Chapter 8 Three Great Subjects Thought and the Proclamation of True Parents [Part 2]
2. Declaration of True Parents
5) The Amazing Fact of the Declaration of the True Parents
Father brought under control the leftwing and the rightwing. Do you know how much hardship Father has gone through in order to walk this path? We must create an atmosphere where Godism centering on Headwing thought is officially recognized by leaders of schools. Father educated us and opened the path for us to overcome some critical point.
Now we reflect and return. Where should we go? Where should we go? We must again return to the homeland expanding to the world, going beyond the nation. The fallen ancestors began with the family of Adam and Eve. We must strip off the fallen blood lineage. In three generations we must clean up the mistakes of our ancestors in three generations.
Adam fell, didn't he? Satan killed the original ancestor of the human race. In one generation, Adam fell and became an object resentful toward God. It is Jesus who came as the second true parent, the Messiah. People of the human race, his own sons and daughters, these people arrested and killed the Messiah who came as the Savior. How great the sin of the country would be for arresting and killing the true parent! They could not escape from it.
You must know that people of Israel wandered around for this reason. It lasted two thousand years. If we trace all their history, many people bled by swords, were kicked by horses' shoes, and cursed. After two thousand years passed, and after all these tribulations, America finally helped them gain independence.
Satan killed our original parents; sons and daughters of Satan killed the second true parent. Satan and satanic forces in the entire world tried to kill the third True Parent, mobilizing all their thoughts and powers. However, True Father did not die and survived under tremendous hardship and tribulations. How amazing this fact is, that the norms of parents and True Parents can be declared on the Earth! How much God desired this fact!
6) The Direction for the Management of Life After the Declaration of the True Parents
Father told President Mikhail Gorbachev to remove the statues of Lenin and Marx. There is no one other than Rev. Moon who said such a thing in the history of the Communist Party. The staff persons of the Soviet Communist Party were confused and said, "You speak about Godism in front of us? How arrogant it is to say such a thing!" (Laughter)
No matter how much they hated Father, the Communist world has now turned the way I said. The man whom they hated most became the only hopeful being for them. There is no other hope. Therefore, Father clearly taught them, "Listen to me and follow me, or you have no hope." Do you understand what I am talking about? (Yes)
Looking down at Rev. Moon, how proud God is: "I have wanted that declared to the Soviets for a long time. How I am proud of you, my son!" Because of this God said, "I chose you for the sake of humankind." Father became pretty famous after that. Isn't that so? (Laughter)
American leaders said, "How can you do such a thing?" European leaders said, "How can you do so?" The Communist world said, "How can you do such an act in the Kremlin?" (Laughter) God looking down was thinking, "It is very interesting!" Father knew it. Then, Father declared it clearly. Do you understand? (Yes) Everything is made this way. Everything is linked to True Parents. Your ears want to find True Parents, your nose, mouth, and eyes are the same. Everything. Why? True Parents have a strong attractive power. Father knows it. (laughter) This carpet, blanket, grass, water, all desire True Parents. (applause) All of nature is the same. They say, "True Parents, please stay here." Nature cries out. But Americans are not so, are they? (Yes, we are.) Is that so? (Yes)
With what do you want to fill up the entire America? True Parents. The sound of True Parents is good. "I met the True Parents." "Where?" If you say, "Come with me," they will all want to follow you. That is the power of True Parents. True mother, true wife, true children, true grandchildren, true patriots all come out from there. Everything begins with True Parents. Do you understand? (Yes) That is the most hopeful gospel. We do not need the Bible. The purpose of the Bible is to find one couple, True Parents. Isn't that so? Therefore, you understand why the name of True Parents is the most precious, don't you? (Yes)
What part of True Parents do you want to be? This is the question. If we think of True Parents as a tree, you are the branches. This branch can live well wherever it is planted. This branch lives well wherever it goes, whenever it is planted, be it night or day, winter or spring or rainy season, as long as there is love. It lives well regardless of circumstances Why? Because it accepts all.
