Ye Jin Nim's Blessing Testimony

June 1981

Ye Jin Nim returned briefly to New York in June, after her matching and Blessing. New York area leaders hosted a reception for her at Belvedere, where she gave the following short, tearful testimony.

First of all, I'd like to thank everybody for coming here to congratulate me. It was very special for me too, and I still don't believe I'm married, but I believe it's all for the best. It's a new beginning for me and for our family, and our church. I want to be a good example and also try to make an exemplary family.

As many of you might know, I have such a sharp character, so until I really polished it, I didn't expect to get married. I expected to wait maybe another ten years. But anyway, I hope this way I will improve much more quickly.

But Father, of course, is concerned with future, and especially, the right spouse for me, so from time to time, he used to tease me and ask, "What kind of husband would you like?" But I really wasn't so interested in that.

We True Children have to be a great family, and it would be most wonderful if from the time we were born we would be perfect, a superman or superwoman. But if that were the case, God would not be a fair God. Everyone has to grow through three stages, and overcome a lot of Satan's temptations and attempts to distract and destroy us. And we have to come out as a winner in order to really be God's True Children. But we feel like we did not have a childhood.

Plus, there are always high expectations of us. Members expect and want to see some ideal family with children who are different from the outside kids. But we have to go step by step, and to jump from the creation stage to perfection in one big leap would be contrary to the Principle and outside of the universal law. We try really hard but many times we have been confronted with problems from outside people in schools.

Also, because we are the first children in this fallen world, many people do not know whether to "handle us with care," or how to raise and educate us. That can sometimes become a poison for children.

Furthermore, our parents are always touring and speaking to members and trying to raise the members, and they have very little time with us. And when they do have time it is so short that all we hear is education; so we understand that Father expects us to grow quickly.

When my brothers and sisters are very young, they are very isolated from the world and don't even have True Parents around. I feel it's very difficult for them; people have high expectations of them and they may receive lots of accusations. We push ourselves towards perfection, but when we cannot determine our course of growth, we feel a lot of self-accusation.

I'm in a kind of special situation in the True Family, because I'm the oldest. I felt that when I got matched, I would like a husband who would be like a father and mother to the other children, someone unselfish who could really care for the children and be a good example for them. I told Father, "I don't care about the face or looks, but I really want a husband with a heart which is able to carry heavy responsibility." If I ever prayed concerning my marriage, that was my prayer.

I think I have been really lucky, and I am really grateful for Father and Mother, for giving me such a wonderful husband. And I hope he can be a great strength not only for me but for True Parents and also for our family and for the Unification Church.

I promised my husband I wouldn't cry any longer. For 21 years I cried so much, so I told him I wouldn't cry any more. But as I am crying now, I guess I'll just have to make another exception.

But anyway, I'm not standing here trying to make excuses. Try to understand. It is very difficult, and we are trying; but even to stand in this world is already a difficult thing. Don't lose hope in this sense, and we will appreciate your support and many other positive things. Of course we have our five percent responsibility to perfect ourselves, and we are trying very hard.

I think I understand my younger brothers and sisters' situations, because I have been through what they are going through, and maybe more. I want to help them and guide them.

If I weren't Father's child, it would be really difficult to marry somebody younger; what it comes down to is trusting that Father and Mother's judgment is the best. I couldn't have picked out the perfect match for me. I'm really glad that I obeyed Father and Mother's direction, and I feel like I'm a new-born person; I feel happy, and for the first time in my life, I feel like I am living.

Rev. Kwak already explained that this is the second set of three seven-year courses and is a point of new beginning; so for my family, I would like to become an ideal center for the following generations and the younger blessed children who will soon be married. I will try to be a strong and non-shaking center, so that from this time Father's four-position foundation can start to grow and we can truly become True Sons and Daughters to True Parents and Heavenly Father. 

Report on Ye Jin Nim's Blessing

Chung Hwan Kwak
May 16, 1981


Ye Jin Nim's matching and Blessing came so suddenly. I was in America making plans for the upcoming Korean Evangelical Association workshop in Korea when Father called me unexpectedly and asked me to arrive a couple of days earlier. Knowing that Father planned to visit other countries after leaving Korea, I thought that he might have decided to leave earlier and needed some report from me before setting out. I had absolutely no idea he was planning to bless Ye Jin Nim. Then the next day he called me again and told me to bring Ye Jin Nim with me.

