Section 1. National Federation For The Unification Of North And South (Part 1)
1. The Message Of The National Federation For The Unification Of North And South
1) Introduction
My Dear Countrymen who are patriotic and who are wishing for unification! Today we are here attending an event that every Korean deeply longs for, the Inauguration of the National Federation Movement for the Unification of North and South.
We are the "Korean People"; we are brothers of this word; we are a single people. We have the history of 5,000 everlasting years, a brilliant culture and tradition and an excellent language, and we use these things for love and peace.
We are of the same form, same destiny. We have inherited the same blood lineage and have the same beautiful nature. However, this is already the 42nd year of the historical division of North and South, something that no one welcomed; not even nature desired it. The great and joyful independence which was paid for by the blood of sincere patriots 40 years ago was lost instantly, and so miserably; amidst their suffering the division of our people and the emergence of North and South occurred.
How long will the miserable tragedy of our people continue? Should we abandon the hope of unifying the fatherland, of unifying our people, since there seems to be no sign of unifying North and South? (May 15, 1987 at the Little Angels Art Hall, Seoul, Korea)
2) The Reason to Organize The National Federation
My fellow countrymen, here today, I am proclaiming that the unification of our Fatherland will be achieved absolutely and that the time is imminent. Today, we are here to kindle this disposition by establishing the National Foundation for the Unification of North and South.
Ever since 1945, we have sought how we can brightly achieve the restoration of our homeland. The independence and clear restoration of our great homeland this century was accomplished by two factors.
One is the movement for independence by patriots inside Korea and abroad who for 36 years had shed their blood in defiance of Japanese imperialism. The other factor is the defeat of Japanese Imperialism at the end of World War II, which brought world peace. Suddenly, because of these two factors, our homeland was established.
In a similar fashion, the unification of North and South will be accomplished. The corruption in the Communist world centered on the USSR, which lasted for almost 70 years, is drawing near its end. Its 70-year history of failure has not hidden the fact that it is a farce and a deception. The decline of the Communist ideology is connected with the fate of Kim Il Sung in North Korea and this will be the element that will influence the unification of North and South worldwide.
Because of the changes in the world situation, we need to have faith; we need a movement inside our nation and abroad that will work for the unification of North and South Korea. We must burn with the fire of wishing for our unification. There is an old Korean proverb, "Where there is a will there is a way"; also, another wise Korean maxim, "Sincerity reaches to Heaven." How can we desire unification without wishing and being determined more than heaven and earth, more than North Korea? We must be burning with the desire for unification. This is the reason why we are here today-to establish the "National Federation Movement for the Unification of North and South."
3) The 38th Parallel
Today, first of all, we need to realize that the 38th Parallel is not just a geographical division but that the 38th Parallel is a resentful dividing line of blood lineage and of ideologies that are contrary to each other.
During the Korean War we killed one another while belonging to the same people; it was not that we did not know that we were not of different people, not of different blood lineage. This happened due to the differing views of value that could not meet half-way. This severed our nation's ties and blood lineage. This then became a terrible, fearful wall that separated relations between father and son.
4) Confrontation of Theism and Atheism
So, what is the basic difference between these viewpoints of value that are against each other?
The basic confrontation of these views of value that is similar to the confrontation centered on the 38th parallel is the confrontation between theism and atheism. First of all, the Communist ideology starts with the absolute denial of God's existence. Since God is non-existent, the concept of absolute value and the standard of good and evil are also non-existent. Therefore in the principle of Communist revolution, achievement of its purpose is justified by any means.
Through science, Communism denied the existence of God. Also, they believed that the development of science prescribed the existence of Communism and that God and religion are just some form of superstition or myth. After Communism declared that religion is the opiate of the masses, did 20th-century science deny God and religion as myths?
No, it didn't. Though Communism is proud of science, even 20th-century science itself started to prove the existence of God and conquered over the 19th-century notion that God is only superstition.
Let us look at one example. Based on 19th-century science, dialectical materialism, which declares that material was original in the cosmos, states that the cosmos is absolute and cannot further divide; but in the 20th century new physics is overturning this view of the cosmos.
This is because it was proven as an undeniable truth that the material produced by energy, which is invisible, is transforming and has reciprocity.
This new physics, which is leading the 20th century, is affirming that the formation of the universe was not established without some form of will present in the cosmos and, through scientific principles, it is also making clear that the existence of the first cause in the universe was not itself an accidental product originating from the cosmos.
Science is asserting that man and the cosmos where created by a "causal being," which in religion we call God. This Being has intellect, emotion and will, and the creation of man is an expression of His personality. His purpose of creation is to receive joy from man and to give love to man who resembles Him. Therefore, to say that "God is not existing" is similar to stating that children have no parents.
The view of value which recognizes the Creator and the relation ship man has with Him will harmonize all the different groups in human society. Communism, which tried to erase God from this earth, became exposed as falsehood by the science that Communists so strongly believed in. It has been exposed that the Communist view of value must be eradicated from this world.
5) Communism's Mistaken View of Man
Communism treats man as some higher form of animal and like some physical material similar to a machine. This is their proper conclusion since Communism denies the existence of God. Communism declares that man evolved from the apes and reason and language developed as tools for production. Since production is treated as a god, they then assert that man is only some higher form of animal.
Since this Communist view of man is the basic problem, it leads to terrible consequences for man. When man is just a higher form of animal, man has no reason to assert his rights. When man degenerates to the level of a machine, man has no foundation to aspire for freedom, love and creativity. In this Communist society, man is just a short distance away from violence.
Naturally, man only has human value when he is coincident with the purpose of Communism. Only at that time. At any other time man has no persistent value. This is the reason that in the Communist world man is treated insignificantly like an insect. During the 60 years of the Communist regime in Russia, the French magazine, Rue Figaro (Nov. 18, 1978 edition) exposed the finding that at least 150 million humans who were against Communism were exterminated. This is the result of the Communist view of man. This is very evident.
6) The True View of Man
Man's divinity and human life originated from man being the child of God, his creator. Man's human value comes from having the same divine nature as God's. If anyone harms another, it is similar to harming God. If a man loves another, it is the same as loving God. Each human is created by God as a true individual entity. Being the substantial expression of God, man's life is as eternal as God's. The worst crime of Communism was not just the denial of God but with that the treatment of man as an animal. Communism considers man as a higher form of animal and as a living matter similar to a machine. Thus, the structure of the Communist system denies man his dignity. The confrontation of these two views of value which are contrary to each other does not occur exclusively in the Korean peninsula but presently occurs in every place in the world.
This is now the era of the battle of the views of value of North and South on a global level. Without resolving the confrontation of the views of value, the unification of North and South will fade like an illusion; furthermore, without finding a solution to Korea we cannot offer a solution to the problem of the world. The same formula that will solve the problem of Korea can solve the problem of the world.
7) View of Value Through Godism
Ladies and Gentlemen, the solution to the inaccurate attitude towards the view of value is to advocate Godism. Godism is the ideology of liberation from materialism, from worldly humanism; in explaining the existence of God and the sanctity of human life, the Communist world and Western civilization, which are declining, can be liberated. With this ideology we can liberate and save North Korea. The reason for this movement of Unification of North and South is to begin the establishment of this view of value.
Only unification with freedom is true freedom.
When we see first the confrontation of the views of value which are against each other, we should be deeply impressed that only unification in freedom is true unification.
Our unification must be the base for God, freedom and democracy. Any other kind of unification is not true unification.
The rights and privileges of our North Korean brothers have been plundered for 42 years. Like us, they also desire to enjoy freedom. This is true unification.
We have to team an important lesson from Vietnam. Vietnam was not unified. It became the slave of Russia. It did not achieve true unification. During twelve years of Communism in Vietnam, people who wanted to pursue freedom became "boat people" -- a couple of hundreds of thousands -- and many died in the ocean. Another couple million people were massacred. Communist Vietnam, which was called "unified, deteriorated to become the worst and poorest nation in the world, having a GNP of not even a hundred dollars. No one would label this is as "true unification."
Our North Korean brothers need a true revolution. The revolution that they have waited patiently for is only possible when we stand and lead to bring them world peace and prosperity. For us South Koreans, who have lived a prosperous life, this is our sacred duty towards our North Korean brothers.
For 40 years till now the only policy of unification that the Communist Party in North Korea has had is one of polarization, and they have been ceaselessly waiting for the realization of this opportunity. Their final goal of revolution is that "South Korea should be liberated from the occupation of American Imperialism and be made a unified Fatherland where the South Korean people will have the same ideology as the North Korean people." To make the South Korean people believe in the same ideology, in other words "to arm them with Kim Il Sung's unique thought," means to absolutely obey and be occupied under the doctrine of Kim Il Sung's "Father-Son." It means being a slave to Kim Il Sung.
Using their bitter experiences of defeat in the Korean war, North Korea has been ceaselessly attempting for more than 30 years to invade South Korea with the pretext of liberating the oppressed people of South Korea; therefore, this present time is very precarious.
Even though the tension between North and South Korea is at a high level, South Korea has earned worldwide admiration for its financial and economic development and has improved its international stature.
Indeed, based on the 1985 GNP, the difference between South Korea and North Korea is respectively 5.5 against 1, and South Korea has evidently achieved a record of attaining 20th place as a developed country and 12th place as a world trading partner.
After the 1988 Seoul Olympics it will be as clear as fire that South Korea has attained an undeniably favorable position economically and militarily. Thus, any military maneuvers are due to the realization by Kim Il Sung's party that the opportunity to achieve their goal through polarization by military means will be eliminated forever and they want to prevent this from happening before it's too late.
From now until one or two years later there is a possibility that North Korea in a desperate effort will choose military adventurism; further, any news or information of deterioration and chaos in South Korean politics can only serve as an explosive to hinder the commencement of the Seoul Olympics.
The establishment of the National Federation Movement for the Unification of North and South comes at a very historical and important time.
8) Let's Arm with Ideology
What should the National Federation Movement for the Unification of North and South do at this time?
First of all, we need to arm ourselves with the true view of value towards our nation, so that peaceful settlement and agreement can occur. The weak point of the "free countries" such as America is the existence of emptiness in their ideology. Excessive materialism and the misuse of freedom brings chaos to their view of value and promotes worldly humanism. This is the reason the Communist world will not give up its ambition for world Bolshevization until the very end.
World War III is the war of ideologies. We cannot triumph over Communism solely through military means. For Communism to be defeated, we need to have a better ideology than the Communists. This ideology can only be an ideology based on truth. There is no such ideology other than Godism!
Without changing its ideology, without arming with the Unification Thought of Godism, the free world will find it impossible to triumph over Communism. The National Federation Movement for the Unification of North and South must take the offensive as the movement of pan-nationalism.
Godism serves not only to liberate our North Korean brothers but also gives salvation to the world from Communism. This ideology will serve as an opportunity to create a huge awakening in the Western world from its corruption through disillusion and immorality.
For this reason in 1976, I initiated the historical conference of the Declaration of Godism, in Washington, D.C., the capital of the United States of America.
I did this because I have faith and confidence that through Godism the Communist world can be liberated. The original reason why Communism did not decline rapidly is that up until now we didn't have any clear ideology. We were not armed with a better ideology. Therefore, from now on, let us start to extend Godism to overcome Communism and its movement from South Korea. How can we wish for unification without having an ideological offensive to overwhelm Kim Il Sung's solitary dogma that is full of unjust demands and lies?
9) Godism Is the Movement of Headwing
Unification Thought, Godism, is also the idea of Headwing. Headwing, which is neither right-wing nor left-wing, can realize real human peace which cannot be accomplished by either the right wing or the left wing. The reason for this is that both right wing and left wing cannot escape their original initiation from "selfishism"; their pursuit centering only on their own countries and on their own selves is an eternal battle of self-interests which cannot result in peace and unification. Now a new global "ism" has to appear which can break down "selfishism."
"Unselfishism," which is living for the sake of others more than one's own self, appears only with God's ideal. No other doctrine can have this kind of unselfishness-one that can bring life-because God is the substance of love, the essence of love-one that sacrifices one's self. Love is the essence of Godism; this is the central ideal which is similar to the physical "head" which give orders to move the whole physical body. This is the Headwing ideology. The right hand and the left hand accompany one single body. If the body has no head, then they will fight each other like strangers; but if the head occupies the central position, then the right hand and the left hand obey the orders from the heart, working cooperatively for the whole body.
Therefore, the unification of North and South has to be accomplished through the Headwing ideology. This will in effect cause North Korea not to make unification through polarization and at the same time cause South Korea not to invade North Korea. By "Headism," which is the Headwing ideology of interdependence through mutual prosperity and the universal sharing of values found in God, the unification of North and South can be accomplished.
10) Lets Face the Unification of North and South
Secondly, we need to have a continuous desire for unification. Without that desire, its fulfillment cannot come. This National Federation Movement needs to make a commitment for the unification of North and South Korea. Unification is not just solely our national aspiration but also inevitably our destiny. When our intellect follows up on unification, I believe God is achieving this.
At this point it is not enough to say that we need to defeat North Korea. They have a stronger desire to liberate South Korea. They have the sacrificial attitude to invest wholeheartedly in order to achieve this. Without acquiring a stronger sacrificial desire to absolutely liberate our unfortunate brothers in North Korea, unification would only be a dream. Therefore, I am planning to inspire desire through the establishment, by this National Federation, of "unification prayer centers" and "unification training centers" near the 38th Parallel in order to instill in the hearts of our 40 million countrymen an intense desire for unification with North Korea.
11) Let's Develop Our Capability
Thirdly, we have to cultivate and raise our capability. The idea of unification necessitates the development of our capability in every field for this very purpose. We have to force Kim Il Sung to abandon his ambition of polarization and his plan to invade South Korea, and open the closed society of North Korea. In order for Kim Il Sung to abandon his ideology, we have to overcome his Party in any kind of field and direction.
So, as I have already said, the establishment of the view of value and arming ourselves with that ideology is a very important goal. Then we must extend and improve our country in terms of international position. The most important capability is to establish an advanced democratic society for our nation.
Only true democracy can triumph over dictatorship. Only through the development of an ideal democratic government is it possible to defeat any dictatorial group centered on worshipping individuals. The statement made by Abraham Lincoln, "A government of the people, for the people, and by the people," is true. Democracy should be our national conscience's highest priority, having historical proportions.
12) Encourage International Support for Unification
For the sake of the unification of North and South Korea, an important issue is to develop a worldwide disposition for the urgency of unification. Centered on the United States and the nations around the Korean Peninsula such as Japan and China, we need to be armed with an ideology focused in a positive direction. We hope to make them realize that eventually North Korea cannot continue to exist in isolation, by mobilizing Russia to influence North Korea to open up its closed society. We have to create the situation of international pressure so that they themselves will want to be free from Communism and will think of cooperating for the nation.
Kim Il Sung's organization, which seems formidable but is really an illusion, will soon collapse and fall down because it is rooted in deception.
With the establishment of The Washington Times in America we initiated a worldwide movement of ideally educating the free world, an intention that I had for a long time; we are also organizing around the globe to form many newspapers, to educate the world media, to give direction to university professors worldwide, to guide student movements in every nation, to bring about cooperation among various South American countries and to form understanding among the world religions. Already, I have devoted myself to build the foundation to induce North Korean liberation by trying to influence America, Japan, Europe and South America, and, finally, China.
Korea is in a very delicate position, geographically and politically. America, Japan, Russia, and China, have deep interests in the Korean peninsula; therefore, the great achievement of our unification will be to guide in a profitable direction the influences of these four strong world powers. I accomplished this influence and this ability through the movement of education of ideology on the world level; without doing this, the unification of the Fatherland will never be accomplished.
The "National Federation Movement for the Unification of North and South" cannot start without the foundation of individual Korean effort, and cannot start without other countries in Asia as well as with the United Nations, which has a deep connection with each nation of the world. Thus, our National Federation should develop to an Asian National Federation and then to a World National Federation. This is the desire of all humanity and also the desire of God.
Ladies and Gentlemen. Now we have to accept that the great work nationwide and worldwide begins here. You who are gathered here are offering a helping hand to those saints that are gathered in this place and are receiving this historical responsibility of unification by organizing the National Federation Movement for the Unification of North and South.
Our national spirit has to be liberated to an ideology of "respect heaven and love the people" which is similar to that of our national ancestor King Dan. Today our noble nation elevates the ideology of saving the world from the chaos of the views of value to the salvation of all things; it will mean that "Godism was born in this place."
Since I believe that Korea is a microcosm of the world, the world's problem is inseparably related to the resolution of the Korean problem. Another way of looking at it is to say the method that can solve the world problem was born in Korea. It was! We explained that Godism, which is the method of unifying North and South, became the method to solve secular humanism and save the world from Communism.
Ladies and Gentlemen. We are establishing this view of value for each other. Let us rouse ourselves to action with the weapon of the national ideology. Together, we earnestly wish for the unification of North and South. Let us have faith. Let us burn with the zeal that can penetrate the impregnable.
Let us establish the worldwide foundation by acting through this National Foundation Movement for the Unification of North and South with the determination to achieve God's Will by our own hands and with the confidence to heroically work on the front line, on the place of unification of North and South, as the eternal historical people!
Ladies and Gentlemen. Let us pledge with clenched fists and with determination in our minds in this sacred place where we are gathered to be the battle group for unification! Let us go forward united until our dream, the unification of North and South, is achieved.
May God bless you and your family. This is the message of the National Federation Movement of the Unification of North and South.
2. Support For The Movement Of Unification Of North And South
Ladies and Gentlemen. We are gathered here to achieve our goal. We know very well the situation of a divided Korea.
Because I was jailed in North Korea I know very well the situation in North Korea. We have to liberate them even though we may need to do many sacrifices. All of us must be seriously concerned.
It has been 40 years since I prayed in front of God after crossing the 38th Parallel. I have been living these past 40 years with the dire resolve for unification, and even single-handedly I want to cross the 38th Parallel and liberate this desolate Communist country. (Father couldn't continue to speak because he became too emotional and was crying.) I am certain that it is destined that a fight remains to be fought.
Ladies and Gentlemen. Before you give me respect and honor, please promise me that you will deeply remember in your heart this miserable nation and that you will pledge to go forward for its liberation and unification.
In order to bring success to this big movement we must be united as one whole body. We have to go forward hand in hand and be determined to shed sweat and blood and offer our actions sincerely, young and old, man and woman, intellectual and illiterate. We have to strive for that ideal of unification and the goal of the liberation of North Korea. Pledge and pledge and pledge! If your faith is strong, God can work with you; so please be absolutely desirous about being victorious and be a living encouragement to your friends and colleagues in your working place and in society. I really wish that you can be successful and understand the fact that it is not only we but also our brothers in that fallen country who are hoping deeply.
I cannot accomplish all this by myself; so now we need tremendous funds. Since I know the providential mission needed to accomplish this, combining the entire 60 million Korean people, I am determined to tell you the minimum donation at this time.
I hope that you can connect to this spirit and quickly contribute to the movement. Thank you very much! (May 15, 1987)
3. Establishment And Goal Of The National Federation
1) The Motivation and Background of the National Federation
Who made this National Federation Movement for the Unification of North and South? (Father!) No, I mean by whom was it made? This was not by Rev. Moon, but by Heavenly Father. (Jan. 31, 1988)
Today I am the architect of a worldwide organization that is carrying the worldwide fortune and strongly dominating from the edge of the world in the spirit world to the individual, family, tribe, nation, and world; and, in this position I was banished worldwide. As you know it is not easy-the National Federation Movement for the Unification of North and South. Heavenly Father has to be the leader, at the very front. It is not good if Heavenly Father is not together with us.
Today South Korea as the central nation of the world should be connected with Heaven at the axis of love. This should be 38th Parallel; it should be the pearl gate of the twelve and should be the golden gate where one can enter Heaven. But what is that gate now? "Panmunjon -- this became the gate of the Devil. This should have been the gate that is connected to gold but it became the gate connected to destruction. There is where righteousness and evil confront. Righteousness is pursued and evil has gained power. It is hit by falsehood. God's Will is to get rid of this thing. Rev. Moon is doing this as a representative of the whole world. We have to defend there as well as in America and in Japan.
Because of the division of North and South, we have to accomplish unification by connecting to God's original love, making an offering for the resentment of the world. Therefore, through the liberation of God and humankind, we can step on the problem of this nation and everything will center on the ideology of love. Therefore, the National Foundation Movement for the Unification of North and South, centered on the unification of the Fatherland, desires to join there through the preparation of a glorious ideology of eternal love and of eternal liberation; it will open the gate to the Kingdom of Heaven where we can live together with Heavenly Father for eternity. Do you understand? (Yes!)
I came back to Korea which is still connected to the right side of the realm of the individual, the family, the tribe, and the nation. I came back to Korea to bring the realm of victory. Thus, Cain must surrender to Abel. Is that wrong? Because I brought that kind of fortune, I could establish the National Federation Movement for the Unification of North and South. When the Korean War happened, the Communist people broke through the 38th Parallel; you have to do more than them. How many years did the Communist Party organize? Three years! They prepared the invasion of Korea in a period of three years, from 1948 to 1950; so we have to act within three years.
Until I could at last accomplish the way that America should go, because I was in the position of pioneer, I could not return. Heavenly Father has taught me to become aware that everything is connected here. If not I would have returned to Korea a long time ago. Why do the Korean people come and work here? Is that wrong? After building the path where Heaven could go, where Heaven could reign, truly I could go back to my own country. Heaven could come to our country through the world stage. Not to go through that way-that is a different thinking. So, from now on, by the organization, National Federation Movement for the Unification of North and South, I could connect the way which can connect with the world and the unification of North and South.
People who are wishing for the unification of North and South are also wishing for the appearance of one whom heaven recognizes as the righteous ruler. So that this time, by establishing the National Federation Movement for the Unification of North and South, the South Korean people see that only Rev. Moon is striving for the unification of North and South. This is not an impossible theory. It's definitely fact. Even the government cannot do this. Can Pres. Chung make the unification of North and South? Kim Il Sung said, "Let's unify North and South." Can he unify North and South Korea? Its a dream!
Right after World War II, global division started; Christianity in America couldn't unite with the American nation and the Korean people couldn't unite with Rev. Moon. I had to make indemnity on that level to make two points into one. But Rev. Moon made the Federation centered on God and centered on the Unification Church as a perfect foundation for people to place power in all kinds of directions. Rev. Moon made the foundation!
We cannot be like those passing by in the street drinking alcohol and muttering, "Oh, what a good feeling!" Already we are being surrounded from around the world. We have to bring back our seat over the level of the net that surrounds us which is connected to America, Japan, and China. In order to establish the environment to begin the National Federation I established in Oct. 11, 1986 the Federation of the Unification of Professors and Students. The head of a university expressed astonishment as to why Rev. Moon was doing that kind of work; it's like cooking beans also like lighting a candle. But at that moment the providence was very urgent.
Being so busy I could not look back and time passed so quickly.
Especially 1987, during its establishment on April 13 and the declaration on June 29 of the National Federation Movement for the Unification of North and South, was a very complicated time nationally and providentially. Since we started the unification movement in such a dangerous time, this organization will be considered strange and remarkable. Some rich people who had a lot of money, some political people, and also people who want to succeed in life, just left. They didn't do anything. The situation was similar to dying; but we were the only ones shouting with a big voice. So, the Unification . . .
Last year, on campus, a leftist movement tried to attack one member. If this Unification Church member fights with them he will automatically win. This Unification Church member's name, where did it come from? This was the name or slogan given by the leftist movement to this member as he fought at the central campus of the university. During that situation on the school campuses in the entire country of Korea, who else beside us was giving speeches centered on university professors and famous people in society? This was the big challenge. This was so dangerous. On May 15, with this kind of foundation, we established the National Federation. Was it made by a nation? Who made it? Absolutely I made it. (January 2, 1988)
Section 1. National Federation For The Unification Of North And South - Part 2
4. Foundation Day
That time comes only once. We should yearn and prepare aggressively for that time because time waits for no one. It just passes by.
If this doesn't transpire, heavenly fortune will be very different. So there is no time for night or day. There is no night and day. In order to accomplish this we cannot rest. Getting tired is not a problem. Thus, this time we organized the National Federation Movement for the Unification of North and South.
Why does Reverend Moon absolutely have to organize the conference before May 15? It is the season similar to spring, before summer. That is when all things are restored to life. Looking at the whole situation . . . . Which year did the May 16th event occur? (1961) The new sovereignty was born centered on the fortune like May 16. So, we had to do it before then. Not after. At this time, the whole Korean situation should be like that. Since it did not happen according to God's providence, confusion has transpired. The opposition party is confused; the government party is confused; people themselves cannot find direction where they should be going; the religious people cannot act, and no one can guide anyone. We are all tightly connected. The spirit world and the physical world were divided, as well as East and West, North and South. To overcome, we need to do it like this. All fortunes go together intensively. Regarding the organization of the National Foundation Movement for the Unification of North and South, "so-and-so" said that it cannot be done.
Also, so-and-so said, "I'm dying, too busy." (When is a good time to do it?) It's good to do it during the summer vacation in July. Did I say June? (You said June.) It's not June! (laughter) There isn't time. Reverend Moon has to do it! Everything, this time! . . . . How do they fit together -- screw, bolts, nuts, turning together? It's similar to that. Its very interesting, very strange, mysterious, to find out this point. Who is there? Heavenly Father is there! What is the name of Heavenly Father? Can you understand?
Actually it is easy. I know that it's very difficult to make a free association in America under the terrible storm of criticism. I have to direct them to make everything. However, they don't understand. It's more important than the National Federation Movement for the Unification of North and South. We have to do this by May 15. Then people who come to see it will comment, "Hey, you did it!" Did you do it just because you were compelled? Anyway, you did well. If it was possible, how good it could be around June; but that is wrong. It's no good after May 15. Some religious people can say, "Let's do Chon-do-gyo" on the Kyon Ryung mountain on May 16 and it will happen. With that kind of confidence I wanted to build the pan-national organization for the unification of North and South; that is why I pressed to do so by May 15. After the 16th, people will ask, "Oh, what is Rev. Moon doing? He is just imitating and copying!" We might hear this kind of comment. If it becomes like that, our image will become bad. So, I pressured people to do it quickly. Like feces, evil things smell. Three or four days later, no one wants to touch it.
This time Rev. Moon came back to Korea to organize the National Federation Movement for the Unification of North and South. At this time the conference stopped and the government domination was taken away. So, the Korean people now follow Rev. Moon. Do you understand? (Yes!)
This is the way for South Korea to be in unison with Rev. Moon. If everybody -- all families, Kim Il Sung, North Korea -- does this, then we will have a situation of saturation or abundance.
This saturation will overflow if it cannot fit anymore. Centered on Rev. Moon, connecting with this situation of saturation, it can elevate towards the worldwide course. From then on it will not come down. Here is the ideal world, one equal world. It is returning to a true world.
5. The Goal Of The National Foundation
Which national federation unification movement centered on God's original idea is unifying North and South? Therefore, to build that nation of Heaven we need to build a new national ideology. (May 1, 1987)
Rev. Moon returned to Korea to make the National Federation Movement for the Unification of North and South in order to make a unified Korea. (November 13, 1987)
We established the NFMUNS to find a shortcut to unification. What must we do? Not only the unification of South and North. Not only the liberation of South and North. We have to liberate Heavenly Father by liberating humankind. What is the center? We have to know that the center is True Love.
The National Federation Movement for the Unification of North and South is the organization for the unification of North and South. People first need to make the federation, then do the unification movement; so we have to be united to mobilize 60 million people. If the standard-bearer can unite 6 million and then 60 million towards the new Eden, then the world will directly become the perfect foundation for the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth.
Have confidence and faith. Believe the words of Rev. Moon that from now on we have to defeat North Korea. Who is taking responsibility? Heavenly Father cannot take responsibility. Reverend Moon also cannot take responsibility. Each person should take responsibility; each person has to be liberated from Satan. In order to be liberated, what should each person do? Your family needs to be liberated. So what is the goal which puts all power on this National Federation Movement for the Unification of North and South? There is only one goal. The goal of the Unification Church, the goal of the Victory Over Communism League, the goal of the Federation of Unification of Students and Professors, and the goal of the National Federation is the same. It's not two, just one. What is it? It is the family! Why the family? Because of the Fall, the family was lost. So we have to recover the family.
What is the goal of the National Foundation? When we do the movement for the unification of South and North, what do we have to defeat? Where is the focal point? Where is the place where we should thrust the general attack? The standard of defeating is not in Seoul city; it is in all the district and the neighborhood. All leaders of the district and the neighborhood and "the village." Our own organization must bring all our power to that movement. Where is the place of our front line? Of course, we all have to go to the district and the neighborhood and Li and the neighborhood; but it is not good without initially putting a foundation in the town and "The district." Do you understand? Also, without maintaining a base of 3,300 people in the whole nation, it is impossible to bring victory centered on the town and "The district."
Therefore, does "to defeat" mean that we can bring victory over Communism armed only with ideology? It is no good to be armed only with ideology! Already the Communists are trying to realize their ideal by making a nation centered on Communist ideology. During these 40 years they are exerting themselves to actualize that ideal; but until now that has not been accomplished . . . . They have the Communist ideology and the benefit of action, but since the work is centered on the leading organization, the Communist Party, people forget about it. People quit, leave or defect. By recognizing these events, we know that our time has come. Therefore we can completely connect with the North Korean people by uniting with the foundation movement in South Korea.
So, the "defeating movement" in North Korea is the movement to defeat the district and Li leaders in North Korea. Here in this national organization you indeed train and finish. . . .
The goal of the National Foundation Movement from now on is the movement of victory in the district and the neighborhood. If only we unite with this, the unification of North and South will happen. Even if only armed with the ideology to unite the district and the neighborhood leaders, then we can unify North and South. It is not difficult to unite the district and "The neighborhood's" leaders.
We have the organizations: the Victory Over Communism League, the Federation of Unification of Professors and Students, and the National Federation Movement for the Unification of North and South, and all these organizations share the same goal which is the occupation of the district and the neighborhood.
6. Management Of The Federation
From now on the issue is world mobilization. In order to accomplish that, first of all we must have an absolute ideology; second, an intensive organization; and, third, an understanding of the unification process since we are confronting Communism whose activity and power of organization are greater than ours. For that development to occur, we need to organize.
Presently Kim Il Sung actually has a strong hold on 20 million people; therefore, we have to make an organization that is stronger than that. If we do that, then the organization of Kim Il Sung will naturally fall down. This is the providential viewpoint. It will collapse naturally. Did the North Devil organize everything through compulsion? North Korea is composed of volunteers. We are composed of volunteers.
When we think on that, we need a unified theory that can assimilate everything, that can transcend those of the Communist organization and the democratic organization. We can conclude that we need to organize unification based on an idea like this.
To form an organization for world unification, we should use Korea as a model. An organization centered on Korea, a federation for World Unification, East and West, North and South. A federation for the unification of the world, east and west, north and south. Definitely, Korea becomes the model of the world. If the world is included, then all things become a unified world organization. The whole nation has to be armed with that ideology.