Our purpose is to liberate and save God, the human race, and all that belongs to Satan. That is our goal. Do you understand it clearly? (Yes) It is the purpose of True Parents. We declare such parents' heart. We make advancement, so Satan cannot exist there. This is the view of the Principle.
Think about all things. Looking at you who are saved, they say, "Mansei!" You must know the way to listen to such a voice. Wherever you go, all things welcome you and humankind welcomes you. The original world centering on love is filled with the voice of love of all things. In the world of original love, everything understands all, as does God. True Love, True inheritance. When you inherit, you inherit all. You have the right of participation which allows you to participate wherever it is. These three concepts are sustained by True Love. Do you understand what I am talking about?
It means that you can automatically catch True Love. This word means these things. You inherit God. God becomes yours. Wherever God is, you can participate there. How wonderful it is! How happy you are! No one can deny this concept.
We have such a surprising thing. How can we have a worry? There is no shadow. We are as bright as a pearl. This is the pride of a Moonie. Do you understand?
Therefore, wherever a Moonie goes, there is no opposition from Satan. From now on, things are absorbed in the way that we shout out, they are resurrected in the way that we shout out, and are born in the way that we shout out. Why were there oppositions until now? Because we were in the process of climbing up. We have already climbed up. Here there is no left wing and right wing, so Headwing was born. The Headwing is higher than these. Because it is higher, it is better.
Communism is the thought of servant, the thought of master and servant. There is no freedom. Democracy is brotherhoodism. Since there are brothers, there is freedom. They have freedom among themselves, therefore, they have continuous fights. They fight each other constantly, each claiming his own superiority.
Headwing Thought is parentism. Senators and congressmen fight, and the Republicans and the Democrats fight, don't they? (Yes) Why do they fight? Because they are not parents, they fight.
If parents come and say, "Hey, why do you keep fighting sons? You are not servants," then the fight will be over. Parents rejoice for the marriage of black and white. Isn't that right? Parents desire that brothers love each other more than that they serve the parents. You must know that. (Yes) That is truly the way of loving parents.
Then, do you also love Father? (Yes) I can't believe it. (We love Father.) You are different from Father, aren't you? (No) Why no? It is because we are the Love race. We are absolutely and eternally one if we place the center on God's True Love. From there, you are connected to Father. Nobody can cut this relationship.
We will also walk the path of True Parents. Isn't that so? Although we are like branches now... We are the same. I set my roots to become a trunk, grow branches, blossom flowers, and bear the fruit. All are the same. It means that we all become True Parents. Then are you becoming so now? From now, you will become so. All are the same.
Therefore, what honored people we are! You open the door and people say, "Look here. How wonderful master is, who is standing here now!" You feel so good. Animals are the same. In the spiritual world, people say, "You are the savior centering on True Love, like Jesus, who was a messiah. Wherever you go, all people there will be saved." Is that the true fact? (Yes)
By the announcement of the Declaration of the True Parents, Satan's rights disappear and all the indemnity laws which governed struggles centering on religions disappear. Good spirits have attained the level of the archangelic world. We may call them angels. They can assist the earth at their will in the world where there is no fall. We have come to such a time. These angels are your ancestors. Do you understand? (Yes) Therefore, if someone opposes the Unification Church, all kinds of things can happen. That person can die by sickness or all kinds of things can happen.
You must be brave and strong. This word means that you must have ownership. Even if you face difficult circumstances, there is no problem. God does not want bad things. If you say, "Disappear from my sight!" they will disappear. They will go down. The spiritual world is the same. If you say, "I don't want such a thing!" then it disappears at once. You have power for all of your surroundings. When the center of Love appears, everything comes to be directed to it and move around it. When the sun rises in the East, all nature -- mountains, rivers, trees and grasses-all turn themselves to the sun. It is the essence of life and love.
True Parents are the central foundation of cosmic True Love. Therefore, when True Parents appear, all the created world turns itself to True Parents, just as all of nature turns to the rising sun. All the creatures are the same as leaves and branches. In the spiritual world, all are directed to God. Likewise in the Unification Church, members' consciousness follows Father whenever he goes. It is the same.
