Certain positions need to be established as the center of a restored nation. They are True Parents, True Teacher, and True Owner. The father and mother centered on true love are a true teacher. Because of True Parents, they can teach everything. Who can teach more than True Parents? True Parents taught all kinds of secrets of heaven and earth. True Parents are true teachers of teachers. God says this. God is the owner of owners. True Father is also to be owner of owners. When kingship is restored, True Father will also become the owner of owners. True Parents' thought is The Thought of Three Great Subjects-True Parents, true teacher, and true owner. The Unification Church is a group of true parents.

It is the same in a nation. The nation has some system of rank centering on the president. In the organization of the country, the organization for education is the Department of Education, which is a group of true teachers. The Administration in the nation may be compared to the owner of the nerves. Because all nerves converge on the Administration, it has to be the position of owner. Because the head of the Administration is the president, he is to be as the owner taking responsibility for the nation. This thought is in the Thought of the Three Great Subjects. Do you understand?

Therefore, True Parents always stand in the vertical position, and the departmental organizations and the administrative organization are in relative positions. These are similar to Cain and Abel. When Cain and Abel unite completely, the kingship will be eternal! (Amen!) Do you understand?

What is Kim Il Sung's Thought of Three Great Subjects? It proclaims Independence, Creativity, and Consciousness. However, this cannot be a true thought because it is centered on the human. Because he doesn't know God, it cannot be a true theory. It doesn't have an ontology.

The time has come when we can envision the nation. When you work to save the nation, you are the representative of its history and of the universal history. When God sees this, what great pride He takes. You should know that.

The fact that True Parents emerged on the earth is a surprising thing. All that became distorted though the false parents has to be restored through the reversal course by the True Parents. Through that, the way toward hell has to be turned to the way of the Kingdom of Heaven.

Except through the door of the True Parents, no one can enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Do you understand? (Yes!) Does Christianity have the door? (No!) How about the Unification Church? (It does!) Can we therefore directly enter the Kingdom of Heaven? You have first to remove all mistakes of your past. You should not remember even the names of your old friends. Women who marry should not remember their first lover. You should return to the zero point. Those who think of their old lives cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven. You should go into the zero point.

Therefore, you have to devote yourselves with your whole heart and mind, as does this grandmother. There is no other method. There is only the thought of God and True Parents. If any other thought were to enter it, the way of the Kingdom of Heaven could not be a straight path. You are not able to go the way of love. Therefore, you have to clean yourselves.

Although you were blessed, that has not solved every problem. The blessing must be developed through the blessing of the church, the blessing of the nation, and the blessing of the world. It has to go through the three stages. Why is that? It is because you have to go into the zero point. Although you have your children, your children are not yours. You should stand on the zero point. Your sons and daughters belong to God and True Parents. (208-342)

Chapter 6 True Parents and Us [Part 1]

Chapter 6 True Parents and Us [Part 1]

1. The Core of the Teaching of the Unification Church

1) Philosophy of Parents

Today is True Parents' Day. You must know what kind of persons your parents are in order to become filial children. Do you know what kind of persons your parents are? Have you ever thought whether you know this just because you were taught or if you really know?

You came to the Unification Church, and are going the way of filial sons and daughters. However you were little babies who could not take care of your own excrement. You were breast-fed babies. Thus, you have been raised with such a parental love.

If there is the highest philosophy, it must be the philosophy of parents. The philosophy of parents is the best one. You are not babies any more, and you have to learn everything. It is the desire of parents.

Though you were born from your mothers' wombs, you are adopted sons and daughters. Therefore, you should be loyal to your parents. Then, when you become parents, the four-position foundation will be formed. However, you cannot have children of God by yourselves alone. In order to have children of God, it is evident that heavenly parents must appear first.

By the way, in order for such heavenly parents to emerge, the eldest son must come out first. This is because the eldest son must reach the position of standing in God's stead, going reversely the course of Cain who betrayed God, in order to indemnify the mistake of the eldest son, Cain, who deviated from the heavenly way.

So, the four-position foundation has to be formed. Until then, you are all babies. Babies! Therefore, even though you may be superior to others in this secular world, you must have a heart like a baby's. Then, you must come out through a mother's womb and father's stomach. (10-191)

In spite of differences among religions, people are supposed to follow a good way, and to be rolling along the good way. The religions that insist on their own doctrines are destined to retreat. Within three years, such an era will come. Through the 7-year course, the True Parents have indemnified, at the worldwide level, from the top of the formation stage through the growth stage and up to the top of the completion stage, all that was not linked to the realm of heart in the realm of indirect dominion. Therefore, today, we are standing on the border of the realm of indirect dominion and have come to the stage where the True Parents can draw up into the realm of direct dominion all that had fallen in the realm of indirect dominion. This cannot be accomplished without the True Parents. Do you understand?

The thought which is needed for you today is nothing other than the one of the True Parents. Any kind of false thought is absolutely not needed. We cannot accept Kim Il Sung's thought. We cannot accept any other person's thought. What you need is only True Parents' thought. It is the only one! The only one! (136-52)

What is the True Parents' thought? Since all thoughts throughout history completely collapsed, the thousands of generations from Adam and Eve became lost. Therefore, the True Parents are the one center, the Word, which replaced the thousand of generations.

2) True Family-Determining the Center of the Cosmos

When the True Parents emerge, the true family can be formed, and the purpose of true person can also be accomplished. What you have to know today is that "True Parents" is the name which will be admired throughout the past, the present and the future. The fact that the True Parents have appeared on this earth and that the True Parents are on this earth right now is the most joyful gospel of all gospels. Isn't it so?

That the connection with the True Parents was established today in this world, which was the realm of death and had no direction because of the dominion of the evil force, is not the fruit of the 17-year Unification Church history centering on Korea, but is the fruit of God's suffering and the distinguished accomplishments of the 6,000 years providential history. Furthermore, the name of "True Parents" is the one that appeared as the one central model which can discover and tell people where to go and the direction in which to go, in an age when many people do not know where to go and cannot chose the right direction.

God's ideal of creation, the eternal future kingdom of God which was supposed to start from the Garden of Eden, will start from the emergence of the name "True Parents." That fact is historical, beyond ages, and future-directed. When you view the whole history including the past, the present and the future, you must realize that the name "True Parents" is the central point for determining the center of the cosmos. Do you understand? History will bear fruits from here, it will be consummated from here, and it will start from here. In order for history to bear fruits, the past will be resurrected here, the world will be consummated as one world, and the one world will become the origin; then the new Kingdom of God will be built. You must clearly know this.

In all of human history, where has the hope of humanity been? The hope has been in the future. Think about it! Human beings have thought of their hope only as something which belongs to the future. Do you understand? When the question was asked where human beings were heading for, the answer was that they were heading for the one world which would be built in the future. Human beings have groped for the one world in the future.

However, if there is a way that we can receive True Parents in the midst of the false humankind, humankind must be so happy. Therefore, what is the hope for humankind? It is to receive True Parents.

Because True Parents is the highest hope for human beings, when True Parents appear, the historical tradition will be realized not in the future, but in this present reality where True Parents have come to exist. Do you understand? Once True Parents have come to exist, the point when True Parents appeared is the starting point for the actual accomplishment of human history. It is not the starting point of longing for the accomplishment. In other words, it is not the place where desire starts, but is the place where the fulfillment of desire starts. (44-132)

What kind of family is the family of True Parents? The family of True Parents is the historical fruit, the historical center, and the origin for the future. Therefore, when the hoped-for Kingdom of God is established in front of this world where we human beings are living, the original place of the tradition there will be the life of the True Parents itself. You understand? It is the matrix of national ideology. It is the origin from which the world can be built. Do you understand?

You must form the realm of three generations with the True Parents, centering on your connection with the True Parents as children. God, Parents, and you are three generations. If we look at this horizontally, the True Parents, the True children, and you are three generations. You should understand that the unification of heaven and earth cannot be accomplished without the achievement of this realm of three generations. (441-69)

The base has to be established in the family. In the family, the direction has to be determined. Every family must put up the True Parents' picture centered on the name of True Parents and God, and the four-position foundation must bow before it. Three generations must bow before it. The four-position foundation consists of three generations. Grandfather and grandmother, father and mother, and children -- these three generations must bow before it. The place where people forming the four-position foundation bow with the name of True Parents does not belong to the realm of the fall. The realm of liberation emerges there, because God dominates there directly. Based on that, all the spirit persons in the spirit world come to the earth and protect the family, just as the archangels protect Adam's family. We are entering such an era.

Before now, the realm of Cain was the spirit world, and the realm of Abel was the physical world. Abel was being manipulated, because it was the age when Abel had to become a sacrifice in order to save Cain. However, today, the eldersonship has been restored, and the spirit world, the world of angels, and the families centered on the Unification Church are in the position of the realm of Adam. The spirit world is not supposed to manipulate the realm of Adam; instead, it is supposed to support it.

Through this, the base upon which Satan can remain and act will disappear. Women with whom Satan can act will no longer exist. Satan will be expelled. You must move forward with the aggressive, positive attitude that you will strongly and boldly keep the standard of being the first. If you do so, the force of Satan will be pushed over a cliff. Put fire on every family.

3) God's Love and True Parents' Love

God's love is a vertical parental love and True Parents' love is a horizontal parental love. In a person who has inherited these loves, the mind is a traditional fruit which received the vertical God's love and parental love, and the body is a traditional fruit which received the horizontal True Parents' love.

These fruits become a horizontal foundation for the family, and when they form a spherical movement centered on the vertical center, they result in the husband and wife relationship and sons and daughters. Therefore, if you do not give birth to sons and daughters, it is sin. You should not become parents who do not have children. Is there any meat without bone? In that case, the position cannot be determined. (184-309)

Eve, centering on woman's nature, and Adam, centering on man's nature, are divided. Then, why do they become one again? Through becoming one after being separate, you realize how strong is the love which God himself is holding within. Otherwise, you do not understand. You have love within you, but you do not understand it. You understand it only through meeting your partner. You experience the love within you through other people.

God is a vertical parent, and Adam and Eve are parents centered on a horizontal true love. (185-187)

God is the bone of love. You must know this. Concerning love, God's love is the bone of love, and human love is the flesh of love. Do you understand? Through becoming one, the bone and the meat can form a certain shape. This is the Principle.

What love is God's love? (It is the bone of love.) Just as you have bones in yourself, God's love is the bone of love. What love is the True Parents' love? (It is the flesh of love.) Flesh of love! (181-187)

4) Parents and Members

Today, in the Unification Church, we call believers "Shik ku (family members)." Nobody in a human history realized the meaning of the noun "Shik ku." The word "Shik ku" cannot exist apart from a family. In order for "Shik ku" to come into existence, a family is absolutely necessary. In order for that family to exist, there must be brothers and sisters, and in order for brothers and sisters to exist, parents must exist first. Right?

In Christianity, they use nouns such as believers or followers, but they have not been able to use the noun "Shik ku." Today, people in this world are proposing a global family in the external sense. However, in order to form a global family, parents as the father and the mother of the global family are necessary. The person who comes as parent is the Messiah. Do you understand?

By the way, among the "Shik ku" of the Unification Church, there are true "Shik ku," and there are the opposite type of "Shik ku." Or, some are standing in the middle. Then, what kind of "Shik ku" is the true "Shik ku" who has the noun "Shik ku" centered on the heavenly family established by God? This is the question.

In order to be a "Shik ku," you must have your parents first. In order to be brothers and sisters, you also need your parents. You may have several brothers and sisters, but your parents are only one. Therefore, there may be a lot of "Shik ku," but there is only one master. Right?

For whom do these parents, and the master, exist? They are not the master centered on himself, not the parents centered on himself. They are the parents centered on brothers and sisters, the master centered on "Shik ku." Are the parents to relate with evil in this evil world? Is the master to relate with evil? They should be the parents, the master, who have nothing to do with evil.

They are the parents or master who are truly good. Then, are they the parents of the family or the parents of the nation of Korea? No! They are the parents of the 3 billion people on the earth, and should be the center of the global family.

Who should stand in the position of the master, parents, and center? The answer is God, who created the whole cosmos. Who next? The answer is the Messiah, in God's stead, who can save this evil world. Only when you could receive on earth as parent the Savior, who is one with God, can you form a true family, and only people who attend the Savior can be true children, and true brothers and sisters. (15-295)

You should go only the way of God's Will. You should become brothers even though you are not brothers, and should become parents even though you are not parents. You can attend parents who are not your parents brothers who are not brothers physically can love beyond the love of physical brotherhood. In the Unification Church, such a movement will emerge.

Here in the Unification Church, we go beyond race, go beyond the world, and the creation of the new culture will occur. Centered on what? Centered on God's wisdom? Centered on knowledge? No. It is possible only centered on God's love. (83-177)

2. The Value of Attending True Parents While They Are Alive

Can two sets of True Parents exist in this world? Today, in North Korea, people call Kim Il Sung "father," and in the Unification Church, you call Rev. Moon -'father." However, the "father" in the Unification Church and the "father" in North Korea are different in quality. Those two oppose each other. Because something valuable has emerged from South Korea, South Korea is valuable. The two each insist that they are the parents, and God claims one parent as his, and Satan also claims one parent as his; thus, they oppose each other.

Who should judge this in public? Human beings must do it. People should decide about their parents, saying, "Our parents should be like this." People should stand up and decide, saying, "Fallen parents are thus evil parents. God is the father of good parents, because God is the one who has been seeking good parents." Should people not do so? Therefore, where is the point of consummation? It is the place where you meet the True Parents.

Then, can two sets of parents co-exist? Can parents who died once suddenly appear again 2000 years later? The desire of human history, of nations, of thoughts, and of the providence is for only one appearance of the parents of humankind. Therefore, the time when the parents appear is a time we have never experienced and will never again experience, is only one moment in the history, and is the acme of history. It is a very narrow spot. How narrow? Compared with the eternal world, the life of one person is like one breath. Right?

I do not know if it is because you have luck or fortune that you came to live in this particular age, met with the Unification Church in this particular moment, and joined. How did you join the Unification Church? In order to bring you here, many of your ancestors have offered their sincerity. So many people perished, dying at the place of their good deed. Going through those thousands of thousands of peoples' connection, the connection was eventually linked with heaven, and it stood in a position like that of a high mountain from which the sun rose. Those who saw the sunlight and gathered here based on that foundation are yourselves.

This is the first time when the bond of love emerges in human history. Therefore, the moments when the value of life is given start with this time. This is also the only time when the value of the sovereignty of nations and world can be increased. This time is the origin of history, the focal point of hope, the starting point of abundant fortune, and the source of eternal life.

Though the fallen world has been seeking their hope in the future, in this time is set the standard for the eternal hopes. Centered on this time, you should consider this development and gain the heart of it, then give life to the world. This is such a time. Think about it! The True Parents, who came as the substance of this acme of history, must live according to the ethical law appropriate to the position of the True Parents' heart. You may not be able to understand that.

How should that parent be? Because he is the True Father, he must meet with a false father. How should he be with evil children? He must treat them with higher virtue than has any other parent in human history.

When you stand in the position of parents facing a child who has a very miserable fate, you should run after him with tears instead of holding back. Even though both of you made mistakes, you should be the parents who cry out, because you do not want to be separated. The True Parents must stand in such a position. It is different! What is the heartistic attitude you should have as parents?

What is the heart and ethical standard which you should possess as children who can receive such parents? These are absolutely necessary. You should be as a representative of all filial children in the world. Just as were the champions of each nation who participated in the Marathon race, you should become a champion elected from your own tribe. What should a champion do? He should be a champion for filial piety, and a champion for loyalty. You should form a group of such champions. Have you ever thought about it?

Considering the questions of how children should be and how parents should be, you must know that the True Parents have a different root. If you miss this moment, you will have a regret for billions of years. Can you buy it with money? Can you get it by offering your knowledge? Can you meet the requirement with something you possess? Absolutely no! Can you inherit it by saying that you will carry all the burdens in the world, the tribe, and the family in which you are? It is also impossible.

Even if there is such resentment that it can destroy the Communist world and destroy the Democratic world, it cannot destroy this. God will think that even if all three billion people would have to be sacrificed, this should not be infringed.

Can you, who stand in such a focal point, say everything you want to say? Is there any way in accordance with the Principle that can make you filial children even though you are saying whatsoever you want to say? Is there any such way that can make you loyal even though you may say anything you want to say and do anything you want to do? There is not such a way. (51-355)

What kind of position is the position of today? This is the time you live centered on the True Parents in the same age. This is only one time in your entire life. If we use an example of the meat of fish, this period is like the best meat of the central part of a fish. In the stream of human history, this period is such a precious time. (46-168)

From the viewpoint of God's Will, God wants to see people representing God offer their prayer in the chapel of the biggest church in Korea. However, God has seen His people kneeling down on the snow, crying instead of having formal liturgy, and praying for God's help to save this miserable church and temple. Do you understand what I am talking about? You must understand there was a providential content of painful history in the process of building the Unification Church.

However, from now, every nation will welcome us. The Unification Movement has caused a great reaction in the Congress of America. In Japan it is the same. In Europe it is also the same. The whole world, for the first time, has come to recognize that the blessed family of the Unification Church is the only way able to prevent the destruction of the family and the corruption of youth. The blessed family of the Unification Church has become the hope of humankind and a lighthouse. You should know how great True Father's suffering and pain has been in order for such a foundation to have been established.

Nobody can separate a blessed couple from one another. God has longed for such a blessed family. You should certainly know that. In order for a couple to receive the blessing, God had them meet True Father at the one providential time through the aid of many of their clans. The blessing is not just an accidental event. It is the historical event.

It is a tremendously surprising fact that you are living at the same time as the True Parents and breathe the same air in the same space of the earth. It is also a greatly surprising fact that you receive the blessing in front of True Parents. Even a millionaire cannot be compared to you. People who work at a company such as Dae Woo or Hyundai, cannot be compared to you. If True Father had been like you, could the Unification Church, which has made today's worldwide foundation, have emerged? Everywhere True Father may go, True Father goes in the direction of prison. He goes into the front door of prison and comes out through the back door. You should know that.

True Father has already established the worldwide foundation as an internal foundation. Because of that, True Father now came to have the family with which he can live, the church with which he can stay, and the tribe with which he can stay. Moreover, as an external foundation, True Father founded many organizations, such as the Professors World Peace Academy, World Media Association and The Summit Club. These can have influence on the world. True Father also founded the Interreligious Federation for World Peace representing the mind, and the International Federation for World Peace, representing the body.

Humankind cannot find the way of hope if the history of struggle, which is derived from the struggle between mind and body, is not ended in this Last Days. Because man by himself cannot go forward to the world of peace, True Father alone, in spite of opposition, cannot help but work desperately to establish the world of peace. (211-337)

Chapter 6 True Parents and Us [Part 2]

Chapter 6 True Parents and Us [Part 2]

3. True Parents' Suffering and Us

1) True Parents Are Absolutely Necessary for Us

True Parents are necessary for us to set up the indemnity condition and to be instructed in oneness with love. (137-116)

In this society, people seek revenge. I won't. I have to love my enemy. Do you understand what I mean? It must be so. For indemnification, True Parents must exist, and for uniting centering on true love we need True Parents, and for rebirth and new lineage we need True Parents. There are these three reasons. (137-114)

2) We Are the Branches Engrafted to True Parents

Originally, human beings are to be horizontal parents and God a vertical parent. That is the original point where people should live with joy, centering on vertical and horizontal parents' love. Satan invaded that point. That is why we have to recover it and become sons and daughters of True Parents. To do that, because we became wild olives, we have to receive the true olive branch and be engrafted to it. That is why religion is the work of engrafting. This is Christian thought. There it is said that the banquet of the marriage of the bride and bridegroom will occur on the earth. (58-219)

The hope of human beings is to meet True Parents. Isn't that so? The fruit of history is to meet True Parents, the center of the era is to meet True Parents, and the base of starting for the future is to meet True Parents. You, who are engrafted to the True Parents, become the branches. Isn't that so? Until now, hopes have all been for the future. However, to be able to connect with True Parents in one's lifetime today is possible only once in eternity. It is precious and only once. Do you understand? Your ancestors couldn't have been able and your descendants won't either. (46-168)

Owing to the Fall, Satan took all human beings. He took them all to hell. Then, God must separate them one by one from Satan's realm. In this world are the wild olive trees of the satanic world, yet heavenly olive trees were produced. Centering on part of the world, Christianity in the Democratic world, I produced olive trees on the heavenly side and let them lead the world. If the satanic world becomes weakened, the realm of Christian culture becomes strong. The Lord at the Second Coming can cut all the wild olive trees at once and engraft them to the heavenly olive tree to be in oneness with it and let them be in the heavenly side. Today, both right wing and left wing have perished. Right and left wing both came to perish. Who brought that about? God and True Parents did. Do you understand? Then, we can proclaim such a liberation. At the same time, the family who can unite with the True Parents should be strong and bold anywhere in the world because they inherit the way the True Parents passed through. If so, as God and the cosmos protect me, they protect that family. Then it's not a great problem to restore one nation. I will proclaim this. (Applause) Everyone, if you are asked which church you belong to, you should identify yourself proudly, saying, "I am a believer of Unification Church." (Applause) Unification Church members means those who belong to the True Parents, or children of the True Parents. Please don't quarrel. To quarrel means to accept Satan. Do you understand? (Yes) You should go around to proclaim, "I am the number one Unificationist, number one child of God!" If you do so, Satan can never accuse you. You should go around with such a firm idea. Do you understand? (Yes!) (201129)

The place where God's Will is established is our family. Without families, there is no place that God can settle. Blessed families prosper centering on the True Parents. Without such families, nothing can be established. If there is a branch growing centering on a trunk and if we cut off the branch and plant the trunk, that tree will grow.

Those who have to accomplish a mission as a branch are tribal Messiahs. Do you understand? The greater the number of branches that grow from the trunk, to the north, south, east and west, the more the central root grows. The central root grows in proportion to the growth of the branches, doesn't it? Thus, if a tree grows horizontally, it grows vertically as well. When the root sacrifices so that branches stretch outward, the root also will grow.

If you work earnestly centering on God's Will, expanded horizontal power is compressed, and living for others you can connect to the whole cosmos. Then, even if you live as husband and wife, holding the vertical standard centering on God you have to lead a life of service. Then the unified realm of the cosmos is automatically reached. In a union circular movement occurs. Even though they revolve, they never fall. Because they have a horizontal standard, they don't fall. They rotate centering on an axis. They surely have to rotate. It is the same as things moving in a circle, uniting centrifugal force and centripetal force. If you come to the zero point, you will automatically rotate. If you start to rotate, and go up, a natural reaction brings you down.

If a perfected person forms a family in the heavenly world, it becomes the foundation for heavenly families. Also, if such a family forms, they never leave the True Parents. Wherever the True Parents go, they can attend the True Parents eternally. That is why such a family becomes a heartistic resonator with the True Parents, and a foundation of Heart in the eternal world as an embodiment of the life standard of the True Parents. Unificationists say that they will live with the True Parents and God, don't they? They will be born together with the True Parents' love. Since love makes an eternal connection, we cannot cut the love connection. We cannot forget love, even in death. Isn't that so? Parents will die with the heart of love and will love sons and daughters even when these die. It is the same with husband and wife. There is no one that forgets love. Love can transcend death and can connect with eternity. Since I myself, a man or woman, inherit the realm of life through love, I cannot forget my parents who are the root of love. If parents are the root and I myself the trunk, my sons and daughters are buds. If this develops, the family expands to the realm of tribe, people and nation. Isn't that so?

3) Suffering of True Parents For Us

Is it easy or tough for True Parents to bear true children? How difficult it is to find what we once lost. In the situation that individual, family, tribe, people, nation, world, heaven and earth and spiritual world have all opposed me, I have led. Do you think I did so because of a business mind? (No) For what did I do so? It's because I looked for love, centering on love. You should know this. Now you should know that you cannot stand before me in the present situation. Even if you visit me hundreds of times, I can turn you away from the gate; even if you visit me thousands of times, I can turn you away. Nevertheless, I love and take care of you. You have to realize this. I undertake difficult problems single-handedly. You put the blame on me when you make mistakes. I have nothing to do with the ill I was spoken of since I came to America or with that for which I was opposed. However, you made mistakes, and I was spoken ill of. If we were living in a society on our side, I could leave you and go forward; however, I cannot leave you. I am not compelled to appear in the US court and could ignore it. However, for you I can't ignore it. Without me, how much you will suffer. So, I am beaten, and I protect and defend you.

4) True Parents' Expectation of Us

Truly, many Western people and Oriental people have gathered together here. So, for what did you gather? To do what did you visit here? All I can do is to speak ill of you. (Laughter). Even if all I can give is to hit with my fist, you came here saying that is okay. (Laughter). What is this? This is a gypsy group gathering looking for love. You are coming to look for true love. You have known that taste. It is as when a drone knows the taste of honey and will fly over thousands of miles to smell the scent of flowers, not considering it far.

It is not easy to become True Parents. If there is somebody who intends to inherit the authority of True Parents, please come out. I never thought I would become a True Parent, but when I recognized it, I already had to take responsibility for the Unification Church. Going this way, I became a True Parent. If I had known from the beginning that I would be a True Parent, maybe everybody would have noticed it. Without knowing that, I tried to dig into the problem of life, and came as far as here. There were so many complicated problems in order to arrive at this point. However, when I solved all those problems, it dissolved all the resentment of True Parents, and I realized that God also needed liberation. Then God was liberated by me, and I would say that God has to love me. (Amen!)

What have you done since you met the True Parents? What is your achievement? Look! Even though I have been beaten in the satanic world, I have protected families, tribes and peoples and have organized individuals, families and tribes. The blessed families have to organize tribes of the worldwide level. Satan cannot retain those families in the satanic world and cannot do as he wishes with them. Why? To live in the Unification Church is newly wonderful. Oriental and Western couples have lived happily for 10 years or for 20 years, although they would quarrel and divorce if they were in the fallen society, because they are to meet only from time to time. (211-325)

5) The Standard We Have to Reach

Does this happen in your family? Grandparents have to serve their grandchildren as if they were the grandparents. You know that all started with the word the beginning of the heaven and earth, don't you. Fathers have to respond to their sons as if they were their fathers. Why? This world is the fallen world and our world is the restored world. We went over the peak or the watershed. Until the time we got to the peak, this world took the lead; but now this world has to follow. Then the kings of the nations come to be in such a miserable condition. In your family true brothers, true husband and wife and true parents have to appear. If you become true brothers, true husband and wife will appear. If true husband and wife appear, true parents will appear. Isn't this so? If you stand in the position of true parents, you become true husband and wife naturally and you become taste children. Centering on the parents' consciousness and thought of subjectivity, you take the objective position and make unity with them. You make oneness with love. Do you understand? Only love can harmonize everything. Every element and particle follows the way of love. They look for the cells that can make oneness with God and contact with love directly. That is the human being. That is why we have to sacrifice for the sake of love. Do you understand? Because there is the tradition of God investing his life and possessions, things of a lower class try to invest all that they have to gain a place in a higher class.

That is why Darwin's evolution theory is wrong. Everything wants to be absorbed centering on love. When something functions as an element for the production of greater value, the value of that element will be lifted up to so high a value. (204-129)

What kind of religion is the final one? It is the religion of parents. That is why I proclaimed that the religion of parents should appear. I proclaimed: "Even though some religions have long histories, they cannot become the religion of parents. They are a religion of servant or a religion of adopted son." The contents of the official speech is as follows: "You have to know that the responsible person who should take the mission of the religion of parents is Rev. Moon, who will make the keynote speech at this meeting." When I announced this, the world was struck in silence. Therefore, Christianity is making a big noise, saying that there is a rumor that Rev. Moon is a Messiah. In Western society it is the conclusion that if the Lord is coming as a human being, it must be Rev. Moon.

Did you ever think like this? "Is Rev. Moon a Messiah? He is the same as I. He is speaking Korean as I do. Why does he speak so rapidly?" I guess maybe you are talking like this. As I had to spend busy years, I came to speak very rapidly. Because I speak very rapidly, I can catch the people who try to escape. I can speak rapidly because I studied the way. I can speak Japanese rapidly and I can do English as well. Nobody can follow me.

Did you meet Father in a right way or a wrong way? (Flight way) No, you didn't. If you met Father in a right way, such people ought to do well. Thus, I came to integrate all, centering on religions. (214-175)

6) Grace and Self-Consciousness

A) The Word "True Parents" Is One Which Has Emerged For the First Time In Human History

You already knew through studying the providence for restoration that for the fulfillment of God's Will not fallen parents, but True Parents must exist and come on earth. You should understand that the word "True Parents" was discovered in a situation far beyond your imagining, and that originally you could not have met the word. The emergence of this word for the first time in human history is more than revolutionary. You must realize that this is a miraculous event such as never occurred in human history. It is because the True Parents emerged, having the absolute love which surpasses the loves of all the innumerable parents in our history, that it is possible for you to be able to learn and speak the word "True Parents." For the first time you can receive the love of the True Parents, which is comparable to receiving God's love. You may stand in an ideal position such as Jesus also could not imagine.

Indemnity had been paid until the True Parents were received. Since Satan had understood that he would be defeated if the standard of True Parents was established, he, in the position of false parents, had killed many people using all sorts of means in order to prevent us from erecting this standard so as not to let this time come. We must consider that cruel sacrifices had been made for this day to come. There existed the satanic history, which forced the sacrifices, on the levels of the individual, family, people, nation, and world, of believers going God's way. We must understand how cruel and bloody was the indemnity our ancestors and brothers had paid, who sought for the way of True Parents and sacrificed themselves.