In order to do that, what should we do? We have to come up with educators who can teach the whole nation. We have to reach highly educated people. We should connect quickly with South Korean educational organizations.
We need to work with everyone in the universities, in junior High Schools, in High Schools and in the National Schools. We should quickly link with leaders of educational organizations.
We have to intensify educational activity, meaning that we have to connect the student activities. We have to educate and extend this activity through the students, connecting above and below and left and right. After that we need to educate parents through the students. Also we have to educate the family.
Through the student organizations, everything -- family and society -- can be connected. We have to tie everything vertically on the horizontal foundation. Who must do it? Teachers have to it. We need to inform the schools that the teachers and the professors have to do it.
Then the organization of public officials. After connecting the private organizations centered on the college campuses we have to mobilize the organization of public officials. We have to connect state organizations like the government through the organization of public officials. It means to unify different organizations of public officials.
Then in order to mobilize this kind of people, the leaders of society, we include in the federation meetings alumni and graduate students from the universities. We have to connect with the region as one core center. Centered on the region we have to establish the unification movement completely. Then we have to unify parents, students, teachers and public officials.
We must prepare an organization of two parts because your country and the reality in Korea is different. It is not necessary in your country, but Korea needs to make unity of the North and South. We have to pre, pare two parts of organization. We have to prepare this kind of organization in South Korea as well as in North Korea. In South Korea it is necessary to have this kind of organization because after the unification of North and South Korea these organizations will make preparations for the elections.
Even though South Korea is too small and too narrow, it can become like a tiger's head if it uses Rev. Moon's head, hands and legs. How do we mobilize with just 1,000 people? If it is just me, I cannot do anything because I am just 1/1000th. So how do we do it? By thinking that one thing in North Korea is the problem. So, is there anyone who will go to North Korea? All those people raising their hand say "yes"!
From now on for three years I want to go to North Korea and organize in all kind's of organizations, in each the district, the town and li and in women's and men's clubs. We will start now. Are you going to do it? (I will do it!) (Jan. 21, 1986)
If your power is lacking, we will mobilize the leaders of li; by receiving help through the cooperation of the central organization we will educate teachers and principals, and then we will educate the students. After quickly finishing this, we will use their vacation time to bring their parents. Then it's finished! At the same time, through our activities, we will organize the leaders of the district, the neighborhood and the town, the neighborhood organizations. After that, we will connect everything centered on well-known people in society and in the alumni associations. Aside from that, we will take charge to educate and prepare the army and the private defense groups; indeed, we will educate all the people to become members and then the work of the National Federation Movement for the Unification of North and South Korea will be finished.
When we are finished with all organizations, if a stranger appears in a village we can ring the bell in every house to notify one another. We should check everything. If the person says that he came to visit his parents and his hometown, we should call his parents to see if they know this person or not and would they let him inside their house; then even the best spy will be defeated, and contact with his leaders will be destroyed.
We have to check every day; we have to expose secret telegrams or wireless communications that are coming and going between North Korea and South Korea. We do not exactly have any clear statistic on how many active North Korean spies there are behind the scenes, but it would be a big number. If we can stand the fire of truth with Heavenly Father's protection, we will be able to round them up. We can know if a person is for unification or not. Do you understand now what we should do for the establishment of the organization for unification? (Yes!) Now is the moment when Rev. Moon is devising plans for that realization. Due to my experience in the jail of Hungnam Prison, I have scrutinized everything. We have to realize that if we cannot take out the root of the Communist Party and Kim Il Sung, then Korea will indeed be punished.
So, the thing that needs most attention is to find out where they are penetrating. Their number one goal is the district and the neighborhood, so the emphasis is how to defeat this. (Jan. 2. 1988)
Participation in the National Federation Movement for the Unification of North and South has to be extended even to the Headquarters of the Defense Army. We have to educate all qualified men. We have to put these people in the most important positions in their districts. They are the brave patriots who will sacrifice their lives. For the sake of the country and the nation, they fought and were injured. It is they who should teach the juniors the desire to dissolve the resentment towards the North Devil. Centered on Unification Thought, district leaders will join the National Federation. They will become important leaders armed with an ideology they believe in. If it becomes like this, the unification of the fatherland will be completed.
Then there is the "prepared army of the post." We educate the "prepared army" and let them attend our organization. If you meet some "funny person" there, right away confront him with our ideology. Fight with theology, then guide him along the right way. After the education of the "prepared army" the next thing to do is to educate the "private army," and there is no other place that can do this than the National Federation. Therefore we have to practice by having them receive everything. We have to get back the balance in every kind of field so that people will come to devote themselves to the Unification Movement. (Jan. 2, 1988)
Therefore, what do we do with the local organizations? There is our church organization. But here, in this place, there is no Federation of Unification of Students and Professors. Therefore we have to allot one professor of the Federation of Unification of Professors and Students. He can use one office with two other persons, and each person's mission is to help each other.
Therefore centered on the Unification Church, one person can do VOC and be vice-president of a National Federation, and the powerful person in the local area can be another vice president.
Therefore, three persons have to make unity. It is not good if we cannot make unity with three persons. To do this they have to focus together. The mouth also has to function with three points. The ear also. Everything must be like this. Thus, it must be achieved within the realm of the four-position foundation centered on the spirit. This is the Divine Principle viewpoint.
From now on, the organization of this system is in three stages. Three stages. If the President has to control from the district government to the Ministry of Finance, the President has to give the direction until the Minister of Finance. Then it's three stages. Thus the Minister of State is from the Minister of Finance, Chief of the Department, Chief of the Section. The Minister of State goes down one step. We have to connect to this kind of organization, do you understand?
Our organization also has the form of three stages; that is the town, the village, the neighborhood, centered on the town and the district, the district and the neighborhood centered on the district. (Feb. 24, 1988)
I recently made the National Federation, but before that I organized the Unification Church and the IFVOC. When we just look at it horizontally, the problem is to determine which one is the first among these three organizations. If it were up to you, the first would be the Unification Church, then the IFVOC, and lastly the National Federation; but how about with Rev. Moon? I say that unity centered on the National Federation is first, and everything else is after that. This is the stage of formation, growth, and perfection. In relation to this, we realize that the Unification Church is in the position of the head. Then the IFVOC is the fighting spirit. The National Federation is the mobile leg.
During the Age of Restoration we do not work from the head. We have to work from below. Therefore, going down from the head, the IFVOC and the Unification Church have to turn, centered on the National Federation. Indeed, doing like this will be its end because the center is turning.
If it comes to turn centered on the Unification Church, the place of rotation of the IFVOC and the place of rotation of the National Foundation will also end.
So in the era of the final restoration, when turning we need to turn centered on people. We have to turn with the same heart of all 40 million Korean people. With this kind of meaning, I said to unite centered on the National Movement.
When we unite, where we go to oneness is to be centered on the National Federation; but to make oneness, you have to go to the district and the neighborhood. If it cannot unite all the people from the bottom up, it is no good. If three branches don't become one, then it's no good. The record has to show three people united.
I made the National Federation by this kind of means. Then to put this order worldwide, I said to get the members of the district and the neighborhood under control quickly, by the movement of defeating the district and the neighborhood. (Jan. 2, 1988)
7. Our Attitude Towards The Activity Of The Federation
Now we organize the National Foundation Movement for the Unification of North and South; the era has come which is able to show the march of the group for unification which is struggling day and night, fighting and moving with the heart of love that is able to hold all the people. (February 23, 1988)
Since we are doing God's Will, Heaven will create all the circumstances and conditions. Then the core will be erected, constructed together. This is just the same as with Cain and Abel. So, we have to invest in its development now. Isn't that so? What must we do as the National Federation Movement for the Unification of North and South? When the circumstances are ready, we have to invest everything ourselves. How much investment? Investing should be the same as being able to unify. That would be to sacrifice ourselves. If we do not do this, then we cannot do anything.
The course of restoration is the course of the history of re-creation; but as long as we remain in the restoration process, we have to invest. The limitation of having to invest must continue until perfection.
When everyone came to Korea, did you think that you can easily achieve the goal of the National Federation Movement for the Unification of North and South? Here is the front line. Here is the front line of the world. Here is the focal point of the world. So, if everyone makes determination, I see that many kinds of revelations will happen here centered on God's Will. Isn't it too good to be true that if we unite completely we can even move spirit world to soon call Kim Il Sung?
Even though there is no one, it has to be done. Even if you do not have money, sell your house; just do it! Then Heaven can protect our future; He can take all the responsibility.
There is a point there. To do it with money or do it because of that organization. If this organization is not organized by Heaven, then it was organized by Satan. If it isn't used for the heavenly purpose, then money is poison. Poison. It would perish, do you understand? Sincerity is necessary. Sincerity. From now on work and visit; if need be, cry more than you would cry inside the church. It is that easy. For the National Federation Movement for the Unification of North and South, sincerely cry and work more that you would in the church.
When in a village, it is elegant to be working and visiting by car. But if your mission dictates that you have to walk many, many miles, then you have to do it. You should be grateful for today's conveniences which can make your work faster; feel like "it's too good for me!" If you have the heart to do ten times more, a hundred times more that, you even begin spitting out blood just doing it, and Heaven will cooperate.
As the representative of the world, of the South Korean people and the country of South Korea, we have to make that offering. Are you standing the same way as I am with the attitude that I can do anything for others? You cannot?
As the representative, the Unification Church is doing this. By Rev. Moon's order, the Abel standard is that the Unification Church has to completely unite with Heavenly Father's love and the True Parents; then you and Rev. Moon become one. You and all things become united, which is the foundation; so you have to build completely. Together with what? Together with the nation. We have to hold tightly. We have to hold the nation and its people. Do you understand?
The Unification Church members have to hold all things, hold the land of South Korea and its people. Unification Church members are in the children's position of Cain and Abel. The way that Cain should go was established when Abel became a sacrifice. We should hold the South Korean people through this kind of principle. Reverend Moon holds the nation in the same way.
You should hold the land of South Korea like this, centered on God, centered on love. We have to achieve the realm of liberation on the parallel line by connecting and uniting with God's love, by children and parents uniting centered on God's love, by all things and man uniting centered on God's love. Through God's love all things are held; children's hands are held by parents, parent's hands are held by God.
You must know that God is alive. God should be alive! (Amen!)
I feel good so I donated 5,000 million. I am feeling very well, that is why I do it, or, I was feeling bad and that is why I do it. So, from now on, those people who feel bad and donate, get punishment. Do it with a happy heart. After the restoration of Canaan, is it good for the hero who is in front to start the building of a nation unwillingly? You need to have the kind of heart that wants to learn continuously and goes endlessly with joy, day and night.
Even though people follow me and persecute me, I live with great joy. I didn't cry when I was handcuffed, going to jail. I went with a smile, not with tears. I didn't react like a small minded person. When I went to Danbury, Bo Hi Pak and everybody cried, but I said "So, goodbye, I will go," and then I left. "You don't know there is life after Danbury? Because you are blind you cannot see, but I see ahead. Now I go full of hope!" Otherwise, it is no good. After saying that, I entered. I fulfilled thirteen months. Number thirteen is the worst number in America. I came out from the jail to restore this number.
This time, did you read the message on the organization of the National Federation Movement for the Unification of North and South? (Yes!) At the closing, I gave a speech on what to do in order to unify the 38th Parallel; I had a lump in my throat for about five minutes and I delivered the speech more painfully than any in my whole life . . . . For this one goal we have defeat ten thousand times. To do ten thousand times. Everyone, each time I had to hit the bull's eye. I did like this. Otherwise we couldn't restore. So, my wish is that you can inherit and build on all that Rev. Moon has achieved.
Just as Rev. Moon's family became one, you and your spouse must become one completely, and from now on, you have to make unity with the people. South and North are in the position of children. Do you understand? You have to take responsibility for the worldwide indemnity course just as Rev. Moon did, so that we can graft here. It means that you have to accomplish everything, the completion of the providence.
8. No One Is Against The Federation
The Government Party, the Opposition Party, all the government parties -- you shouldn't be interested in them. The urgent problem now is to unite South and North; is it to fight with both parties? So, everyone, if anyone wants to do it then do it; but those who don't want to, then don't. Seeing all these things happening in this era, we know that the time of fortune is coming to Korea. Even though America is great, she has to cooperate and help Korea.
Therefore, the point of conclusion is the National Federation Movement for the Unification of North and South. So, President Hwang, should he attend here or shouldn't he? The bureaucrats of the government party and the opposition party, should they also attend or not? How about those against this? Should we say, "If you are against us you are Communist"; should we slap them and throw them out? If the time comes that the government is against it, I will drive into them more than the Communist demonstrator. If they are against this, they must be cleaned up. We should clean up both the government and the opposition party. You have to do it with this kind of determination. Do you understand? (Yes!) We have to have that kind of faith. We have this kind of ideology, the kind of landing operation that can liberate the spirit world, the physical world and God's resentment. This is the present subject matter; already we received that order. We have to learn. There is no objection. Logically, is there any objection? Is there any objection? (No!) When we consider the providential viewpoint together with the historical climate, there is no other conclusion.
Now, the goal of our victory is the family. This is the movement of defeating the district and the neighborhood leaders. Is that the family? There is the leader of the district and the neighborhood at the center of the town. The three stages center on all towns. So it is necessary that the base of the town centered on "the town-the village" and town is connected. In the big city, centered on the district, the district and the neighborhood are connected. Do you understand? Therefore, three stages.
So women, go there to be able to connect with the leader of the district and "Tang"; you have to mobilize women there. Is there anyone who is against the National Federation Movement for the Unification of North and South? If they are against it, then they are Communists and their action is to give benefit to the enemy. So, the position of our nation is completely united with the standard of the Divine Principle. It is the same, isn't it?
Even with the same positions, for a long time they stood above us and hit us. But now we have to stand above strongly. All the conditions that they established are going down. At the family level, in all kinds of situations, husband's as well as wife's, son's as well as daughter's.
Everything that became connected with Eve in the Garden of Eden, all fallen levels of the family, has to establish the opposite condition and follow the heavenly nation which is connected like the perfected Eve centering on the original perfect Adam. In that realm, if Satan invades, the Communist Party automatically perishes. Do you understand? The Communist Party will perish naturally.
Where are those who offered as much as I did for South Korea, who invested as much for this Christian nation?
Some people did centered on themselves, but Rev. Moon-did he take any benefit from this nation? I was treated indifferently; until now who has helped me win against the persecution of the Unification Church? Who has given me even one bowl of noodles? As I am building this foundation, trying to liberate people's resentment in the nation, trying to liberate North Korea, trying to unify North and South, I Will receive those who are against me. I will grasp their chest and say, "Hey, you! How come?" If you say to me, "Don't do it!," I will hit your face. Moreover, people who want to crush what I am doing, I will hit them from the front; I am not the one who is generously doing this.
During 40 years of suffering as the "pioneer" going the righteous way centered on God's Will, do you understand how tragic and painful a heart I have, what kind of aggrievement I was holding? While you ate your meals and slept, I was pushed into jail. Do you understand what Rev. Moon is saying? You give me this kind of suffering if you feel that intensive melting of the heart, that kind of pain, and you are still against me. You attack when you talk so. When the heat rose and the eye became too opened and the mouth could not speak, what can you do to defeat becoming like that? Even if you are haughty, will you lose elegantly? What can you do? So, now, go out and behave like this.
Is everybody like this? When you are visiting the leader of the district and the neighborhood, walking locally during the nighttime, is there anyone who is trying to stab you with a sharp-edged tool? Is there any or not? No! Everything is peaceful. I prepared everything so that no one can touch us, even if some people swing a long pole.
No one can go against the movement of unification of North and South. The only way we can receive persecution from anyone against us is if they are Communists. This would be more clear as the activity of the IFVOC is expanding. The only choice for the people who are in the nation's government office is to support our war of unification of South and North, because their main policy is against Communism. Even though they do not like to, they have to answer and do something anyway to justify receiving government officers' and leaders' cooperation.
If they are against the unification of North and South, it will sting them when you ask them kindly what their reason is. They have to raise their hand in front for a clear and justifiable passage.
I have been suffering all my life in order to make the foundation to be able to start the movement of unification of North and South. From now on, I really wish that you can work bravely in the circumstances that have already been created so that we can implement it much more easily. If there are people who are against the movement for the unification of North and South, demonstrate in front of them so that they will turn the opposite way. (Nov. 21, 1986)
9. National Education Is Necessary
For Korea to receive salvation is dependent on the accomplishment of the National Movement. (Nov. 21, 1986)
In order to liberate North Korea, we cannot go with empty hand; we should prepare all the resources that can liberate all kinds of things. We have to solve that within this kind of preparation. All along, I did not work because I had the money. I worked with absolute belief. I achieved this because I had unconditional faith when I planned to do it like this 40 years ago.
I accomplished today's success since I made the effort. It is the same for you. From now on, in order to attain the victory completely in Korea, education is necessary more than anything else. Take no notice of day or night, just as I taught. If there is time, even skip lunch and dinner and tell them, hold them and shed tears; indeed they have to be moved. Look at the course which I went until now. Even now, if one person visits me, I hold onto him and spend time to tell him God's word; I do not go to any other place. You will understand how I have lived my whole life, if you do like this. If you work with faith as I have, I am very sure that God's Will, will be done in Korea.
After educating there is no principle to be presumed. Education is indirect preparation. Indirect preparation is for doing that direct preparation. If you do indirect preparation, then I will turn to direct preparation. So, you do the indirect preparation. To evacuate three-tenths of one million in one month couldn't be difficult through our organization. (Nov. 21, 1986)
Do you know that because of when and what the Unification Church is, the government parties are fighting and restraining each other? Should we be grateful? (laughter) Even now, is that situation dead or are they still fighting? Who and what are they saying in this situation? Everyone is discouraged, saying "Oh, no! Our country is falling apart. There is no hope!" Then at the same time Rev. Moon appears and says, "Let us unify North and South; I have confidence!" Then raising up the people, they say, "yes."
Now the National Federation itself is not a problem. The problem is how to educate the district and the neighborhood and have it sink in. Through this way, education is the same. Education is Unification Thought; through education of VOC, through the Divine Principle, we educate. Everything comes into the district and the neighborhood .Education of Unification Thought is the responsibility of the National Federation centered on the professors; education of VOC is the responsibility of the IFVOC; and education of Divine Principle is the responsibility of the Unification Church. Even though we cannot give any other, whatever the subject is, restoration will hasten if we add the Divine Principle.
It is good to issue membership identification to that special team of about 3,000 people, those who have received the education on the unification of North and South. (Nov. 21, 1986)
Section 1. National Federation For The Unification Of North And South - Part 2
4. Foundation Day
That time comes only once. We should yearn and prepare aggressively for that time because time waits for no one. It just passes by.
If this doesn't transpire, heavenly fortune will be very different. So there is no time for night or day. There is no night and day. In order to accomplish this we cannot rest. Getting tired is not a problem. Thus, this time we organized the National Federation Movement for the Unification of North and South.
Why does Reverend Moon absolutely have to organize the conference before May 15? It is the season similar to spring, before summer. That is when all things are restored to life. Looking at the whole situation . . . . Which year did the May 16th event occur? (1961) The new sovereignty was born centered on the fortune like May 16. So, we had to do it before then. Not after. At this time, the whole Korean situation should be like that. Since it did not happen according to God's providence, confusion has transpired. The opposition party is confused; the government party is confused; people themselves cannot find direction where they should be going; the religious people cannot act, and no one can guide anyone. We are all tightly connected. The spirit world and the physical world were divided, as well as East and West, North and South. To overcome, we need to do it like this. All fortunes go together intensively. Regarding the organization of the National Foundation Movement for the Unification of North and South, "so-and-so" said that it cannot be done.
Also, so-and-so said, "I'm dying, too busy." (When is a good time to do it?) It's good to do it during the summer vacation in July. Did I say June? (You said June.) It's not June! (laughter) There isn't time. Reverend Moon has to do it! Everything, this time! . . . . How do they fit together -- screw, bolts, nuts, turning together? It's similar to that. Its very interesting, very strange, mysterious, to find out this point. Who is there? Heavenly Father is there! What is the name of Heavenly Father? Can you understand?
Actually it is easy. I know that it's very difficult to make a free association in America under the terrible storm of criticism. I have to direct them to make everything. However, they don't understand. It's more important than the National Federation Movement for the Unification of North and South. We have to do this by May 15. Then people who come to see it will comment, "Hey, you did it!" Did you do it just because you were compelled? Anyway, you did well. If it was possible, how good it could be around June; but that is wrong. It's no good after May 15. Some religious people can say, "Let's do Chon-do-gyo" on the Kyon Ryung mountain on May 16 and it will happen. With that kind of confidence I wanted to build the pan-national organization for the unification of North and South; that is why I pressed to do so by May 15. After the 16th, people will ask, "Oh, what is Rev. Moon doing? He is just imitating and copying!" We might hear this kind of comment. If it becomes like that, our image will become bad. So, I pressured people to do it quickly. Like feces, evil things smell. Three or four days later, no one wants to touch it.
This time Rev. Moon came back to Korea to organize the National Federation Movement for the Unification of North and South. At this time the conference stopped and the government domination was taken away. So, the Korean people now follow Rev. Moon. Do you understand? (Yes!)
This is the way for South Korea to be in unison with Rev. Moon. If everybody -- all families, Kim Il Sung, North Korea -- does this, then we will have a situation of saturation or abundance.
This saturation will overflow if it cannot fit anymore. Centered on Rev. Moon, connecting with this situation of saturation, it can elevate towards the worldwide course. From then on it will not come down. Here is the ideal world, one equal world. It is returning to a true world.
5. The Goal Of The National Foundation
Which national federation unification movement centered on God's original idea is unifying North and South? Therefore, to build that nation of Heaven we need to build a new national ideology. (May 1, 1987)
Rev. Moon returned to Korea to make the National Federation Movement for the Unification of North and South in order to make a unified Korea. (November 13, 1987)
We established the NFMUNS to find a shortcut to unification. What must we do? Not only the unification of South and North. Not only the liberation of South and North. We have to liberate Heavenly Father by liberating humankind. What is the center? We have to know that the center is True Love.
The National Federation Movement for the Unification of North and South is the organization for the unification of North and South. People first need to make the federation, then do the unification movement; so we have to be united to mobilize 60 million people. If the standard-bearer can unite 6 million and then 60 million towards the new Eden, then the world will directly become the perfect foundation for the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth.
Have confidence and faith. Believe the words of Rev. Moon that from now on we have to defeat North Korea. Who is taking responsibility? Heavenly Father cannot take responsibility. Reverend Moon also cannot take responsibility. Each person should take responsibility; each person has to be liberated from Satan. In order to be liberated, what should each person do? Your family needs to be liberated. So what is the goal which puts all power on this National Federation Movement for the Unification of North and South? There is only one goal. The goal of the Unification Church, the goal of the Victory Over Communism League, the goal of the Federation of Unification of Students and Professors, and the goal of the National Federation is the same. It's not two, just one. What is it? It is the family! Why the family? Because of the Fall, the family was lost. So we have to recover the family.
What is the goal of the National Foundation? When we do the movement for the unification of South and North, what do we have to defeat? Where is the focal point? Where is the place where we should thrust the general attack? The standard of defeating is not in Seoul city; it is in all the district and the neighborhood. All leaders of the district and the neighborhood and "the village." Our own organization must bring all our power to that movement. Where is the place of our front line? Of course, we all have to go to the district and the neighborhood and Li and the neighborhood; but it is not good without initially putting a foundation in the town and "The district." Do you understand? Also, without maintaining a base of 3,300 people in the whole nation, it is impossible to bring victory centered on the town and "The district."
Therefore, does "to defeat" mean that we can bring victory over Communism armed only with ideology? It is no good to be armed only with ideology! Already the Communists are trying to realize their ideal by making a nation centered on Communist ideology. During these 40 years they are exerting themselves to actualize that ideal; but until now that has not been accomplished . . . . They have the Communist ideology and the benefit of action, but since the work is centered on the leading organization, the Communist Party, people forget about it. People quit, leave or defect. By recognizing these events, we know that our time has come. Therefore we can completely connect with the North Korean people by uniting with the foundation movement in South Korea.
So, the "defeating movement" in North Korea is the movement to defeat the district and Li leaders in North Korea. Here in this national organization you indeed train and finish. . . .
The goal of the National Foundation Movement from now on is the movement of victory in the district and the neighborhood. If only we unite with this, the unification of North and South will happen. Even if only armed with the ideology to unite the district and the neighborhood leaders, then we can unify North and South. It is not difficult to unite the district and "The neighborhood's" leaders.
We have the organizations: the Victory Over Communism League, the Federation of Unification of Professors and Students, and the National Federation Movement for the Unification of North and South, and all these organizations share the same goal which is the occupation of the district and the neighborhood.
6. Management Of The Federation
From now on the issue is world mobilization. In order to accomplish that, first of all we must have an absolute ideology; second, an intensive organization; and, third, an understanding of the unification process since we are confronting Communism whose activity and power of organization are greater than ours. For that development to occur, we need to organize.
Presently Kim Il Sung actually has a strong hold on 20 million people; therefore, we have to make an organization that is stronger than that. If we do that, then the organization of Kim Il Sung will naturally fall down. This is the providential viewpoint. It will collapse naturally. Did the North Devil organize everything through compulsion? North Korea is composed of volunteers. We are composed of volunteers.
When we think on that, we need a unified theory that can assimilate everything, that can transcend those of the Communist organization and the democratic organization. We can conclude that we need to organize unification based on an idea like this.
To form an organization for world unification, we should use Korea as a model. An organization centered on Korea, a federation for World Unification, East and West, North and South. A federation for the unification of the world, east and west, north and south. Definitely, Korea becomes the model of the world. If the world is included, then all things become a unified world organization. The whole nation has to be armed with that ideology.
In order to do that, what should we do? We have to come up with educators who can teach the whole nation. We have to reach highly educated people. We should connect quickly with South Korean educational organizations.
We need to work with everyone in the universities, in junior High Schools, in High Schools and in the National Schools. We should quickly link with leaders of educational organizations.
We have to intensify educational activity, meaning that we have to connect the student activities. We have to educate and extend this activity through the students, connecting above and below and left and right. After that we need to educate parents through the students. Also we have to educate the family.
Through the student organizations, everything -- family and society -- can be connected. We have to tie everything vertically on the horizontal foundation. Who must do it? Teachers have to it. We need to inform the schools that the teachers and the professors have to do it.
Then the organization of public officials. After connecting the private organizations centered on the college campuses we have to mobilize the organization of public officials. We have to connect state organizations like the government through the organization of public officials. It means to unify different organizations of public officials.
Then in order to mobilize this kind of people, the leaders of society, we include in the federation meetings alumni and graduate students from the universities. We have to connect with the region as one core center. Centered on the region we have to establish the unification movement completely. Then we have to unify parents, students, teachers and public officials.
We must prepare an organization of two parts because your country and the reality in Korea is different. It is not necessary in your country, but Korea needs to make unity of the North and South. We have to pre, pare two parts of organization. We have to prepare this kind of organization in South Korea as well as in North Korea. In South Korea it is necessary to have this kind of organization because after the unification of North and South Korea these organizations will make preparations for the elections.
Even though South Korea is too small and too narrow, it can become like a tiger's head if it uses Rev. Moon's head, hands and legs. How do we mobilize with just 1,000 people? If it is just me, I cannot do anything because I am just 1/1000th. So how do we do it? By thinking that one thing in North Korea is the problem. So, is there anyone who will go to North Korea? All those people raising their hand say "yes"!
From now on for three years I want to go to North Korea and organize in all kind's of organizations, in each the district, the town and li and in women's and men's clubs. We will start now. Are you going to do it? (I will do it!) (Jan. 21, 1986)
If your power is lacking, we will mobilize the leaders of li; by receiving help through the cooperation of the central organization we will educate teachers and principals, and then we will educate the students. After quickly finishing this, we will use their vacation time to bring their parents. Then it's finished! At the same time, through our activities, we will organize the leaders of the district, the neighborhood and the town, the neighborhood organizations. After that, we will connect everything centered on well-known people in society and in the alumni associations. Aside from that, we will take charge to educate and prepare the army and the private defense groups; indeed, we will educate all the people to become members and then the work of the National Federation Movement for the Unification of North and South Korea will be finished.
When we are finished with all organizations, if a stranger appears in a village we can ring the bell in every house to notify one another. We should check everything. If the person says that he came to visit his parents and his hometown, we should call his parents to see if they know this person or not and would they let him inside their house; then even the best spy will be defeated, and contact with his leaders will be destroyed.
We have to check every day; we have to expose secret telegrams or wireless communications that are coming and going between North Korea and South Korea. We do not exactly have any clear statistic on how many active North Korean spies there are behind the scenes, but it would be a big number. If we can stand the fire of truth with Heavenly Father's protection, we will be able to round them up. We can know if a person is for unification or not. Do you understand now what we should do for the establishment of the organization for unification? (Yes!) Now is the moment when Rev. Moon is devising plans for that realization. Due to my experience in the jail of Hungnam Prison, I have scrutinized everything. We have to realize that if we cannot take out the root of the Communist Party and Kim Il Sung, then Korea will indeed be punished.
So, the thing that needs most attention is to find out where they are penetrating. Their number one goal is the district and the neighborhood, so the emphasis is how to defeat this. (Jan. 2. 1988)
Participation in the National Federation Movement for the Unification of North and South has to be extended even to the Headquarters of the Defense Army. We have to educate all qualified men. We have to put these people in the most important positions in their districts. They are the brave patriots who will sacrifice their lives. For the sake of the country and the nation, they fought and were injured. It is they who should teach the juniors the desire to dissolve the resentment towards the North Devil. Centered on Unification Thought, district leaders will join the National Federation. They will become important leaders armed with an ideology they believe in. If it becomes like this, the unification of the fatherland will be completed.
Then there is the "prepared army of the post." We educate the "prepared army" and let them attend our organization. If you meet some "funny person" there, right away confront him with our ideology. Fight with theology, then guide him along the right way. After the education of the "prepared army" the next thing to do is to educate the "private army," and there is no other place that can do this than the National Federation. Therefore we have to practice by having them receive everything. We have to get back the balance in every kind of field so that people will come to devote themselves to the Unification Movement. (Jan. 2, 1988)
Therefore, what do we do with the local organizations? There is our church organization. But here, in this place, there is no Federation of Unification of Students and Professors. Therefore we have to allot one professor of the Federation of Unification of Professors and Students. He can use one office with two other persons, and each person's mission is to help each other.
Therefore centered on the Unification Church, one person can do VOC and be vice-president of a National Federation, and the powerful person in the local area can be another vice president.
Therefore, three persons have to make unity. It is not good if we cannot make unity with three persons. To do this they have to focus together. The mouth also has to function with three points. The ear also. Everything must be like this. Thus, it must be achieved within the realm of the four-position foundation centered on the spirit. This is the Divine Principle viewpoint.