Your whole purpose is True Love, and the center of the world is True Love. All liberation begins from there. If you stand in this position, all four gates open like an automatic door. There is an automatic door in a large building, right? The spiritual world is just like that. Where the master of True Love goes, there is no barrier. All gates open automatically. All welcome him. Spiritually elevated people say, "Welcome. We have been bored for a long time. We welcome anything exciting and interesting." Such a situation is created. How wonderful it is! Do you like it? (Yes)
Therefore, you should know clearly from now on that we have inherited all concepts from True Parents. Nobody can tell me this or that. I become the master automatically. I become the teacher and the true parent. Nobody else can guide you. You will stand in such position in the near future. (202-351)
Because of the Fall, it was hard to connect God's mind to the human mind, vertically. However, they are connected by True Parents. The environment of relatives who do not oppose is not the realm of Cain. They come in as the realm of Abel, which stands on the heavenly side. Therefore, now the breakdown of the religious realm takes place.
Until today, the spiritual world and the physical world were centrally connected through the religious realm centering on the chosen people. Today, however, we have come to the stage of the substantiation of the Old Testament era, the New Testament era, and the Completed Testament era. So the rights of the religious realm come to an end, and the environment of Cain and Abel disappears.
Therefore, families centering on you, who do not oppose, are standing in Abel's position on the heavenly side. Therefore, they turn around the way you turn around. Now is the time. Do you understand what I am telling you? Therefore, our world comes now.
You should know this time. You now see the end of parents' satanic lineage by the Declaration of the True Parents. The True Parents fought with Satan's world and came up with all necessary preparation. We have come to the stage at which both the Democratic world and the Communist world fall down. Satan's world has come to the end by the Declaration of the True Parents, and Father's return with all victorious conditions.
What is the meaning of the end of Satan's world? It means the liberation from Satan. Until now, we have been living in the environment of the cultural realm of the satanic world and satanic living. But now we are liberated from that satanic world, the realm of satanic living, and Satan's blood lineage. Liberated from Satan, where do we go? We must return to God. Right now the world does not know God. Satan made it this way. Humanism does not know God either. Now, American humanism has become a humanism which expelled God.
What is the standard of humanism? The body. It is the body, but a self-centered body. It pursues sensual pleasures. If you pursue this, you will perish. That is the way. We must be liberated from Satan and satanic life. Life here means cultural sphere.
There is a difference between Americans and those who believe in Confucianism, isn't there? We must be liberated from that realm of life and next, from blood lineage. When we are liberated from Satan, to where do we return? We return to God. We must return to God. But Communism and secular humanism do not know the way back to God.
Then, where must we live? We are not made to live at our own will, like animals. It is the ideal to begin our life centering on True Parents. We must live centering on the territory within the world-level ideal that is centered on True Parents. Therefore, we cannot go to the Kingdom of Heaven without believing True Parents. Now we are in a situation such as having many branches which we cannot engraft. These words can stand. (202-276)
Those who are here, what should you do now? You must go to your local area and establish the foundation for True Parents. True Parents must establish the foundation for Heaven. God establishes the path which True Parents must walk prior to True Parents, and True Parents establish the path which you must walk. Therefore, you can simply follow the path of True Parents.
God walks one step further than the coming True Parents. Therefore, in the Providence for Restoration, there is the Providential age for the Foundation of Restoration, the Providential age for Restoration, and the Providential age for the Completion of Restoration.
Heaven established this foundation, and later True Parents knew about it. True Parents established this foundation, and later we knew about it. You also must establish the foundation, and later your descendants will know about it. You must go over the standard of the nation and the world.
If this happens, God will go beyond the standard of cosmic history. When we, the members of the Unification Church, go over the standard of the nation, True Parents will go over that of the world, and God will go over that of the cosmos. In this way, all humankind will go over the cosmic standard, centering on God.
You are two stages below God from this perspective. You, who are two stages below, cannot be reluctant or be tired. Before you walk this path, True Parents walked the path for your sake, and God has walked the path before True Parents for your sake and God's hardship and True Parents' hardship is a tremendous hardship that even death cannot turn. You must know that you walk the path with such debt.