6) The Word "True Parents" Is the Gospel Of Gospels

Where should you go in order to find the ideal world? You must realize that you cannot go there unless you pass through the realm of the love of the original family. Since I, through the love of God and True Parents, connected the realm of indirect dominion with the realm of direct dominion, the way exists today for the spiritual and physical worlds to go back and forth to each other through the bridge of love. You study the Divine Principle, don't you? Just as God originally created them, the realms of direct and indirect dominion are divided. How can you unite them into one? It is possible only through true love. Just as originally planned, the two can be united into one only when Adam and Eve mature. Do you understand? (Yes!) When they mature, horizontal true love automatically emerges.

When they embrace each other, saying, "You are my spouse!" true love emerges within the center of the couples. Do you understand? (Yes!) If the love of plus is perfected and emerges, the love of minus soon comes. When the plus love descends to the minus one and they interact with each other, they establish the model of true love. Then true love is consummated.

From where does true love start? It starts from True Parents. This is the Gospel of Gospels. No matter how many good words exist in this world, and no matter how wonderful the word "husband and wife" is, nothing is better than the word "True Parents." After all, if True Parents do not emerge in the fallen world, true husband and wife cannot come out. Do you understand? You must understand this clearly.

The True Family was found as the result of the greatest sorrow, the greatest difficulty, and the greatest indemnity. Historical sorrow and the indemnity of death are liberated when this True Family is found This is why throughout history such miserable conditions for indemnity had to be established. Accordingly, the emergence of this True Family made possible by so much blood is the most valuable and happiest thing.

There must exist true parents in order to establish a true family. For that, a true couple must be accomplished. After the true couple is established, true children must be born.

The True Parents cannot leave any condition of accusation in front of Satan. True Couples are not allowed to moan, trapped by any condition of accusation in front of Satan. True children in a true family cannot be the sons and daughters of this family if they leave any condition of accusation in the Satanic world. Today, you already speak the noun "True Parents," and know the word "True."

Throughout history, no one was able to call out the word "True Parents" or even to think it. However, now we are standing in the glorious position in which we can call, know, and attend True Parents. Accordingly, we should understand that we are standing in the happiest and noblest position of all human history. When we realize that throughout history so many sacrifices had to be made in order to prepare for the victorious foundation for True Parents, we should know that the most precious gospel for all humankind is the noun "True Parents."

When you think about the word "True Parents," that human history is dominated by the True Parents, that the starting point from which we can enter a new world has been established by the True Parents, that the internal condition through which we can subjugate Satan has been established by the True Parents, that with the True Parents we can subjugate Satan, who has dominated the external world, and finally, that the center has been founded upon which we can for the first time ever liberate God, you should appreciate this surprising grace that we can live with the True Parents and should live following their directions.

You should know that if you follow the way of the True Parents, even if feeling some bitterness that you have to sacrifice your own lives, this is the happiest thing for humankind. We should understand well that if there is a soldier who goes forward into the enemy's territory, following the True Parents' order, he is the very divine soldier upon whom the heavens and earth gaze and to whom history pays attention.

You should realize that if you stand in the position that you can fight on behalf of the True Parents and your nation, and if you think that through your heart, your nation and your people can open the gate of happiness and can participate in a historical and glorious place, it is you, holding the banner of the True Parents' heart, who can revive human history, and it is you who are the bearer who can realize the hoped-for world.

7) Your Future is Guaranteed by the True Parents

The word "True Parents" of the Unification Church is the greatest noun. The Unification Church has deep truth. By the True Parents is guaranteed the entry into a great future. If, in this secular world there exists the original point for the promises of value, it comes from the word "True Parents."

So, what should we do? We must unite into one. Centering upon whom should we unite? You must not unite centering upon yourselves. You also must not unite centering upon your families' leading the True Parents. You should be led by True Parents. You should guide not only yourselves, but also your parents, your husbands and your wives. Furthermore, you should also guide your children. You must also offer your families' possessions. By doing so, you must unite.

8) The Value is Infinite

The purpose of God's providence must have a focus. It is that focus through which God's ideal can be established. It is the very point at which we can meet True Parents, who were forfeited. Therefore, that foundation is the center of everything. That standpoint is what we call "True Parents." Although there have been many standpoints, this standpoint is the most valuable.

Try to think how important it is. All the saints fought to gain this foundation. God thinks it is significant; all the spirit persons in the spiritual world think so. Therefore, all humankind on this earth must recognize that it is important. You cannot understand the true worth of this foundation. I could not replace it even though I gave some thousands of countries. I cannot substitute it with diamonds worth a nation. Do you think there could be any substitute? We can never replace it. Even though we dedicate the whole of America, we could not gain it.

Have you ever thought about that? If you could see the standpoint directly, you would be so happy. On the contrary, if you could not see it, you would be so unhappy. You must consider it once again. Not only God's eyes, but also the eyes of all the spirits and indeed all people must focus on this point.

If you try to examine history from such a viewpoint, you will find there is no history. History has no relation to it. As this standpoint is for the unfallen first human ancestors, there is no history or no fallen history after it.

If so, how will democracy endure? You should question whether democracy can be recognized from such a viewpoint or not. Try to judge it by yourselves. Even the children in public school will get a hundred points. It is not a laughable issue, but a serious one. Then, what about the Communist Party? They do not know the human history. They do not have the view of life or any subjectivity.

From here, a new content will start. That is to say, all the centers, all the contents and all the results will start from here. Those who can participate here will be the first victors on earth. From here, we can establish the family centered on love of God, expel the sovereignty of Satan, and start to establish a new Kingdom of Heaven on earth. Furthermore, from here, the fruit of the history will be born. This standpoint is the center point of the whole world.

This position will be the starting point for the future. From here, the past history will be completed, the completion of the present history will be preserved, and that of the future world will begin. If you can catch this point, this position, you can become one who has conquered all as an individual. Are you such a person? (Yes).

Then, how great is its value? How wonderful is it? How much do you love it, admire it, respect it and come to like it? This position should be the highest one and should be put at the highest position through history. No matter how great the great people may be, they bear no comparison with it. If you come to see it, you will undoubtedly be so moved. Have you danced in your dream while sleeping? If you come to yearn for this place, this position, you come to have such a feeling whenever you think of it, and you will be able to dance while sleeping. You should be attracted more by this position than by any other positions, by your lives, or by anything else. You should have such a feeling that you want to see it again, to live with it, and that you cannot live without it. As you have heard this explanation, you may understand how precious the True Parents are. (52-95)

For a man to become a True Parent, heaven and earth must respond to each other. He must go to the heavenly world and come back with victory over God. Do you understand what I mean? Because Adam created falsity through having said "Yes" in spite of God's order of denial, we cannot attain the original standard unless we affirm that the falsity is a fact.

The content which can substantially solve the requirement for becoming True Parents in heaven and earth clarifies heaven and earth, liberates all historical entanglements and pulls out the nail which is knocked into God's heart. The liberation of love which God desires is for pleasing, dancing and laughing with embracing, and loving such sons and daughters. Don't you think that all must be filled with joy, and its voice must be full from the level of all things to the level of whole cosmos for a thousand and ten thousands of years?

True Parents cannot appear on earth without having affirmative suggestions against the negative past. How serious is it? Confucius, Buddha and Jesus gathered and give me an exam. I beat the test and had my answers approved by God.

God has an indescribable heart in respect to His ideal of creation. Adam must realize God's will by himself in the completion stage and make Satan surrender. He must be a sovereign of liberation. The person who is the ruler of all nations, the master of salvation for all and has the eldersonship of all brothers is Adam.

The spiritual world falls into confusion for forty days as the satanic world opposes him. Since God is the judge there, he must receive God's judgment that he is righteous. Then, Rev. Moon receives the judgment of righteousness and comes to the earth. (215-86)

9) We Who Should Appreciate

How can you dedicate your appreciation for God? For True Parents? For our church? For your re-creation? After me, a true family will appear. If I advance another step, a true tribe will appear. If I advance yet another step, a true nation will appear. What if I advance one further step? (True world!) If I advance again one more step? (True cosmos!) If I still advance one more step? (Heavenly Father!) God, indeed, is the final goal.

Then, how do we liberate God? Have the existing churches thought about it? How can they save our lives? Impossible. It is impossible. It is different from the standard at which we aim. We advance higher standards, such as the following: "How can we liberate God by our hand?" Human beings inherited the satanic blood lineage after the Fall. This is the problem. You inherited the satanic blood lineage, which is not God's, through some thousands of years. Then, how can you atone for it? How can you clean up the dirty lineage which Adam and Eve bequeathed after the Fall?

The persons who appeared centered on the true love, true life and true lineage to indemnify such a content are the True Parents. You were brought to life with the satanic lineage as the fertilizer. However, you have been brought to new life centered on God's love, life and lineage through true love as the fertilizer in the era of new resurrection. Through this, the one hand will disappear and the other hand will prosper. Do you understand? From here, God is with you and you can separate from Satan eternally.

No one thought that God has pain in His heart. Because He appeared in history, has appeared through me now here, and clarified the profound mission, you can understand it. Isn't it true? How surprising the fact is! Jesus did not know it, or though he understood it, could not say what was in his heart. Also, none of the religious leaders understood the secret of the cosmos, which was thus suppressed. For the first time in history, I appeared in front of the world and the secret of the cosmos was clarified. Do you understand?

Those who are sitting here will understand. How great a result appeared on earth! No matter how strong the satanic world may be, Rev. Moon digests all. There is no problem. Do you understand? From now on, we must change direction, not to the individual foundation, but the national one. Do you understand? If the leader of a nation also looks back at the past with repentance, God forgives him. It belongs to God's tradition and means new lineage. If it is not so, you cannot separate from Satan. Do you understand? It also means the ceremony of the change of blood lineage which comes before the blessing ceremony of the Unification Church.

You attended such a ceremony, didn't you? Have confidence. You are the persons who receive God's true love, true life and true lineage, and their center is True Father. True Father is not Korean, but is your father. You are all connected horizontally centered on his true love, true life and true lineage. Do you understand? With the Fall, love, life and lineage were connected with the dirty things of the fallen world. However, we are connected horizontally centered on God's true love, true life and true lineage. This means a change of 180 degrees. Don't hope in America and this world which were connected with the satanic side. Do you understand? Humankind throughout the world has followed the most malicious parents of the satanic side from the very beginning. However, the direction is changed 180 degrees now. Do you understand? Although it is the starting point, it is the zero point. Zero point. There is no meaning, no existence, no tradition and no culture there. This is the re-creation.

I said that God in creating human beings united soil, water and air, after first creating all the environmental things, didn't I? Do you understand? It is the zero point. Zero point. You look back at it from the satanic tradition here.

There is the place where an engine changes its direction. Where it changes direction to 180 degrees is the zero point. Carrying passengers and freight, it can neither start nor brake without permission. If you look back, it is the very zero point. You will look back 180 degrees and say, "I am Japanese! I am American! I am a graduate of Harvard University!" Such a thing is no use. It is the zero point. Zero point. At that point are no ideas, tradition or cultural background to have a bad influence. God does not desire such things.

You will be reborn turning 180 degrees. Do you understand? Rebirth? (Yes.) Rebirth means being born once again. First come parents, not nations. Next, brothers and sisters. Then, what is the third? A couple, husband and wife. What is the fourth? (Child) That is the problem.

Although God wanted these three generations, He could not have them. The first generation is God. The second one is Adam and Eve. What is the third one? He could not have them until now. Humankind did not prosper centered on God; they came to belong to Satan alone. Satan is the enemy of love. Do you understand?

How can you cleanse yourself of this lineage? "I" was born neither Japanese, nor a person in any country, but as a person of God. Centered on what? These three roots-God's love, life and lineage-are the standard.

So, when you say thanks, for what are you being thankful? Don't be thankful for your wealthy life; rather be thankful for being crucified. When a soldier who was lost in a battle is bloody, smelly, and decomposed, who will inter the body? Who will bury it? Who will train the remaining soldiers to shape them into a regular army again? If there is nothing to eat what will you do with them? Simply kill them? (No.) You only thought of winning; however, you turned out to be carrying a bigger cross. You should know that your time comes only after you solve them all and reconstruct them. You can live happily only after you establish a new family, a new nation and a new world. Do you understand that?

If there was a train track in the eternal world, i.e., the original homeland, that track and the track of the earth you live on must be the same, no matter how difficult it may be. It must be the same as the rail for entering the spiritual world. How about you? Do you think the rail that you live on today is the same as the rail of the spiritual world? Are you confident about that? Can you run directly to God on it? True Parents are necessary to make those rails the same. Do you understand? (215-171)

10) Bond With True Parents is Preordained

We humans stand in a 100% stupid position. However, God, who is more than 100% wise stands by you as a friend, and countless ancestors in the spiritual world accompany you and wait as backup. When you think about this, you can be grateful. I really understand well the feeling of David when he stood before Goliath, standing on the edge of an adventure. God's protection is what allows one to win a battle. When he lived with a heart saying, "God, when he strikes, he himself will burst, not I," things turned out so.

Since God has raised me this way, I have a responsibility to raise you the same. Therefore you must inherit the inevitable task of becoming wise persons. What kind of task did I say? (Inevitable task.) Yes, inevitable. The True Parents and the children of the True Parents have an eternal and unchanging inevitable work. Nobody can divide this. One must walk that path for thousands and tens of thousands of years. There are not two ways but one. There is no alternative or no secret recipe, but to walk that path. (203-192)

11) We Who Must Take Responsibility

How can you go through the twelve gates of Heaven after going to the spiritual world? The question is, how many people can we find and bring back from Satan? For this, there must be tears, blood and sweat. You cannot have your own citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven without going through a process of interactions of tears, blood, and sweat, investing more heart for parents on Satan's side, and for husband, wife and children on Satan's side, than for your own, and centering on the true-love heart of re-creation. You should know that the establishments of conditions for approaching God, to that glorious position of the Kingdom, will be based according to this number of people. Rev. Moon has spent his whole life for not only the nation but for the world. Why?

Even all the people in the spirit world should receive True Parents' grace. I went to Danbury, and in February I held a ceremony to open the gates of heaven and hell. We must make all preparations for opening those gates. That is why I had also to be incarcerated.

In this case I had to overcome circumstances of immeasurable and tremendous suffering . Even though it was a large ocean, I swam the ocean. If it was one of the highest mountains, as in the deep-snowing Himalayas, even if I was barefoot, I passed over the top of the mountain. Therefore, these were marvelous deeds, passing through the direful human history and establishing supreme victorious foundations. It is to be understood that since I had walked such a suffering way, even if Satan himself wanted to approach me, it was impossible.

In our house, our son and daughter are solemnity; they are our second God. In other words, grandfather and grandmother represented God representing the past. Moreover, father and mother represent the present time. Furthermore, son and daughter represent the future. We must understand the ways of dutifulness toward each other as persons representative of the three eras, past, present, and future. Accordingly, those who seduce son and daughter, wife and husband, and parents must go into hell. Family and nation and cosmos are to be connected centering on the core of true love which can forget every sacrifice, even the giving of your own life.

The heart relating to such true love is the key for uniting my country, for restoration to heavenly people. When you go to some country, you have to make an effort with sincere heart to have that country become the best one and offer it before God as my country.

The Old Testament era centered on things, the New Testament Age centered on son and daughter, the Completed Testament Age centers on parents themselves, and the next era will center on God. After the human fall, Satan was received on the earth instead of God. Because we separated from God, we must welcome God and repair all relationships.

Therefore, your possessions are not yours. In the Old Testament era, people sacrificed their possessions to erect the way for son and daughter to go. The Lord at the Second Coming, the true parents, come here and suffer in order to prepare the way for God on the earth. Nevertheless, because we invited Satan, this world is hell. For this reason, we must welcome God with true love.

In the process of re-creation, all things and children and my whole self combine to be able to attend God, through the original true love which loves and forgets all loving. Then is established the word that all are connected to God. After that, they are distributed and connected to the time of children's possession.

Chapter 6 True Parents and Us [Part 3]

Chapter 6 True Parents and Us [Part 3]

5. What We Should Do

1) Our Responsibility

In the way of restoration, you should know that the way is not to be walked by yourself alone. Whenever you walk on the path of restoration, you must clearly understand that you are going on behalf of the True Parents. Otherwise, you cannot establish the victorious foundation of True Parents at the levels of clan, tribe, and nation. In order to correctly walk the way as the representative of the True Parents, you ought to know that if the True Parents go on the hard way in order to establish the standard of spiritual victory worldwide, you must go on the same way to complete the standard of real victory at the national level. Because in the spiritual world, the victorious foundation has been made by the True Parents, the real victory of True Parents must occur on the earth. Now, you are fulfilling the responsibility to overcome on the national level in the True Parents' stead.

In other words, if you are going to challenge toward the world level, surpassing the tribal level, the True Parents must establish a universal spiritual victorious foundation. The Lord comes as a man who has the destiny of True Father. He has to carry our cross spiritually and gain a victory, and he also has to have responsibility for everything. You should know that this is the difficulty of the restoration of true parents.

When we look at heaven, earth and humankind, can we say that Heaven has served the victorious True Parents at any moment? It has not yet served them. Has the earth served them? The earth also has not yet. Did humans? No, they did not. All are still on the way to serve the True Parents. Then, do we have to serve only True Parents? It does not mean that. After serving the True Parents, we have to establish a true family, clan, people, nation, and world. The Israelites were prepared for that purpose. In order for people to stand as true children in front of the True Parents, they must walk the course of restoration for children at the individual level, and there are also courses of restoration for children at the levels of family, people, and nation. The parents' courses for restoration at the levels of individual, family, tribe, people, and nation have to be accomplished. Also the children's courses for restoration from the individual level to the national level have to be completed. Unless parents and children unite into one and build the standard of victory, we cannot complete the restoration of our tribe, or make a new start to go toward the world stage.

Then, what is the mission of the Unification Church? What kind of situation are you in as members of the Unification Church? You were called by God centering on the True Parents. Also you are in the situation in which you should indemnify on the horizontal level the tragic vertical history of six thousand years, for substantial restoration.

What kind of determination should we make now? What is the goal for which we should reach? We should establish the kingdom of True Parents based on the worldwide foundation. We have to found the land of True Parents at the worldwide level. Because sorrow, pain, and tears still remain, we should take these things away as soon as possible. Today, the Unification Church has the responsibility for this, and you must know that is our mission.

Then, since you stand to go the way which you should go, you should not look back at the past, as happened when the Israelites went toward Canaan. Your minds should not look back, and your bodies should not. What is the hope which we must have? We must desire to serve truly the True Parents who come to the earth in the stead of the heavenly father. You should not wish to serve the True Parents in the situation where everyone looks up to them and honors them-after establishing the foundation of victory. You must desire to serve the True Parents as they pass through the sorrowful history of humankind.

Your ancestors will find it bitter if you cannot serve the True Parents who went through the grievous history. All humankind is truly yearning to serve the True Parents. Therefore, you have to be true sons and daughters who can serve in the miserable situation, rather than in the glorious one.

To become such true sons and daughters, no matter how difficult, disappointing, or miserable the situations you are in, you have to be one who can pray, "Heavenly Father, my Lord, because the True Parents have to go through the way of the cross more painful than the one that Jesus went, I, who serve the True Parents, deserve to carry the heavy cross. I am even willing to do that, so please, do not worry about me." You should not let Heavenly Father carry your burdens, such as trouble, pain, and sorrow. You must know how to indemnify by yourself. If you can become such a person, you can be engrafted into the realm of the individual victory of parents, at the individual level.

Today, in the Unification Church, blessed couples are spread through many places in South Korea. Why did I do this? Heavenly Father carries out the providence centering on the Korean people and nation. Therefore, the True Parents come to Korea as Koreans. Then, all villages, whether in valleys or in mountains, want to serve the coming True Parents. This is because to serve the True Parents is the historical desire of people.

Therefore, the one who can represent the True Parents substantially and erect the indemnity standard at the individual level, standing in the position of their children, and erect the indemnity standard on the family level, is willingly served by the village and community without regret. Of course, the True Parents who are to come are positioned at the center and relate to everything spiritual. However, they cannot communicate with everything substantial as they each have only one body. So, our Blessed couples were put in a position relating to millions of people in the stead of the True Parents.

The True Parents have the responsibility of carrying the cross of the worldwide level, going beyond that of the nation. Therefore, the blessed couples in every region, who are in the position of True Parents, have to carry the cross at the national level. If all blessed couples form a tribal foundation or a national foundation, the revelation of God could go over the mountain pass of victory centering on this nation. (13-288)

We have to go beyond our responsibility and the world's standard of perfection by loving the True Parents and by centering on the standard of the original love. (137-117)

2) Our Mission

What we have to do from now on is to build up the foundation in order to serve the True Parents and to rally the brothers and sisters of the world in front of their persons. Besides, as ancestors who shoulder such responsibility, we must banish the way of the cross and persecution, lest our descendants have to carry it. This is our original mission.

God can appear as the master or parents of the cosmos only after the time when God stands in the integrated parents position in the human world on the foundation of the integrated Abel and Cain world.

People who are living on the earth today are as people living without parents. Therefore, they are fighting. Accordingly, God has to emerge as parents for them, educate them, and tell them, "The person who is fighting with you is your elder brother, your younger brother." This only God can know.

True ideal parents could not be realized due to the evil parents. Children were invaded by Satan because they did not have the connection of ideal children with true parents. So, the ideal parents have to be revealed, and the time when Heaven can give to children the education of ideal children has to come, and a religion which can inherit these missions has to emerge. We must know that the religion is that of the Unification Church.

Then, of what is the Unification church proud? We are proud of the history of the True Parents. (Applause) After this, the true children have to unite with each other. True Parents have to love not only their own tribe, but all people, globally, cosmically. Who are true children? If a person says, "I only know American," that person is not a true child.

Then, who are you? You should not be like that. You have to transcend you nationalism here. You must go beyond your nationalism. In whose name? (In God's name!) In God's name. How about the Fall? In whose name? (In Satan's name!) In Satan's name. We have to jump over the border line of the Fall in God's name. God was in Adam's head. He is in our heads as well, to give us direct control.

Therefore, centering on True Parents who did not fall and on God, organizing the new world by rallying true flesh and blood worldwide, is the way for the Unification Church to go. In this, a family forms a tribe, a tribe forms a people, a people forms a nation and the nation has dominion in the world.

We must make a new start and go up, because the fallen world fell to the bottom. We must have the opportunity to cross the border line and reverse the decline of the fallen world and repair the world. There must be a moment when we can turn the standard upside down and turn over the fallen world at the worldwide level. (86-230)

In the present time we have the True Parents. Then, on what kind of position do they stand? We must know that they are called True Parents only in the Unification Church. They could not transcend that to the nation, to the world. Therefore, because Satan still remains in the nation and the world, he still assaults us. Do you understand?

Therefore, the Unification Church invites the True Parents to the church and expands it to the levels of people, world, and spiritual world. We must know that this is our movement. Now, the time is coming. The time is getting closer when we can have the circumstances in which the Unification Church is received as the Unification Church of the country and the True Parents as parents of the country. (124-309)

6. The Things We Must Take Seriously

1) No Self-Assessment

When you have gold, but it is in sand or mud, it has to be refined in a melting pot. Then it should be refined again. That is your course. It is the original course, the normal course. Then, do you say "Oh, good!" even though your body is melting and disappearing in the oven, becoming liquid, or do you say loudly, "Oh! I am going to die."

Are you pure or impure? Which do you have more of in your body? (Impurity.) Then, which is the subject in your body? Is purity the subject or impurity the subject? (Purity) If you are all pure, you need not worry about anything.

You must know that in order to become 100% pure, you have to deny yourself at least 98%. Our own things are only 2%. Which do you like? Which do you have to take? Do we have to take this, do we have to take this? (True Father was pointing at the things which he wrote on the black board.) How miserable is it? The response of men here is faster than women's.

Let us consider how much miserable it is. Is the life of a Moonie unhappy or happy? (It is happy.) (laughter) Then, is Rev. Moon, who is the center of Moonies happy, or unhappy? We have the hope that while it is unhappy in the beginning it is happy in the end. (applause) If someone persecutes you, think like this, "I am going to go to the oven, because I'm not perfect enough." We should not be afraid of being persecuted. If you can persecute me, please go ahead. We hope that we will have been in the oven until we become pure gold. It is the fastest way to become pure gold.

In America, owing to opposition to Rev. Moon, they threw Rev. Moon into the oven of the world. What's going to happen? They will be surprised saying "Oh!"-- even though they threw 100 people into it, all 100 people came out. (applause) Suppose the entire America immediately perishes. All perish. How about that? How will Americans feel? They are going to say, "Uuu." (laughter) They must lose.

Anyway, how about Rev. Moon? He will win. Although he will win, America will be defeated. In that case, how miserable will America see herself? On the other hand, how he will be honored? There is no room for discussion. No one can oppose him. Why will he win and America lose? When the wife says, "Oh! I felt my husband's love!" it means "although I have been living in the inner room [that means she was legal wife in name only, under the control of his mistress], I can live together with my husband from now on." What do you think about it? How about this concept? That is great!

Therefore, how patient are those who desire to march forward on the path to becoming 100% pure gold instead of resigning themselves to being 98% pure gold? How greatly do they suffer? Nevertheless, they have to be faithful in order to go forward. Even if people may evaluate us as 100%, when God will pick us up and estimate, it is highly uncertain that we will be found to be 100% gold. I am afraid of that. If gold 100% pure according to God's assessment is compared with gold which I so assessed, I wish the latter to be greater than the former. What do you think? I hope gold as I assessed it would be greater. An impure particle which correctly assesses itself cannot exist. Then, God assesses Himself, doesn't He? He originally is inclined to assess Himself.

In order to be purified ourselves, we should not assess ourselves. If we do so, we may think we are 100% pure gold and think ourselves above the condition that God will assess. It is natural that we think in this way. Do you follow me? When there is nothing eternal in our mind, we are able to assess regarding ourselves as the center and think we are more than 100% pure gold. Anyway, what is pure gold? It is only gold having no impurity. Therefore, the nation in which people who are living being intoxicated by the love of completely unselfish, a hundred or thousand of years love will be able to be the standard of pure gold in love. What do you think of this concept? Those who have such a love are an honorable Queen and Prince. Sound good? (Fine!) I dare to ask you to be such wives and husbands. If you can be, how wonderful you are!

Although you become pure gold, do you need God anymore? God already exists within that one. It is unnecessary to have God. Therefore all of you should be like that. (128-206)

Are you true pure gold? Or false? Then what am I? I myself? If you are true, what am I? (laughter) Then if you are true, I am a false, right? Then we will become true! You can say that, but it is trouble to say only, "I am true." I am in the highest position in Unification Church, though? Isn't that right? (laughter) I ought to be called true first, not you. Your right words are, "We are true, too!" That is okay. It is impolite of you to say only, "I am true."

When I see you at first, you are not true. After refining you by beating you and combining three or four together you could be true. I can't sell you as you are at the true market in the shop which I manage with the label, "This item is true." I cannot sell you as you are. Do you follow me? I always look at you in this way. Therefore, I consider that a long process of discipline, trial and refining must to be done.

When I say, "Are you pure gold?" that means I don't regard you as pure gold. Because you should have many processes of assignment to be finished, I have to put you into a refinery whether you like it or not. You should not call yourselves Unificationists until you are purified, synthesized into one crystal and possess the form without sides after being refined. (138-200)

We need the adjuster which modulates us, the period, the chance, and the time for doing it. You know standard time? We must adjust ourselves to that time. This also is true of scales. We have a standard scale. It is only one, the only one in the world. If we talking about a meter, the meter standard is not two but one. Are there two of that, or one of that? Definitely one. Only one. Furthermore, originally does man have a standard of adjustment or not? Yes, he or she has! Well, are you those to whom, at the zero point, the absolute standard of man naturally matches with the self-standard of man or those to whom it cannot be matched even forcibly? "Forcibly" is an unusual expression for this situation. You should understand, though, that I tried to express my feeling. If we, as fallen people, insisted that we want to be recognized according to the original scale, or, if we are talking about meter, it might be the meter scale, then anyone who agreed would be crazy, wouldn't they? God would say to them, "Hey! You guys! Why did you recognize them even though they look like that? They should have been denied, beaten and jailed."

Today, we are a group, a family as the Blessed Family, aren't we! There are many seniors who say they are "family", respect the noun, "family", but, on the other hand, ignore the content of a family. (127-203)

2) You Shall Become One

Everyone, how much do you know the heartistic content of the True Parents? How much are you united with the True Parents in terms of the questions of lineage, personality, truth, and life, and their views of nation, world and cosmos? This becomes the matrix which determines whether you become true sons and daughters of God in a real sense. Do you understand? (Yes.)

It is worrisome to have only yourself, so the question is how to connect you to the True Parents. There must be an original root, meaning we must have that core. (28-249)

If you ask, "What is True Parents?" they are substitutes for your parents. The original parents are the True Parents. You and your parents must become one. Then who is the grandfather? It is God. Yes, God. Even the True Parents can't overrule God's command. Parents must take their children on the way the grandfather desires. That is the way of parents.