From now on, the organization of this system is in three stages. Three stages. If the President has to control from the district government to the Ministry of Finance, the President has to give the direction until the Minister of Finance. Then it's three stages. Thus the Minister of State is from the Minister of Finance, Chief of the Department, Chief of the Section. The Minister of State goes down one step. We have to connect to this kind of organization, do you understand?
Our organization also has the form of three stages; that is the town, the village, the neighborhood, centered on the town and the district, the district and the neighborhood centered on the district. (Feb. 24, 1988)
I recently made the National Federation, but before that I organized the Unification Church and the IFVOC. When we just look at it horizontally, the problem is to determine which one is the first among these three organizations. If it were up to you, the first would be the Unification Church, then the IFVOC, and lastly the National Federation; but how about with Rev. Moon? I say that unity centered on the National Federation is first, and everything else is after that. This is the stage of formation, growth, and perfection. In relation to this, we realize that the Unification Church is in the position of the head. Then the IFVOC is the fighting spirit. The National Federation is the mobile leg.
During the Age of Restoration we do not work from the head. We have to work from below. Therefore, going down from the head, the IFVOC and the Unification Church have to turn, centered on the National Federation. Indeed, doing like this will be its end because the center is turning.
If it comes to turn centered on the Unification Church, the place of rotation of the IFVOC and the place of rotation of the National Foundation will also end.
So in the era of the final restoration, when turning we need to turn centered on people. We have to turn with the same heart of all 40 million Korean people. With this kind of meaning, I said to unite centered on the National Movement.
When we unite, where we go to oneness is to be centered on the National Federation; but to make oneness, you have to go to the district and the neighborhood. If it cannot unite all the people from the bottom up, it is no good. If three branches don't become one, then it's no good. The record has to show three people united.
I made the National Federation by this kind of means. Then to put this order worldwide, I said to get the members of the district and the neighborhood under control quickly, by the movement of defeating the district and the neighborhood. (Jan. 2, 1988)
7. Our Attitude Towards The Activity Of The Federation
Now we organize the National Foundation Movement for the Unification of North and South; the era has come which is able to show the march of the group for unification which is struggling day and night, fighting and moving with the heart of love that is able to hold all the people. (February 23, 1988)
Since we are doing God's Will, Heaven will create all the circumstances and conditions. Then the core will be erected, constructed together. This is just the same as with Cain and Abel. So, we have to invest in its development now. Isn't that so? What must we do as the National Federation Movement for the Unification of North and South? When the circumstances are ready, we have to invest everything ourselves. How much investment? Investing should be the same as being able to unify. That would be to sacrifice ourselves. If we do not do this, then we cannot do anything.
The course of restoration is the course of the history of re-creation; but as long as we remain in the restoration process, we have to invest. The limitation of having to invest must continue until perfection.
When everyone came to Korea, did you think that you can easily achieve the goal of the National Federation Movement for the Unification of North and South? Here is the front line. Here is the front line of the world. Here is the focal point of the world. So, if everyone makes determination, I see that many kinds of revelations will happen here centered on God's Will. Isn't it too good to be true that if we unite completely we can even move spirit world to soon call Kim Il Sung?
Even though there is no one, it has to be done. Even if you do not have money, sell your house; just do it! Then Heaven can protect our future; He can take all the responsibility.
There is a point there. To do it with money or do it because of that organization. If this organization is not organized by Heaven, then it was organized by Satan. If it isn't used for the heavenly purpose, then money is poison. Poison. It would perish, do you understand? Sincerity is necessary. Sincerity. From now on work and visit; if need be, cry more than you would cry inside the church. It is that easy. For the National Federation Movement for the Unification of North and South, sincerely cry and work more that you would in the church.
When in a village, it is elegant to be working and visiting by car. But if your mission dictates that you have to walk many, many miles, then you have to do it. You should be grateful for today's conveniences which can make your work faster; feel like "it's too good for me!" If you have the heart to do ten times more, a hundred times more that, you even begin spitting out blood just doing it, and Heaven will cooperate.
As the representative of the world, of the South Korean people and the country of South Korea, we have to make that offering. Are you standing the same way as I am with the attitude that I can do anything for others? You cannot?
As the representative, the Unification Church is doing this. By Rev. Moon's order, the Abel standard is that the Unification Church has to completely unite with Heavenly Father's love and the True Parents; then you and Rev. Moon become one. You and all things become united, which is the foundation; so you have to build completely. Together with what? Together with the nation. We have to hold tightly. We have to hold the nation and its people. Do you understand?
The Unification Church members have to hold all things, hold the land of South Korea and its people. Unification Church members are in the children's position of Cain and Abel. The way that Cain should go was established when Abel became a sacrifice. We should hold the South Korean people through this kind of principle. Reverend Moon holds the nation in the same way.
You should hold the land of South Korea like this, centered on God, centered on love. We have to achieve the realm of liberation on the parallel line by connecting and uniting with God's love, by children and parents uniting centered on God's love, by all things and man uniting centered on God's love. Through God's love all things are held; children's hands are held by parents, parent's hands are held by God.
You must know that God is alive. God should be alive! (Amen!)
I feel good so I donated 5,000 million. I am feeling very well, that is why I do it, or, I was feeling bad and that is why I do it. So, from now on, those people who feel bad and donate, get punishment. Do it with a happy heart. After the restoration of Canaan, is it good for the hero who is in front to start the building of a nation unwillingly? You need to have the kind of heart that wants to learn continuously and goes endlessly with joy, day and night.
Even though people follow me and persecute me, I live with great joy. I didn't cry when I was handcuffed, going to jail. I went with a smile, not with tears. I didn't react like a small minded person. When I went to Danbury, Bo Hi Pak and everybody cried, but I said "So, goodbye, I will go," and then I left. "You don't know there is life after Danbury? Because you are blind you cannot see, but I see ahead. Now I go full of hope!" Otherwise, it is no good. After saying that, I entered. I fulfilled thirteen months. Number thirteen is the worst number in America. I came out from the jail to restore this number.
This time, did you read the message on the organization of the National Federation Movement for the Unification of North and South? (Yes!) At the closing, I gave a speech on what to do in order to unify the 38th Parallel; I had a lump in my throat for about five minutes and I delivered the speech more painfully than any in my whole life . . . . For this one goal we have defeat ten thousand times. To do ten thousand times. Everyone, each time I had to hit the bull's eye. I did like this. Otherwise we couldn't restore. So, my wish is that you can inherit and build on all that Rev. Moon has achieved.
Just as Rev. Moon's family became one, you and your spouse must become one completely, and from now on, you have to make unity with the people. South and North are in the position of children. Do you understand? You have to take responsibility for the worldwide indemnity course just as Rev. Moon did, so that we can graft here. It means that you have to accomplish everything, the completion of the providence.
8. No One Is Against The Federation
The Government Party, the Opposition Party, all the government parties -- you shouldn't be interested in them. The urgent problem now is to unite South and North; is it to fight with both parties? So, everyone, if anyone wants to do it then do it; but those who don't want to, then don't. Seeing all these things happening in this era, we know that the time of fortune is coming to Korea. Even though America is great, she has to cooperate and help Korea.
Therefore, the point of conclusion is the National Federation Movement for the Unification of North and South. So, President Hwang, should he attend here or shouldn't he? The bureaucrats of the government party and the opposition party, should they also attend or not? How about those against this? Should we say, "If you are against us you are Communist"; should we slap them and throw them out? If the time comes that the government is against it, I will drive into them more than the Communist demonstrator. If they are against this, they must be cleaned up. We should clean up both the government and the opposition party. You have to do it with this kind of determination. Do you understand? (Yes!) We have to have that kind of faith. We have this kind of ideology, the kind of landing operation that can liberate the spirit world, the physical world and God's resentment. This is the present subject matter; already we received that order. We have to learn. There is no objection. Logically, is there any objection? Is there any objection? (No!) When we consider the providential viewpoint together with the historical climate, there is no other conclusion.
Now, the goal of our victory is the family. This is the movement of defeating the district and the neighborhood leaders. Is that the family? There is the leader of the district and the neighborhood at the center of the town. The three stages center on all towns. So it is necessary that the base of the town centered on "the town-the village" and town is connected. In the big city, centered on the district, the district and the neighborhood are connected. Do you understand? Therefore, three stages.
So women, go there to be able to connect with the leader of the district and "Tang"; you have to mobilize women there. Is there anyone who is against the National Federation Movement for the Unification of North and South? If they are against it, then they are Communists and their action is to give benefit to the enemy. So, the position of our nation is completely united with the standard of the Divine Principle. It is the same, isn't it?
Even with the same positions, for a long time they stood above us and hit us. But now we have to stand above strongly. All the conditions that they established are going down. At the family level, in all kinds of situations, husband's as well as wife's, son's as well as daughter's.
Everything that became connected with Eve in the Garden of Eden, all fallen levels of the family, has to establish the opposite condition and follow the heavenly nation which is connected like the perfected Eve centering on the original perfect Adam. In that realm, if Satan invades, the Communist Party automatically perishes. Do you understand? The Communist Party will perish naturally.
Where are those who offered as much as I did for South Korea, who invested as much for this Christian nation?
Some people did centered on themselves, but Rev. Moon-did he take any benefit from this nation? I was treated indifferently; until now who has helped me win against the persecution of the Unification Church? Who has given me even one bowl of noodles? As I am building this foundation, trying to liberate people's resentment in the nation, trying to liberate North Korea, trying to unify North and South, I Will receive those who are against me. I will grasp their chest and say, "Hey, you! How come?" If you say to me, "Don't do it!," I will hit your face. Moreover, people who want to crush what I am doing, I will hit them from the front; I am not the one who is generously doing this.
During 40 years of suffering as the "pioneer" going the righteous way centered on God's Will, do you understand how tragic and painful a heart I have, what kind of aggrievement I was holding? While you ate your meals and slept, I was pushed into jail. Do you understand what Rev. Moon is saying? You give me this kind of suffering if you feel that intensive melting of the heart, that kind of pain, and you are still against me. You attack when you talk so. When the heat rose and the eye became too opened and the mouth could not speak, what can you do to defeat becoming like that? Even if you are haughty, will you lose elegantly? What can you do? So, now, go out and behave like this.
Is everybody like this? When you are visiting the leader of the district and the neighborhood, walking locally during the nighttime, is there anyone who is trying to stab you with a sharp-edged tool? Is there any or not? No! Everything is peaceful. I prepared everything so that no one can touch us, even if some people swing a long pole.
No one can go against the movement of unification of North and South. The only way we can receive persecution from anyone against us is if they are Communists. This would be more clear as the activity of the IFVOC is expanding. The only choice for the people who are in the nation's government office is to support our war of unification of South and North, because their main policy is against Communism. Even though they do not like to, they have to answer and do something anyway to justify receiving government officers' and leaders' cooperation.
If they are against the unification of North and South, it will sting them when you ask them kindly what their reason is. They have to raise their hand in front for a clear and justifiable passage.
I have been suffering all my life in order to make the foundation to be able to start the movement of unification of North and South. From now on, I really wish that you can work bravely in the circumstances that have already been created so that we can implement it much more easily. If there are people who are against the movement for the unification of North and South, demonstrate in front of them so that they will turn the opposite way. (Nov. 21, 1986)
9. National Education Is Necessary
For Korea to receive salvation is dependent on the accomplishment of the National Movement. (Nov. 21, 1986)
In order to liberate North Korea, we cannot go with empty hand; we should prepare all the resources that can liberate all kinds of things. We have to solve that within this kind of preparation. All along, I did not work because I had the money. I worked with absolute belief. I achieved this because I had unconditional faith when I planned to do it like this 40 years ago.
I accomplished today's success since I made the effort. It is the same for you. From now on, in order to attain the victory completely in Korea, education is necessary more than anything else. Take no notice of day or night, just as I taught. If there is time, even skip lunch and dinner and tell them, hold them and shed tears; indeed they have to be moved. Look at the course which I went until now. Even now, if one person visits me, I hold onto him and spend time to tell him God's word; I do not go to any other place. You will understand how I have lived my whole life, if you do like this. If you work with faith as I have, I am very sure that God's Will, will be done in Korea.
After educating there is no principle to be presumed. Education is indirect preparation. Indirect preparation is for doing that direct preparation. If you do indirect preparation, then I will turn to direct preparation. So, you do the indirect preparation. To evacuate three-tenths of one million in one month couldn't be difficult through our organization. (Nov. 21, 1986)
Do you know that because of when and what the Unification Church is, the government parties are fighting and restraining each other? Should we be grateful? (laughter) Even now, is that situation dead or are they still fighting? Who and what are they saying in this situation? Everyone is discouraged, saying "Oh, no! Our country is falling apart. There is no hope!" Then at the same time Rev. Moon appears and says, "Let us unify North and South; I have confidence!" Then raising up the people, they say, "yes."
Now the National Federation itself is not a problem. The problem is how to educate the district and the neighborhood and have it sink in. Through this way, education is the same. Education is Unification Thought; through education of VOC, through the Divine Principle, we educate. Everything comes into the district and the neighborhood .Education of Unification Thought is the responsibility of the National Federation centered on the professors; education of VOC is the responsibility of the IFVOC; and education of Divine Principle is the responsibility of the Unification Church. Even though we cannot give any other, whatever the subject is, restoration will hasten if we add the Divine Principle.
It is good to issue membership identification to that special team of about 3,000 people, those who have received the education on the unification of North and South. (Nov. 21, 1986)
Section 2. Shortcut To The Unification Of North And South (Part 1)
1. The Necessity Of The Organization
The organization is necessary for deciding position. We have to know the position of ourselves. Does everybody understand? To decide position is also to tightly connect with the history of relationships.
At the center, "I" must be connected. Power should connect with power, and whoever wields the power becomes the subject. The object receives guidance.
Therefore that relationship is connecting on "4 directions -- 8 directions" and with history, and deciding that the position of our own self can solemnly stand from any direction, front and back, left to right, up and down.
After our own position is decided to be in that position, in the realm in 3 dimensions which is in "4 directions -- 4 directions," the position of all kinds of reasons, our own self and all things can be related, can become united. We have to nurture those people who have that kind of original power. So, if it is necessary to have an organization, it has to be decided at that position. To decide, we have to make one of the subject realm or the realm of perspective. If we cannot make the subject realm, it cannot continuously exist as one entity. If we make this realm, then one object can exist right away centered on it. The position is a natural selection.
After the power of the organization and the power of unity became one, action comes. If the center should say, "I do not belong there. You go to the west and I go to the east, then, in this kind of situation it is not far from ruin. So, in an organization unity and action are all developments of elements in the society.
So, the whole has to quickly make the standard of reciprocity as the standard to unite for all things to go forward on the same purpose. Unified action has to be done. If it is, prosperity can come to any place. This is the Principle.
The root of the Fall is rooted in the relationship of moving one's position. If you do not act following God's Word, it is the beginning of the Fall. Therefore I can say clearly that to know the position and to enter the realm of organization have to be connected in a relationship. In order to do so, our own self has to absolutely stand in the object position. United power has to appear in our Own selves, then we can do heavenly action. You have to keep this always in your head; never forget it.
First of all, what is it? Organization. What is the organization for? To decide the position. What is second? To unite. Each, on his own, has to decide that the standard is to be in the object position towards the subject, which is in the central position. If it becomes like that, unity is achieved. In order to become united with one goal, we have to go forward as one world. It has to be like this. TO move forward, the goal must be to have unified action. Without living this principle, then it is nothing. When you become like that, you can clearly see who is above. If you forget that, you lose everything, which is your relationship between up and down.
First of all is organization. Second is unification. Third, action is necessary.
These three big elements are needed in order to move the world centered on Korea. We have to thoroughly do a hundred percent, to report in "4 directions -- 8 directions," by standing within the realm of the organization. In order to achieve the main mission, you must make that standard to stand at the top. You have to decide your position and your position within the realm of the organization. If there is no position, there is no place to sit. Once position is decided, you can begin to work. According to how effort is made, you may begin to realize that the position is getting bigger. It is very important to decide position for the power of the organization to become stronger.
One country has to be organized as a simple unit. If the top leaders' orders go down and action and progress are made, will that country prosper or deteriorate? (Prosper!) It becomes prosperous. According to the difference of power, history changes and moves and the age is transformed. This is the principle of the development of history. So we have to believe in the unification of North and South centered on our own organization. Do you understand? Already the school principals, the headmaster and teachers in junior high schools and high schools are receiving education, aren't they?
So let's do this activity centered on the Prime Minister's homeland. If in Taegu, let us educate from the Taegu city's Board of Education, the "Kyung Sang Pok Do Su district" Association of the Board of Education, the headmaster, the principal until the teachers. Next is "Kyung Gi district." To do like this, let us organize the whole nation through perfect education. There is no other chance if you miss this time. So is it good to miss this chance or to catch it strongly? (Have to catch strongly!) Please raise your hand one time, and clench your fist, those who will take a strong hold on this best chance. By your raised fisted hand, we have to defeat the district and the neighborhood; we have to make the organization of the National Federation Movement for the Unification of North and South. (Jan. 2, 1988)
2. The Ideal Organization
What should we be doing at a time like this when the Unification Church is trying to build the Kingdom of Heaven? After this, we must organize the center in the town and "Gung." We must try to make the people in that locality visit our church. We should practice this in our church.
We must have an organization like this within our church. It should be similar to the Ministry of Justice and must have administrative work. It has to be in this form when it starts. From now on, the economic problem and the field of sales must be left in two domains. The movement of two domains is the movement to separate the problem of the church and the problem of the economy. So, what is it that corresponds to the legislative body? This is the unit of the family. This has to be achieved; otherwise, this country cannot come about. As the core, the family must take the leadership part. Subject and object have to take this responsibility. We have extended this extraordinary mission. So the first time the Kingdom of Heaven is established, unity is achieved through this kind of organization from the mountain to the middle of a big city.
How can we make it like this? The family has to do this kind of responsibility. From where can we achieve the Kingdom of Heaven! It will be achieved from the family. It must be from the family.
So, who must inherit this tradition as the ideal in the unfallen world? That is Adam's descendants; the family of Adam's descendants have to inherit it. So, from now on we have to extend this kind of organization to the global scale. By this, the environment of the Kingdom of Heaven will be achieved.
In order to accomplish the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth, we have to make a system that can apply all the laws of the Principle to the circumstances of the society. They should all be similar to man. Today's information organization should resemble the auditory organ, the sense of hearing. In order to get prosperity, this is how South Korea should become. The nation will prosper if there is a strong organization that can receive all hostile reports from outside as soon as possible and can indeed dispose of the element of invasion. After that, what will these developed societies be similar to? It will be similar to "I" The three big principles concerning mind and body and matter are here. It cannot make an exception; it cannot even miss one. To put together these three through formation, growth, and perfection, they must be consummated perfectly in one form.
There is only one heavenly parent for man. This is God who has dual characteristics, so man also has dual characteristics. All things are also made with dual characteristics, forming plus and minus. If God and man and all things are connected, put together they constitute the number 7. When 3 stages are extended, the four-position foundation is realized. Once these numbers 3 and 4 become harmoniously unified, it becomes the number 7. The number 7 is the number of perfection, the number of the purpose of creation.
You also become all of these things. All these three become one. If the eye is connected with oneness, then the nose also can see straight into oneness. The ear, too. So everything is created to oneness.
If you see the face, this eye is symbolic of God, and this nose is symbolic of man, this mouth is symbolic of all things. In the face the highest part is the nose, isn't it? The teeth number 32, which is symbolic of all things (4 x 8 = 32). Realizing this, we can say that all the elements of heaven are gathered in the face of man. Everything is thus connected within three parts of the organization. You'll never know how wonderful man is without viewing him through the three principled stages of formation, growth and completion. In order to achieve the Kingdom of Heaven centered on this kind of principle of creation, from now on we have to pioneer the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth.
Today, the biggest problem in the world is the absence of an organization like the human lung. Without an organization like the lung which can absorb oxygen as the price of life, there is nothing that can absorb ideal materials, that stands in a new policy which can bring happiness to the whole of humankind. History until now has been the process of welcoming the ideal with no ideal thought or "ism." The Unification Church shows a new ideology for this process.
The sun is the father and the mother is turning centered on the father; mother is like the earth; son and daughter are like the moon; they have to turn centered on the mother. So, from now on, all organizations in the society have to be an organization of the family centered on cosmic form. The world has to be like this. The church also has to be like it. We have to attend or treat the church leader like Father. In the church, somebody should be like Father and there should be somebody who can do Mother's mission. Then we have to make unity in the family to grow in four directions. The nation is the same. Also, the world is the same. After all, the organization of the world has to have the form of a family and of a man.
3. The Organization Of The Communist Party
The organizations in the Communist Party are like an organization of cells. (June 14, 1987)
The Communist Party puts their workers in jail, examining and checking all information through surveillance. Everything is reported on any contact, and they tighten their organization by putting people on the blacklist. The organization of the Communist Party is no more than an organization of absolute confinement.
The highest focus of the organization of the Communist world is the prison. How do they dispose of anti-Communist people? When a leading worker for democracy or the free world goes into jail, they will naturally know the decision and content of the trial. Being informed of which jail he is going to, they send a Communist member there six months earlier. This Communist Party leader commits a hostile crime and enters the same prison. He builds a foundation with the jailed democratic worker by acting like a friend or brother and preys on him like a victim. Day or night, the Communist becomes the servant of this person, prepares his bed and feeds him his dinner, then speaks evil things of Communists, even if they are not true. So, the person will tell everything, all his secrets, because he feels that the Communist is on his side. Then he steals all the information. As soon as the Communist Party member leaves the prison, a thunderstorm follows the betrayed prisoner. Everybody fights in this kind of world. Do you understand? (Jan. 2, 1988)
4. The District And The Neighborhood
From now on why do we have to defeat the district and the neighborhood? The Fall came from the family. It did not start in the neighborhood, do you understand? Not in the district and the neighborhood. There should be a family in that the neighborhood -- the defeated family. The mother and father have to believe Heavenly Father absolutely; they have to love sons and daughters like Heavenly Father loves the mother and father. We have to love our neighbors and the nation which is connected, and center that on the love of Heavenly Father and the three big loves which are children's love, parental love, and conjugal love. From here is established the direction of the realm of unification, do you understand? (Jan. 31, 1988)
The movement of defeating the district and the neighborhood is the origin of indemnity which can liberate the families in the whole world and build the foundation which Jesus couldn't accomplish for the resurrection of the tribe in history. Now the standard is to defeat the leaders of the district and the neighborhood. Centered on the families of Unification Church members, the liberation of the tribal realm at the global level starts today in four directions. You have to understand why Rev. Moon asked you to promise here at this time. It is because I see that this is the condition for spreading the realm of revelation of the district and the neighborhood to all nations.
Now, the reason for South Korea's failure is that it couldn't educate people centered on an organization which is centered on the district and the neighborhood Even by controlling, it couldn't accomplish until "Gung." They just made an administrative organization that was "coming-going" in the street; everything that they were concerned about was only the national treasures. It is no good.
Thus, to be successful we need to invest all resources centered on the leaders of "the district" and the neighborhood. Therefore we have to protect the family. In order to save the nation it must multiply by selling, by protecting its sales. This is an important theme. Selling itself becomes an arm of the ideology. When we become successful we say we are all connected and unity is present in the neighborhood. Like this, we have to unite.
When we say, "Start!" it is to strongly prepare and to put the standard of defeating in the district and the neighborhood; for this, all of us must be able to go to North Korea. We must completely conspire with the propaganda team within the area of the district and the neighborhood. Do you understand? Of course the toxkm, the town "the district"; but the first subject is organization of the district and the neighborhood. We have to establish the organization of the district and the neighborhood. Surely, it has to be made.
Then, absolutely we have to go to the place where the district and the neighborhood is in North Korea; we need to prepare by renting a jeep or car in the district and the neighborhood, and we have to shoulder all expenses and use everything by our own power.
Now, what is it that we must do? The defeating of the district and the neighborhood cannot be broken by the organization of North Korea. Even though North Korea is doing much maneuvering underground, they cannot digest the movement of defeating by driving out until the district and the neighborhood. The organization of "line and point" is organized by the public administration, but it cannot defeat the district and the neighborhood.
If it became possible that the district and the neighborhood begins to relate with everything, then everything will fall down. Also, the organization of point starts to relate. Also, that organization of line is related. Organization of form itself has relationship with everything. We have to do that which North Korea cannot do.
When the Communist Party breaks down, it is good to be humble and bow down. As when Jacob made Esau surrender, the 40 million South Koreans should carry them on their shoulders. North Korea and Kim Il Sung will surrender completely when we give all things; this is for MY elder brother, every asset that was collected in 21 years.
From now, to center on the National Foundation, what must we do? The only remaining thing is the movement of defeating the district and the neighborhood. From this movement of defeating, we make the organization. We should make it centered on the district and the town. Everything else is centered on the town. If we see that the center is on the district and the neighborhood, the organization of the nation is along the greatest circumference. The organization of the district is the next circumference. Then the organization of the town is the circumference inside it. Centered on the neighborhood, the district is the next circumference.
Restoration is from restoration of the individual to restoration of the family; restoration of the tribe is the restoration of the people; restoration of the nation is the restoration of the world. It goes like this. When we see an organization like the National Federation, the organizations of nations is also evident. There is the organization of the district. Next is the organization of "Gung." There is the organization of the town and (the district) and the neighborhood. This is the organization of today's South Korea. Then, what does the neighborhood represent? Of course, it is representative of the district; there is a double purpose. The neighborhood's direct purpose is the purpose for all the nation. To make unity in the nation, the district and the neighborhood has to be united in everything. Their organization is similar to the structure of the human body.
Should the root go down under the organized body of the district? There is the town under the district. There is a the town and li under the county; but if there is no foundation for everyone when they build the foundation, Satan can come in to live temporarily. So, we have to let the root down from the district and the neighborhood. We have to know this through the Principle. Do you understand?
This is the reason we should unite for one goal the National Federation, the IFVOC and the Unification Church -- the goal of defeating the district and the neighborhood Their goal of restoration is only one. The goal of man, past, present, or future starts from the individual perfection. It is the same for unification centered on the district and the neighborhood. We have to build the foundation like in a steel cast. (Jan. 2, 1988)
It is not for a political purpose that we do the movement for the district and the neighborhood, but to establish an organization and an ideology that can welcome the era of the unification of North and South. The Communist Party is an organization of mobile groups, so that I try to prepare our position suitable for it. (April 7, 1988)
The first subject or problem is defeating the district and the neighborhood. The next subject is defeating the town, and so on until the village. If we do so completely, we can become organized.
Now, the most important is the final peak. Rev. Moon has been praying his whole life for the occupation of the district and the neighborhood centered on the town and province, Indeed, to completely occupy the satanic world.
Therefore, for the regional district leaders, the standard of activity is not in the province. It is the leaders of the district and the neighborhood. Centered on do leaders of the district and the district is just a stage of activity. The stage of activity for the leader of the province is not one of the district, also not one of the neighborhood. The stage of activity in some of the provinces and in some of the districts you have to pass by and visit the land by inspection. This is the same as the district leader of the city. It must be focused on all the district and the neighborhood.
Before I called and gathered the district leaders of the National Federation Movement of the Unification of North and South, I asked each one how they did. How was it? Which is better: to make unified the whole of the National Federation Movement for the Unification of North and South or to make unification together with students in the university and in the high school in the district and the neighborhood? After organizing and tightly joining the organization of the district and the neighborhood, they will be mixed. After this, we educate all those who finished graduate school and doctorate courses. So, if we educate day and night, even that "aunt" also tries to dine with Kim Il Sung. Even the "shop boy" in front of the gate of the temple will eventually be able to read the Sutra without studying it. So it's true, the old saying that we have: "Even if people are not so smart, they eventually get to understand everything." (laughter)
Therefore, is it possible or impossible if we have this kind of strong organization to defeat the district and the neighborhood? (Possible!) Easy or difficult? (Easy!) If old people can do it, can young people do it or not? (Can do!) Even nighttime or daytime, just tying one string can do it. Do it with confidence so that unification can already be achieved. Therefore, I gave the direction to make a strong organization.
I can say that the National Federation has all the decisive power for victory or failure. Last time Rev. Moon went forward, too, but the National Federation has to do it next time. Do you understand what I'm talking about? (Yes!) So we have to accomplished the organization of "The district" and the neighborhood
I gave the direction that local and regional leaders of do have to practice without disorder. (Jan. 2, 1988)
Is it possible to defeat the neighborhood when the leaders are not organized? Our ancestors will appear and say, "Hey, you. Run." They drive and push us, even making it impossible to sleep during the nighttime. This kind of problem will happen: our ancestors will say, "Run, I am the center, the head." Why do you have to defeat people? Don't be defeated, don't lose the neighboring town. To become like that, from now on we have to do the national meeting of the movement for the unification for North and South.
Section 2. Shortcut To The Unification Of North And South (Part 2)
5. The Victory Is Decided By The District And The Neighborhood
Now we can see the worldwide history and the division of Germany into East and West; every sane person wishes that the people of East Germany and of West Germany can be united. But East Germany wants unification centered on the East Germans while West Germany desires unification centered on the West Germans. For East Germany, unification means centered on Communism. They are trying to influence the general public with their Marxist ideology; but the democratic society is resisting this.
What is it that manages to permeate everything, everything even up to the family? This would be the foundation of the family. Since everything is a cell organization, we need to invest on the foundation of the cell organization. It allots everything ultimately to the family. It moves all the district centered on the family. It is an "unseen" foundation which can connect with the province. So, on reflection, this is what must happen first, whether in East Germany or West Germany.
Unification centered on East Germany, if impossible to practice in East Germany itself, cannot be achieved; and if West Germany goes to East Germany which couldn't make it, then its impossible to have unification. It's this kind of battle.
Who will be victorious if the gate doesn't open? It is not decided by the high office of the Prime Minister. The solution cannot come from the do governor or from the arguments of the officials of the town; it is not be decided by the leader of the town. The central point is the leader of the district and the neighborhood. The point of solution of the do governor is also the leader of the district and the neighborhood; the point of solution of the official of the town is the leader of the district and the neighborhood The point of solution of the leader of the town is also the leader of the district and the neighborhood. We must know this.
The victory or failure of the entire South Korea is also decided by the leader of the district and the neighborhood. It is the same with North Korea. How can the leader of the district and the neighborhood exert North Korean influence over South Korea within a short time? This is the point. All things lead here.
Even if we do a meeting in do and even if we do the meeting in Seoul, this is far away from the people and their family.
Every leader of the district and the neighborhood is a leaf. They are similar to leaves. If the leaf is well-grown, it follows that there will be good fruit. Do you understand? In order for the branches to grow thick and big, they have to be supplied with nutritious elements from the leaves and the leaves must be abundant. In doing so, the branches get big, don't they? So, this is similar to what Communists say about the organization of cells.
The central point of our battle therefore has to be centered on the leader of the district and the neighborhood. If the district government is the vertical center, then we can say that the neighborhood is the horizontal center. This is similar to Cain and Abel. Both are children of the same parents. There must be unity. This is the foundation.
