Response To Concerns About "Join Ye Jin Nim's Prayer"

Ye Jin Moon
December 9, 2009

Dearest to all those who responded to the request for the prayer condition:

I am truly grateful for the outpouring of emotions and responses all of you have shown. Thank you again from the depth of my heart.

At the same time, there are a few general questions relating to the specifics of the prayer condition that people have raised, and I would like to address it here briefly.

First, some people have asked if there were specifics of the prayer condition relating to the ceremonial requisites, be it bowing conditions, set times for the prayer(s), and/or the duration of the prayer(s). The simple answer to the question is no for the following reasons. Initially, when I invited people to join in the prayer condition, I did not wish to set rigid rules for ceremony, because I wanted the utmost aim and the priority of our prayers to be the collective offering of our unity in Heart that is not necessarily constrained with too many restrictions on the act of ceremony itself. Also, on the practical side, knowing that people have to work and manage family responsibilities, I know from experience that inflexible conditions will not create the most conducive environment for people to offer the best of their hearts, if they have to constantly worry about other concerns in their lives.

On the other hand, this does not mean there is no recommended guideline. Of course, there is, as there is the eternal Principle standard with which each of us can exercise the First Blessing or the 5%, individual free-willed responsibility to apply, for instance, the Principled numbers to select certain time(s) of the day for prayer(s), and how many minutes or hours we can genuinely open our hearts to offer prayers.

For example, the number three represents the spiritual world and the number four, represents the physical world. Adding the number three and four brings in the number seven, and the multiplication of the numbers three and four results in the number twelve. Also, the number ten is the number to ‘return back’ to Heavenly Parent by each of us realizing human perfection and realizing the purpose of the Entire Creation, which has human beings at the center.

Moreover, the number twenty-one is the result of the numbers seven (unity of spiritual world / physical world) times three (phases), which refers back to the time limit recommended for individual human perfection, and this number also happens to be the number of days for this prayer condition. So, you may wish to work within the parameters of addition / multiplication of these basic numbers of three (which is also the sum number of the numbers one and two), four (sum number of the number one and three), seven (sum number of numbers three and four), ten (sum of the numbers one and three times three), twelve (three times four), and/or twenty-one (three times seven) to set what time(s) of the day and how long you would like to offer prayer(s).

In conjunction with number-related time selection(s) for your prayers, if you wish to incorporate certain ceremony into your prayer offering, you may safely use various, acceptable ceremonial expressions we employ in the Unification Church movement, be it utilizing the holy candle, offering bows, and/or any such gestures demonstrating humility and respect before the Heavenly Parent in witness of the entire spiritual as well as the physical worlds.

In addition, since the purpose of the prayer condition is the collective, not just the individual, offering, I would highly recommend that you form even a small group of people other than your single self, be it with family members or like-minded Unificationists friends to pray together. If your group cannot coordinate time(s) to pray together in person at all times, then at least in spirit, you should decide among yourselves the agreed upon time(s) of the day with certain time duration(s) to pray together.

In all, the overarching purpose of the worldwide Unificationists offering collective prayers together is for the condition that the entire Unification Church community should all be united in Heart for the same goal of creating the True Family centering on the True Parents or Father/Mother with their direct True Children, as it is in turn the fundamental basis from which the ideals of the True Family can further multiply on to the greater Unification Church community of ‘blessed’ True Families and ultimately to the Entire Humankind both in the spiritual as well as the physical worlds as One True Family under One Heavenly Parent.

For such a lofty aim, to pray for every True Child to fulfill the Principled human ideal on the individual level, and at the same time to strive on the collective level to bring True Unity amongst the True Children is in one sense to pray for that ideal to extend on to the True Principled Unity amongst all the Unification Church family members and all people of the cosmos under One Ideal originating from the One and Only Heavenly Parent. Though I presume not to be preachy, this point is also a heartfelt, critical reminder to myself that as each individual human person or each member of the True Family is the very starting point of the full fruition of our Heavenly Parent’s Eternal Ideal, every one of our individual as well as collective endeavors, such as even this prayer condition, to Principally act upon our collective identity as the Unificationists is one such precious step toward that worthy and eternal goal.

So, please, I implore all of you. Please, let us pray, reflect and repent for the past, in order that we may gain greater wisdom to move forward from here as eternal True Children of our Heavenly Parent. May our Heavenly Parent be our Eternal Guide to nurture all of us through this process of reflection and greater growth towards that very invaluable Ideal.

Thank you very much for all of your sincere and heartfelt offering. I am truly, truly grateful.

Ye-jin Moon

P. S.: Some people have made an honest inquiry if this is indeed the first daughter writing all this. I would like to assure all those who have asked that it is indeed myself, Ye-jin Moon, offering this letter of petition. I have written the English and the Korean versions myself. For the Japanese version, since my written Japanese is weak, I had a sister translate my original letter in Korean into Japanese. However lacking my ability to communicate may be, I hope that you can at least sense my genuine heart. 

