Chapter 2 - Death and the Spirit World [Part 2]
8. Things That Must Be Done Before Death
1) Go Over the Last Border Line
We will all without a doubt die once. Therefore, no matter how strong a storm may come, you must overcome the peak. No matter how well we get to the line, you must not collapse before crossing it. Once we get to the border line, what will we do? When you joined this church, you all came in well. When I look at all of you, you are all varied in your appearances. But nonetheless, you joined very well. In the beginning, you all ran in, but no one knows for sure if you will all reach the finish line. Some charged in, but gave up in the middle. Unless you reach the very last finish line, you cannot be called a winner.
Being born as a human being and working your way to the finish line is very important. No matter how much the people behind you oppose and persecute you, you must keep going on the right path. Dealing with all the opposition is only a waste of time. The person who works hard to take the few steps in the path of fate more quickly is the person who will pass the finish line. This is how we must advance. (24:77)
2) Learning and Following God's Hyung Sang, Heart, and Divine Character
We will all someday have to throw off our physical bodies and move on to the spirit world. So we, as human beings living on earth, must face death. You must work hard to form your good self, your second self, which will be the one living in the eternal world. While inside the womb, you receive a good education from your mother, and then you are born as a good and healthy baby. Your life on earth is similar to your life in the womb. Therefore, we must grow by seeing and learning God's hyung sang, heart, and divine character. While you are growing, you must work hard to overcome obstacles, even if it means risking your life. (14:17)
3) Don't Commit Sins
You talk about such things as the mind being straight, don't you? Is your mind standing perpendicularly? When the tree is leaning, do you call it straight? Or, do you call a thing straight that is standing perpendicularly? When we say the electric pole is standing straight, is it falling? The same thing can be said when we say the mind is straight. Likewise, man walks while standing vertically. He must stand perpendicularly straight.
You must make your mind perfectly perpendicular. Your body is horizontal. Things can move only when the centrifugal force and the centripetal force are balanced. The force drawing it from the perpendicular direction and the rotating force must be balanced. In the same manner, you must find yourself.
When you assure yourself, God should agree with you and the True Parents should agree, too. Next is the environment, such as relatives, the clan, and the nation. All of them must agree that what you say is right. The one who is accused by them is the problem. Such people must be separated from others.
We separate patients with contagious diseases, don't we? We completely separate them in this way. Therefore, we emphasize not committing sins as the preventive medicine. (202:280)
4) Live and Die for the Sake of the World
There is one thing that I always think of with pain. Since I am carrying the responsibility of God's Will, I must bring the stage of fulfillment of God's Will to the designated level while I am alive. To carry out this mission, I cannot die, no matter what happens. Therefore, even if I enter into the situation of death, God gives guidance to me. Whether I eat, sleep, or stay awake, I think and work for the sake of the world. My prayers are also directed to that goal. I did not work hard centering on the Asian situations or the Korean people. I always thought about how to fulfill my responsibility on the worldwide scale. For this reason, I could not even die.
Thinking about all these things, I must say that you must live and die for the sake of the world. As I have already told you, you must stand on the level of the world. Then, on what position do you have to die? You must stand on the world level, and die for it while embracing your loving spouse, your family, your clan, and your tribe. The Unification Church has formed clans and is now forming tribes.