So which part must be reborn? The leader of the district and the neighborhood must be reborn and the leader of the town and li must be reborn. Then South Korea will be unified naturally; once this happens, North Korea will be united naturally. Something like this will happen if Kim Il Sung of North Korea dies.
What has the government mostly been doing until now? If the central government's policy is to have a meeting and go to some do to call people in the town, and try to collect one or two people in the village who would work to gather a couple of thousand supporters. That is the environment which can move the town; it cannot go until the town and the village. The root doesn't go down. It is as if all the roots that were working came above ground into the air, dried out, and then died.
South Korea could not give education centered on the leader of the district and the neighborhood because the government's direction is centered on the politicians. They cannot give people education. They could not do the ideal education. They invited each person from the neighborhood, then the chief of the town and every governor of the provinces. The central point of their education was not the leader of the district and the neighborhood. So, there was no root.
Now the problem of life or death is decided by how we can foment the neighborhood centered on "the district." Everything points to the family. What is it that can move people during election time? It's no good if it is centered on the big city and its mayor. It doesn't work centered on the chief of the county.
The point of what I am saying is that to move the neighborhood, it must be centered on the leader of the district and the neighborhood Is it more difficult to comprehend centered on the leader of the district and the neighborhood or easier? If we organize this way is it easier or more difficult? (Easy!) So have confidence! So everybody, even children, will think that there is no problem. Actually it is not a problem. So, if the leader of the district and the neighborhood allots personnel effectively, it doesn't take so much time.
Now, how does the general public perceive the unification of North and South? Oh no! They are desiring the dream of the government party or the dream of the opposition party. If it doesn't succeed with national power, what can we do? It's different. It's different. They think that if the 40 million South Korean people are united with them, then unification will be achieved. We do not share this view of unification. If we solve the leadership of the district and the neighborhood, then that is unification.
Everything will be done if there are "three leaders" in the leadership of the district and the neighborhood and they are armed strongly with the ideal. People may say that it is not so difficult to achieve this. It is so, isn't it? The leader of the district and the neighborhood can travel around during the day, can't he? If you ride a bicycle, you can travel and visit everywhere in a couple of hours. Therefore, this is truly the educating of the leader of the district and the neighborhood
"The movement of North and South": that is easy to say. To unify North and South connecting all 60 million people, even those under the realm of the Communists, to mobilize 40 million people on the national level -- this is vague.
What did I speak of today? The standard that we need is the defeating of the leader of the district and the neighborhood. Indeed, everything that needs to be done is with the leader of the district and the neighborhood. In their own units, the leader of the village and the district have to defeat the district and the neighborhood. To defeat means to be armed with an ideology better than Kim Il Sung's ideology of Communism. By defeating the leader of the district and the neighborhood, everything will be accomplished. When we see it this way, then it is not vague.
By striving to catch the leader of the district and the neighborhood, we can solve the whole of the town, the city and the province.
If we think of 40 million people and if we estimate four persons in one family, then we must center on the heads of 10 million households; but in the family, the men are not the head. Therefore, we have to mobilize the women. To do God's Will we need to mobilize the women. If we mobilize the women, this can absolutely be connected. When the mothers are mobilized, the sons and daughters are also mobilized; husbands will be mobilized towards the heavenly direction centered on the son and the daughter.
6. End The Activities Of The District And The Neighborhood
We have to extend the movement of the district and the neighborhood, the defeating of the leaders of the district and the neighborhood, so that the leaders for the unification of North and South can be elected absolutely. We have to burn with the resolution of defeating the district and the neighborhood.
To defeat the district, you have to be the leader who lives Unification Thought. I know that you are the ones who have a good ability to lecture, as sharp as the point team in the Unification Church. I am giving you that very important job on the front line. (Jan. 7, 1988)
When I go to America, I hope that when I return every leader of the district and the neighborhood has been united. So all of you should become the leaders of the district and the neighborhood. If the leaders of the district and the neighborhood did not become united, then you will have to pay a lot of indemnity. Therefore you must absolutely be the advance team of the leader of the district and the neighborhood There is no exception. No one can be exempted.
On the front line, even if you don't reach the position like I was fighting, you must be settled by overcoming the peak of tears center on the district and the neighborhood. You must break the destiny of the Fall and the destiny of this long sorrow. Otherwise, heaven cannot help or cooperate. Heaven cannot move here. Heaven will leave. Heaven will leave. When you carry out this movement, do so until your shoes are worn out. When you visit the leader of the district and the neighborhood, you shouldn't use a bicycle. You must go by walking. Even though you have to throw out your worn shoes, still visit by walking. By shedding sweat, try to knock on doors three or four times a day. Most of you probably can't do this, maybe only one time. You should go a couple of times a day to give a lecture in the district and the neighborhood, sweating so much that you have to take a shower. You should do like that! On this will depend whether heaven will give revelation or not. Try to feel if the fire is burning or dwindling. Do you understand what it is? Try to sense if Rev. Moon's word is falsehood or truth. How is it? Do you understand what it is?
When you go out centered on Rev. Moon and become the "watch-stand" for the defeating the district and the neighborhood, you will have the same light as I. Even though you cannot give a lot of light, give the same light as Rev. Moon. When you have to light up the blue light, is it good to light up the red light? Also, it's no good lighting up the yellow light there. You have to light up the same light.
The focal point that Rev. Moon emphasized is clear. You have to defeat the leader of the district and the neighborhood in South Korea. The leader of the district and the neighborhood. If the members of the Unification Church become leaders of the neighborhoods and also become the opposition leaders of the districts, then surely our church will become the group that Heaven can remember.
Our goal is easy, isn't it? Whatever we do, even crying and struggling, we have to unite the leader of the district and the neighborhood; everything has to be allotted in the district and the neighborhood Also, the students in the university have to do it.
If there is an organization that can connect with the young people, students in the universities, the professors there, and the Unification Church by relating with the local district leaders, the next thing to do is how to make fire centered on the district and the neighborhood. The point is how to ignite it. Night watch! By doing night watch! Next, we try to lead until we can get some kind of training for protecting ourselves and the defeating army and let the "private protection team" join here together.
You have to keep and protect trough that "watch-stand" and, after receiving the education of private protection, try to organize, invest in the district and the neighborhood, mobilize university students and junior high school and high school students. Then try to gather together the chief officers, the leader of the town, and so on and so on, and by doing "night watch" try to protect li. If we do like this, then the investigation of the Communist Party will be permitted. Use young people to do this! The second generation must restore this generation. Then, a young university student should try to guide and lead the meeting of the neighborhood We must strongly organize the leadership activity of the National Federation Movement for the Unification of North and South by organizing everything, in the high schools, in junior high schools, in the universities, and in the family.
Who can go against North Korea? Who can train for its liberation?
People have believed that no one can unify North and South. In the place where you belong, do it! After bringing solution to the leader of the district and the neighborhood where you belong, will everything be finished? It would be good to move rapidly in the allotment of a strong organization of the district and the neighborhood. You must educate night and day, centered on the textbook. By doing so, you are training centered on the protection of the local district and the state security treaty.
We have to do that comprehensively. We have to put complete order in the dividing and defense lines, especially doing night watch along the borderline and the seashore. So, when anything happens in the district and the neighborhood and in any local area, you must search in every nook and corner, cooperating with the police.
From now on we have to expose all types of Communist influence on the left-wing groups, which has permeated this country. Do you understand? So, everyone, from now on you have to make a round of inspection of the district, do you understand? (Yes!) You must do like this: go to the district, do the usual meeting of "the districts", the neighborhood centered on the district. Do activities centered on the students. By doing this centered on the National Federation, you can make an organization that can completely accomplish it.
Centered on where should we do this decisive battle? (National Federation!) Yes, it's the National Federation, but where is its base? When and where? In here, at the IFVOC or at the headquarters of the National Federation? (Whole Korea!) Of course, whole Korea, but where exactly? (It's the district and the neighborhood!) From now on, we need to have the regular meeting of the neighborhood. People should never be late there; center on the town, the district, the village and the neighborhood. In former times, what did I speak of? Did I say the same things during the meeting of the neighborhood-unification, VOC? (Yes!) It's the usual things, the liberation of North Korea, the unification of North and South. We must do the federation of people. For the liberation of North Korea, let's set the standard to economize in each family. Try to economize.
What is the focal point of all the organizations that Rev. Moon has made until now, such as the Unification Church, that will decide victory or failure? This is the movement of defeating the leader of the district and the neighborhood. Through the ideology of VOC we can defeat the leader of the district and the neighborhood; by the Unification Divine Principle we can defeat the leader of the district and the neighborhood. Next, by Unification Thought we can defeat the leader of the district and the neighborhood. After the movement of defeating the leader of the district and the neighborhood by these three ideologies, everything will become one. Therefore, I already made all the teaching materials beforehand.
So, this time I made the National Federation Movement for the Unification of North and South. Then what should we do? It's the same. I try to make the movement of defeating the leader of the district and the neighborhood strongly in these three groups by holding and controlling comprehensively.
Try not to think of something different in your head. If you are to lecture the leader of the district and the neighborhood, then also call the members of the district and the neighborhood. So, try to organize all the people in the district and the neighborhood centered on the professors.
The simplest people of the district and the neighborhood think that the professors are sent from heaven. Of course the chief of the town, the Chief of Police, the public administration employees and officers are also there, but they cannot ignore the professors. Try to make a strong foundation and ask the cooperation and help of the professors. People will be so happy. I heard some stories that professors like to speak very much. If you ask them to speak, everybody will come; without complaint, everybody will sign up to go any place. It's true. Give them teaching materials so that they can connect strongly; for sure we can do better anywhere if we do this. Giving lectures is their job so they are very capable. The members of the Unification Church need not speak.
Instead we ask the professors, as the representative of all that is good, to be the head and ask them to speak; afterwards, they will be our partners in the VOC and in the Unification church. When we do these monthly meetings we invite them to speak. And how much will the professors treat you as a friend? It's good that they are asked to help.
7. Let Us Unify North And South
We must know that the accomplishment of making the condition to dominate the world from the top level to bottom is in the individual level of the organization of the district and the neighborhood because the scaffolding foundation is connected there, from the realm of direct dominion until the realm of indirect dominion through the realm of perfection of responsibility centered on God's love. The way to fulfill the condition to connect the family and residents centered on the neighborhood became possible because Reverend Moon accomplished the worldwide responsibility. After a couple of thousand of years, we must know that the time has arrived. All is wasted like burning candles when everybody is not interested in a history like this which was made with the price of sacrifice. It is punishment to see people acting in a dignified manner and having an occupied look, as an unaffected owner, while fighting is going on. You will see.
Everything has to go down on a straight line, from heaven to earth, to the Seoul Headquarters until the family. It must be done this way in order to make the environment of condition. The fruit has to come if the flowers of the tree are blooming. On the foundation of the root where every element becomes intensive nutrition, then the flowers start to bloom representing whole perfection. The family is where we should have the fruit; the flower commonly connects the fruit to the whole. If we did that, then Heavenly Father can come to our home and we can sing the song about the Kingdom of Heaven. Therefore we have to organize centered on home church. (Oct. 9, 1986)
The movement of unified organization centered on the leaders of the district must happen. What does the leader of the section need to do? He has to make sure that the flowers of the tree bloom. Like the flower, the leader doesn't come and bloom on the top. It must go to the end. The flower blooms between the new bud and the branches. This point is the local leader of the district and the neighborhood. If the leader of the district and the neighborhood is alive, then this country will be alive. Where there is soil and also water, the root will move wherever it has to and the branch must also come. There the root will expand. When the root spreads absolutely, 90 degrees connecting vertically with history, then the branch will wish that the leaves will come which will wish that the flower will come which will wish that the fruit will come. Doing so the Kingdom of Heaven comes. Everything becomes one centered on the leader of the district are the neighborhood. When we gather the five colors, all the races, tribes, and unite them by God's love and make that ideal family, then we know that this is the Kingdom of Heaven. Satan cannot show any accusation. After perfecting our responsibility, the realm of liberation appears. We must know that the realm of liberation will not simply appear even if Satan is divided. (Oct. 9, 1986)
Unification Church gets to harvest the noblest of all. It is not gold; it's love. What kind of love? The love which can separate Satan and the love which Satan can leave alone eternally. You must become unified. The root, the branches and the bud have to unite; if they cannot become united, then we know that we cannot choose the perfect seed. Reverend Moon should be driven into a corner until you visit the neighborhood, should I say that? We must understand that God's will cannot be achieved if we cannot accomplish this unification centered on the local leader of the district and the neighborhood. The Kingdom of Heaven starts there. The country starts from the family. We must realize that because the condition for the worldwide foundation of the Kingdom of Heaven was accomplished, all of spirit world could come down here; but they cannot stretch heaven's tent.
When we understand this, Jesus should have built the tribal foundation centered on himself. Because he lost all things, the leader of the district and the neighborhood have to completely restore the tribal foundation through indemnity by serving the Messiah centered on South Korea. Unification Church members centered on the True Parents and representing the religious realm on the worldwide level centered on the resurrection of the tribe and representing human kind, must go, with the sound of the trumpet of liberation, back to North Korea, the homeland of the True Parents, shouldn't we?
We must do the activity of the district and the neighborhood. If we do not do this then we cannot take the central position as the realm of the Third Israel in front of Heaven and Earth. By putting the axis of traditional foundation here, the main country of the world, I am trying to solve the resentment of the races. How can we be the realm of the Third Israel and stand in the position to seek to represent all nations as the main nation without doing so? By doing what? By driving away Satan completely on the worldwide level. Even when Satan invades like this, we say, "look behind you." Can any ideology of any group here completely push out the Satanic world? Do you understand what this is? (Yes!)
To prepare the opportunity of unification for the bright restoration of the Fatherland we must try to make the Federation with the people as our objective even if North Korea may try to break South Korea and take this land away. My prayer in front of heaven is for its accomplishment on this land. Do you understand? We must do the education for unification. Where is the leader of education? Where is the practice leader for now? It's not the National Congress of Korea. It's not do nor the president of South Korea. It's not the conference member nor the local autonomous body in South Korea. Where is the decisive battle? It's in the district and the neighborhood. It's the district and the neighborhood. We must defeat the district and the neighborhood. We must defeat li and the neighborhood.
The Unification Church is the movement of defeating li and the neighborhood and the district and the neighborhood; also, the IFVOC is the movement of defeating the district and the neighborhood. The Federation of Unification of Professors and Students is the movement of defeating the district and the neighborhood. Academic organizations like CARP are the movement for defeating the district and the neighborhood. And the National Federation Movement for the Unification of North and South is also the movement of defeating the district and the neighborhood. When we try to think this way, by uniting the district and the neighborhood, indeed North and South will be unified. It's easy, isn't it? By catching the district and the neighborhood, if we become the people that Reverend Moon has longed for, indeed, unification can come. We have to know this.
Everybody! Because of the numerous migration along our nation's border, Heavenly Father cries a lot, moaning bitterly, "Why did this people become such a sorrowful people like this?" Ours is a nation in a small Asian peninsula receiving pressure from powerful countries on its territory; who can become its owner and liberate this unfortunate people who couldn't overcome the peak of its resentment? You should not forget that each one of you has relatives who are agonizing, bitterly crying and lying on their bellies.
The person who is shedding tears will be the owner, giving education. He is the one! Therefore this time I called the professors and I cried bitterly. I said, "Everybody, professors, you already know what Rev. Moon is doing and know clearly the things that show this idea and that direction. Did I show that you can fight anybody by having this kind of foundation? We must know this."
What's defeating South Korea? The district and the neighborhood the district and the neighborhood. Therefore father and mother must be prepared to go north to catch and educate children with tears; the liberation of North and South is impossible without establishing the environment, the base to be able to give an address of instruction to unify our country. If we cannot liberate South Korea, then it is impossible to unify North and South.
The movement of defeating the district and the neighborhood, Unification Church of South Korea, the international VOC in South Korea, the Federation of Unified Professors and Students in South Korea and the National Federation in South Korea cannot defeat this? If the Unification Church can do this defeating, then the unification of all South Korea is not so difficult. It's by defeating the district and the neighborhood.
Of the million people living in Seoul, 85% are successful economically and culturally. In every respect, the main foundation of the economic and cultural aspects are in Seoul. If we strongly organize the local organization of the district and the neighborhood in Seoul even just by radio broadcasts, everything will be finished. When we think like this, the unification of North and South is not difficult. It is easy. Do you understand? When we see God's viewpoint, it is easy. When we see the providential viewpoint, it is easy. Compared with what Reverend Moon has done, going to America by himself, trying to build the foundation for 14 years, this is nothing. Compared to coming back when persecution is everywhere, and breaking the pile of stone to build the foundation of victory, this is nothing. But now South Korea is welcoming us.
If we try to unify South Korea, how much they will appreciate us.
Since we have to defeat the district and the neighborhood, didn't we educate in only 28 days the leader of the district in Seoul and 12,000 people as leaders of the neighborhood? This is the model. After showing the foundation which people need to do, we must make one model. We have to do this. In defeating the district and the neighborhood, the unification of North and South can happen, can't it?
We don't have a problem with the government. What are we requesting in this country? It is to accomplish the defeating of the district and the neighborhood. In containing the district and the neighborhood, naturally the nation will be saved. Do you understand? (Yes)
We just need to hold the family strongly. Everybody is tied to the family, right? just by holding the family, we can catch Congress, catch the ministers and vice-ministers; we can also catch the President of the Blue House. So I say that everyone should catch the leader of the district and the neighborhood, isn't it so? The Congress, the important political people in the country, the cabinet ministers, and even the army's staff and officers, if they completely become the movement for defeating the leader of the district and the neighborhood, everything will be done. We can achieve it without fighting. Do you understand? (Yes)
Section 3. Federation For Professors And Students
1. The Federation Of Unification Of Professors And Students
1) The Foundation of the Federation of Unification of Professors and Students
What is the Federation of Unification of Professors and Students? It is the Federation Movement of Unification of North and South of Professors and Students in the Universities in the whole Nation. Isn't that long? Even mixed up, everything have to be there. Nothing should be missed, shouldn't it? It is made up of 16 characters. So simply said, it is the Federation of Unification of Professors and Students. It is mentioned in the academic circles! Federation of Unification of Professors and Students! We can begin to understand by first saying it -- Federation of Unification of Professors and Students! You don't know how to do it, do you?
In this community, you do not understand but, in the universities, if you mention the Federation of Unification of Professors and Students, it is instantly understood. People say that together the Academy of Professors and CARP centered on Reverend Moon give the Communist Party a difficult time! Do you know about this? Federation of Unification of Professors and Students? Do you understand what the Federation of Unification of Professors and Students is? Even some of you members of the Unification Church may be hearing this name for the first time.
So what is the Federation of Unification of Professors and Students? Try saying it, Professor. We have to put this in the whole nation! What is it? The National Federation Movement for the Unification of North and South! It is! Is it long? Everything is in there! Today if we ask what is the number one problem of the nation, it is the student. If student and professors unite, it becomes a movement. Even though we have the government party and the opposition party, this country doesn't move. No one listens.
From now on we need to unite everything into one organization and we must have a strong plan. We have to make proper relationship from top to bottom and left to right. I know that we can liberate North Korea centered on the movement for the unification of North and South and to extend the national movement we need to try as leaders the Second Generation, who are full of power and strong will. Also we need to unite the professors and students in the academic circle. Seeing vertically, we must unite them with the professors in the Cain position and the Second Generation students in the Abel position.
Before it would become the standard for unity of professors and students, Reverend Moon made the Federation of Unification of Professors and Students. We can say that its appearance is a historical event. Centered on the Federation of Professors and Students we can unite the professors and students in the academic circle. (Nov. 21, 1986)
Is it all right? When we made the National Federation Movement who was the subject? (Professors and students) Yes, they are the composition of the Federation of Unification of Professors and Students. Remember this abbreviation, what is it? (Federation of Unification of Professors and Students) Everybody should know about it. When was it organized? (Last year, Oct. 11, 1986) It was Oct. 11. I made it when the students were committing violence every day. If I didn't do then, can I work like this today? Therefore, that time I came. Also this time, in order to do this meeting, I came.
If I didn't do this, fortune cannot settle and it will even fly away. Rev. Moon cannot consult with anybody. He cannot confer with the government. If the government doesn't cooperate, then I shall do it with my own hands. So it appeared as the subject ideology and holds power by God's name.
With whom did I make contact? To receive cooperation or help from somebody, Reverend Moon did like this? I did not! Therefore, I organized that Federation of Unification of Professors and Students. Why do we try to make it the top? When we see centered on Rev. Moon in the same position as Adam and when we see that Rev. Moon sees the ideal of creation centered on God's Will, the foundation of the base of Second Generation is to bless everything centered on Adam's family. It's to bless until the Second Generation.
What is this? It's like the family vertical and horizontal. Vertical and horizontal. On the family level, Cain-Abel comrades have to be one completely. Then it's impossible for Satan to invade. Satan cannot invade it. It is historical. So try to be centered on this level. . . . From now on, what we need are leaders. We see that the nation on every level and circle is centered on the best intellectuals. What we need are the smartest people and, next, the best media. Returning to Korea this time, Rev. Moon has to start definite action. In order to achieve this and in order for professors and students to be in a leadership position, I made Federation of Unification of Professors and Students.
We have to use the name of professors sometimes and then sometimes students. This is the reason why I named it the Federation of Unification of Professors and Students, why I remarkably organized the Federation of Unification of Professors and Students.
2) Many Kinds of Relationships
When analyzing South Korea, the model of vertical Cain and Abel is the professors and the students. Initially it is the relationship of parents and children, but at present centered on the nation, seeking to move the country, there is only the professors and the students. Parents will come together naturally. Centered on the realm of the unification of this vertical Cain and Abel, we have to unite horizontally society's hero and its youth. On the social aspect, if the horizontal Cain and Abel became united on the standard of the Principle, then the foundation for the complete realization of the nation will be built. The nation can rise from there. The whole nation has to follow.
The relationship is vertical when it is centered on the university professor and the university student. It is similar to the relationship of parents and children.
The relationship between Unification Church and the people of this country is that of father and son; that between the Unification Church and the academic circle is that of Cain and Abel. The VOC is joined exactly in the middle. The VOC is not Cain nor is it Abel. It is mixed!
The VOC needs to be completely united with the Federation of Unification of Professors and Students; if so, then when we look on the horizontal viewpoint, the Federation of Unification of Professors and Students is the levels of formation, growth and perfection.
The Federation of Unification of Professors and Students is the representative of the intellectual world. And next, what! It is representative of the future. This is similar to the relationship between the head and the leg. So that if I think and say, "Stand up," I mean for the legs to stand up. If indeed the academic world can stand up, everything will be solved.
The VOC movement is a horizontal movement, not a vertical movement. And the Unification Church is connected vertically. If the Federation of Unification of Professors and Students and Unification Church became united, the VOC can be incorporated completely between them. We see it like this. The organization of the Unification Church is an organization of relationships of parents and children. So doing that is vertical. It's a vertical organization. Because the professors and the students are also vertically organized, they become like this. There is an old saying, "The king's and the teacher's and the father's obligation is the same," isn't there? All of it is vertical. However, the VOC is a horizontal organization. So with the VOC, we shouldn't be looking at our own desires. We must do a good job with VOC.
Our Unification Church is pure and religious so it doesn't have much experience with society. So that we don't know how to deal with society so well. But the VOC has experience in dealing with society so that the two should be mixed. It has to have both sides. Therefore, they have to do the job of gluing professors and church because if they do not unite, then it's impossible for the unification of North and South. If inside our own we cannot make unity, how. . .This is the point!
In the Divine Principle viewpoint, everything is in a Cain and Abel position. When we see the Unification Church vertically, you and the True Parents are in the vertical positions of Cain and Abel. Centered vertically on the Unification Church, you and Reverend Moon are the internal vertical Cain and Abel. Do you understand? The professors and the students are the external Cain and Abel. It is good if they can be united. Internal and external Cain and Abel becoming united, how is this achieved? How? If this became oneness, unification will appear above it. The internal vertical Cain and Abel which is the VOC, the realm of the Archangel, and the Unification Church and the external Cain and Abel which is the professors and students in the university have to be united. I say the VOC; it's the VOC. Centered on the organization of the VOC! The VOC organization is big. Being bigger than the Federation of Unification of Professors and Students and more than the Unification Church we have to try to put this front and top all the way to the neighborhood. . . that peak point is connected to the world, to the neighborhood in this world, connected also to the district and the neighborhood in North Korea.
3) The Mission of the Federation
What is the Federation of Unification of Professors and Students? When the teachers and the students become united, what do they do? It's unification. What kind of unification? (It's the unification for South and North) Centered on what? By sticks? By clubs? (It's by love!)
By organizing the Federation of Unification of Professors and Students we need to educate the students to catch the Communist party. Through the Principle and through action. . . . do you understand? By having the arm of the right side and the head of the right side we have to hit the arm of the left side and the head of the left side. You have to defeat the Communist Party through ideology and theory. Absolutely, we must not retreat. We need this kind of strategy. If we expel the leftwing elements and the reactionary elements in the educational institutions, the nation will move ahead. If we did this, the nation would be grateful and the people in authority would also be appreciative.
This mission of the Federation of Unification of Professors and Students is enormous. We need to do breathe in deeply, fire rapidly and have a broad mind. This is an amazing thing! The fact that the students and the professors will join together, will come out to unify North and South, is in itself enough revolutionary substance. Therefore if someone says anything, a revolution can happen. It is wonderfully amazing!
Once the meetings are held in the universities and the "fire starts to burn," our movement can observe who are the students of the leftwing groups. Even though some do not attend, we can still observe them. Except for a few, once they speak, we can see through their appearance. We need to strongly establish everything and move ahead. The time is like this now.
We have to influence the professors to be active. Then what activities do we need to start? We have to hold public speeches for the National Federation Movement for the Unification of North and South in the eight "Do." The professors should mobilize the local hero and the students should mobilize the local youth. This is their mission. You and the professors can give lectures on the campuses, but to entice people to go and hear the lectures and drive away opposition- influenced groups, we need the local champion.
We need to put emphasis on the Federation of Unification of Professors and Students for the accomplishment of God's Will. What the VOC needs to do through the Unification Church is to have a rally of the Second Generation. Do you understand? Organization can happen later, but the Federation of Unification of Professors and Students should take the lead. How come? We have to try to influence the Second Generation and the intellectual people of the nation. This is the point.
The first thing we need to do is center the movement of defeating the academic world on the Federation of Unification of Professors and Students. The problem is how to unite the universities centered on the National Federation. Next is the movement of society through the things that are connected centered on the university. We have to bring together the local hero, the local administrative officers and the local political leaders. The professors have to coordinate these public meetings, gathering these distinguished people together while the students gather together the local youth. At the same time you are having conferences in the main cities, do the same in the district and the neighborhood This is the defeating of the district and the neighborhood.
If you were in my place, you would think to have the VOC at the front line and as the base organization of the National Movement. However, Rev. Moon doesn't think like this. No!
We have to put the Federation of Unification of Professors and Students in the front. Where is the subject? (The Federation of Unification of Professors and Students) It is the Federation of Unification of Professors and Students! I need the Federation of Unification of Professors and Students. Once the nation becomes united with the Federation of Unification of Professors and Students the nation will start to move ahead.
If the professors cannot correct the universities, it would start to decrease. It is this serious. So I tried to make the Federation of Unification of Professors and Students in record time. Is it easy?
Nowhere in history can you find that the university professors and the students got together. This is revolutionary. Last year in March the preparation for the big conference as the three-point foundation centering on the professors was a lesson for them from me.
To change the historical level, I became the motivating power so that this will expand to the intellectual world. Last year I asked the president of Seoul University to invite the president who is in the National Capital Region. I thought that I had to meet and persuade him to do this. Because the professors didn't have any national influence, I held the conference of professors. When did you grasp the academic world strongly by its collar and say, "Listen to what I am saying. You have to do this!" I organized the National Federation for the Unification of North and South in this manner.
Also this time we need to prepare this movement before the entrance examinations to the universities. You don't understand, do you? Doing the conference together with professors and students is unlike any event in history. The concept of placing power on the professors' elegant shoulders is worse than putting the mouth in front of the tiger. However, cooperate with those scholars in order to save this nation. Centered on patriotism they can compromise with parents on an equal level; then for them to be working and cooperating together would be an amazing event. Then who will be leading? The professors will lead. It's not the students. We need to go through the vertical course!
When we think that South Korea itself is where Abel is, then the professors and the students are in the realm of Abel. However, these people are doing Satan's work. Everybody needs to be put together; people have to be united. We have to do like this, don't we? (Yes!)
In the future, there will be no other way. There is no way South Korea can survive if we cannot influence professors and students in the academic circle; not by political party, not by religious organization, nor by its founder (like Reverend Moon), and not by the VOC. All the nations in Europe have become like this. Rationality is collapsing everywhere. All the authority on the earth is collapsing. There is no way to recover. Now you realize how tragic this kind of destiny is, don't you?
The teachers' union in the university has a vertical relationship in it. There is a relationship with the board of directors and there is a relationship with the students. I really want to live with the board of directors and the students together. I want to live this way even if you don't! If there is a student who has this kind of conviction, even though his intelligence is feeble or he has some other weak point, we can say that he is a "teacher of the professors." And to the student who "truly wants to be together with teachers and wants to lead together" we can say that he is a true student. And anyone in the board of directors who feels that "I want to live together with professors and students" and wouldn't feel ashamed of the groups they represent. then he can love the school more than anybody else.
How much effort does a professor exert so that his system in his field of study can be made worldwide? It is necessary to have an appreciative heart, shedding tears while holding and reading his book, tearfully feeling his suffering as mine.
Due to the heart, the bone marrow spreads, comes together, divides and goes forward inside the body.
All of you, how much do you love the students? The point is to be able to say in a dignified way that he and I have the relationship of teacher and pupil; that you are both connected heartistically in a kind of relationship where you cannot leave each other for long without looking back, without trying to hold and catch the student. This kind of feeling sinks deeply into the bones. Don't care about how difficult it is. Don't care about the owner. (October 11, 1986)
The professor shouldn't tell himself that he is great. He should live for the sake of the students; likewise, the students should live for the sake of the professor. So the movement of living for the sake of others should be diffused in the schools. (Sept. 29, 1986)
2. The Providence Centered On The Second Generation
1) The Second Generation in the Communist Realm
Now the Communist world appeared on the Satanic side to strike the democratic world on heaven's side, but True Parents on the worldwide position have to be able to adopt them without holding anything against them. They have to establish the condition to be able to hold the son who represents the democratic world and the son who represents the Communist world. Then the age where the leader of the democratic world and the leader of the Communist world can meet each other face-to-face will be next.
However, I am saying that also within the democratic world there is Cain and Abel. Through the vertical viewpoint, the First Generation is Cain and the Second Generation is Abel. Also in the Communist world, the First Generation is Cain and the Second Generation is Abel. So, after restoring the elder son centered on the realm of Abel how will the democratic world be?