Join Ye Jin Nim's Prayer

Ye Jin Moon
December 7, 2009

Dear Sisters,

Warmest greetings to all of you.

At this time of coming to the close of the year and looking forward to begin the New Year with God's Day 2010, as the first daughter of the True Family, I would like to offer a 21-days prayer condition of repentance before the witness of Heavenly Parent, the spiritual world, and the physical world.

As the eldest daughter, I take solemn responsibility in not doing more to bring greater unity in our Family, especially during this year of great upheaval. I humbly apologize before the Heavenly Parent that more efforts have not been made to raise the True Family to be the living embodiment of True Love. Would all of you dear Sisters, who deeply care and pray for the True Family, like to join me in a 21-days prayer condition of repentance beginning from December 10th to December 31st of this year? If you would like to ask other like-minded Sisters as well as Brothers who would like to join in, you are all very welcome to do so. I believe that the more all our hearts in the Unification Movement are unified in caring and praying for the True Family, the more the Heavenly Parent as well as the True Parents will be very much comforted for all their pain and sadness.

From the depth of my heart, I thank all of you for your continuous commitment to love and support the True Family.

May Heavenly Parent's love and guidance be with you and your families, always.

Ye-jin Moon.

P. S.: This e-mail address ( is set up only temporarily for this prayer condition. Your thoughts and reflections are welcome during this time period. 

Reflections On My Holy Land Experience

Ye Jin Moon
August 2009

For me, and for my daughter Shinhwa, this forty-second MEPI was our first time visiting the Holy Land. It afforded us a special opportunity to reflect deeply on what it means to be a part of the True Parents' foundation, which is also the extension of all the providential histories since Adam and Eve.

When we visited the Garden of Gethsemane holy ground, I was overwhelmed with emotion and a sense of repentant regret that Heavenly Parent's principled ideal of true love is still not yet manifest among all people of the world, God's collective human family. I contemplated how God's maternal heart is still in utter torment over the loss of Her children, as any true mother cannot be happy with just a few of her children, but only when she can embrace all of her children to her bosom.

At the Wailing Wall, we reflected on the divided reality between the Arab and Jewish peoples, who have a historically tense relationship, yet share the same parents, Abraham with Sarah or Hagar. We were also struck by the separate men's and women's entrances to the Wall, which forcefully reminded us of the still divided human reality between men and women ever since the Fall. We prayed that instead of separation by gender or religion, the day would soon dawn where men and women, brothers and sisters, can all weep with joy as Heavenly Mother reclaims and embraces all Her children in their equal original human value.

On the Temple Mount, as we welcomed not only Moses but also his beloved Zipporah to the Holy Land, we paused to ponder all the providential women before and after Zipporah who strove to succeed in their courses, but whose lives were eclipsed by the male narratives recorded in providential history. The obscuring of these women's struggles and contributions has had the effect of obscuring Heavenly Mother's hope and investment through women. As a mother, I wondered what kind of legacy I in the second generation would bequeath to my daughter, the third generation. Then I paused to ask myself, "What have I been able to inherit from my Mother, the first generation, who was the first to represent the ideal of womanhood alongside Father?"

In sum, my daughter and I agreed that the purpose of this pilgrimage was not only to initiate the conditional liberation of past providential figures but also to liberate our own womanly hearts. The experience better positioned us to be equal contributors in human endeavors to liberate our Heavenly Parent -- the one, unified harmonious being who is both Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother. As my daughter and I embraced in joy, and understanding the invaluable knowledge gained through the pilgrimage experience, we were truly grateful for our Heavenly Parent's investment in us, opening us to His/ Her true and loving heart. With that thought, we wept at the Wailing Wall, not only in sad lamentation of loss, but also in joy and hope for a better tomorrow. 

An Interview With Ye Jin Moon

February 21, 2009

Can you say something about what you talked about with True Parents during this visit?

I was able to express to True Parents that from this time on I will be able to support the True Family much more fully and closely. Of course, True Parents were very happy to hear it. They have asked that all the girls (as well as boys) in the True Family support God's work to bring unity in the family centering on God, and as the oldest daughter I would have a great deal to offer Parents and the Heavenly Parent.

I also had a private conversation with Mother. The initial reason was in connection with Hyo Jin nim's ascension. Having been spiritually sensitive during my life, I have dreams and a close understanding of God's heart.

I have had dreams of Hyo Jin ever since his ascension, and also of Heung Jin and Young Jin. Hyo Jin wants to connect with the True Family as a whole and with his own family as well. He is very devoted to his wife and children. During his life in the physical world, he tried his hardest to fulfill his first son position. His name in Chinese characters means "filial piety"; he still wants to keep that devotion as a son of filial piety. Since his ascension, he has also gone through his own course of maturity, and he has developed a very deep and loving heart. While in the physical world, as he tried to help other siblings whenever they had difficulties, he wants to continue such a tradition of heartistic offering.