How will the Father of the Unification Church die when he dies? I will die for the sake of the world, while holding the tribe and the entire Korean nation. If the Korean people are united and try to die for the sake of the world, they can find the way to live with the world. For this reason, I take the path to find the way. (34:1933)
5) Work as Hard as You Can
I think you are doing your work in a certain range now. You must make a leap and jump further. If you need money, make money. If you need manpower, get it. You must work hard without eating and sleeping. (Laughter) Never ask someone to help you. Never rely on me and church headquarters. You must help yourselves. You must work three times harder, more than three times harder, than ordinary people. Because I work so hard, if I live 70 years, it is equivalent to 210 years. Likewise, you should not think to live one hundred years or so but think to work three times harder than others. If you live that way, even if you live 70 years, it is equivalent to 210 years. Think in this way: If you work ten times harder than ordinary people, you live 700 years. If you work twenty times harder, you live 1,400 years. Your life is equivalent to that, isn't that so? (Yes.) Until what age do you think you will live? Right, you work 24 hours for your whole life. Only when you live that way, you can bear fruit and abundant love in the spirit world. You will possess a large amount of treasure of love. When you have a large amount of love, you can work in the larger stage of activities. (102:38)
6) Work for the Public
What are the norms of heaven? They are to give priority to public matters. Private matters belong to Satan, and public matters belong to God. You must work for public matters. While you are on this course, you may receive opposition. But if you do not get damaged from the opposition but go over the difficult path with vitality and prowess, you will become a heavenly person and welcome the spring. (47:272)
In the marketplace, if you are greedy, you don't have customers. People don't come and buy things from you. If you are greedy, nobody likes you. All of us know this. There is no one who does not know the secret of how to manage one's life concerning the distinction between private and public matters. Therefore, if you are unable to go to the Heavenly Kingdom, you cannot use the excuse that you did not know how to manage your life. Do you come to know the distinction between public matters and private matters only when someone else teaches you about it? You know it yourself, without being taught.
Suppose your mother divided a delicious rice cake evenly between you and your sister. You ate yours and your sister kept hers without eating it. Suppose you woke up at night and secretly ate your sister's cake, which she had set her heart on. When you tried to eat it, wouldn't your mind say, "You fool!" Doesn't your mind tell you so? Do you feel what your mind is telling you, or not? If you don't feel it, you are not a human being. You should feel it. Why? Because your mind pursues public matters. If you follow private desires, you will perish.
For those who follow the norms of heaven, there is a mind that protects them from destruction. Because there originally existed such a mind in God, human beings come to have the same mind with its original characteristics. It is not an artificial, man-made law. Can you say, "Conscience! Be that way, because I want you to be so for my sake." Suppose you gave a command, "You conscience! You should be this way because I think so." Does your conscience act in the way you desired? We don't know where the command of the conscience comes from, but we receive it from somewhere other than ourselves. When we see how such a feeling in fact controls us, we can see it does so centering on the issue of the public and the private. (31:241)
Today, we stand on the turning point between good and evil and the public and private, centering on one's own everyday life. There are many cases when we mix up the priority between these two and finally fall into a self-centered, private lifestyle. But if one lives that way, one will perish. Therefore, one must repent for one's past self-centered, private life and push oneself into the public-centered life, no matter how hard it is. But then one cannot tolerate the public-centered life and returns to the old private-centered life again. In this way, one goes back and forth between these two lifestyles. When one remains in the private-centered lifestyle more often, one lives a lifestyle that keeps a distance from the public good. This has been the life of even most religious persons until today. Therefore, you must realize that all private-centered people must repent for their lifestyle. (31:241)
Everyone, do you wish to receive good fortune? Do you wish to live an eternal life? To do so, you must become a public person. When you educate children, don't love your sons and daughters alone. You must become parents who love their children as offerings for the sake of the people of the world. When you hold your babies to your breast and feed them with milk, you must think of yourself as if you are a mother who represents all the human race on the earth, and your baby is a representative of all the human race. You must feed the baby milk with this kind of heart. When you feed your baby with milk, don't cherish your child alone. Please become a mother who can cherish others' children with a loving heart as if they were yours. A baby who grows up with the milk of such a mother will certainly become a great person. You may not get an immediate result, but after the first and second generations, you will have a great heir who can lead the world. This is the formula. This will surely happen that way. (31:168)
Now, do you want to devote your entire life to indemnifying private matters? Or do you want to devote your life for the purpose of indemnifying public matters? These two kinds of life are both devoted to some purpose. What do you want to do? The one who stands up at the risk of his life to devote his entire life for public matters and public indemnity must be a great person. A new history will be created by a group of people like this.