When the True Parents go through the path of restoration, you must go as well. You must complete the most minimal "5%" portion of responsibility. Do you understand what it means? (Yes.) You must know that. You must love God more than you love your wife or your parents. I'm saying that you must love God more than you love your children. The ideal world of the Unification Church is the expansion of that to the worldwide level. You must know this. Did you clearly understand? (Yes.) (128-31)

Rev. Moon already has all the roots of the first Adam and the second Adam. Therefore, all you have to do is to be engrafted into the first, second, and third Adam, and then everything will be completed. Do you understand what it means? The root, the root is one. Then love, and what? What are the three things? Love, life, and then what? Lineage. The vertical and horizontal love of God interacted with life and then lineage emerged.

Therefore, you must love Rev. Moon more than anyone. You must become one with the True Parents more than with anyone else. Since it is the lineage centered on true love, there is the right to inherit, the right to have the same position and the right to participate together. Do you understand? So Satan cannot come near. (189-223)

3) You Shall Love the True Parents

How much have the True Parents received love? Have you ever thought about it? Anyone who protested against the idea that God is dead would love the True Parents more than God would love them. If you pray to God to meet such a person, and by meeting such a person come to love the True Parents, God will be happy. If that person is the wisest and if you think so, you will absolutely never be defeated by any power in the spiritual world. If you can tell the spirits, "I have loved the True Parents this much, but what have you spirits done?" and accuse them, you will become the richest.

If there was a fight between family members to love the True Parents the most, what would God say? (laughter) And if one died from that fight, how would God make a judgment? Please think about it. Would God take them to hang them? Without a question, God would call the two and raise them up as the model for loving the True Parents and tell others to love at the same standard. This is the very standard. Precisely, God, spirits and every person on earth must pay attention to the True Parents. We must think about this now in our own lives.

If what I say is true, then this question is important. How distant are you from this standard? We must pray for this even from now. No one can follow the True Parents without tears. Therefore, we cannot give joyful expressions. We must live for the sake of others, and we should always have a heart of apology toward Heaven no matter that we offer the best. I think you can imagine how our behavior should be. (52-97)

4) You Shall Attend True Parents

Even though you may go through the wilderness course and cross over the river Jordan, if you fall down in the middle of the battle with the seven tribes of Canaan, it will not become a victorious death. One can become an original person before God only when he has had the seven tribes of Canaan surrender and has established the new nation of Israel. Not doing so is the same as staying in Paradise, unable to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. (13-298)

What are the True Parents of whom we know? They are the ancestors of humanity. Therefore, you must attend the True Parents like your own. (118-147).

Actually, you must attend True Parents for more than three years. In order to have served the True Parents for over three years, the family must attend them, then a nation and the world must attend them. That must be the reality. Only when that happens will the realm of worldwide restoration come.

Considering the number three, I tell you that you must attend more than three years. Therefore, in principle, you must eat together, discuss together, and live together centering on the True Parents for three years. All of your homes must be like this. There must be a period of three years of living peacefully and happily, rejoicing with each other, speaking good words when you talk, living as a family to attend the True Parents. (44-170)

5) You Shall Be Obedient

Originally, children must be absolutely obedient in front of the parents, who came with the name of God. There can be no objection. This is not to be brought about by force. An environment must be created in which this occurs. The wife loves her husband and the husband loves his wife. When they become parents centered on love and lead an environment where the beloved children can naturally follow in absolute obedience, the foundation for the Kingdom of Heaven becomes unbreakable. (101-283)

6) You Shall Inherit the Tradition

Until today, people haven't known how they will turn out. They haven't known history. They haven't known where they were at that moment or what they would become. They haven't known what would happen or their purpose.

Why was it so? It was because they couldn't have True Parents as ancestors. However, through attending True Parents, we say, "Yes, I understand history. I understand the history of the relationship of God and myself." We understand the present and the future. We not only understand, but can even inherit such a tradition. We now can possess the tradition that can overcome history and the future.

From whom? Why? Because we met True Parents. We follow what True Parents teach us and what they do, desire what they desire, and inherit them, succeed them. (71-21)

Until now, there were no real parents in this universe. All parents were fallen parents who used their children and destroyed. What was destroyed? The possibility of perfect brothers and sisters was destroyed. Then that of perfect bridegrooms and brides was destroyed, followed by the destruction of that of perfect parents. It became impossible to have truly good children. It adds up to the forfeiture of a family. That family was the representative of the history of the cosmos. That family represented the world, the Kingdom of Heaven, the nation and all families.

God is trying to seek that central point. The history of humanity is also seeking it. Today's humanity, the present living people, must likewise be connected to this center. In other words, this is the only common purpose of God and humanity, and this is the only possible way to tie together past, present and future.

Then, who should do it? True Parents must do what Adam and Eve had to have done. Therefore, what everyone should now have is something that Satan couldn't have and that does not exist in the evil world: brothers among brothers or brotherhood not as in the world of Satan. You must all be so, and it can only be done in your twenties, before your marriage. All of you must establish such a tradition.

You must establish a tradition in front of your children to show such a model life. You must know that your life of struggles which you have encountered in your countries are great, and this is the only period when you can save traditional materials for your descendants, and in which you can educate your children saying, "We worked under such a difficult circumstance," and leave them your last will.

Therefore, the issue here is tradition. This is unchangeable. It is an eternal tradition. Yes, an eternal tradition. Since we transcend the world, white people and black people must become one as brothers. What that means is that we visit and enter the brotherhood garden of Adam and Eve, of the unfallen humanity. Do you understand? (Yes.)

What is the fundamental thought to establish such a tradition? It is to live for others. It can be established by living for others. So, from here, your children will grow without suffering so miserable an environment and will go directly to the Kingdom of Heaven, having a realm of results that can surpass the world of Satan, becoming the descendants who can directly connect to Heaven. Then such brothers and sisters have spouses. To us marriage is supranational. We are entering the realm where if one is asked to marry with a black, or a white, or a yellow, he or she will do so.

Such a tradition must be established from now on. It has not been done yet. We must create one from now. You must take that material to lead your descendants and the world. However, after the two become one, you must not bear evil children. The husband and wife must perfectly become one to bear good children. Without the unity, the good children will not come out. Therefore, you must perfectly become one centering on the will of God. (71-19)

When you see Rev. Moon only in one dimension, you may see what his face and figure look like generally. But, you wouldn't know what kind of background and path I've gone through until coming to this place. Can the will of God be fulfilled by mere obedience without a sure belief from the start? It is not like that. There must be a clear belief. You must know that I brought such a victorious result because I knew I was on an absolute and correct way and started with a pledge of promised victory. In order to change this will and change this way, numerous individuals, families, tribes, peoples, nations and even the world opposed me. I have stayed on such a severe path.

How can you inherit such a tradition, which you all must do, without knowing about it? If you inherit such a tradition at the place of strength and courage, having so strong a determination as "I will run even to the end of the world and heaven", when God looks He will have amazing appreciation.

Isn't it the heart of Heaven and your teacher to want to see such an attitude in you in order to let you have your inheritance? I'm such a poor wretched person because I bring those who do not know anything about it or what will become of the world, and I teach them. That is a lonely scene. You have to know that it shouldn't be so. (67-228)

7) You Shall Be Proud of the True Parents

What you should be proud of is the love of God and the love of the True Parents. It is the conclusion that you must be proud of this more than of yourselves, the nation, or anything in the world. This love, the love of God and the love of the True Parents is one. What is this? You should know that the Unification Church is realizing on earth the starting point for unifying on the foundation of the family, centering on the idea of love, which is God's direct dominion. That is the way the True Parents go. (131-50)

8) You Shall Give Back What You Owe to the True Parents

Your concept of the True Parents must be clear. Are you in debt to the True Parents or not? You owe a debt to them. How much is that debt? There is no way to return that debt. If you calculate your debt, there is no way of return. However, if you have even a small indication of love, you can return all. That is what is needed. (date unknown.)

Chapter 7 Our Life Centered On True Parents

Chapter 7 Our Life Centered On True Parents

1. Our Life Centered On True Parents

1) True Parents' Day and True Parents

You are all interested in me, aren't you? Wherever I go, you must follow me to listen to my words through power lines of heart.

In celebrating True Parents' Day, you should know how much tribulation and sufferings the True Parents have undergone. The day has come when everyone must know about the True Parents. Even you may not understand your tradition, much less keep it. (131-64)

True Parents' Day was supposed to be central in God's creation. After the creation of all things, God created human beings and celebrated that they would rule over all things, upon which foundation True Parents were supposed to come.

Adam and Eve should have become one centered on God, to become True Parents. Then True Parents' Day would have been established, and the entire cosmos would have praised God and His creation in the name of True Parents.

It was God's original desire to welcome that Day. Heaven and earth, however, could not have that Day because of the fall of humankind, and God has been struggling to establish that Day ever since.

True Parents must come in order to establish True Parents' Day. True Parents must be the central figure to judge our past history, to guide the present and to pioneer the future. Therefore, throughout history all people have been looking toward the day of welcoming True Parents. (132-80)

Why do we need to look for our tribe? This is because our tribe is to serve our victorious True Parents, free from any accusations from Satan. Upon a national foundation we should serve them as a virtuous representative of heaven and earth and all mankind. So far we have served the True Parents with sorrow and sufferings, but in the future we should serve them with joy and a sense of freedom. God can share our joy only if our mind is one with Him. You have to establish the foundation upon which all human beings can proclaim, "Your gratitude is our gratitude."

Today is True Parents' Day. The Day will be celebrated all over the world and the entire cosmos if we succeed in inheriting it as our own True Parents' Day on the levels of the individual, family, society and nation. Then we will be able to complete God's original creation, and relieve ourselves of the aggrievements caused by the fall of human beings and the absence of welcoming True Parents. We will be fully able to relieve ourselves of any aggrievements in the history of restoration yet unresolved.

Although I have succeeded in erecting True Parents' Day and True Children's Day, these Days are yet to be established on all levels-individual, family, tribe, nation, world, and cosmos. This is true also for True Day of All Things. God's original creation will be completed only if True Parents' Day, True Children's Day, and True Day of All Things are victoriously erected at the global level.

Then True Parents' Day will be celebrated for the first time in both heaven and earth. This is true also for True Children's Day and True Day of All Things, and the time will come when God proclaims the completion of His providence.

True Parents' Day, True Children's Day, and True Day of All Things at the individual level will become the most important days for all nations and for the world. (13-294)

2) We Should Know the Deep Meaning of the Word "True Parents"

The word "True Parents" is often used in the Unification Church, though there may be some here who now heard it for the first time. Were there any true parents before Jesus Christ? We have at least something even Jesus couldn't have.

Did Jesus have true parents? Is it parents' responsibility to leave their children unprotected? No! Parents must protect their children from Satan by embracing them in their bosom. What about Jesus? He led his thirty years of life as a lonely, fatherless son. We should know that.

Can you find the word "True Parents" in the Bible? No! Nor is there the word "True Brothers." These words are used only in the Unification Church. I didn't make up these words. I found them in the heavenly principles.

We often use the words "True Parents" and "True Children." We should know how true children should behave. They should be able to sacrifice themselves for their children and be grateful even if they have to go into hell because of that. That is the way true children should behave, and through such relationships they can be in the place where Heavenly Father lives. (76-73)

We use the word "True Parents" in the Unification Church and put emphasis on serving the True Parents and God. Also we put emphasis on becoming true brothers and sisters. Centered on whom? Centered on Jesus. Do you understand what I am saying? We must become the parents who can at least establish through indemnity the true position of Jesus' parents, who failed to serve him. (67-326)

Which is easier: your calling me "parents" or my calling God "parents"? You don't know how much tribulation I have undergone. Thus far, many people have tried to succeed only to find failure. You, who have joined the Unification Church, can look at me and say without difficulty that I am a true parent.

Which gives greater joy: my understanding of God's being True Parents or your understanding of the same thing? I came to call Him Father after experiencing a tremendous amount of tribulation. I have to tell you all these things because you have never experienced the like of such tribulation. Which do you think gives greater joy: my meeting God as His son or your meeting me? (You and God) Wrong! It should be the other way around.

I met Him only after experiencing the tremendous amount of tribulation. You must be more joyful than I, since you don't need to go through as many tribulations as I had experienced. I purchased that meeting with multi-billion dollars. You must be happier than I, because you haven't paid even one cent to get it. What did you pay? You listened to the Divine Principle and understood everything and are now calling me True Father. (116-122)

3) You Should Learn the True Parents' Language

Languages are the greatest obstacle. Dr. Durst is sitting here. Koreans are also sitting here without saying a word. It's so pitiful. If languages can be unified, the world will be much better. In the beginning, I studied English by using various books, but I could say only yes and no. (laughter) I felt irritated. It is absolutely necessary to unify languages.

Do you want to listen to my speech through an interpreter or directly from me? (laughter) Which do you prefer? (In Korean) Why? Because Korean is the original language. You don't understand the true meaning of the words used in the Divine Principle unless you study the original language. How can you correctly translate a joke or other humor into English? Through translation you understand not more than 20% of it. (laughter)

You are sooner or later going to the spiritual world. Will it be your pride to say, "I listened to Father's words first hand and lived on them," or to say, "I listened to his words through interpreters?" (The former) I am talking about the ideal world of love. Can you feel love if you listen to my words through interpreters? (laughter) Are you satisfied with it? (No!)

The fifth point of our pledge, which we recited a while ago, says that we are proud of one culture. What will one culture look like? You have to know that all the cultures must become one in the world of heart and love.

Speaking of love, you must put it into action before anything else, even before you think of its meaning. Speaking through an interpreter can be likened to eating leftover food. It is awkward. Do you follow me? (Yes) Then, should an ideal family speak foreign languages? (No!) Think about it. Now you know that an ideal world cannot be realized on earth without the tradition and spirit of an ideal family. (118-238)

In the spiritual world we are all going to use the same language as True Parents, True Grandfather use. Can you say, "I don't know it"? (No!) Studying Korean, you surely understand how difficult it must be for foreigners, especially Orientals, to learn English. For the first time, I have passed 70. Do you think it is easy to learn English at this age? (No) Can you make any excuses? (No)

Many young people join the Unification Church. They feel compelled to do it. Do you follow me? (Yes) You have to learn Korean wherever you are, even while you are walking, in the bathroom, etc. You must repeat Korean words such as "Aboji" and "Omma." There is no other shortcut way.

You must learn Korean, simply because I have become your true father. It cannot be helped. No one can complain about it. (laughter)

When all the languages are unified, everyone will praise God in saying, "Glory to True Parents! They have unified all the languages of the world in such a short period of time." If you are to publicly exalt something, what will you exalt first? You should exalt Korean over all other languages of the world.

Koreans are smart because of their language. How is the English of Dr. Pak? Don't you think his pronunciation is perfect? (Yes) There is no sound Koreans cannot pronounce. Japanese are nowhere near the Koreans in this. (laughter) Japanese cannot correctly pronounce McDonald. They pronounce it something like "Makudonarudo." (laughter) You can hardly catch what they say.

You should know this. You have to become familiar with a new culture. I am saying this not because I am a Korean, but because this is the Principle. You should become familiar with the Principle first, even before you learn Korean, or you'll be chased away in the first place. Since I'm speaking the Principle, you cannot help accepting what I'm saying.

You should listen to my words first-hand and laugh. It is very inconvenient for me to make you laugh through an interpreter. Once you know Korean, you'll understand how difficult it is to translate languages, for you will be able to compare what I say with what the interpreter says. Scholars are going to use Korean as the original language in the future. Korean will become the original language. Do you follow me? (Yes) (130-272)

4) Revelations in a Folk Tale

How wonderful it may be if you say, "I want to serve God and live for tens of thousands of years with Him." There is a song in a Korean folk tale which reads:

The moon! The moon! The bright moon!
The moon where Li-Po once played! There! There!

In the midst of the moon a katsura tree was stabbed, so I thrust into it with an ax studded with jewels in order to pull it out.

I cut it up with a golden ax to build a thatched house with three rooms in order to welcome our parents.

By the way, where can you find real parents? If they are self-centered, greedy parents, they are destined to be forgotten. Where can you find the real parents who can show clearly the principle of heaven and earth and erect heavenly tradition? I have offered my entire life to build before I die a world such as described in the song of the folk tale. (127-282)

Today, many religious leaders prostrate themselves and pray so as to receive blessings. I, however, never prayed for the purpose of receiving blessings. I am an offering. The providence in the Old Testament Age was for people to reach toward God through sacrificing things. In the New Testament Age it was to seek good parents through sacrificing sons and daughters. In the Completed Testament Age it has been to liberate God through sacrificing True Parents' family. We are to welcome our original parents on earth and live for tens of thousands of years with them.

The moon! The moon! The bright moon! The moon where Li-Po once played.

In the midst of the moon a katsura tree was stabbed.

Just as sung in the Korean folk tale, we want to welcome our parents to live together with them for tens of thousands of years. This is a prophetic story for the Korean people. We want to live with heavenly parents for tens of thousands of years. Whenever I think about this song, I cannot help having a pain in my heart. (137-185)

You shouldn't feel sad to have been born as a Korean. You might have had such feelings in the past, saying, "Koreans are so poor that no matter how much they are proud of having 5,000 years history, it is inevitable for them to be born in a thatched house with only three rooms."

The moon! The moon! The bright moon! The moon where Li-Po once played!

There! There! In the midst of the moon to build a thatched house with three rooms in order to welcome our parents.

This song says to build a thatched house with three rooms and live there for tens of thousands of years. (laughter) I don't feel very good whenever I hear such a folk tale. Is the real wish of the Korean people to build a thatched house with three rooms?

". . .to build a thatched house with three rooms in order to welcome our parents and live for tens of thousands of years." The parents in this song can be the ideal parents for all mankind. This has something to do with the idea in Christianity of the Second Coming of Christ. Also, this is related to other ideas of Saviors believed in many nations throughout the world. Do you follow me? (Yes) There would be no end in this type of talk. Shall I stop here? (No! More!) (85-81)

You should not complain about the appearances of their eyes and faces. No matter how ugly they may be, you should say, "I would like to live with them for tens of thousands of years." The wishes of the Korean people are clearly expressed in the song:

The moon! The moon! The bright moon! The moon where Li-Po once played!

There! There! In the midst of the moon a katsura tree was stabbed, so I thrust into it with an ax studded with jewels in order to pull it out.

I cut it up with a golden ax to build a thatched house with three rooms in order to welcome our parents to live with them for tens of thousands of years.

Thus, Koreans have an idea of true parents. The love, with which we want to live for tens of thousands of years, comes from true parents. Do you follow me? We have to welcome our parents. (126-192)

Since the True Parents represent all men and women who are the champions of God, you, who are sons and daughters of the True Parents, have at least as much authority as does the True Parents' shadow. You are not supposed to join the Unification Church unless you are going to discard greediness and other various habits you learned in the satanic world. We are different from the established churches. In the Unification Church you should gain the total victory by shooting the arrows of love. You are standing on the altar of love. Do you follow me? (Yes) It is not true that God will judge you in the middle of the air after you go to the Kingdom of God. God has been judging you on a daily basis here on earth. Since you have served God and shared joys and sorrows with Him and the True Parents, you have been able to survive here in this age of ups and downs and various hardships. You have survived. Is God able to die?

I have returned to my country after accomplishing my mission on the worldwide level. We have to unify our country, which has been divided into two. At the same time that you build a unified nation, you must also build your own country, people, tribe and family.

Men of wisdom must apply themselves (writing on the blackboard) and overcome all tribulations. Do you follow me? It is easy for the Unification Church members to do so now that the True Parents have fulfilled all their missions of indemnity. Once you know God, True Parents, true wives and husbands, and true sons and daughters, all your struggles will be over.

You must overcome all struggles in order to find true sons and daughters, and true wives and husbands. Upon the foundation of your loving and liberating your brothers and sisters on the satanic side-12 apostles and 120 disciples-you will be able to love your own sons and daughters for tens of thousands of years to come.

The prayer given to the Korean people in order to inherit the right of chosen people, and to sing and praise God forever is:

The moon! The moon! The bright moon!

The moon where Li-Po once played!

There! There! In the midst of the moon a katsura tree was stabbed, so I thrust into it with an ax studded with jewels in order to pull it out.

I cut it up with a golden ax to build a thatched house with three rooms in order to welcome our parents to live with them for tens of thousands of years.

What are you going to do after welcoming your parents? You are going to live with them for tens of thousands of years. Where will you live? You will live in a thatched house with three rooms. Where will your thatched house be? You must start from the lowest level. You cannot find the parents of your king until you are able to first welcome your own parents to a thatched house with only three rooms. After welcoming your parents to your thatched house, you should start to mobilize your tribe and then people, from which your kingship will be born. You must also look for your own nation.

I have already set up the victorious foundation on the national and worldwide levels, and have been standing in a vertical position. I am not able to move horizontally. Since I'm standing in a vertical position, all the levels from that of the individual to that of family, clan, tribe, nation, world and cosmos are wholly one in a vertical position centered on God. (212-53)

What is the common ground of God's love and human love? God created humankind for the sake of love. Why was that? It was because He was lonely by Himself. He created humans in order to live with them for tens of thousands of years centered on love.

You want to welcome your parents even to your thatched house with only three rooms and live with them for tens of thousands of years, don't you? This is true for God. Even in a smaller place than a thatched house with only three rooms, we can reign over the entire world with God. Is that place truly small? With God in it, that place could be the palace in Heaven and in the entire cosmos. (204-106)

5) Prayer in the Name of True Parents

God is the greatest teacher of all teachers for fallen humans. This is because there is nothing God doesn't know. Also, He is the first parents of all parents, that is, nothing short of True Parents. He is the greatest king of all kings as well. Who am I talking about? (God) Yes, God. Do you follow me?

God is the most excellent teacher of all teachers, and the first parents of all parents. Where does He rank among all parents? (The first parents!) Is He false parents or True Parents? Yes, He is True Parents. Has He ever been True Parents after the Fall of the human beings?

In the Unification Church we conclude our prayer by saying, "I pray in the name of True Parents." Were not the first parents supposed to be God? In whose name do you want to pray? Isn't it true that you want to pray in the name of Heavenly Father?

When you are drowning in the water, who do you wish will come to rescue you? Do you want an old man in the next town to come as a savior to rescue you, or do you want your younger brother to do it? Or do you prefer your older brother as a savior to rescue you?

Whom do you want to come to rescue you? Do you want your wife to come to rescue you? No! You want your parents to come to rescue you. You want your parents to come to rescue you, who are the best savior of all saviors. Children look for their parents as their savior, for parents can share children's pains deep in their heart.

You pray in the name of True Parents, but do you really know who they are? You should not think that True Parents are only I and True Mother. You must think of True Parents who can embrace the whole world much more deeply and love all the people of the world transcending racial as well as national differences. Therefore I also pray in the name of True Parents. (33-1423)

6) The Power of the Name of True Parents

According to the Bible, the human beings fell from God. God lost everything at once because of the Fall of the first humans, including His sons and daughters, husbands and wives, countries, and the world. We have to liberate God. True Parents must come in order to restore all things, children, families, countries, and the world, and bring them to God. God lost all of them because human beings misused love with the result that false love was created.

We were all created by God centered on His love. We were supposed to be owned by God. But this ideal was shattered because of fallen love. True Parents must restore all things, children, husbands and wives, countries and the world centered on True Parents' love, and offer them to God.

God will praise the victory of True Parents, saying, "The universe has been restored centered on true love. Now I can take possession of it," and then give it back to True Parents. God will take possession of the universe first, and then will give it back to True Parents. It will eventually be given to true sons and daughters. We cannot realize the Kingdom of Heaven on earth, however, until this victorious foundation is spread in all directions throughout the world.

What do we have to do now? What we should do now is to unify the North and the South, and offer the unified Korea to God as the homeland of all humankind. This will be accomplished centered on the victorious foundations of all nations, and in the name of God and True Parents.

There exist both democracy and Communism in the Korean Peninsula. Although Koreans are centered on both True Parents and false parents, we are not enemies in the eyes of God. Kim II Sung should not die yet. Recently our members went to North Korea to meet him. I took a big chance. I took chances on so many occasions -- in Japan, in the U.S., and in Russia. I always apply myself 100%.

People often call Unification Church members beggars. Why beggars? The Unification Church dedicated itself to God several decades ago, and the members have only small pots and rags at home because they have to work to restore all things for God.

Parents lead a poor life not for the sake of their sons and daughters but for God. Those who think, '41 have to quit working for the Church and go to a university," will bring hardships upon their children.

In the name of God and True Parents we must soon unify the North and the South, and recover all kinds of historical ownership from Satan. We have to bring the ownership to God, our original True Parents. Upon that foundation, Korea must make an appearance as the first fatherland that has ever existed. This is the ultimate goal of my love. (212-127)

7) Everlasting Glory in the Name of True Parents

All things that are dedicated to God will be given back to the True Parents -- Adam and Eve -- in the name of God, Creator. Then you'll inherit them centered on the True Parents' family.

First, the era of redistribution will arrive, which will lead us to the everlasting Kingdom of Heaven. There will no longer be any satanic confrontations.

Second, it will be possible for us to lead the ideal life of the original creation. Don't you think so? There will be no more satanic accusations and no more conflicts. The ideal life of the original creation will start under the wholly unified system centered on true love, out of which the Kingdom of Heaven will be established on earth. Those who live there will automatically go to the Kingdom of Heaven in the spiritual world.

Third, the Kingdom of Heaven will be realized so as to establish true love both on earth and in heaven.

Finally, we will be able to return everlasting glory to God in the name of God, in the name of True Parents and in our names. Amen! (Amen!) In what name? (In the name of God) We'll return everlasting glory to God in the name of God, in the name of True Parents and in our names. Everlasting, eternal glory to God! Amen! (Amen!) This is it. There will be no more religions and no more conflicts. What else could we have to do? Now you know what our goal is, don't you? (212-143)

8) Inheritance of True Parents' Heart

A. Inheritance of Heart

It is very important for you to inherit True Parents' heart, as well as God's love and heart. How do you master it? In order to do this you have to return to the condition of Adam and Eve before the fall whom Satan had no power to accuse. How can you be liberated in the satanic world? You have to fight with Satan and gain victory over him. In doing so, you will surely go through a tremendous amount of tribulation and suffering.

Jacob was deceived ten times. So was Moses. Jesus was also deceived in similar ways. So was I. We have to overcome various deceptions. In doing so, you will surely learn the heart of God and True Parents little by little. Otherwise, you will never understand their heart, and Satan will never leave you. You will find out neither God's heart nor True Parents' heart unless you gain victory over Satan. That's why we all have to go to the front line.

As long as you are looking for an easy life, you'll never experience the love and heart of God and True Parents.

That's why we have to send everyone to the front line. You can inherit the love and heart of God and True Parents only after you go through a challenging course such as persecutions, rejection and being under constant surveillance. Your evaluation will be held there. Therefore, you have to go to the front line just as I have been doing. How terrible it was to go through all those persecutions. But it could not be helped. If you do the same thing, God will protect you. You will share the same heart by standing on the same foundation. Do you follow me?

How do you manage to inherit the heart of God and True Parents? First you have to know that the True Parents are your real parents and God your real father. Your flesh, bones and every cell of your body must know it even with no help from your mind. You have to establish the foundation which Satan cannot accuse. Do you follow me? (Yes!) That is the most important point.

How can you inherit True Parents' heart? The answer is very simple. You can do it if you stand on the same foundation as the original Adam and Eve and gain victory over Satan on the worldwide level. In order for you to succeed, you may shed a tremendous amount of tears, and may be accused to the bone by Satan. You have to go through the process of indemnity so much so that you may experience indescribable tribulations. Do you clearly understand? Even though you don't like it, that is the only way. Neither prayer nor any other means can substitute for it. You must experience it yourself and master it.

Once you establish the foundation, you can experience oneness right away. Also, you will be directly guided. Do you follow me? You must experience a feeling of oneness so as to understand the parents' heart. Also you must gain victory over Satan in order to accomplish it. There is no other way.

As I said yesterday, as well as on the day before yesterday, I have already built power plants. Those power plants are connected with power lines on various levels from the individual all the way up to family, tribe, people, nation, world, and cosmos, and even to God. You must walk on those power lines of heart. Who is to do it? Not I, not God, but you must do it. (125-206)

B. Sons and Daughters Should Inherit From Their Parents

What is the best present from God to humankind? The best present is your becoming the original ancestors of all human beings, that is, true fathers and mothers. Do you know how wonderful it is? There is nothing greater than that. It is much greater than your becoming the Secretary of State or the President. That is the greatest present to humankind given by God.

Once you become true parents, true children will be born, out of which a true family, a true people, a true country, and a true world will automatically be born. Don't you think so? What do you think is the most important name? (True Parents!) The name "True Parents" and the word "true love" are of utmost importance. (125-117)

What was the fall of the first human beings? Doing things their own way was the cause of their fall. Centered on God and True Parents you have to crush that nature. That is why all men must become Father's offshoot, all women Mother's offshoot.

You should be delighted if God enters your eyes or some other part of you. Can you say to Him, "No, you cannot do it"? (No!) Do you want to keep a fence between you and God? God's love can be spread through you. You have to do research on it. You shouldn't make light of it. That is what I expect you to do. (118-272)

Thus far in history, true children could not be born because there were no true parents. Since there was no true man on earth, true parents could not exist. In the Unification Church we are to find and deeply acknowledge the True Parents, and through attending them become their sons and daughters.