If the standard of restoration of elder son is to restore lineage, then every Second Generation person of the Satanic world will go to God's side naturally. Naturally means joining to.
According to the fortune of heaven and earth, the Second Generation in the democratic world and the Second Generation in the Communist world are connecting to God's side naturally. This is presently happening in the Communist world. On the world situation we see that democracy and Communism are fighting each other, but the Second Generation in the Communist world is yearning for the democratic world while the Second Generation in the democratic world yearns for the Communist world.
They are coming near each other. So in the future, children will turn their backs on the Communist world. In a similar manner like this momentary border line, Reverend Moon has now been doing the movement of adjusting the Communist world and the democratic world centered on True Parents in the History of Restoration of Indemnity. So I returned holding together the Cain and Abel of the democratic world. So from now on I have to deal with the Communist world.
Today the Second Generation in the Communist world yearn for the free world like America. But when they came to America they begun to lose hope seeing its decadent social lifestyle. (Aug. 21, 1985)
You know that members of the Unification Church went to Russia and its satellite countries. Do you understand what this means? (Yes!) They are building the way that we can go when spring comes. They do this at the face of so much opposition; opposition that are corrupted so much. The Second Generation of Russia are corrupted. Corrupted means able to be changed. America's Second Generation, they are also joining the Unification Church. (Sept. 25, 1978)
From now on, the number one emphasis is on the Second Generation. The Communist Party also sees the Second Generation as the important factor. Also the Unification Church's Second Generation are the leaders guiding the movement for the unification of North and South. So sooner or later the Second Generations in both South and North Korea will start to fight each other; however, this time the Second Generation of the South side will not lose.
Also in Japan, the conflict with the Communist Party is centered on the Second Generation. Now Japan desires to be a member of the associations of free world countries to completely liberate itself from the menace of Communism. Japan developed as it is today due to a stable political situation. (April 7, 1988)
The next thing that I want to do is to educate the Second Generation in the Communist world. They are pursuing a frenzied life that does not conform to the will of the First Generation. If we educate this Second Generation with Unification Thought they can change quickly. This is Heavenly Father's strategy.
Within the Communist world there is trouble between the liberal group and the conservative group. We should not lose this opportunity. They are equipped with an ideology so we have to confront them with an ideology. Also they are powerful so we have to push them aside, confronting with trust. (April 7, 1988)
Reverend Moon, standing in the position as representative of the democratic world, brought the doctrine that can push out the Communist world.
Already the Communist world is finished! Only the Unification Church can climb the pinnacle of the Communist world and the democratic world. Already we have the reputation of being the best in the world. The Satanic world is scared and Heavenly Father is happy. The First Generation of the Communist Party are against us but the Second Generation is beginning to like Reverend Moon. It has progressed like this. If it didn't, I would make it this way even if I have to borrow Heavenly Father's power. Now in the significant world that is coming, only Heavenly Father and True People would remain. True Love is the purpose and ideal of the Unification Church. (June 5, 1983)
2) Demonstrations in the Universities
Worldwide, the problem in the universities has recently taken a new direction centered on the students but can the students even be its nucleus? They cannot be! After a period of a few years, after their education, they would move according to the direction that society dictates. The power of the students which cannot bring changes after they are assimilated by society cannot have social influence.
Today students are demonstrating. But if you decide to demonstrate, stand in the position of the cosmic power that is centered on love to bring harmony. If you do it this way, the nation and the cosmos will welcome you more and more; but should you do the contrary, then the demonstrations will be removed by the power of the cosmos. (April 12, 1981)
Today the students are only criticizing the government. They are saying, "We are perfect, you are evil!" All of you, are you perfect? If not, then you should realize the position you are in! After realizing that position, can you express so? Actually, I don't think that anybody is like pure gold. You need to go through the refinement factory to melt all the evil things and take out all the impurities; whether you like it or not, you have a lot of work to do.
The children that are moved by conscience are found lying in the academic circles, aren't they? America go back! It's like this, isn't it? The anti-American movement. . . . The American government put up a policy of self-protectionism to correct the trade imbalance, but this is only material to fuel anti-American feelings. They ask to take care but behind everything they strike and take away. After this and after everything clears up, they are the only ones that benefit. What kind of people are they!
But still America is better! Russia took over everything. In North Korea, within one month after the occupation, they took the machines in the factories. Not even one engine remained. They took out everything -- the electrical transformers and motors, also water and wind dynamos, electric and heat power plants; everything was taken away. They moved everything completely to Siberia.
3) The Mission of the Second Generation
Everybody in the realm of the Second Generation should become a leader, then they have to become the foundation of the state. Is it just the university? In front of Reverend Moon and in front of South Korea, the Second Generation are the university, junior high school and high school students. Do you understand? We must call everyone and hold a rally centered around the 20-year-old youths. After we call and rally them together, who must they center on? They have to unite with the professors. This is the vertical Cain and Abel. Brotherhood is a horizontal Cain and Abel relationship. They have to be one like the Federation of Unification of Professors and Students.
Once this unity becomes strong, we have to next make a model of this society centered on this movement to influence famous people through the professors, and the youth through the students.
After I build the worldwide foundation as soon as I come back, you have to be connected over to the national standard. When we connect to it, who is the center that it must be connected to? Through the Principled viewpoint should we connect centered on the Second Generation or should we be connected centered on the First generation? It is not on the opposition party nor on the government party; it's on the Second Generation. Based on the nature of the academic sphere of South Korea, only in the universities is there a standard of consciousness remaining. (April 7, 1988)
My thought is that from now on we have to create that new climate, do you understand? If you do the movement well, you will not be defeated by the lazy left-wing youth. The Second Generation, do you understand? (Yes!) Therefore, this kind of conclusion comes. We have to be responsible and we have to stand up on the realm of liberation; that is, we should be able to connect to the liberation of the world, that the nation should go and should be able to achieve the nation's liberation and that the race should go and should be able to achieve the liberation of the race. (Sept. 13, 1987)
4) By Educating the Second Generation We Can Prepare for the Unification of North and South
In South Korea we must lead the movement for the unification of North and South centered on the Second Generation in the academic world. And we need to give Unification Thought education to everyone. However, the activity of CARP in South Korea does not live up to the expectations. As a leader of CARP, Dr. Song, you must push strongly, having nerves of steel, even if people might say, "they're stupidly honest!" When you drive away you have to drive without excuse. The leaders of the Communist Party put less-educated people at the head of the revolution because they think that those people have the power to drive away anything by being stupidly honest.
Until now the most difficult thing for me was to accomplish the work process centered on the Ph.D. people. I do not get irritated a lot when I see what these higher-educated people are doing. But the work that they promote isn't possible. Those doctors attending here, your expression is not so happy, but this is truth.
By educating the Second Generation, I am supposed to pull up to the top by starting at the bottom. By taking care of the Second Generation, I make great people serve them. The Second Generation who are suffering at the bottom, once given Unification Thought, will have to be followed even by great people. They can achieve things which cannot be achieved by great people.
Even the famous Ph.D.s in society cannot catch up to the Second Generation who receive Divine Principle education. Those Ph.D.s who say that they are famous in society do not receive a doctor's love in front of Heavenly Father. Therefore they need to follow the Second Generation in order to receive God's love.
Heavenly Father knows everything! After being hit, He then takes over. Heavenly Father's Providence has been working this way. He knows that the method of deception and impression is the way to make Satan surrender. You must respect the way of Heavenly Father's great love. Even if people step on you, you shouldn't confront nor fight them. It is a fact that we do not fight, but it is possible for missionaries sometimes to do like this to awaken the people to pay attention. Especially for the Second Generation in the academic circle, they are so hot blooded that they have to know strongly the reason why it is necessary to be hit first and then to take over.
Next, we must encourage the education of the Second Generation who are doing service in the army. Ever since 1950, 1 had thought about their education. Unfortunately, at that time no one accepted my conviction. But through the anti-Communist education that we did extensively throughout the nation, they declared that the VOC education of Reverend Moon is necessary. But how did they become like this today? It is because the army came to be influenced by the Communist party.
God's Will is great! The providence is being accomplished absolutely. The time has come for the education of the Second Generation who are again in the army. From now on, the first thing that must be done is to manage the Second Generation. Then we have to be prepared for the definite time of unification of North and South by managing the Second Generation in the academic institutions and saving the Second Generation in the army. I am saying that there is no way for South Korea to go without saving the Second Generation. (April 7, 1988)
From now, what are the things that we should do? God's providence will not be done by moving all 60 million people. It will be accomplished by the Head Priest. By the cutting of the doves, the sovereignty will be made or will not be made. Likewise, the accomplishment of our portion of responsibility will be made in the same way. So that centered on the Second Generation, putting in order the preparation to welcome the Age of the Unification of North and South is most important, more than anything else; you shouldn't forget this. The first thing that people should do is to relate with the Second Generation. When Moses led the exodus from Egypt, the restoration of Canaan centered on the Second Generation was supposed to be accomplished by Moses.
The First Generation who had lived in Egypt couldn't enter Canaan. We shouldn't forget the fact that the restoration of Canaan became possible only after 40 years has passed since their exodus from Egypt and only after educating the Second Generation; so that to prepare for the Age of Unification of North and South we need to educate the Second Generation. On the opening of the Age of Unification, I really wish that you can overcome your mistakes and be absolutely impressed with the reality that the Second Generation should become leaders and wholeheartedly educate the Second Generation in the academic institutions.
5) Education and the Unification of North and South
How many days did we educate everybody when we did it this time in Seoul? We did everything in 28 days? By planning 3 weeks ahead! We educated 140,000 people in 28 days. At that time we borrowed the entire wedding ceremonial office of the district. Everybody should be educated like this. Then everything will be done completely in a short time. Is there a Hall of "Saemaul" in the district? Also, there in the district until li isn't that so? Everything is there! We can use a lot of people to serve meals. You can make and serve them in a small tent in front of the garden.
Before the night is finished, tell everybody to please come for tomorrow morning's study period so that they will gather at that time. If we did the patriotic movement during the "daytime" when everyone is awake and very much aware, then it has no "taste." It should be done in the "nighttime.". . At night when people sleep, they silently and eagerly sing a song about liberation, "Let's go to North Korea. Let's liberate North Korea." Then from now on what should the young people in li do? A long time ago there was a national boy's team, wasn't there? Again, try to make this boy's team but for the unification of North and South. .
6) The Second Generation's Attitude
Why did it take 40 years for the Israelites to cross over the Jordan river? It was because they lacked faith and couldn't unite with Heavenly Father's original Will and who was guiding them. Even if it took 40 years, Heavenly Father wanted the Israelites to reach this principled standard. Yet although all of the First Generation ancestors became food for the hawks, he had to save the Second Generation. So all of the First Generation became food for the hawks, didn't they? It is the same with you. The Unification Church also has the same destiny.
We must be strong and bold. We must be strong and bold. Heavenly Father corrected the Israel people who had the sorrowful fortune of the ruin of their country and he gave the order to Joshua, who after Moses died inherited the position to be in front of the emerging Israel nation, and to Caleb, to be strong and to be bold. He ordered them to be strong and to be brave. Do you understand? (Yes!)
Now we are similar to the Second Generation of the Israelites who were in the Sinai wilderness. The fortune of the American church is like the breaking down of the Israel people as a group. The First Generation was punished and perished in the wilderness while the future generation that remained built and restored the nation of Israel. But this time we gather the Second Generation in the new wilderness of Sinai as the group who will prepare for the nurturing of the country and the building of the land of Israel. We need to have the same foundation. We must know that Heavenly Father ordered us to be strong and to be bold at this time.
Who perished when the First Generation were the leaders? All of them perished. We are in the same position as when the First Generation of Israelites were supposed to be the leaders in building the land of Israel but in the confusion in that dark age perished in the wilderness. Now we have to know that we stand in a similar position like the new group of Second Generation with Joshua and Caleb who were going to build the Israelite nation. Everybody, are you so? (Yes!) It must be so!
Where is the point where we win the fight or fail? From now on by mobilizing the young Second Generation, the First Generation has to manage everything. My mission is to guide the Second Generation. This is similar to the time of the Israel people who 4,000 years ago restored Canaan and built a nation centered on the Second Generation.
Why is it? I have to bless until the Second Generation. So that Satan cannot accuse. No one can do it either. They cannot hit us. If the sword is hit, it breaks and falls down; consequently they are hit. We can do like this.
For 40 years until now I have been coming to educate the youth.
So centered on my family and centered on the Second Generation of the 36 couples as historical representative of the children of Abel, we have to observe and digest all the Second Generation in the Satanic world. Here are professors and all kinds of leaders in the nation; if the national leader tries to help the professors, then everything will start to advance. The public official is a servant, isn't he? Therefore, the person in the highest position is not in here! Who is the owner of the future? It's the professors and the students. It is only students centered on professors that can engraft from the very first to past to present to future.
Did the Second Generation do a good job this time centered on True Parents? (Yes!) Is it called "special corps"? Did the "special corps" become the leader? (Yes!) To be a leader, where did you go? Everything must be learned in the universities; we must do it. This time the Federation of the Unification of Professors and Students gave lectures in the university, didn't they? It is the Federation of the Unification of Professors and Students of the whole private school. What does it mean? It means to learn the blessed land of Canaan in our Unification Church. Even the nation cannot go against this.
Already you shouldn't be jealous of anything in this world. But now everything in this world is perishing, isn't it? Don't put your hopes, any hope, in the government party or in the opposition party. Only on us; we start everything from us. We should stand in the center here and we must have completely the realm of influence through four directions; establishing on our own self means having absolute faith. We must sacrifice for the whole centered on an immovable base and centered on here. Do you understand? Seen through the Divine Principle Viewpoint, it would be like this.
Your own ancestors can connect to all the students centered on the Federation of Unification of Professors and Students. It's to connect. Indeed, only to connect the students? From now on, centered on the Federation of Unification of Professors and Students, everybody must go to the city, go to the town and mobilize the teachers of the elementary school until 4th grade, 5th grade, 6th grade students. We must educate centered on the university professors and organize tightly. Do you understand? In the viewpoint of the History of Restoration, the time of Moses during the restoration of Canaan and the present time of establishing the Fatherland as God's nation stand in a parallel position; thus, in planning to enter the fortress of Canaan during Moses' time, if the Second Generation were placed as leaders they did not need to live in the wilderness for 40 more years. (April 7, 1988)
Through the position of righteousness, we must be able to plan our life so that we leave to the Second Generation a respect for their inheritance and make sure that they themselves will seriously value this tradition. Today the Second Generation will not be a problem if they are determined like this.
Heavenly Father guides -- so be bold, don't be a weak person. Being on the side of righteousness, don't be scared or hate your enemy. Be the hero or the brave man on the side of morality who can rectify the problems into goodness and righteousness.
3. The Movement For Unification And The Hometown District School
1) Significance of the Hometown District School
The tendency of unification is maturing in four directions: east, west, north and south. If the Korean race doesn't stand up for the way of unification, I will try to extend it by bringing Japanese and American people. We will enlighten people with allotment by bringing famous international scholars to the unit of the city until "Gung" in the whole nation. If it were like this, how shameful it is! As a Korean race, it would be so shameful if unification, which is our Korean desire, was achieved by a foreigner. Reverend Moon managed to build Hometown District Schools in the whole nation centered on professors from this nation.
Today, we already established and are operating these Hometown District Schools in about a hundred places in the whole nation. Actually, when the Communist party invaded South Korea, they organized in the farming and fishing villages centered on the young people who were so poor and couldn't study. In this age of unification of North and South, the Hometown District Schools offer an opportunity for young people to get an education who otherwise couldn't do so due to extreme poverty, thereby in effect taking out an object for the Communist party to try to organize. Also, in this age of unification, we can organize the whole nation centered on the Hometown District School to oppose the Communist Party; this is the work of "killing three birds with one stone." Is there any better way to love the nation and to love our hometown than by educating people centered on the Second Generation through the Hometown District Schools? This is the highest form of love to reach the universal principle. From our hometown districts we have to build the heartistic foundation. Then for the very first time, our ancestors can be restored through this heartistic foundation.
When your ancestors come through Seoul, where do they go to visit? What kind of condition is necessary so that they can be resurrected? The place where they want to go and the place they long for is their hometown. Same as our ancestors, whom do we visit and share love with? In an unknown city or in Seoul, what do you long for in your heart? To study and succeed in life, that is only for them and not for their parents. So we have to build the traditional foundation which can continue for future generations to get cooperation from spirit world and restore spirit world. In order to do so, we have to develop to build the Hometown District Schools. Everything is for welcoming the time of heavenly fortune. (April 7, 1988)
For the sake of God's Will, we have to save our hometown districts, don't we? However, who can save their own hometown district? We try to save them by organizing professors centered on the Hometown District Schools. Then this will be the amazing foundation. (Jan. 21, 1988)
2) The Hometown District School and Patriotism
A little while ago in Korea, we began the Hometown District Schools, didn't we? Everybody, as a university professor, how much did you think of your hometown district? We need to think of how to live together in our hometown districts. The person who doesn't want to live together with his own parents, who doesn't want to live in his own hometown district, cannot love the country. This kind of person, if he says he loves the nation, then his word is fake. From this develops living together with the nation, then living together with the world. Then, after living together with the world, we come to living together with Heavenly Father. So that, for the first time, after loving the local area, it became possible to love the nation. (Oct. 11, 1986)
In order to unify North and South, we need to distribute the professors. Now what is the quickest way to mobilize South Korea to the direction of the unification movement? We need to influence the academic world. In order to influence the universities, first of all, we have to move the professors. Next, if you want to go to the local area, you need to influence the junior high schools and the high schools. Next is to influence the elementary schools.
Until now we couldn't defend ourselves from the attempt of the Communist party to Bolshevize South Korea centered on the schools and centered on the educational materials that carried left-wing ideology. The Ministry of Education couldn't take responsibility, so through every kind of effort we really need to influence the school masters, need to influence the principals and need to influence the university presidents. Freely in a natural environment, the professors are the ones who can influence them without chastisement. For the movement of unification, Reverend Moon dispensed the Hometown District Schools and established them in the cities, in the towns, in the whole nation. You have to love your hometown district. The professor who comes and goes like the wind in the university after becoming a Ph.D. and becoming successful in his life never really loved his hometown district although he was born there and went to school there. The teacher who wants to love the nation has to start loving the hometown district. Therefore I am saying that we have to educate poor people through the Hometown District Schools. If your own flesh and blood bums with the desire for learning, go back to your hometown district and, shedding tears, hold the poor people in li all night. Educate the people in your hometown district.
Therefore, all professors should join the social activities and meetings centered on the Hometown District School in the hometown district that they graduated in. I think that from now on if the professors don't attend the management of the Hometown District School we have to stamp and brand them and purge them from the school and from society. Can you think of the nation without thinking of your hometown district? Confucius said, "Shine your heart to correct mind and action, rule the country well, try to make peace with the whole world." I order to rule the nation, you have to rule your house. Therefore to love the nation, you have to love your hometown. It's the same rationale.
Section 4. Blessed Wives Mobilization And North-South Unification (Part 1)
1. Mobilization-Related Prediction
1) Significance of the First, Second, and Third Mobilization
The 1960s was a pioneering time by appointing women to represent an individual. The 1970s is the time of family-level restoration through indemnity. What remains to be restored? It is not religion that needs to be restored; the nation must walk an indemnity path. Therefore, everyone again needs to be mobilized. At that time, it is not only you who will be mobilized. Husbands, parents, sons, and daughters all have to be mobilized. Everyone must know that time still remains. (38:278)
In the 1960s, women stood on the front line representing individual. (40:101)
The Unification Church has now mobilized women twice. The first time women were mobilized on the front line was in the 1960s. I talked about the necessity of women working on the front line for three years, didn't I? (Yes.) This time again, women have been mobilized for three years. After that, women will be mobilized again for three years. Thus, there will be a total of nine years of hardship. Everyone needs to determine themselves. (38:49)
You must realize that there are three stages of pioneering courses for women -- formation, growth, and completion. Why is that so? God carried out His restoration providence centered on three men in the last 6,000 years, and it was to liberate women. Men have been indemnifying vertically, and women must indemnify horizontally. That means that vertical indemnity has to be carried out horizontally.
Likewise, God's providence of restoration on the levels of individual, family, tribe, people, and nation goes through three stages. Therefore, in a national restoration course, unless the woman goes through three stages of a pioneering course, the restoration principle cannot be substantiated. You must clearly understand this point. (36:153)
Women have to work hard for the nation. What are you working for now? You are working for your family, aren't you? If you received the Blessing from the Unification Church, you should work for Abel's nation, not for your family. You must work for the Republic of Korea. You must go through three stages: formation stage of the women's operation era, growth stage of the women's operation era, and completion stage of the women's operation era. The purpose of this is to complete individual restoration, reciprocal relationships, and the multiplication of goodness. Multiplication of goodness requires a national standard. If children of goodness cannot be multiplied and there is no nation that can overcome the satanic world, you must know that the mission of the restoration of three generations of women remains to be fulfilled. (37:267)
2) Prediction of the Third Mobilization for North-South Unification
Kim It Sung is called "Father" in North Korea, isn't he? (Yes.) In the Unification Church, you call me "Father," don't you? (Yes.) A father is a father; but there is a real father and a false father. It means that there is a Cain-type father and an Abel-type father. One is the Adam-type, and the other is the archangel-type. Who caused the archangel to drive away Adam? It was caused by Eve. A false father was born due to a woman. Isn't that so?
Therefore, in the course of individual restoration, first women were called out and had to overcome in the individual course of restoration. Next, the second mobilization was called to restore a family and enter an era of family restoration. To open a gate of family restoration, wives had to stand up. So, Blessed family wives were mobilized this time. Do you understand? What, then, is the third mobilization? It is for the sake of the nation. To unify Korea and stand up at the 38th parallel, many families in South Korea have to be called out to the front line. (37:266, December 22, 1970)
Now that we are moving from the individual level to the family level, women centered on families are mobilized. Now is an era of family-level restoration through indemnity centered on women. Do you understand? The era of national-level restoration through indemnity, to be accomplished by women centered on the 38th parallel as the third mobilization, remains. Therefore, from now on, women in South Korea will set the foundation for victory. (37:266, December 27, 1970)
The mobilization for which you were called out was the second mobilization. The third is for the unification of North and South. When established churches join in, their women membership will be mobilized for the unification of North and South. That day is sure to come.
In one way, it is advantageous to mobilize rather small numbers of people at the family level. However, in the era of the unification of North and South, mobilization must be on the national level. That time will surely come, and we must make sure it will come. Thus, you will be mobilized again. The time will come when you will go to the world and establish a foundation for the realm of heavenly women who can lead people in the world. (36:152, November 25, 1970)
Up to now, men accomplished their responsibility in a vertical historical era. However, in a horizontal historical era, women, by pioneering, can stand as reciprocators before the men who have accomplished vertical responsibilities. Do you understand?
If this is not so, with what contribution before God can women stand as an object before the men? Now is the time. The thinking of Unification Church women will become the traditional way of thinking of all women in the Republic of Korea. Therefore, it has to be planted correctly. Otherwise, it will have an adverse effect. Do you understand? If women of established churches, wives of 30 million people, wives of the president and government officials, are determined they can liberate Korea. (62:262, September 25, 1972)
3) Mobilization Prediction by Chung Kam Rok
I cannot remember when, but after finishing a lunch, there was a discussion about what Chung Kam Rok [Korean book of prophecy] had predicted: what had been fulfilled and not fulfilled, and so on. It has many aspects, including events that happened 40 years ago and also about Dr. Lee (President Lee). In a final topic of prediction, there was a story that if a woman worked, profit would be tenfold, but if a man worked, he would gain only the cost. (Laughter.) There is such a story in it. Every prediction was fulfilled, but this was not solved. This time, having heard of a mobilization order by the Unification Church, one well-known university professor came to hear my speech about the significance of the mobilization of women. After hearing the speech, it was said that the professor was very joyful and said, "Oh! It is now solved." What did he mean by that?
It means that now is the time when if a woman works, the profit will be tenfold. I know it to be true. I know this not because I have studied Chung Kam Rok but through heavenly principle. It is destined, and now is the time. Therefore, a mobilization should be called. (166:264)
2. Woman's Position In The Course Of Restoration
1) The Result of Eve's Fall
Isn't that so? Next, true parents were forfeited, true husband and wife, with true children to follow. Think about how much was forfeited by the Fall. Think about how awful woman's situation is. Next, true love, the true family, the true clan, the true people, the true nation, the true world, heaven, and spirit world were all forfeited. How many stages is that? It's twelve stages, isn't it? All were forfeited. Woman has so many sins. Is woman supposed to be praised in history, or is she to go through severe hardships? To be born as a woman is to bear many sins. All these things need to be taken care of (39:107)
Because a woman fell fundamentally, fundamental restoration has to be carried out. That is why women have experienced a path of suffering. To open the gate of servant, of adopted son, son and daughter, they went through a path of suffering in history. (23:287)
By Eve's fall alone, the relationships with God, parents, relatives, clan, son and daughter, and spouse were cut off. In an attempt to restore at once all that was lost due to Eve's fall, Blessed families were mobilized to stand on the front line. By doing so, God will pay attention to you, and Father and Mother, your relatives, your husband and sons and daughters, will all pay attention to you. This is the time of having a unified heart and of resolving resentment; thus, you should know that I must mobilize you to the front line. (38:291)
Fallen Eve caused two men to perish on her left side, Lucifer, and on her right side, Adam. Isn't it so? Eve, who is women's ancestor, caused such sin. Therefore, having been mobilized to the front line, you must resolve the failure of Eve. who caused the termination of historical tradition. (38:266)
Mobilizing Blessed wives in the Unification Church to the front line means that Eve, on behalf of Heaven, takes the lead in assuming full responsibility. In the course of restoration history, a central woman resolves the failure of the two men that was caused by Eve. Upon the resolution of these, she will be restored completely for the first time. (40:209)
Because all four-position foundations were lost due to woman's fall, all things that were lost need to be restored centered on one woman. This happened because Eve placed Lucifer as her husband. Now a woman has to restore that by serving a man on the heavenly side, a restored man. This is the family-level indemnity period that a family has to overcome. Knowing that you have this exorbitant mission on your shoulders, you must dedicate yourself in a position of being one with Father. Do you understand? (43:267)
2) Jesus, Woman, and Mobilization
What position are you in now? You are in the position of one who could not fulfill her mission at the time of Jesus, and you are to restore it. You are in the position of Jesus' elder sister and younger sister, from the viewpoint centering on the time of Jesus. Do you understand?
Jesus' death was due to a woman's failure. The facts indicate this. Mary failed to fulfill her mission, which was to find a bride for Jesus. If only Mary had accomplished her mission, things would have been different. She should have dedicated herself to Jesus totally, even just for three years from the time of his conception, and not worried about Joseph, even if he should die. Thus, first, woman could not accomplish her responsibility as a mother; second, as a bride; and third, as a servant. Woman could not accomplish these three responsibilities. Why did Jesus speak with a woman from Samaria? Jesus put her in a position of a servant and spoke with her. Having lost his mother and not found his bride, Jesus went to a servant to ask for water. This servant was not able to fulfill her responsibility, either. The Samaritan woman was a very low person, like a worn-out rag, even among the servants. However, what if she had heard Jesus' words, found life, and followed him? What would she be like? She could have been greater than Mary Magdalene. Everyone, have you thought about it? Had she done so, the Samaritan woman would have been in a greater position than Martha and Mary.
From this point of view, Jesus' death is due to woman. Woman should be mother, daughter, and servant-three stages. From the viewpoint of fallen Adam, Adam's wife is a servant. Eve fell and became a servant. Jesus was born through such a servant's body. (38:67)
The reason Jesus died on the cross is that 12, 70, and 120 disciples could not be mobilized completely. Jesus' disciples were not completely mobilized, not even once. They did not act as one with Jesus, so they perished. The Blessed couples of the Unification Church, having been given life, even though they have not accomplished much to a satisfactory level, should be in the same realm with me, with whom they share a destiny. In the mobilization, the central persons are wives. Therefore, I mobilized the wives of the families who received the Blessing.
3) The Position of Woman in the Last Days
Man is not the problem in the Last Days, but woman is. Woman is the problem. There is always a woman in a critical moment of failure or prosperity, and unexpected things will occur. Isn't that so? There was always a woman when something really perished. Don't you think the same thing can be said of today's world? All will perish due to women. Every nation is swayed by women.
"Eve" means "Come back after accomplishing restoration work." and "Adam" means "There is a dam." Man has to overcome a dam. Even if your head is aching and your sleeves are torn, you must overcome. If you thought this way, you would not be tired. As I just said, there is a dam in the way which the man goes. If Adam had thought about it in this manner, he would not have fallen. (55:230)
In the Last Days, works are done centered on woman. It is because woman fell first, but also because woman symbolizes fallen earth. Before the coming of the Unification Church, works had to be done that restored the vertical providence horizontally. Forty-some years prior to the coming of the Messiah, a bride's works appeared, centered on the bride who welcomes her bridegroom. Similarly, man's work was accomplished to establish one central person. All these things are done in three stages. The appearance of a woman claiming to be Jehovah's wife will be able to consummate the history of restoration. However, that person did not understand the providence. If this woman had done the work of the history of restoration through indemnity, two-thirds of her work would be God's work and one, third would be Satan's. Even though she was not told, she should have discerned with her purity and intellect, as well as a heart of loyalty and filial piety and a heart to pursue the truth. (17:348)
4) The Blessing Is for a Nation
What is the purpose of the Blessing in the Unification Church? What is the purpose of marriage? It is for the nation. (75:284)
You must realize the importance of the position you are in now. Heavenly Father, despite His heartache and disappointment, came this far seeking a family. For this reason, Heavenly Father blessed Unification Church families. Thus, the path those families should go is to seek a nation. Do you understand? (Yes.) The period in which recruiting is done in over 3,000 locations is our three-year witnessing period for the sake of the nation. (50:253)
Blessed families need to take responsibility for the nation. The individual's and family's desires are for the nation. To seek the nation, one's husband, wife, and children need to be sacrificed. Blessed couples' love for the nation should be deeper than their love for children and spouse. It cannot be less. You understand this, don't you? You should not think that your children are your only concern. If the nation perishes, Satan might throw out that child. (54:226)
It is okay to sympathize about a situation. However, this is necessary only after the prosperity of the nation. Do you understand? When a nation's existence is in question, how can I think of leading you to a happy life? (69:230)
It is very peaceful to look at the believers of the Unification Church. However, we should not be in that position. We must pioneer a path to the world, walking with the coming Messiah on the levels of individual, family, clan, people, and nation. Wasn't that the path which people should have accomplished at the time of Jesus? Having joined the Unification Church, you are also in the same path. You must love the church. How much should you love it? You must love it with greater love than Jesus' relatives and disciples had for him. Do you understand what I am saying? Unless you do so, you will not be able to go to the Kingdom of Heaven.