Now we stand before the question of how to control one's life. Facing this question, how shall we spend the rest of our lives? This is the challenge of the course of your life. When you manage your life, the issue is whether you live an individualistic life or a public life. This is the question. In your everyday life, when you eat, buy, sell, and do other things, the issue is for what you do all these activities, that is, for whom do you do them. Do you do all these activities for the sake of yourself or for the sake of God? This is the problem. And another issue is whether you have a private feeling or a public feeling in doing all these activities. Your feeling is another issue.
Shouldn't we pursue the position in which we can pledge to go the public path? Anyone who has the mission to indemnify history must advance to the stage that everyone hopes and wishes for. Therefore, in the course of everyday life, how to transcend private feelings and embody public feelings is the important issue that all people of faith must concern themselves with. You should know this and keep it in mind.
What is sin? Sin arises from the private place. Perishing also takes place on the private level. Evil is the same. When private matters are pursued beyond a certain standard, this situation appears evil. Private matters have a certain limit. When they go beyond the limit, they appear evil. The one who pursues them comes to commit sins and perish.
Now, then, what is the position that can be eternally good and eternally prosperous, that can receive blessing and good fortune eternally? Where is the position that can avoid peril, avoid sins, and avoid becoming evil? It is the public position. When you eat, you must eat in the public position. When you work, you must manage with the public position. When you speak, you must digest the situation with public words. In this way, you must live your life connecting all aspects of your life with public matters. The person who lives this way cannot go to hell even if he tries to. (31:164)
7) Embody Love
You must not think about yourself as just "my private self alone." Is yourself limited to "my own private self'? If we removed from you all the elements of your mother and father, all elements supplied to you from all things, wouldn't you disappear? (Laughter.) Then, what is the being called "the self"? One goes through the period in the womb, inheriting the blood and flesh of mother and father and living from supplies given by them.
In the period on the earth, you have mother earth, the mother of all things. This is the earth. This planet earth is the mother. She supplies you with elements, doesn't she? (Yes.) The earth is the mother that supplies you with elements on a level different from that of your own mother. When you grow in the mother's womb, how do you breathe in the womb? You breathe through an umbilical cord, don't you? This is your hose linked to your mother's body. You must know it very well.
However, when you leave your mother's womb, you are connected to the second world, the world of air. After you lived in the womb, when you came out the old environment was destroyed. What are you connected to at the moment of your first cry? You come to breathe air by the nostril and the fontanel. You come to be connected with the world of air. When you are connected to the world of air, this [points to nostril] is the absolute supply line. Can you live if your nostril is stuffed? Can you? [Father covers his nostril with his hand and talks.] If you did so, can the heart pump? [Father takes his hand off his nose and talks. (Laughter)] It pumps. It is alive.
You could live for the sake of the world of air while you were living in the womb. When you came out from the womb to connect to the world of air, all the supplies for your life in the womb, such as the umbilical cord or the amniotic sac, were destroyed. All these organs, such as the umbilical code and the placenta, are destroyed and die. Do you understand? (Yes.) What appears at the same moment of the death of these organs? You come out to the universe, to the mother planet earth. In this way, you live by the supply of elements through your mouth. Do you understand what I am talking about? (Yes.)
While we live in this way, what should our body do now? While you were breathing through the umbilical cord in the womb, at the same time you were preparing the nostril which is the air pipe. Then, when you dash out from the womb, you switch the use of the organ and begin to breathe. Likewise, what should you do in this world now? What you must do after your birth is embody love. You must breathe the air of love. You must inhale the air of love from your mother and father. You must go through all processes by the supply of the air of love. Then you become a father, a grandfather... Once you are born as a baby in a family, you go along a sine curve and then vanish. After you are born as a baby, you grow, and then you are dissolved. You are born as a baby and return to the stage of being a baby again.
What is going to happen when you die? You kick off the second world and are connected to the third breathing organ, the organ of love. Do you understand? (Yes.) You kick off parental love and brothers' love and enter the world of love which is in total harmony with the original Being of the great cosmos, God. The spirit world is filled with the air of love. The air of love! Therefore, you must prepare now, while you are in the earthly world, pipe equipment to breathe love. So you need experiences of the spirit world. You can be immortal only when you become a person who can feel spiritual love and breathe the air of love.