Hyo Jin is just a year or so different from me in age. As the first daughter and first son, we share much in terms of our experiences in Korea, growing up during the early stages of the movement. We have a much deeper relationship, though we all struggled in our own way. I always felt his deep heart and a close connection to him. I have been praying a lot for him since his ascension, for his well-being. I want to continue with the heart that Hyo Jin has for the True Family.

Because I had the experiences I have mentioned, as I had found the occasion to come here, I wanted to share my heart with Mother. She really appreciated that.

At that time also, Mother expressed that she wanted me to carry the same heart, and to work with my sisters – Hae Jin (in the spirit world), In Jin, Un Jin, Sun Jin, Yeon Jin and Jeong Jin. There should be female children's support for the True Family just as there should be support from the boys in the family. It was really a heartfelt opportunity for me, and I think it was likewise for Mother, to have this sort of conversation. I was deeply grateful for it.

Can you say something about Mother's life?

I understand Mother's course deeply because I was growing up in Cheongpa-dong. My life was inextricably interwoven with Mother's. I shared a lot with her as I was a close witness of what she was going through. I also struggled tremendously. The beginning of the movement was very challenging and chaotic. Everyone was coming from different directions with their own struggles, and Cheongpa-dong was a very challenging place. Moreover, as we were not just any kind of movement, we also had challenging connections with various levels of the spirit world. So, in the beginning of the movement there were a lot of spiritual phenomena, some that were not always positive. As I was a very sensitive and mature child for my age, and since I was internalizing all alone what was going on in the spiritual as well as physical worlds around Cheongpa-dong and the movement at large, my existence growing up was overwhelming.

Having now grown up myself and had children, I can understand Mother's heart more deeply. Because of the providential requirement, she had to have many children, yet, how much she would have wanted to invest her maternal heart in each child. Oftentimes she could not because of the position she held and because of Father's emphasis on loving the "Cain" position children first. The Cain position children were the priority. But how much Mother, who had carried all those children in her womb, would have wanted to express her love to each child had she been in a regular family situation. As a woman who has borne and nurtured children, I can empathize with Mother's maternal, suffering heart.

At the beginning of the movement, even though people had heart, since a lot of them had a Christian background, they only had a limited, Christian understanding of messiahship centering solely on a male figure. So, they did not have a proper understanding of the Bride and her critical role on behalf of womankind in particular and humankind in general. I wish there had been more support for Mother's position. People may have had good intentions, but there was no precedent with which to compare her providential role. It was a daunting reality.

I know that she was oftentimes very lonely. I would see her crying, and I often cried in private too. But, Mother has been able to triumph over various circumstances and kept her big heart. She has shown what perseverance is.

One other point, the movement began from the Korean culture, which is deeply rooted in the Confucian culture, under which people are not equals in relationships. Relationships are hierarchical. Men are in a superior position, with women in the object position, required to be demure, not expressing much. To a degree, decorum and a certain reservation may be virtues for anyone -- regardless of sex. But at the same time, there has to be encouragement for external expression and a genuine sense of assertiveness. With proper education and guidance all women can blossom and do things as well as any man.

Having grown up in the Korean culture during my formative years, I can attest that even just a few decades ago, Korea was still a very traditional environment. Females were the "second sex." Women were not encouraged to study hard intellectual courses in science or mathematics, or engage in higher intellectual pursuits. They were more encouraged to study home economics (the domestic sphere). Certainly if you were not properly educated, you just accepted a subservient role. In the long run, that is not good for the male side either. For mothers have to bear and raise not only girls but boys as well, and if they are not provided adequate support to develop their human potentials, all children, regardless of sex, will suffer as a consequence. It is only very recently, due to Western influence, that Korea is engaging in public discourse regarding gender equality. Though we still have a lot to accomplish in the area of the equality of the sexes, avenues and opportunities for women are opening up. As a woman, this issue is truly dear to my heart.

As human beings, we have multiple responsibilities (three blessings or responsibilities) and an equally great range of potentials, and it is only a matter of proper education and support that allows us -- both male and female -- to all achieve our human potentials in God's complete image. Fundamentally, we have equal value as human beings, as is attested by the attainment of the First Blessing or the individual perfection of our spiritual and physical selves in Principled true love unity in God's complete image. The Principle is very clear, but we are all dealing with the fallen cultures we grew up in, so we bring that baggage. Sometimes we need to distinguish how much something is from the Principle (which should be the ideal) and what is from what we have learned from a fallen culture.

In Jin nim has been investing herself in the United States, where you are currently living. Can you say something about your sister's work?