True Parents inherited God's Will, and you must inherit True Parents' Will. You must not lose this traditional thought. What is the traditional thought? You must strip off the blood lineage of the enemy Satan, because you were born with this blood lineage. After that, you must restore your blood lineage centering on God and True Parents. To do this, you must be united with God in heart.
Based upon the unity in heart, you must inherit heavenly blood lineage, becoming a branch or a leaf of a tree whose root is God. You must become a being representing God and establish the absolute standard on Earth, by which you can subjugate Satan. If you do so, the history of restoration can proceed. You must know this. (13-297)
7) Things We Must Do After the Declaration of the True Parents
A. Let's Be Grateful In Front of the Declaration
By the declaration of the True Parents, what happens? The good spirits centering on God and evil spirits centering on Satan are clearly separated. If one stands in the True Parents' position, one stands in the perfected Adam's position. Archangels always protect, educate, and assist the perfected Adam.
If one stands in the realm of the perfected Adam, he has to attend as the substantial master by loving and helping. It is the stage for Adam to be able to command. He goes up to that position. Therefore, that is the end of the world. All which began with the false parents' love of the satanic world comes to an end. It becomes the new world centering on the new True Parents' Love. Based upon this nurturing foundation, the new world emerges and is expanded.
By the announcement of the True Parents, from now on, if someone opposes the Unification Church without certain conditions, he will suffer a long-term disease and fall down. He will die out like a tree without the sap. It soon becomes food for insects. Do you understand what I am talking about? (Yes)
You must live centering on the living realm of new life. The origin of new life is new love. What is the new love? It is True Parents' love. Isn't that so? It is new love according to God's ideal for creation.
You must be grateful for Father. What do you have to be grateful for? You must be grateful for liberation from Satan. You were liberated from Satan by the True Parents, weren't you? What were you liberated from next? You were liberated from the satanic life. What was next? You were liberated from Satan's blood lineage. Life is lived within a cultural background and customs.
What were you liberated from? (From Satan.) What's next? (Satanic life.) Life is different depending on cultural background. The British live centering on the British culture, and Americans live centering on American culture. They differ. Living environments are different. You must be liberated from your living environment.
What is next? Blood lineage. When three generations have been liberated, the Unification culture will occur automatically, won't it? What are you going to do after liberation? Where do you go after the liberation from Satan? You go to God. If you are liberated from Satan, you are liberated from all the relationships which linked you to the false parents, and you go to the free heart of the Parents. When you do, do not carry the customs and life realm of the satanic world. You must clearly clean them up.
In the concept of "True Parents," there is God who is the vertical True Parent and the True Parents who are the horizontal True Parents. You must be created by the love which is the unification of these two. The subjectivity begins with the position of zero, where there is no other love origin. If you want to find love, you must start with zero. You must ignore the origin of existence. In the Bible, you can find such a paradoxical logic. Those who try to die will live, and those who try to live will die. Do you understand? You must know it clearly.
Thus, you must be grateful for liberation from Satan. The next is life. Koreans eat pepper bean-paste, don't they? The cultural realm is the background, and from it history and tradition are formed. It is the cultural realm. What is next? Blood lineage. The blood lineage must be turned around centering on love. You must be liberated here. You must say, "I am in God's blood lineage. God has entered me." Then mind and body cannot fight.
From now on, ask your mind. God has entered your mind. This is a bud and leaf of God. Because you attended the True Parents and took root, this kind of phenomena will take place.
Air is pressing you, centering on an atom of air pressure all over your body. Since the pressure is balanced, you do not feel the stimulation. Air is protecting you. Because all pressure is balanced, you do not feel the stimuli. Just try living in a slightly unconscientious manner in front of God's Will. The cosmic power pushes you, saying "You rascal!" How mighty this power is! If you try to go this way, your body itself is turned around that way.