What are the sons and daughters of the True Parents going to do? They are going to inherit all that the True Parents have. Heaven and earth would be worthless unless they had their own master. You must become one who can acknowledge and declare the value of heaven and earth 100% and forever. Also, you must meet one who can authorize it. That is God. That is why you must have the right to inherit the True Parents.

What is the right to inherit the True Parents? It is the right to inherit not only heaven and earth but God Himself. (24-323)

Our mission is not yet complete. You will receive blessings through expressing gratitude to heaven. You should be appreciative not only on the individual level but also on the tribal level. You should not forget the real value of blessings which you have received as a representative of your tribe. Mr. Kim represents all the Kim families, and Mr. Pak all the Pak families. Also, you should remember that your blessings are based on your representing the entire Korean people of 30 million and representing all human beings throughout the world, and that you have inherited the responsibility the True Parents should fulfill on earth.

Why do blessed families have to inherit it? While blessed families are striving for the restoration of their people, the True Parents must work for restoration on the worldwide level. That is, the True Parents must walk one step ahead of you. But the True Parents cannot work for the worldwide course for restoration unless a victorious foundation can be established for the tribal level of restoration. You have to take responsibility for the restoration of your tribe so that the True Parents can work for the worldwide course for restoration. You have to take responsibility for the restoration of your tribe until you die or until the aggrievements of your people can be completely eliminated. (13-293)

9) What We Have to Pay Attention To

We cannot succeed in the restoration process unless we share the heart of God and True Parents. Therefore, those taking responsibility for restoration must go forward in the name of True Parents. Even Jesus cannot do anything without the True Parents.

You must be horizontally united centered on True Parents' love. You have no room for complaint. You are not allowed to complain at all. If you complain, you will surely be crushed. (136-70)

You often ask True Parents, "Let us do this! Let us do that!" You are totally wrong if you want to treat the True Parents as if they were your rich and famous parents in your village.

You have to accept the True Parents in order to unify the world. There is no other way for humankind to accomplish this goal.

True Parents are the fruit of historical hopes and the fruit of all the triumphs in the course of indemnity. You have to know this. Is it possible to exchange the True Parents for America? (55-155)

Chapter 8 Three Great Subjects Thought and the Proclamation of True Parents [Part 1]

Chapter 8 Three Great Subjects Thought and the Proclamation of True Parents [Part 1]

1. Three Great Subjects Thought and True Parentism

1) Three Great Subjects Thought is Our Wish

What is the wish of humankind, fallen humankind? We were supposed to become True Parents. When we had sons and daughters, we should have been able to raise them in such a way that they were free from persecution from the satanic world and could go directly to the Kingdom of Heaven. But we did not become so. It is our wish to become a representative of True Parents and have true sons and daughters who can directly go to the Kingdom of Heaven. You all want to have good sons and daughters, don't you? The best children in the world? We could not fulfill that goal. How to accomplish it is the problem.

What is next? The Archangel could not teach Adam and Eve who were God's sons and daughters. It is the most important task for us to raise our children as God's son and daughter and to educate them to be those whom God needs.

You want to become a teacher, don't you? Don't you want to become an example? You want to work hard, so that you can become the president who represents the nation or the head of a company or a cabinet minister. You want be successful. Isn't that so? What does it mean? It means to become a true master.

These are our Three Great Wishes. First, to become True Parents; second, to become a true teacher; and third, to become a true master. Isn't this your case? One wants to be successful and become a governor or even the President of the United States. Is that so or not? One must become the master of his household prior to this. To become the master of the household, you must inherit the family tradition and stand in the position of the master who can represent God and ancestors. By doing so, all families and nations will come to respect you. Everything in a society falls under these three positions. True Parents, true teacher, and true master. Do you understand what I am talking about? (Yes)

You must become a true parent, a true teacher, and a true master. This is the Three Great Subjects Thought. Do you understand? What is the root of the Three Great Subjects Thought? It is True Love. True Love is to give and give, more than 100% of the self, and then to give again. You should know that what I mean by True Parents, true teacher and true master are those who have this kind of thought. The root is one.

Therefore, when we speak about True Parents, a true teacher must always come to their right and a true master must always come to their left. They are always accompanied by True Parents. You do not necessarily become True Parents simply by having children. You must have children and educate them. Sons and daughters must go around riding on their father and mother. You must teach them. (205-20)

2) The Three Great Subjects Thought is the Thought of the True Parents

The center of the Three Great Subjects Thought is the True Parents. Why are the True Parents the center? There is only one vertical standard that can be perpendicular. Do you understand what I am talking about? (Yes) There is only one perpendicular true love; therefore, there is a representative foundation centered on a family which is the conclusive point between True Parents and the vertical God.

A teacher who resembles the True Parents by taking the thought of the True Parents as the model, and the sovereign who resembles the True Parents by taking parental love as the model, come to seek the direction toward the environmental condition of the Kingdom of Heaven. Satan cannot invade here. Because the contents of the bedroom of Satan's realm of love cannot invade here, the Kingdom of Heaven is formed through the expansion of the realm of liberation.

3) The Essentials of the Three Great Subjects Thought

Now, Soviet Russia has come within the grasp of God. Although it was not captured by the hands of America, it came to be captured by God. America is the same. Although she cannot be captured by the hands of the Soviets, she can be captured by the hands of God. It is the Last Days, so whether they turn around will determine whether they go forward or fall into the hell.

When they turn around, to which center should they turn? Because false parents violated the heavenly principle of love, human society disintegrated. The time has come for people to turn to the True Parents and the original homeland. Do you understand what I am talking about? (Yes)

We have come to the era of final settlement, in which we move with Father and turn to the progressive course. Everything is coming to consummation. Christianity will be consummated, Buddhism and Confucianism will all be consummated. Politics is coming to an end. The Religious Federation for World Peace was founded centering upon the religious realm, and the Federation for World Peace was founded centering upon the political realm in order to consummate the situation. Divided minds become united and the fruit born on the global scale has been consummated. What is the center for the consummation? True Parents' love.

True Parents, true teacher, and true master are the essentials of the Three Great Subjects Thought, aren't they? Even the greatest people in the world kneel down in front of God and ask: "Will you please give us guidance?" To whom and to what is the Three Great Subjects Thought referring? Father and Father's Words.

Well, where does Father live? Father stands not only in the position of a teacher but he stands in the position of a master, doesn't he? The president of a university, as a parent, goes back home at night. How about the president of the country? He goes back to Chong-pa-dong (White House). Even if he has hundreds on his staff, he has to go back home to go to bed. He becomes a father, a parent. Isn't that so?

Considering all these matters, we can say that parents are the center. A school is a parent-like school and a master is a parent-like master. A teacher and a master all go out to their places, but come back to the position of parents. The position where one can stay and live without the need of returning is the place which welcomes parents. All these things become the way I explained, centering on True Love. The word "Oneness of Master Teacher Parent" is established here. Do you understand what I am explaining about? Father is now giving the true teachings. Do you understand? Therefore, Father is the Teacher of teachers.

Has there been any sovereign who governed centering on true love? Your mind and body are directed in the same direction as that of Father, and you want to live in that way for thousands of years. The one who has a mind of genuine love for the Unification Church, for God in the Unification Church, for the human race, and for the essence of human beings, cannot leave Father. Why? Because Father has the realms of heart of parents, teacher, and master. Through Father, one can go to the position of a parent, a master, and a teacher as well.

4) Parentism

Was Jesus born as a man or a woman? (Man) He is a man. Jesus is a man who has inherited God's love, God's life, and God's blood lineage. If such a man met a woman who could be his partner, and they had a baby, then a new baby in the direct lineage of God would have been born on the earth.

If that had happened, we would not have needed Christianity or the Vatican. If sons and daughters of Jesus' direct lineage had been born, then one kingship would have begun on the earth for the first time, and the one world would have emerged.

This kingship is not just for the whole world. It arises from one family. Starting from a family, the kingship becomes that of the family, the tribe, the nation, the world and heaven and earth. If such had happened, Christian ministers today would not be necessary.

Ministers came here, too, didn't they? Are such ministers necessary? Why do we need such sects as Presbyterians and so forth? Is the Vatican necessary? Is democracy necessary? What is democracy? It is brotherhoodism. Brotherhoodism is why they fight. Brothers fight each other. Brotherhoodism now comes to parentism and parentism to Godism.

Then what is parentism? It is the true parentism by perfected Adam and Eve on earth. What, then, is God? Since the True Parents are horizontal parents, we also need vertical Parents. Vertical Parents indicates Godism. So the word "Headwing Thought" expresses True Parentism, Godism and vertical Godism.

A human being is a dual being because he is born when the horizontal True Parentism and the vertical True Parentism, the horizontal and the vertical, are united into one; the heavenly life and the earthly life, the heavenly love and the earthly love, the heavenly blood lineage and the earthly blood lineage are all united into one. Man consists of the inner person and the outer person. The inner person is the vertical self, and the outer person is the horizontal self. They bear the fruit.

What kind of "ism" is democracy? It is brotherhoodism. Since there are many brothers, who will receive the most love from the parents? This always becomes a problem in a family. Two groups emerge-the father's side and the mother's side-that is, sons and daughters who resemble the father and those who resemble the mother. They talk about which son resembles the father and which son resembles the mother. What is this? Such phenomena occur centering on love.

After World War II, the victorious nations led the independence of the defeated nations. Such a phenomenon took place. It indicates that the world was entering into the realm of brotherhoodism. When we approach most closely the place where the "ism" on God's side appears, we see two brothers fighting each other in front of the One God.

At the consummation of human history, America became the subject centering on the American Christian cultural sphere, which is the foundation for unification. She did not judge and punish all others, but allowed the independence of the defeated nations. This fact means that we entered into the heavenly providential era within which we can restore abandoned sons and daughters and prodigal sons, in God's providence. Therefore, democracy is brotherhoodism. After the end of brotherhoodism, parentism will emerge. Unification is accomplished only at the emergence of parentism. This is the course of providential history.

2. Declaration of True Parents

1) The Background of the Declaration of True Parents

Why can we declare the True Parents? The Democratic world and the Communist world are brothers, as Cain and Abel. They are like two sons who fight each other. Father reconciled the two fighting sons and stood in the position which they welcomed. For this reason, Father came to Korea with the privilege of parents and, for the first time, declared the True Parents to the nation.

This message becomes a rumor throughout the whole world. Isn't that so? The American CIA gives a report about all activities of Rev. Moon. The Soviet KGB does the same. So, how much do they know about me?

The fact that I could declare the True Parents means that I stand in that position on the world level. All those who are prepared in the world are waiting for their engrafting into Korea. What is the problem? We must achieve the unification of my country quickly! They are waiting for their engrafting upon the foundation of the unification. That is exactly the case, isn't it?

2) The Standard of the Declaration of True Parents

Strictly speaking, Father's homeland is not your homeland. Branches, buds and leaves are the same, but the position of branches is your own homeland. Therefore, there is no homeland for you if you do not accomplish the tribal restoration.

Those who do not have their homeland cannot be born. Therefore, the restoration of parents must be done. Right? (Yes) You must fulfill the realm of tribal messiahship. Centering on a family, you can go through the formation, the growth and the completion stages by engrafting, centering upon Father.

Somebody had to accomplish the realm of the completion of the portion of responsibility, the foundation for the unity of the direct dominion and the indirect dominion. Upon this foundation, God would have been able to conduct a declaration ceremony centering on love, claiming, "You, I, and the creation belong to love." But, this was not accomplished. Therefore, God's ownership has not been established yet. That ownership became completely centered on Satan's love instead.

The declaration ceremony was to be conducted centering upon God's love and uniting with His love. However, the declaration ceremony was conducted centering upon Satan's love through uniting with it, which is love that is externally in the Principled form, but is internally false. Because of this, Satan's ownership was established.

There is a fight within democracy. Brothers fight each other, don't they? Fights among brothers are more fearful than those among neighbors. This is because if one is the West, the other is the East, and if the East and the West do not get along well, there is a position which is closer and adjacent. North and south are closer to east, and north and south are closer to west, aren't they? They are closer. If brothers fight each other, they become separated.

Well, even if the neighbors fight each other, they are not separated. They do not pack up their belongings and run away. Right? The worst fights among all fights are those of brothers.

In the era of brotherhoodism, a country where these two fight each other is destined to perish. Do Koreans fight or not? We don't know who the elder brother is, or who the younger brother is. Why don't we know it? Nations are born as something crude from unknown sources. They will stop fighting only when Parents appear. That is why Parents or the Messiah comes. Do you understand? Fights do not end during the age of democracy, but come to an end at the arrival of parentism.

Today, the Unification Church has announced the True Parents. If Adam and Eve had not fallen in the Garden of Eden, God would have been True Parents, and Adam and Eve also would have been True Parents. God is vertical True Parents, and Adam and Eve are horizontal True Parents. Do you understand? When we see True Parents where the vertical and the horizontal meet, we see the accordance among north, south, east, and west. Even if we bring above to below, bring below to above, west to east, and east to west, they all meet in accordance.

If America stands for the sake of America, she cannot restore the world and change the world. Do you understand? Communism also cannot center on itself. Communism must become that which is for the sake of the world. It must become a communism which democracy praises and the communist praises. It must become the only "ism" to which all can say "it is good." What kind of "ism" is that? To stop the fights among brothers, a father and a mother must emerge.

Father has declared the True Parents to the false world where reckless fights are practiced today. In order to declare the True Parents, Father must go up to the position where he can claim the True Parents on the individual level, family level, clan level, tribal level, national level, world level, and cosmic level, and where God is True Parents and the True Parents are True Parents. It is a historical event that Father declared this. When Father declares the True Parents, one-third of the 5 billion of the human race must be led. But what is the reality? Is it in the Principle? Father declared, setting the condition for the two-thirds. Japan was hooked by Father; America and China were also hooked. Wasn't the Soviet Union hooked? (It was.)

When the era of parents comes, fights end. While 80-year-old brothers or 90-year-old brothers, or even 100-year-old brothers fight, when mother and father come in don't they have either to find a way to stop fighting or to continue fighting? How do they stop fighting when parents come, the parents for whom they have been waiting thousands and tens of thousands of years?

Today, how much do people in the world, including those who believe in Jesus, wish for the Advent of the Messiah? Do you understand what the Messiah is? The Chinese character Ku (seek) of Ku Sae Chu (messiah), Sae (tax) of Sae Kum, and Chu (master) of Cbu in (master). (Father is speaking about three Chinese characters which form messiah.) That is messiah. There is a tax, isn't there? What is it? (Laughter) We are stingy these days, aren't we? The Messiah is also like that.

Reverend Moon conquered by love. That is right. What love? Love which is not for the self, but love which is for the sake of others.

3) The Place of the Declaration of the True Parents

You should know why Reverend Moon went through such hardships. Why would I go through such hardship, if it were only for my country? I am a wise man. I am a person who knows Korean customs and culture very well. It happened that way because I did things for the sake of the world and the heavenly kingdom.

For 40 years Korea did all kinds of things to Father. They have a lot of sin because of me. I carried the burden of brothers, the burden of Korean people-those related to parents and relatives in the eighth degree of blood relationship. I gave all prepared things and blessing this time. Therefore, I declared the True Parents.

Where did I declare the True Parents? I did not do it in Moscow. I did it in Korea. You must be grateful about that. Do you understand?

4) Phenomena After the Declaration of the True Parents

A. Changing the World By the Declaration of the Eight Stage Ceremony

Have you heard the words "Eight Stage Ceremony"? Have you heard such words? Those who have heard them, raise your hands. Don't you know? Do you understand the contents? Then, although you claim yourself to be Unification Church members, you do not know about the Unification Church and the Father of the Unification Church. Thus, I have to conclude...

On August 31, 1989, I declared the Eight Stage Ceremony at Kodiak, Alaska. On that morning, I spoke about it, but you would not have believed it, saying "what is it... ?" When Father said that the world would rapidly turn around, you would not have believed in it. You would have thought, "What is it... ?"

Next, in September, Father declared Parentism. Father declared this last one on the earth on the world level. If, when True Parentism appears on the Earth, there can be no Satan and no sinful world like today's, we can conclude that Satan must retreat when Parentism is established. After that Declaration, on November 9, 1990, the Berlin wall fell down.

Next, in April 1990, Father held the Moscow Rally. Consequently, Communist leaders and smart, genius-like members of the second generation completely changed and turned 180 degrees, centering on Father. We have come to the stage where we cannot go backward.

Gorbachev declared the relinquishment of Communism. That was the end. In the midst of these situations, what is the only hope? What is the ideology which can lead the social system? You must know that we have come to the stage where everybody can conclude it as being nothing other than Godism.

Human history until now is that which human beings have led. But now, if we know God is alive, then we cannot but follow His "ism." We come to this conclusion.

B. Satanic Power Enters Into the Realm Of Death

November 17 is True Children's Day, isn't it? (Yes) Until now, the eldest son has become Satan's. All spiritual persons in the spirit world used people on the earth, who are in the son's position. Do you understand? Spiritual mediums made use of all people on the earth. But now, because Father restored birthrights, parental rights and kingship, everything is reversed. From now on, if one opposes the Unification Church, he can suddenly die. Watch it happen.

We have entered into the era in which we can command archangels in the spiritual world, because Father restored the birthright and established Adam on the earth. This is all on the global level. Because the restoration of birthright and parental rights was accomplished centering on Reverend Moon, Father announced the True Parents to the world. The world became evil by the appearance of evil parents. Therefore, Satan's realm in the world retreats whether it be the Communist sphere or another: All retreat by the declaration of the True Parents centering on Father.

Viewing the evil side, I say Korea is the worst now. Men sell themselves and women also sell themselves. Of course children, too. Korea came to the summit on the global level, the worst position. Who cleans this up? It is not by the present political power. It is cleaned by my hands. All are cleaned up by the hands of True Parents. It is not done by power. It is clearly cleaned up through education.

C. Arrival of the Realm of Fortune of Unification

What is the center for the settlement? The settlement is done centering upon the love of Adam and Eve, the love of True Parents. We must settle here centering on God's vertical love and True Parents' horizontal love. Starting from here, the blood relationship of true children is born centering upon the original True Parents. The horizontal expansion of individual, family, and tribe leads to the formation of tribe and people.

Father has fought until now in order to find everything and won all the battles. Father came out in this way, while receiving persecution from the satanic world. When Father walked the path on the individual level, individuals of the satanic world all opposed. When Father walked the path centering on the family, the families of the satanic world all opposed.

At the formation of the clan and tribe in the Unification Church, all opposed. All opposed due to the conditional standard. Father gained the victory and America surrendered, and the Soviet Union fell and perished. Because of this, they do not attack. Winning the battlefield, we go around and around. They cannot cross the summit. When we go around where do we go? Holding our power, we return. Therefore, we must enter into North Korea through the land of South Korea.

Both right and left all perish. Then who holds the power? The heavenly side gains the power. By the declaration of the True Parents, the Communist world stands in the position of their total destruction, and Satan will rapidly fall down from now on. He does not go down as the same angle he went up. He sharply goes down. Why? Because this is not the path Satan is supposed to go. It is the path True Parents are supposed to go. Isn't that so? Father gains victory in the satanic world, goes over it, and goes down to the meadow. This is not the place Satan occupies. True Parents go down bringing all the people. Therefore, everything is falling down now.

They say it is the era of the supremacy of material, but it is the era of zero in terms of spirituality. Therefore, it is the mission of the Unification Church to descend, centering on the spirit, bringing the material with it. Today, in the schools, they give technical education. But do they give character education? Technical education gives neither the word about God nor the word about humanity. When we descend, in order that we may rise again our way must be corrected to the one law of circularity. We must return to the homeland and accomplish the unification of the North and the South.

Korea is an offering which represents the division of right and left, the democratic world and the Communist world. Our mind and body is divided and the family is divided. All have two separate parts. In the Diet, there is the Upper House and the Lower House, isn't there? There are two fighting parts. On the tribal level, they are divided into the higher and the lower, and they do not agree with each other; they form a fighting pair in the front and the back. The Senate and the House of Representatives are in the vertical relationship. But they are fighting. Therefore, we must correctly set this vertical standard.

The Unification Church is the place where democracy and Communism can be united, and all religions can be united, and it is the place where religion and this world can also be united. Although it has this responsibility in front of the great path of the heavenly principles, all have attacked it.

Therefore, when we go up from the individual level to the family level, clan level, tribal level, and so on, all others go down. They reach the saturation point and cannot but lose power. Thus, no matter how big a nation is, there is not a single nation which has the confidence to give solutions and hope to her second and third generations. Things are now thus settled. Such a time has come.

I went to the Soviet Union and gave truth, solutions and hope, and the Communist world came to its end. This is how it is done. The opposition thought until now that the Unification Church was wrong, didn't they? Isn't that so? They thought it would automatically disappear eventually. But, it does not go that way. Korea is also really chaotic, isn't it? No one can fix it up. They reached the saturation point and things have spread as they are. We penetrate this situation and go upward. What is the original standard by which we penetrate and go up? It is the thought of the True Parents.

Adam and Eve are True Parents on the family level and they become Taste Parents on the tribal level, don't they? Isn't that so? Seeing from the historical perspective, it is one family; however, it is the True Parents as ancestor. When the nation is formed, who is the ancestor of the nation? It is the True Parents. Who is the ancestor of the family? It is the True Parents. Who is the ancestor of the world? The True Parents. Everything is being set that way, isn't it?

Therefore, by the manifestation of the True Parents on the earth, a heavenly family is formed, and the formation of clan, tribe, nation and whole world is accomplished by being attached to the True Parents. What is to be won here? All will fall under the realm of the True Parents. For this reason, Satan surrounds us with millions of troops and hits us so that we cannot expand.

However, we finished all these battles within a 43-year period. We gained victory in America. Seeing the issue centering upon the Cain-Abel problem, America is Cain on the national level in front of Father. Father fought and gained victory. The Soviet Union is the same. Cain and Abel, democracy and Communism, leftwing and rightwing, all of them reaching the saturation point, and there the Headwing comes to stand.

What is the Headwing thought? It the thought of the perfected Adam. Isn't that so? Because Adam fell, he could not reach perfection. In order to raise Adam, a son on the heavenly side and a son on the satanic side are raised. The left and the right fight each other in order to become the master. This is human history.

What is the center of Adamism and Headwing Thought? Viewed from the Principle, the realm of indirect dominion and the realm of direct dominion are not unified. The realm of indirect dominion and the realm of direct dominion are unified when Adam fulfills his responsibility. At what point are they unified? After passing though 10 stages.

What does the number 10 represent? It is a horizon. At number 10, we can get to the horizon for the first time. Number 9 does not reach the horizon. We must get up to number 10 to reach the horizon. Heaven and earth, and mind and body, are completely settled on the horizon, centering on love. This is an eternal settlement.

Seeing it from such point of view, we must announce the True Parents. By the announcement of the True Parents, unification is achieved. Don't we have three organizations to achieve this? The Unification Church, the Victory Over Communism League, and the Federation of Nations are these. The Federation of Nations was established for the unification of North and South. To defend against the Communist world, the Victory Over Communism League was established. North and South will be united only when we defend against the Communist world. The Unification Church was established for the sake of spiritual matters. It is for the purpose of the settlement of conscience, whose position is not settled. Therefore, Satan has been attacking the Unification Church so that it cannot settle the position.

But now, Father has gone over all the indemnity conditions, returned to the homeland, and declared the True Parents. When Father declares the True Parents, he does so first through the Unification Church, and next through those who are related to it, that is, relatives. The Declaration was already made to the Unification Church, wasn't it? Cain and Abel must be united. Riding upon this foundation, Father declares to the nation. Through the declaration to the nation, those who were opposing as Cain come to be united. Now this Declaration has been made.

Therefore, spiritual mediums are receiving the message that April 30 is the day of the end of the world. What does it mean? Since the world began with evil parents, all bonds of evil parents should be subjugated by True Parents so that a new world emerges. In the field of Sumo wrestling, when the champion and the challenger fight, the champion is champion until he is defeated. When he falls down, he enters into a hole in the earth. This is exactly the pattern.

Father declared the True Parents this time. Because Father declared the True Parents, Korea will not perish. If Adam and Eve, in the Garden of Eden, had become True Parents, Satan would not have been Satan there. Your ancestors preceded you but were placed in the position of the fallen archangel, who is already gone. But they are now behind you. All of them come and assist you from the spiritual world because I conducted the declaration ceremony.

From now on, if you act with confidence, believing in Reverend Moon's words, all kinds of things will happen. When we had the welcoming rally of True Parents in the city, the region, and the district, I said that things would be fulfilled according to the capacity of the determination of state leaders. At that time, when I told district leaders to hold a rally for 3000 people, all of them opposed. But I said, "Believe! Practice by believing in Father's words alone." You can do mighty things because of these words.

D. No Fights In the Future

Korea has never invaded other countries. Koreans are a people that have deep hearts of love for humanity. Seeing from this perspective, we can say that Koreans are closer to the realm of God's heart. Also, from this perspective, because they sacrificed more than anybody else, they are close to the realm of God's heart. What is supreme in the world and the most precious in the world of fallen humankind? It is True Parents and the right of the elder son. The next is the right of parents and the next is the right of royalty. These are the particular rights.

Korean history is the history which God sought in order to create the rights of the elder son who can inherit the heavenly kingship. Japanese history is the same. In the Last Days, he who succeeds the emperor position has the birthright. The eldest son must become a true parent. The original eldest son in humankind was Adam. Therefore, the birthright must be tied to True Parents and restored. Without that, one cannot stand in the position of True Parents.

After returning from Russia, Father declared the True Parents. The Declaration of the True Parents was made. After the restoration of the birthright, True Parents must be established on the world level. When the True Parents go beyond the nation and expand their environment to the world level, tribal kingship and national kingship are established. Therefore, if there is the national standard of the True Parents, then True Kingship begins. When North and South are united, True Kingship begins. The sovereignty that originated from God is established. Accordingly, the nation born under this sovereignty is equipped with the three elements of a nation: sovereignty, land and people.

A nation does not begin without sovereignty, land and people. Now Father is recruiting people on the world level. We do not have people and land now, although we have the sovereignty. Therefore, people who achieve the unification of North and South must establish the sovereignty as the nation of heaven and earth, in accordance with the Unification Church.

There will be no fighting in the future. We had useless fights centering on the self until now. People fought to rob each other. Because the unified world is a world in which we live for the sake of others under God's sovereignty, there is no need for wars. Brothers do not need to rob each other. People will have to run away because everyone will be trying to give them so much.

Therefore, if we live in our own villages, we can travel everywhere. Temporary living is manageable in a village. People sincerely prepare everything so that you can eat breakfast, lunch and dinner. You can sleep there, too. Such an era will come.

From now on, the separation of powers will disappear. Laws will all disappear. If self-governing by love is realized, laws are automatically observed. If love for the sake of others is practiced, there will be no problem. Higher and lower become one, and front and back, left and right, all become one.

Chapter 8 Three Great Subjects Thought and the Proclamation of True Parents [Part 2]

Chapter 8 Three Great Subjects Thought and the Proclamation of True Parents [Part 2]

2. Declaration of True Parents

5) The Amazing Fact of the Declaration of the True Parents

Father brought under control the leftwing and the rightwing. Do you know how much hardship Father has gone through in order to walk this path? We must create an atmosphere where Godism centering on Headwing thought is officially recognized by leaders of schools. Father educated us and opened the path for us to overcome some critical point.

Now we reflect and return. Where should we go? Where should we go? We must again return to the homeland expanding to the world, going beyond the nation. The fallen ancestors began with the family of Adam and Eve. We must strip off the fallen blood lineage. In three generations we must clean up the mistakes of our ancestors in three generations.

Adam fell, didn't he? Satan killed the original ancestor of the human race. In one generation, Adam fell and became an object resentful toward God. It is Jesus who came as the second true parent, the Messiah. People of the human race, his own sons and daughters, these people arrested and killed the Messiah who came as the Savior. How great the sin of the country would be for arresting and killing the true parent! They could not escape from it.

You must know that people of Israel wandered around for this reason. It lasted two thousand years. If we trace all their history, many people bled by swords, were kicked by horses' shoes, and cursed. After two thousand years passed, and after all these tribulations, America finally helped them gain independence.

Satan killed our original parents; sons and daughters of Satan killed the second true parent. Satan and satanic forces in the entire world tried to kill the third True Parent, mobilizing all their thoughts and powers. However, True Father did not die and survived under tremendous hardship and tribulations. How amazing this fact is, that the norms of parents and True Parents can be declared on the Earth! How much God desired this fact!