When you kick off the womb of the mother planet earth and stand up, how do you breathe? It is right to say that you breathe straight up through this part, the fontanel. You can gain an eternal life only when you inherit the third love. Where do you go after you are connected with love? You go to God. When you are connected to the breathing organ of love, you go to the spirit world. But there remains the way to go to the Original Being, God. Isn't that so? (Yes.) Since the seed was initiated by the Original Being, it must bear the result to the origin.
The course of life you are on now is the journey of a traveler. What do you have to be equipped with here? You must go this path by experiencing and embodying love. The fall of man means that you could not receive the true love of mother and father. Therefore, you must form the vertical family centering on the love of True Parents, true brothers, true husband and wife, and true sons and daughters. You also have to create the horizontal environment by placing many families on the north, south, east, and west, with these families becoming true families that are connected in both vertical and horizontal directions with all other families and so expanded to the realms of clan, tribe, nation, and world. The world where all of them are connected by love is what we mean by the Heavenly Kingdom! Do you understand? (Yes.) (139:212)
9. Things We Should Leave Behind Before Going to the Spirit World
1) We Should Leave a Tomb of Love Behind
When man thinks about history in general, he tends to think of not only ten or a hundred years but of thousands, tens of thousands, or hundreds of millions of years centering on his eternal life. When man dies, it seems like an animal dying, but what does he do? Nowadays, even people who do not believe in and know God say, "Er, I have to leave honor behind." But, what do they do to leave honor behind? Even if one became a patriot and was honored with a monument, that monument would totally collapse when America perishes. Only the American people will know of you. It does not mean much to leave one's name behind. Even if one's name remains in an age of history that prospers and declines, a good name can turn into a bad one.
All rulers will die in less than a hundred years, and nations will perish in less than several hundred or a thousand years. What would you do if there is someone who will neither die nor perish for eternity? If there is such a person, you would want to bring all the name and honor left behind to him and leave them with him. Have you ever thought about it? (103:116)
What did God create? God's purpose is to leave living sons and daughters of God on earth. So, if one leaves living sons and daughters on earth, when one goes to the spirit world one will stand in the same position as God. That is the meaning behind the blessings in the Bible: to be fruitful, multiply, and fill the earth. What do you want to leave behind? There is nothing that can remain other than living interestingly with your spouse and giving birth to sons and daughters. (146:223)
What will you do in your life? You should leave a tomb of love behind. This is the conclusion. Let us leave a tomb of love behind! (Laughter, applause.) If you live inside the tomb of love, you have no resentment. Even if you live quietly in a place like a tomb, you have no resentment if you live in love. Do you understand? Let us live and leave a tomb of love behind! Then, your life will be a success for eternity. If you live like that and die, God will bless you and welcome you in the spirit world as sons and daughters. God will put a diamond of the Heavenly Kingdom on your hand if your hand never wore a ring. He will put the best clothes of the royalty of the Kingdom of Heaven on you if you never wore good clothes.
What will you leave behind in your whole life? A tomb of love. Please know that and never forget that. Raise your hands, those who are determined to live like that. (Everyone raised hands.) God's blessing will be upon you. (97:69)
2) The Property Right in the Spirit World Is Decided by Witnessing
What have you done since you joined the Unification Church? It is a serious question, isn't it? How many years have you worked in the Unification Church until you became over 50 years old? (33 years) If it is 33 years, you joined the church at the age of 17 and worked ever since. How many people have you witnessed to in that time? How many a year?
(I cannot say how many each year, but a little more than 80 Blessed couples.) Are all of these couples still are in the church? (They are.) Are more than 80 couples too many or too few? (Too few. If I had done according to Father's word, I should have witnessed to at least 120 couples.)