I am so proud of In Jin and what she has been able to accomplish. She has really invested her heart and soul and all her energy, wanting to take responsibility for the American movement. I know she has a lot to offer. She is a great mother; she has a natural presence in public, and she is a wonderful speaker. She has been going to different cities in the U.S., paying individual attention to each family, personally meeting with second-generation members. It is really a motherly role. She is doing a wonderful job. In other countries, in Korea and Japan, there should be more understanding of her work.

Oftentimes we focus on how wonderful the brothers are and who is taking charge of this and that, but the sisters have equal heart and determination. Of course, women have to carry children, give birth to them and raise them. In that sense, we do have a greater family responsibility. So we have double the duty, double the responsibility! It's always challenging.

After In Jin took time to raise her family so well, her children are beautiful and have so much to offer, with great talent. Now that they are pretty much grown up, In Jin wants to invest in the movement, help other families and support the second generation. I am very hopeful, and I really want to support her. My youngest child will be going to college soon, so now I will be able to devote more time, devote myself more fully to the movement, supporting the woman's role, a more embracing and internal role.

There is a providential schedule and there are expectations, so we need to do a lot of external work. At the same time, we need to pay attention to our children because they will shoulder the responsibility to carry the movement forward. We will need to empower and educate them. We will have to educate them about their collective identity -- what it means to have been born in the movement, what it means for their parents to have joined, and for the first generation to have put their lives in the background and invested in the providence. We appreciate this, but there are still challenges we face and work to be done. After all, we are the movement that has to save all humankind. So until the last human being can understand God's heart and return to God, there is still a lot of work to do, a lot of educating. I think this is the maternal, embracing, nurturing and healing role that women are instinctively capable of and that we can contribute to the providence.

I have one daughter. She has been one with me on this issue and has been very active in supporting second-generation activities in the East Garden area. She has been in CARP and on STF. She also is a committed leader in youth ministry.

I am very hopeful. Even though there are many struggles for those in the second generation, many second-generation members are committed and understand their collective identity. They understand what it means to have been born in this movement and that we have the responsibility to carry on, so that it does not regress but only moves forward, and that we can bring all of humankind closer to God -- the sooner the better. We still have a lot of work to do, and we really have to encourage future generations and let them have a clear purpose and sense of who they are and what we need to accomplish collectively.

A lot of the second-generation members have very pure hearts, but there has been a lot of confusion because they have seen the first-generation members suffer a great deal and because often their own parents were devoted to the mission, the children felt they did not have enough time with their parents. At the same time, the children have been dealing with local cultural influences and social pressures.

We all need to heal, regain our strength, reconnect to God and to the fundamental purpose for which God raised this movement with the ideal of the True Parents. We all want to be a part of helping each other.

During your time in Korea you not only met True Parents but also some of your brothers who are working here. Can you share your impressions?

They have a lot to offer. The boys have been able to show their capabilities in various ways. All of them have their own and charisma. Hyun Jin and Kook Jin have great leadership and business acumen. We certainly need economic support to be able to do the providential work. Kwon Jin has great people-skills and will prove to be a wonderful leader as well. Hyung Jin's way of relating to members is very refreshing. Since he has been educated mostly in the West, I hope that his ministry in Korea will be able to embrace and transcend the differences between people.

Is there anything you could share about being True Parents' first child?

By nature, and by circumstance, I am a very internal person. I have been searching all my life to understand what it means to be a True Child. In light of God's Principle, which is absolute, eternal and unchanging, as opposed to the fallen reality (which we still have to deal with) it has always been my quest to gain greater understanding of the Principle standard and to understand God's deeper heart. Maybe at some other time I will be able to share more deeply about my personal experiences. It has not been an easy journey for me.

As I mentioned earlier in our discussion about our early movement in Korea, a lot of members had come from Christian backgrounds, and their understanding of the Messiah was very idealized, as if he were God incarnate. They never had experience of the Messiah's child. I was the first, so I suffered through a lot of trial and error. They did not realize that a child is born with human potentials, but nonetheless must pass through a growth period. Ideally, parents and those around them must educate the child in the Principle and nurture the child in true love. However, because their understanding of messiahship, they expected the first child to be a perfect little god.

The movement was very chaotic, especially if seen from a child's perspective. Oftentimes members wanted blessings from this very small child, who herself still needed education, nurturing and love. Instead of offering those things, it was the other way around -- when (as I was still a child) I had nothing to offer. It was a great struggle, and there were expectations, but no one seemed to understand that there needed to be a growth stage and that there had to be involvement. In an ideal situation, a child's parents and those around them giving proper nurturing is their 95 percent responsibility, and then there is the child's 5 percent responsibility. That give and take has to continue for the twenty-one years of the growth period. Yet, when the child does not have proper nurturing and support but only unrealistic expectations, the child will suffer even to the point of death.