If you pray and ask God to live in your mind and the True Parents to live in your flesh, God enters and sits on the crossing point of your mind and body and makes the degrees of your mind and body one centering on the bellybutton. It is not literally a bellybutton. What it really means is the sexual organ. We symbolically call it a bellybutton.
You must be liberated from the three great satanic realms. The first is what? (Liberation from Satan!) You must be liberated from Satan who is the representative of the vertical elements. Next is the cultural realm and the traditional lifestyle which you inherited from your physical parents. In Korea, for example, there is a Korean culture, isn't there? In this way, American culture and all other kinds of cultures are converging toward one center. The farther away, the more useless it is. (202-274)
B. Accumulation of Substantial, Records and Results
World-renowned broadcasting companies such as NBC, CBS, and ABC attacked Rev. Moon and did so many evil things in trying to capture him. They attacked Rev. Moon in the newspapers. But the general public had already known of Rev. Moon before their attacks, and they did not simply swallow their claims. They beat the drum in the newspapers, but there was no one to dance. If there is nobody to dance, do you think the drummer has the spirit to beat? Everybody gave up in the middle.
So records and results are the problem. To achieve the unity of the world under Heaven you must have substantial records and results. Do you understand? (Yes) Even if you do not have ability, you must have records and results. I have told you, haven't I? Results and records earn power under Heaven.
You must have records which you can leave to your descendants. When you go to the spiritual world, you must bring gifts with you. When you marry someone as a bride or groom you must give gifts to all relatives of the bridegroom. Starting from a grandfather, a father-in-law, you must give some gift, no matter how small it may be, even a pair of socks. The family of a bride can be proud of her if she did so.
If you go to the spiritual world, your ancestors will accuse you, calling you in front of them, saying, "You joined the Unification Church because of the good merits of your ancestors. But, what did you do? Did you do the work of tribal messiahship?" If you do it, you can liberate three generations of your ancestors.
You must restore all the lost people of heaven who were captured into the satanic world, and engraft them to the heavenly world. How much effort did you make in order to find the people of heaven? The next task is to link your sons and daughters, together with your relatives and restored people, to the tradition of the eternal ideal of creation, the tradition of love.
In the spiritual world, all of them, as a group, seek the authority of their eternal life and the hierarchy of life. Dealing with your relatives, you should lead over 120 families. Now, since I explained this again and again, you must have understood it. Prepare, so that you can avoid shame. You will be not only ashamed but also expelled as a naked man.
Father has already declared to the world. The era of chosen people on the world level is over. The time has come to the era of welcoming Father, and it is the era of the realm of all people where the entire world enters into the realm of Israel. Therefore, organizing is done based upon the standard of records and results. (213-139)
C. The Opening of the True Parents Welcoming Rally
In Korea, the True Parents Welcoming Rally was held. People in Korea talk about them, loudly or quietly, and their talks must have been spread throughout Korea. (Yes) They are saying, "Well, what are True Parents?"
You must turn around. You must seek and find True Parents. Because you originated from false parents, you must go beyond the terminal point of the false parents. You cannot find the direction which God commands unless you can connect yourself to True Parents. It is the Principle and a true theory. There is no one who can prove it false.
Because of the Fall, Adam and Eve became false parents. They were expelled because they were false parents. We must seek and find the position of parents who are not expelled, whom we can welcome with God and want to live with for tens of millions of years. We Koreans are exactly in this situation. Look at the fact that we have such a folk song that goes as follows: "... to welcome our parents and live with them for tens of millions of years..." We have this kind of folksong because we are a race of revelation.
We also have a song called "A Moon of the Western Castle," don't we? What is it? Isn't there also a song with something about the West or something about the country of stars? What is it? (It is "The Milky Way with Blue Sky") That's it. We do have such a song, don't we? "The Milky Way with Blue Sky." Seeing this, we find that we are a revealing race. It shows us that the satellite appears and the world can live in this way. How poetic this people are!
It is a great fact that we have such a cultural background, such high-level thought, and the background of the critical era. (206-80)
Rev. Moon returned to Korea and through the True Parents Welcoming Rally declared the True Parents in front of all the people of the nation of Korea. We must declare it now. By doing so, heaven can set up its camp where Satan has retreated. Look at what is going to happen! Look at the way it unfolds from now on.