That is a serious question. Your property rights in the spirit world will be how many heavenly citizens you have brought. That is your property-eternal property. The time has come to inquire into that. Soon the time will come when millions of people will be witnessed to in one day. The Unification Church has such tremendous contents. Look at the outside world. How many people are restlessly wandering around like mad people, agonizing over whether to live or die and questioning about life? (218:227)
Once you go into the spirit world, the bigger your bosom is, the more people will line up to enter that bosom. Such a person will be respected in the spirit world. If thousands and tens of thousands of people surround that person, saying, "Oh, I'd like to live with this person," the person will be richer, with bigger territory. If someone passes by such a person's house, he has to stop. He says he cannot just pass by and needs to stop. The standard of personality in the other world is how much love one planted. That foundation of relationships centering on love becomes a property right in the other world.
Richness in the other world is not complicated. Those who invested much love are rich. Twelve million people are waiting to receive blessing from you just in Seoul. Why can't you relate to them? You have to visit them all to pray for their Blessing.
When dogs bark at you, you should say, "You are dogs who do not know how to receive blessing. I carry all the bags of blessing of your house. I am a magnet. I can attract all the blessing. I am a perfect plus. I will take away all the elements of minus and leave only the elements of plus of Satan. These plus elements are only from the satanic sphere, they can only occupy hell." You should look in this way. You visit to collect blessings. Do you understand?
Do you understand the meaning of witnessing? It is to collect blessings of love. With love, you become a master and look for the things the satanic world's thieves took from heaven. You can bring in all the blessings connected with love by visiting people with a heart of love.
Even if you are mistreated, you will not perish. Numerous saints and holy all-things follow you without your knowledge. Since they follow you, you will naturally get rich. (205:347)
When you enter the spirit world, you do not carry money with you. If you gave birth to many sons and daughters of Satan and failed to educate them, and if they remain connected with evil, you will be in trouble in the other world. You will all be stacked in the same way a tree pushed in upside down gets stacked.
One person has to take care of more than 120 people. All who should have been citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven were lost. We have to engraft them, set up the condition that they were not lost, and restore them.
You have to go through 12 gates in the spirit world. It is a question of how many heavenly citizens you find and bring back from Satan. You have to shed tears, sweat, and blood to do that. You have to invest more heart than parents, husbands, wives, sons, and daughters of the satanic world. centering on true love of re-creation, and go through the process with tears, sweat, and blood. Without going through this process, you cannot claim your people in the Kingdom of Heaven. This number determines how much glory you receive and how close you come to God in the spirit world. That sets all the necessary conditions, and you should know that. Do you understand? (Yes.) (211:352)
What you bring into the spirit world is not money. You do not bring the name of the Unification Church either. Even if you say you were a regional director, it does not matter. What you should do from now is create many sons and daughters whom God can love. The babies a person can give birth to are limited in number. Everyone can do that.
What do we have to accomplish in the process of restoration? If you create many sons and daughters in the satanic world whom God can love, that accomplishment is connected with ancestors and opens the way to liberate ancestors. This is the greatest gift you can obtain in the process of restoration. Do you understand what I am telling you? A gift.
Even if you were a regional director and did many things, if you do not have spiritual sons and daughters, you go into the spirit world with an empty can. It will be so because no one hangs on you.
The Kingdom of Heaven is an infinite world, and there have to be bridges connected with the heart of love. The more that people you witnessed to spread to the corners of the world, the broader areas you can visit in the spirit world. All will try to connect with you to establish a relationship. A network will be connected in the spirit world centered on you, as if people are armed with ideology and connected. Isn't it true?
If you educate many disciples and solve their problems, you can solve them in the spirit world because of the two worlds' reciprocal relationship. So it mill create a vast foundation of activities. All husbands and wives who can relate to your spiritual level will become your properties once you go into the spirit world. So, centered on that standard, your arena of action can reach the entire spirit world. Without that, you will be pushed to a corner and have a difficult time to act. Do you follow? (Yes.) So you do not have time to rest, not even to sleep at night.
Just eating, living and raising sons and daughters does not count for much once you go to the spirit world. Therefore, we have to visit people and raise them to heaven. They will become your property in the heavenly kingdom. Do you understand?