You should not think that the church exists for you to achieve your objectives. This church is to save the nation. I am not sending you witnessing for the sake of the Unification Church. I am sending you witnessing to save the nation. Even if the nation turns its face toward God's Will, we should not think of saving it, but rather that the nation can sacrifice itself for the world. You must know this. (50:76)
It is okay for husband and wife to live joyfully, but what should their central thinking be? To live for the sake of the country. You cannot be joyful just because you are able to eat well and are happy. If you are joyful before the nation is, your joy can be judged by Satan. The present joy that you may have could be remembered as God's resentment and might remain as a condition of grief. Thus, your joy and happiness may not be so joyful and happy. Seek a nation first, and its families, clans, and peoples can celebrate in joy together at once in the country that God protects. Individual, family, clan, people, and nation all enjoy at the same time. The place in the horizontal realm where everyone can be joyful is the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. You need to understand this. Until that day, we cannot rest even though we want to and cannot be joyful even though we want to be. Although you enjoy now, unless you seek the nation, you will be persecuted by Satan and have to suffer. (56:282)
5) The Reason Korean Women Suffered
What did human beings lose by the human fall? We couldn't receive true love from our Father. Did we receive it? (We couldn't.) Then, we couldn't receive true love from a husband. What is next? (True love from an older brother.) We couldn't receive true love from an older brother. Who destroyed it? Who initiated that? It was a woman. It was Eve. Therefore, women throughout history had to suffer until they restored the lost love. It must be indemnified through women shedding tears, having experiencing the misuse of love. It must be indemnified through love. Women's tears were shed by misunderstanding love. Therefore, if there is a nation whose women were miserable and shed many tears, there is a very great possibility that the Messiah will come to that nation. It is very much a possibility that the Messiah will come to the nation whose women were abused by many men. (51:176)
Compared to the rest of the world, Korean women don't hang around outside but just stay at home and live a pure, quiet life. Men have to come through the fence and enter the house to seduce them. The Messiah will come to such a nation. Women who try to attract men belong to Satan's side. How about Korean women? Even though they just stayed home, they were tempted by men. Even though the daughter-in-law gave birth to three children, sons and daughters, when the father-in-law enters the room to eat, he will not let her eat a meal in the same room. I observed that situation. After she gives birth to three children and they grow up, she still has to eat at the kitchen table. She suffers so much. She lives like a servant. Since the day she got married, she has lived like a servant to the father-in-law and the mother-in-law, the husband, and the husband's younger brothers and sisters. Do you think they'll leave her alone, then? If she doesn't dress up, they criticize her for not dressing up at all. If she is beautiful, they criticize that she is too beautiful. She has to live like a servant from the very day she gets married. In this way, Korean women represent the world. Then, why does she have to go though that? Their husbands play the part of a satanic archangel. Eves have to look for the way their husbands are supposed to go in the future. So after they are married, they are only to serve their husbands. It is the way of indemnity. Therefore, Satan makes them suffer so much.
Even when we go to the spirit world, if we ask which women throughout the world suffered most, we get the answer, "It's Korean women." Such a thing is evil in one sense. However, one day when drought comes, water will come out from the deepest valley. There is much water in the deep valley even though the drought has come. In this sense, once Korean women go to the spirit world, they can say, "I suffered more than any other woman." Is that an unhappy thing? Does it seem an unhappy thing? (It is a happy thing.) Why? Among some humans, shouldn't the one who has been whipped and who shed blood until death be the one who is saved first by a helping hand? That is the right order. The person who wears clothes will be saved later. In the spirit world they change clothes. The person who was wounded and was most miserable, who could not wear clothes, now gets the best clothes first. The person who wore the best clothes will be the last to be changed spiritually. I'm sorry, but he'll be the last one. Therefore the Bible said, "The first shall be last and the last shall be first."
The first shall be? (The last.)
The last shall be? (The first.)
The high shall be? (The low.)
The low shall be? (The high.)
Those who seek to lose their life will gain it.
Those who seek to gain their life will lose it.
Therefore, I tell you to die.
Do you think such a teacher is wonderful? Do you feel bad? It will be so. (51:77)
Man needs woman, woman needs man. When God started His creation, why couldn't He give them the same rights and same position? It is because there is the principle of heaven and earth by which God created Adam and then Eve. Therefore, Eve can't go by herself before Adam perfects himself on the earth. Because woman reversed heavenly law and destroyed man, woman has to stay where she is until a man dissolves all resentment; then he can save woman. If woman escapes her present position, a serious thing will happen.
When we look at history, what kind of nation gained the best fortune? The nation whose women were mistreated without mercy and received unbearable suffering historically will be touched by God's loving hand. Such a nation is Korea, a place where women have been mistreated by men and have been in such miserable situations. Such a nation can stand as a representative nation in the world. Therefore, people have to be re-created through the nation whose women were mistreated most severely. When a woman becomes like a piece of rag that is ripped completely, then at last she can be re-created. Therefore, the history of re-creation will start from the nation where woman have suffered unbearably, historically. From this viewpoint, Korea became the foundation to receive the Messiah.
Have Korean women suffered very much or not? Do women suffer to give birth to a baby or not? If a child isn't mistreated by someone, then the mother must be mistreated by someone. If it doesn't happen, God Himself must mistreat her in order for her to pay indemnity. Korean women look pitiful, but it is not true when you took at them from this viewpoint. Therefore, I think I have to make the members of the Unification Church suffer more. Do you mind it or not? (We don't mind it.) Therefore, women in the Unification Church have fought the battle on the front line. (21:98)
6) The Merit of Women
I know some women think, "Why was I born as a woman? I wish I was born as a man." How about man? I think some men wish to be born as women. Which number is greater, women who wish to be born as men or men who wish to be born as women? (98:263)
Once you are born as a woman, you can't become a man no matter how hard you may pray or roll around on the ground. (Laughter.) Moreover, even if you say, "I don't belong to anyone. I don't have a father," you can't change it. (165:60)
Woman is important. Why is a woman happy? It is because God raises up a person whom God can love through a woman's body. Do you understand? Without a woman's body, man or woman have no way to be born. Do you understand? Even if God's desire is great, can a man who can unite the whole world be born without a woman? It is impossible. Man alone is not enough. Woman alone is not enough. By woman, sons and daughters are conceived. From that moment, they have a complete relationship. Through that relationship, a baby grows up and gets a mother's flesh and blood and is born. Therefore, loving sons and daughters are more precious than anything else. Do you understand? They are the most precious existence in heaven and earth. We can't buy them with money. They can't be exchanged with even the whole world. It is for God, mother and father. Can you exchange your sons and daughters with something else?
Who gives their own flesh and blood to them, holds and protects them, makes them a valuable existence? The baby is born through the mother's womb. The father just sows seeds. Isn't that right? Therefore, everyone who lives in this world was born through the mother's fortune. Even though woman has a lot of suffering, man can't even enter the world of a woman's heart, a deep valley of love. Man can't reach it. Even any explanation can't reach it.
We, the Unification Church, appeared in the world to understand the value of women for the first time, as I mentioned, to understand just how valuable woman is. To give birth to a son means to give birth to God's plus character. To give birth to a daughter means to give birth to God's minus character. Then "I," as a human being, am what kind of person? I am a person like God. I'm standing in the position of God. Man was projected from God's body. This is the same for woman. The one who can stand in the same heartistic position as God is woman. Therefore, in the restoration world, woman could establish a heartistic foundation as God's object.
Because of the fall, woman had to be in the most miserable situation. Do you understand? Woman is supposed to receive the most happiness, but she has to stand in a miserable position. (165:104)
"Rev. Moon in the Unification Church is stupid," I know some whisper behind me. "Why would he let women work at the front line? Even though he could let men lead, he has women lead." However, without woman, we can't have a baby. You have to go out to give the power to give birth to the nation of 30 million. When you scream at giving birth, a new Korean darling will be born. (36:193)
Woman has to carry the burden that man can't carry. Doesn't woman have to carry luggage on her back because man can't carry on his back? (Laughter.) Now, women, do you do anything that men do? Do you do more than men? (We do more than men.) What do you do more? Can you run faster than men? (Yes.) Can you wrestle and box better than men? ( Yes.) (Laughter.) How can you say that? "I may be defeated by man, but if man wrestles with me, one day I will grab him and won't let him go for ten years." You should be able to say that.
(Laughter.) When you study the course of restoration through indemnity centered on Jacob, you will know it is true. Do you know what I'm talking about? Do you triumph over man? Man is a late riser. Therefore, even though man goes to bed, "I" don't go bed. Even though man eats so much that his stomach almost explodes, "I" eat only a little bit. Even though man plays and enjoys, "I" don't play. Then you will win. When you eat a lot and sleep much, you won't win. When you eat less and sleep less, you'll win. It is opposite. Isn't it so? (Yes.) It is true. Another way is for woman to give birth to a boy. (98:341)
I'm saying that women in the Unification Church are the strongest of all. They are stronger than men. I would like to hear, "They are stronger than God and stronger than Father." I like this kind of information. (Laughter.) Otherwise you will fall again. Can you do that? (Yes.) Then what will men do? Who will give birth to the baby, man or woman? (Laughter.) When you sing a song, do you think of woman or man? Is the woman's voice higher or the man's voice? (Woman's.) Men's voices are bass, so they can make only low sounds. Even when they laugh, women can make all kinds of phenomena. Women laugh, "He, he, he. Ho, ho, ho." But men can only laugh "Ha, ha, ha." Then is God a simple God or a varied God? (Varied.) When I give something to them, men are happy just saying, "I'm happy." Women are very happy and show it through their mouth and eyes. (Laughter.) Who is more rich and varied?
In this sense, who wants to start to play in the spring. Man is slow in his movements and can't understand spring. Women are sharp. As soon as spring approaches, women jump outside. (668:33)
Section 4. Blessed Wives Mobilization And North-South Unification (Part 2)
2. Woman's Position In The Course Of Restoration
7) Women Who Defeat the People's Amy
According to the principle of restoration, woman is responsible for the final victory because woman was seduced by Satan. Even though men also fight by their side, women are responsible for the final victory. Do you understand what I'm talking about? It is women who are responsible for it. Therefore, when we think about what women have to do women in the Unification Church have to be responsible for the final front line. Isn't it surprising?
Among many nations, the superior nations are gone somewhere.
The superior churches are gone somewhere, the superior people in charge of the church are gone, and very simple people stand up to be responsible for the world. Is it a good thing? Is it such a surprising thing? (Surprising.) Is it a good thing as well as a surprising thing? (Laughter.) If you accomplish it with a great victory, it is a truly surprising thing. Do you understand? If we persevere and accomplish this, the world will be caught by its tail. When you look at hawks flying, each one makes sure to have its own place, centered on a first commander, crying out loud. They fly, thinking, "Everyone on earth follows our example," don't they? So as humans, everyone is talking, saying that he is a commander. Such a time has come. (55:220)
Unless women in the Unification Church can bring victory over the People's Army of North Korea, we can't build the Heavenly Kingdom. It has to be so, logically. Therefore, women in the Unification Church have to be so reckless and tough that they can swallow up the People's Army. If you are afraid, you shouldn't even have believed in the Unification Church. I am speaking frankly, but what I'm talking about is true.
The reason women have to be so tough is understood when we think about by whom men initially fell. Who let the Archangel in? Eve did. Who stands as a worldwide archangel. (Communism.) it is Communism. Since it is the greatest monster of what initially came in through woman, the woman has had to swallow the strongest monster, man. It is all right if the fallen woman stands on the good side. Therefore, in the Unification Church we create the strongest women and arm them with a theory that can swallow satanic Communism. Now is the training period. Do you understand? (38:279)
First only Communist countries trained women to fight a battle. The nation of Israel and Korea were next. In Korea, women have fought. Have women fought in any other country? Historically there are no examples like that. Ladies, could you go out and fight? (Yes.) With what can you fight? With the soft part of your bottom? With your breast? (Laughter.) With what do you fight? You have an enemy of love; you have to fight with it. (98:25)
From now on, I will mobilize women to train themselves to win the fight against Satan. Women in the Unification Church will lead the battle. In a battle against an enemy, you have to crush Communism more than the Hakuba unit, Moko, unit, or Seiru unit. At that time, should men watch from the sidelines and cheer them? (Laughter.) Should we do it? We have to triumph over Satan, the archangel who has dominated the whole world until now. You don't belong to Satan anymore. Because women made the foundation of resentment by disobeying God's order, you have to destroy the foundation of resentment by woman's hands, woman's sincerity, and woman's power. In order to do it, you have to start. Because it is a strict principle for women to do this, the revelation of true women can't be done fundamentally until we destroy the foundation of resentment. (27:82)
You have to know that women have to go out to fight when people on the heavenly side fight against the Communist, satanic side. Originally, women pulled Satan in, so women have to go out to kick him out. In our course of God's Will, women have to overcome Communism in order to restore the nation and the world. Men have the mission to carry the shells. You have to know it. Unless women destroy Communism, we can't build Heaven. (54:230)
Now, the power of the People's Army is so strong that in the history of restoration Eve on the heavenly side has to conquer them. Eve on the heavenly side has to take care of the People's Army and cook them completely. What are we going to do in the Unification Church? You have to have such power as to defeat them. Therefore, the day when I use women will come. According to the Divine Principle, do we have to do it or not? Eve in the Garden of Eden had resentment that she was dominated by Satan. Didn't she? (She did.) Then you have to go out to restore it. The day will come when you cross the 38th parallel to go to North Korea. (23:298)
Women in the Unification Church have to know that unless you can fight against the People's Army to win, you can't resolve resentment that Eve on the heavenly side was sold to man in the satanic world, who is the same as the archangel. Once you stand up, armed with faith and the theory that women in the Unification family will completely dismiss the People's Army of men, if an evil enemy perishes, men on the heavenly side will dance with joy. This is a result of Unification Thought. Do you understand? (Yes.) We have to organize a new, historical crusade to march forward to an enemy's camp. You have to know that the group with the courage and power to pull a declining world in darkness up to bright daylight and morning are the women with Unification Thought. (50:177)
When we are going out to fight, we have to send women out first. Do you welcome this? (Yes.) What are we going to do by this? We are going to fight against Satan, the worst Communist. What do you mean you aren't going to? You won't run away? (Yes.) Can I trust you? (Yes!) Because they are fallen archangels originally, Eve has to dominate them. Eve has to digest everything, even Satan. You have to be ready for it. (81:38)
Women who live in the peninsula will have a day when they have to go a way of indemnity as a sacrifice, for the fate of the tribe and the nation. Do you understand? The People's Army is an army of the archangel, isn't it? It is Satan's army, isn't it? Whose fault is it that they started making an army in the satanic world? It is because Eve made a mistake. Therefore, women in South Korea have to unite together as a nation. They have to destroy the entire satanic men's army and the People's Army. Otherwise the revelation of Korea can't be realized. Why did those in the satanic world make that situation? It happened because the nation of South Korea made a mistake and the traditional churches made a mistake. However, from now on our future will be successful.
In order to go that way, you housewives have to establish a new traditional standard. To do it, you have to go into battle armed with Unification Thought. You have to be a woman's army. Even though men went out to battle, have you ever heard that women did? Women destroyed a nation and the world, but have they even gone to war to liberate a nation? Men fought in the satanic world, but women never stood up on a front line for a nation. However, now women can receive the benefit of special privilege, to be front-line soldiers for a nation, because of my Blessing you. You have to be grateful for it. There is only one chance to do it. Therefore, I'll tell you not to think about anything else. (39:08)
Men lead an external world, but women have to lead the internal, heartistic world. By making a foundation by which men can surrender, an external, economical revival will be pulled into the fortune of the spiritual revival. Then, the ideal of the unity of Korea will be realized. God will make a new strategy and prepare our way. Because I know everything about it, I'm asking you to do this. Therefore, we need the helping hands of women to unite North and South Korea. (Yes.) (43:77)
8) The History of the Second Mobilization
It is the second course of pioneering. Therefore, you have to march forward centered on the family. It is a very important time. The second position is always an important matter. Now you will be tested on which you love most, the nation or the family. You will be tested on which you love most: your children, your husband, or God's will. Men fell because they loved the position closer to them. Men fell because they tried to respect themselves. Men won't fall if they stand in a position to respect the nation and God's will. Therefore, you have to stand in a position to deny all your family circumstances. By doing this, you can liquidate the fallen lineage that originated with Adam and Eve and make a foundation to be reborn into a position of a new level. You will think about your husband and children day and night. As soon as you close your eyes, you'll see your baby's image whom you nursed and left behind. You will hear what your husband used to tell you morning and night. He'll come to you in a dream, saying, "Why have you abandoned me to go so far? I'm lonely."
Even if you are faced with such circumstances and are pressed by them, you have to overcome everything with strong determination for the nation and God's will. Because woman destroyed the heavenly sovereignty by not obeying God's will in the Garden of Eden, you have to establish the heavenly sovereignty by respecting God's will. While we try to establish the Heavenly Kingdom, we can determine the dignity of women who are supposed to accomplish their responsibility on the front line. You should know that the period of mobilization is that very time. What is the reason Blessed wives are being mobilized in 1970? In Jesus' 3-year course, he lost the tribe and the nation because he couldn't accomplish God's will, because of women. Through fulfilling a 3-year course, you women have to prepare the foundation to restore the tribe, the nation, and even the world which he lost, in order to liberate the resentment of the 3 years.
By doing so, you can stand in the position to establish the foundation of the new bride, whom Jesus desired and yearned for, for the first time. Then you can enjoy liberation fully and start a new family centered on the Heavenly Kingdom. This is the reason you have to go on a 3-year pioneering course until 1972. This is the same as the period I lived in a North Korean prison-3 years. I lived in a prison, but you don't have to live in a prison. You go the same way in South Korea, in freedom, as I went living in prison in North Korea for two years and ten months. Christianity and Christian women, to whom God wanted to give the blessing, couldn't respect me. Therefore, this is an important time to liberate the entire cause of my suffering. If you understand this, you have to give your utmost sincerity for the nation, centered on God's will. (36:53)
We have to liberate Jesus' resentment that he was prevented from embracing Judaism and uniting the family and tribe during his 3-year ministry. Now, whose fault was it that Jesus could not dissolve this resentment? It was woman's fault. Jesus could not have a bride. Isn't it so? There had to be Jesus' bride on the levels of individual, family, and tribe. To restore such a thing and liberate this resentment, the Unification Church has to fulfill woman's mission to liberate individual, family, and tribal resentment. This is why I mobilized 1,200 people for 3 years. Do you understand what I'm talking about? (Yes.) (41:58)
You have to understand that the mobilization of the Blessed families in 1971 had a very important meaning. When you look at a mobilization, it looks like the destruction of the family and the denial of the reality that everything will break down. However, what is the reason and motivation to deny it? It is not a denial of the past, but it is for the benefit of the future. Whatever is left at the present can cast an anchor into the reality of the future, from beginning to end. This reality stands as the foundation of the future. Therefore, even if South Korea perishes, in reality the Unification group, which has an anchor for the future, is standing on the foundation for the future that won't perish. (42:95)
Once a typhoon of sand blows into the land where 30 million people are sleeping, the peninsula of 7,000 miles, it is like a desert without a master; a land of good soil will be changed into a mountain of sand at once. We know that this nation faces extreme danger. We are ready to sacrifice the whole Unification Church for this nation. Is that good or bad? (Good.) I'm asking you to sacrifice your life. I'm asking you to offer your loyalty until your death. What is the most important thing for people? It is life and love. Therefore, I tell you to love your nation more than your life and more than your children. There is no heavenly law that will cut off such a nation. If there is such a person or such a family, no matter how much the Communists threaten South Korea, God will block the way for them to overtake it.
When we look at the extremely dangerous situation in Korea and Asia, we should become a sacrifice to prevent a miserable history which the nation is about to face. Even if we shed our blood and tears at the front line, let's become a sacrifice for this nation. This is the reason I mobilized blessed wives in the Unification Church. What kind of enemy am I? Since I gave the Blessing, you have been wishing for a good life, but now you live such a humble life. Then I push you out from such a life and tell you to go out. (38-267)
When I mobilize the family someone may say, "Why, Father is not going to do that! He didn't say anything during 40 days of witnessing; he will be the same this time, too." So, 40 days have passed while some of you were hesitating; yet you have to go out this time. If you stay behind to do your own business while others are going out, you will suffer. If you go out later, then you have to think you should give up all the daily income and monthly income that you earned before you return. You have to do it.
This is the way you will eventually have to go. Without going this way you have nothing to do with me. What is the reason I make you go out? Because to do God's Will is our destiny. If you do this for God's Will, then you will have a good relationship with your spouse, a good family, and good ancestors whom you can be proud of eternally. When you follow the law of Heaven, you should go out for righteousness and the sake of the nation. You should not go out dreaming of your personal desire and personal happiness.
From the providential view, in order for the mother-son cooperation to be accomplished, first the father-daughter cooperation and then the husband-wife cooperation should be accomplished. This is the Principle. Do you understand? But God reversed this order. We witness the mother-son relationship without first seeing the father-mother relationship. Without the husband-wife cooperation, is the mother-son cooperation possible? In the Bible, we have seen only the mother-son cooperation, which is not a normal pattern. The providence does not advance without the husband-wife cooperation. Without the father, is the mother-son cooperation possible? Where can you find husband-wife cooperation before the mother-son cooperation? We cannot find this pattern in the Bible. Is there any father-daughter cooperation centering on God before husband-wife cooperation? The correct order should be: father-daughter, then husband-wife, and then mother-son cooperation. This is the necessary order for God's providence to be successful. But in God's providence we witness only the cooperation between mother and son.
By mobilizing the Blessed wives, I want to accomplish the father-daughter cooperation and husband-wife cooperation. Why do I have to make you Blessed wives go through this valley of death? To indemnify the standard of mother-son cooperation, Blessed wives have to go this course. In this way, mother-son cooperation, husband-wife cooperation, and father-daughter cooperation can be accomplished. (37:265)
Women also have to have a higher standard than soldiers. You have to know that this is the standard that God asks of women. To establish this tradition, Blessed couples have to go first and set the standard. How good I feel that I can now ask Blessed couples to accomplish this task. Before, I felt sick when I looked at all of you, and I felt upset to think that I always had to treat members to a restaurant. "Those poor members," I thought. "What did I give to them? If I had more, I would give more." I am supposed to feel like this, but there is no result. Because Blessed couples did not fulfill their responsibilities, outside spiritualists often warned me that if the Unification Church continues this way, then everything will be lost. But I had a strategy. When the time comes, I will take care of these problems by cutting out that which is rotten. But then was not the time to operate. The appropriate time is the period between 1970 and 1972.
That three-year period is very important, and to prepare for that time, I am mobilizing Blessed wives. If some among you feel bad about this mobilization, you have to repent with deep tears and sorrow, banging the ground with your fist. What did I state when I sent these 1,200 wives out witnessing? I said, "You are not going to witness to non-believers. You are going to witness to Christian churches in order to find the lost Israel. Invest all your heart and mind into these ministers and make them follow you. If they say they do not understand the Second Coming but they accept the rest of the Principle, then we can bring unification from top to bottom. This is the exact time we are living in now. Do you understand? (Yes.) The position of the Christian church is the same as the position of Judaism was in the nation of Israel. Accordingly, the Republic of Korea must follow this direction in God's providence. Then the democratic world and Christianity will automatically connect, and the Communist world will collapse. (58:142)
The reason for mobilizing the 1,200 Blessed wives is not for the nation but for Christianity. You were treated very badly at the door, but you were treated better than a beggar. Among the people's ancestors, if there were any beggars and they made some good condition in their lives, then we have the responsibility to take care of them. That is why you will be treated better than a beggar. If the people treat you badly more than three times, then they will give up and leave. (56:110)
3. The Attitude Toward Activities
In order to save the 30 million people of Korea, I have to be ruthless in sending Unification Church members into the lions' den without hesitation. This is not just an idea but something that is already happening. If you say this is too difficult) it has no meaning before God's Will. If you are given the order to do battle and you allow your personal circumstances to get in the way, then it means that you have the heart of retreat. We need to get rid of such people immediately. Even in the secular world, this standard holds true. If in the course of taking responsibility for God's Will you cannot accomplish it, that is so fearful and miserable. If you cannot accomplish the mission, then your descendants will have to -- and that is more fearful. Win or lose, now is the turning point. (51:351)
You slender and weak women have an opportunity to love the nation more than General Lee. Remember, you are in the position to love your parents more than anybody, and you can make a connection to love the world and accomplish the whole purpose responsibility, which comes only once in history. Try your best wholeheartedly and do not lose this chance to reap the fruits of your hard work. You should feel that even if you wake up early and go to bed late, you want to do more to convey God's words. We should have this kind of heart. When you meet people, you should love them deeply and yearn for them in the same way you would treat a long-lost friend that you met-even forgetting the passage of time. (43:338)
You have to make the tradition to liberate the women of the nation. Do you understand? You can do this by indemnifying the failure of women. Can the individual make the tradition? He cannot. The nation was created based on the family, so you have to make the tradition on the family level. Then, who makes the tradition of the family and the tradition of the wife? In the Unification Church, Blessed families have to be the first to do this. Blessed families have to make the new tradition for the nation, so it is inevitable that Blessed wives be sent to the front line. This is God's situation. This means that you have to do your best. Ask God to give you the heart to love 30 million people. At night you should go to the Holy Ground and pray until dawn for this nation. When you want to see your children, your heart has tears. When you have this kind of tearful longing for your children, you have to ask God to let you have this kind of heart for your 30 million children. Do this instead of crying for your own children and husband. You can create this kind of standard. This will be the tradition of the wife in the new nation and family. (39:109)
You have to become the person that I can be proud Of, and about whom God can proudly say to others: "Follow Unification Church women." Not only that: instead of receiving accusation, you have to gain the approval of the families and women in the satanic world, and even from Satan. Now is the time for you to do this. Your course is not a game; it will decide the life or death of your family. In order to do your mission, do not pray for your husband or your son during this time; pray only for the nation. In the Bible is said, "So do not worry, saying, what shall we eat? or what shall we drink? or what shall we wear? For the pagans run after all these things, and your Heavenly Father knows that you need them. But think first of His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." (Mt 6:31-33) You have to seek only God's kingdom.
Then what is God's righteousness? It is to create the national-level four-position foundation and to make the foundation for the heavenly principle to be accomplished. You have to really remember that this is your responsibility. Therefore, the more you worry about your husband and children, the worse it is for them, because Satan can invade them. This means that you should first seek God's kingdom and righteousness and love God wholeheartedly by uniting with Him. On that foundation, you can create a heartistic relationship with God, and centering on that relationship you can convey your love to your son and daughter. As for your husband, God sympathizes with him, and He will pour out His love on him. This is the way it should be. (36:151)
What should women do? They have to indemnify the crucifixion of Jesus in the position of Jesus' bride. How can they do this? They have to be loyal to Heaven more than any other women in the world. Jesus died because he could not find a bride. Therefore, women should not pray, "God help me do Your Will," even though they are in the valley of death. Do not utter these words. Even though women are alive, they are already dead. So from now on, women should never complain about God's Will. Do you feel bad? As the Bible states, "He who finds his life will lose it, and he who loses his life for my sake will find it." (Matthew 10:39) You have to obey this direction with greater determination than the direction given on December 1, 1970. Of course there will be some problems and resistance, centering on your family situation, that will affect the church community, but this is not really a problem. When I mobilize you thinking about God's Will, I have more heart and thought than you. If you always remember the heart you had when you went out obediently, then your course will advance infinitely. Otherwise, you will not advance. This is exactly heavenly law. What is the Principle? An absolute subject creates an absolute object, and when there is complete give and take, then God's power of creation can manifest and bear fruit, and the dead can be resurrected. Isn't this the viewpoint of the Principle? (43:262)
4. The Value Of The Mobilization
Christian churches and institutions have continuously appeared until today not because of famous pastors. Rather, it was because of the blood shed for Heaven by noble prophets who died without recognition. Through the body of weak women who totally committed themselves, and through many women who determined to do their best, Christianity has advanced until today. These women's tears have graced the miserable course of Christianity. More than men, women have desired to indemnify, and to dissolve Heaven's resentment. Today, in the course centering on the Unification Church, by using women we can prepare the foundation for historical blessing. You have to understand how valuable this time is. (37:323)
At this time, if you do well, the history of a million years will be turned upside down. Not only the spiritual but also the direction of the physical world's history will turn around, and history will be reversed. Finally the realm of the satanic world will be completely destroyed. If you were born a woman, it is honorable to die for this cause. Is that true, or not? (That's true!) (56:332)
The fact that your families are being mobilized to make a condition for indemnity before Heaven is glorious. (44:296)
I have no need for this fallen history. If you live comfortably in the realm of fallen history, you cannot bequeath heavenly tradition to your descendants. What, then, do you have to do in your life? We do not need the tradition of the rotten secular society, which will someday be cut out. Instead, we need to leave a tradition that will transcend to the future. (43:263)
Now is the time that women can succeed in life, too. For whom? (For Father!) Without me, everything will be chaos. In the Unification Church, women are now superior. (39:117).
5. The Mission Of Husbands After The Mobilization Of Wives
The Blessed wives and I have to unite and become one. This is supposed to happen, but if the husband writes a letter asking his wife to come back, this will cause big trouble. Husbands have no right to say to their wives, "You are my wife, so you have to come back." If you do so, you will be violating heavenly law. Isn't this the Principle? The individual cannot interfere at this time. There is no room for discussion or compromise on this point.
This time period under my direction means that you have to completely unite with God's Will. Then, what do you husbands have to do? You have to absolutely obey your wives. Being in the position of the archangel who caused Eve to fall, you have to be willing to die if you are asked to. This is the time to go through this position, so husbands should absolutely not write a letter saying, "I want to see you, etc.," because this will diminish your wife's devotion. You have to serve and help your wife internally and externally. (40:211)
How should the husband think? You have to feel honored that your wife was mobilized to be approved on the worldwide level. If your wife does not accomplish and get approved, then the husband cannot get approved either. When the wife does not get approved, she cannot relate to her husband and children even though she has a husband and child. For this reason, when the wife is out on her mission, the husband should pray day and night for his wife. You have to be able to say, "Your pain is my pain, and your sorrow is my sorrow." (36:240)
For Blessed families to serve God, you should not serve according to your old habits and lifestyle. As a Blessed family, you have to have the heart that your family is representative of the high priest, who made a daily offering for the nation and people. Furthermore, Blessed wives are on the front line. Their front line is not in Korea. Spiritually, they are on the front line to protect against satanic invasion. You under stand this point, so whenever you think about your wife on the front line, you have to fulfill your mission as high priest leading your children. This is the kind of heart you should have. This means that when a cold day comes and difficulties come, you should not take these challenges as your own problem but confront them as a representative of the nation. In order to make a heartistic connection to God as a high priest, you are going the course of indemnity as a representative of the nation. You should have this kind of heart. (40:84)
As the husband of a wife who has been mobilized to the front line, and as a parent leading your children, what should you do now? You have to unite wholeheartedly with the central family while you are leading the nation. Otherwise, you cannot fulfill the mission of high priest. (40:186)
What is the main problem for the wife, who works on the front line? Do you love your husband more, or God's Will? Do you love your husband more, or your central figure? Do you love your children more, or your central figure? The Blessed wives did not go to the front line centering on their husbands. They went out centering on Father. On your own, you would never think to do this. At home, you obey your husband and take care of your children, and your thoughts are divided. Can the husband think to go to the front line? He also cannot. (40:195)
The husband whose wife is mobilized has a desire to see her. I will give you permission to visit, but you have to first visit two outside families. Then you can visit her. Do you understand? You first visit one place and then a second place, and then the third visit can be to her. You should do it like this. Why? Because you must follow the pattern of the formation, growth, and completion stages. One of the two outside families you visit can be near your wife's place.