I lived through persecution at the beginning of the movement. Beside the external, outside persecutions, there were a lot of spiritual phenomena of various kinds happening in Cheongpa-dong. People did not lucidly comprehend that the spirit world is divided in numerous ways and that if you open yourself to be influenced at certain level, you will be swayed by it either in positive and or negative ways. There were not proper checks and balances of what was going on. It was a very challenging environment for a small child to be growing up in.

At school, I had no friends, because parents of other children at school would not let their children associate with me, because Father was viewed as a cult leader. Also, people in the movement at the time were much more protective; I was not even allowed to go out of Cheongpa-dong Church freely. So, I had no friends among my peers in school, around the Church, or even with blessed children, because I was asked to be their caregiver.

No one took the responsibility and taught me the Principle.

Members surmised that I was born already knowing the Principle and expected me to be a little evangelist. There was a great gap between the expectations and reality.

When I was twelve years old, True Parents were away in their mission to America for a year.

I was at the bottom, in a pit of despair, struggling for the meaning of my existence. In my bruised heart, I truly believed that it would serve everyone's interest for me to exit from this world. Since there was no support but only expectations and ensuing judgments, I was conditioned to blame myself for all that was wrong. I determined to extinguish my life, but I wanted to exit slowly. I opted for a starvation diet of extreme rationing, in order that I would die slowly. I wanted people to see with their own eyes that I was not a spoiled little princess, but a truly suffering child. Thus, after a period of one year, I had literally wasted into a skeleton. My growth was stunted, my health thereafter never recovered properly. It was only the beginning point of physical problems all through my life.

My personal journey has been extraordinary in many ways. I do feel I have much compassion and empathy for people who are struggling in various ways. This is because I had to struggle through an existential search, in the sense of seeking the meaning of life and death. Oftentimes, as it was the question I was grappling with, I do feel I have a deeper understanding of human suffering.

At the same time, I want to testify that I am grateful that no matter how difficult it was, no matter how deep the pit I felt I was in, I never blamed God. I knew in my deepest heart that God truly understood, and I felt His / Her parental heart in great agony for the suffering of His / Her children. In the beginning of the movement, Father also had many tearful prayers and sermons, grappling to understand God's suffering heart. Each person needs to have such experiences. In hindsight, I am very grateful. [Ye Jin nim is in tears.]

We are approaching the first anniversary of Hyo Jin nim's ascension. Can you express some of your feelings for him?

I touched upon this before, but I can add something. We grew up in similar circumstances. I think I do understand him very deeply. He talked about his struggles in public, so members are aware of those. But even in light of the life we led in Cheongpa-dong, I can relate to the impact it would have had on Hyo Jin as well. If he had been offered more support and proper guidance, he would have blossomed without the unnecessary suffering that he endured.

Even though, externally, he appeared to have a very strong character, he truly had a deep heart. I know he would have had a lot more to share. I want to testify that as he matured, he was a very loving husband and a father who was deeply devoted to his children. I can feel from my dreams that he really wants to convey his heart and support for the True Family as well as for his own family that they should be good examples for the rest of the blessed children. He sincerely wants to carry on his tradition of heart. I am very grateful and deeply moved in appreciation. [Ye Jin nim weeps.]

In his later sermons, Hyo Jin nim expressed that life was short. Looking back some thought this was prophetic. Ideally, God does not want us to die prematurely, but wants us to live the full extent of our physical lives in the physical world, fulfill the three blessings (responsibilities) and ascend as perfect spirits. However, even though this is the ideal, in our True Family, since the burden of our course is not just our own by individual choice, but bears the weight of providential history, our family has had to establish uncalled-for indemnity conditions. As our family represents all of human history beginning from Adam / Eve, within Father and Mother's family there have been tragic, premature deaths, not because these were predetermined by God, but owing to unfortunate indemnity circumstances.

I believe there is only one way we can pay tribute to Heung Jin, Young Jin, and Hyo Jin, so that their premature deaths are not in vain. It rests upon all of us here to complete the restoration of this physical reality and completely liberate the spiritual realm. Of course, Father sets the conditions, but all of us have to contribute in completing the leg work. We still have a lot to work to do. We have to accept that we cannot undo the past; nevertheless, we should feel repentance that we were not able to build a foundation that could have prevented any of these unnecessary and tragic offerings, and we must endeavor our hardest to bring victory to God and the True Parents. We all owe it to Hyo Jin, Heung Jin, and Young Jin to dedicate our lives to complete what they could not fulfill here.

Father speaks about this being the women's era, and you have already spoken about women's potential. Can you share a little more about your view on the role of women? Foremost, we must begin from the fundamental understanding of human value, individual perfection or fulfillment of the first blessing, which applies to all people whether male or female. We need to clearly grasp what it means for each person, regardless of sex, to be the sum total of the whole creation, both the spiritual and physical realities.