We have to digest the 5 billion people of this world quickly. If we can digest them quickly, all the spirit people in spirit world will be resurrected through returning resurrection. If the birthright on the satanic foundation gets reversed and Adam comes to have the birthright, the Archangel will listen to Adam and follow him. Isn't that right? If the Archangel stands in the position to absolutely obey, he will come into the realm of God's love and Adam's love. He will then enter the Kingdom of Heaven, following Adam naturally. It is the Principle.
Human beings did not fulfill their responsibility on the earth and things got reversed. It is man's responsibility to reverse it again. We have to restore through indemnity and open the way. You should know how tremendous a work witnessing is. What matters is how many people you bring to the realm of eternal life. Do you follow? (Yes.) The Unification Church sign alone does not serve for anything. We have to have contents.
When Jesus went to Jerusalem, he was hungry and found a fig tree without fruit. He cursed the tree, and the tree withered and died. I will become like that. It does not mean anything if only appearances look nice. Your harvest is how many Blessed families you created. Do you follow? (Yes.)
We have to witness to 120 people, hundreds of people. You cannot truly love your own sons and daughters without doing that. According to the Principle, we have to witness to 120 couples: 36 couples and 72 couples. 120 couples represent Jesus' world-level mission. 430 couples are the same as all the family names in one nation. 430 couples represent 4,300 years of Korean history. Through that I opened the gate for the people who are represented by these family names to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Although I opened the gate, it does not mean they actually entered. The Unification Church opened that gate in Korea, but it is members' responsibility to chase people into the Kingdom of Heaven. So, the Korean Unification Church should take responsibility.
This is not an empty talk. It is logical. Do not spend months and years aimlessly. Only when you give birth to sons and daughters and bring them up during their youth can you leave to your descendants a foundation you can be proud of. It is the same way. If you do not have such accomplishment to be proud of before history, you may be allowed to join the group of your family and town, but not of the nation. For you to enter the nation, you have to have an accomplishment to leave in the tradition of history.
That is why everyone desires to leave something in the nation, in the world, and in heaven and earth. It is the same. So you have to have the concept clearly that it is your lifelong purpose to establish your territory of ownership. You cannot give up in the way of God's Will even if you do not like it.
Aren't we the people who are like that? For what do we suffer alone even in a prison and take responsibility? It is for saving the people suffering in such circumstances. Isn't that right? If it can benefit them to carry the cross in the circumstances of suffering on behalf of others, they will follow. By following, it becomes the harvest. When that person goes to the spirit world, all his harvest will be welcomed as a public harvest, and he will be elevated to the highest position of the Kingdom of Heaven. Do you follow?
You all have to think about it. You must not be proud of how many years you have been in the church. What matters is how many regional directors you made, how many Blessed families you created, how many people you connected to my tribe's lineage. This is a serious question. Do you follow me? (Yes.) It is so with everyone.
Bo Hi Pak, Chung Hwan Kwak, and President Eu, who became my relatives, are here, but that is not enough for them. They have to quickly establish a tribal messiah realm that is thousands of times greater and organize heavenly citizens who are not shameful in the historical age.
If education of a nation's citizens is done well, that nation will prosper. It is the same with you. Centering on the Kingdom of Heaven, how much can you have people understand, straighten their spirit, and leave an achievement better than yours? That is the question. If that is done, the world will be restored quickly. That is why you have to bring them up with sincerity. Isn't it true?
It is the same with me. When I give sermons, I speak for five or six hours each time. I do not do that because I like to. The gist of a sermon is simple. I can say it in less than 15 minutes. I do that because I try to reach the various people who are present by explaining many examples centering on the gist, trying to let them participate in that sphere. The purpose is to sow as many seeds as possible in the spring season. Do you follow? If I sow many seeds, many plants will grow. Do you understand what I am talking about?
Where do you have to sow the seeds, then? You should sow seeds in the place that is not dirty. What is the place that is not dirty? The young people. Do you follow? Once you sow seeds in the young people, they will last for a whole life. Once you plant seeds in the youth, they cannot be pulled out.