The husband has to educate his sons and daughters, saying, "Your mother is the only mother in the world. She went out for a holy purpose. I will follow your mother's way, and you have to follow the way your parents go." The husband should educate his children in this way with tears. "Your mother goes a suffering course for the sake of the nation and world. On this cold winter night, your mother might be lying in a cold room. We have to feel sorry that we have a warm. room and bed. She is doing her job in order to give us life and to pioneer the way we should go. I will do my best for your sake. There is no mother like yours in the world." This is the way the husband should educate his children. "Next time, I have to go this way," he should explain, "and when you grow up, you also have to follow your mother's way." Centering on the mother, the father and son, and the father and daughter, have a tearful heartistic connection. Then this family can inherit the mother's tradition. (38:292)
Section 4. Blessed Wives Mobilization And North-South Unification (Part3)
6. The Attitude Of Church Members
All members have to unite in heart with the women who are on the front line. You should breathe and walk with the same rhythm, harmonizing with their heart. With that kind of attitude, you should protect your nation and people, pouring all your strength and capacity into this task. After giving everything, if your power is not enough, you can still offer your determination to God, even sealing your pledge with blood. (42:149)
Those families who receive this blessing of being mobilized will have three years of hard work. What should all the other families do? There is no need to say anything. There is no need to wonder about going or not going. Let them sleep comfortably if they want. If they do so, they will lose everything. They will lose all the blessing they received so far from being in the Unification Church. You have to know this point and do your best. (38:129)
At this time, 1,200 women are on the front line working hard. When they see that some members stayed behind, I know these wives are wondering what you are doing. Did your church advance? If you are relaxed and do not accomplish your responsibility, you will be ruined. You must think, "Those women who are on the front line are in the position to receive the sword and arrows instead of me." You have to feel their clothes are torn before my clothes are torn. Before my face gets burned, their faces get burned. Members are supposed to have this kind of awareness and concern. If you understand this, then those of you here can unite with the front line. If you know this and you still do not accomplish your responsibility, then you will be indebted to God and your descendants will be ruined. (41:120)
7. Father's Second Mobilization Speech
When I went to the Soo Taek Lee workshop site yesterday, somebody asked me, "How can I go out and leave my children behind?" Do you think I have the answer? I answered: "You know what to do. You know more than I what needs to be done. This course is not mine. I have already completed my course. In my course, I also had difficulties and suffering, and that time has passed. Now you are the seed and should welcome the spring season. To be fruitful you have to overcome and subjugate your circumstances. Don't you? The fruit that is attached to a lonely tree is not insignificant. Otherwise it would not remain attached. This means that you have to sow a pure seed. In your family, you have to choose the most precious member and sow that one. The most precious member is not the father or son or daughter but the mother. For that reason, God chose to mobilize the mothers. But if there is some, one who says, "Well, my husband. . . and my son and daughter. . . etc., then that person will stumble." (36:31)
To mobilize the wives is a miserable thing to do. Yesterday, I visited a few local houses to see how the children are doing without their mothers. I felt so sorry to see them. In my heart I said to myself, "You must want to see your mother," and I prayed for them in my heart. Then I comforted them, saying, "Your mother has to go over the three-year indemnity course for God's Will. This period is like Jesus' three years of public life where there was no foundation to welcome the bride, so these women have to go out to indemnify this failure. That is why your mother has to go this course. Also, there is still a heartistic foundation needed to indemnify the whole. You do not understand now, but this will be your pride and your family's pride in the future. The day will come when you will praise your mother, so you should not feel like a lonely beggar. How fortunate you are that you can serve your historically precious mother." Nevertheless, it is miserable to see these children. (37:204)
8. The Third Mobilization For The Unification Of North And South Korea
1) Mobilization Area
Did you hear that when the wife goes out witnessing this time, she should go back to her hometown? (Yes.) Do you know why I said this? It is because women, not men, have to open the door and show the example -- open the door of sincere loyalty. In that way the people who oppose us will surrender. (November 8, 1987)
What should you prepare when you go out from here? How do you prepare, and where do you go? The place is your birthplace. Everyone gathers on the state level, and each city has a city leader. Should all Blessed couples up to the 6,000 Couples go back? All Blessed couples should go out. Not only the 6,000 Couples but the 8,000 and 10,000 Couples. All Blessed couples should go out. The 6,000 Couples are not the only Blessed couples. Are Blessed couples who were previously married going out? If you had to cross the Jordan River to enter Canaan, wouldn't you go out too? (Yes!) I cannot bring you to Canaan unless you cross the Jordan River. Do you understand? (Yes!) Start on June 1. There should be no one here who does not know her hometown. (165:136)
If we can mobilize you who are sitting here alone, there is nothing we cannot do. Can you catch a live tiger or not? (Yes, we can). Really? (Yes). Well, then, we must go to Pek Du San. (26-73)
Men in Blessed families must assist women so that women observe Father's order without hindrance. (55-107)
Father's direction is not his own personal direction. It is a Heavenly mission. If you firmly observe this mission, cosmic blessing will fall onto Korea. If I leave heaven and earth open, what do you think is going to happen? All the indemnity conditions on earth flow into there. When all the spiritual requirements are fulfilled, there will be no more Satan on the earth, and therefore, Kim Il Sung or Communism will collapse. Heaven has such a power.
Aren't we in the same situation? God can help us as well. Based upon the principle of restoration through indemnity, we have come to the stage where we can intervene with reality in a principled way. Reality has come to that stage. How can God not help us? If God does not help us, the Principle itself is wrong. God's Will could never be accomplished. So, be confident and have conviction! (165-34)
Although you are living happily now, don't look back at your family, and march forward. Just like Abraham's wife, give up your family and march forward. Why? For the purpose of breaking through. It is a historical fact. We are doing exactly what I said. (166-170)
Once you have received this direction, you must step together and march forward. You cannot participate in God's holy battle unless you do so. That's why we are so busy. 14-126)
If Father mobilizes your family, you must do it now. Schooling for your sons and daughters shouldn't be a problem. Now is the time for total mobilization. You should be proud of the sons and daughters of the Blessed families because they have originated from God's Will and are stronger than those Communist students. If you are born as a woman, you must think of yourself as representing all women, and you must work much harder than the women representatives of the Communist party. The same for men. If the evil wind is blowing, we must overcome and defeat them, as the wind of goodness. (1987/9/13)
Those who received the direction work hard and go through hardships. The person in charge, who issued the direction, cannot live an easy life. The leader must have a heart to feel sorrow and pain of his people in front of God. Without this kind of heart, the organization of this leader will certainly perish. When he has time, he must pray for them, visit them, and talk with them. Father has always been living this kind of life. (43-28)
You must follow Father's direction absolutely. Is there any objection? There is none, is there? Your sons and daughters should not be the problem. If you are thinking and caring only about your husband, you may lead him to his spiritual death. If you are thinking and caring only about your sons and daughters, you may be leading them to their spiritual death. Your family can become a source of resentment. That's why I scold women who only took care of their own families. Aren't you in the situation now as I just described? You faced oppositions and your path has been blocked. That's why such a situation has emerged. (165-301)
Just as Moses led 60,000 people of Israel, Father is now fulfilling the same mission centering on the families of Unification Church in the Unification world. When Father tells a family to go, and if the people in the family said, "we cannot go because we have families and they will perish." A husband should not say, "I cannot go because I have a wife." If he says so, his family will perish.
When we cross over the valley, we must successfully go over. When we go over the river, we must succeed in doing so. When we go over the water, we must be successful in doing so. When we swim across the river, we must successfully do so. You must know that now is such a time. You must cross the river which is to be crossed.
The people of Israel perished because they did not cross the Jordan river. You must understand this. Do you understand the significance of the Jordan river? It is the river which is the border between the Satanic world and God's world. If the husband can cross the river, he must do so, while tying a rope to the neck of his wife and then pulling it. You must know this. Father and mother must take an adventurous and risky step for the sake of their children. You must understand that we are now in such a time.
Man and woman must become one in mind and body. One heart, one mind. Children also must become one in heart with their parents. They all must become completely one in heart and mind with God and Father, then they must cross over the border line. When they receive the final direction from Father, they must immediately leave their families. You must know that such a time is approaching right before our eyes, the moment you receive the command to cross the Jordan river. The situation was the same at the time when the Israelites crossed the Red Sea. They had to cross at the moment God separated the ocean. If they missed that moment, they would have all died. (100-291)
Now, the mobilization direction has been issued to all women. Have they all gone? If you first think about your sons and daughters, your husband, and your wife, your idea is a family centered idea. God's idea is not a family centered idea. God has a Cosmos centered idea. The messiah does not have a family centered idea. He is a liberator to emancipate all nations. Anyone can fall, unless he is committed to walk with the pace of the Messiah. (1987/10/01)
If Father told you to mobilize all men and women at a certain date and time, will you do it or will you not? You must do it. For what do you do it? For the sake of God's Will. What will you do for the sake of God's Will? You must save Korea. For what do we save South Korea? It is for the liberation of North Korea. For what do you liberate North Korea? You must liberate Asia. For what do you liberate Asia? For the sake of the world. And for what do you liberate the world? You must liberate God and the entire realm of His Kingdom. (168-141)
A. The Reason Why Women Are Mobilized
Why has Father mobilized women at this time? Mother has been setting a condition to embrace and save both the democratic and Communist realms on the world wide level. We are establishing the foundation on a family level centering on Korea, which can be the basis to defend against Satan. This is a view based upon the principle. Father has mobilized women of Blessed families this time for this reason. (165-278)
The Blessing is given wherever you reach out. You must know this. In the place where your words and speeches are carried, the history of resurrection and the history of re-creation will be born. You must understand this. You must know that we need many places which can initiate the explosion of love. There is no one other than those in the Unification Church who can take part of this mission. For this reason, Father mobilizes women at this time. A woman broke the way of heavenly love. Two children, Cain and Abel, were born because of the fall of a woman. A woman gave birth to Satanic sons and daughters. The blood lineage has been reversed by her.
Because women could not meet Adam, a man who had God's true love, they have become miserable and have created a Satanic world, which ended up to be this divided sinful world. Because of the first separation which was caused by false love, the world has been divided into democracy and Communism. This is history. Representing these two worlds, Korea must be united centering on the thirty-eighth parallel. This will be a historical event.
Here, women must embrace the right and the left. Women must embrace both the elder son and the second son, so that the elder son comes to visit the second son. Korean people must unite with mother's love, and must develop the movement to melt North Korea with genuine love. (166-83)
How can we mobilize women? Women are important. If women are mobilized, men cannot but take action as well. (164-211)
Father mobilizes Blessed families. Now, you have good fortune. Father has already achieved success and needs no help from you. I am going to help you, but you do not have to help me. You can achieve success based upon my accomplishment. (164-282)
B. The Meaning And The Purpose Of The Third Mobilization
If Kim Il Sung stands in the position of the fallen Satan, then organizing and solving the problems of North Korea can be accomplished only when women stand at the front line, because fallen Eve gave birth to fallen Cain and Abel, represented by North and South Korea. When all housewives and mothers are mobilized and bring two children together, fathers must step into the situation. Their husbands must stand right behind them. In this way, the original Adam is restored. This is the view of the Principle.
Then, the purpose of the mobilization of women at this time is the liberation of Kim Il Sung of North Korea. The birthright was taken away by Satan, but it happened because Eve fell first and gave birth to the first son [in that fallen state]. Therefore, a mother must become responsible to take the initiative to restore the birthright through her son. Her husband is in Cain's position and her son is Abel. When the mother becomes one with her son who is Abel, her husband will follow.
If it happens this way, restoration is accomplished. That's why sons and husbands are naturally mobilized when wives are mobilized. For this reason, we mobilized women in families. What does this mobilization of women mean? Father has Blessed the second generation centering on the vertical standard of Cain and Abel. From the viewpoint of the standard of the blessing of the second generation, families have a horizontal Cain and Abel relationship in the Satanic world. Mobilizing women in Blessed families extends the vertical standard into the horizontal Cain and Abel relationships in the family.
Satan works at night. We mobilize women so that we can open up the foundation upon which we can work at night. Do you understand? This is the historical, last mobilization. If we win it, the liberation movement of women will emerge. Do you understand completely? Do you understand the significance of the mobilization of families? (Yes). (65-260)
The standard goal of our efforts for this battle is the digestion of the breakthrough of the districts. If we can only digest it, the unification of North and South Korea is not so difficult. We can unify it, if we can digest the breakthrough of the districts. Who is going to stand at the front line? Women must do so. Not men. Kim Il Sung is the archangel on the Satanic side. The archangel tempted a woman and made everything his own territory. Therefore, women of Korea must chase Kim Il Sung out. Without the help of men, women must do it.
Therefore, this time, women of the Unification Church will be mobilized around early June. What are they going to do? A woman left the bosom of God centered on her [fallen] sons and daughters. Now, women will make effort to attend the standard of the new original father and husband, while at the same time holding onto her [Blessed] sons and daughters.
Now, North Korea is forming underground organizations in South Korea in order to invade it. Who is nurturing the members of the underground organizations? Women. Women! Housewives of North Korean families. The underground organizations are formed by families. Satan is establishing his foundation in families. (166- 66)
Ladies have been mobilized and sent out this time in order to establish the base in the districts and the sections of the areas. (166-195)
Whether you can do things well or not is not the problem. You must become persons in charge of opening the path through which people can assist from the outside. Do you understand what I am talking about? (Yes). Today, women of Blessed families have been mobilized in order to set the indemnity conditions, representing the world. Do you understand? (Yes). This is my third visit. The third visit after I came out of Danbury. Housewives of Blessed families must mobilize and educate all mothers of the families in Korea, so that they can love the nation. Do you understand what I am talking about? In this sense as well, women must be mobilized. We are not religious fanatics. We must save the country. Those who do not want to do it, you can leave. You do not have to become members of the Unification Church.
Do you have a capability to say, "What?! Fanatics?! I have the same heart of parents who love sons and daughters. If we lose the country, do you know what will happen to your sons and daughters, and my sons and daughters? Either they become members of Communist parties, or they will be killed with their knives.
In this sense, we must mobilize families and create mothers who can love the country. These mothers must educate their children as sons and daughters who love the country, and guide their husbands through the right path. Women must become such mothers and correct their families. If you do so, new buds will sprout and they will grow from there. When they grow and spread all over the place, Korea will become the heavenly kingdom of well-being, and sons and daughters of Korea will become the leaders who can lead the world, won't they?
Those who oppose members of Unification Church, saying that they are religious fanatics, will eventually be led to the same place where the members of Unification Church are going. In fact, things will soon become that way. (165-154)
When Communists carry out their underground activities, in most cases, mothers in the home give them assistance. The reason why we mobilize women of the Unification Church is to give clear ideological education to these women. Our sisters can meet these women twenty-four hours a day at any time. When the husband comes back home, they can knock on the back door and ask the wife to come out. They can talk there. If the doors are closed, they can go through the back gates behind the yard of the house. How easily they can come and go! They have the foundation to communicate twenty-four hours a day. (166-17)
Father had given the direction not only to you but also to Japanese members who went back the day before yesterday. Father theoretically explained to them what the present time was, what the necessary path would be for the sake of the future of Japan, and what would have to be done in every street and comer of Japan. We will do the same thing not only in Korea, but also in Japan, and in all other countries. Wherever there is Unification Church, in the world.
Father wants to push Korea to accomplish this first. Members of Korea have to do this first, don't they? Isn't it right? (Yes) The birthplace of my thought is the land of Korea. Father is the Teacher of the Unification Church, who loves Korea. So, Father wants Korea to do anything first before it is done in other countries. Father cannot but ask you who are in Korea to do these things first, and Father is grateful for your willingness to take part of the responsibility. You should not be outdone by members in other countries.
The women are doing preparatory activities now. if wives, and sons and daughters as well, all say, "Father, please sign here," doesn't he sign? won't that family join the Federation of the Nation for the Unification of the North and the South? (166-26)
From now on, you must devote yourselves and accomplish the unification of the North and the South, even if you regret doing so; husbands and wives must forget about one another and sacrifice their families.
In order to be qualified to enter well into the spirit world, you and your wives must receive the indemnity at the forefront of the tribe. Father mobilized you last year so that you could become qualified in front of the tribe. (1988/1/7)
C. Our Attitude To Participation In The Third Mobilization
Facing the mobilization, you must not have any selfish mind. Your family and work place should not be an obstacle for you to go to the front line. You must march forward for the sake of the nation, for the sake of the restoration of the unified nation. If we can find and establish the unified nation-the homeland-the unification of the democratic world and the Communist world, and the unification of the East and the West will take place. (1988/l/7)
Looking at the reality of Korea, although we all desire Korea to be a good country, the real position of Korea is not good. All of you must be anxious about it, right? If the reality of the nation is not good, can a society which exists within the sphere of the nation be good or can it be bad? There are more bad things in the society, aren't there? Therefore, don't hang onto the evil things, but stay with the good things. If the society is bad, how about the religious organizations? Both organizations and companies are under the attack of evil influences.
Throughout the history of Korea, have women represented the nation and said, "Follow and learn from us! Korea will die unless she goes in this way. We must build Korea as a nation which has a great hope in the future?" Have women ever stood in front of society with such a sincere heart? Having said this, you will understand that women of Unification Church are superior. That's why you must be grateful. Since you met Father, you have been given opportunity to do such great work under God's Will. (50-139)
You must go out and love Cain's sons and daughters more than your own sons and daughters. Have you understood this, or not? Without doing so, you cannot change them. You must go through such a path and love them to the point that they will say, "Please love your own sons and daughters instead of us, because they are people whom we want to attend." Do you understand? You must not be anxious about your beloved ones, your sons and daughters.
Once you left for the Way of God's Will, forget all completely, be it your husband or your children! Think that the only place you can be is in Cain's world. You must love sons and daughters of Cain's world and set the standard of the Cain-Abel restoration for indemnity in front of your sons and daughters. Therefore you must restore their parents. By doing so, your husband can stand next to you, and you can take your sons and daughters and lead them along with the families and children on Cain's side, to the Heavenly Kingdom. You can accomplish the restoration of Canaan. You, women!
Do you understand? (Yes) Can you say these things when you go to the local regions? When someone says, "Why do we do such things? Why does Rev. Moon ask families to split, arrange and send women all over the country? Why does he ask us to do such a thing?" how will you answer? You must reply the way I just did. You must explain to them about the fall of man and tell them that now is the final time for restoration.
Those women who will go out this time will become without question the leaders in their towns. Even if you live in Seoul, you will surely become an influential figure in the region. Leadership roles will be occupied by all of you. Father knows that you now are carrying a signboard on your back, which reads that you must do all the education in that region including that of children. Don't you like it? (We like it.) That is good.
One person shows and guides the way to go for all people, for all those who are suffering in chaos and confusion. They are liberated and so happy. God is joyful in heart by seeing all these scenes. This should be the attitude and heart which God's sons and daughters must have. What do you think? Is that right or not? (That is right.)
In this sense, sweat when you work, work hard for business, do extra work at night, and whatever you do with decisive commitment Those who try to die will live and those who try to live will die. At this point, we depart with absolute commitment without thinking about our own life and death. (165-149)
From now on, if you go to your assigned area and hide the fact of being a member of Unification Church, you will not prosper. If you lie, there will be consequences. Heaven will punish you. Heaven cannot smite Satan while leaving you unpunished. Therefore, be courageous in your assigned place. (1988/l/2)
How high, do you think, is the authority of the members of Unification Church? Do you know? While you are walking though the streets, you must reign there as the queen. When you go out into the streets, all women there must learn from you. You must live with dignity and authority so that you can straighten them and correct the bottom of their skirts. Don't become a woman who goes around the streets seeking smelly stuff. Observe the right norms and the norms of the heavenly principles. Be and live with dignity, so that all existence in the cosmos will praise you and say that they must follow you. You must live in that position. Do you understand? (166-269)
We are now standing on the front line. You, women in particular, must meet the expectation of Heaven and the True Parents, centering on God's love, which is the ideal of creation, the center of the House of Unification. You are standing in the frontal position centering on God's Will, in which you overview the realm of God's love. Don't lose the dignity which meets all the expectations. Don't become a shameful person in front of your responsibility for the mission, which God is watching with expectation and the whole of existence is desiring vertically and horizontally. You must become a person who can fulfill this responsibility without any regret and shame in front of your mission.
Number your properties in the order from the best on down. Sell the best thing first and use that money for the sake of the nation. Devote yourself for the sake of your nation. When you shed sweat and tears, and do your activities with the commitment of making yourself the offering, you may use money. You are free from Satanic accusations. Therefore, you must offer heavenly material things, heavenly sons and daughters, and husband and wife. When you offer all, they are connected to the realm of heart. Unless you establish the foundation of having offered the entire family in front of heaven, the resurrected family, the family which is connected with heavenly love, cannot emerge. (166-324)
D. Husbands' Responsibility After The Mobilization Of Women
Kim Il Sung is the archangel. He is the representative of all fallen angels. Because he is the representative of Satan and fallen angels, women of Korea must conquer him. This is for the purpose of the unification of the North. What are men now? They are archangels on God's side. (165-40)
Father chased out families this time. While wives go out and work, their husbands must give up their wives and sons more than the wives have sacrificed, and must work much harder for the sake of God's Will. If you are a husband of a wife who has left her children and husband for the hard work of the Will, you must also work that much harder. You, men! Who can complain? When we work for God's Will in this way, Heaven will come to sympathize for us. (103-215)
Men also should be prepared. Instead of their wives, men must make the necessary moneys and send them to their wives, no matter what. (164-204)
When the decision was made for the mobilization of the women of the Blessed families of the Unification Church, men should not complain about it. Men should keep their mouth shut and go behind women to support them. I cannot organize you, so I rather let you work like servants who make money and offer the dues. (165-40)
Now, let's make a conclusion. Do you do it or do you not? (We do.) Do you go or do you not go? (We go.) With some regret or with no regrets? (With no regrets.) How do you have to go? (Without looking back.) You should go without looking back. You must be that way. God will be happy about it. When you receive the direction and go out, go without any regret. Don't look back. You can look straight in your husband's eyes and say, "Please take care of yourself." You can look one hundred times. Look thousands of times before you turn and leave. Then, once you turn, run and go.
When a wife returns home after restoring the nation, her husband must prepare a banquet and welcome her like a queen. The husband must greet her with comforting words. He must welcome her together with the children, and they must bow to the mother. Such a warm welcoming must be given. When she returns, her husband must warmly welcome her. The husband can play his role only when he does so. Isn't that so? Only when the husband welcomes her in such respectful manner can he resume the role of a husband on the higher level. If you do very well and come back from the mountains and rivers of your homeland, I wont give you a talk on not witnessing ever again. (164-297)
E. This Is The Last Mobilization
This is the last mobilization. I will not mobilize from now on, even if someone tells me to do so. (165-261)
At the time Of Moses, 600,000 people were suffering in the wilderness. When at least sixty million tribal people, representing the world, become liberated from the wilderness and establish the heavenly kingdom, that is, when they establish one foundation on earth in accordance with the heavenly way, the desire of Heaven, which will not change for billions of years, will be developed. Now, therefore, I say that this is the final work. The final one. (166-268)
We have served and made an effort to change the hostile environment to a friendly one. We have influence on the individual level and the family level. When is this mobilization of families? We have done so before as individuals, but how many times is this mobilization on the family level? This is the second time. (The third time.) Why do you say, it's the third time? We did for three years in 70's. What's the next? Have we done anything? (1981. . . ) That was not for three years. How many months? (Seven months.) That was seven months, right? Therefore, this is the official second mobilization on the family level. This is the second time. This is the last mobilization. (169-294)
Section 5. A Group Of 7,000 People And The Mission Of Korean Members
1. A Group Of 7,000 Who Must Be Indemnified
1) A Group of 7,000 Who Do Not Surrender to Baal
At the time of the work of Elijah of the Old Testament Age, there were ten tribes in the northern nation of Israel and two tribes in the southern nation of Judah. They were divided into north and south. Elijah fought in order to unite them. Elijah fought alone in order to testify to the living God against nearly 850 prophets who exalted a wooden statue of Asherah or the god Baal. They erected an offering table in order to test the truth or falsity of the god Baal. They offered oxen and prayed for the offerings to be burned by the fire of God. Elijah and these priests competed with each other.
However, the false god could not appear, and the prophets of Baal and the wooden statue of Asherah were kept awaiting the god's fire. But it never came to burn the oxen.
But when Elijah prayed, the fire struck and burned not only the offering but also the entire altar. Then Elijah had the 850 false prophets slain. Since this happened, everybody was supposed to surrender to Elijah, but in reality, Satan rebelled against him. Satan tried to catch and kill Elijah. Then, Elijah ran to the desert and sat under a tree. He prayed and asked God to take his life: "Now, I am the only who remains." On the one hand Elijah despaired, but on the other hand, there remained a group of 7,000 people who had not surrendered to Baal. Judah had to reestablish the unified realm of the North and the South by supporting the group of 7,000.
At that time, the realm for the Messiah was not established on the national level. Prior to the coming of the Messiah, Elijah had to establish the one realm of Israel, which had been vertically divided, on the horizontal level. Judah and Israel, and Israel and Rome related, in each case, horizontally as Abel and Cain.
Judah is Abel and Israel is Cain. When they are united, they form the realm of Abel. This realm of Abel, Israel, must triumph over Rome, which is the realm of Cain. They had to set the vertical standard first, and had to govern Rome, thus setting the horizontal standard. (169-206)
2) Jesus and a Group of 7,000
Israel and Judah, which had been divided, had to be united. Israel was the Cain-realm and Judaism was the Abel-realm. Elijah killed all 850 prophets of Baal in order to unite the Israelites under God's Will centering on the nation of Judah. However, the Israelites tried to kill Elijah. God is alive. He is a living God. The Israelites who had returned to this living God, were supposed to support and protect Elijah. However, to the contrary, they tried to kill him.
Therefore, when Elijah ran away to spare his life, while he was asleep under the tree, God gave bread and water, and helped him along the way. Elijah entered into a cave in Mount Horeb, and said at the last moment, "There is no one remaining but me. Please take my life away and let me ascend." God replied that there was still a group of 7,000 people who had not surrendered to Baal. Even if the Israelites in general opposed him and all twelve tribes opposed him, if Elijah could unite those 7,000 prepared people, he could establish the indemnity condition for the coming of the Messiah. Therefore, if there was a unified group of 7,000, there was a way to open the path again -- the path to consummate the situation in which God could emerge. (165-289)
The one who came later in Elijah's stead was John the Baptist. John the Baptist, therefore, saved a group of 7,000 among the Israelites. If a new sect which followed Jesus was formed and became Abel, they had to find a group of 7,000 from the nation of Israel and Judaism. The entire nation had to be saved centering on the new way of baptism. However, Judaism and the neighboring country opposed it. If John the Baptist, who had gathered 7,000 people, offered them to Jesus and completely united with him, Jesus did not have to die. If they had united with Jesus, the right and the left would have been united.
There, 12 tribes and 72 disciples would have been formed. In our terms, if they had formed 36 couples, 72 couples, and 120 couples, and then 7,000 couples, Jesus would not have died. They would not have perished. Because this was not accomplished, Jesus stood in the position to be taken by Satan. When Jesus was crucified, there came to exist two thieves, one on the left and one on the right. The lack of the foundation became the condition for the division of the right and the left. Because God did not have a group of 7,000 people, the division of the left and the right emerged. (169-208)
3) 7,000 People to be Restored through indemnity
For the New Testament Era, Elijah was expected to come prior to the coming of Jesus. However, the nation of Israel and Judaism were not united. God's Will is accomplished only when the realm of Cain [politics] and Abel [religion] are united. John the Baptist, who came in Elijah's stead, had to unite with Jesus. John the Baptist was chosen as a representative to unite the realm of Cain and that of Abel, the nation of Israel and Judaism.
The land of Judea is small. You can go around the whole area in just four hours. It is relatively easy to restore such a small country. God set up this small country and conducted His dispensation.
John the Baptist and Jesus had to be united centering on religion. The time of Elijah was also a chaotic era in thought, which included the worshipping of a wooden statue of Asherah and of Baal. At the time of Jesus, which was a late Roman era, things were chaotic and complicated centering on the philosophical background of Hellenism. Some went the way of Babylon and worshipped various gods. Things were so chaotic and complicated. They had to manage all of these situations and unite with Jesus as individuals. Upon this foundation, Jesus could secure the position of parents, and after that, he could establish kingship upon it. Once he established the nation, he would embrace Rome centering on the nation, uniting twelve Arabic tribes. They would establish one nation including the entire Arabic realm.
Just like Cain and Abel, these countries today are fighting as enemy countries in order to indemnify the disunity in their past.
Who is going to unite them? It is Rev. Moon. Rev. Moon is now establishing a unity among them. International conferences and political meetings cannot be successful without my support. We have come to such a stage at this time. Unless we indemnify such complicated historical mistakes, we cannot solve all of these present problems.
In front of Jesus, if there was a group of 7,000 centering on John the Baptist united with him, comparable to the group of 7,000 who had not surrendered to Baal, how could Jesus have died? If he had had a group of 7,000 he would have formed his own family. He would have formed not only 12 disciples, 70 disciples, and 120 disciples, but also his own clan, and it would have absorbed the clan of John the Baptist, and this would lead to the formation of the new foundation for kingship. If he had had this group of 7,000, how could he have died? Nobody has solved this grievous misfortune.
At the time of the Second Coming, this failure has to be dissolved. While I was in Danbury, I was in the position to dissolve the failure of the Old Testament and that of the New Testament. I had to connect the 7,000 most famous people in American government. While I was in Danbury, I sent a set of video tapes and books, weighing five pounds, to three hundred thousand ministers. They were surprised by discovering the contents of Unification Church. (1985/12/29)
A group of 7,000 people had to be united in front of Jesus, However, those whom Heaven chose and prepared were lost. This must be restored through indemnity. So, while Father was in prison in Danbury, he put in place the education of 7,000 ministers. Do you understand? Father educated 7,000. There was no one in America and the American churches who stood on the heavenly side. While the Unification Church stood on Abel's side, if 7,000 people from America and American churches could establish the condition of unity and follow the path of Abel, the indemnity condition could be established. For this reason, what Father did in prison was to educate a group of 7,000. They were ministers. Father established the indemnity condition through a group of 7,000 centering on CAUSA. How difficult it was to connect a group of 7,000! (1987/5/27)
2. Father And A Group Of 7,000
1) Danbury Prison and a Group of 7,000
7,000! What does this number, 7,000, represent? If you read the Old Testament, you will see that the northern nation, Israel, perished because they all followed Satan by worshipping Baal and the wooden statue. Knowing God's Will, Elijah was angered and destroyed all the high priests of Northern Israel. Under God's grace, he challenged them and successfully set a fire. When 800 or more of Baal's gods were all destroyed and the priests were all killed, Northern Israel had to understand the existence of the living God and obediently follow Southern Judea. But, they all turned into opposition. Although the high priests were all cleaned up, the people of Northern Israel opposed Elijah. It is shocking and disgusting! Even those who witnessed with their eyes the work of the living God in front of them opposed him. How disgusting and surprising it was! Furthermore, they tried to kill Elijah.
