Let Us Inherit the Realm of True Parents’ Victory and Open a Future Filled with Hope

Hak Ja Han Moon
September 16, 2012

Message on the Occasion of the Seonghwa Ceremony for True Parent, from Korea to the World


Distinguished guests from home and abroad, and blessed families around the world!

Today, we come to an exceedingly important turning point in God’s governance of His providence. It is unprecedented, historic and revolutionary.

My husband, the Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon, the returning Lord, Messiah, Savior and True Parent who came as the root of the lineage of original goodness, has departed for the spirit world. Consequently, we now stand at a providential starting point from which we must inherit True Parents’ realm of victory and build the ideal kingdom of peace, one family under God.

True Father’s seonghwa brings me, after being together with him my whole life, unfathomable pain and sorrow. It is the same for all of you. Moreover, we cannot begin to fathom the sorrowful heart of God, who is the original substance of eternal love and the True Parent of humankind.

From another aspect, this is also a time of hope. True Father worked in accordance with the heavenly laws — which God established at the time of the creation of heaven and earth — to conclude, complete and perfect all the providential tasks on earth that no one in human history had been able to fulfill. He is now transitioning to the spirit world to exercise dominion over both the spiritual and physical worlds and initiate a new dimension of God’s providence. No spoken or written language known to human beings can possibly express the flood of emotions we experience as we stand at this juncture in the providence.

The Advent of the True Parents

As you are well aware, I was led by Heaven to meet True Father in the pure and pristine years of my adolescence. By the providence Heaven had prepared, I received the grace of the True Parents’ Holy Wedding, which is of historic significance throughout heaven and earth, in the flower of my youth at the age of seventeen. I became True Father’s companion on the providential path, attended him throughout my life, and worked with him as we walked the way of the providence, which is governed by heavenly law. Although I was young when I set out on this path of the providence, I invested my entire being in fulfilling two primary missions. The first was to bring an end, within my lifetime, to God’s providence of restoration through indemnity, which was rife with bitter sorrow. The second was to complete the realization of the ideal world of God’s will while attending Father during his lifetime.

God’s providential history of salvation has been progressing continuously since the Fall of Adam and Eve, the first human ancestors. No one, however, could complete the providential course of restoration through indemnity, and we could only wait for the True Parents to come.

True Parents’ course began under desperate circumstances in God’s providence at a time when Satan exercised sovereignty over the spiritual and physical worlds and reigned with full authority. Satan, the progenitor of evil, who had maintained dominion for six-thousand years, feared more than anything else the emergence of the True Parent, who would become the progenitor of goodness. You can imagine how Satan would fiercely oppose this and frantically employ all manner of brutality in an effort to prevent it. True Father passed through a providential course of immeasurable indemnity prior to establishing his position as the True Parent through our Holy Wedding in 1960. Humankind can receive the True Parents only once. The True Parents that emerge are the True Parents for all eternity.

True Father began his providential public life course at the conclusion of the Second World War in 1945. Heaven had prepared Christianity, especially their Korean spiritualist movements, on a foundation of twothousand years of conditions that Christians had established. It was to have fulfilled the mission of the providential bride by attending and upholding the returning Messiah, who was sent by Heaven so as to open the providence of attending the bride in substance. Christianity failed to complete this providential responsibility, however. As a result, Father lost the entire providential foundation — both the spiritual foundation, the two-thousand-year history of Christianity; and the substantial foundation, the victory of the Allied Nations in World War II. In these providential circumstances, fraught with immense difficulties and challenges, True Father had to act alone to once again carry out the providential course of restoration through indemnity starting from the bottom of hell in Hungnam Special Labor Camp. He endured and finally overcame Satan’s vicious attacks, establishing a foundation of victory by having separated from Satan. On that basis, True Father established the Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity as the providential bride, replacing Christianity, and on that foundation he received me as the substantial bride and held the historic Holy Wedding. As a result, in 1960, True Parents’ course could finally commence.


True Parents’ Providential Course

Distinguished guests, beloved blessed families,

How can we describe God, the Heavenly Father, as revealed by True Father? God is not the Creator sitting on His throne of glory and honor; rather He is a True Parent of true love and heart who has traversed millions of miles in search of His children who have fallen into a state of death due to sin.

In his speech, “The Settlement of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind and the Proclamation of the Word by God’s Substantial Self,” which he so treasured during his time on earth, True Father explained God’s existence as follows:

“Ladies and gentlemen, do you have any idea how much pain God suffered the moment our first ancestors, into whom God had invested His complete and unreserved devotion since time immemorial, fell and disappeared into darkness, becoming part of Satan’s lineage? Are you even remotely aware that our Heavenly Father—who endured tens of thousands of years of excruciating heartache so great that His bones shed tears and His flesh quivered—had to go through the long, dark tunnel of indemnifying the human Fall in order to save His lost children? How many of you have spent days and nights in tears, yearning to comfort our Father in Heaven?

This is how God is. True Father became the very person who experienced God’s suffering with his entire being. With blood, sweat and tears, he triumphed in True Parents’ forty-year course, and finally in 2001 he offered to Heaven the Coronation for the Kingship of God.”

Distinguished guests from home and abroad,

True Parents’ forty-year providential course until the offering of the Coronation of God’s Kingship was a path crossing peaks of misery unimagined by anyone. In a continuous life-or-death struggle against the satanic forces of the evil sovereignty, we were knocked down again and again, but got up again each time to continue the struggle. It was a course requiring life-or-death resolve and the investment of our entire being. We could not let our guard down for a single moment. No words are adequate to describe how True Father voluntarily chose to go to the bottom of hell, suffer hardship in prison at Danbury, and follow a blood-ridden course of indemnity, in order to bring the wilderness era to a close, concluding the sixthousand- year history of the providence for the salvation of humankind.

Despite being the long-awaited Savior of humankind, he led a life of constant indemnity, suffering imprisonment under Japanese oppressive powers, North Korean communist authorities, and the South Korean Liberal Party administration. What he said to me as he headed for prison once more in the United States is still vivid in my memory. “Don’t worry,” he said, “a new world of hope will be waiting on the other side of prison!” As someone who directly witnessed True Father’s noble life up close and walked together with him, however, these incidents brought me overwhelming sorrow. My whole world seemed to collapse around me when I thought of True Father’s dire circumstances, imprisoned in Satan’s den, and having his life targeted by communists. I fervently beseeched Heaven to protect his safety and health. Only Heaven will remember these circumstances in the providence of restoration through indemnity.

The wilderness era finally ended in August 1985 on the foundation of victory established through the sacrifice of Heung-jin, our second son, representing the True Children, and through True Father’s suffering in Danbury prison. With the Day of Total Victory as a turning point, a new providence began. True Father later met Mikhail Gorbachev and Kim Il Sung, communist leaders who were central figures in Satan’s realm, and brought them to submission with Heaven’s love. On that foundation, True Father established the Women’s Federation for World Peace in the position of the providential bride and placed me in the position of the first and only substantial bride in human history to attend the returning Messiah. I began to proclaim to all of heaven and earth the second advent of the Lord, the Messiah, the Savior and the True Parents. On the basis of this, I undertook the providence of mother–son cooperation for seven years while attending True Father, the center of the providence, and offered that victory to Heaven. Thus the era of Cheon Il Guk, the nation of cosmic peace and unity, began.

On May 1, 1999, during the Day of All True Things, True Father bestowed a great blessing on me. As he presented me with an award to congratulate me for being victorious in the era of mother–son cooperation, which will never be repeated in history, he firmly embraced me and whispered in my ear, “Mother, thank you for your hard work. You have scaled the summit of a great providential mountain.” At that moment, I was overwhelmed with emotion and began to weep. Memories of critical moments of having to embrace Cain and Abel while breaking through the opposition of leftist students on Korean university campuses, and of enduring all manner of dangers and concerns during hundreds of speaking engagements in 185 nations over seven years, flashed through my mind like a kaleidoscope as I received True Father’s consolation and blessing.


Opening the Gates to the Cheon Il Guk Era

Respected peace-loving leaders and my proud family members,

Looking back, it has truly been an arduous course of restoration through indemnity. True Parents, however, brought a clean end to all of this. They have been victorious and have opened the gates to the era of Cheon Il Guk, in which the era of God’s kingship, the era of God’s direct dominion, takes root. True Parents upgraded “My Pledge” to the “Family Pledge,” and brought us from the era of praying in True Parents’ names to that of directly reporting to God in the name of our blessed central family. They opened the Cheon Il Guk era, a new era of the providence amid changes that previously could not have even been imagined.

With True Parents at its center, the system of the absolutely good sovereignty under God’s kingship has been expanded vertically and horizontally with the substantiation of the culture of heart. Through the Holy Marriage Blessing Ceremony Opening the Gates of Cheon Il Guk and the Coronation of the King of the Blessed Families on the occasion of my sixtieth birthday (in 2003), the heavenly sovereignty put down vertical roots. It has since been firmly established throughout the world through the coronation of the king of peace for 120 clans and 120 nations. With the inauguration of the Abel UN through the Universal Peace Federation (UPF), the Entrance Ceremony of the Cheon Jeong Gung and the Coronation of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind were offered to Heaven. For the first time, the foundation for the substantiation of the ideal envisaged at the time of the Creation was firmly established. With the victory of True Parents’ fifty-year course, a providential jubilee year was ushered in, and we proclaimed the era of the heavenly calendar, marking 2010 as the first year of Cheon-gi.

True Parents’ Realm of Victory

Over the past three years, True Father did not for a single moment let go of the script of his speech, “The Settlement of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind and the Proclamation of the Word by God’s Substantial Self.” He treasured this text and would explain it during hoondokhae whenever the chance arose. The following is an excerpt found under the subheading “My final words for humankind”:

“These are textbooks you will have to read and study even after you go to the spirit world. They are not just teachings that come from the mind of one person; they are textbooks and teaching materials that teach the heavenly way that God has granted to His suffering children for their salvation.

Ladies and gentlemen, I have already mentioned that a life of vertical “noon-time” alignment casts no shadow. If we can all shine as we live such glowing lives, there will be no chance for the shadow of sin to be cast. Those who receive the light will be indebted to the light. I pray that we can now wipe away the tears of people in misery and poverty, and lead an illuminated life of eternal true love that dissipates all darkness.

The True Parents have achieved ultimate unity and offered and proclaimed the era of God’s full transcendence, full immanence, full authority and omnipotence upon the standard of conclusion, completion and perfection.”


Who is True Father?

Respected leaders of peace and beloved blessed families:

As a new providential turning point and new age dawns, my greatest hope is that True Father’s providential stature will solidify. Throughout his life, True Father held dear to each second and minute as he invested his entire being completely for the sake of God’s will. He relentlessly traveled to every part of the globe, and even to the spirit world. I hope the cosmic and providential achievements he accumulated in victories won with his own blood, sweat and tears can become an eternal standard and example for all humankind.

First, True Father is humankind’s ancestor of original goodness — the True Parent. Adam and Eve, the first ancestors of humankind, fell and became our evil ancestors. As Jesus testified, they are the false ancestors. With Adam and Eve’s Fall, God lost the originally created human beings. In other words, He lost His external form.

God carried out the providence of restoration and sent True Father as the final returning Messiah. Through exercising his own portion of responsibility, True Father elucidated the Word, which is the truth, and completed the providence of restoration through indemnity. Through the Blessing Ceremony and Seonghwa Ceremony, he opened a path of rebirth, resurrection and eternal life in the physical and spiritual worlds along which fallen humankind must walk. Consequently, the original true love, true life and true lineage, as they were at the time of the Creation, can only be inherited from the True Parents, the ancestors of goodness; and the gateway for doing this is the blessed marriage.

Second, True Father is the owner of the eternal truth, in other words, the Word. God formed the whole of creation through the Word. The Word is the truth and the substance. God’s love and heart are manifested in form through the Word. Adam and Eve, humankind’s false ancestors, defied God’s Word and committed the Fall. They were unable to substantiate the Word. Consequently, the Messiah had to search for the Word, the truth from Heaven, as part of his mission’s providence for the start.

In response to such demands of the providence, True Father elucidated the Word through many kinds of conditions, victories in separating from Satan, and receiving God’s confirmation. Throughout his life, True Father led and directed the providence with the Word. Through the Word, he suffused the world with vitality and life. He nurtured with love while completing the providence of re-creation. As a result, during the Jubilee years in True Parents’ course, he completed the eight great textbooks and teaching materials and established the hoondokhae tradition. This, in turn, allowed the pathway to the firm establishment of Cheon Il Guk to open up through the Word and through love within our worldwide families.

The authority of the teachings contained in the eight great textbooks and teaching materials is solely True Parents’ authority, and this must be preserved as the eternal tradition, without any change, for all future generations.