One consequence of the Fall is that we lost our spiritual senses. Ideally for human beings, if we are perfect as the sum total of both the spiritual and physical realities, our spiritual senses should be open, in the same way that we have our physical senses. There should be harmony and unity, with full cognizance through both sets of senses, right? But, after the Fall, the need had arisen to separate what was God's original desire for human value as opposed to our fallen status after the Fall. In fact, because of the Fall, we lost our spiritual senses and became like the animals, which only have physical senses. However, since we have the original human value God initiated, we have the desire to regain our spiritual senses. That has to happen for both men and women.

We need to clearly perceive that though God created Adam and Eve, the first and last human models God Him / Herself created, and gave them equal human value on the individual level, God necessarily had to create both sexes for the purpose of multiplication. According to the Principled formula for multiplication based on division into two, though the value of the dual positions must be equal at the point of division in "origin-division-union action," the entities filling those positions must differ from each other. This is because the purpose of God's Creation was not cloning, but the multiplication of individual entities having commonality (equal human value) with God as their origin. At the same time, they had to be different and unique (two sexes). In other words, on the level of individual perfection -- that is, the spiritual / physical selves in Principled true love unity with God -- people have equal value whether they are male or female. However, both men and women, who are of equal value but of different sexes, have to stand on the level of collective multiplication (for which the family is the fundamental basis) in order for there to be Principled true love multiplication of the highest level of creation, a human child.

Ideally, Adam and Eve should have perfected themselves individually and raised perfected human beings through education and their parental examples. However, after the Fall, as we have lost the Principled human value, we all must relearn what we lost through the Fall. Only when we are clear in Principle about the fundamental, equal human value that applies to each person, whether a man or a woman, can we begin to respect what the different sexes may be able to offer for the greater good of all humankind.

Once we are clear about equal human value then we may be able to address the issue of women's nurturing role, since we women biologically carry children in the womb during our reproductive period in our physical life cycle. At the same time, however, this does not mean that just because women physically carry children, it is solely women's responsibility to care for children. Just as God is the harmonious, unified being of male and female aspects, of rational / emotional or nurturing dual aspects, each person -- whether a man or a woman -- has both qualities and has the responsibility to fulfill their potential in both. So, though women may biologically carry the children, both parents must be equally involved in raising true children and creating the environment of a true family.

Given the above, at this time of human understanding in the Completed Testament Era, the role of women cannot simply be restricted to the domestic sphere. As human beings, women should be encouraged to fulfill their human potentials to the fullest in whatever endeavors they may choose to pursue.

You have clearly striven to rise above the difficulties you've faced in life. Could you say something more about this?

Everyone has one's own life course, including the way each person was called for the mission. At the same time, however, we are not just individuals, we are collectively the extension of our ancestors. So, though we all have our stories of individual struggles, we also carry the burden of our collective tradition, based upon our ancestors. Due to the Fall and un-Principled human conditions existing thus far, we all have suffered to some degree or another. For my part, I only hope that members can come to share an understanding of my course, since, standing in the position of the first daughter, I had the experience of living at the time of the beginning of the movement.

I do believe that from my life course, and whatever understanding, compassion, or wisdom I have gained through it, I have something to offer. The purpose of that offering is not personal catharsis, but for the greater purpose of being helpful to whomever may be struggling, whether of the second or future generations, going through his or her own course. It can be a point of reflection so that we can have common understanding. The purpose of our existence (and our endeavors, whatever they may be) has to be relevant to our collective calling. Through the Fall, God lost His / Her connection to humankind, and according to Principle, the role of the True Parents and their children is to bring humankind back to God by being examples of Principled true love.

The Principle understanding is that all human beings have equal value. True Parents may have shown us the way, but each of us needs to clearly perceive that God is not looking for just one person to reach perfection! We each have to become a perfect individual and establish our own relationship with God as a true child. We all have to become embodiments and temples of God. To reach that goal, as we educate ourselves to understand human value through God's Creation much more deeply, we have to support each other to attain original human value. We all have to support each other in gaining confidence and gratitude before God for our very existence, because we are the sum total of the entire creation with the sole right to be God's true children! Truly thank God, the Heavenly Parent, for the opportunity and the life that we are given. [Ye Jin nim smiles joyfully.] 

How Can I Grasp True Love?

Ye Jin Moon
July 31, 1984

When introducing Ye Jin Nim, Col. Pak said:

"Father's entire life was filled with tears. There is no one under the sun who shed more tears than he. Then in 1960, our Mother joined him. And again, in order to give rebirth to the entire universe, Mother shed tears, following Father's tradition.

"Right now, Ye Jin Nim is setting a beautiful tradition, inheriting True Parent's tearful heart in prayer. She is becoming the central prayer force in our time. Many times, hours and hours throughout the night, she just cries out to Heaven for the entire Heavenly world to come and help us. 1 want you to know that, wherever you go, whatever you do, that force of prayer from East Garden is with you.