Isn't it the same with you? Among students, those who have the keenest senses are those in elementary school. Their senses get dull after they advance to middle and high schools. Is it true, or not? (True) Once they start going to the university, they go through the next town. After they travel, they start doing something. The most difficult time is during elementary school. Next is during middle school. As time goes by, their sensitivity becomes dull. (Yes.) So, we have to sow seeds at the right time.
If you start looking after children in a town, organize a Sunday school and invite your children. Play with them, teach them children's songs, tell tales to them. Then that accumulates your future eternal properties.
Whenever you meet elderly people, testify to God's words. Unification Church leaders are not doing these things well.
If you are in a streetcar, talk to one or two people, asking where they are going. You can tell them to meet you again. You can witness to them as much as you want. There are enough materials. If you want to witness to people, it is better to ride on the bus or subway than to drive your own car. Why? Because you meet the same people almost every day, don't you? You take only one route during the commuting hours. If you take the same route 12 months a year for a few years, you will know people by their faces. If you start greeting them, you can establish a human network through which you can have give and take with people. Such opportunities are around you, so why do you just waste months and years?
What is more important than eating meals is to harvest the heavenly citizens. We are not doing that well. Think about it. That is our principal profession. That is the principal work of us who live on the earth. Among the works you should do in your lifetime, there is nothing more important than that. All your achievement of joining a company and advancing in your position, or collecting money in this world, will pass away. No matter how much money you collect, it will be of no use in the other world. Materials are not necessary in the next world. Even if you have not learned, you understand in your heart immediately. You will know everything within one week.
Power is not necessary in the other world, either. In spirit world, harmonizing power centers on love. It is power or influence centering on love. That world is such a world. So, if one could not acquire power or influence centering on love, that person cannot be harmonized with and is repelled once he enters the original world of the influence of love. That person will go into hell. This is a serious question.
You say you have lived and worked since you joined the Unification Church, but you have to think in what position you have worked. Were you living your own life or were you involved with this world centering on heaven? You have to always think about your direction and position. With prayer, you should know that God is working with you. If you close your eyes, you know that. Even without prayer, you know that. If you try to give a speech somewhere, words come out of your mouth smoothly. If you go to a person with conscience, you are attracted and enter such a person's place. Isn't it so?
Everything is reciprocal. Flowers have the power to attract something that can have a reciprocal relationship with them. Even if they see someone for the first time, they do not refuse. Isn't a magnet like that? Does iron refuse to stick with metal, saying it is their first meeting? That essence does not change forever. By the same token, if you go to such a place, you feel joy in your heart and feel like speaking. Once you enter that state, your mouth opens even if you try not to speak. Those people are sure people. We have to harvest. Do you follow? (Yes.)
So, we have to let them reach eternal life. It's a question of eternal life. This is a serious matter. Isn't it so wherever you go? Spring comes, and people go and look for mountain vegetables. In the same way, you have to live your whole life looking for what you desire. And if such a person appears before you, you have to have a heart of conveying the Principle to him throughout the night. In order to inspire him at first meeting, you have to convey the deep contents of God's words and serve him sincerely to the extent that he no longer has a question.
How many sons and daughters did you create whom you can take to the Kingdom of Heaven? There is nothing else you should do. Even if you have hundreds of millions of dollars and live richly, all that will pass away. You have to invest all materials, knowledge, and your very lives for the lives of fallen selves. You have to do this. You do not invest them separately, but all at once, and create heavenly citizens. The more you invest, the more the value of that total investment increases.
You leaders of the Unification Church here, you might feel proud with power on your shoulders. But that is a shameful thing. How many lives did you save centered on yourself? All of you should leave records of how many. Do you follow? (Yes.)
How much you are going to be praised eternally before heaven for your achievements depends on how many heavenly citizens you harvested. People did not have a spade to harvest them. There was no spade until now. You could not do it because you did not know. But you have children on your back. You can gain an explosive amount of harvest once you start spreading God's words passionately. However, you are spending time aimlessly even with that kind of internal ability. So, does God want to drop lightning, or not?