Third, True Father is the one who completed God’s providence of salvation. As stated in Exposition of the Divine Principle, human history is the providence of salvation and also the providence of restoration. Due to the Fall of the first ancestors, Adam and Eve, a world emerged under an evil sovereignty with the false ancestors as the center. Humankind’s misfortunes, anguish, sin and alienation, and war caused by all manners of conflict and hostility all arose from the Fall of those first ancestors. God began the dispensation to restore this world from one of sin and evil into the ideal world envisioned at the time of the Creation — in other words, a world of peace overflowing with happiness, self-sacrifice, service to others, and love. This dispensation has continued without ceasing even for a moment, throughout the course of history.

However, the providence of salvation that continued amid the recurring need for indemnity and restoration was prolonged repeatedly because of the failure of central figures and groups to complete their portions of responsibility. Two thousand years ago, God’s only begotten son Jesus came as the Messiah. He was crucified and ascended because of the people’s faithlessness. He subsequently promised to return.

Two thousand years later, as was intended and promised, True Father came as the returning Messiah, and achieved victory in the providential course, paying all historical indemnity during his lifetime. It is no exaggeration to summarize the course of True Parents’ lives as that of being in a state of constant tension and suffering. It has been a battle through life-or-death confrontations with Satan in the providence of restoration through indemnity.

Thus, True Father concluded, completed and perfected the providence through a forty-year course as the Messiah, a forty-year course as the True Parent, and a ten-year course as the Peace King, the King of Kings.

Fourth, True Father is the Peace King, the King of Kings. God’s will is that a peaceful, ideal world—a world where all people live as one great family under God — be completed. This refers, on an individual level, to personal perfection through mind–body unity, and the perfection of the family through the oneness of husband and wife, parents, siblings, and children. Expanding this concept, we are meant to create a world overflowing with love and peace, where our societies, our nations and the world come together as one.

Since the Fall, conflict between good and evil has been unending, replicating itself from the level of the individual to the entirety of creation. In the end, the divisions between races, nations and religions have brought unfathomable suffering to humankind.

True Parents set as their lives’ providential goals the liberation of God, the salvation of humankind and the realization of a peaceful, ideal world, and they have completely invested their lives for the sake of those achievements. With religious activities aimed centrally at a revival of spirituality, True Father initiated a peace movement for all humankind spanning the fields of politics, economics, society, culture, the arts, education, the media and sports. He indicated that a true family is the smallest unit of the kingdom of heaven, and he opened the gates to the true family blessing and blessed marriage between enemies. He made the ideal of one great human family a reality through the cross-cultural and international blessed marriages, which resolve all conflicts. As a result, a coronation ceremony was held in which 120 clans and 120 nations crowned True Father as the King of Peace, and the King of Kings. Humanity’s dream is now becoming a reality.

Fifth, as the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind, True Parents perfected God’s stature, and for the first time on earth achieved the perfection that was envisioned at the time of the Creation. True Father had begun the providence of restoration through indemnity from the position of a servant of servants. Following each victory, Satan’s sovereignty was gradually eroded, while God’s stature was increasingly elevated toward its level at the time of the Creation.

Two thousand years ago, Jesus revealed that God was our father. You are aware that because of this Jesus was accused of blaspheming God, and he suffered the ordeal of the cross. True Parents, however, substantially fulfilled restoration through indemnity on earth, and restored honor and glory to God as the original Creator— in other words, as the True Parent who governs heaven, earth and humankind.

In this way, True Parents’ providential stature evolved according to the standard of the providence, and on that foundation God’s liberation and complete freedom were achieved. From the Messiah and up through the levels of True Parents, the Parents of Heaven and Earth, the Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind, the King of the Blessed Families, the King of Peace, and the King of Kings, True Father proclaimed, in 2010, the settlement of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind. That is, God is “the incorporeal True Parent of Heaven, Earth and Humankind” and True Parents are established as the “corporeal True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind” to complete and manifest God’s true and essential nature in substance.

Beloved members,

The suffering that True Father and I experienced in the providential course of restoration through indemnity, a course with which not even Heaven could interfere, is beyond imagination. We even had to offer four children of the True Family as sacrificial offerings for the providence. Who indeed would dare to say that they can comprehend this painful course of restoration through indemnity? I have dedicated my life, sharing the joys and pains of life with True Father as his companion, overcoming innumerable trials and difficulties. On that victorious foundation, we, the True Parents, gained, in a providential dimension, the right of equality, the right to live together, and the right of holding the same position bestowed on us by Heaven.


Our Future Path

Respected guests from home and abroad, beloved blessed families throughout the world:

According to heavenly law, True Father will now make the spirit world his base and, while freely traveling between the spirit world and the physical world, he will carry out the providence to expand Cheon Il Guk. True Father will come down to the physical world as the substantial being of the God of Night and shall preside over the providence in a state of oneness of heart, body, harmony and mind with True Mother, who shall continue to preside over the providence on earth as the substantial being of the God of Day. Through the victory of Foundation Day, he will be with you in building the original Garden of Eden on earth. There is no stopping Heaven’s providence.

At this new transition point in this historic providence, I want to make clear that I shall inherit True Father’s victorious foundation and stand in the forefront to lead the providence on earth. In so doing, I would like to convey the following to everyone:

First, we must absolutely value the tradition established by True Parents as much as we value our own lives, and pass this down to our descendants, the future generations. True Parents established the tradition of love and heart, the Word and principles, the rules and regulations of our tradition, and the tradition of the culture of heart. The hoondokhae tradition of reading the Word, which is the crystallization of True Parents’ course in the providence of restoration through indemnity, should become the central practice in each family as well as in the churches and any gathering centered on Heaven.

At the same time, we must go forward in building a new order on earth. Please never forget True Parents’ tradition, by which the order and tradition of our organization is based on a complete unanimity that forms a unified body with the True Family centered on True Parents, and the Abel figure at the center.

Second, we must complete the ideal of the blessed family with which Heaven has blessed us. The family is the cradle of true love, true life and true lineage, and the basis upon which is realized the purpose God envisaged at the time of the Creation. Based on the eight verses of the Family Pledge, you should uphold the tradition of the absolutely good lineage with absolute faith.

Our vision for peace evokes pure love, happy families and a peaceful world. Children should be raised and nurtured with love and through the Word within a tradition of conjugal oneness — through parents who attend Heaven with absolute love. Through hoondokhae, you should foster the firm establishment of the Cheon Il Guk order in your families, and fulfill the ideal of the Blessing, in which the tradition of heart can take root both vertically and horizontally under the standard of “noon-time” settlement.

Third, you have all received the blessing of being tribal messiahs. Thus, you must work to fulfill that mission and responsibility until the time that Cheon Il Guk is completed on earth. Tribal messiahship is the greatest of all blessings given to you by True Parents, because fallen people could not be appointed tribal messiahs were it not for the foundation of victory in the providence of restoration through indemnity. That is why True Parents have consistently emphasized the tribal messiah mission during their lifelong governance of the providence.

The physical and spiritual completion of Cheon Il Guk on earth becomes possible when tribal messiahs fulfill their mission, passing on to each clan the Word, participation in the Blessing Ceremony and a lifestyle of living for the sake of others. Your clans would thereby establish the sovereignty of goodness and realize a world of peace, one great human family. When a victorious foundation is established in each clan, the Abel UN will automatically be safely established on that foundation and the sovereignty of goodness will be completed.

Fourth, all of us must create a community based on the culture of heart characterized by harmony and unity, with True Parents and the True Family at the center. Each of you, without exception, found the path of God’s will because you were chosen by Heaven, because of the merits of your ancestors and because of your own character. You faced immeasurable persecution in order to follow True Parents until entering this realm of victory today. That makes us all a part of a single family, a community of heart centered on one Parent. Division and conflict continue to afflict the world but the Unification Family can become brothers and sisters who can easily transcend race, national borders, and any other barrier. If you can show an exemplary life of giving and live for the sake of others, this dream will surely come true. Especially as we are in this time of great transition in the providence, I ask that you bear this in mind and engrave in your hearts that we must become one with True Parents.

Respected peace-loving leaders and beloved members of the Unification Family,

True Father, in the spirit world, is always with us. He exists without corporeal form, but he will never leave our sides even for a moment. What do you think he desires from us at this time? It is to march forward without pausing. God’s providence must continue until all people are centered on True Parents and a culture of heart overflowing with love and peace takes root, establishing a new order. Moreover, on the basis of the victory of Foundation Day, we should further advance to offer great glory to Heaven and to True Parents and to instill great hope in the world, to continue throughout history.

Beloved members,

I shall be faithful to True Father’s life and tradition. He set the example for us and led by example his entire life, doing his absolute best to achieve victory in the providence. The requests I have conveyed to you today are True Father’s last words as he was departing for the spirit world. I sincerely pray that you will engrave them deeply in your hearts and that you will all become victorious.

I pray that God’s blessings and love will be forever with you, your families and your nations.

Thank you very much.

Father's Current Health Situation

Hak Ja Han
August 18, 2012

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

May the love and blessings of our Heavenly Parent and our True Parents be with you and your families.

Thank you for your ongoing offering of Jeong Seong in support of our True Father's health. Today, during the Lovin' Life Sunday Service, we played a beautiful message from our International President, Hyung Jin Moon, from Korea that deeply explained about True Father's situation. You can watch the content of this message at www.webhard.net (use the ID: sunyo and password: trulove -- look for the "20120819- Sermon Folder").

Following is an important message from our World Mission Headquarters with special instructions from our Tue Mother.

Let us unite with our True Mother's instructions and continue to offer our sincere Jeong Seong and prayer for True Father during this critical time.



Sent to all Regional Headquarters and Mission Nations

"For us there is no stopping!"

On 7.1 by the heavenly calendar (August 18, 2012), the regional presidents representing the members of the world and a number of the heads of providential organizations gathered together and, albeit briefly, had a chance to meet True Mother, Hyung-jin nim and Kook-jin nim, who are attending to True Father 24 hours a day. At this time, they had the opportunity to receive important guidance from True Mother. This is the first official guidance given by True Mother since True Father was admitted to hospital. We would therefore like to share her words with all the members and leaders of the world.

Furthermore, the regional presidents and other leaders personally witnessed how all the members of the True Family, beginning with True Mother, are investing themselves completely with tremendous prayer and Jeong Seong for the sake of True Father's quick recovery. All members of the world should continue to offer prayer and Jeong Seong for True Father and, as True Mother reminds us, march forward without hesitation or interruption toward the victory of Foundation Day. She also mentioned that having this mindset will be the greatest Jeong Seong that can be offered by our blessed families and the brothers and sisters of the Unification Family toward True Parents at this point in time.

True Mother's guidance given on 7.1 by the heavenly calendar in the 3rd year of Cheon-gi (August 18, 2012)

"We will never stop. Please engrave these words in your heart.

We must certainly accomplish the teachings that Father has been giving us until now.

Currently, Father is fighting intensely against his illness. However, brothers and sisters [Mother uses shikku, meaning family member], please do not grieve. Please do not be disturbed, but continue on unwaveringly. You should have the firm resolution and determination to achieve all the things that True Father has been striving to accomplish.

I believe you have all worked hard until now and done your best. However, you need to feel now that the standard of having done your best is no longer enough. And so let's work harder, ten times or even a hundred times more. The harder you work, the more Heaven will remember you. Please go forward with this knowledge that you will become blessed families remembered by Heaven.

What is important to us at this time is of course Father's current health situation. However, more important than anything else is offering Jeong Seong for True Father. Please gather Jeong Seong while praying for True Father's swift and complete recovery.

I do not want to cause you to worry.

Once again I ask of you, please take to heart that, for us, there is no stopping on the way. Please do you best. You should absolutely not neglect the various things you are preparing for Foundation Day. You should do your best in these preparations. Thank you for coming here as you have. Let us work diligently together."

All the participants of the meeting gathered their firm resolution and determination together with their Jeong Seong and pledged in their hearts to continue with all the tasks that True Father had personally directed and assigned to them, especially the preparations for Foundation Day.

Unification Church
World Mission Headquarters

Establishment Rally for the 'Abel Women UN'

Hak Ja Han
July 16, 2012
World Peace Center


Distinguished guests from 194 nations around the world, and dear leaders of the Women's Federation for World Peace, WFWP International!

I wish to extend my warmest welcome to the women leaders, the peace leaders, and the members of WFWP from 194 nations around the world, who have come to the Cheong Shim Peace World Center in Korea to take part in the historical Establishment Rally for the 'Abel Women UN.'

From the early days, Rev. Moon and I upheld the Will of heaven and proclaimed the vision of peaceful world originally envisioned at the time of creation. We have come here today shortly after our busy providential schedule in America in order to create the 'Abel Women UN,' the mission of which is to realize the providential goal of creating on Earth the eternal peaceful world devoid of conflicts and wars.

As my husband Rev. Moon and I have proclaimed before, "Korea is the homeland of God." Therefore, the Establishment Rally for the 'Abel Women UN',which will play the providential role of leading the establishment of the new peaceful world, must take place here in Korea according to the Will of God. Beloved women leaders from around the world!

As you are well aware, the humanity which was suffering from the aftermath of World War II founded United Nations according to the Will of God with the yearning for peace. In June 1945, representatives from 45 nations around the world gathered in San Francisco, America to join the 'UN Charter.' Now with 193 member nations, today the UN has developed into the only organization in the world with the purpose of maintaining the world peace.