We held the True Parents Welcoming Rally all over the country. However, people do not know what it truly means. Rev. Moon did it not because he was insane. We declared the True Parents through these rallies and established the heavenly foundation on which we can cope with groups of evil. (204-144)
You know, don't you, we declared the True Parents through the True Parents' Welcoming Rally all over the country? So I don't have to explain more about it do I? Now, what do you have to do? Father held this rally on the world-level foundation, where the nation and the world are linked Therefore, now you blessed people must hold the True Parents Welcoming Rally on the tribal level. Everything comes to the end by this. Do you understand?
You must complete the tribal messiahship. After the completion of world-level messiahship centering on the nation... The tribe expands to the world. If that happens, the formation of the nation is naturally achieved. The time to do this has come.
What do we mean? Experiments have already been done both in the Democratic world and the Communist world. They were done in Christianity and all other existing religions of the world. Why do we say that the experiments were done? There is nowhere where there has not been an opposition to the Unification Church. All of them attacked the Unification Church. (202-270)
After the accomplishment of the True Parents' Welcoming Rally throughout the country, we have entered into a new era. Spiritual mediums all receive revelations that this world is coming to the end and we are going to a new world. Thus, the spiritual world comes down to earth again. In the past, those good spirits who left good names by believing in religion have been helping the dispensation on earth according to God's Will. They have been working through the major religions of the Old Testament era, the New Testament era, and the Completed Testament era. There was no other path to relate to earth for this.
However, the True Parents came to the earth and established the tradition on the individual level, family level, tribal level, national level, and world level. The True Parents fought all the battles and gained victory. Therefore, it is the time of the liberation of the religious realm. Religion disappears in the era of True Parents. Isn't that right? If Adam and Eve had not fallen but had become True Parents, there would have been no need of religion. Because the True Parents established the world level victorious foundation, the same situation came into being. In this situation, husband and wife are eternally united with heaven, and ancestors can relate to descendants on earth at any time, centering on the ideal of unity.
Because of the Fall, the path to the spiritual world was closed. In order to open this path, we must have the rights of the chosen people. The era of the transcendence of the religious realm comes because all restoration through indemnity centering on the rights of the chosen people of Israel on the tribal level, the rights of the chosen people of Christianity on the world level, and the rights of the chosen people of the Unification Church on the cosmic level have been accomplished. The time has come when the spiritual world can horizontally contact the entire earthly world.
Therefore, those who do not believe in religion can also be connected to the spiritual world through the rights of the chosen people. The era of the past is passing away. Through the victory of the True Parents, in this era of the substantiation of Old Testament, New Testament, and Completed Testament, all ancestors who went to the spiritual world can visit and help their descendants, including those who do not believe in religion. Such a time is coming. The spiritual world is just like that.
Therefore, from now on, if you do not believe in the Unification Church, your ancestors come down, give you bad dreams or cause sickness-and they can cure sickness as well. Until now, Satan divided and occupied the earthly world. But the good spirits in the good archangelic realm and good spirits in the religious realm can come to earth. They can clean up those shadows of Satan, such as Kim 11 Sung, in order to totally chase the evil world from the earth.
Then, if one country, two countries, three countries and four countries are connected the Unification Church, the entire world comes to the era of complete liberation. The years from 1988 to 2000 are the period to complete this mission. Until Father becomes 80 years old. Do you understand?
For this reason, tribal messiahship was established. In order for tribal messiah to go forward to national and global messiah, tribal messiahs should proclaim that now the realm of national messiahship has begun, and connect to it so that it can develop into global messiahship. When we establish a nation, it will be as a state in God's global country. Through these expansions, we enter into the Era of the Unified Kingdom. (202-255)
8) Parents of the North and Parents of the South
As we have learned in the Principle, the Old Testament age was the time the way toward the sons and daughters was established through the sacrifice of all things. In the New Testament age, the way toward the parents or the Second Coming was established through the altars of sons and daughters. In the Completed Testament age, why did the True Parents do such hard work and walk such a difficult path? True Parents walked the path of hardship and persecution in order to welcome God on the earth.