6) The Direction for the Management of Life After the Declaration of the True Parents

Father told President Mikhail Gorbachev to remove the statues of Lenin and Marx. There is no one other than Rev. Moon who said such a thing in the history of the Communist Party. The staff persons of the Soviet Communist Party were confused and said, "You speak about Godism in front of us? How arrogant it is to say such a thing!" (Laughter)

No matter how much they hated Father, the Communist world has now turned the way I said. The man whom they hated most became the only hopeful being for them. There is no other hope. Therefore, Father clearly taught them, "Listen to me and follow me, or you have no hope." Do you understand what I am talking about? (Yes)

Looking down at Rev. Moon, how proud God is: "I have wanted that declared to the Soviets for a long time. How I am proud of you, my son!" Because of this God said, "I chose you for the sake of humankind." Father became pretty famous after that. Isn't that so? (Laughter)

American leaders said, "How can you do such a thing?" European leaders said, "How can you do so?" The Communist world said, "How can you do such an act in the Kremlin?" (Laughter) God looking down was thinking, "It is very interesting!" Father knew it. Then, Father declared it clearly. Do you understand? (Yes) Everything is made this way. Everything is linked to True Parents. Your ears want to find True Parents, your nose, mouth, and eyes are the same. Everything. Why? True Parents have a strong attractive power. Father knows it. (laughter) This carpet, blanket, grass, water, all desire True Parents. (applause) All of nature is the same. They say, "True Parents, please stay here." Nature cries out. But Americans are not so, are they? (Yes, we are.) Is that so? (Yes)

With what do you want to fill up the entire America? True Parents. The sound of True Parents is good. "I met the True Parents." "Where?" If you say, "Come with me," they will all want to follow you. That is the power of True Parents. True mother, true wife, true children, true grandchildren, true patriots all come out from there. Everything begins with True Parents. Do you understand? (Yes) That is the most hopeful gospel. We do not need the Bible. The purpose of the Bible is to find one couple, True Parents. Isn't that so? Therefore, you understand why the name of True Parents is the most precious, don't you? (Yes)

What part of True Parents do you want to be? This is the question. If we think of True Parents as a tree, you are the branches. This branch can live well wherever it is planted. This branch lives well wherever it goes, whenever it is planted, be it night or day, winter or spring or rainy season, as long as there is love. It lives well regardless of circumstances Why? Because it accepts all.

Our purpose is to liberate and save God, the human race, and all that belongs to Satan. That is our goal. Do you understand it clearly? (Yes) It is the purpose of True Parents. We declare such parents' heart. We make advancement, so Satan cannot exist there. This is the view of the Principle.

Think about all things. Looking at you who are saved, they say, "Mansei!" You must know the way to listen to such a voice. Wherever you go, all things welcome you and humankind welcomes you. The original world centering on love is filled with the voice of love of all things. In the world of original love, everything understands all, as does God. True Love, True inheritance. When you inherit, you inherit all. You have the right of participation which allows you to participate wherever it is. These three concepts are sustained by True Love. Do you understand what I am talking about?

It means that you can automatically catch True Love. This word means these things. You inherit God. God becomes yours. Wherever God is, you can participate there. How wonderful it is! How happy you are! No one can deny this concept.

We have such a surprising thing. How can we have a worry? There is no shadow. We are as bright as a pearl. This is the pride of a Moonie. Do you understand?

Therefore, wherever a Moonie goes, there is no opposition from Satan. From now on, things are absorbed in the way that we shout out, they are resurrected in the way that we shout out, and are born in the way that we shout out. Why were there oppositions until now? Because we were in the process of climbing up. We have already climbed up. Here there is no left wing and right wing, so Headwing was born. The Headwing is higher than these. Because it is higher, it is better.

Communism is the thought of servant, the thought of master and servant. There is no freedom. Democracy is brotherhoodism. Since there are brothers, there is freedom. They have freedom among themselves, therefore, they have continuous fights. They fight each other constantly, each claiming his own superiority.

Headwing Thought is parentism. Senators and congressmen fight, and the Republicans and the Democrats fight, don't they? (Yes) Why do they fight? Because they are not parents, they fight.

If parents come and say, "Hey, why do you keep fighting sons? You are not servants," then the fight will be over. Parents rejoice for the marriage of black and white. Isn't that right? Parents desire that brothers love each other more than that they serve the parents. You must know that. (Yes) That is truly the way of loving parents.

Then, do you also love Father? (Yes) I can't believe it. (We love Father.) You are different from Father, aren't you? (No) Why no? It is because we are the Love race. We are absolutely and eternally one if we place the center on God's True Love. From there, you are connected to Father. Nobody can cut this relationship.

We will also walk the path of True Parents. Isn't that so? Although we are like branches now... We are the same. I set my roots to become a trunk, grow branches, blossom flowers, and bear the fruit. All are the same. It means that we all become True Parents. Then are you becoming so now? From now, you will become so. All are the same.

Therefore, what honored people we are! You open the door and people say, "Look here. How wonderful master is, who is standing here now!" You feel so good. Animals are the same. In the spiritual world, people say, "You are the savior centering on True Love, like Jesus, who was a messiah. Wherever you go, all people there will be saved." Is that the true fact? (Yes)

By the announcement of the Declaration of the True Parents, Satan's rights disappear and all the indemnity laws which governed struggles centering on religions disappear. Good spirits have attained the level of the archangelic world. We may call them angels. They can assist the earth at their will in the world where there is no fall. We have come to such a time. These angels are your ancestors. Do you understand? (Yes) Therefore, if someone opposes the Unification Church, all kinds of things can happen. That person can die by sickness or all kinds of things can happen.

You must be brave and strong. This word means that you must have ownership. Even if you face difficult circumstances, there is no problem. God does not want bad things. If you say, "Disappear from my sight!" they will disappear. They will go down. The spiritual world is the same. If you say, "I don't want such a thing!" then it disappears at once. You have power for all of your surroundings. When the center of Love appears, everything comes to be directed to it and move around it. When the sun rises in the East, all nature -- mountains, rivers, trees and grasses-all turn themselves to the sun. It is the essence of life and love.

True Parents are the central foundation of cosmic True Love. Therefore, when True Parents appear, all the created world turns itself to True Parents, just as all of nature turns to the rising sun. All the creatures are the same as leaves and branches. In the spiritual world, all are directed to God. Likewise in the Unification Church, members' consciousness follows Father whenever he goes. It is the same.

Your whole purpose is True Love, and the center of the world is True Love. All liberation begins from there. If you stand in this position, all four gates open like an automatic door. There is an automatic door in a large building, right? The spiritual world is just like that. Where the master of True Love goes, there is no barrier. All gates open automatically. All welcome him. Spiritually elevated people say, "Welcome. We have been bored for a long time. We welcome anything exciting and interesting." Such a situation is created. How wonderful it is! Do you like it? (Yes)

Therefore, you should know clearly from now on that we have inherited all concepts from True Parents. Nobody can tell me this or that. I become the master automatically. I become the teacher and the true parent. Nobody else can guide you. You will stand in such position in the near future. (202-351)

Because of the Fall, it was hard to connect God's mind to the human mind, vertically. However, they are connected by True Parents. The environment of relatives who do not oppose is not the realm of Cain. They come in as the realm of Abel, which stands on the heavenly side. Therefore, now the breakdown of the religious realm takes place.

Until today, the spiritual world and the physical world were centrally connected through the religious realm centering on the chosen people. Today, however, we have come to the stage of the substantiation of the Old Testament era, the New Testament era, and the Completed Testament era. So the rights of the religious realm come to an end, and the environment of Cain and Abel disappears.

Therefore, families centering on you, who do not oppose, are standing in Abel's position on the heavenly side. Therefore, they turn around the way you turn around. Now is the time. Do you understand what I am telling you? Therefore, our world comes now.

You should know this time. You now see the end of parents' satanic lineage by the Declaration of the True Parents. The True Parents fought with Satan's world and came up with all necessary preparation. We have come to the stage at which both the Democratic world and the Communist world fall down. Satan's world has come to the end by the Declaration of the True Parents, and Father's return with all victorious conditions.

What is the meaning of the end of Satan's world? It means the liberation from Satan. Until now, we have been living in the environment of the cultural realm of the satanic world and satanic living. But now we are liberated from that satanic world, the realm of satanic living, and Satan's blood lineage. Liberated from Satan, where do we go? We must return to God. Right now the world does not know God. Satan made it this way. Humanism does not know God either. Now, American humanism has become a humanism which expelled God.

What is the standard of humanism? The body. It is the body, but a self-centered body. It pursues sensual pleasures. If you pursue this, you will perish. That is the way. We must be liberated from Satan and satanic life. Life here means cultural sphere.

There is a difference between Americans and those who believe in Confucianism, isn't there? We must be liberated from that realm of life and next, from blood lineage. When we are liberated from Satan, to where do we return? We return to God. We must return to God. But Communism and secular humanism do not know the way back to God.

Then, where must we live? We are not made to live at our own will, like animals. It is the ideal to begin our life centering on True Parents. We must live centering on the territory within the world-level ideal that is centered on True Parents. Therefore, we cannot go to the Kingdom of Heaven without believing True Parents. Now we are in a situation such as having many branches which we cannot engraft. These words can stand. (202-276)

Those who are here, what should you do now? You must go to your local area and establish the foundation for True Parents. True Parents must establish the foundation for Heaven. God establishes the path which True Parents must walk prior to True Parents, and True Parents establish the path which you must walk. Therefore, you can simply follow the path of True Parents.

God walks one step further than the coming True Parents. Therefore, in the Providence for Restoration, there is the Providential age for the Foundation of Restoration, the Providential age for Restoration, and the Providential age for the Completion of Restoration.

Heaven established this foundation, and later True Parents knew about it. True Parents established this foundation, and later we knew about it. You also must establish the foundation, and later your descendants will know about it. You must go over the standard of the nation and the world.

If this happens, God will go beyond the standard of cosmic history. When we, the members of the Unification Church, go over the standard of the nation, True Parents will go over that of the world, and God will go over that of the cosmos. In this way, all humankind will go over the cosmic standard, centering on God.

You are two stages below God from this perspective. You, who are two stages below, cannot be reluctant or be tired. Before you walk this path, True Parents walked the path for your sake, and God has walked the path before True Parents for your sake and God's hardship and True Parents' hardship is a tremendous hardship that even death cannot turn. You must know that you walk the path with such debt.

True Parents inherited God's Will, and you must inherit True Parents' Will. You must not lose this traditional thought. What is the traditional thought? You must strip off the blood lineage of the enemy Satan, because you were born with this blood lineage. After that, you must restore your blood lineage centering on God and True Parents. To do this, you must be united with God in heart.

Based upon the unity in heart, you must inherit heavenly blood lineage, becoming a branch or a leaf of a tree whose root is God. You must become a being representing God and establish the absolute standard on Earth, by which you can subjugate Satan. If you do so, the history of restoration can proceed. You must know this. (13-297)

7) Things We Must Do After the Declaration of the True Parents

A. Let's Be Grateful In Front of the Declaration

By the declaration of the True Parents, what happens? The good spirits centering on God and evil spirits centering on Satan are clearly separated. If one stands in the True Parents' position, one stands in the perfected Adam's position. Archangels always protect, educate, and assist the perfected Adam.

If one stands in the realm of the perfected Adam, he has to attend as the substantial master by loving and helping. It is the stage for Adam to be able to command. He goes up to that position. Therefore, that is the end of the world. All which began with the false parents' love of the satanic world comes to an end. It becomes the new world centering on the new True Parents' Love. Based upon this nurturing foundation, the new world emerges and is expanded.

By the announcement of the True Parents, from now on, if someone opposes the Unification Church without certain conditions, he will suffer a long-term disease and fall down. He will die out like a tree without the sap. It soon becomes food for insects. Do you understand what I am talking about? (Yes)

You must live centering on the living realm of new life. The origin of new life is new love. What is the new love? It is True Parents' love. Isn't that so? It is new love according to God's ideal for creation.

You must be grateful for Father. What do you have to be grateful for? You must be grateful for liberation from Satan. You were liberated from Satan by the True Parents, weren't you? What were you liberated from next? You were liberated from the satanic life. What was next? You were liberated from Satan's blood lineage. Life is lived within a cultural background and customs.

What were you liberated from? (From Satan.) What's next? (Satanic life.) Life is different depending on cultural background. The British live centering on the British culture, and Americans live centering on American culture. They differ. Living environments are different. You must be liberated from your living environment.

What is next? Blood lineage. When three generations have been liberated, the Unification culture will occur automatically, won't it? What are you going to do after liberation? Where do you go after the liberation from Satan? You go to God. If you are liberated from Satan, you are liberated from all the relationships which linked you to the false parents, and you go to the free heart of the Parents. When you do, do not carry the customs and life realm of the satanic world. You must clearly clean them up.

In the concept of "True Parents," there is God who is the vertical True Parent and the True Parents who are the horizontal True Parents. You must be created by the love which is the unification of these two. The subjectivity begins with the position of zero, where there is no other love origin. If you want to find love, you must start with zero. You must ignore the origin of existence. In the Bible, you can find such a paradoxical logic. Those who try to die will live, and those who try to live will die. Do you understand? You must know it clearly.

Thus, you must be grateful for liberation from Satan. The next is life. Koreans eat pepper bean-paste, don't they? The cultural realm is the background, and from it history and tradition are formed. It is the cultural realm. What is next? Blood lineage. The blood lineage must be turned around centering on love. You must be liberated here. You must say, "I am in God's blood lineage. God has entered me." Then mind and body cannot fight.

From now on, ask your mind. God has entered your mind. This is a bud and leaf of God. Because you attended the True Parents and took root, this kind of phenomena will take place.

Air is pressing you, centering on an atom of air pressure all over your body. Since the pressure is balanced, you do not feel the stimulation. Air is protecting you. Because all pressure is balanced, you do not feel the stimuli. Just try living in a slightly unconscientious manner in front of God's Will. The cosmic power pushes you, saying "You rascal!" How mighty this power is! If you try to go this way, your body itself is turned around that way.

If you pray and ask God to live in your mind and the True Parents to live in your flesh, God enters and sits on the crossing point of your mind and body and makes the degrees of your mind and body one centering on the bellybutton. It is not literally a bellybutton. What it really means is the sexual organ. We symbolically call it a bellybutton.

You must be liberated from the three great satanic realms. The first is what? (Liberation from Satan!) You must be liberated from Satan who is the representative of the vertical elements. Next is the cultural realm and the traditional lifestyle which you inherited from your physical parents. In Korea, for example, there is a Korean culture, isn't there? In this way, American culture and all other kinds of cultures are converging toward one center. The farther away, the more useless it is. (202-274)

B. Accumulation of Substantial, Records and Results

World-renowned broadcasting companies such as NBC, CBS, and ABC attacked Rev. Moon and did so many evil things in trying to capture him. They attacked Rev. Moon in the newspapers. But the general public had already known of Rev. Moon before their attacks, and they did not simply swallow their claims. They beat the drum in the newspapers, but there was no one to dance. If there is nobody to dance, do you think the drummer has the spirit to beat? Everybody gave up in the middle.

So records and results are the problem. To achieve the unity of the world under Heaven you must have substantial records and results. Do you understand? (Yes) Even if you do not have ability, you must have records and results. I have told you, haven't I? Results and records earn power under Heaven.

You must have records which you can leave to your descendants. When you go to the spiritual world, you must bring gifts with you. When you marry someone as a bride or groom you must give gifts to all relatives of the bridegroom. Starting from a grandfather, a father-in-law, you must give some gift, no matter how small it may be, even a pair of socks. The family of a bride can be proud of her if she did so.

If you go to the spiritual world, your ancestors will accuse you, calling you in front of them, saying, "You joined the Unification Church because of the good merits of your ancestors. But, what did you do? Did you do the work of tribal messiahship?" If you do it, you can liberate three generations of your ancestors.

You must restore all the lost people of heaven who were captured into the satanic world, and engraft them to the heavenly world. How much effort did you make in order to find the people of heaven? The next task is to link your sons and daughters, together with your relatives and restored people, to the tradition of the eternal ideal of creation, the tradition of love.

In the spiritual world, all of them, as a group, seek the authority of their eternal life and the hierarchy of life. Dealing with your relatives, you should lead over 120 families. Now, since I explained this again and again, you must have understood it. Prepare, so that you can avoid shame. You will be not only ashamed but also expelled as a naked man.

Father has already declared to the world. The era of chosen people on the world level is over. The time has come to the era of welcoming Father, and it is the era of the realm of all people where the entire world enters into the realm of Israel. Therefore, organizing is done based upon the standard of records and results. (213-139)

C. The Opening of the True Parents Welcoming Rally

In Korea, the True Parents Welcoming Rally was held. People in Korea talk about them, loudly or quietly, and their talks must have been spread throughout Korea. (Yes) They are saying, "Well, what are True Parents?"

You must turn around. You must seek and find True Parents. Because you originated from false parents, you must go beyond the terminal point of the false parents. You cannot find the direction which God commands unless you can connect yourself to True Parents. It is the Principle and a true theory. There is no one who can prove it false.

Because of the Fall, Adam and Eve became false parents. They were expelled because they were false parents. We must seek and find the position of parents who are not expelled, whom we can welcome with God and want to live with for tens of millions of years. We Koreans are exactly in this situation. Look at the fact that we have such a folk song that goes as follows: "... to welcome our parents and live with them for tens of millions of years..." We have this kind of folksong because we are a race of revelation.

We also have a song called "A Moon of the Western Castle," don't we? What is it? Isn't there also a song with something about the West or something about the country of stars? What is it? (It is "The Milky Way with Blue Sky") That's it. We do have such a song, don't we? "The Milky Way with Blue Sky." Seeing this, we find that we are a revealing race. It shows us that the satellite appears and the world can live in this way. How poetic this people are!

It is a great fact that we have such a cultural background, such high-level thought, and the background of the critical era. (206-80)

Rev. Moon returned to Korea and through the True Parents Welcoming Rally declared the True Parents in front of all the people of the nation of Korea. We must declare it now. By doing so, heaven can set up its camp where Satan has retreated. Look at what is going to happen! Look at the way it unfolds from now on.

We held the True Parents Welcoming Rally all over the country. However, people do not know what it truly means. Rev. Moon did it not because he was insane. We declared the True Parents through these rallies and established the heavenly foundation on which we can cope with groups of evil. (204-144)

You know, don't you, we declared the True Parents through the True Parents' Welcoming Rally all over the country? So I don't have to explain more about it do I? Now, what do you have to do? Father held this rally on the world-level foundation, where the nation and the world are linked Therefore, now you blessed people must hold the True Parents Welcoming Rally on the tribal level. Everything comes to the end by this. Do you understand?

You must complete the tribal messiahship. After the completion of world-level messiahship centering on the nation... The tribe expands to the world. If that happens, the formation of the nation is naturally achieved. The time to do this has come.

What do we mean? Experiments have already been done both in the Democratic world and the Communist world. They were done in Christianity and all other existing religions of the world. Why do we say that the experiments were done? There is nowhere where there has not been an opposition to the Unification Church. All of them attacked the Unification Church. (202-270)

After the accomplishment of the True Parents' Welcoming Rally throughout the country, we have entered into a new era. Spiritual mediums all receive revelations that this world is coming to the end and we are going to a new world. Thus, the spiritual world comes down to earth again. In the past, those good spirits who left good names by believing in religion have been helping the dispensation on earth according to God's Will. They have been working through the major religions of the Old Testament era, the New Testament era, and the Completed Testament era. There was no other path to relate to earth for this.

However, the True Parents came to the earth and established the tradition on the individual level, family level, tribal level, national level, and world level. The True Parents fought all the battles and gained victory. Therefore, it is the time of the liberation of the religious realm. Religion disappears in the era of True Parents. Isn't that right? If Adam and Eve had not fallen but had become True Parents, there would have been no need of religion. Because the True Parents established the world level victorious foundation, the same situation came into being. In this situation, husband and wife are eternally united with heaven, and ancestors can relate to descendants on earth at any time, centering on the ideal of unity.

Because of the Fall, the path to the spiritual world was closed. In order to open this path, we must have the rights of the chosen people. The era of the transcendence of the religious realm comes because all restoration through indemnity centering on the rights of the chosen people of Israel on the tribal level, the rights of the chosen people of Christianity on the world level, and the rights of the chosen people of the Unification Church on the cosmic level have been accomplished. The time has come when the spiritual world can horizontally contact the entire earthly world.

Therefore, those who do not believe in religion can also be connected to the spiritual world through the rights of the chosen people. The era of the past is passing away. Through the victory of the True Parents, in this era of the substantiation of Old Testament, New Testament, and Completed Testament, all ancestors who went to the spiritual world can visit and help their descendants, including those who do not believe in religion. Such a time is coming. The spiritual world is just like that.

Therefore, from now on, if you do not believe in the Unification Church, your ancestors come down, give you bad dreams or cause sickness-and they can cure sickness as well. Until now, Satan divided and occupied the earthly world. But the good spirits in the good archangelic realm and good spirits in the religious realm can come to earth. They can clean up those shadows of Satan, such as Kim 11 Sung, in order to totally chase the evil world from the earth.

Then, if one country, two countries, three countries and four countries are connected the Unification Church, the entire world comes to the era of complete liberation. The years from 1988 to 2000 are the period to complete this mission. Until Father becomes 80 years old. Do you understand?

For this reason, tribal messiahship was established. In order for tribal messiah to go forward to national and global messiah, tribal messiahs should proclaim that now the realm of national messiahship has begun, and connect to it so that it can develop into global messiahship. When we establish a nation, it will be as a state in God's global country. Through these expansions, we enter into the Era of the Unified Kingdom. (202-255)

8) Parents of the North and Parents of the South

As we have learned in the Principle, the Old Testament age was the time the way toward the sons and daughters was established through the sacrifice of all things. In the New Testament age, the way toward the parents or the Second Coming was established through the altars of sons and daughters. In the Completed Testament age, why did the True Parents do such hard work and walk such a difficult path? True Parents walked the path of hardship and persecution in order to welcome God on the earth.

Father's only desire is to welcome God on this earth. Father could not welcome God in his homeland, could he? We must go to the homeland carrying the victorious flag on the world level. In North Korea, there is an evil second coming, evil parents. They call President Kim II Sung "Father," don't they?

What does the word "parents" mean exactly The way Rev. Moon goes is an adventure. He has the responsibility to shorten history, even by one day, in order to liberate God's anguish and accomplish God's will. I have been walking this path, giving all of myself, all of my body and heart. It is just like throwing all of myself into the Atlantic Ocean and throwing myself into the midst of the mountains. No one should leave a historical dirty spot on such a path. It is a holy path. It is holy! Through this way, God will he able to live in our country. North and South are like body and mind. If they are united, God comes to dwell. God lives where the two become one by love.

Therefore, we must unite the South and the North. What do we have to do in the South first? We must attend the True Parents. We must attend the True Parents! Do you understand? (Yes) We must attend the True Parents in the South more than people attend Kim Il Sung in the North. In North Korea, people wear Kim Il Sung's badges, don't they? You Unification Church members, be more proud than these people, and do not feel any shame in the world!

In North Korea, people are all equipped with Subject Thought. Therefore, we must be equipped with Three Great Subjects Thought centering on God's absolute love, and we must create so decisive a difference that they cannot even be compared. Do you understand? It is the path we must go and it is our mission. Think about it. How lazy you have been until now! (212-57)

Kim Il Sung is a false parent, isn't he? (Yes) They call Kim Il Sung, "father", don't they? Why does that kind of thing appear in this historical era? Among the Communist countries, the most vicious man, like a devil of devils, comes out.

Rev. Moon is also called "True Father," isn't he? Whether he is a true father or a false father, I don't know! If you go and see, you will know. If you want to believe, believe it, and if you don't want to believe it, don't believe it. It's up to you.

True Parents must be able to subjugate false parents naturally. True Parents should not attack and capture false parents by force. The accomplishment of God's dispensation for salvation and the determination of God's victory cannot be done by force. If He could do it by force, He would have done it at once. If it were done in a Communist manner, it would already have been finished.

The fallen world has inherited Satan's tradition, which is to compete for power by military force. They have continued the history of struggle on earth. Their consummation of human history is the most miserable thing. God knows that, so He is trying to subjugate in a natural manner. God allows them to do things the way they want to. After they have done everything their own way, God restores everything through being beaten first. Satan hits the righteous side, and God demands compensation for the damages. When Satan's attack can go no farther, that is when subjugation takes place. It is not God who consummates it, but the one whom God prepared on earth as the person who can inherit this task. Therefore, in the Last Days, it is said, the Messiah is sent. (210-231)

9) Tribal Messiah and True Parents

What, fundamentally, are we trying to accomplish through the Old Testament age, New Testament age, and Completed Testament age? The purpose is to welcome God into myself. Who is the root? It is God, isn't it? The root of human beings is God. True Parents are not the original root. True Parents also came from God, the original root. Two buds came from the root. That's the way it is.

Before the Fall, Adam and Eve were a son and a daughter, weren't they? After the Fall, all things were in a superior position to Adam and Eve. This happened because of the fall of Adam and Eve. By the Fall, they were no longer two human beings together but became alone, each as one person. Because of this, they became far lesser beings than all things. Because all things did exist above human beings, they died for human beings as their representatives. They shed blood for the sake of you, in order to reverse the position.

Therefore, in the Old Testament Age, the way toward sons and daughters was paved by making altars for sacrifice. In the New Testament Age, Jesus came and sacrificed himself as a son and a daughter, and he opened the way toward parents. Lots of blood of martyrdom was shed and the way was opened for True Parents to come in the era of the Second Coming. What kind of relationship do Jesus and the True Parents have? Jesus is in the position of a son, and the True Parents are in the position of parents. Do you understand? (Yes)

Chapter 8 Three Great Subjects Thought and the Proclamation of True Parents [Part 3]

Chapter 8 Three Great Subjects Thought and the Proclamation of True Parents [Part 3]

3. The Declaration of True Parents and Kingship

1) Adam's Family is the Original Point of Departure for the King's Palace

Perfection centering on the original Adam is God's Will. Adam is the eldest son. He is the son who received the first love, the birthright. Because Adam can inherit the first love, he is able to become the parent centering on the first love. Inheriting the vertical love, he can connect it to the horizontal love by becoming parents, husband and wife. The word, "Restoration of Parental Rights" begins from here.

In the historical Ages until today there has not been a foundation upon which parents could come. It was a battle. It was a history of struggle between Cain and Abel. History was carried out as the history of wars. Brothers must be unified in order to end the fighting. One realizes that the enemy is one's brother and which is the elder and which is the younger.

Who teaches about it? Parents teach it. Fallen human beings do not know the fact that their ancestors were separated. Who knows it? Parents teach it. Brothers can he harmonized when the parents teach them. They are children centering on the parents. Only when children are harmoniously united is the right to exercise the parental rights born. This is the restoration of the parental rights. When lost children are brought in front of parents, then the parents can establish the rights of parents.

Next, kingship was lost. What is the ideal of the start of parents? It is the start from the palace. Adam was supposed to have the birthright, the parental rights, and the kingship. He was to settle, centering on God's love. The place of the settlement is the originating place of kingship and that of parents.

Next is the originating place of the birthright. All things under heaven are harmonized, following this tradition. Once this is established, archangels also have to bow down their heads.

Aren't the Democratic world and the Communist world in the Cain/Abel relationship? Cain and Abel fought, didn't they? The religious realm and the political realm are like Cain and Abel in the vertical sphere. The horizontal struck the vertical and therefore lost the foundation for restoring the birthright. The foundation for being able to restore the birthright contains within itself the parental rights at the same time. Parents come into existence with the eldest son, don't they? Once the parental rights are established, kingship emerges.

Adam's family is the starting place of a king. People are born and the number of royal families increases. If a clan inherits the kingship centering on the birthright, then centering on the clan, the next stage is the formation of the tribe by auxiliary clans. That is the Principle. Therefore, they are members of a royal family. Only when you have a consciousness of being a member of the royal family of the heavenly kingdom can you return to the original standard of Adam's family.

In your case, you must be a tribal messiah. Isn't a tribal messiah a parent and a king as well? Inheriting the birthright, you inherit the kingship and the parental rights on the level of the tribe.

Adam of the formation stage and Adam of the growth stage were all resurrected by Adam of the completion stage. What does it mean? The eldersonship and the tribal messiahship are the family form of the resurrected Jesus. Before that stage, Adam of the formation stage cannot resurrect Jesus; Jesus himself cannot be resurrected.

At the Second Coming the perfected Lord came and gained the victorious realm in which he can fulfill and complete Jesus' mission on the global level. He gained the victorious rights in front of Satan; therefore, the Lord at the Second Coming alone can exercise Jesus' rights and Adam's rights.

Thus, the Lord is the one who represents the perfected Adam and the perfected Jesus, upon the victorious foundation. He can become the third Adam by perfecting all the tasks coming from the formation and the growth stages. The foundation of the perfected third Adam includes both Adam and Jesus. Therefore, the messiahship on the global level must be established upon the victorious rights centering on the perfected foundation of the third Adam. (218-Cog)

2) The Establishment of the Kingship

Today, on this True Parents' Day, what I think of is this: First, the restoration of brothers has been established; second, the restoration of parents has been established, third, the restoration of kingship remains.

This time, what happened in Soviet Russia when I went there? Soviet Russia is on the satanic side, but I spoke things as I speak to you. I spoke no other things. (Applause) 270,000,000 Soviet people listened to what I said. They broadcast this. There are not many TV channels there. Be straight! Do you win or lose against them? (We win.)

Now the restoration of parental rights is established. Just as God sent the Lord at the Second Coming and sent Jesus, God sends tribal messiahs and restores everything. Since the vertical standard has been set, centering on the vertical things... here, Father established the three standards: the standard of Adam's era, of Jesus' era, and of the era of the Lord at the Second Coming. I fought and established all these foundations. Therefore, from here, we must expand them in the era of the Lord at the Second Coming.

What do you have to do? You must establish your own family. By doing so, the circle is expanded. The three became this way by Father. These are Adam parents, Jesus parents, and the Second Coming Lord parents. Therefore, we remove this (Father points out written things on the blackboard). We send the same way as God sent the Lord at the Second Coming, sent Adam again.