Respected peace leaders from around the world!

But what is the reality today? UN has failed to prevent many wars during the past 60 years, including the Korean War. The Cold War has ended but the world still witnesses many wars of varying size that arise from the conflicts between rich and poor, between different races, and between different religions. UN has failed to fulfill its original mission to maintain the world peace according to its original ideal.

Since it was created as a result of compromise between America and Soviet Union during the Cold War, UN was handicapped with limits from its birth in realizing world peace that transcends the scope of individual nation. That is why I have proclaimed that UN cannot escape the position of Cain from the perspective of God's Will. This is the reason why we urge that the renewal of UN is absolutely critical for the settlement of the eternal peaceful world which was originally envisioned at the time of creation. In order to accomplish this, I have already submitted a formal proposal for renewal to UN with Philippine as its representative nation. It proposes the creation of 'Interreligious and International Peace Council' within UN. This council, as the Abel organization, will be the upper house whereas the current UN which has become the arena of competition between the member nations will be the lower house.

Respected peace leaders!

UN has not been able to advance beyond the level of balancing the various interests of each nation. That is why we urge today that the new system of women's peace movement centering on NGO(Non Governmental Organization) must replace the current male-centered system of GO(Governmental Organization) in order to overcome its limitation and to finally usher in the settlement of world peace. Since such women's peace movement can only be realized through the global cooperation which goes beyond the level of NGO, the establishment of 'Abel Women UN' is necessary.

When we look back, today's historical Establishment Rally for the 'Abel Women UN began from the establishment of 'Women's Federation for World Peace', which was created as the spinal organization for women's peace movement according to the Will of Heaven. It was established in April 1992, at the Olympic Stadium in Seoul, and it was attended by women representatives from some 70 nations and 150,000 Korean women leaders. For twenty years since its establishment, 'Women's Federation' has been constantly engaged in world peace movement through creating networks for peace movement centering on women in 160 nations around the world.

Also, the goal of 'Women's Federation' was not to remain as another women's organization. It's goal was the global peace movement of new kind which had in its heart the providential goal of realizing God's Ideal World. It was different from the aggressive and political women's movement which sought to achieve their goals through conflicts.

For the past 20 years, the Women's Federation which started with such providential goal has experienced remarkable growth as it operated and managed many supportive and educational programs around the world aimed at elevating the status of women and realizing the settlement of families based on True Love.

Rev. Sun Myung Moon and I, as co-founders, have been creating foundations around the world since the creation of Women's Federation. Also, the peace movement was able to expand with the help of 1,600 Japanese volunteers who were sent to 160 nations around the world. Even now, it is advancing the reconciliations between nations, and various volunteer and educational programs around the world that transcend the barriers of races, religions, languages, and national boundaries. All of this is being undertaken in accordance with the message Rev. Moon revealed in his speech at the establishment of Women's Federation: "We must define what it is to be True Mother and True Wife through attending True Mother who is the victorious representative of all women around the world. We must realize the ideal families through True Love movement. Then, we must wage the movement to realize the True Love of 'living for the sake of others' in every part of the society so that we may realize the world peace.

Following a special address I was invited to give at the UN Headquarters, New York, in September 1993, and three years of international humanitarian activities, WFWP was approved by the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) as an NGO with General Consultative Status.

Our WFWP Women's Conference for Peace in the Middle East, which has been held every year from 1997, has attracted much interest and participation from women leaders of the twenty-some nations in the Middle East. Now it has expanded and given birth to more concrete activities in the field, which I am glad to be able to report.

At the end of June this year, WFWP sponsored the 16th annual Middle East conference, which was held in conjunction with the UN Offices in Geneva, on the subject of "Children Affected by Conflict and Disaster: Prevention, Protection, Healing and Empowerment." The contribution by speakers representing UN organizations of their expertise in a number of relevant fields, combined with the active participation of a number of UN ambassadors, counselors and international NGO representatives, led me to feel that such meetings have the potential to offer real solutions to the healing of our world if the conclusions reached can be acted upon.

'Women's Federation' is not only engaging in active relief efforts to help those who are struck by natural disasters and famines, but it is also helping the children and women of North Korea. These endeavors have been very successful.

I extend my sincere gratitude to those who have helped the Women's Federation to stay on its track.

However, 'Women's Federation' now must advance even further. It must go beyond the next step, to walk the path of the creation of peaceful world through joining the forces together with other NGOs and women leaders of the world. The establishment of 'Abel Women UN', which will go beyond the level of women NGO and bring the governments around the world together, is absolutely necessary, and it is also the command of God which must be obeyed.

I make a solemn declaration for the establishment of 'Abel Women UN' which will help all the women around the world to realize this historical mission, and expand the scope of women's movements to the entire world.

Beloved women peace leaders!

In today's world, where must the humanity go? The problems that the humanity faces today can only be resolved through the ideals of True Love centering on God, and the ideal of 'One Family Under God' which Rev. Moon and I, as True Parents, have been teaching all our lives from the moment we received the teaching from heaven. For this ideal alone is the only path that will lead the humanity to the world of everlasting peace and happiness.

We live in the age of historical crossroad. We live at the age of cosmic revolution where the ideal heaven which God so desired from the moment of creation must now be firmly established through uniting the spiritual and the physical world. It cannot be delayed anymore. The heaven has already declared January 13, 2013 to be the 'Foundation Day.'

Therefore, the humanity must now humbly obey the command of heaven.

Following the guidance of True Parents who is leading the heaven's providence as the substantial self of God, the King of Peace, we must live out the rest of the time with strong determination.

Beloved women leaders!

The course for the humanity has been set. Now that we have the D-day which was given by the heaven through True Parents, what reason is there for us to hesitate? We have less than one year. The heaven will bless your endeavors in establishing the peaceful world centered on 'Abel Women UN.'

However, I would like to emphasize once again that the priority of 'Abel Women UN' should be the true family movement of living for the sake of others, based on true love, carried out in conjunction with proper values education. War and conflict arises from selfish motives of desiring to take others' land, possessions or the like by force. On the other hand, peace arises from investing oneself for the sake of others, that is, giving based on true love.

Those leaders who turn their faces away from the new realities of the world, or who fail to see them, will be wiped away by the changes coming upon us like a Tsunami. I believe the time has now come for us to step forward boldly and receive new opportunities and values.

Beloved women leaders!

Women are not there to help or to be protected by men; rather, they are independent individuals who, as representatives of the feminine aspect of God's nature, are meant to make men more complete and manly. Centering on True Love, women are the precious partners of love to men. In terms of value, men and women are absolutely equal beings.

Men and women who unite through the True Love of original ideal share the same position. Also, they attain the right to be with each other wherever they may be. Furthermore, they attain the ideal right of inheritance, where each other's properties will belong to each other equally.

Thus, men and women, who are brought into oneness through original love under God's ideal of true love, have been created to become completely equal beings, centered on true love, by sharing not only the same rank and the right of participation but also their possessions with one another.

Therefore, men and women do not need to confront or contend with each other, for they do not need to imitate the characteristics, dispositions or roles of the other or to covet those things and take them by force. Instead, by giving what they have to the other with true love and completing the other, they can become united as a greater whole and share in one another. In the 21st century, women should play a major role in world history by serving as one of the wheels of the engine pulling forward the construction of a peaceful world together with men. Going beyond a century of power and technology, women will be the central axis in building the century of love and the peace culture, and their role will be more important than ever before.

I sincerely ask you to walk the path of True Mother, the path of True Wife, the path of True Daughter, and the path of True Women Leader who will build the unified world where freedom, peace, and happiness in its truest sense overflow.

Let us all walk the path of the true mother, true wife, true daughter and true woman leader, who can construct a unified world overflowing with true freedom, peace and happiness. Thank you.

Hak Ja Han's Japan Tour

March 13, 2012

Sunday, March 4, 2012 (2.12 by the heavenly calendar)

True Parents (Father and Mother) hosted an event on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the founding of Women's Federation for World Peace (WFWP) in the Daejeon Convention Center in Daejeon, Korea. Hyung Jin Nim and Kook Jin Nim attended True Parents at this event where over 3,500 people participated.


During the event, True Father said, "All of reality taking place now will pass away eventually. Today's strong nations will pass away; religions that thrive today will pass away; and Rev. Moon will pass away. The essence of the bond that connects to God, however, will not pass away. So we must hang on to this essence as we go."

During the event, True Mother said, "The Women's Federation for World Peace did not start off as an ordinary sort of women's organization. It is not an extroverted, political or militant movement founded to recover women's rights, one of the sorts of movements that mainly speaks to men about feminism, gender equality or women's labor rights. [My husband and I] founded it in September, 1993, with the providential purpose of realizing the world of God's ideal of creation." (Korean quote was in Segye Times article)

Official event title: 천지인참부모 승리해방완성시대개문 계승성취대회 = Convention to Fulfill, Open the Gate and Inherit the Era of Victory, Liberation and Completion of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind


Monday, March 5, 2012 (2.13 by the heavenly calendar)

True Mother departed for Tokyo after the early morning Hoon Dok Hae gathering together with Kook Jin Nim's family, Yeon Ah Nim (Hyo Jin Nim's wife), Hoon Mo Nim (Ms. Hyo Nam Kim) and Dr. Lan Young Moon (international president of WFWP). A luncheon was held at the Tokyo-Akasaka Hotel, True Mother gave the keynote address at an event titled, "The 20th Anniversary of the Founding of the Women's Federation for World Peace Japan." Her speech was titled, "The Role of Women in the Age after the Coming of Heaven and the Mission of the Women's Federation."

During her speech, True Mother said, "I would like to return the glory to God and the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind, who have worked in the background so that WFWP could develop and grow on a global level. I would also like to deeply thank all the members of WFWP who are active throughout the world, especially the Japanese members who have worked so hard."

She also explained, "Now is the time of the Pacific civilization. It is a time in which the central nations are Korea and Japan. Korea is the Adam Nation and Japan is the Eve Nation… WFWP Japan should accelerate its efforts to more actively educate its members centering on the thought and ideology of peace and unification, as taught by the Rev. Sun Myung Moon. Publicly, WFWP Japan must educate about true family morality and raise women leaders who will prepare for the realization of a peaceful world. Moreover, WFWP Japan must invest its strength unreservedly in creating an international network of women leaders for the sake of realizing the ideal of a peaceful world in which all humankind is as one family. Moreover, WFWP members should each make efforts to become spiritually fragrant women leaders with maternal love and a maternal nature by cherishing and developing their precious original nature and value endowed by God." At the end of her address, True Mother said strongly, "Let's go the path of a true mother, the path of a true wife and the path of a true daughter."

Tongil Foundation reported, "On Monday (March 5, 2012), True Mother began a visit to Japan by addressing a luncheon commemorating the 20th anniversary of the founding of the Women's Federation for World Peace. The event was attended by some 900 people, including 500 in the main venue and another 400 in a separate room in the same hotel connected by closed-circuit television. Mother was accompanied by several members of the True Family, including Kook Jin Nim and Ji Yea Nim, Sun Jin Nim and In Sup Nim, and Shin Sook Nim.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012 (2.14 by the heavenly calendar)

True Mother hosted Hoon Dok Hae for over 350 members in the capital region, and was accompanied by Kook Jin Nim's family, Sun Jin Nim's family and Yeon Ah Nim (Hyo Jin Nim's wife).

She said, "We have hope. Right? As Mrs. [Lan Young] Moon said, this is an age in which you can harvest the fruit [of your work]. Therefore, everyday, in a position of oneness with True Father, you need to gather a lot of results through the Word of God. Do not leave what you know within yourself. If you do not fulfill your responsibility to bring the people next to you, your tribe, your race, your nation and your world – all the people in the world – to stand as True Parents' children during True Parents' time on the earth, you will have no hope in the future. How should we live now? Depending on how hard you work every day, to bring one person or two people per day, heaven will have everything prepared for you. I want you to go out in person and meet people and make much effort. Will you make the determination to do so? You have to make the effort with the determination to witness to one person per day. There is not much time left anymore. There is less than a year left until D-day. How are we going to restore all 6.5 billion people on earth by then? Please make much effort, with the intention of starting with restoring Japan, the nation you are living in, with the faith that it can be accomplished, with determination and with courage."

During Hoon Dok Hae, Mrs. Kuboki, the president of WFWP Japan, reported that ambassadors from 19 nations, 22 Diet members (13 current), and 225 new VIP contacts attended the WFWP event on the previous day.

At 11 a.m., True Mother spoke to a crowd of 5,000 leaders and members from the capital region, in a Universal Peace Federation (UPF) event dedicated to "hope for peace and security in the world and in Japan." During the event, faith leaders of Shintoism, Christianity and Buddhism offered prayers, and there was a reading of True Father's prayer on March 7, 1976. Kook Jin Nim spoke about building a strong Japan and strong Korea. (Within the past year, there have been over 100 national security events organized by Kook Jin Nim in Japan with the theme of "Strong Japan and Strong Korea.")