When I conveyed this message to Ye Jin Nim, she said her college schedule was really busy; we still had no idea of Father's plans. Father had set the date when she had to arrive, so she had no choice. The day before leaving for Korea, she took exams in four courses.

On the plane, we talked together about so many subjects, but she had no inkling of any matching. She had not prepared any dress for such an occasion. She had brought along only American-style clothes, thinking she was just coming to Korea for a visit.

On the morning of May 15 we arrived at Kimpo Airport and went directly to headquarters to offer our greetings to Father and Mother. Breakfast was delayed while Father listened to my report. Then Mother came down and said, "Father, we have no time." Actually, Father always decides the time schedule: previously, Mother never said this kind of thing. I had no idea of the events being planned, and therefore I gave a long report. After my report, we had breakfast. Then Father told Mother to explain things to Ye Jin Nim. "You will be matched and blessed at this time," Mother told her.

I don't know in detail how Mother guided Ye Jin Nim.

Father gave directions to headquarters to assemble all the 36 couples at the church, together with their oldest blessed son or daughter. Three representatives each of the 72, 124 and 430 couples were to gather there as well, at 11:00 that morning. Not quite two hours remained before the appointed time. The blessed children had already gone to school, so word had to be sent to them there.

We gathered at the Chung Pa Dong church, where our True Parents' holy matrimony took place, and where the 36 couple Blessing was held. Even the 36 couples had no idea of what would take place. Father had never told us before that we needed to have a True Blessed Couple.

Father began by explaining the providential meaning of Ye Jin Nim's matching and then questioned the blessed couples and their children. He also asked each of the 36 couples to nominate candidates for Ye Jin's spouse. Each person had to write down three names. I don't know who got how many points. Afterwards I asked the other 36 couples whether they thought their votes were effective. Father already had an idea. But I think Father wanted to test the 36 couples to see how close their ideas were to his.

Then he explained that he would match Ye Jin Nim that day. The atmosphere became serious, especially for the children there. They really had no idea of what would happen. He asked the blessed children if they could accept Father's choice in a matching.

Father then explained about the importance of True Children's father-in-law and mother-in-law. Father makes decisions not only considering the spouse, but also the family. Even among the 36 couples, there are differences in lifestyle.

Father turn to Ye Jin Nim and said, "I want to match you today; can you accept it?" She answered yes. "I will pick one brother and then you can discuss with him and decide," Father explained. Ye Jin Nim's reply was, "I do not need to discuss anything; you make the selection for me, and I will accept it."

This may sound simple, but really for Ye Jin Nim it was not so simple. There is quite a difference between her age and that of the other blessed children, and girls develop faster than boys in their understanding and knowledge. But the important thing is that she could accept everything, and that her acceptance was not just a casual yes, but offered with deep feeling and many tears. Many couples will receive a lot of benefit because of her attitude.

So Father picked out one brother, Mr. Jin Whi Hong, and offered the matching prayer.

I am so thankful for Ye Jin Nim. I know her, and even though she did not share her internal feelings at the time, I could imagine them. We should really give heartfelt thanks to True Parents and Ye Jin Nim.

Ye Jin Nim's husband is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Sung Phyo Hong; they are among the third group of the 36 blessed couples and part of my Blessing trinity. I know him well. Mr. Hong joined our church in 1957, and did various pioneer activities; he was a regional director and later director of the Seoul region. His main activities were church activities. When Il Hwa began, he took care of the ginseng business, because his educational background was pharmacy. He pioneered the ginseng business, developing the tea and everything. Also, because of some persecution of Il Hwa, he went to jail a couple of years ago.

The police testified that they really respected Mr. Hong. No matter what they did, still he maintained his dignity and took responsibility for everything. Sometimes when the Korean leaders would face some difficulties, they would write letters to Father and I would read them to him. But Mr. Hong never sent a letter to Father during his time of difficulties, he never tried to make excuses. Even after he was released from jail, Father never mentioned his name, and some leaders thought Father didn't like him, or maybe he failed. Once when I visited him in Korea, I suggested that he write to Father about his situation. But he told me he would not write to Father, and that he himself took full responsibility for the situation.