"I have great respect, admiration and deepest love for Ye Jin Nim setting a tradition for our Unification life that is based on tearful prayer. She is a good example for us to follow."

My whole existence has no value if I cannot witness to -True Parents, if I do not inherit and teach to the generations to come the kind of true love they possess.

When we say true love, it seems so simple. Because you come to Sunday service and hear Father's words, and you feel your heart suddenly uplifted, somehow you feel, "Oh, this must be true love. Father is giving out true love." But even throughout Father's life, as far as I can see, this has not been just a given thing. Father is working constantly to keep that position of True Parents, to always give true love. He's always giving, giving, and never asserting himself or thinking about himself.

So nowadays I think more and more deeply about how I can capture and grasp true love. The more I think about it, the more incredible it is. It is the most difficult thing to achieve under the sun. My experience as a true child is that, even though we are direct children of True Parents, we are no different from most members. We are, in a way, far from 'flue Parents most of the time.

You are familiar with the principle of Cain and Abel. Because Father is the one who practices that principle, Father is himself the Principle. His life is the Principle itself. He practices it every day in every situation before himself and before his own family, which is in the Abel position. Always his love has been one of giving for the sake of others, raising members and giving them guidance.

True Parents' way of life and their tradition has always been to love the members before they think about themselves, their own children, or their own suffering or difficulties. They are always worrying about others. I know that Parents, in their daily life at East Garden or wherever, are always thinking and praying.

Supreme Control over Himself

If Father seems physically so tired many times, we ask him: "Please, can't you take rest?" Father says, "At this moment somewhere in the world, even though it might be not here, there are members working. When I know those members are working, I cannot rest." That is the parental heart, always pushing, always pushing. He wants to comfort the members, not be comforted.

Many times in his prayers, even though he might be faced with incredible obstacles and many, many hills to climb, he never cries, "God, please help me." Rather he always says, "God, I will be the one that will fulfill your mission, the restoration of history. And I will be the one to sacrifice everything I have even unto my life. I will comfort you and I will liberate you."

Even when Heung Jin was dying at the hospital, if Father had been a regular parent -- well, I also have two children and I compare, you know, if I were in that position, how would I have responded? But True Parents had a greater mission in Korea that had to be accomplished at that historical moment. So they couldn't come; only after they had accomplished their mission could they come.

That could have been a very emotional and turbulent moment, but Father, our great Father, has supreme control over himself. He performed the Ceremony of Unification. No matter what difficult circumstances, surroundings, or events take place Father is always willing to turn them into a heavenly advantage. Even if it means to sacrifice to the utmost. Even if it means he must take what is most important and put it on the altar to trade it.

If Satan demands the most precious sacrifice, Father is even willing to give that for the restoration of the world. Father never shed even one tear in sorrow or regret when Heung Jin was in the hospital. Father was very strong. Rather than receiving comfort, he comforted all of us, and he performed that Ceremony of Unification. Father once again forgave, even at that moment.

Up to that time, you know, Father's family, and also the blessed children and blessed families and all the Unification members had not been completely united with True Parents. But Father forgave at that time and gave blessing. He gave the ceremony and asked God to give one more chance for the complete internal unity to come to our church, centering upon live Parents, live Family, and all the blessed couples and the older members. And ultimately, when the Unification Church is completely united internally, God can work through us and can perform miracles through us. Then all Christianity can turn and unite with us and the external Cain-Abel relationship can be totally accomplished; ultimately the Free World and the communist world will also be united.

We have witnessed that the world has risen against Father and sought to corner him. In this ultimate fight of the last days the heavenly forces and the satanic forces are fighting really neck to neck. It's the last moment, even though we might not realize it. We are not even armed, and it is not a physical fight, but spiritually an incredible fight is going on.

Father said these are the last days; this is the turning point of the entire course of history. And even at this moment when that last battle is being waged, because of man's lack of perfection and his not completely uniting on the individual, family, or the national level to really support that heavenly force, even God has no power because Satan accuses God. He says, "Look at Your children. They aren't fulfilling, they aren't going Your way. You know I can't give up."

It's a crucial situation. So, oftentimes God and True Parents stand at the center taking all the indemnity, and Father must walk through that bitter course of indemnity due to our lack of responsibility. This includes also myself, and of course it goes for everybody. Even though we might have been thinking that we were fulfilling our mission to the utmost, when Father was not resting, when he was shedding tears and praying for the whole world, we were in fact resting, thinking about our own children, our own family or many other minor things. All this self-centeredness has accumulated across the world at this crucial time. And as a result, so has the heavier burden that Father is carrying. Father is going through a course that was never to have been even an alternative.