At 2 p.m., True Mother hosted the capital region event to "proclaim the Era of the Victory, Liberation and Completion of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind." She gave the keynote address, titled, "The Cheon Il Guk Foundation Day and Our Hope (The Role of Women in the Age after the Coming of Heaven and the Mission of Women's Federation)."

During her speech, True Mother said, "Japan should have fulfilled its mission according to heaven's will as the Eve Nation. However, instead of doing so, Japan opposed Rev. Moon's entry and is persecuting his activities. Even so, I have been awakening Japan, with my heart of love for my husband and my oneness with him in mind and body; awakening Japan to the heart and situation of Heaven and to what Heaven desires of Japan. Your True Parent is devoting himself to set up Japan as the Mother Nation that can fulfill its mission as the Eve Nation, in other words the nation that stands as the restored Proper Eve Nation, which goes beyond the position of a daughter to a father, the position of a bride that can welcome a groom, and the position of a wife to her husband. You should meditate on the True Parent's sacrificial course to always breathe in new life and love and thus resurrect you as people with new life. The True Parent's limitless love and devotion is embedded in his course to save you."

True Mother also stated, "The only way to live is to move as best as we can. True Father is always thinking about the providence, planning and going out to look for more things to do for God. He is on the frontline and is does no less than a young person could. True Father even now always says, 'I will live busily.' He is doing his best. True Parents love you and are putting great expectations on Japan's role. I want this to be an opportunity for you to become even more united with True Parents in heart."

After her speech, True Mother gave historical gifts on behalf of the True Parents to representative leaders: color photos from the time of True Parents' holy wedding with this year's motto imprinted.

True Father watched True Mother speak live from the Cheon Jeong Gung (Palace of Heavenly Righteousness) Museum.


On her way to the airport, True Mother spoke with True Father on the phone: True Father said to True Mother, "I pray that God will be with you so that a flower garden will come into bloom where the True Mother goes." True Mother responded, "I am going together with Father."

Wednesday, March 7, 2012 (2.15 by the heavenly calendar)

True Mother hosted Hoon Dok Hae in Hiroshima for members from the 10th and 11th church regions. About 380 members attended. Sun Jin Nim's family and Yeon Ah Nim accompanied True Mother. During Hoon Dok Hae, it was reported that 10,000 members watched the previous day's event through internet broadcast in their local churches, due to lack of space in the main venue.

During the Hoon Dok Hae, True Mother said, "When I departed for Japan, True Father told me to take his wallet with him. I have it here and all the ID cards are still in it. So Father is here with us."

She added, "God selects one person who knows His Will and intends to give that person His blessings. However, before He can bless that person, there is always a large ordeal that person must go through. Yet, if that person can overcome the ordeal, even descendants will receive much blessing. Japan has the mission of Eve. You could call it a 'golden egg.' Japan must give birth to a golden egg. God wants Japan to accomplish the mission of the Mother Nation by having the heart of creating heaven and earth, the heart that can deliver everything intends to do during this time. It is not easy to give birth to new life. You may all give birth to a great person through witnessing. Witnessing is our hope and our joy. We are not just here on earth. True Father has said that Blessed Families need to give the Blessing to 210 generations of their ancestors. You can open the way for your nation by liberating your ancestors from their mistakes. They can repent for their pasts and return to the earth to help. They will open the way for their nation to stand in front of God. Their liberation and Blessing will give you strength. They will become your cheerleaders. They are keener than you about God's providence."

After True Mother had given her message, she asked Sun Jin Nim's family to sing a song. Sun Jin Nim gave encouragement to the Japanese members while shedding tears. Yeon Ah Nim also sang, and at the end True Mother led everyone in singing Saranghae Tangshineul. She said, in a loud voice, "Let's make this a day of victory!" and the Hoon Dok Hae concluded.

At 12:30 p.m., True Mother hosted an event at the Grand Hall of the Hiroshima Cultural Exchange Hall to "proclaim the Era of the Victory, Liberation and Completion of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind." Over 3,200 church members from the 10th (Shikoku) and 11th (Chūgoku region, includes Hiroshima) church regions gathered to hear True Mother speak. At 2:25 p.m., True Mother gave the keynote address, titled, "The Cheon Il Guk Foundation Day and Our Hope (The Role of Women in the Age After the Coming of Heaven and the Mission of Women's Federation)."

Thursday, March 8, 2012 (2.16 by the heavenly calendar)

True Mother held Hoon Dok Hae in Fukuoka. It was the twelfth time True Mother ever visited that area and represented a time to give encouragement to members in the southern region of Japan, according to a report by Sung Il Cho, one of the officers of the Unification Church World Mission Headquarters. Again, Sun Jin Nim's family and Yeon Ah Nim accompanied True Mother. A selection from "True Parents," the second book of Cheon Seong Gyeong, was read.

During Hoon Dok Hae, one member testified about a spiritual experience at Hoon Dok Hae the previous day, "During the early-morning Hoon Dok Hae, as soon as I set my eyes on True Mother sitting on her chair, I saw True Father sitting next to her and tears welled up in my eyes. I closed my eyes and looked down. When I raised my eyes to look at True Mother again, I saw True Father sitting next to her. This happened three times in a row."

One sister testified, "Up until now, my husband and children did not want to come to church, but my husband attended True Mother's event yesterday for the first time. He spiritually saw True Mother surrounded in something like an aurora and said, 'I truly think they are the True Parents of all humankind. I now understand why my wife was so devoted to the church.' He said that he would now make sure that the children attend church."

True Mother left Fukuoka in order to host an event for members in Kyushu. She spoke at the Grandmesse in Kumamoto to "proclaim the Era of the Victory, Liberation and Completion of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind." Around 3,700 members of our church gathered to hear her speak. True Mother delivered the same message that she gave in other cities, The "Cheon Il Guk Foundation Day and Our Hope," which is based on True Fathers address at the cosmic assemblies to proclaim the words of God's substantial body that has settled as the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind.

During her address, True Mother said, "Jochongnyeon (the pro-Pyeongyang federation of Korean residents in Japan) and the (pro-Seoul) Federation of Korean Residents in Japan are like Cain and Abel. The two organizations must become one and Eve must embrace the two. That tradition must then be connected to the Korean peninsula. You can make it happen, right?" Later, she added, "True Father loves you!"

After the event, there was an offering to True Mother of 2,000 paper cranes, which had been folded up by two men who received a revelation to "fold cranes for the sake of world peace and the salvation of all people." When they had almost completed the task, they received the revelation to offer the cranes to True Parents. These two men were not members and they had never heard the Divine Principle. True Mother told them, "Heaven has guided you up until now to meet me.

However, you need to fulfill your own portion of responsibility to complete the revelation that you received. In our church, we consider the Blessing to be very important. Please start by studying the Divine Principle. Study the Divine Principle and then receive the Blessing."

True Father watched the Kumamoto event live together with Yeosu workshop participants at the Geomun Island.

True Father talked with True Mother on the phone. Mother said that it was raining in Kumamoto. She said, "Father, I love you. I know it is late to eat lunch but please enjoy your meal." Father answered, "I don't know whether lunch has been prepared or not," even though staff have told him many times already that lunch was ready (Father wanted Mother to know that he cared more about her and her tour than he cared about eating and taking care of his own needs.)


Friday, March 9, 2012 (2.17 by the heavenly calendar)

Over 700 members from the ninth region of the Japanese church attended Hoon Dok Hae hosted by True Mother in Kyoto. Sun Jin Nim's family, Yeon Ah Nim and Ji Ye Nim (Kook Jin Nim's wife) accompanied True Mother.

During Hoon Dok Hae, there was a testimony by one Japanese sister who had given out seven thousand copies of True Father's autobiography. She testified that she had a strong determination to testify to and speak out about True Parents even as she went through all sorts of ordeals. She reported to True Mother that she has resolved to speak out about True Parents and to love True Parents until she runs out of strength.

After the testimony, True Mother asked Ji Ye Nim to report about the launch of the Citizen's Association for a Strong Korea, which True Father hosted in Seoul the day before. Ji Ye Nim gave a twenty-minute brief yet lively report of the event at the 63 Building in Seoul. The Little Angels performed at the event, Kook Jin Nim spoke, and Hyung Jin Nim introduced Father. Father started his speech saying, "This is not the Republic of Korea. It is God's Homeland!" During the event, when Dr. Bo Hi Pak was about to lead the three cheers of Okmanse, Father told him to lead everyone in the "song of the Second Advent." He led the singing of the Song of the Garden.

To conclude Hoon Dok Hae, True Mother asked Yeon Ah Nim and Ji Ye Nim to sing "The Young Lady from Ulsan." Sun Jin Nim's family gave gifts of Hawaii Queen Coffee (Kona coffee) to the church leaders and sang a song that Hyo Jin Nim sang often. Finally, True Mother asked everyone to rise and join her in singing Saranghae Tangshineul.

True Mother spoke in Kyoto, a city in the Kansai region, at the Westin Miyako Hotel to a crowd of 3,200 church members. The name of the event and the speech given by True Mother were identical to those in previous venues.


True Father watched the Kyoto event live. Later in the day, the Yeosu workshops participants prepared to return to Japan and took a photo with True Father: (thus, they are not featured in later Yeosu photos).


Saturday, March 10, 2012 (2.18 by the heavenly calendar)

True Mother hosted Hoon Dok Hae in Nagoya. Sun Jin Nim's family, Yeon Ah Nim and Ji Ye Nim accompanied True Mother. Around 500 members were there to receive True Mother.

True Mother spoke in Nagoya (part of the Aichi prefecture) to over 4,300 church members. At one point during the speech, while testifying to God and True Father, True Mother could not keep her tears in. She commented, "In Nagoya, I feel that I have come to my hometown."

True Father watched the event.


True Father on the phone with True Mother after she completed her address in Nagoya: "Mother, you were great today. Everyone here with me now makes their living speaking, and they were amazed at how well you matched the tone of your voice to the audience." Mother responded: "Daddy (Appa), I love you."


Sunday, March 11, 2012 (2.19 by the heavenly calendar)

True Mother hosted Hoon Dok Hae in Hokkaido for a group of 750 members from the 1st (Hokkaido) and 2nd (Northeast) church regions. Sun Jin Nim's family, Yeon Ah Nim, Hoon Sook Nim (Heung Jin Nim's wife), Ji Ye Nim and Shin Sook Nim accompanied True Mother.

True Mother spoke in Sapporo (in Hokkaido) to 3,200 church members.

During her speech, True Mother said, "We are in the position where we must realize God's dream so we are fortunate people. Please say this with me, 'We are fortunate people.'

After True Mother completed her speech at Sapporo (in Hokkaido), the final stop of her tour of Japan, True Father said to True Mother on the phone, "Japanese members, be well! Live well! Fight well!" and offered a prayer for Japan. May the Unification Church in Japan blossom with True Parents' faith, love and hope!

A finale banquet was hosted for True Mother in Hokkaido. Sun Jin Nim's family, Yeon Ah Nim, Hoon Sook Nim and Ji Ye Nim were there to congratulate her. Over 300 leaders also participated.

During the report prayer, representing all of Japan's women church leaders, Sato Taeko from the Aomori church district prayed, "True Mother came to Japan and gave us hope, courage, strength and heavenly fortune. She made a place to allow us a new beginning; a beginning of our lives where we offer the greatest results of our entire lives."

Rev. Yeong Seop Song, the continental director of Japan, gave a farewell address for True Mother. He and Kentaro Kajikuri, the national leader of the Japanese church, offered a victory trophy to True Mother for the national tour, and to the True Family representatives who accompanied True Mother.

Monday, March 12, 2012 (2.20 by the heavenly calendar)

True Mother returned from Japan. According to In Sup Nim, True Father was so pleased with the tour in Japan that he went to greet True Mother in person at Incheon Airport rather than wait for her to arrive in Chung Pyung.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012 (2.21 by the heavenly calendar)

A victory celebration was held for True Mother at the Cheon Jeong Gung museum.

During the victory celebration, Rev. Song reported to True Parents, "It was amazing for me how wonderful Sun Jin Nim was to keep encouraging Mother. I would say Sun Jin Nim was the MVP this time, and I have learned lots from her."

During the victory celebration, True Mother reported to True Father, "I keenly felt this time that our devotion towards Heaven always remains. (Holding back her tears) The faith of the Japanese members is so beautiful. There are so many difficulties internally and externally in Japan but when I see the members firmly holding their faith and doing the best they can on the front line, (holding back her tears) I want to do what I can for them. I wish I could have done more for them."

True Mother’s Tour in Japan, March 2012

Sunday, March 4, 2012 (2.12 by the heavenly calendar)

True Parents (Father and Mother) hosted an event on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the founding of Women’s Federation for World Peace (WFWP) in the Daejeon Convention Center in Daejeon, Korea. Hyung Jin Nim and Kook Jin Nim attended True Parents at this event where over 3,500 people participated.