Father's only desire is to welcome God on this earth. Father could not welcome God in his homeland, could he? We must go to the homeland carrying the victorious flag on the world level. In North Korea, there is an evil second coming, evil parents. They call President Kim II Sung "Father," don't they?
What does the word "parents" mean exactly The way Rev. Moon goes is an adventure. He has the responsibility to shorten history, even by one day, in order to liberate God's anguish and accomplish God's will. I have been walking this path, giving all of myself, all of my body and heart. It is just like throwing all of myself into the Atlantic Ocean and throwing myself into the midst of the mountains. No one should leave a historical dirty spot on such a path. It is a holy path. It is holy! Through this way, God will he able to live in our country. North and South are like body and mind. If they are united, God comes to dwell. God lives where the two become one by love.
Therefore, we must unite the South and the North. What do we have to do in the South first? We must attend the True Parents. We must attend the True Parents! Do you understand? (Yes) We must attend the True Parents in the South more than people attend Kim Il Sung in the North. In North Korea, people wear Kim Il Sung's badges, don't they? You Unification Church members, be more proud than these people, and do not feel any shame in the world!
In North Korea, people are all equipped with Subject Thought. Therefore, we must be equipped with Three Great Subjects Thought centering on God's absolute love, and we must create so decisive a difference that they cannot even be compared. Do you understand? It is the path we must go and it is our mission. Think about it. How lazy you have been until now! (212-57)
Kim Il Sung is a false parent, isn't he? (Yes) They call Kim Il Sung, "father", don't they? Why does that kind of thing appear in this historical era? Among the Communist countries, the most vicious man, like a devil of devils, comes out.
Rev. Moon is also called "True Father," isn't he? Whether he is a true father or a false father, I don't know! If you go and see, you will know. If you want to believe, believe it, and if you don't want to believe it, don't believe it. It's up to you.
True Parents must be able to subjugate false parents naturally. True Parents should not attack and capture false parents by force. The accomplishment of God's dispensation for salvation and the determination of God's victory cannot be done by force. If He could do it by force, He would have done it at once. If it were done in a Communist manner, it would already have been finished.
The fallen world has inherited Satan's tradition, which is to compete for power by military force. They have continued the history of struggle on earth. Their consummation of human history is the most miserable thing. God knows that, so He is trying to subjugate in a natural manner. God allows them to do things the way they want to. After they have done everything their own way, God restores everything through being beaten first. Satan hits the righteous side, and God demands compensation for the damages. When Satan's attack can go no farther, that is when subjugation takes place. It is not God who consummates it, but the one whom God prepared on earth as the person who can inherit this task. Therefore, in the Last Days, it is said, the Messiah is sent. (210-231)
9) Tribal Messiah and True Parents
What, fundamentally, are we trying to accomplish through the Old Testament age, New Testament age, and Completed Testament age? The purpose is to welcome God into myself. Who is the root? It is God, isn't it? The root of human beings is God. True Parents are not the original root. True Parents also came from God, the original root. Two buds came from the root. That's the way it is.
Before the Fall, Adam and Eve were a son and a daughter, weren't they? After the Fall, all things were in a superior position to Adam and Eve. This happened because of the fall of Adam and Eve. By the Fall, they were no longer two human beings together but became alone, each as one person. Because of this, they became far lesser beings than all things. Because all things did exist above human beings, they died for human beings as their representatives. They shed blood for the sake of you, in order to reverse the position.
Therefore, in the Old Testament Age, the way toward sons and daughters was paved by making altars for sacrifice. In the New Testament Age, Jesus came and sacrificed himself as a son and a daughter, and he opened the way toward parents. Lots of blood of martyrdom was shed and the way was opened for True Parents to come in the era of the Second Coming. What kind of relationship do Jesus and the True Parents have? Jesus is in the position of a son, and the True Parents are in the position of parents. Do you understand? (Yes)