He told me, "Until Father asks me for details, I will never complain or give him excuses." He really set a good example, and I can deeply understand his heart. Even we as leaders often try to share our heart or give some excuse to True Parents. However, even though Satan causes difficulties, etc., we have to take responsibility. Until some indemnity period passed, Father never said anything to him. Internally, Father must have made this kind of plan. Nobody understood, but perhaps he had been planning this for a couple of years, but still he never showed any close feeling for him. So we should never make decisions based only on Father's external attitude.

Of course we 36 couples are not enough for True Parents, but I told Father, "Even though we are not enough, I recognize today that you need us. This is not only Mr. Hong's blessing, but the rejoicing of all 36 couples, because in this way we are offering one son."

Surely God must have been preparing Ye Jin Nim's husband for a long time; He must have focused a lot of attention on preparing someone for the True Daughter. When Jin Whi Nim was attending junior high school at the Little Angels School, he was president of the student body. He is a wonderful speaker and a very gentle and humble person. He is a wonderful example in every way. We are expecting him to come soon to America and hope to be able to greet him directly.

We want to offer Ye Jin Nim and her husband our most sincere congratulations, especially for having laid such a victorious foundation. We have so much to learn from their example. 

Announcement Of Ye Jin Moon's Blessing

May 16, 1981


Opening the new era of blessed couples and blessed children, our True Parents gave Blessing to their oldest daughter, Ye Jin, and a son of one of the 36 blessed couples, Jin Whi Hong.

The Blessing was held in our church's new headquarters in Seoul, Korea, at 9:00 a.m., May 16, 1981.

The previous day, Father gathered all the 36 blessed couples living in Korea for a meeting at the Chungpa Dong headquarters in Seoul, site of our True Parents' Blessing in 1960, as well as the Blessings of the 36 and 72 couples. The matching and engagement ceremonies for Ye Jin and her husband took place at that time. The father of Ye Jin's husband, Mr. Sung Phyo Hong, is the head of Il Hwa in Korea; their family has passed through a course of much suffering.

After receiving the Blessing, Ye Jin said she felt she was given this Blessing upon the foundation of the hard work of her parents and all the members of the church, and she expressed her deepest gratitude for God's guidance throughout her life. 

Three Poems

Ye Jin Moon
October 12, 1970

In Jin Moon with her brother Kwon Jin Moon

Flowers In The Wind

1975. Thinking of my little brother, Kwon Jin

My little baby brother! Can you see it?
A handful, it of news -- coming over,
Waddling and wobbling.

Already -- I mean, my dear,
A silklike gush of wind blowing
From yonder mountain,
Like a busy sparrow in flight.

Like your big sis here,
Keep your ears open as one does on top of a high mountain;
Like the ocean,
Keep your mouth and nose wide open.
Then you become receptive to all things around you.

Somebody's coming here --
Carrying a five-colored parasol,
Clad in the bright rainbow.

My little baby brother! I furry, put on
Your Sunday best,
And let's go out, you and I!

To meet God's own spring ambassador,
Ever busy, extraordinarily gifted,
And, of course, exquisitely beautiful --



Time goes round and round,
Going round,
My absentminded heart,
Silently, as in a wasteland.

As if making fun of my anxious waiting, Darkness lingers on,
Scrubbing its greasy paint in slow, slow motion.
I count the hours aloud with my own fingers --
Several hours before the incoming tides.
Before I realize it, my fancy
Paints the familiar faces --
"Papa, Mama, please come home right away!"

As the streaks of dawn straighten their backs leisurely,
Each leaf, turned golden,
Reflects the radiance of the sun.
As morning gradually turns into day,
I impatiently await
To greet my Papa and Mama
With a big, happy smile.

A Wanderer


The sun is setting toward eve:
A deserted, lonely road stretches ahead --

A wanderer trudges along.
Dogging the mountain trails and following the river banks,
He has so far survived so many untoward incidents on the way.

Entangled in a labyrinth,
Heavy in his heart,
How many seasons and years it has been
Since he has stopped counting...

Suffering all manner of hardships,
His skin suntanned beyond recognition,
The ice of utter loneliness forming around his heart,
The wanderer drags his weary feet
Along a forsaken, solitary road,
Roasting his dim memory of hardship On the setting sun.