During the event, True Father said, “All of reality taking place now will pass away eventually. Today's strong nations will pass away; religions that thrive today will pass away; and Rev. Moon will pass away. The essence of the bond that connects to God, however, will not pass away. So we must hang on to this essence as we go."

Korean quote: 지금일어나는 세계의 실상은 모두 언젠가는 지나갑니다. 지금 강한 나라들도 융성하는 종교도 문선명선생도 갑니다. 하지만 우리가 하나님으로부터 인연된 그 골자는 지나가지않습니다. 그렇기에 그것을 붙잡고 가야합니다 -여성연합대회중 참아버님 말씀 중에서-

During the event, True Mother said, “The Women’s Federation for World Peace did not start off as an ordinary sort of women’s organization. It is not an extroverted, political or militant movement founded to recover women’s rights, one of the sorts of movements that mainly speaks to men about feminism, gender equality or women’s labor rights. [My husband and I] founded it in September, 1993, with the providential purpose of realizing the world of God’s ideal of creation.” (Korean quote was in Segye Times article)

Official event title: 천지인참부모 승리해방완성시대개문 계승성취대회 = Convention to Fulfill, Open the Gate and Inherit the Era of Victory, Liberation and Completion of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind

Monday, March 5, 2012 (2.13 by the heavenly calendar)

True Mother departed for Tokyo after the early morning hoondokhwe gathering together with Kook Jin Nim’s family, Yeon Ah Nim (Hyo Jin Nim’s wife), Hoon Mo Nim (Ms. Hyo Nam Kim) and Dr. Lan Young Moon (international president of WFWP). A luncheon was held at the Tokyo-Akasaka Hotel, True Mother gave the keynote address at an event titled, “The 20th Anniversary of the Founding of the Women’s Federation for World Peace Japan.” Her speech was titled, “The Role of Women in the Age after the Coming of Heaven and the Mission of the Women’s Federation.”

During her speech, True Mother said, “I would like to return the glory to God and the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind, who have worked in the background so that WFWP could develop and grow on a global level. I would also like to deeply thank all the members of WFWP who are active throughout the world, especially the Japanese members who have worked so hard.”

She also explained, “Now is the time of the Pacific civilization. It is a time in which the central nations are Korea and Japan. Korea is the Adam Nation and Japan is the Eve Nation… WFWP Japan should accelerate its efforts to more actively educate its members centering on the thought and ideology of peace and unification, as taught by the Rev. Sun Myung Moon. Publicly, WFWP Japan must educate about true family morality and raise women leaders who will prepare for the realization of a peaceful world. Moreover, WFWP Japan must invest its strength unreservedly in creating an international network of women leaders for the sake of realizing the ideal of a peaceful world in which all humankind is as one family. Moreover, WFWP members should each make efforts to become spiritually fragrant women leaders with maternal love and a maternal nature by cherishing and developing their precious original nature and value endowed by God.” At the end of her address, True Mother said strongly, “Let’s go the path of a true mother, the path of a true wife and the path of a true daughter.”

Tongil Foundation reported, “On Monday (March 5, 2012), True Mother began a visit to Japan by addressing a luncheon commemorating the 20th anniversary of the founding of the Women's Federation for World Peace. The event was attended by some 900 people, including 500 in the main venue and another 400 in a separate room in the same hotel connected by closed-circuit television. Mother was accompanied by several members of the True Family, including Kook Jin Nim and Ji Yea Nim, Sun Jin Nim and In Sup Nim, and Shin Sook Nim.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012 (2.14 by the heavenly calendar)

True Mother hosted hoondokhwe for over 350 members in the capital region, and was accompanied by Kook Jin Nim’s family, Sun Jin Nim’s family and Yeon Ah Nim (Hyo Jin Nim’s wife).

She said, “We have hope. Right? As Mrs. [Lan Young] Moon said, this is an age in which you can harvest the fruit [of your work]. Therefore, everyday, in a position of oneness with True Father, you need to gather a lot of results through the Word of God. Do not leave what you know within yourself. If you do not fulfill your responsibility to bring the people next to you, your tribe, your race, your nation and your world – all the people in the world – to stand as True Parents’ children during True Parents’ time on the earth, you will have no hope in the future. How should we live now? Depending on how hard you work every day, to bring one person or two people per day, heaven will have everything prepared for you. I want you to go out in person and meet people and make much effort. Will you make the determination to do so? You have to make the effort with the determination to witness to one person per day. There is not much time left anymore. There is less than a year left until D-day. How are we going to restore all 6.5 billion people on earth by then? Please make much effort, with the intention of starting with restoring Japan, the nation you are living in, with the faith that it can be accomplished, with determination and with courage.”

During hoondokhwe, Mrs. Kuboki, the president of WFWP Japan, reported that ambassadors from 19 nations, 22 Diet members (13 current), and 225 new VIP contacts attended the WFWP event on the previous day.

At 11 a.m., True Mother spoke to a crowd of 5,000 leaders and members from the capital region, in a Universal Peace Federation (UPF) event dedicated to “hope for peace and security in the world and in Japan.” During the event, faith leaders of Shintoism, Christianity and Buddhism offered prayers, and there was a reading of True Father’s prayer on March 7, 1976. Kook Jin Nim spoke about building a strong Japan and strong Korea. (Within the past year, there have been over 100 national security events organized by Kook Jin Nim in Japan with the theme of “Strong Japan and Strong Korea.”)

At 2 p.m., True Mother hosted the capital region event to “proclaim the Era of the Victory, Liberation and Completion of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind.” She gave the keynote address, titled, “The Cheon Il Guk Foundation Day and Our Hope (The Role of Women in the Age after the Coming of Heaven and the Mission of Women’s Federation).”

During her speech, True Mother said, “Japan should have fulfilled its mission according to heaven’s will as the Eve Nation. However, instead of doing so, Japan opposed Rev. Moon’s entry and is persecuting his activities. Even so, I have been awakening Japan, with my heart of love for my husband and my oneness with him in mind and body; awakening Japan to the heart and situation of Heaven and to what Heaven desires of Japan. Your True Parent is devoting himself to set up Japan as the Mother Nation that can fulfill its mission as the Eve Nation, in other words the nation that stands as the restored Proper Eve Nation, which goes beyond the position of a daughter to a father, the position of a bride that can welcome a groom, and the position of a wife to her husband. You should meditate on the True Parent’s sacrificial course to always breathe in new life and love and thus resurrect you as people with new life. The True Parent’s limitless love and devotion is embedded in his course to save you.”

True Mother also stated, “The only way to live is to move as best as we can. True Father is always thinking about the providence, planning and going out to look for more things to do for God. He is on the frontline and is does no less than a young person could. True Father even now always says, ‘I will live busily.’ He is doing his best. True Parents love you and are putting great expectations on Japan’s role. I want this to be an opportunity for you to become even more united with True Parents in heart.”

After her speech, True Mother gave historical gifts on behalf of the True Parents to representative leaders: color photos from the time of True Parents’ holy wedding with this year’s motto imprinted.

True Father watched True Mother speak live from the Cheon Jeong Gung (Palace of Heavenly Righteousness)

True Father watched True Mother speak live from the Cheon Jeong Gung (Palace of Heavenly Righteousness)

On her way to the airport, True Mother spoke with True Father on the phone: True Father said to True Mother, “I pray that God will be with you so that a flower garden will come into bloom where the True Mother goes.” True Mother responded, “I am going together with Father.”

Wednesday, March 7, 2012 (2.15 by the heavenly calendar)

True Mother hosted hoondokhwe in Hiroshima for members from the 10th and 11th church regions. About 380 members attended. Sun Jin Nim’s family and Yeon Ah Nim accompanied True Mother. During hoondokhwe, it was reported that 10,000 members watched the previous day’s event through internet broadcast in their local churches, due to lack of space in the main venue.

During the hoondokhwe, True Mother said, “When I departed for Japan, True Father told me to take his wallet with him. I have it here and all the ID cards are still in it. So Father is here with us.”

She added, “God selects one person who knows His Will and intends to give that person His blessings. However, before He can bless that person, there is always a large ordeal that person must go through. Yet, if that person can overcome the ordeal, even descendants will receive much blessing. Japan has the mission of Eve. You could call it a ‘golden egg.’ Japan must give birth to a golden egg. God wants Japan to accomplish the mission of the Mother Nation by having the heart of creating heaven and earth, the heart that can deliver everything intends to do during this time. It is not easy to give birth to new life. You may all give birth to a great person through witnessing. Witnessing is our hope and our joy. We are not just here on earth. True Father has said that Blessed Families need to give the Blessing to 210 generations of their ancestors. You can open the way for your nation by liberating your ancestors from their mistakes. They can repent for their pasts and return to the earth to help. They will open the way for their nation to stand in front of God. Their liberation and Blessing will give you strength. They will become your cheerleaders. They are keener than you about God’s providence.”

After True Mother had given her message, she asked Sun Jin Nim’s family to sing a song. Sun Jin Nim gave encouragement to the Japanese members while shedding tears. Yeon Ah Nim also sang, and at the end True Mother led everyone in singing Saranghae Tangshineul. She said, in a loud voice, “Let’s make this a day of victory!” and the hoondokhwe concluded.

At 12:30 p.m., True Mother hosted an event at the Grand Hall of the Hiroshima Cultural Exchange Hall to “proclaim the Era of the Victory, Liberation and Completion of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind.” Over 3,200 church members from the 10th (Shikoku) and 11th (Chūgoku region, includes Hiroshima) church regions gathered to hear True Mother speak. At 2:25 p.m., True Mother gave the keynote address, titled, “The Cheon Il Guk Foundation Day and Our Hope (The Role of Women in the Age After the Coming of Heaven and the Mission of Women’s Federation).”

Thursday, March 8, 2012 (2.16 by the heavenly calendar)

True Mother held hoondokhwe in Fukuoka. It was the twelfth time True Mother ever visited that area and represented a time to give encouragement to members in the southern region of Japan, according to a report by Sung Il Cho, one of the officers of the Unification Church World Mission Headquarters. Again, Sun Jin Nim’s family and Yeon Ah Nim accompanied True Mother. A selection from “True Parents,” the second book of Cheon Seong Gyeong, was read.

During hoondokhwe, one member testified about a spiritual experience at hoondokhwe the previous day, “During the early-morning HDH, as soon as I set my eyes on True Mother sitting on her chair, I saw True Father sitting next to her and tears welled up in my eyes. I closed my eyes and looked down. When I raised my eyes to look at True Mother again, I saw True Father sitting next to her. This happened three times in a row.”

One sister testified, “Up until now, my husband and children did not want to come to church, but my husband attended True Mother’s event yesterday for the first time. He spiritually saw True Mother surrounded in something like an aurora and said, ‘I truly think they are the True Parents of all humankind. I now understand why my wife was so devoted to the church.’ He said that he would now make sure that the children attend church.”

True Mother left Fukuoka in order to host an event for members in Kyushu. She spoke at the Grandmesse in Kumamoto to “proclaim the Era of the Victory, Liberation and Completion of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind.” Around 3,700 members of our church gathered to hear her speak. True Mother delivered the same message that she gave in other cities, The “Cheon Il Guk Foundation Day and Our Hope,” which is based on True Fathers address at the cosmic assemblies to proclaim the words of God’s substantial body that has settled as the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind.

During her address, True Mother said, “Jochongnyeon (the pro-Pyeongyang federation of Korean residents in Japan) and the (pro-Seoul) Federation of Korean Residents in Japan are like Cain and Abel. The two organizations must become one and Eve must embrace the two. That tradition must then be connected to the Korean peninsula. You can make it happen, right?” Later, she added, “True Father loves you!”

After the event, there was an offering to True Mother of 2,000 paper cranes, which had been folded up by two men who received a revelation to “fold cranes for the sake of world peace and the salvation of all people.” When they had almost completed the task, they received the revelation to offer the cranes to True Parents. These two men were not members and they had never heard the Divine Principle. True Mother told them, “Heaven has guided you up until now to meet me. However, you need to fulfill your own portion of responsibility to complete the revelation that you received. In our church, we consider the Blessing to be very important. Please start by studying the Divine Principle. Study the Divine Principle and then receive the Blessing.”


True Father watched the Kumamoto event live together with Yeosu workshop participants at the Geomun Island.

True Father talked with True Mother on the phone. Mother said that it was raining in Kumamoto. She said, “Father, I love you. I know it is late to eat lunch but please enjoy your meal.” Father answered, “I don’t know whether lunch has been prepared or not,” even though staff have told him many times already that lunch was ready (Father wanted Mother to know that he cared more about her and her tour than he cared about eating and taking care of his own needs)

Friday, March 9, 2012 (2.17 by the heavenly calendar)

Over 700 members from the ninth region of the Japanese church attended hoondokhwe hosted by True Mother in Kyoto. Sun Jin Nim’s family, Yeon Ah Nim and Ji Ye Nim (Kook Jin Nim’s wife) accompanied True Mother.