Midnight is not a problem. Dawn is not a problem. Night or daytime is not a problem. Heaven desires to accept it, but can you say to Him, "Oh, I am sleepy"? Does God rest? His position is to go straight.
You have to know clearly. Do you understand? We have to teach about the question of eternal life. I am telling you, "This Word of God is such … " so can you eat meals and sleep? From now on, you have to take responsibility. Therefore, I have not been able to curse those who oppose the Unification Church. Heaven desires to establish a relationship with them and connect with them. If they fall away, it is our church's responsibility. I have to take responsibility for that. This world came to oppose us because of Satan. It is our responsibility to overcome that opposition quickly. How miserable the circumstances will be if damaged by our inability to overcome it.
It is the same as feeding a baby with milk. If you give birth to a baby, you have to feed milk to the baby. That is why, when someone visits you, you should never treat the person coldly. Haven't I been living such a life all the time? If someone comes here at midnight, unless he wants to go away I continue sitting with him and never tell him to go away. That person does not want to go away because he has something he needs. Then, I have to tell God's words to him. Didn't I live my whole life in that way? I will never be businesslike. The spirit world is always awake. Do people sleep in the spirit world? Does God sleep? This is a serious question. Do you follow? You, do you follow me? (Yes.)
Say you brothers fight among yourselves. You fight because you feel disturbed. If that one life falls away, do you know how much damage it will cause? That person might come to understand all the Will of God and fulfill his responsibility before heaven; then he can save thousands and tens of thousands of people. He might be greater than you. So if you make a wrong personnel decision, all will be in trouble. If you stay in the low position and try to put everyone else in a higher place, there will be no troubles. Do you understand? That is the meaning of modesty.
But if you make a mistake, you will go down. If you enter the room where your wife and children are at night, you have to take responsibility as a father and husband. If the husband does well, his wife will follow him in the other world. Of course, there is a process of training in order to enter the Father's house. It is best if they can go directly. You prepare now to be fit for that world. Do you understand?
(Pointing at one person) How old are you? (40 years old.) You became 50. How about you? (43 years old.) The next person? (37.) And you? (38 years old.) All of you are around 40 years old.
I turned the sun upside down at the age of 27. How do you set it on fire? It is set on fire. That was my dimension. "How many people are here whom Heaven can pull away? God, you said you would not destroy Sodom and Gomorrah if you found five righteous men. How many righteous men are here? If there are none, please wait for several months. I will create them," I said. How busy was I? You have to have pain in your bosom with such heart. You have to do anything and everything for that. You must not say you will do something only after eating. When a fuse of dynamite is lit and is about to explode, do you still go and eat food? It is serious. You have to know this clearly. Do you understand? (Yes.) The question is how to connect people to eternal life.
A light is on only when electricity is transmitted through a terminal to electric circuit devices. Isn't that so? The electricity generated at a power plant is being transmitted here, isn't it? Only when there is a connection will it remain.
Spiritual parents should love spiritual sons and daughters more than their own children, and spiritual sons and daughters should do more for their spiritual parents than for their own mother. The parents who gave birth to you are parents of the satanic world, but your other parents are parents of the heavenly world. You have to serve them more than you serve your own mother. And spiritual sons and daughters have the responsibility to nurture the children of the persons who saved them and to help them be married. That is God's Will. So they have to bring all those children up.
It is the same as Adam bringing them up. Do you understand? (Yes.)
Unless it is connected with eternal life, everything is in vain. It is not the end after they have listened to God's Words. You have to encourage and encourage them to bring them to the Blessing. They have to receive the Blessing. If they receive the Blessing and start pioneer witnessing, a connection will be made naturally. If they can overcome persecution in the difficult circumstances of the satanic world, they are already on the path of life. In this way, if you nurture them until they receive the Blessing, your responsibility is finished. This is a serious matter.
Even if you give a sermon, "I" should not be there. You have to speak shedding blood and sweat. You have to go through the pain of giving birth. You have to do it shedding tears. If tears dry up in your eyes, that is fake. (1992.4.155)