God always goes through His course of dispensation in two ways because there is always man's portion of responsibility involved. God cannot just give. You know, if God had said, "I will change the world in one day," and no human responsibility were required, God would have done it a long time ago. But as we know throughout the course of history, because man failed to fulfill his responsibility the restoration has always been delayed. Even in Father's own life course, many, many times, because we have not truly understood Father's desire and his way of life, his leadership, his guidance and his direction, we have forced the restoration to be delayed.

Father, the ultimate Abel, has always carried that burden and gone through not only spiritual suffering -- there is always spiritual suffering 24 hours a day -- but also physical suffering. You know his prison course, in Hung Nam and also now in America.

To Learn From Our Mistakes

I believe what we need at this crucial time is to look back. But not to just sit and regret and mourn forever, but to learn from our mistakes in the past. To learn how we can change ourselves. How we can truly follow after Father's footsteps and his way of life. How we can inherit his total commitment 24 hours a day, and the way he does not look back in any other direction but only looks straight ahead. That kind of commitment is needed.

Until we are totally restored internally and have really accomplished separation from Satan and his accusations, I really think we can't sit idly and ask God for a miracle to happen. We must be the ones who move God, who liberate God from Satan's accusations so that He can work miracles through us. I think this is our most crucial responsibility, and it is what Father calls upon all of us to do, even while he is in prison. It is the least we can do for True Parents.

I know that most of you have worked hard and have gone through difficulties and suffering in your personal courses. We all have, internally or externally. But when we compare our situation to Father's situation, and to the situation of God who has been suffering over 6000 years, we cannot even utter one word of complaint.

You know Father first came to live in this country [USA] in 1972. At that time, I was 10 years old. At that time, I became very, very ill, almost to the point of death, and at one point if Parents had not returned to Korea within a week I would have died. But even though Parents knew I was getting very sick, they are always people of principle, always thinking about the world and the complete course of restoration. And because setting the foundation in America was so crucial at that time, Parents didn't come back until the last possible moment. After that, you know, when I was growing up I had many very hurt feelings.

Even though sometimes I want to go to True Parents and tell them about my situation, every time I try to go to them I see them always, always thinking of the whole, not just about our family, but the whole world, and caring for the people of the world, totally selflessly. Whenever I try to complain or tell them about my situation, I am always humbled and just can't utter a word before their great, great love and sacrifice.

Even when we visit him in prison I feel Father is trying to educate us and give us comfort, even though he is not in the most comfortable surroundings there. He still has to tackle many worries even while he is in prison. But Father never thinks, "Oh, I am tired." He never utters one word of complaint. Rather, he is always thinking about the members and how we must pray for them. He always tries to give encouragement. I know you could say that maybe True Parents are born that way, but that is not true. live Parents are human too, just like any of us. They can feel hurt and fatigued. In fact many times they feel cheated and have anger and are many times disappointed; they have all the variety of feelings that you feel, that all of us feel.

But for the sake of all of us, not for themselves, they suppress those sentiments and completely cut themselves off. That is always True Parents' attitude. They will never change. Because we know that they are the living embodiment of God's true love as parental love, I just wish that at this given time we can really change internally, so that we can ultimately free True Parents and liberate God so that He can work upon this earth.

I just wish that we can quickly be totally united centering upon True Mother and the True Family and all the leadership which Father has appointed, and always be obedient. As Mother said, this is the best solution. If we cannot understand how the course of the dispensation is going, the best way is to obey the direction. Because obviously if we just sit down and try to figure it out it will take millions of years. And as you know we have no time to waste, especially at this crucial time in history.

I really call upon all brothers and sisters to think and to re-evaluate our situation, because we all have the same destiny -- to reach perfection. And as Father many times has urged us, we should each be another Rev. Moon. Unless we all become another Rev. Moon, unless we become true children of True Parents, there can be no Kingdom of Heaven upon the earth. We must start the Kingdom of Heaven upon the earth ourselves.

Do Not Feel Lonely

We cannot blame the rest of the world and the rest of America for not recognizing Father, or for not returning glory to True Parents, when we ourselves have doubted Father and Mother many times and disobeyed them. Since Father is now in prison physically, we are also in prison spiritually. At this time we have to restrict ourselves from all the fallen nature which holds us back from going forward. We must really remake ourselves in order to become one with True Parents at this time. Father says, "Don't worry about me, worry about yourself, and the course that this country and the whole world has to go."

So, whenever you are faced with difficult situations, always think about Father and Mother's situation. How they must always give to the billions of people in the world. That is what True Parents and true love is all about. You know that Father's children are preparing for the generations to come. Our prayer is always with you. Do not feel lonely. We are all in the same boat. This is our destiny. This is why we were born. If we accept our responsibility and our course with gratitude, everything will be much easier to accomplish than if we just sit and complain. I think if we all have a grateful heart and mind, we can really make it happen this time; we can ultimately liberate our True Parents. Thank you very much.