During hoondokhwe, there was a testimony by one Japanese sister who had given out seven thousand copies of True Father’s autobiography. She testified that she had a strong determination to testify to and speak out about True Parents even as she went through all sorts of ordeals. She reported to True Mother that she has resolved to speak out about True Parents and to love True Parents until she runs out of strength.

After the testimony, True Mother asked Ji Ye Nim to report about the launch of the Citizen’s Association for a Strong Korea, which True Father hosted in Seoul the day before. Ji Ye Nim gave a twenty-minute brief yet lively report of the event at the 63 Building in Seoul. The Little Angels performed at the event, Kook Jin Nim spoke, and Hyung Jin Nim introduced Father. Father started his speech saying, “This is not the Republic of Korea. It is God’s Homeland!” During the event, when Dr. Bo Hi Pak was about to lead the three cheers of Okmanse, Father told him to lead everyone in the “song of the Second Advent.” He led the singing of the Song of the Garden.

To conclude hoondokhwe, True Mother asked Yeon Ah Nim and Ji Ye Nim to sing “The Young Lady from Ulsan” (the song is featured here). Sun Jin Nim’s family gave gifts of Hawaii Queen Coffee (Kona coffee) to the church leaders and sang a song that Hyo Jin Nim sang often. Finally, True Mother asked everyone to rise and join her in singing Saranghae Tangshineul.

True Mother spoke in Kyoto, a city in the Kansai region, at the Westin Miyako Hotel to a crowd of 3,200 church members. The name of the event and the speech given by True Mother were identical to those in previous venues.


True Father watched the Kyoto event live. Later in the day, the Yeosu workshops participants prepared to return to Japan and took a photo with True Father. (thus, they are not featured in later Yeosu photos).

Saturday, March 10, 2012 (2.18 by the heavenly calendar)

True Mother hosted hoondokhwe in Nagoya. Sun Jin Nim’s family, Yeon Ah Nim and Ji Ye Nim accompanied True Mother. Around 500 members were there to receive True Mother.

True Mother spoke in Nagoya (part of the Aichi prefecture) to over 4,300 church members. At one point during the speech, while testifying to God and True Father, True Mother could not keep her tears in. She commented, “In Nagoya, I feel that I have come to my hometown.”


True Father watched the event.

True Father on the phone with True Mother after she completed her address in Nagoya: "Mother, you were great today. Everyone here with me now makes their living speaking, and they were amazed at how well you matched the tone of your voice to the audience." Mother responded: "Daddy (Appa), I love you.")

Sunday, March 11, 2012 (2.19 by the heavenly calendar)

True Mother hosted hoondokhwe in Hokkaido for a group of 750 members from the 1st (Hokkaido) and 2nd (Northeast) church regions. Sun Jin Nim’s family, Yeon Ah Nim, Hoon Sook Nim (Heung Jin Nim’s wife), Ji Ye Nim and Shin Sook Nim accompanied True Mother.

True Mother spoke in Sapporo (in Hokkaido) to 3,200 church members.

During her speech, True Mother said, “We are in the position where we must realize God’s dream so we are fortunate people. Please say this with me, ‘We are fortunate people.’

After True Mother completed her speech at Sapporo (in Hokkaido), the final stop of her tour of Japan, True Father said to True Mother on the phone, "Japanese members, be well! Live well! Fight well!" and offered a prayer for Japan. May the Unification Church in Japan blossom with True Parents' faith, love and hope!

일본대회를 마치시고 박수를 치시면 참아버님께서는 원고를 덮으시며 '잘있거라! 잘살아라! 잘 싸워라!' 하시며 일본을 위해 나지막히 기도말씀을 하셨습니다. 일본통일교회 참부모님의 신앙사랑희망으로 활짝펴라. 홧팅!!

A finale banquet was hosted for True Mother in Hokkaido. Sun Jin Nim’s family, Yeon Ah Nim, Hoon Sook Nim and Ji Ye Nim were there to congratulate her. Over 300 leaders also participated.

During the report prayer, representing all of Japan’s women church leaders, Sato Taeko from the Aomori church district prayed, “True Mother came to Japan and gave us hope, courage, strength and heavenly fortune. She made a place to allow us a new beginning; a beginning of our lives where we offer the greatest results of our entire lives.”

Rev. Yeong Seop Song, the continental director of Japan, gave a farewell address for True Mother. He and Kentaro Kajikuri, the national leader of the Japanese church, offered a victory trophy to True Mother for the national tour, and to the True Family representatives who accompanied True Mother.

Monday, March 12, 2012 (2.20 by the heavenly calendar)

True Mother returned from Japan. According to In Sup Nim, True Father was so pleased with the tour in Japan that he went to greet True Mother in person at Incheon Airport rather than wait for her to arrive in Cheong Pyeong.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012 (2.21 by the heavenly calendar)

A victory celebration was held for True Mother at the Cheon Jeong Gung museum.

During the victory celebration, Rev. Song reported to True Parents, “It was amazing for me how wonderful Sun Jin Nim was to keep encouraging Mother. I would say Sun Jin Nim was the MVP this time, and I have learned lots from her.”

During the victory celebration, True Mother reported to True Father, “I keenly felt this time that our devotion towards Heaven always remains. (Holding back her tears) The faith of the Japanese members is so beautiful. There are so many difficulties internally and externally in Japan but when I see the members firmly holding their faith and doing the best they can on the front line, (holding back her tears) I want to do what I can for them. I wish I could have done more for them."

Mother Moon Gives Keynote Speech at Women’s Federation Anniversary

Emily Cornier, Kimberly Dickerson and Yoshie Manaka
March 8, 2012

Women’s Federation for World Peace (WFWP) Founder Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, affectionately known as Mother Moon, traveled to Japan for the first time in five years to celebrate the 20th Anniversary of the Foundation of WFWP at the Tokyo-Akasaka Hotel on March 4, 2012.

In the third year of Cheon Il Guk, or the “Era of the Victory, Liberation and Completion of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind,” important providential activities are taking place in Korea and Japan, led by Rev. Sun Myung Moon and his wife, Mother Moon.

Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, founder of Women's Federation for World Peace (WFWP), gives a speech at the 20th Anniversary of the Foundation of WFWP at the Tokyo-Akasaka Hotel in Japan.

Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, founder of Women's Federation for World Peace (WFWP), gives a speech at the 20th Anniversary of the Foundation of WFWP at the Tokyo-Akasaka Hotel in Japan.

Mother Moon was accompanied by the Chairman of the Tongil Foundation, Kook Jin Moon and his family. Yeon Ah Moon (wife of Hyo Jin Moon), Hoon Mo Moon and Lan Young Moon, President of World WFWP also attended. Mother Moon dined with key Japanese Unification Church leaders and heard reports of the efforts of the Japanese community to substantiate God’s providence.

About 1,000 people gathered in the event hall of the Tokyo-Akasaka Hotel to celebrate the 20th Anniversary of the Foundation of WFWP, including Japanese WFWP leaders and more than 40 current- and former congressmen in Japan.

The event began at about 11:30 a.m. with a video titled “True Love Connects the World,” which features the various service projects of WFWP, including a women’s conference in the Middle East and education in sexual morality.

Kuboki Detsuko, president of WFWP in Japan gave the greeting remarks. “In the past 20 years, God has led us with the guidance of Rev. Sun Myung Moon and President Hak Ja Han Moon. In 1994, 1,600 Japanese women went out into the world for service … now I feel hope because our children are inheriting what their mothers believe in so many areas,” she said.

Following the luncheon, Dr.Lan Young Moon introduced Mother Moon, whose speech was titled “Women’s Role and Mission of WFWP in the Era after the Coming of Heaven.”

Mother Moon began by saying, “I would like to honor God and True Parents who have helped and supported WFWP so that WFWP could grow to the world level and thank all members, especially the Japanese members who have been doing a great job throughout the world.” She continued to explain about the providential mission of WFWP: “This is the era of the Pacific Culture. The central nations of this era are Korea and Japan. Korea is the ‘Adam Nation’ and Japan is the ‘Eve Nation.’” She emphasized the importance of Japan’s attitude in the future as the ‘Eve nation’ and ‘Mother nation.’

“WFWP in Japan should be active in educating members about peace and Unification Thought, and train women leaders who can give education about true family values and creating a world of peace. We should make an international network of women leaders who work towards one family under God. We should appreciate our true character and our God-given value. Each of us should make an effort to become woman leaders who embody motherhood and the love of mothers.”

Mother Moon concluded her message with: “Let us follow a true mother’s path, true wife’s path, and true daughter’s path.”

After the event, there was a reception dinner with 300 Japanese leaders. National Leader for the Unification Church in Japan Young Sup Song thanked Mother Moon for coming to Japan. When he mentioned that her husband Rev. Moon really wanted to come to Japan, many leaders started shedding tears.

Mother Moon then said, “I didn’t come here alone! I came with True Father.” She explained that Rev. Moon had given her a wallet and said, “I am coming with you, Mother,” as she was leaving Seoul, Korea. He had asked her to give cash from the wallet to three different headquarters in Japan and say that the money represents Rev. Moon’s deep love towards Japan.

Mother Moon picked up a 50,000 won bill and talked about Shin Saim-Dang, who is the face of the bill. She said, “Shin Saim-Dang is famous for being a strong motherly figure. I hope that Japan will grow and become much greater than Shin Saim-Dang, and I would like you to feel Rev. Moon’s love today with 120 percent.”

Several church leaders and children of Mother Moon sang festive songs at the reception dinner. Then, at Mother Moon’s request, everyone sang Sarang Hae A-Beo-Nim [“I love you, Father”] to conclude the dinner.


The Role of Women in the Era after the Coming of Heaven and the Mission of the Women’s Federation for World Peace

Hak Ja Han
March 5, 2012
Commemoration of the Twentieth Anniversary of the Women’s Federation for World Peace
ANA Intercontinental Hotel, Tokyo, Japan

Photo date and location unknown

Photo date and location unknown

Distinguished guests from Japan and abroad and Japanese members of the Women’s Federation for World Peace:

This year marks the twentieth anniversary of the founding of the Women’s Federation for World Peace. I look at our footsteps during the past ninetee n years and return glory to God and the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind, who have worked in the background to help WFWP to develop and grow worldwide. I would also like to express my deepest gratitude to the WFWP members who are working hard in various parts of the world, and especially to the Japanese members for your endeavors.

The background of the founding of WFWP

The message I am presenting today is titled, “The Role of Women in the Era after the Coming of Heaven and the Mission of WFWP” It is based on the words given at the “Cosmic Assembly for the Settlement of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind who, as God’s Embodiment, Proclaim the Word.”

My husband, Rev. Sun Myung Moon, declared the “Advent of the Global Era of Women” at the Inaugural Assembly of the Women’s Federation for World Peace held in April 1992 in Seoul, Korea, which was attended by women representatives from some seventy nations and by one hundred fifty thousand Korean women. That day marked the beginning of great strides that will be of huge significance for women in world history. It was the start of a global transition in which the primary role of developing and leading history is shifting from men to women.

On that day Rev. Moon emphasized, “The true workers who will bring an end to the world of war and violence, oppression, exploitation and crime, a world led by men until now, are the women of this era, who will realize an ideal world overflowing with peace, love and freedom.” He also encouraged women to become leaders who can equip themselves with the head-wing thought and Godism, the basic worldviews of WFWP, and take the lead in a new peace movement.

Through the years, I shared the bitter pain and anguish experienced by my husband who was persecuted and imprisoned by the forces of injustice as he walked the path of righteousness in accordance with Heaven’s Will. As time passed, I strengthened my resolution to start a new peace movement founded on conscientious and righteous women. Through my keynote address on that inaugural day, I emphasized that we must now establish the model of a true mother, the model of a true wife, and the model of a true daughter and that we need to form ideal families through the true love movement of living first for the sake of our husbands and our children.

I stated emphatically that WFWP is not just a movement for women, rather it is the movement for bringing ideal families together to form ideal nations and an ideal world. After the inaugural assembly, I went on a speaking tour around the world, starting with the major cities in Korea, passing through eight cities in Japan, the United States and Europe, going all the way to Moscow, and then on to Africa, Oceania and Asia, including China, to set the foundation for the global organization and expansion of WFWP.

I, who had been in the position of following Rev. Sun Myung Moon as he established the victorious tradition of the True Father, now stood on an equal footing with him. The True Mother appeared for the first time in history. Thus I proclaimed the liberation of women worldwide.

In addition, I played a decisive role in opening the gates to the post-Cold War era. I proposed Rev. Moon’s head-wing thought based on Godism as the grand principle for the construction of an eternal world of peace. It is the mission of the Messiah and the Savior to teach humanity the way to end the history of sin, which came about because we lost the way of true parents, true husband and wife, and true children. Wherever I went, I declared before all heaven and earth that my husband Rev. Moon is the man whose life has pioneered the path of the Messiah and the True Parents.

Because Adam and Eve fell on the family level, restoration needs to be achieved in the family. By becoming one with the family of True Parents, the redemption of the family becomes possible and we can achieve perfection. Furthermore, we can go beyond tribes and nations and attain the unity of the world and the unity of earth and heaven. Thus the era of peace and prosperity centered on God can finally unfold before us.