The third Adam comes in order to save the first and the second Adam. The third Adam sought the second Adam, so he saves the first Adam who is his own parents. One's parents go up to the position of Adam. By doing so, the realm of religious tradition disappear. The need for religion, such as Christianity, disappears. The entire world enters into the realm of chosen people.

By this, what is going to happen? Looking horizontally, your parents who gave birth to you become the tribal messiah, and the blood lineage you gave birth to becomes the national messiah. It is possible. It is horizontal. By this, the whole thing comes to stand in the position which is connected to one's parents. This is also one parents. The third Adam is one parents.

Therefore, one's birthplace and homeland become the heavenly kingdom. They become the heavenly kingdom. Then all parents in one's homeland becomes ancestors. True ancestors.

What is first? One stands on God's side. What is next? A family stands on the heavenly side. By this, the worldwide territory is all linked together centering on True Parents.

Is the homeland only one? Where is the original homeland? The original homeland is the birthplace of Father. However, not all places can become Chong-ju. Your birthplace is the homeland. Due to errors, Satan occupied the homeland. Since parents centered on Heaven are born in your birthplace, that place is the Garden of Eden.

Your good descendants born in the unfallen original Garden are expanded to the world. Centering on this vertical line, and centering on the tribe of Father, all of you are connected. You must love the vertical line more than your own tribe. Since the vertical is first, you must love it first; then you can love your own line. If you do so, Satan cannot invade you. By establishing all these things, now it is possible to restore the kingship.

If Adam is perfected, the father of the heavenly kingdom is perfected. If Eve is perfected, the mother of the heavenly kingdom is perfected. Then, if they become the leader of a family, there is born the kingship of the heavenly kingdom on the family level. Through this, Adam and Eve become individual king, family king, clan king, tribal king, national king, and world king.

Now we have come to the stage which is beyond the national standard. We can establish the heavenly kingship on the global level by trampling on the kingships of the satanic world. That day began March 27, 1990. By this, the world can turn around according to the wind Rev. Moon blows. (201-130)

3) Restoration of Kingship

Why do you need the parental rights? (For the sake of the restoration of kingship.) In order to restore kingship, there cannot be an obstacle in any of the four directions -- north, south, east, and west. When the king comes to your home, you must be able to attend him anytime, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. If he swings a three-fathom-long fishing pole, there should not be anything it hooks. You must be ready to welcome him anytime. Now we come to know such a thing.

A whole tribe follows you. This is the blessed religion of love. What love? True Love. What is True Love? It is the kind of love which, if you pour out everything eternally, you forget and you pour again. Why should it be so? One desires that the object of his love be superior to himself. A father wishes for his son to be superior to him. In following this principle, God has to pour into the object more than himself. There would be no way of giving more than Himself if He did not forget the giving. That is why God must go the way of True Love, the way of giving and forgetting. From there, the unification of heaven and earth begins.

Giving your life, should you have a consciousness about it, saying, "I died for the sake of God and the Unification Church."? Should you have this conscious awareness or not? (We should not.) You must be so. You must sacrifice yourself. Can you say, "I did this much, but the church does not recognize it. I believed in the Unification Church tens of years, but Father does not recognize it." Although I worked so hard and went through hardship all my life, God did not recognize it. However, I do not think of recognition. Just as was God, I was hit and gave, and tried to give again. I did so; then I gave all the way to the end. That way, all I gave did not disappear but instead accumulated. It always was accumulated, so that in the end I naturally came to the top of the mountain. It is mysterious and wonderful, isn't it? Is the logic correct? When I gave constantly, I came to the top of the mountain, and from birthright to parental rights and kingship all has been restored. It is a concept that accords with the logic of re-creation. (206-269)

4) Father is the True Parents

Now, Father established the complete foundation of declaring the True Parents. Come out, those who can say "Rev. Moon is not a true parent." Ministers of established churches, come in front of me. Among presidents and leaders of political parties, if there is one who can say "No", come and explain the logic which can deny that Rev. Moon is a true parent. Listen to my words after that. In 100 out of 100 tries, they cannot move an inch. (204-84)

I am not a stupid person. I am wiser than you. I am a person who gathered and led those who were expert in speaking and fluttering their wings in the world. Professors World Peace Academy alone has organizations in 120 countries. It has many Nobel-prize winners.

Upon this background, within four years, Father established The World and I, a world-renowned magazine and a magazine of the world champions. I am the person who has these kinds of surroundings. (204-84)

Today in the Unification Church, I am carrying the sign of True Parents. Then, who is Rev. Moon? He is the person who loves God more than anyone, who knows God more than anyone, and who teaches clearly the way of eternal life. That is good, isn't it? Is there anyone who gave birth to sons and daughters and tells them to die? He says only to live eternally with eternal blessing, doesn't he?

What do True Parents have to do? Rev. Moon has the responsibility to liberate you from the realm of death and move you to the road of eternal life. Rev. Moon is the historical representative of humankind on the world level who has this responsibility. That person is a true parent.

True Parents have True Love. So he is the person who has the unified point of love with God's love and its contents.

Therefore, centering on True Love, he cleans up false love. False love does not give even once. It wants only to receive. But True Love can solve all by giving, and it can save people through redemption. It is possible only by True Love. Therefore, you come to know God through Rev. Moon. Next, Rev. Moon must teach True Love. True Love is the responsibility of Father. (203-361)

What did I do here? I declared the True Parents. If I came as the True Parents, I should declare the True Parents. If I didn't, then how can I raise my face in front of God in the heavenly world? If I truly came here with the mission of True Parents, I must declare the True Parents in front of the tribe and the world. If not, how can I raise my face?

Did Jesus declare the True Parents? (No, he didn't.) That's the problem. If he could have declared that, Christianity would not have had to shed blood. He would have indemnified ten times more than the blood that was shed. Because Jesus could not declare the True Parents, Satan did as he liked until the emergence of the standard of the True Parents on the world level. I know it.

In North Korea, Kim Il Sung occupied the position of parents on the satanic side and appeared as the false parents, didn't he? It was robbery. All was robbery. He destroyed Christianity. Now, by my declaration of the True Parents, Kim Il Sung goes down. In this way, I turn and capture things. The time will come when I will prepare to enter Pyongyang and hold a Pyongyang Rally. It is not I who will do it. Does Adam fight with the Archangel? He doesn't, does he? (No) Adam does not fight with the Archangel. Because the Archangel fell, I must let the Archangel do it.

Therefore, I must let Soviet Russia, which is the world-level Archangel, China, which is the Asian Archangel, and Japan, which is Eve, do it. I must subjugate Kim Il Sung by uniting the Archangels centering on Eve.

In this historical era, did the Unification Church and Rev. Moon stamped with the seal of the representative of stupidity become the servant of a failed nation? (No) Does God ruin? Does He perish or prosper? (Prosper) What is the relationship between God and Rev. Moon? What is True Parents?

I declared Rev. Moon as the True Parents, didn't I? If I declared being a true parent and I was not in reality, what would happen to me in the spiritual world? When I went to the spiritual world, evil spirits in hell and good spirits both would stab me with knives. How can I declare that I am a true parent, knowing all these things?

The position of True Parents is unshakable. Because Satan knew this, he attacked me from all angles. Communist parties joined the attack; and didn't all sects of all denominations oppose me? From the Mafia to terrorists, all joined together and attacked and tried to expel me. It is unspeakable. All of them did whatever they could do to shoot me down. (203-146)

You call me True Parents, but I am a person who does not like the word "True Parents"! How fearful that word is! If you become True Parents, you must give birth to true sons and daughters and raise them. This is the problem.

Once one has become True Parents, one must lead a true family. If one opens his clan, then one must lead the true clan. If it is expanded to a people, one must lead the people. If that is expanded to a nation, one must lead the nation. If that is expanded to the world, one must lead the world. If that is expanded to all humankind who fill the entire physical and spiritual worlds under heaven and earth, one must have the ability to lead them. It is a tremendous, unimaginable task. I am the person who clearly knows it.

Then, why did I declare the True Parents if I do not like to declare the True Parents? If I didn't, then the teachings of the Unification Church would have to be wrong. Do you understand? If I did not declare it, the doctrine of the Unification Church would have to be false. Truth cannot be false. For truth to be truth, in order for truth to be true, I must do so whether I like it or not, no matter how my body is torn apart and stepped on, no matter how miserable I become, no matter how much hardship and persecution I must bear. I must carry out this task no matter what happens. I became that kind of person. This is the decisive difference between Rev. Moon of the Unification Church and all other founders and leaders of religions. (203-326)

5) To Hold True Parents' Picture

Now, you must go to your hometown and restore your clan. You held rallies in your hometown, didn't you? Just as you did those rallies, you must work on the district level. Then, once you became the tribal messiah, you must hang Father's picture in each home.

You should not just hand them out. You should make hundreds of photo albums and carry them. If you distribute them by showing and explaining them as good pictures, you can get their agreement. For those who accept the pictures, go to the best place in a room and hang the picture in the best spot.

If you do this, you are a spiritual elder brother to the head of the family. You are standing in the father's position in the vertical sense, and the elder brother in the horizontal sense. Therefore, you direct the host of the house as the vertical father and the horizontal elder brother, saying, "This picture must be hung here!" Those who share pictures become the tribal messiah. You must give pictures to more than 120 houses as soon as possible.

How many pictures do you have to bring? (120 pictures.) Do houses which have pictures become the points of breaking through or not? (They do.) That is the condition. By doing so, ancestors come down at dawn every morning and bow down. One o'clock, two o'clock; after three o'clock, keep the lights on. After ancestors' bows are over, one hour later, at five o'clock you do the Pledge service.

Do spiritual persons in the spirit world attend the True Parents? Those who went to the spiritual world are elder brothers and those who are here on the earth are younger brothers. The younger brother restored the birthright, and things became right side up. So all come down from the spirit world and bow down. What it means is that they help the descendants so that things go smoothly. Isn't that so? God gives things, doesn't He? Isn't that so? Those ancestors give good fortune, as in the position of God. They assist the descendants by giving good fortune.

When people come and help from the spiritual world, which is better-that your beloved relatives or some neighbor's grandfather comes and helps you? You must share a certain percentage of the portion according to the assistance. Therefore, now is the time you should run all night long while waiting to see who is coming to contact you.

Which is better, a bigger picture or a smaller one? (Bigger one.) You can decide that in the church. If you explain to them, they will say they want to buy them. Rev. Moon did not die but survived under scarcely believable paths and in the midst of historic chaos because God protected him! In this world, all perished and left no sign remaining, except that which God has protected could survive and remain! Because God loves Rev. Moon more than anybody else in the entire history, Rev. Moon could establish and set the greatest records in the most difficult and severe circumstances. That is all in accordance with the theory.

If you attend the picture as the representative of the True Parents, your family is protected. There is no question about it. If I explain, it is the way.

The other day, there were people who came to the Bom Il Chong (the place of the Bomnetkol Memorial) and bought the pictures with no explanation, weren't there? They were asked, "Why do you want to buy the picture?" One said, "My mind urges me to do so. It seems to me that if I buy the picture, all bad luck will go away. The picture seems to me to be very good." They said such a thing and bought a big picture. The time has come.

Young people carry Father's picture now. The other day, one Russian cameraman said that he always carried some treasure with him in his pocket. He took papers and things from his pocket and showed Father's picture. He had Father's picture. Someone asked why he carried it. He replied that his mind became easy and pleasant. This kind of thing happens.

If one carries a cross on their neck, it shows oneself as being a Christian. If one carries the picture of the True Parents, it symbolizes that you are the son or daughter of the True Parents. It becomes the symbol, the phenomenon and the substance. Because one enters into the realm of the formation stage in the three stages, that is, formation, growth, and completion, one is protected. Therefore, the tribal messiah must make pictures for their tribe.

What do you do for the "Breaking Through"? (Carry and attend True Parents' picture.) It is so easy. If one carries the picture of True Parents and attends it, one necessarily receives training. (Laughter) You can say, "I received education and training." You now know how valuable it is. You cannot buy its value by money, no matter how much you may spend. Let people pay the price of the picture according to its value. You can use the money for your work. (212-109)

6) The Power of True Parents' Picture

Before now, we were in the period of time to have to sacrifice for the sake of Cain and Abel, centering on the restoration of the birthright. So the spiritual world made use of the earthly world. However, the spiritual world and the earthly world were reversed centering on the 31st Children's Day. Because the birthright was restored, Adam's realm became the realm of birthright. So the Archangel must listen to and attend Adam.

Because the reversal was made, now the spiritual world is centered on the House of Unification... In the past, humankind opposed Rev. Moon and said that he had to die. But now, they are at the standard of respecting Rev. Moon. So, even if a person commanded Satan to help do that, Satan would not do it. One cannot lead Satan to one's side. One is guided and introduced to Rev. Moon.

You must find and set the family. Where is the turning point? It is the family. Family. The Fall took place in the family, didn't it? Therefore, Father started the world-level indemnity from the individual level. Then, centering on Father's family and clan, Father gained total victory over Cain and Abel on the global level, and returned with the birthright.

Where does Father set all the values of this victory? Adam is the center of the whole value. Because of the loss of Adam, God's family was lost. God's society, God's nation, God's world, God's cosmos, and even God's love could not be established. Father indemnified all of this and now returns to the family. All families stand equally on the same family standard.

When we return centering on the family, who should be the center? All follow, centering on Father. Satan cannot follow this. Satan is the one whose blood is stained. But ours is the side of those whose blood of the fallen world is wholly purified. Therefore, blessed families can enter here. On the family level, one has the right of eldersonship and many have the right of second-sonship. You can freely control it, from the providential viewpoint.

Now, we seek and find families. Therefore, families of the Unification Church must become the bases. This way, you must offer all for the sake of the nation. By doing so, you can interact with the cosmos. It becomes the raw material of Heaven.

For God's Will, we need a superior raw material. Be that raw material. Then, we form our families and settle there.

The people of Israel caught sheep and put their blood on doors and the troubles passed over, didn't they? Likewise, if the house has a picture of True Parents, Satan cannot invade it. Ancestors visit the house at dawn. Then they come in and move around the house. They all help guide your mind. The time when they can do such a thing has come. (213-121)

From now on, we must do three activities. First, fill out the church application; second, hang and attend a picture of True Parents; third, put up the flag of the Unification Church. You must all do these three. What is first? (Sign and fill up the church application) Second? (We must hang and attend the picture of True Parents.) What is next? (We must raise the flag.)

If you did these three, you can do anything. The flag represents the Unification Church. What is True Parents' picture? True Parents. What is the church application? Registration. A country where you can register is born. The departure begins from there.

To attend True Parents, centering on the True Parents means the unity of the True Parents and our families. What, then, is the flag? It is the environmental representative which indicates the world-level Unification Church. It is the reciprocal representative. The flag represents a husband and wife as well as an individual. It represents our families, our nations, the whole Unification Church, and all humankind.

You absolutely must raise the flag. When the people of Israel left Egypt, the entire realm of eldersonship was about to be destroyed. But because they put the blood of sheep on their doors they escaped from death. The blood of sheep became the sacrifice of the birthright. Raising the flag is the same as this.

When Moses and the people of Israel were being bitten by serpents and dying, those who looked upon the bronze serpent could survive, couldn't they? Likewise, when the satanic world was perishing, one could resurrect by believing in Jesus. Do you know what this is? Now, raise the flag, attend the picture of True Parents, and register. That's all you need to do in order to get all the rights Satan held on this Earth. Where you belong changes.

Therefore, what Father especially emphasizes this year is the movement to hang and attend the picture of the True Parents and to raise the flag. This is already the third year. I know that the time is coming, so I begin these things.

Therefore, ask and receive the Church application form. When you receive it, you must greet and say "Please give me it!" Do you understand what I am speaking about? (Yes) Satan must surrender to Adam in order to be saved. Then, next, he must attend True Parents. Until now, he could not attend True Parents, could he? You must attend the True Parents. You must place the picture of True Parents in the best place, better than that of your parents' picture and ancestors' picture. To respect and appreciate the value of pictures of your grandfather and your mother is a good thing. However, you must not place your own parents' picture at the best place and place True Parents' picture next to it. Ancestor. Ancestor! The ancestor is set. By doing so, the machine can move centering on the foundation of tradition, starting from the horizontal family foundation. It is the place which has nothing to do with Satan. Isn't that the Principle?

The tribal messiahship is not something which one does or does not do. If you do not do it, your entire clan is in trouble. If the descendants have not done this on the earth and go to the spiritual world, then ancestors accuse them hundreds times more than the fallen Adam and Eve. Father does not take responsibility for it. I can't tell them not to accuse. You have to be accused because you did not do it. A human being has his five percent portion of responsibility. You cannot accomplish perfection without fulfilling the portion of responsibility. (220-90)

They hang a picture of parents even in the satanic world. In the Last Days, we can use it as a material for education to attend the Heavenly Parents. Rev. Moon is famous. Everybody should admit him as a patriot for the sake of the nation. Go and ask even the ministers in the established churches. Rev. Moon is a patriot. The world under heaven will how down for the records and the contributions I left. People think, "Once we hang that picture, we cannot fight easily between a husband and a wife. What is this teaching of Reverend Moon!"

Give education in front of sons and daughters: "You. You can't do this in front of Reverend Moon." When you attend the picture of the True Parents with more respect than your parents, your ancestors come down and attend the True Parents as their ancestors. Do you understand? It becomes the altar to which ancestors can attend in the house. This is the way to receive the good fortune of the heavenly world. At three o'clock in the morning, you may be sleeping. But they chase out Satan and all evil spirits around the house.

I told you to raise the flag, didn't I? If you hang the picture and raise the flag, everything is over, isn't it? If you hang the picture of the True Parents on the wall and raise the flag of the Unification Church, is your family a part of the clan of the heavenly kingdom or satanic world? You become a part of the clan of the heavenly kingdom. I make you a part of the clan of the Kingdom of Heaven.

There were many people who cursed the flag and were struck by thunder. It is really mysterious, isn't it? When someone points his finger to Father, his finger gets sick. When he truly repents, praying overnight, then it is cured. That kind of thing happens, doesn't it?

Why do such things happen? When heavenly fortune is coming, it cannot be disturbed by the individual's fortune. It is the way of destiny. This is it. The way of fortune or luck can be altered between north, south, east, and west. But the way of destiny cannot be changed. Above is above, below is below, left is left, and right is right. You can never exchange them.

I told you to raise the flag, because the time has come to Korea. People of the fallen world are all connected to false parents. If they attend the True Parents, it is easier for them to be engrafted to the True Parents. This can be done in a family.

If you did not do so, then you must go through the nation and the world, and then come back here, and you can be engrafted. Because I have a loving heart and a mind to seek the road for all people, I made the environment where you can be engrafted. How happy you can be! If someone does not listen, you must keep after him with harsh words. By doing so, he can be a part of the heavenly clan.

Those who looked upon the staff of Moses could all go ahead. If you look upon the flag of the Unification Church, and bow to the flag whenever you depart and whenever you return, then you will prosper. (219-90)

Chapter 9 Directions Regarding True Parents

Chapter 9 Directions Regarding True Parents

1. The Mission of the Tribal Messiah: To Establish Parental Rights

This means to pass on True Parents' authority to each blessed family. If you don't like this, then you cannot go to heaven. There is no question but that in the future, the Kingdom of Heaven will be established on earth. This is absolute.

Adam and Eve started at the level of the family and not at the level of the tribe. Is this true?

Victory is determined in the family. We have to remove the root in the family because the seed was planted there. Before you plant a new seed you must remove completely the old root. When you plant a new seed, you cannot put it on top of the old rotten root. If you do, then the old root will decay and become bad fertilizer for the new seed. Now is the time when everything that was sown 6,000 years ago will be harvested. The time will come when the whole world will turn around.

Has the authority of parents been established? Not yet. It is not established in your family. Is that right? Each one of you should take more responsibility. If you have tremendous aggrievements, you have to resolve them on the earth. Otherwise, when you die you cannot go to Heaven. You would have to return to the earth and resolve these problems. It is not possible for a blessed family to come back to earth.

Think about a blessed family returning to the earth to complete the providence for restoration. It would be a lot more miserable. If you are not blessed, then there is a way to return. But once you are blessed, you cannot return. How can you come back when you did not fulfill your responsibility? You will have to wait until one nation is restored and everyone receives the merit. Or, you will have to wait until the whole world is restored and everyone receives the merit. You cannot come back freely.

Only when you fulfill your responsibility can your ancestors come back. Are blessed families supposed to come back? Answer my question. Until perfection you cannot come back.

2. The Restoration of Kingship and Return for the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth and In Heaven

Return for the Kingdom of Heaven on earth and in heaven! Only after kingship is restored can the return for the Kingdom of Heaven on earth and in heaven be possible. Unless we go back to the root or original point, we cannot become masters. If we cannot become masters, how can God's kingship come in heaven and on earth?

Unless we restore our own kingships we cannot become masters. This is what it means. Restoration of kingship! Return for the Kingdom of Heaven on earth and in heaven! We have to return. Once God's sovereign laws are established, there will be a method for handling the satanic world. Also, there will be laws stemming from the Unification Church. Our mission is to return kingship to Heaven, not just to return the family. Unless we restore kingship we cannot build a root of happiness in the eternal world when we die.

3. Attendance on True Parents and the Worldwide Country

Now is the time to attend the True Parents and build protective walls around the True Parents. We have to protect and attend the True Parents. In order to do that we need the True Parents' picture and the Unification Church flag. No matter how busy you are in your family, this is important.

Recently I watched "Cooking Pot of Seoul." In this drama a son was talking to a picture of his deceased father. When I saw that, I thought it was just like Unification Church members talking to a picture of the True Parents. It was so wonderful for him to talk to a picture. This is like a prayer. If you pray, "True Parents, how could it be possible that the satanic world has done this and that," then the True Parents will respond "Oh, my son, I understand, I understand." Do you understand? We have to attend the True Parents.

We start by attending the photograph of the True Parents. If you love someone, then you carry that person's picture with you wherever you go. Is that right? If you attend the photograph of the True Parents well, then you will welcome them in person. In this way, good fortune will come to you. Do you know how great the True Parents' fortune is? I am the King of the blessing. When you attend me well, you receive heaven's blessing eternally.

If you do things contrary to my word, you will become the worst trash of the landfill. This is what is actually happening right now. If you go to the spiritual world, it will be the same. Since everything has been revealed on earth, the spiritual world can cooperate with people on earth.

Now is the time to attend True Parents. Put True Parents' picture everywhere. Bring True Parents' picture to your parents' home and to your sons' and daughters' homes. Grandfather, grandmother, father, mother, son and daughter-bring to every house True Parents' picture. Who will oppose this? "This is a picture to bring blessing to this home. I want your home to become prosperous, not to perish. This person [referring to Father's picture] received persecution all his seventy years of life. He is victorious even though he received arrows from all directions. He is alive after hundreds of impossible situations. He is alive and victorious because God is with him and protecting him. He has a tremendous fortune. If you have his picture in your house, you too will share his shield of protection. Do not oppose this blessing that is destined for you." If you talk like this to your relatives, it will take care of everything. Have your grandparents on your father's side visit your grandparents on your mother's side. If your grandparents are not alive, gather together all the children from five generations, and give a great speech. You should speak like this, "Last night great-great-grandfather appeared in my dream and said to me..." But do not tell a lie or make up a story. If you pray fervently, spiritual world will tell you what to say. Your great-great-grandfather will appear in your prayer and tell you what to say. You can say, "Our great-great-grandfather appeared to me. His face was like this and his appearance was like this ... This great-great-grandfather, whom I never met, told me to put Rev. Moon's picture in the homes of all of our family and hang the Unification Church flag in every home. This is how our family will receive good fortune. We have to follow the message of our great-great-grandfather, otherwise he will be so disappointed." You have to encourage this kind of activity among all your clan.

People who have True Parents' picture will come to us. All they need to know is love. It is good enough if they can bear children. Do you understand?

What is the meaning of attendance on and protection of the True Parents? It is to make the world one country. If there is one nation which can say, "Our nation will welcome Rev. Moon of the Unification Church as a representative of goodness. Our nation will put a picture of Rev. Moon next to the picture of our President. Amen!" that nation will receive the blessing. That nation will be restored at once. Do you understand? A nation will be restored and join the church. A whole tribe will be restored and join the church. Everything will happen naturally like this. Do you understand or not? I usually do not give a speech like this. These are all necessary words.

4. True Love In the Ideal Creation and the Era of God's Sovereignty

If you live attending the True Parents, the time will come for the era of true love in the ideal creation. Without knowing it you will long for love. You will long for parents. You will long for your ancestors. You will long for your old teachers. Do you understand? This kind of phenomenon will occur. The time will come for true love in the ideal creation and the era of God's sovereignty.

If you do everything that I have said today, you can go back to your relationships of ten years ago and expand them horizontally as if they were in the present.

This way old people can hum and dance. Do you know what I am talking about? I am saying that a grandfather and grandmother will sing the songs of elementary school children. This is how they become one. Your whole life from your childhood can be heartistically one. Only by bringing back all your childhood memories... Did you think that there would be no more childhood when you go to the spiritual world?

The question is whether you can live harmoniously in your childhood memories. This is the beginning of true love in the ideal creation and the era of God's sovereignty. You cannot cheat anymore. You know that little children say, "Mommy, Daddy, why do you tell a lie?" Little children will be the coaches for their father and mother. This is the way to enter the era of God's sovereignty.

What kind of era are we living in now? The era of true love in the ideal creation and of God's sovereignty' You have to receive the True Parents and all VIPs of the spiritual world in your home, and show your loyalty. Your family will become an ideal family representing your nation. Your clan will become an ideal clan. Your tribe will become an ideal tribe and your nation will become a representative of the whole world.

When you go this way you will be able to reach one of the tribes in heaven. You will join this tribe in the heavenly kingdom and you will become an object partner to the authority of heaven. When the time comes for the era of heavenly power, such people will be protected. If someone tries to destroy these kinds of people, heaven will protect and defend them. (218-51)

1) Subject of True Parents' Realm

Each and all of you are in the subject position as parents in your clan. In the realm of True Parents, you will become parents who will lead your tribe as the subject. Do you understand? (Yes)

Your grandfather will attend you as your grandson. Grandson will become grandfather. This is the reversal of heaven and earth. When you cross over the mountain, members of the Unification Church who have faced opposition for so long a time will lead the way staying in the front.

Who will cross the mountain first? They are the grandchildren. Your father and mother have to follow you. Three generations have to follow the way. If they try to go by themselves, they will meet with disaster and be lost completely. Because this is the only way to survive, you have to follow.

Therefore, you are the subject partner in the parental realm. You will become a new ancestor of your hometown. When you inherit the tradition of the total victory of the True Parents, you have to plant the tradition in your tribe. Do you understand? That is your responsibility. Therefore, you have to shed tears night and day.

That is the course of the master. You know that I can become a friend with anyone; therefore, you will not understand how lonely I am. I do not have a friend.

Look, when I went to the prison in North Korea, the whole heartistic foundation of 6000 years of history just collapsed in one day. Christianity, which was in the position of the bride, betrayed me. The bridegroom who had been searching for his bride was betrayed by his only bride. Where could he go then?

To that bride, everything that God had prepared was connected, everything that was the world's treasure -- the democratic world and the Christian world. This was the golden opportunity for world unification right after World War II.

In this kind of prepared environment, I could have come to lead history in my 40's. Instead, because of the failure of Christianity, I had to start over with my wedding in my 40's. I had to restore everything without dying.

This 14 years was the completion stage of the growth period. Therefore, I received Mother in 1960 after the 14 years -- 7 years plus 7 years. One more seven-year course remained, and it started in 1960. From 1960 to 1968, I established True Parents' Day, True Children's Day, and finally True God's Day. At that point I was able to stand on the world level. At that time I sent you Korean blessed wives out to pioneer for 3 years. You went out for a 3-year pioneer course, didn't you? (Yes) You went out together with me. On that foundation I went to America. That was the starting point of the world-level course. I have always gone the numerologically required course.

This is how history has progressed this way. You should know the amazing fact that the dawn of history has passed and the morning has broken, for which I have opened the gate. Now spring has come to the Unification Church. Do you understand? (Yes)

This is not God's will for just one tribe. It is for all tribes. Therefore, I sent more than 24,000 families as tribal messiahs all over the world. Satan can no longer destroy us. This idea will remain forever as Subject Thought.

I have gathered the leading people from the media, political, academic, business, and literary worlds through more than 100 organizations such as World University Federation and Professors World Peace Academy and for the International Highway and for the idea of the Kingdom of Heaven on earth.

These are not just words. You do not know the hidden situation of blood and tears behind this reality. You can not even imagine what it was like. Mother knows this. Therefore if she tries to say something, she can only cry.

Mother knows my suffering course. Even though Mother herself sleeps, when she sees me studying throughout the night she can only cry. Many times I saw Mother crying, blaming herself for not being enough for Father. I know this kind of Mother's life. When you understand my situation in your bones, you cannot even speak about me without tears. You should know this. Do you understand? (Yes)

When you pray deeply before God, many times you burst into tears. That is because of these hidden situations. Therefore, I am not lonely. The Unification Church will never perish, because I am in an environment where God knows my situation, my wife and my children know my situation.