As he fled, he sat under a tree and asked God to take his life, didn't he? While he was asleep, an angel came to him and gave him bread and water, didn't he? Elijah, then, went up to Mount Horeb. While he was staying in the cave, he prayed, "I am the only one who remains. Please take my life." Then, God said to him, "You may be suffering and struggling about your situation. But, don't you know that there is God's providence which you have never thought of in which He has to save Israel.?" And God taught and said to him, "They opposed and disturbed you, but there still remains a group of 7,000 who did not surrender to Baal. You must wake them up." When they were united with Southern Judea, God's dispensation was forwarded. God said that the victorious foundation would be inherited continuously. In this way, there was a group of 7,000 who had not surrendered to Baal.
At the time of Jesus, while there was opposition in the sphere of the nation of Israel, if there were a group of 7,000 people centering on John the Baptist and if they did not oppose but were united with Jesus, Jesus would not have died. All historical mistakes must be paid by the same value based upon the principle of causality. If the nation made a mistake, the price must be paid by the nation, the church by the church, and so on. Unless we solve the problems based upon the principle of causality, we cannot overcome them. If the sin was committed, the price necessarily must be paid for it.
For this reason, at the time of Jesus, he tried to get the same group of 7,000 in order to re-solve the problem again. But such a group of people never appeared in front of Jesus. Judaism did not become a group, and the nation of Israel did not do so either. Consequently, Jesus was crucified. The group of 7,000 people which has such historical background still remains as the unsolved problem. Therefore, when Father entered into Danbury prison, he planned to gather 7,000 ministers.
History makes progress in a spiral mode as the history of time-identity. It grows larger and larger in scale. Father lives in the age of time-identity for indemnity on the world level. When Father entered into Danbury prison, he was in fact pushed to the end and forced to go there without choice. This was the same situation in which Elijah had been placed and prayed.
American churches and American government opposed Father. People conspired and wished to put an end to the work of Rev. Moon for their own sake. Because they could not kill me, they took this measure. If they had a way to kill me, they would have done whatever they could, but, things did not work out in the way they wanted. It was at this time that Father gathered and educated 7,000 ministers. Their education was not at all easy. (164-131)
2) 70,000 Minister Education
If we could educate 7,000 or 70,000 ministers, we have something extra when we enter into the land of Canaan. If we could educate 70,000 ministers, we can organize two hundred fifty local organizations and digest America completely. The land of Canaan is possible if we gain a victory over the Communist party. So, we will secure 45 million Victory Over Communism membership centering on Christianity. If we could unite 70,000 ministers in America, we can easily achieve the goal of 45 million membership. (1985/4/8)
When 70,000 American ministers come to participate in the CAUSA movement, we can educate and inspire them to march forward for the sake of the restoration of the world. Think about it. If 70,000 American ministers stood up as the missionaries to the world, not only the Christian realm, but also the entire religious realm of the world will be turned upside down and will be astonished. I believe you understand Father a little more now when I tell you that the way to save America is to have American ministers participate in the CAUSA movement. God's desire is deep for what you are doing. You must understand this fact. (1986/6/6)
What am I doing now in America? While I was in jail, I started two-day seminars for ministers. [More than 7,000 ministers were educated in Korea and tens of thousands of other ministers, priests and religious leaders were educated in North and South America through CAUSA from 1985 to 19881. While I was in prison, I sent 345,000 ministers a package with Divine Principle and Unification Thought books and video tapes. I wrote a personal letter in prison, saying, "Wake up ministers!" and enclosed it with the packet. I sent my idea and thought to them even though they may oppose me.
Why do I distribute and give away these things to them? Those who do not understand us say bad things because they feel hatred, but those who understand us come to like us. Therefore, I sent these materials by big trucks, ninety-nine trucks of thirty-ton capacity each. (167-61)
We led and educated ministers. We need people who play a trumpet to make a bridge. So I took 7,000 ministers to Korea and educated them. We will complete education for 70,000 ministers after them. We led them to the situation in which they could study our materials. (1987/9/13)
3) 7,000 Minister Education in Korea
In the past, the nation of Israel was divided into two parts. In the Last Days, when the Lord of the Second Advent appears, he must gather a group of 7,000 or more people again and indemnify these divisions of the past. This is exactly what Father did while he was in prison. Father educated 7,000 American ministers and this created the foundation to educate 70,000 who could lead 350,000. Where did we take the core 7,000 ministers for their education?
It is not America. It is the third Israel. The nation of Judea was supposed to create the realm of the second Israel centering on Jesus. Because they could not fulfill this goal, we must take ministers to Korea which stands in the position of the third Israel. That's why a group of 7,000 came here.
All ministers of established churches are supposed to fulfill the mission of John the Baptist, but they were incapable of doing it and opposed us instead until now. So, Father took the role of John the Baptist and fulfilled all the tasks. This is the meaning of a group of 7,000. (169-209)
What Father is trying to do in America is to inspire American Christianity. Forty years ago, American churches and American government could not unite with Father. Forty years ago, Korean Christianity and the people could not unite with Father. Father can reconnect them again. What Father has done in America is to activate American church leaders, and thereby create the environment and conditions upon which America can move forward. Many American ministers are coming here, aren't they? 164-13 1)
American ministers must help Korea. The fall took place because the archangel failed to assist Adam. They must assist Korea. We take 7,000 ministers to Korea this year. This event is what is meant by assistance. Because American churches could not unite with Father forty years ago, Father is reaching out to them again. We are now working really hard. We are trying to educate Christian leaders, thereby saving America.
Viewed from within the perspective of the religious sphere, established churches and the Unification Church are in a Cain-Abel relationship. Therefore, Father is not overwhelmed by world-wide Christianity. The central nation of Christianity is America. Once we connect 7,000 American ministers to the Unification Church, a new foundation will be established. The era of opposition of established churches is passing by. (1988/1/2)
By June of this year, education of American ministers will reach 7,000. In fact, I tried to finish it by the end of last year, but it was delayed. The 7,000 minister education must not go beyond June. So, I want to ask you to finish it by that time. To educate 7,000 ministers is not like grabbing someone on the street. We visited tens of times in order to find one person. They are the people whom we find in the midst of incredible opposition. When we found and asked them to attend, there were many spiritual phenomena. Why did we do such a thing even though we had to experience rejection and opposition? We walked such a course of hardship solely for the sake of God's Will and Korea which has to inherit His Will. (1988/5/1)
3. Mobilization Of 7,000 Members Of Foreign Countries
From now on, we must mobilize a mobile team of 7,000 members and go to Korea. At the time of the Korean war, sixteen nations came and helped Korea. Who sent them? It was not done by man's power. God sent them. God did it in order to protect His nation. (1974/7/4)
I have called 7,000 members to prepare for these activities. We take 5,000 members from Japan and 2,000 Western members. If these foreigners came and revitalized on the district level, what is going to happen to Korea? The atmosphere and environment (wind and earth) will change, and subject and object relations will change. We must make a real effort in creating the environment quickly before a day passes by. (165-54)
7,000 foreign members will be coming soon. They have been preparing 400 dollars a month a year and a half ago. They say, "We have been preparing very hard, but why aren't we called? Why don't you tell us to come?" We need [to prepare] the basis for them. We must be in a hurry. (1988/l/21)
The place where members of the world wish to come is the land of Korea. All of them think so. Once they are trained in Korea, they can go to America, Japan, and Germany. We must set that kind of standard. Why? The standard established in Korea becomes the standard necessary to Japan, America, and Germany as well. Therefore, those who come to Korea and learn the standard are welcomed in their own counties upon returning there. We can logically say so.
This issue is linked to that of the defeat of Communism. Do you understand why this is so? They want to come to Korea. You want to come to Korea where Father is staying, don't you? (Yes) 7,000 people begin to knock on doors. They begin to knock on providential doors. This is not the beginning and the end. Starting with this, 7,000 can become 70,000, and then 700,000. Such an interchange must take place. The coming of 7,000 member is the start.
When 7,000 members come to Korea, they create a model case. Koreans will say, "Oh, don't go back home!" When foreign members go back to their countries, they will also cry because they really wish to come Korea again. Then, they will send another people and we will welcome them. We must create such an environment. We must be able to take members in and out and they must be able to go back and forth. People from each country of the world can come and go to Korea. How can we call it? A bridge of love to the homeland will be born. (1988/l/3)
We send Korean youth to the world instead of bringing the youth from the world to Korea. We send them to the frontline as an advance force for the movement to stop the advancement of the Communist world. Therefore, we declare to take charge of the theoretical battle on college campuses, and prepare joint operations with the Victory Over Communism League. You have gathered here for the purpose of preparation. If you become the ideal model and form the realm of elder sonship, 7,000 youth from the world will follow and work with you. We set a joint battle line with the Victory Over Communism League all over the nation. On the day when 7,000 members are brought into the operation, the era of Kim Il Sung will be over. (1986/1/21)
Those states which could not send members will regret it in the future. I told them, "Come back to the homeland victoriously." I prayed to God to achieve the unification of Korea, but I have not achieved it yet. So I am planning to take 7,000 Westerners into the country and prepare for the unification of North and South. Once the North and the South are united, then Germany will naturally unite. All will be solved by the vertical unification of North and South, and the horizontal unification of East and West. (1986/5/6)
4. Mission Of Korean Members
1) Korea is Ready
You must be ripened just like an apple which turns to red when it receives good sunlight. If the good taste of the fruit is known to all the people in the country, the host and visitors alike, those who know the taste will travel and come to taste it form a far distant place again and again. They can come and eat it at any time. Do you understand what I am speaking about? (Yes) Suppose you went to America or any part of the entire world and said "The taste of the Korean apple is so good. Ah, there are many tasty fruits there. Oh, you must visit." They then spare the time to visit Korea, but when they come, they see rotten pears, rotten apples -- what a terrible sight. They will have a headache and stomach acid. Could we still tell them to come? Why do I talk about such things? There is a reason. Don't be ignorant of the world and don't behave that way! Korea will be a subject country from now on. You must know it.
You are Korean. I ask you, Unification Church members born in Korea, to fulfill your responsibility as elder brothers, as seniors of the subject nation. Now, members of foreign countries are rushing into Korea to marry Korean women and Korean men. At this stage of time, you can, not be as you have been. You must unite together. (101-192)
Everybody, all the problems of the Communist party in Korea are your responsibility. Do you understand? (Yes) This 7,000 miles of territory [the Korean peninsula] which Father loved, upon which you shed your blood and sweat, must not be destroyed. If it perished, the country cannot be proud of its position as the bearer of God's Will. She cannot set her pride in front of all people of the world. Korea is standing on the spearhead, facing the Communist world in a dangerous situation under the gun point. If Korea can play a central role for the world, she can receive praise as the homeland of the Unification Church. But if our friendly members of the Unification Church of the world defeated the Communist party, liberated and restored the people of Korea tribe ahead of you, the pride of Korea will be completely lost. Do you understand? (Yes) For this reason, Father has been dealing with these problems [within the Korean church] until now. (85-256)
After several months from now, big changes will take place in Asia. I am playing a key role for this change. Therefore, you must be much stronger than Japan and the people of Japan. You must be much stronger than Westerners who have blue eyes and blond hair. (82-149)
2) The Mission of the Fatherland is Great
What I am anxious about is the greatness of the mission of the homeland. We know that a head house can become a turning point of happiness and unhappiness. So Korean members must be courageous, strong, and brave. You must be dignified. No matter how suffering and severe the path may be, which is contrary to what you expect, you must know that your path can be the cause of uplifting or breakdown of many other members. Please become like humble young children who will pledge, "I will establish the tradition to save these members." Please be such a person!
With this thought alone, you will become a host who can carry the responsibility of the tradition of the fatherland and who can praise the history of the fatherland. You must become such a heavenly army of the Unification movement.
I have now spoken about how the members of the Unification Church should be. Members of the Unification Church must have a unity in heart. We have the same heart, and we know that our history is that of betrayal to parents. We must be willing to accept a difficult course for the sake of the establishment of Heaven. (60-35)
Everybody, to be a fatherland is a fearful thing. If you did not know that your brothers, who went out to foreign countries, were sacrificing themselves there, your country is powerless and perishing. You, who live in the fatherland! When you hear the news from foreign countries, don't take them as some common phenomena. Don't hold such ordinary and decadent thoughts. I have nothing to do with those kind of people.
When you hear good news, you must have a heart to rejoice and dance together even if you are hungry. When you hear sad news, you should feel it as your own problems, forgetting to eat and sleep, and feel it deep into the marrow of your bones. That kind of person is a host and [the missionary away from home] is like his own son's position. Isn't it so? In such situations, those who look at these matters as bystanders, who laugh at them and criticize them with their mouth wide open, are the traitors who cause deep sorrow. If there were enemies to be cut and cleaned up, such will be the first. (60-31)
3) The Mission of the Subject Nation
You are members of the Unification Church of the subject nation. You must think about the attitude of your spirit. You must reflect upon yourself, whether you unconsciously tried to go back to your old relationships when you experienced a little suffering in the wilderness.
You must know that you have a mission to establish the kingdom of God upon arrival to the land of Canaan from the wilderness. Although you may experience persecution and opposition from tribes of Canaan, you must fight and win, and create the fatherland. You must accomplish the given responsibility with faith in God and with the burning heart which overwhelms that of the tribes of Canaan. Although you finished the life of wilderness, you should not think that everything is over or everything is accomplished. It is not the case. You must finish the final responsibility.
Today, members of the Unification Church must deeply understand that they have received the mission which nobody had thought about in human history. You must become a person who transcends temporary history and the world, and who can receive the heavenly fortune. You must be grateful for God's love and blessing, Who visited an eastern country, Korea among many countries, visited yourself in particular, in order to accomplish His Will. (1986/10/21)
In order to become the subject country, you, Korean members must pay attention. As I spoke to you yesterday, foreign missionaries had been sent to each country. Have you started a movement to collect money, even a penny, in order to send it to them? You are in the subject country. Church President! You must spiritually take care of what you do. Our comrades have gone to foreign lands. They are fighting on the streets of foreign lands, looking up to Heaven and praying for their comrades in their mother country. They are also hungry and longing for many things. But they cannot speak about their situation. You have your home and friends here and there.
They have to live, looking up at the stars in the sky. There are your comrades who keep the way which Father has assigned, even at the risk of their lives. They are fighting to overcome the present path of life and death, pledging the victory of tomorrow. You must not ever forget your comrades, members of the Unification Church of Korea. (83-92)
We will have to make Korea the subject nation which can influence and take care of foreign countries. I do not like the country which is taken care of by others. Well, then, do we have to do it or do we not have to do it? (We have to do it.) Do we have to do it even if we died or if we were alive? (We have to do it even if we died.) We have to do it no matter what, whether we are alive or dead. That is the way it is. (64-294)
While Father is working in foreign countries, what do you have to do? You must fulfill your responsibility in front of 30 million Korean tribes. What do church leaders and witnessing staffs have to do? They have to start a national movement. You must give publicity to people. Do you know what it means? (Yes) You must do street witnessing. You must work everywhere in the nation.
Now, it is not the time for individuals to find and visit families. It is the time to make a public announcement in front of the whole society. A crucial and critical situation is coming in front of us. We must set the pace and create the environmental foundation upon which we can jump high. You must know that now is the time to appeal to the entire nation, holding our flag high. In the period of Father's absence, what will you have to do first? You must get together and pray. This is the first thing you must do. just as Father has been praying for this tribe, you must have time of prayer to pledge with Heaven to protect the nation. You must pledge in prayer to serve wholeheartedly to the nation, and unite all the key factors inside and outside of yourselves for the day of the unification of the North and the South. I ask you to do this. You understand, don't you? (Yes)
As the second thing to do you must publicize the Unification Church so that there is no one who does not know it wherever you go in South Korea. If we did not publicize the Unification Church, it means that we did not carry out the mission of the Unification Church. Do you understand? (Yes) You must publicize the Unification Church in this short period, and work day and night without rest.
Originally speaking, we are supposed to work together with other organizations. Since we cannot do this, we must carry a double cross. We must do this, even if we are the only people to carry out the task. There will be no way to go, if we do not do this work. In order to change the miserable destiny to come, you must devote yourselves wholeheartedly. Although you must go through hardship, I must ask you to overcome it and carry out the responsibility, Do you understand? (Yes)
I must tell you this next. Now, witnessing members on the front lines and church leaders are not united. You must visit the problem places and solve them all. Do you understand? (Yes) You must pray and work together. If it is possible, take those who do not get along well or who were enemies in the past or who oppose each other. Let them unite while you work together. You work with them so that they can unite through the activities for the sake of the nation. You must solve any enemy relationships among members of the Unification Church.
If you pray this way, are united, and witness wholeheartedly to thirty thousand miles of Korean peninsula, going around and around, Heaven will certainly assist you on the way. This is Father's point of view. I ask you to devote yourself with a sincere heart for the sake of the nation. Did you understand? (Yes) (50-254)
When I go to America, I want to look back to Korea and say, "Oh, Korean members! They are doing very well!" You must work hard so that I can say that.
Korea is a subject nation. I want to praise it as the leading nation. Don't you think so? Is that so or not? Even if you lived like beggars, Korea must establish its spirit as the subject nation and the fatherland of faith. You must be praiseworthy. Even if Father was in America, you must work hard so that he can praise it. If you did not do so, it is a big problem. Should you do so or you don't have to do so? (We should do so.) What will happen, it you did not do so? (It will be a big problem.) What's going to happen if you did not do so in spite of possible situations? What should be done, if you cannot do autonomously? What do you think? Should you do autonomously or forcefully? (We should do autonomously.) Whether you should do so by yourself or by force, you must decide. Should you do so by yourself or you should not do so? (We should do so by ourselves.) Yes, You must do so by yourself.
4) What is Desired for Korean Members
Korean members have an important responsibility to become leaders who guide the heart of foreign members and guide their faith in the right direction. Based upon the norms and virtues which you have inherited through a long history and its tradition, you must play a role like a root in the world of heart.
Korean members must show an exemplary life of attendance for all members of the world. You must inherit the tradition of heart in order to solve God's regretting and agonizing heart. (1982/10/17)
You are working at the headquarters. If you had a mind to think about Father and to live for the sake of Father, you must have a heart to live for the sake of Korea, the world, and God. You don't have to worry about me. Even if you did not worry about me, I know my way to go. I can go my way even if I died. But, you may not be able to go your way even if you died. Therefore, don't worry about me, but love Korea, love all humankind of the world, and God more than anything else. Only after that, love Father. This is the way you must go.
When you feel a longing heart for Father, turn your mind and long for the people of Korea. I feel at home when I see a person who cries for Korea as Father did, holding the mountains of this thirty thousand miles of Korean land, grasping a branch of a pine tree or a piece of grass. Father feels a longing heart for this kind of person. (51-361)
What I wish you for you to establish is the pride of a suzerain. Once you are born as a child of a tiger, you are a tiger even if your legs are wounded. Do you know what I mean? (Yes.) Don't be a spineless coward who just accepts all bad words about the Unification Church, which he may hear wherever he goes. Although I have things that I want to say, I do not speak out. I think, "Let's see ten years from now!"
I need a person who cannot sleep well without solving by himself the problems which no one can solve, a person who cannot claim any success without solving the problems. I need a person who straightens himself, and can focus on and fulfill the goal in the way he has set. Unless one is such a person, I don't think he can solve the present problems of Korea, pioneer, and make a bridge to the new future world and the new heavenly kingdom. Father will make a way to connect Korea together. After a little while, the time will come when each country competes with each other to welcome Father. The day will come not so long from now. When the time comes, Korea will not be able to become even a candidate. I think so. This is the country in which I shed my blood and tears, and I spent sleepless nights by giving all my heart. However, this country does not listen to me as some other countries. I have made an imperishable foundation for you. But you have not become even children of cats, although I told you to become children of tigers. If I made a mistake about your education, I must take responsibility. Do you understand what I am talking about? (Yes.) I am a serious man. I am a person who becomes more serious along with the Heavenly dispensation. (82,46)
Section 6. Questions And Answers Concerning The Unification Of North And South Korea
Look. The issue is whether politics and economy are the center or human beings are the center. The whole problem lies in human beings. Therefore, politics exists for the sake of human beings, and economy exists for the sake of human beings. Human beings exist not for the sake of politics or economy. There are people who live for the sake of politics or economy, but this is upside down. Our point of view is different. When you talk about politics or economy, you are talking about these things from the position centering on politics or economy, but that is not right.
We must discuss politics and economy centering on God. We must, first of all, clarify what is primary in thought and in the personality of a human being. Then, we can speak about politics and economy. To say what a human being must become, he must become a person like God. If human beings embody Godlike character, political problems and economical problems do not become the problems in the way they are today.
So you must become a person who can digest politics. Today, people in this world hold a view of man centering on politics and economy. Marxism is a philosophy for the sake of economy, isn't it? It is not a philosophy for the genuine purpose of human beings. Their theory of values of human beings produces nothing but a relative value. Philosophy has to center on human beings from the right point of view.
In order to unify the North and the South, right people must meet together. What are right people? People in the North can become right, and those in the South can become right. But, what is the center for people to become right? They must become right centering on God. They must become right persons who carry God. Viewing from this point of view, Communism is wrong because it denies Heaven.
The thought of South Korea is Godism. What is Godism? It is a thought to change a person to a Godlike person. What kind of person is this like? It is a person who lives centering on God. Anyone who opposes God and is dissimilar to God is a person who lives centering on himself. When these people establish an economical view or a political view, they do so centering on their own country. We must break this view.
The question is this. We don't have a political view or an economical view from the global perspective, a perspective held by Godlike persons. Korea must solve real problems now and must accomplish the South and North Unification. Is the Korean economical system standing in the position which represents the world history or not? It is not.
Therefore, the true man, who lives centering on God, must appear and establish the global economic view and the global political view. We must make things that way. What, then, is the central idea of this thought? It is a view of the global brotherhood centered upon parental love. It is a love for others, a love for each other. Why have dictators appeared in history? Because, their views were totally wrong. Even if one tried something, he perishes by punishment if he stands on the position which God does not like.
There has not appeared a person whom God can hold and set on the stage, who can control politics, even though he might not want to take that role. What kind of person would he be? He is a person who lives for the sake of others. A person who gives everything he has and lives for the sake of others.
The problem is that people do not hold this view. From individual, to family, society, nation, and the world alike, they do not hold this view. Why do we need political struggles and economic struggles? Everyone should mutually exist for the sake of others. Human beings must change and become that way. The political and economical problems are the problems which should be dealt with after we solve the problems of human beings.
Today, we have only two economical systems; the capitalist system and the Communist system. There are only two choices, whether we possess private properties or communal properties. In the ideal world, you can exercise both systems according to the needs. If you need a system of communal ownership, you can employ it, and if you need a system of private ownership, you can exercise it as well. For the best possible ways, you can exercise all as far as they are beneficial to the whole. It is an unfixed or flexible economical system, and a political system which uses this economic system. Conclusions have been reached. Do you understand what this is? (Yes.)
What, then, do we have to do now specifically? You must learn politics and economy concretely. You must study them. Namely, become a person who can exercise these politics and economies. You must know them in order to become that kind of person.
You need economy for your individual life, and for your family life as well. You need politics too. You need politics for the individual, family, society, nation, and the world. We need politics even if we lived centering on God. Isn't that so? We need to conduct politics even if we went to the eternal world or the spirit world. There is a political system in the spiritual world, but we don't need an economical system. Whatever you need will be supplied.
There is a political system. This political system is based upon God's original Will. There is only one system and that system is based upon love. How to exercise love, make the whole joyful, and to manifest God's standard of peace are the things to do.
Therefore, human beings must take the ideal forms of love. A couple lives centering on love. While they are in accord with the political and economical system of the country, they exercise love in hundreds of directions and in hundreds of ways. By doing so, they can live a family life which can produce effective results, and become ideal husband and wife. Therefore, politics and economy are peripheral problems which have second or third importance. They are not the essentially important problems. We can take them, but we can also throw them away [change them].
How, then, do we have to unify the South and the North? Those who hold Godism, who love God will become united. A group of the members of the Communist party has joined the Unification Church already. Those church members of the established churches, who had opposed the Unification Church, have also joined the Unification Church and have become its members.
Listen to their stories. If you listen to them, you will gain wisdom and receive benefits for your families. You can judge by your eyes, ears, and all five senses. Isn't it the nature of human being to visit the place where joyfulness exists? Doesn't a human being have wisdom, an intelligence which can discern and distinguish things? Doesn't he have an intelligent capability? Because he has an intelligent capability, he can compare things. Because he has intelligence, he has the power of judgment.
A human being is designed to go and visit a place where his five senses lead. Nobody tells him to go there, but he compares by intellectual capacity, makes a judgment by intelligence, and decides where to go. He is not designed to be taken somewhere by somebody else. He chooses and goes autonomously.
How can human beings come closer to the standard of judgment centering on God's personality? No one in this world knows the theoretical foundation for this. If they want to learn, they must come and study with us. It is Unification Thought. What is Unification Thought? Unification Thought is a thought which can describe uniformly the constitution of personality which can unify the [mind and body, religion and science] and South and North Korea.
Economical problems are side issues. When you go to the spirit world, do you think you will carry a lunch box? Do you think you will carry canned foods with you? In the spirit world, when you think and wish to eat food, the meals will appear in front of you. After you eat, if you tell leftover food to vanish, it will vanish to zero. All of the objects are subject to the efforts of your personality, things do not have any substantial influences.
Therefore, Father, just like both sides cannot have a dialogue, the relationship between the South and the North is the same. North Korea externally speaks about democratization and peace, but Kim Il Sung is trying to unify by the Communist method. He has internally such a political card. On the other hand, we have a political card of liberating North Korea by equipping ourselves with the Principle. When we contact North Korea, what method can we use? That is the question. How can we draw North Korea to the platform of dialogue, rather than what should we become and how can we lead the condition for the maturity of unification?
We must initiate theoretical debates in order to draw them to the platform of dialogue. We initiate debates on theoretical issues between the South and the North centering on the cultural world. Look how the Japanese Communist Party has been pushed back by the Unification Church until today. On college campuses as well, they run away whenever we invite them to a public debate.
We have been inviting them to have dialogue until now, but they have never come to contact us. North Korea does not contact us.
North Korea does not want to contact us just now. Even if they advance ten steps, they can retreat one hundred steps at any time whenever the situation turns into disadvantageous. And again, even if they retreated one hundred steps, they can make one hundred steps of advancement at any time. They lie and do whatever they want to do. They do whatever is advantageous to them.
Kim Il Sung has been teaching that way until today, which is already forty years after the Korean War. North Korean youths, therefore, think that way even today. What is the fact? North Korean youths think now that the fact is South Koreans advanced upon North Koreans and not the other way around. Therefore, we must clarify this history. We must disclose the real history. Thus, what Kim Il Sung says is all false. Isn't the Subject Thought (Chu-che Thought) centered on dictatorship in itself nothing but a false claim? Kim Il Sung's claim, that all independent struggles were conducted by him, is also a lie. He also lies that everything South Korea claims is a untrue. Kim claims that those who came from the Soviet Union are the best, but, that is not true. We must inquire into the original source. We must clarify the fundamental origin itself.
We must inquire into the fundamental origin of human beings. We must ask the question whether the fundamental origin of human beings is material or God. We must seek and find out the root of human existence. Only when we understand what the root is, we will be able to discern and judge all kinds of things. However, we don't know what the original root is. We do not understand the original root of human existence. We do not know what the bud is like either. We don't know the bud. All we know are branches. We do not know the root and the bud. We must understand the fundamental root. They say that an ape evolved into a human. Can human beings come into existence in that way? It is impossible.
We have to raise some slogan for the unification of the North and the South such as the Great Family Unification or so. If we have some clear conceptual slogan, I think we can expand our movement a considerable extent.
That is family. Family! The ideal is the expansion of family. South Korea and North Korea do not exist to fight. They are brothers. We must teach love of brothers to all.
How can we explain the relationship between Esau and Jacob?
Yes, that's right. The relationship is the same as Esau and Jacob. Then, let's term it as "Unification by Reconciliation." Yes, "Unification by Reconciliation." This relationship is the same as that of Esau and Jacob. It is a problem of Cain and Abel. The problem of Esau and Jacob is that of Cain and Abel. The North and South are brothers. They fight because each pursues not the common benefit as brothers, but each one's own benefit alone. If brothers pursue their common benefit, there will be no conflict. Isn't that so? Even if we unified the North, we will make the North a much more affluent and better place than the South. That is the how unification should take place. If we go this way, we can achieve unification. North Korea is trying to unify by purging and removing all capitalists. That is not our method. The unification of the North is done not by removal but by digestion, improving upon things as they are now. Brothers fight, because each seeks their own benefit alone. If the elder brother cares about the younger brother and thinks about the benefit of the younger brother, they do not fight. If we could reach that level, unification is naturally achieved. Do you understand what I am talking about?
Isn't our position for unification through Victory Over Communism?
It is not unification through Victory Over Communism.
When we speak to the public, we identify our position as unification through Victory Over Communism.
Unification through the Victory Over Communism does not mean that we do something by means of Victory Over Communism. It means unification centering on love or unification in love. The phrase, Victory Over Communism, does designate unification by overcoming Communism, but it does not mean that we achieve unification by defeating Communism. How are they digested after overcoming Communism? It is by love. Unification is possible only by opening up the path of ideal love, by digesting them in ideal love, which has never existed in the Communist world. Our unification is the family unification. Family Unification! Brotherly Unification. The South and the North are brothers. The Republic of Korea is one nation. One nation has been divided into two. It is the same as brothers who were divided, or a husband and a wife who were divided. It is family unification that must be done. A husband should not complain about his separated wife, and a wife should not complain about her separated husband. They must become one. When the wife loves her husband more than herself, and the husband loves his wife more than himself, unification is possible.
The problem is that they cannot love each other in this way. How, then, is it possible? As a single human being, it is impossible. They must know God. They must know God's love. Why is God's love necessary? By knowing God's love, they can participate in the same sphere of His love. They can participate, not only the same sphere, but also they can also receive the special rights to inherit everything God has. It is possible only in the realm of true love.