The Era after the Coming of Heaven and the declaration of True Parents

Rev. Moon established me as the representative of Eve, and revealed the origin of the human Fall as well as the meaning of related parables in the Bible and patterns of history. This was because the providence of God mandated that I personally announce worldwide every wrong committed by Eve.

The fact that I was able to visit one hundred thirteen cities in every corner of the globe and successfully hold WFWP assemblies in each one, in the short period of three months, was a miracle. Upon reflection, it shows how providentially significant the inauguration of WFWP was, and how history was ready for it.

Through such devoted efforts, WFWP became an international organization and a foundation for worldwide activities in its inaugural year. Now all WFWP members worldwide are working hard with our organization’s founding spirit of “Let us form families of true love and construct sound societies and a world of peace based on the maternal love of women.”

Ladies and gentlemen, the Cosmic Assembly for the Settlement of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind who, as God’s Embodiment, Proclaim the Word’ was held last year, starting in Korea and proceeding to eight nations in Europe, the United States and Nigeria. This was a tour to declare the final completion and conclusion of the history of the providence of restoration in its entirety in the lifetime of True Parents.

The path taken by the True Parents will serve as a tradition and historic example. Thus, I am proclaiming that you need to model your life course on this path, become families that pledge to inherit and fulfill the Will of God that True Parents have already accomplished, and be true to this pledge.

On April 29, 2010, in commemoration of the fiftieth anniversary of our Holy Wedding, Rev. Moon brought to a close the Era before the Coming of Heaven, which was marked by sin and indemnity, and proclaimed the Era after the Coming of Heaven, through which true love will realize a new heaven and new earth. You must bear in mind that the speaking tour he undertook at that time inaugurated the Era after the Coming of Heaven.

The details of True Parents’ life course have already been conveyed to you through Rev. Moon’s autobiography. I pray that you will all become the representatives and heirs of True Parents before the conclusion of the Cosmic Assembly for the Settlement of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind who, as God’s Embodiment, Proclaim the Word’. I also pray that you will inherit his vision, including the vision revealed in his autobiography, which is a record of True Father’s unfailing triumphs as he worked to establish his supreme victory, his achievements and the words he has given while he is still living on this earth, so you can also be triumphant in your course of life. As True Parents have done, you too need to become vertical ladders that can lead your relatives and the members of your clan to God’s kingdom. I ask that you take this proclamation of True Parents to heart and pledge to put it into practice.

Together with the declaration of the advent of the new era of women, Rev. Moon has supported this new women’s movement centered on God’s true love. The Women’s Federation for World Peace chapters around the world are carrying out diverse social education activities for the establishment of true family ethics. They have launched activities for women to practice service and sharing with neighbors and communities. Other activities focus on reforming the United Nations, helping that world body attain its Millennium Development Goals, bringing about exchanges between nations and solidarity among them, and pursuing the 1% Love Share Project for North Korea as part of the movement for the reconciliation and reunification of South and North Korea. In addition, chapters in all nations are carrying out various projects adapted to the circumstances and conditions of their respective countries.

In 1994, WFWP established one hundred sixty thousand sisterhood pairs, one hundred sixty thousand Korean women with the same number of Japanese women in thirty-eight conferences. In 1995, we commemorated the fifty years since the end of World War II with a sisterhood ceremony between American and Japanese women, giving birth to twenty thousand American-Japanese sister couples. Afterward, this ceremony was extended to women of different races in the United States. The sight of women from enemy nations embracing each other and making peace, centering on God’s true love, was truly beautiful and heartwarming.

This reconciliation tradition developed on different levels. Last year, through the Registration for God’s Kingdom and the Fatherland, one hundred seventy-two American clergymen were given Korean surnames as they formed fraternal ties with Koreans of those surnames. In short, they were registered in God’s kingdom, realizing the ideal of One Family under God. Based on such activities, members of WFWP Japan are carrying out volunteer work, building schools, and imparting teaching skills with love, devotion and dedication in difficult regions of the world, including Africa, the Middle East, Central Asia and South America. By thus transcending the barriers of race, religion and nationality, they have expanded the global foundation for WFWP.

All WFWP chapters in the world are participating in the 1% Love Share Project for North Korea, which signifies the heart of wishing to share a little of what we have. To broaden the program’s field of support, it has now been expanded to be the global 1% Love Share Project.

While carrying out such diverse activities, WFWP members have come to have a strong sense of solidarity, truly feeling that “The world is one, and humanity is one family.” Women leaders of all races from nations across the world have participated in its work and shared their experiences and wisdom in regard to the role of women in constructing a world of peace. In the process, WFWP has formed close friendships with women leaders of global prominence.

Our serious situation as Foundation Day approaches

Respected members of WFWP, throughout our lives my husband and I have established and managed a variety of international organizations and institutions to promote world peace. We have invested unreservedly in many fields, including religion, society, culture, sports, education and the media, and we are developing these organizations with the aim of promoting peace and bringing salvation to humanity.

Many people commend us and tell us that, after achieving so much, we deserve to comfortably enjoy the rest of our lives, reflecting upon our course with satisfaction amid the adulation of all people. They encourage us to put down our burdens and live our remaining life with Heaven, content with the successes achieved during a lifetime of ninety years.

However, my husband and I cannot look at the lives we have led in such a way. Why not? Because we have received the anointing of God, who is the vertical True Parent of all human beings, and we need to complete the mission of the substantial True Parents. Therefore we are leading each day of our lives with more seriousness than ever before, especially now that only a year remains until the completion of the substantial Cheon Il Guk. The ninety years of Rev. Moon’s life have been dedicated to liberate God, the True Parent of heaven and earth, to restore to Him the position of the Parent, to save all human beings who suffer in the realm of death, and to return them to God’s bosom. For this purpose Rev. Moon has persevered and triumphed over countless tribulations while driving toward the goal of global salvation, leading the lost people of the world who have been reduced to the lot of orphans ignorant of their parents.

And has not every human being inherited the false lineage due to the Fall of the first ancestors? Is not each person wandering in darkness even now, unable to break free of Satan’s bondage? Under such circumstances, how could our lives be anything less than completely desperate as we try to guide the almost seven billion people of the world along the path toward the building of God’s kingdom on earth?

Ladies and gentlemen, we are living in a time of great cosmic transition in history. It is a time for a great cosmic revolution to change history, to unite the spiritual and physical worlds and to create the ideal kingdom of heaven that God has longed for since the beginning of time. We can no longer postpone or prolong the fulfillment of His wish. Heaven has already proclaimed that January 13,2013 will be Foundation Day.

That day will be the actual beginning of God’s kingdom of Cheon Il Guk. Yet only a year remains.

Therefore it is time for all people to be humbly obedient to Heaven’s decree. The fateful time is upon us. We must invest ourselves completely with a life-or-death commitment during this final year before Foundation Day under the guidance of the True Parents, who carry out the providence on earth as the substantial representatives of God, the King of peace. All the good spirits in the spirit world are roused and are already moving forward a step ahead of you.

Beloved members of WFWP Japan, we are presently in the era of the Pacific civilization realm. The central nations of this era are Korea and Japan. The Adam nation is Korea and the Eve nation is Japan, and the archangel nations are the peripheral nations of the United States, China and Russia. Each was chosen by God.

For Japan to fulfill its mission as the Eve nation, it has to connect the new tradition of the Eve nation to the world of Korean women. This was made possible through the inauguration of WFWP. Going beyond the role of Eve nation, Japan has the providential status of the mother nation. Until now, it has played the role of daughter and the role of wife in the course of restoration through indemnity and has taken the lead to fulfill its given responsibilities and duties.

However, though Japan as the Eve nation ought to fulfill its mission in accordance with Heaven’s Will, far from doing so, it is opposing the entry of Rev. Moon into Japan and persecuting us. Though Japan is acting in such a manner, I have worked to enlighten it about the heart and the circumstances of Heaven and what God desires of Japan, with the heart of love that is one in heart and body with my husband.

Rev. Moon is putting his heart and soul into establishing Japan as the mother nation, as the providentially restored original Eve nation, bringing Japan beyond the position of the daughter to the father, beyond the position of the bride who can receive her bridegroom, and beyond the position of the wife to her husband. You need to bear in mind that this is the course of sacrifice that incorporates the boundless love and devotion of True Parents, who are trying to resurrect you and save you by breathing new life and love into you at all times. Herein lies the reason why the Japanese members have to take the lead and work even harder than WFWP members of other nations.

The eight great textbooks and teaching materials

Ladies and gentlemen! True Parents have already prepared the last words for all people. These he uttered in the course of triumphs over the life-or-death situations endured during six unjust imprisonments. He is leaving behind eight textbooks and teaching materials for humanity to use for all eternity. Altogether, these are published in almost a thousand volumes. They are The Sermons of the Rev. Sun Myung Moon, Exposition of the Divine Principle, Cheon Seong Gyeong (Heavenly Scripture), The Family Pledge, Pyeong Hwa Shin Gyeong (Peace Messages), True Families: Gateway to Heaven, Owner of Peace and Owner of Lineage, and World Scripture.

These are textbooks you will have to read and study even after you go to the spirit world. They are not just teachings that come from human intellect. Instead, they are textbooks and teaching materials that God has granted to His suffering children that teach the heavenly way for their salvation.

You now have to set up the Hoon Dok Hae study tradition in your families using these books. This is the tradition in which three generations of a family start each day by reading Heaven’s Word and then practice what they read, with a new heart.

Let us create a world in which people in both the spirit world and the earthly world can attend True Parents at the same time and read the Word on the heavenly path together every day.

When you make this a part of your life, no matter how hard Satan may try to worm his way in to infest your lineage, once he encounters the Hoon Dok Hae tradition he will find no place to stand. If a family is aligned with God as at high noon, when no shadow is cast, and still does not receive God’s blessings, then who could ever be deserving of them? When such heavenly families fill the earth, the world will naturally become the kingdom of heaven on earth and the kingdom of heaven in heaven, fulfilling the vision of “One Family under God.”

Ladies and gentlemen, the autobiography of Rev. Moon, a forthright account of his life, was published in 2009. Through this book he shares how he discovered God’s Will for humanity and the path that we, as God’s children, need to follow. His life embodies the saying, “If at first you don’t succeed, try, try and try again.” I can confidently say this book is also a textbook every bit as valuable as the Hoon Dok Hae textbooks and teaching materials I have mentioned, for it portrays a life lived adhering to absolute truth, with vivid examples, and I recommend it to you. It does not subtract from or add anything to the ninety years of Rev. Moon’s life lived in accordance with Heaven’s decree, and I once again pray you will carefully read this articulation of true love and find great inspiration from it.

I have mentioned already that a life of vertical, high noon, God-centered alignment casts no shadow. If we can all shine as we live such glowing lives, there will be no shadows cast. However, since up until now you have received far more than you have given, you have become indebted. Therefore I pray that, in order to pay off that debt, you will now wipe away the tears of people in misery and poverty and lead an illuminated life of eternal true love that dissipates darkness.

Our mission in this era

Distinguished guests, at this serious and pivotal time, a revolutionary and cosmic change must now take place in your lives. In light of this let us summarize the message Heaven is giving to us today.

First, all blessed families need to attend God at the center of their families and every day carry out Hoon Dok Hae education, which can completely unite parents and children. In other words, parents have to thoroughly teach the Divine Principle, the textbooks and teaching materials True Parents have bequeathed, True Father’s autobiography, and absolute marital fidelity taught through the Original Divine Principle.

Second, Heaven has permitted the grace of the Seonghwa for rebirth and resurrection to be bestowed on the family unit. Here a requisite condition is the complete unity between parents and children. In other words, you must establish the standard for absolute parents and absolute children and thus naturally establish an absolute family.

Third, humanity has moved out of the realm of the era of restoration through indemnity, thanks to the grace of True Parents who have suffered hardships through which they have shed blood and sweat to an unimaginable extent. Therefore do not forget the fact that during True Parents’ lifetimes we all have the responsibility to liberate families, tribes, peoples, nations and the world so that God can dwell everywhere. Now that the era of restoration through indemnity has ended, what kind of age is dawning? Only the reign of tranquility and prosperity in the victorious realm centered on God and True Parents shall be eternal.

Fourth, we are now entering the era of the realm of God’s direct dominion. Ladies and gentlemen, I have said that only a year remains until the “D-Day” proclaimed by Heaven. I beg that you inscribe in your hearts the fact that we have entered the era of the Realm of the Cosmic Sabbath in which your direct family members in the spirit world shall return to the earth to receive the Original Divine Principle education, and in which eight generations will live together in a single family.

Ladies and gentlemen, I would now like to share with you the conclusion of the efforts made by Rev. Moon, the teacher and the trainer of the physical and spiritual worlds. He worked devotedly throughout his lifetime to reach this ultimate conclusion, to conclude and complete the unification of the religious world and the earthly world, the spirit world and the physical world, and the world of Cain and Abel.