Carrying this special privilege of victorious tradition, you can open the door of witnessing to your people, your hometown, and your clan. This is the mission of the tribal messiah. Do you understand? (Yes)

There is no greater blessing than this in the whole history of heaven and earth. You have to become a subject who has the right of eldersonship. Even though you are in a worthless position externally, you have this noble content inside of you. Just as I was in a humble position for three years in Hungnam prison, you go humbly carrying the burden of debt, hoping for the day of unification of North and South and unification of Asia. You go forward with a loud shout, for you know that you have a mission for the world's final battle. Do you understand? (Yes)

This training process is connected to the tribal messiah. This is the first step for the tribal messiah. From now on, you have to go through the course of formation, growth and completion. You still have this three-stage course left. Asian tribal messiah and global tribal messiah will be fulfilled at once.

You have a responsibility to connect these before Father goes to the spiritual world. Otherwise, how can we establish the system of the sovereignty of all nations? Who is going to do this? Is it Song Pyo Hong? Or is it Bo Hi Pak? No one knows yet.

Do you know when Father will go to the spiritual world? You have to understand that we are in a very urgent timetable. We have a very serious mission to establish this system while Father is in this world. You should realize that the fate of the past, present and future is upon your shoulders. You must take one step and two steps very carefully. You must leave noble steps behind you so that every step you take has the value of a million. You should realize this kind of responsibility of establishing the king's place in the realm of the royal family.

If you go this way, you can claim the ownership of your hometown after the victorious third generation. Thus, Ancestor Adam and Ancestor Jesus will be fulfilled. You have to plant the tradition that your resentful ancestors first Adam, second Adam, and third Adam can say, "This is my hometown!" Thus you can expand the realm of liberation. Do you understand? (Yes)

2) Subject of True Kingship

Satan, who is in the false realm, cannot touch your tribal realm where you are going to establish kingship, because it is in the realm of the truth. You are going to the tribe to build the foundation where only God can have dominion. That is the place for the king. I just spoke about kingship. That means to build the place for the king.

Where is the palace of life? Where is the palace of love? Where is the palace of the lineage? Is it the family? Is it wife and husband? It is the foundation of the love of husband and wife, isn't it? It is man's sexual organ and woman's sexual organ. You have to give birth to an elder son who can inherit the kingship. You have to give birth to a heavenly true prince and princess centering on God's love. That is true life. You have to leave true lineage behind you. You have to leave your descendants.

Your descendants should never leave a stain of the fall. You must prevent any possibility of the fall, no matter the cost. You must stand firmly pledging in front of the heavenly ethics and heavenly law not to fall. You have to be the subject of re-creation, so that your descendants will be able to declare proudly that they will not fall-not even in a dream. Do you understand? (Yes)

When you look at the big pine tree in your garden, you should be able to ask the tree, "You have seen my life. You saw me receiving persecution and you saw me leaving home. What do you think about me today?" When you look at the garden where you once played, you should be able to embrace it with your love even if the garden had a resentment against you. When you stand by the river, you should be able to forget all the unbearable memories of the past; you should be able to swim in the river and go fishing there. Then you are a true owner.

You have to have a heart just like Adam would have had in the Garden of Eden. Restore everything as a representative of kingship. Go fishing and eat the fish or catch rabbits and pheasants in the mountain; take care of parents and offer these things before God. You have to have this kind of heart. Do you understand? (Yes)

3) Our original value

Today we live in an age where all value systems are breaking down. Why are values being degraded? It is because the value systems have lost their foundations due to the separation of mind and body.

You struggle because your mind and body are separated. Unity between mind and body should be the original cornerstone for eternal peace. How can we solve the problem of struggle? In the family, wife and husband fight. Individual values and family values are all crumbling. There are struggles in societies. Do they fight or not? (They fight). Value is being degraded. There are struggles between nations. The Democratic world and Communist worlds are fighting. We now live in the age where families are coming to ruin.

Adam and Eve should have established an original value system starting from the individual and developing through the family, clan, tribe, nation, world, and cosmos. All human beings were supposed to inherit the original tradition of the family of Adam, who would stand as the True Father. However, due to the Fall we lost everything. Therefore, we must destroy this fallen starting line and stand bravely on the unification starting line. Through this, the true value world will be expanded. Therefore, the question is whether your mind and body are united or not. Do you understand? (Yes)

On what should original value stand? It should stand on myself. You should have confidence that you are standing on the foundation of absolute love, with your absolute mind and absolute body absolutely united. Otherwise, you will lose the standard of your individual value. Do you understand, or not? (We understand)

If I praised you for graduating from college and trusted in you, would you not become trash? Do I make you trash, or do I make you rich? (Rich) Really? (Yes)

A) Grandparents Stand In the Position Of God

In this society, do you see a value system of attending grandparents as if they were God? (No) God sent our grandparents as a representative of all of our ancestors. Do you understand? If your family is attending grandparents as if they were God, you have laid the foundation in the spiritual world. There is no such standard of value nowadays. In the absolute standard of value, grandparents represent the past.

B) Parents Stand In the Position of the King

Our parents are in the king's position representing the whole family. My father is the king of my family and my mother is the queen of my family. Therefore, you must absolutely respect and obey your parents above anything else in the world.

This is not my word. This is not something I made up. This is the Principle. Is that right? (Yes) I am not speaking words I borrowed from somewhere. I am speaking the content of the Principle. Satan started the fight, and I chased him away saying, "Give me your kingship, evil Satan!"

Do you understand? (Yes) Parents are the kings of your present family. Everything is within your family. Your family is a microcosm of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth and in Heaven. In the family is everything, including kingship and the realm of true parents.

You did not know until now that you had a foundation of peace within yourself. In order to destroy this foundation, Satan invaded with the idea of class struggle, the idea of struggle between husband and wife, father and son, and between brothers. This is the philosophy of Satan. Do you remember what I said? Parents are the present kings.

C) Children Are Future Kings

Children inherit future kingships. You have to think as if you are raising someone who will inherit a king's blood in your future tribe, and send him as a king of the country after he has grown up. Do you understand? (Yes)

When you have children, you educate them, nurture them and wish them to be successful, don't you? When your children were born, you wished them to become true parents, true teachers and true owners. This is the desire of all parents and humankind and also of the nation. Children are the future kings.

Chapter 1 - The Existence of Human Beings on Earth And In the Spirit World [Part 1]

Chapter 1 - The Existence of Human Beings on Earth And In the Spirit World [Part 1]

Section 1. The Course of Life

1. Prayer Regarding The Life Course

Loving Heavenly Father, I have been fighting since childhood, struggling over how shameful it would be to be ridiculed before You, and I am deeply grateful to You that You never let me, especially, forget it or fear it, and that You allowed me to continue till today.

As regards what is good on this earth, there is no standard that is more precious and valuable than connecting to Your original heart. Knowing this, we must infinitely miss and long for that relationship. We must know that a person who can touch and experience Heavenly Father's love has no regret even if he loses everything in the world.

Heavenly Father, for a tree to come to bear fruit, it must go through a summer season and absorb the vitality elements from its root, trunk, and branches. Only through this process can it gain a perfect life force and produce a fruit that will bring forth a second life. Similarly, we must become sons and daughters who search deeply within ourselves as to whether we have a fruit in our hearts that is full of the power of life and that can be born again happily into a new world.

Father, we come to understand that no matter how many years go by, no matter how hard it rains and how fiercely the wind blows, our inner life force must not be invaded by the environment's evil but must go the path of continuous development. That is the only way we can welcome a spring and become a seed-a matrix to produce a second life by being planted again.

Similarly, we reflect that in the course of life, even though someone may look miserable externally, if he has the value of being a matrix who can enhance the spiritual life force and of becoming a seed that can be planted in the infinite world of spirit, such a person is never miserable. Please allow us to realize that the more miserable such a person is externally, the more his internal value is complete and guaranteed. (32:37)

Heavenly Father! We must know that those who have no heart to attend You and to offer You humble obeisance cannot connect their fate to You in the eternal spiritual world.

Father, we are now longing for that day in which we can open the gates of our hearts, feel You there, and bend our bodies to the dictates of our spirits. Therefore, please allow us to become people who can hear Your voice from within our hearts, find our lost bodies, and bow our heads deeply before You.

Please let each of us feel that You have gone through a course of history of much suffering and turmoil before us, in order to find each of us alone. (4:280)

2. The Purpose Which People Desire To Fulfill

Can you meet God, or not? (Yes, we can.) But even if you met God, you would not know it, because God doesn't have a body.

Therefore, in order to manifest His being to all of His creation, Heavenly Father used Adam as His body, showing His face through that of His son. We should know that this is God's ideal of creation.

God is the original Heavenly focal point, and Adam is the original earthly focal point. These two focal points create a 90-degree angle. This is God's purpose of creation, and this is the purpose which humans desire.

Had Adam and Eve not fallen, they would have occupied the positions of heavenly father and mother for eternity in the spiritual world. But due to the fall, their positions are far different.

Had there been no fall of Man, everyone could have gone to the Kingdom of Heaven in the spiritual world simply by attending his own parents as though he were attending God. (119:109)

3. Reason to Be Born

This created world is round everywhere. The sun, the earth, the stars -- everything is created round. Even our mouth, if we analyze it, is all round. No matter what, everything is created that way.

Therefore, how hard is it to make movements? How good to laugh?

Then, in what kind of relationships does the universe exist? It makes relationships by going around and around, making circular, cyclical movements. Even if one individual thing has a round shape, it does not exist by itself individually but makes a relational connection with the whole. Then why are we born? We are born to resonate with the beat of this huge, relational universe. We are born to keep time with the universe. How great this feeling is!

Ocean waves make great loud sounds; there are the same sounds inside my heart. When the wind soughs serenely, it makes my heart feel serene. When a flower releases a beautiful fragrance, it stirs a fragrance in my heart. What a wonderful feeling that is! (104:122)

When you were born, how were you born? If you were born from love, raised in love, live in love, and die in love, then to be born is something to be grateful for, to live life is something to be grateful for, and even to die is something to be grateful for.

All of you should be aware that "I was born by having participated in the place where my father and mother loved and treasured each other the most." You need to know that you are a participator in love.

Because you were born in the love of your parents, think that... Therefore, the reason why the flag makes motion is to show a sign of love. We are all meant to live for the sake of love throughout our lives. So when we see a mother, we wave a flag of love, and when we see a father, we wave a flag of love, and we wave the flag for our brothers and sisters. (103:258)

4. The Relationship Between A Moment And A Whole Life

You must know that the crux of life exists not in some long period of time but in a single moment.

One who ignores a moment fails to possess something precious. Such a person cannot become a great person, nor can he inherit the throne and crown of God. Therefore, you must be careful about each word you speak, each action you take, even things you think, in order to make one moment shine and glow. You must deal with life and solve problems believing that the contents of your daily life will all remain as phenomena in relationship to the world-because that is the only way the realm of victory is determined.

In this way, it only takes one moment for the realm of victory to be determined. Therefore, you should know that a historical realm of victory and a cosmic realm of victory are determined in one moment. One who knows the infinite value of making a moment shine and lives accordingly can become a great person, even a saint or God's son or daughter. In this way, the crux of life and death lies in the single moment.

Today, our attitude is the problem. Of course, it is necessary to first desire the coming of the Kingdom and to wish for the Will to be done. But what is more important is how we can become one with the Will of God, centering on "myself."

If we take this one hour we see that how we use it to become one with the Will is more important than to desire the Kingdom of God to come. Therefore, first of all, we must make an individual-level, a familial-level, a tribal-level, and a national-level environment where we can inherit the Will, in order to make a relationship with the Will of God. Then, centered on God, how do we make a relationship with the Will in this one hour? This is a very important matter.

Looking at the history of restoration through indemnity, there were 4,000 years from Adam's family through Noah's family, Abraham's family, and Moses' family all the way down to the family of Joseph, the father of Jesus. Here, however, what led to the failures did not occur over the span of, say, a year.

In Adam's family, the fall of Adam and Eve was not a result of a planned failure that took one year or 10 years or several decades. Their failure was brought forth in one second, and that failure of one moment became the base for the corruption of the nation which had been in preparation for millions and billions of years. When we think about this, we come to know how fearful one moment is.

Due to this failure of one moment, so many people who sought a religious path during human history had to go through great suffering, and many peoples that could not follow the path of the Will fell into ruin. All these became part of a tremendous offering for indemnity. When we understand this, a single hour that we ordinarily live so casually in our daily life becomes fearful.

But even more, we have to feel what a fearful moment is even one second of one hour that goes by as the clock steadily ticks. We have to become people who can know how to fight evil in the moment. Therefore, you should know that even the eternal Kingdom of Heaven does not exist without having an integral relationship with the single moment.

Eternity does not start when we die. It begins at the moment we come to know God's Will. Therefore, in pursuit of our life of faith centering on our life course, if one thinks, "If I can't make it this year, I will do it next year. If I can't go in my adolescence, then I will go in my 20s; if not in my 20s, then in my 30s; if not in my 30s then in my 40s; and if not in my 40s, well then I will do it in my 50s ..." If one lived his whole life like this, he would never have lived one day of being one with God's Will. If a person lives like this, he will not be able to go to the Kingdom of Heaven when he dies.

Even if a person lives in a godly nation, how can he go to the Kingdom of Heaven if he was unable to live even one day according to a victorious standard? How can a person enter into the eternal world if he could not live even one year according to a victorious standard? This is a sad problem.

Therefore, in the life of religious people, that which is more important than dreaming of eternity is how they can work with Heaven in everyday life to eradicate evil and become fighters for goodness. We must know that, more than anything else, this is a crucial matter.

From this perspective, it was Adam and Eve's momentous failure that led eventually to the resentment and anguish of thousands of years. It was in Adam's family that Cain and Abel had to solve the resentment of their parents and demolish the wall that existed between the brothers, thus creating a spiritually healthy family root. But the murder of Abel, who stood as a representative of the providence for restoration, took place in one second, as well.

We should know that, even in the suffering course of Noah, who toiled to build an ark for 120 years, when God told Noah, "The time has come to realize the day of My desire. Go and launch the ark now," it was done in only one second. Those who followed this order could receive God's eternal blessing, but those who could not were buried within the realm of eternal judgment.

The same is true with Abraham. When God blessed Abraham, saying, "I will make your descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky and as the sand on the seashore ....Your descendants will take possession of the cities of their enemies," the blessing was also bestowed in one second, in the blink of an eye.

When Abraham made an offering, he did not take some 10 years. It was done in a day. The time it took him to cut the offering and place it on the altar was less than an hour-but this single hour contained the root of everything concerning historical life and death, curse and blessing. If there was a mistake there, this root would have been destroyed.

Today, what religious people must fear is not the judgment which will come in the Last Days but how they can connect the many moments of their everyday lives with God's Will. (37:21)

5. The Childhood Period And The Order Of Three Stages

Who are Adam and Eve? If God created Adam and Eve, how did He create them? If God used some clay to create them, what kind of clay did He use? From where did He begin? From where did Adam and Eve's lives begin? We cannot think that when God created Adam and Eve He created them as adults. Rather, God created them as infants.

Without the notion that God behaved like a mother who gave birth to, cradled, and raised a baby, we cannot find a logic to explain the formation of all existence.

Everything in the universe develops through three stages. Thus, there was a period of childhood for Adam and Eve. Then there was a time of young adulthood. The next step was to have been a period of maturation. This is a principle of the universe. Then what was Adam and Eve's childhood like? We must start from the theory that the incorporeal God engaged in a process of creation from the incorporeal to the corporeal world, a process as if He even held and raised a baby.

What is this all about? How does one go from birth, to growing up, to maturing, to coming to the position of being able to marry and become a parent? How does one proceed?

You must know that God set up stages of a process for living beings. Through stages, man goes from a period of youth through one of adulthood to a period of advanced age. The fact is that it is through individual people growing in human families that God wants to see the embodiment of the internal process that He Himself engaged in. Only from these thoughts can a theory of the oneness of parent and child be produced. The parent is vertical and the child is horizontal. Therefore, we can say it is a theory of the oneness of vertical and horizontal. (225:198)

6. The Path of Our Life

We know that the society, nation, and world in which we live are far from ideal. There are all sorts of pain and suffering, and good and evil compete together and overlap in confusion. There is no one but "myself" who can go to the destination of my desire and intention.

Among 100 people, each person has to struggle mightily with his environment to create goodness in his everyday life. Therefore, we come to feel through our daily life that virtually nobody is confident to complete the day's work toward spiritual victory that he plans in the morning.

Further, the more we feel that the evil of the environment is an obstacle in our daily lives, and the bigger the scope of the environment-as in the case of society or the world-the more we must cultivate a driving determination to bring a victorious result in our everyday life. If we do not, we will feel that a particular day of our lives will end in defeat. Such single days of defeat will eventually add up to a month, and such months will add up to a year.

If we add one day 30 times, it will come to one month, won't it? But this one month bears an environment that makes it difficult for us to achieve our plan for spiritual success. Therefore, in order to bring victory within this one month, we must equip ourselves with enough driving determination to break through all kinds of complicated situations that will arise and all sorts of conditions that interfere with our planned path. Otherwise, we cannot complete the month's plan and claim victory.

One year consists of 12 months, which are 365 days. In order to achieve victory for that year, one must set some goals on New Year's Day, and make matching conditions that allow one to thrust aside all the trials and interference that the year can produce. If this isn't done, there will arise an environment that is opposing, repelling, and destructive.

In order to accomplish such a year of victory, one needs to be equipped with a fighting spirit, a driving power. If we live a year like this, and then continue on, it will eventually add up to 10 years, then 20 years, and 30 years-and that becomes the path of our life. (31:30)

Today, individuals, families, tribes, nations, and the entire world cannot escape from the realm of time. It has been the same throughout human history. Wherever people live, there is always a goal to be accomplished. We can focus on such a goal for 10 years, 20 years, 30 years, 70 years, and, indeed, our entire life. But the bigger our goal is, the stronger we must pledge internally. Otherwise we'll be unable to reach it. Unless we maintain an internal determination that can surpass the goal through the process called time, we will never accomplish it.

7. The Original Homeland to Which We Are to Go

You may not know much about the reality of the spiritual world, but, with God's special grace, I know the "unknown" world more than anyone else.

Digging into the root of that world, we find its structural principle to be quite simple. You must understand that Heaven is a place where only those who lived for the sake of others go. This is because unselfish love is the principle of heaven and earth, the root of the ideal that God created. The ideal world of the Kingdom of Heaven is structured with this kind of content. This is a plain fact.

The heavenly world is the original homeland to which we are to go. Today, we are exiles from our original homeland and live a fallen life. But our fate is to return there. We cannot, however, enter there by ourselves, so God has to set up a path in the course of history so people can go in. This is why God created so many different religions: to be training grounds to make a path for every people, culture, custom, and tradition. Religions polish people to be qualified to enter the region of the original homeland. Because of humankind's many different cultural backgrounds, God sought and set the standard of comparison and has been leading the way toward one unified religious world.

What does religion, which guides man to the original homeland, teach? It promotes the path of living for the sake of others. The higher the religion, the more strongly it emphasizes the importance of living for others. Therefore, we must be gentle and meek. Why?

We must strive to stand in a position to lift up many people and live for their sake. Religion teaches us to sacrifice and serve. Why? Because religions must train people to fit the rules of the Kingdom of Heaven. (78:117)

8. The Most Wonderful Path In Life

What should be our path in life? Clearly, to possess God's love. Do you understand? (Yes.) To possess God's love is the most wonderful end. This is the path that both men and women must tread. Even monkeys and ants wish for this!

Our course should be to search for the God of love, who is the infinite and only One -- even if we must go through the valley of death ten or a hundred times. Even if we die, we should continue this course to find this love. It's the most wonderful path in life!

What is the end point of our desire? It is possessing God's love. When we talk about possessing God, unless through it we possess love more precious than my own, God is not my God. That's why we must possess God's love. Indeed, if only we can possess this love, it is okay if God isn't there.

When His love becomes mine and mine becomes His, the internal and the external become one for the first time. A nation based on this kind of love becomes an ideal homeland, where there is no class system of high and low. Do you understand?

When we can lie in that place of love, there is nothing in existence that doesn't look wonderful. We would feel that there is nothing under the sun that does not exist for me.

If this is God's love, then what is the heavenly world like, the Kingdom of Heaven to which mankind is meant to go? That is a place filled with love. (39:210)

9. The Standard Of Birth And The Standard Of Life

1) The Wrong Standard of Birth

Today, people of the world do not know that even if they occupy a prestigious position in society, their birth was spiritually sullied. They don't know that they were born with a lineage connected to God's enemy Satan and to his life and lineage. This is a serious problem.

People are born out of Satan's love. Thus, the fallen world came to be reached by man, and Satan's love was reached even to the parents. Life and lineage became one centered on Satan's illicit love, and that blood is running through the lives of my father and my mother.

Today, this blood is mixed in me. The fruit of Satan's life, love, and lineage is myself. Do you understand? I am the best fruit of love, but we are still linked to those three things. I am referring to fallen people.

Until now, we did not know this. We could not imagine what occurred at the foundation of human history. True Parents came in this age and for the first time proclaimed the origin of the fall.

Your blood and all your five senses belong to Satan's love, life, and lineage. It is the same as saying a satanic world is running through your veins. Satan automatically made a fruit of his ideal, and God has been trying ever since to save men and women, helping them become original, pure, perfected human beings.

Where did you begin? You began from Satan, from Satan's love. Did you see how you started? No, you didn't. When did it happen? A long time ago. A long time has passed since the owner of this house signed the contract, as it were.

Even if a new resident came, even after 6,000 years, the person who has the contract papers is the owner of the house. Do you understand?

It is the same thing with fallen nature. You must know that your starting point was corrupt. America and Americans have no understanding of the fall of humanity. We do not know how we are connected to the 6,000-year history of restoration. But the root of the original essence is there. A central root is connected to the central seed. Everything is connected to the central root.

Since your start was all wrong, you must return to the original point. Since humankind began as false parents, we must return and do it over again as true parents. How serious is this? It's imperative that you be connected to God's love, life, and lineage.

That's why you had a ceremony of the change of the blood lineage at your Blessing -- the time of your restart -- didn't you? You must believe in that more than your life. You should not think it was just a Unification Church ceremony or a common religious rite. It's like an inoculation that can give new life to replace the dead love. It's a detoxification shot.

Through this ceremony, your false love was forgiven and you were Blessed; so you must not entertain other thoughts. Our own ancestors fell, and we know how this one grave mistake sacrificed all of human history. Knowing this, we cannot tread the same path again. Absolutely not.

Have you thought about the ghastly price that has been paid throughout history because of man's use of illicit love in the fallen universe? You must clearly know how vast the impact and influence of the fall were on individuals, families, societies, nations, and the world. You must know this clearly.

So you were born in corruption. Look at yourself in the mirror: This is your birth. Such an illicit love! (Father spits.) This nose, this mouth, even if your face looks good! (Father spits again.)

You should spit at yourself. This body has been Satan's central channel. So we must deny our bodies.

We were born corrupt. How terrible that birth is corrupt! We must cry out and reverse the corruption. (216:109)

2) The Standard of Life

Here, when I say "life", I mean eternal life. I'm referring not only to the spiritual world but to a life to live for eternity. How do we cultivate such a life?

The entity known as "I" was created to be an object of God's love. "I" am a partner of God's love. God is absolute and is the center of life which is eternal. Therefore, God's ideal is even more eternal, and the center of that ideal is the ideal of true love. "I" am the partner of that love.

How precious the position of God's eternal partner is! How do I come to that eternal place? Do you know what makes for true love? It is when a subject and an object become one.

This sort of love can make a nation become one. When that happens, you can go anywhere and it will follow you. You can even inherit all its property.

But most importantly, you can inherit the place of God's eternal life, and even His Heart. God's Heart of love, God's Heart that is always with the creation and all things, God's Heart of wanting to be in the heart of every single person-you can inherit all of these things. Therefore, how precious is this? I went through a miserable course of suffering to discover this precious value, and I came to stand upon this foundation. How glad we must be! It is the most lofty, solemn, and noble thing-this foundation of being God's eternal partner-which cannot be replaced by anything. It is an amazing grace.

Now we can stand in the same position as God -- to the extent that we can even participate in the place of eternal true love. You cannot find this concept of eternal life no matter where you go in the outside world, no matter where you go throughout Korea. This is a problem.

Since "I" was born as an eternal existence, why don't you die and go to the spiritual world and investigate if what I say is the truth? You will make an amazing leap in one second.

The spiritual world is in a different dimension from this limited earthly world. We cannot move freely in the mundane confines, but the spiritual world is a higher-dimensional place, so anything can be done. You can jump beyond time. If you have a desire for something centering on true love, you can get it anytime, anywhere. It is boundless.

We must know that we are created as eternal beings. "I" is an object centering on the true love of an eternal being. If we become eternal beings of true love and go to the spiritual world, we'll be completely free.

But to do this, we must be trained in true love here on the earth. Do you understand? You are not yet ready. Without completing this kind of work, you cannot go to the realm of freedom in the spiritual world. But if you perfect true love on the earth, you can go anytime.

Now, what are the standards of life? First, there must be a standard of good and evil. Second, a starting point of original goodness. What is the third? It is an eternal life.

I know this very well. Even if a battle I'm in is fierce, even if people shoot guns, I am without fear. Aren't you, too? Isn't it the most powerful Unification Church? Right? (Yes.)

How about you? Are you truly a brave person? (Trying.) It is worthless to try. That is a position of doing things by halves and not being able to achieve things. God would not deal seriously with such a person.

You must secure the point of the terminus -- achieve the goal of true love. That is the position that God would use. When "I" as an eternal being achieve true love, true life, and true lineage, God can appear and connect to me.

So the conclusion is certain. I live for eternity; I was created by God in this way to live for eternity centering on true love. Have you completed this yet? Did you succeed in it, or didn't you? If you come to fulfill this portion of responsibility, you will be truly successful.

The next essential problem follows logically from this: You don't know how to fulfill your responsibility. So we need reeducation.

Yet another problem is the concept of the church and the society. The true concept of church is families centered on the church.

Prior to this are individuals centered on a family. It is not a family centered on an individual. Because individuals haven't centered on their families, all kinds of social disturbances occur in the world. Centering on the higher good is the public path. We cannot deny this.

In addition, the church must be centered on the nation. The nation shouldn't live for the church. Rather, the church exists to save the nation. Therefore, once we know Unification Thought, we are automatically set to save the nation through the church. All of us Unification Church members must work to save the nation. (216:115)

Chapter 1 - The Existence of Human Beings on Earth And In the Spirit World [Part 2]

Chapter 1 - The Existence of Human Beings on Earth And In the Spirit World [Part 2]

Section 2. The Position of Human Beings

1. The Purpose of God's Creation of Man

Then why did God create man? The first reason is for God Himself to be able to stand in the position of parents. In the incorporeal realm beings cannot procreate. Therefore, in order to become parents of human beings with bodies, God must have a "body." Otherwise, He cannot be their Creator.

Second, in the vertical world of spirit, even if a there is a line perpendicular to a vertical line, no area is produced. This is a metaphor to indicate that in the spiritual world there is no multiplication of beings.

However, to develop the metaphor, when this perpendicular line is moved on the horizontal world and then turned 360 degrees to create a sphere, a lot of space is produced. In that space, a base of substantial beings can be produced in order that citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven can be multiplied. Do you understand?

The third reason is to maintain within man the characteristics of eternity, within the realm of the object of love. What this means is that it is not only Adam and Eve who are to be the objects of God's love. In the same way that Adam and Eve stand in the position of the object of God, so do their children. Therefore, God created man in order to eternally preserve this position of God's object. Do you understand what this is about?

Both Adam and Eve call God Father. Then how will their children call God: uncle or grandpa? (They'll call God Father.) Yes, they will call God Father.

To recapitulate: First, a form is needed. There must be a form of Parents. God must acquire the form of Adam's Father spiritually to show, "This is Parents."

Second, the production center is needed to produce the citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven. Therefore, husband and wife are the factory. If they are the factory, which is better, mass production or a little production? (Mass production is better.) Mass production is better.

Then how many dozens would you like to produce? The more the better? The fewer the better? You women, how many dozens are you going to bear? When God sees birth control, He grimaces. Then what are you going to do? If the factory automates mass production and there comes to be mass production everywhere, the Kingdom of Heaven will be full. That's why women are created to bear many children.

2. Man As A Mediator of The Spiritual World and the Physical World

When we think of the process of God's creation, God created all things first and then man. Everything began centered on God. We know that God's Will and Heart for the creation was to see the unification of God, man, and all things from their appropriate positions. First there is God, then there is the earth in the created world, and then in it there are people. Man stands in the position between God and the creation. Therefore, we must know that man is a mediator who can be a connecting point between the spiritual world and the physical world. (67:143)


How does this created world in which we live today exist? It has two axes: a visible axis and an invisible one, creating a dual structure.

As things revolve around a subject, the subject itself makes a revolving movement. It is the same as occurs when the body and mind engage in give-and-take action.

All beings exist according to this principle. In the fallen human world today, the axes must be fixed in the course of restoration. They must be corrected.

As for man, what is the center of his body? It is the mind. Each person has a spirit self. His body revolves around his mind and moves in accordance with the order of his mind. If his mind says, "Go to the east," his body must head toward the east, and if his mind says to go west, his body must go west. His body cannot make a move by itself.

Only when we can get to the place where both our body and mind desire to go can we relax and be truly happy. Isn't that right? Even though we might be struggling mightily to achieve a goal, we cannot feel happy if we haven't yet accomplished it. We feel joy only when we can achieve success. (136:14)

From God's perspective, there is God, and then Adam comes. The mind of Adam wherein is God is called the spirit mind.

What is the spirit mind? The mind where God, who is the vertical subject, dwells in the mind of horizontal Adam, is a mind to attend God. This mind is the spirit mind. (50:19)

Man has both mind and body, and beyond mind is his spirit, and beyond spirit is God. Therefore, man can become perfected only after becoming completely one with God.

A human being, even if only one "insignificant" individual, represents all of human history and even all of the future providence. Therefore, he has a cosmic value.

Man, in his pursuit of his life's providence, must attend his own deep mind. This is an ironclad rule of Heaven. Heaven would punish a person who fails to follow his original mind's order.

Up until now, Heaven has been saying to man in the course of history, "Centering on your mind, live according to your own conscience and belong to the side of goodness. Be careful not to be caught in some materialistic, evil conditions."

Then, is the standard of man's conscience able to receive the heart of Heaven 100 percent? No, it's not that way at all. In fact, man's fallen conscience is offended by so many restrictions. But at the entrance to the Kingdom of Heaven, which is the hope that all of you long for, there is a gate of judgment. Our course is made all the more difficult because we are currently in a historical period of fear, anxiety, and confusion. In other words, it is an era in which even if one struggles to achieve goodness, he many times cannot.

Today, we should not possess so many material things. This is because, when God created man, he first created the material, or the body, and then breathed into it a spirit. Therefore, man is composed of body and spirit -- but spirit is the center.

If this world moved toward centering on a materialistic authority, a period of struggle of thought would ensue. In fact, this phenomenon was conspicuous right after World War II. Eventually, however, an era of thought centered on the mind will appear.

Then, what kind of thought would this be? It would be thought that penetrates matter, penetrates mind, and centers on spirit. The course of restoration is seeking an era of thought centered on spirit. Humankind is in a situation of having lost this, and is still in the state of having lost the harmony of spirit, conscience, and body.

Therefore, we must go beyond matter and spirit, and proceed to God. Humanity is just about to enter into the era of spirit. Therefore, there appear many mad people on the streets today. (4:208)

4. Complete Motion and Resonance

There are cells in the body and mind. You know that there are the spiritual five senses and that we have a spirit body, don't you? The cells of both the internal self and external self must resonate with each other.

The spiritual being, which is our internal self that can live for eternity, and the physical being, which is our external self that can live in the Kingdom of Heaven on earth only, must be able to resonate with each other, centered on love. When they resonate, the sound should be the same, showing that the two are bound together. When they are bound together, they revolve. When revolving, they revolve around one central point.

When the resonating spirit body and physical holy become harmonized centered on God's love, spiritual cells and physical cells engage in perfect motion together. Perfect motion. You need to know this.

Therefore, when our eyes become perfectly harmonized with the world of spirit, they can see the whole land of the spiritual world as well as the land of the physical earth. This is because they engage in perfect motion. Isn't a microphone the same way? If its quality is good, the sound can vibrate 100 percent.

Similarly, once our whole being becomes one with the power of love, centering on both spirit and body, and creates a realm of explosion, the spiritual world, physical world, and God cannot help but resonate with that realm.

It is the same with the hands. If my hands are in such a state of oneness with true love and touch something, electricity runs through the creation. You can feel it. Once there is such an electricity, everything wants to cling to you. Once such a person appears, God and even the whole universe want to cling to and follow him wherever he goes.

When there is a perfect plus, a perfect minus will always follow it. And if there is a perfect minus, then if there is not a perfect plus it must appear and follow it. This is a universal law. (171:103)

Just as a person has a mind and body, he himself has a dual structure. It applies to men as well as women. Both men and women are composed of a mind person and a body person. So when we add a man and a woman together, we can say there are four persons there. Divided, there are four persons, but the point is how these four can become one.

With what intention did God create these four persons like this? How do we make the four into one? Will God do it by force or by pressure? No. Only if they center on God's true love will these four become completely one.

All of you possess a spirit self and a physical self. The cells of our spirit self, even though invisible to our own eyes, exist in just the same way as physical cells. The spiritual world exists just as substantially as the physical world, even if we cannot see it.

Then, when can a spirit self and physical self become one? This is the problem. It is similar to a tuning fork. When a tuning fork is struck, it can make a nearby tuning fork resonate at the same frequency. The spiritual situation is parallel. Once God's love matches perfectly with our mind, our body automatically responds.

Therefore, that which lets our mind and body resonate 100 percent and allows them to come into the realm of oneness is not God's wisdom or power. It is only love that does the job. Only love.

What is the focal point, the ideal standard, that your physical five senses and your spiritual five senses long to reach? That point is not God's power or wisdom. Love is the concentrating point as a center and a standard of everything. (13:254)

Section 3. The Essence of Human Life

1. Spirit Is the Essence of Human Life

Just as an electron revolves around a proton, human beings are made to revolve around God. God can pursue the providence for restoration because man's mind, as if an electron, naturally relates to God's mind as its proton.

So if one searches for the word of truth, even all by himself, he can come to feel the vibration of God's life and the harmony of God's love. Thus, the way to search God's life and love through the way of truth is the way to become valuable oneself.

As Saint Paul said, you can become the light of the world because you have the love of God within you.

The truth has a central core that is eternal and unchanging. Then how can we search for the truth, judging what is good and what is bad in this evil world? You have to become totally selfless and take the lowest position. The Bible says that whoever exalts himself will be humbled and whoever humbles himself will be exalted.

Man's essence is spirit. Therefore, when you go to the spiritual world you will realize more deeply that the essence of being human is to live for the sake of others.

Then, why does man deal with everything so selfishly? It's because mankind has a blood relationship with Satan, who is the angel that violated heavenly law. (2:137)

So it's important that we eat spiritual food. Do you know what spiritual food is? When you are hungry and you have to choose between spiritual food and physical, you have to think that spiritual food is more delicious than physical food. In order to stand on the side of God, you have to train yourself that spiritual food is tastier than physical food and that the taste of life centered on spiritual power is better than the taste of life centered on physical power.

Should the taste of the spiritual life be more delicious than the taste of the physical life? Shouldn't it be more delicious? (Should be more delicious.) No, physical life is! (Spiritual life!) I don't know anymore. (Laughter.) That's because everyone knows that. What is your response when asked, "What about you?" When you are hungry at lunchtime, you say, "Hey, it's lunchtime!," don't you? (Laughter.) Is there any time more serious than this?

Therefore, we come to the conclusion that, centered on oneself, we have to eat spiritual food, enjoy spiritual life, and revel in spiritual love rather than just enjoying the taste of physical things like food, sleep, and sex. The spiritual taste should be better than all external tastes combined. However, you don't have that confidence. (Laughter.) This is not a laughing matter. This is the reality. (131:211)

2. The Meaning of the Lord of Creation

If we look at our nation, we find many tribes. There are a host of individuals among the many tribes, and I am just one of the many individuals among them. If we look at ourselves this way, we can think about how far we have to go to achieve the world of victory and the world of hope.

But you should never say that it is acceptable for you to live the way you are living today. What we have to do to go the way of goodness is to prepare ourselves to gain authority as a lord of creation, in which you can take dominion over the whole cosmos as a son or daughter of God.

What does the phrase "lord of creation" mean? Who is the lord of creation? Today, people say that the lord of creation is a human being. But God is the original Lord of all the creation, isn't that true?

You know that spirit exists, don't you? Human beings have spirit. In fact, human beings are the leaders of the spiritual world. Therefore, we call them spiritual lords, connected directly with God.

A human being cannot become a lord of creation by himself. When a person is a part of the creation himself, how can he become a lord of creation? The creation is a relative, resultant entity. The creation alone cannot connect to the cause nor dominate the cause. The creation is to be dominated by the cause.

You are definitely a resultant being. "Lord of creation" in Chinese characters means "central spiritual existence." You should understand that this phrase refers in one sense to the originally intended relationship of oneness between God and human beings. Therefore, the lord connects to God.

However, not all human beings are lords, even though we say man is the lord of creation. People who are qualified to become the lord exist in a special realm. Those people who are qualified to join the Club of the Lord must at least not live for the sake of the individual. They are the people who live for the sake of the whole. God works to fulfill His desire centered on this kind of people. (32:136)

When one is asked how man should live and is told that he should live eternally, that is good news, isn't it? Well, in this evil world we live 70 or 80 years and then... One may think, "What is the difference between one ant's death and one man's death?" The difference is due to man's being a spiritual being. Spiritual being! Right? Lord of creation. Even though man fell, he is still the lord of creation. What a wonderful title!

For what reason can man become the lord of creation? It's because he has a mind that does not age, that's eternal. All things can change. Even pure gold changes. The color fades away because of weathering action. But the human mind does not fade or wear out. Therefore, mind has the highest authority, because, like God, it is unchanging. (159:278)

We human beings with a physical body, centering on what do we call ourselves lords? The title "lord of creation" is not centered on money, knowledge, or power, but on God's highest love.

3. Inner Self and Outer Self

What is man's original fate? It is to enjoy, praise, and respect in the realm of God's absolute love and in the relationship with the Creator of all things in heaven and earth in a perfected harmony of love. Man was created to be in complete harmony with heavenly and earthly destiny in this relationship. That's why man has an incorporeal mind and corporal body.

If we had been born according to God's original plan, would we have been afflicted by a struggle between mind and body? Or, would there have been complete unity between them? There would have been complete unity. God is absolute and omnipotent, and has the best technology and the best in everything. Do you think such a God would have created man with two different purposes - a mind and body struggling with each other?

Looking at yourself, you find your inner and outer selves in conflict. Do they struggle or don't they? (They struggle.) When will this conflict end? After 10 years? Does it seem like it will never end, even after you die? If God intentionally created man to struggle this way, then that God does not have one purpose but two purposes. Therefore, that God is a God of chaos.

But when we observe all the laws of the universe, we clearly understand that they exist with one purpose and with a definite order, without mistake. From this we know that man was not created with two purposes. Therefore, we must search our original mind, putting aside our body and looking for the origin. (44:194)

When we consider our physical self and spiritual self, which is more important? It is the spiritual self. Our physical body will decay after 70 or 80 years in the realm of time and space. Spirit, however, has the authority to go beyond time and space. So it is man's original desire to realize this historical responsibility and fulfill it.

No matter how good and rich a life you may live centered on your physical body, you cannot avoid death. Your physical body will eventually die. Then which is more important: the spiritual standard or physical standard? We are not meant to live centered on the physical standard. The physical self exists for the sake of the spiritual self, and the spiritual self exists for the sake of the physical self.

You should not live your life the same way as the people of this world. You have to start from a more effective position, uniting your physical and spiritual selves, from the position that your spiritual self is the subject. This is the road that you who have the Unification ideology should take. Nevertheless, many people still live to eat centered on the physical body. (20:326)

4. The Purpose of God's Will Is the Perfection of Spiritual Self and Physical Self

What is the essence of God's Will? It is the perfection of the spiritual self and the physical self.

Looking at ourselves, we can set up a metaphor, saying that the past is "spiritual" and the present is "physical." The present represents the physical body at the junction of the two worlds, spiritual and physical. Because the present position represents the satanic world, our physical body should overcome the satanic world.

Also, we have to build a spiritual foundation of overcoming the past satanic world. This is what has to be done. If we overcome the past and the present, we can build a foundation for our spiritual self and physical self that is a blessing for the future. (73:96)

What we have to understand is that today this fallen world of earth is the subject, not the spiritual world. In order to perfect ourselves, this world and not the spiritual world is the subject. Perfecting this world, then, means the perfection of both spiritual world and physical world. Therefore, we have to understand the importance of our physical body to our lives. (91:178)

5. Perfection of Our Spiritual Self Is A Direct Path to the Heavenly Kingdom

When we raise chicks, they grow to be hens and roosters, and they crow according to the different seasons. Are you going to always remain chicks? It is time for you to grow. Therefore, whether I am here in Korea or not, you have to grow. What I want to ask you now is to become a being bearing historical fruit. Whatever you may go through, you have to bear fruit.

You have to be fruitful, just like an apple with perfect color receiving good sunlight. When the people come to know about this apple orchard and how good its fruit is, they will travel a long distance to eat it. Do you understand what I am talking about? (Yes.) (82:39)

(Father writes on the blackboard and points to diagrams.) Through here and through here we go to heaven. Therefore, this is three stages. One, two, and three, right? We should go this way.

Is there anyone who is confident that he is not going to the spiritual world? Raise your hand. When you die, you will all go to the spiritual world. You must go through this way. You need to go to the spiritual world through a victorious position representing past, present, and future.

You will go here vertically, but this vertical line and this vertical line have to become parallel. You have to go through vertical and horizontal lines. In order to go here, if this angle differs then you cannot reach your destination, and everything will be far away. You should take this way.

Now we have to gather all the fruits and plant them in the spring. Then, how can God work through this kind of man in His providence for restoration? You all know the providence for restoration because of me. As God chose me as a man who matched His essential standard, I also choose people who are like me. Therefore, you have to collect the fruit.

(Father writes on the board.) So there are many fruits. If there is an apple among them, it must be a very good one. But once a crow pecks on it, will it still be a perfect one?

This is also plus and minus. Man is plus and woman is minus. Thus, two people become perfectly one. (216:265)

Section 4. The Preciousness Of The Physical Body

1. You Have to Prepare on Earth

Once God created Adam, Eve, and the Archangel, He said it was good. He meant they shouldn't fight one another. It is the teaching of religion that the mind can overcome physical desire. In the fallen world we have to overcome evil to gain goodness.

When we do this completely while still in our physical body, it means that even Satan has surrendered. His root is cut off. When we overcome Satanwe can go to Heaven. We can't overcome Satan without a physical self. The reason is that since the physical self had an accident on the earth, it must be fixed on the earth. Unless you accomplish whatever you're supposed to do on earth, you may go to hell. Correspondingly, when you gain victory on earth and stand on the heavenly side of goodness, you can go to the eternal Heaven. (65:294)

Our physical life is short. It is not long. If you knew it you wouldn't want to waste time sleeping and eating. You should eat while marching forward. You should sleep while marching forward. Eat while walking and play while walking. It is so miserable, isn't it? The more miserable it is, the greater the blessing you receive. More than anyone else you need to know this historical content. (80:226)

Our stage is a worldwide offering table. Therefore, these "all things" are worldwide "all things." My body is the body of humankind in the whole world. My heart is the heart of all humankind. The core of my heart is one with God. These are one offering. Who is going to disgrace the offering?

Things don't happen accidentally. The preparation is not easy. Therefore, when we think about our whole life, those who know that childhood is the preparation time for adolescence will be prosperous. The prime time is the time of preparation for old age. Old age is the time of preparation to go to the spiritual world. Our whole life is a training and preparation period to gain a universal personality. (147:188)

Even though we live in this world, we know there is also the spiritual world. We know this world and the spiritual world are not two unrelated worlds but should be connected as one. Then what kind of place are we supposed to go and live? Even though we live in this world with a physical body, we are aiming toward the eternal world. After their birth, many people in this world simply pass through their teens, twenties, thirties, middle age, prime age, and old age. After they pass youth and reach their prime, gradually they enter old age. They finish their life like the sunset.

However, those who know that there is a spiritual world are aware that our life here is short, but the world after death is eternal. Therefore, our life is a time to prepare for the eternal life. Isn't this world like that?

For example, there is a certain standard in school of how many credits a student has to gain in one semester and in one year. If the standard is 100 percent, you can be recognized in school according to how much you accomplished toward the goal. The less you accomplish, the further you will be from the standard of the school. We can use this standard to calculate everything.

We live in this world like students preparing to gain credit in school. We prepare to gain credit throughout our life, aiming for the result that we are destined to accomplish in our life process. In other words, you live daily life based on the standard of what portion of your responsibility you accomplished. (140:121)

How great is God? God is absolute. Since God has a desire to say, "You should do it for me," don't you think God provided the providence for salvation and is wearily waiting for the fallen world to do it?

If I put you in God's position, how many days could you take His role? One week? (No.) Then one month? This is the problem. If you go to the spiritual world, you have to face it at once. Please, ask yourself when you wake up in the morning, wash your face, and look at yourself, "What did you do? What are you going to do?"

The answer is obvious. You don't have to make excuses. It is clear. Don't you know yourself in the mirror well? You mostly know which level of the spiritual world you are going to. Do you know what I'm talking about? (Yes.) Death is coming. When you die, you'll be pulled according to how much you lived for yourself. If you are seldom selfless, you'll be pulled in this way. Even though I taught you very clearly, some fail and some go to hell. These people can't accuse me. They can't say, "Why didn't you teach me clearly while I was on earth?"

Therefore, do not do anything for the sake of yourself, but think how to live for the sake of God, heaven and earth, your nation, your tribe, your family, and your spouse. If you live for others, you'll be pulled into the perfect world even though you try to escape and try to go backward because you think it is for the sake of yourself. How peaceful it is! How easy it is!

If you live your life centered on yourself, you have to worry about everything, saying, "Oh, I failed this and I failed that." However, if you live for the sake of others for ten, twenty years, everything will be your friend. If you live for the sake of others, your heart becomes empty, so the truth will come to you.

When you try to live with the truth, God will follow you. He belongs to me because He wants to. This is logical. Therefore, those who want to live for the sake of others can completely inherit the Completion Era. This is the conclusion.

What can we be proud of in the Unification Church? What is first? True love! What is next? True Parents! Then True Children! What comes next? True tribe! These are our four goals. What is the first one? (True love!) What is the second? (True Parents!) What is the third? (True Children!) What is the fourth? (True tribe!) We have to gain these. Without true love, all these would have to be destroyed. (203:101)

2. Preciousness of the Physical Life

If you are liberated, God will be liberated. Is that right? (Yes.) If our family is liberated, the family in heaven will be liberated. If this world is liberated, heaven will be liberated. Therefore, the theory in the Bible that whatever you bind on earth is bound in heaven, and whatever you free on earth will be freed in heaven will be made clear by such an understanding of the unity of two structures.

We should know that our physical life is really precious. We can conclude that we can liberate God and the universe and unite heaven and earth only while we are on earth.

Even if we sum up God and all things, we can't exchange our physical body for them. Why is it so? God cannot perfect creation alone, without physical man. Therefore, our physical body is so precious. Isn't it wonderful! Man has desire. What does God want man to have before desire? This is what God wants man to have: Love your physical body. Our physical body can't be exchanged for the universe.

The Bible says, "Even though you gain the whole world, if you lose your life, what can you gain?" (91:191)

When we restore this world and spiritual world, we bring them back to the original position. It costs the 70 to 80 years of our life to restore the spirit world as well as the world of earth. There is no greater business than this. I spent my entire youth trying to accomplish it. As you know the truth now, you are happy people. (15:146)

Today, man lives for only 70 to 80 years. Our heart knows that it has taken more than a million years to restore a historical sphere of goodness that we are supposed to be connected to for a short 70 to 80 years. We have to make a connection to the sphere of goodness for the short 70 to 80 years.

Our conscience becomes desperate, knowing how immense this task is. We mustn't die without accomplishing it. While we are alive, we can make a connection to a sphere of goodness, restore the sovereignty of the Fatherland, serve a heavenly sovereign, and live with the people in the nation. Then you can go to heaven in the spiritual world.

If we can't go there and can't look there, how anxious our heart will be! (155:27)

In the unlimited spiritual realm, where time is eternal, once we see something, we can't help seeing it eternally. Do you understand? Once we do something there, it will be eternal.

When we go to such a place, and if a million people happen to know how to live well there, how do we deal with ourselves? Have you even thought about such a thing?

The only way to realize it is through our physical life. This is the only time to straighten out our life. There is no way to realize it by living for the sake of ourselves. Do you understand? Rev. Moon and the Unification Church didn't have to go through such a suffering course for the last 50 years if there was any way to realize it by living for the sake of ourselves. (59:50)

Man should follow the way of living according to the Unification Principle even after 1,000 years have passed. You can go this way within 60 or 70 years, or even 40 years. If you fail, you may have to face judgment in the spirit world for thousands of years.

You know the existence of the spirit world, don't you? If I didn't know about the spirit world, you would have no way to know these things. No other theologian or religious leader in the world knows how the spirit world works and how it relates to the physical world.

Everyone has to learn from me. Do you understand that you have such a privilege? (135:297)

3. Habit Is Important

The most important thing now is that we should destroy satanic habits to establish a new heavenly order. (213:19)

I know you like kimchi and kochijan (bean paste with hot pepper) don't you? (Yes) Do Western people like kimchi and kochijan? At a glance, they run away. (Laughter) We continue having leadership seminars in the United States. About 230 people participated in it this time. They ate kimchi in the hotel. The Western people complained, saying, "What kind of smell is this? This is the worst smell!" and they ran away. On the contrary, Korean people say, "it is more delicious than honey." (Laughter)

How do you destroy a habit? Is it easy? Is it hard? (Hard) What does it mean? Until now, you have had selfish habits, thinking that you should be great in the satanic world. Those habits have become condensed. Are such condensed habits stronger or weaker than a habit of eating kimchi and kochijan? (Stronger)

It is historical. Since the day Satan started his way, a traditional habit like a rotten root has been established. How do we pull it out? Don't be so loud. Don't say so loudly that you learned the Principle from Rev. Moon. Even though you try to dig a hole to bury even the root, it is taller than you. It is too long to pull out from even the top of the tree. Then can you say out loud that you pulled it out, sitting there? It is a serious problem. Do you have confidence to go to Heaven? To go to Heaven, you have to have a habit tradition centered on God. (213:20)

God is standing at your right side trying to protect you, and Satan is on the left side. He is the evil parent. Do you understand? If Heaven stands in the front, Satan has to go to the back. However, since the satanic world stands in the front, God is in the back. God is controlling the right side and Satan is standing in front, controlling the left. Then, where are they going? Instead of going to Heaven, they are going in the opposite direction. They are going to be hedonists pursuing physical pleasures. However, our way is the opposite. We go the 180-degree-opposite way, to a suffering course and an even more suffering course.

The way will be divided in two. Thus, you have to let your mind lead your body to establish good habits within three or five years. (214:228)

4. The Reason Why Life on Earth Is The Priority

Everyone! Do you want to go to spirit world soon, or not? (Laughter) Try to answer it. (We want to go there.) Does everyone want to go there? (Yes.) Then will you look for me at the museum there, or not? (We'll look for you.) When you see me there, will you say, "Oh, I know him." Will you pay me respect? (We will.)

If you try to touch me, I will try to avoid you. Since I am standing in a public position, I will try to avoid your touch. If you touch me, it will be a big problem. Therefore, you have to look at me from a distance. Is that true or false? (True.)

You are wrong. This world is the priority and the spirit world is secondary. You live your life on earth and then go there. Which seems more valuable: to pay respect to me in the spirit world or in the physical world? (In the physical world.) No, in the spirit world! (In the physical world!) Your voices are weaker than mine. Spirit world! (Physical world!) You are right. (applause) (205:252)

5. The Standard of the Physical World

My life is for the sake of God. You all should think to live for the sake of God and the world. You shouldn't think to live for the sake of yourselves. You should think about God, True Parents, and human beings.

To make a connection among God, True Parents, and human beings and establish the four-position foundation centered on you, you have to have true love. You have to become a true life, one who can inherit this universe centered on true love. You have to think about this all the time. Do you understand?

Therefore, you always have to think how much closer you have lived to the heavenly standard. By living that way you become a representative human being. You become one who represents parents and God. You should understand it.

If you live that way, there are no boundaries, whether you go to spirit world or anywhere on earth. There are no boundaries wherever you may go. When you go to the spirit world, you can be free. You can realize whatever you think is necessary centered on such a loving heart, anytime.

If you wish to eat a meal with a thousand friends, you can do it. Such a world is waiting for you. To meet 10,000 people, 100,000, or many million people at the same time is possible only in the world of love. Do you understand? When God exercised His ability as the Creator, He created all centered on love, connected with true love. Do you understand? Unless you make a connection with true love, everything will be in vain. (147:115)

6. Everything Will Be Recorded Through the Physical Self

Imagine you took a picture of your heart and looked at it. (19:26)

If you have lived an unspeakably miserable life for more than two-thirds of your life, could you remove the two-thirds of your life? You can't do it. These experiences stay with you. (34:139)

Why do we need indemnity? (In order to restore things.) Restoration is re-creation. What kind of valuable life can you leave on earth?

Someone says, "I can go to Heaven when I get old and believe in Jesus and die." (Laughter.) Can you correct your life when you get old? Soon you will be fertilizer. Therefore, you have to be young. It is better to know the truth when you are 15 years old than when you are 20 years old. It is more valuable for a baby to grow up with the truth than for a 15-year-old to come to the truth.

If something is lighter than air, it will rise up, and if it is heavier than air, it will sink. Do you understand? The one who is restored becomes completely empty. The physical self holds the spiritual self. If the physical body is taken away, you'll rise up to the highest place. Then, how high can you go? You can go to where God puts you on His head like a hat, and He doesn't feel uncomfortable. God is rather happy about it. He likes to feel that you are clinging on Him.

Since God has such a character, it doesn't bother Him for you to exercise so much around Him. When God laughs, everybody laughs very hard, "Ha, ha, ha." When God is tense, everybody gets tense. Everyone responds to God immediately. Can you do it?

There is plenty of water in a layer of your skin. Is it pure water or dirty water? Do you have any sand there? Do you have any pebbles there? (Father laughs.) After a large seasonal rainstorm passes, the water must be so dirty. Everything, such as piglets or calves, is in that water. It will be more dirty than that. Everyone, think about it. Are you different from this? Think about that.

Therefore, you need to filter the dirty water by stirring it. Isn't it necessary? So you need to provide a filter system. It is difficult, but you have to go through the sand, looking around right and left carefully. Is it all right to have an ego? If you have an ego, you will be stuck inside the filter. If the water accumulates dirt it can't even flow, and everything will get stuck there.

Have you ever thought that if you have to go to the spirit world right now you will be inspected by such a system, like an x-ray? Will you go to hell? Where are you going? This is not a lie, but the truth. When God thinks about evil people, can He use those who will go through the filter? Or does God use those who didn't go through the filter? Think about it. (97:60)

7. The Physical Life Is So Important

When you go to the spiritual world, you have to wait in one place for many years -- even Blessed couples. Don't you think your sons and daughters would say to you, "Why was I born like this? Why was I led here?" Do you think your sons and daughters will keep quiet?

The level of each member of your family is different. When you go to the spiritual world, you go to your own suitable place and stay there for a long time. Your ancestors, your sons and daughters, will accuse you, saying, "Why did you do it? How come you couldn't do well?" You have to stay there as long as you need to. It is not an easy task. Therefore, you have to do it on earth. You have to accomplish what I tell you on earth.

Here is a bolt. You have to make it fit and fill it. When a nut fits into a bolt, it will be filled. Do you understand? They have to fit each other. If they don't fit each other, they kick each other.

Therefore, think how important life on earth is! We can have only one life. It is almost one moment, but only once. If you compare your physical life to eternity, it is only one spot. It is too short. It is not significant. You have to prepare to go to spirit world beyond your physical life.

You always have to stand in the center and control everything to conquer it with such a main philosophy. Without it, you cannot realize individual perfection. You should know it. Do you understand what I'm talking about? (Yes.) (207:99)

8. Your Portion of Responsibility Through Your Physical Body

You have to long for God and True Parents. By doing so, you can live in a happy, safe, and fulfilled sphere, spiritually and physically. By love. Do you understand? Those who live like that on earth can do so in the spirit world. The scope of your internal life on earth will be visible in the spirit world. Love is central, isn't it, because the love within God and human beings can be like a cell of the body. The spirit world is the world where you become one of the cells. Once you enter into such a dimension, God will surely come inside your heart. When you call, "God!" He'll answer in your heart, "What kind of person is calling me? What is it?"

Therefore responsibility is so important. We say "responsibility" in the Unification Church. I established the principle of God's and man's portions of the responsibility. Whenever you look at yourself in the morning, you have to think where you are accomplishing your portion of the responsibility. It is a serious matter. You can imagine that your five sense organs, your eyes, nose, mouth, hands, and ears-are intoxicated by love, which you gain by accomplishing your responsibility. When you think about true love, how miserable it is to lose it! How much God has made effort to restore it! This isn't just an idea. When I think about it, I can't help lamenting with tears. (218:128)

In order to accomplish your responsibility, what should you do? You should stand in a position to deny everything that has an emotional connection with Satan's heart and Satan's lineage. Why? When Adam walked through the course of his portion of responsibility, did he carry Satan's emotion? Please answer me. What kind of satanic emotion did he carry? (He didn't.) Everyone, what are you now? Did you cut off all Satan's emotion to search for your portion of responsibility? (We couldn't.) Can you be doing your portion of responsibility? (We can't.) Therefore, you have to deny. (139:256)

When man goes to the spirit world, will he be like that?

Adam becomes God's body. As the Bible says, "Don't you know you are the temple of God?" The body is the holy temple where God dwells; it is the house.

Now, how can you fully resemble God? By reaching the level of completion of your portion of responsibility, God dwells within you and you become one with God. Then, by love, the life of all creation can be connected and become one. (138:211)