Such results could not be seen before in the course of history. We are now living at a time when God is concluding the final stages of the providence and harvesting its fruits. In Nepal at this very hour, for example, a national television station is broadcasting the Original Divine Principle lectures received from True Parents to educate the entire nation’s people. In addition, activities centered on the United Nations are now on track and gaining speed.

The Women’s Federation for World Peace, which my husband and I founded, has been recognized for initiating activities aligned with the UN’s founding purpose and goals. Thus, it is now recognized as one of the top-tier organizations among the some thirty-four hundred NGOs registered with the UN. Furthermore, WFWP has achieved outstanding results in its activities promoting women’s rights and solving problems of poverty and children’s education.

WFWP has already been honored for its work on a number of occasions. In addition, WFWP carried out activities both in Korea and abroad conforming to the UN’s Millennium Development Goals. In 2010 WFWP submitted its four-year assessment report and was re-accredited by the UN for the third time since its initial approval in 1997. I consider this a great achievement.

The path of the True Mother

Beloved WFWP Japan members, henceforth WFWP Japan needs to give impetus to the education of members centering on Rev. Moon’s thought and teaching on peace and unity. It has to nurture women leaders toward establishing true family ethics and realizing a world of peace. We can spare no effort in creating an international network of women leaders for the realization of the ideal of a world of peace, with humanity as one family.

Moreover, each of us needs to fundamentally nurture or value and train, with great care, our precious original nature, which God has given. Each and every one of our members needs to make effort to lead with feminine grace, motherly love and maternal heart. By so doing, we will plant love and peace in our families and societies. Furthermore, we must stand at the forefront in constructing a peaceful global village and do our utmost to build a world of peace, with humanity as one family.

Providentially, Japan has been given the mission of the Eve nation. That is why Japan has two very different sons: the pro-Pyongyang Federation of Resident Koreans in Japan and the pro-Seoul Korean Residents Union of Japan. Unless the two are united, Japan cannot stand as the Eve nation. Eve must embrace the pro-Pyongyang and pro-Seoul groups, which are like Cain and Abel, unite them, and then connect them as one to the Korean Peninsula.

The members of WFWP in Korea and Japan need to become one, focusing on the goal of the restoration of a unified Korea, and press forward together until the nation sought by God is restored.

Ladies and gentlemen, now the world’s progress centers on True Parents. Former historical enemies like Korea and Japan, Japan and the United States, and the United States and Russia will come to participate in inter-cultural marriage Blessings on a supranational scale to sever the fallen lineage they have inherited from Satan and to inherit the new lineage of Heaven.

The Korea-Japan Undersea Tunnel project and the Bering Strait Bridge Tunnel project, which Rev. Moon has declared before all heaven and earth and is carrying forward even as we speak, will be completed under the guidance of the liberated God with religious believers working at the forefront on a global scale. Communism, the ideology of atheism that denies the existence of God, will vanish and the world where all peoples can communicate and live in harmony as originally envisioned by God will be realized.

Though our destination is beyond the horizon, do not forget that we must begin by uniting our mind and body, centered on true love. We have to bear in mind that when our families become the settlement of eternal happiness and true love, our desired ideal nation and ideal world can be brought to fruition.

I pray that all of you will become victors who are part of this historic and providential revolution. The heavenly fortune that flows through the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind will be with you all.

God, True Parents and our neighbors and societies can love the Women’s Federation for World Peace, and you can feel authentic value and happiness in life because you are walking the path of the true mother.

Let us walk the path of the true mother.

Let us walk the path of the true wife.

Let us walk the path of the true daughter.

I pray in the name of True Parents that God’s blessings be with you, your family and your nation.

Thank you.

Opening, Inheriting and Fulfilling the Era of the Victory, Liberation and Completion of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind

Hak Ja Han
March 4, 2012
Women’s Federation for World Peace Convention
Convention Center, Daejeon, Korea

Photo date and location unknown

Photo date and location unknown

My beloved Women’s Federation for World Peace members and most honorable women leaders for peace:

First of all, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to God and Rev. Moon for the great success of this Convention to Open, Inherit and Fulfill the Era of the Victory, Liberation and Completion of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind, held today in commemoration of the twentieth anniversary of the founding of the Women’s Federation for World Peace. At the same time, I would like to convey my grateful heart to all of you.

The twenty years of WFWP

The Women’s Federation for World Peace was founded in April of 1992 as a central organization of the women’s peace movement, in accordance with the Will of Heaven, by Rev. Sun Myung Moon and me at the Seoul Olympic Stadium in Jamshil. It accompanied the declaration of the Advent of the Global Era of Women, attended by representative women from over seventy nations and one hundred and fifty thousand Korean woman leaders.

We did not intend this Federation to be a women’s organization typical of this world. It does not aim to be an external, political and combative women’s rights movement mainly targeting men, advocating expansion of women’s rights, gender equality, and working place rights. Rather, it is oriented by providence and designed to realize God’s ideal of creation. During the past twenty years, the Women’s Federation for World Peace, founded with such providential significance and guided by maternal love, has carried out various services and educational programs in all parts of the global village. These are to firmly establish families of true love that elevate women’s value. Consequently we have achieved amazing growth and development in the world.

From the early days of the Federation, I have conducted speaking tours across continents and nations to prepare the ground for the global activities of WFWP. Moreover, I mobilized all WFWP members around the world, including one thousand six hundred Japanese members who went to one hundred sixty nations as volunteers. At the founding rally of WFWP, Rev. Moon gave a founding message, the gist of which was, “Now, under True Mother who has triumphed as the historic representative of women in the world, women need to establish the model of true mother and true wife and form ideal families through the true love movement. Furthermore, women have to carry out the model of true love in a campaign of living for the sake of others in all fields of endeavor, including government, economy, culture, and social service.” Accordingly, we have carried out volunteer activities and educational programs as well as campaigns to bring about the resolution of international conflicts and reconciliation transcending the barriers of race, religion, language and nationality.

After three years of hard work, capped by an address I gave in the United Nations Headquarters, New York, in September 1993, led the United Nations Economic and Social Council to grant WFWP general consultative status, the highest recognition given nongovernmental organizations (NGOs). I am delighted to tell you that, since then, the re-evaluations held every four years, which entail a strict assessment of activities and achievements, regularly confirm our status. I believe it is clear that the UN recognizes our true value. Of the more than three thousand four hundred UN NGOs, only one hundred forty are awarded this highest status.

In particular, WFWP has carried out various local projects in all parts of the world to realize the UN’s Millennium Development Goals instituted at the beginning of the new millennium. Those projects have taken root and are bearing fruit in nations and communities. Consequently, governments are recognizing and supporting WFWP, and this is truly encouraging.

The Middle East Women Leaders Peace Council, which has been hosted every year since 1997 under my guidance, has attracted interest and participation from woman leaders of the nations in the Middle East. Now it has expanded and developed into a more concrete, wide ranging WFWP campaign. Moreover, bringing woman leaders of the Middle East to the center of activities carried out for human rights and peace, going beyond religious barriers, is a truly remarkable achievement.

Construction of a peaceful world

Each year from the year 2000, we have hosted the World Women Leaders Workshop at beautiful meeting places in different continents. Here, participants share their firsthand experience from all corners of the global village, their wisdom, and their vision for the future, including ways to proceed in healthy cooperation. Taking it a step further, the different continents and countries including Korea, the WFWP International Headquarters, Japan, the United States, the UN Secretariat, Asia, Europe, Canada, Central and South America, Africa and Oceania are developing and carrying out various projects adapted to the needs of their locale. I am proud of and grateful to them all.

Furthermore, we are actively conducting relief aid work to resolve the problems of natural calamities and poverty in various parts of the globe. In particular, under the slogan, “Let us share a little of what we have,” we are carrying out the “1% Love Share Project” to help the children and women in North Korea with good results. Moreover, through several effective enterprises, including specialized local businesses to support WFWP in their communities, we are keenly realizing that the power of women is changing societies and achieving amazing results in the creation of a peaceful world.

Above all, the Peace Leaders Invitational Divine Principle Seminar, held more than thirty times, helps woman leaders realize their divinity. It presents them with vital insights regarding the proper direction for their lives. The program has deeply moved many leaders and helped them fulfill their potential.

As can be seen, our members have maintained their determination, pioneering the path of women’s peace with quiet forbearance and an unchanging heart from the federation’s founding in Seoul to the highest level of the UN. Therefore, I would like to give a big round of applause to express my infinite gratitude and love to the woman leaders who have never failed to offer their encouragement and participation.

Beloved Women’s Federation for World Peace members and women leaders for peace!

What is the path that people must take today? Even now tens of millions of innocent lives are being lost each year to war, disease, starvation and natural disasters that arise in all parts of the world. In every field you observe, whether religion, politics, education, culture or philosophy, from the individual to the world, people are deeply mired in the swamps of self-centered egoism, isolated by impenetrable barriers. We now live on a planet brought to ruin, where genuine communication has broken down.

Ultimately, the problems afflicting humanity can only be resolved through the worldview of “One Family Under God,” in other words, a teaching based on true love, which my husband and I, the True Parents, learned from Heaven and have championed and taught throughout our lives. This is because it is the only way for people to find the path toward peace and happiness.

Korean Peninsula prepared by God

We are now living in the historic time of a great cosmic revolution that will change history, unite the spiritual and physical worlds, and create the ideal kingdom of heaven that God has longed for since the beginning of time. We can no longer postpone or prolong it. Heaven has already proclaimed that January 13, 2013 will be “Foundation Day.” That day will mark the beginning and genesis of the substantial Cheon Il Guk. That day is now less than a year away.

Therefore, it is time for all people to be humbly obedient to Heaven’s decree. The fateful moment awaits us on this day. We need to devote ourselves completely with a life or death commitment for this remaining year under the guidance of True Parents, who are carrying out the providence on earth as the substantial representatives of God, the King of peace.

Do you have any idea how much pain God suffered the moment our first ancestors fell, inherited Satan’s lineage, and disappeared into darkness? He had created them as His children, investing unreserved devotion for eons. Have you ever even thought about the long, dark tunnel of indemnification our Heavenly Parent has had to go through as He waited and endured tens of thousands of years of heartache so excruciating that His bones cried and His flesh quivered? Have you ever shed even one teardrop for our forlorn Heavenly Parent?

Ladies and gentlemen, in silence God has raised and prepared the Korean people for thousands of years. As you well know, God sent His true son Jesus Christ to earth two thousand years ago to save humankind.

The outcome, however, was truly a wretched one. The religious leaders and people of the nation, who were supposed to receive Jesus as the Messiah and follow him with absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience, instead allowed him to die on the cross, didn’t they? In the end, Jesus accomplished our spiritual salvation, cried out the words, “It is finished,” and left this world. (John 19:30) Sadly, it took two thousand years of preparation for his Second Coming to finally take place, on the Korean Peninsula.

Throughout their history, the Korean people have worshiped God as the highest and primal ancestor of their forefathers. They called that single being and progenitor of all people “the One,” meaning God, and served Him as the Lord, the Creator of night and day. This is why all creation begins from the numbers one and two. Because the Korean people have served God as their original ancestor, interdependence, mutual prosperity and universally shared values are alive in their spirit and tradition, and thus they continue to this day.

They have continued as a people for more than live thousand years of history, not once invading or plundering another nation or people. The spirit of benefiting all humanity flows in the veins of the Korean people. Furthermore, the spirit of filial piety, fidelity and loyalty, the fundamental virtues of human life, are alive and moving in the people of Korea today.

The true filial piety shown by Shim Cheong who, when she was still in the flower of youth, threw herself into the sea, enabling her blind father to regain his sight, is the standard of filial piety for the Korean people, who serve and attend their parents. The profound love and fidelity displayed by Choonhyang, who risked death rather than break the promise she had made to her husband, is the signpost for the lives of all Korean women. The unbreakable loyalty exhibited by Admiral Yi Soon-shin, who gave his life to save his nation and people despite being forsaken by his king and other leaders, is indeed the pride of the Korean noble spirit.

These treasured Korean traditional values are not just matters of historical accident. Based on them, God prepared the Korean people and laid the foundation for the providence to establish the Messiah. Thus, riding on the energy of the Korean Peninsula, the True Parents of humankind and the King of kings could finally appear after receiving the seal of Heaven.

The era of substantial Cheon Il Guk

Beloved WFWP members, my fellow woman leaders! The path that humanity needs to take now is clear. Why would you hesitate in the face of the D-Day that Heaven has revealed through True Parents? Only a year remains; Heaven’s blessings will be with you on your ambitious and busy course.

If you view the flow of history from the viewpoint of God’s providence, you can see that the changes can be broadly classified into three stages. First is the “era of worldly matters” that is, a time when materialism took precedence. Next came the “era of human affairs,” a period dominated by humanism and knowledge, with the assumption that God is an aloof Creator.

However, these eras were transitional. They were eras we needed to undergo in the process of entering the era in which people can rid themselves of their fallen nature, return to their original selves, and live as one united family under God as their Father.

The final stage is the “era of heavenly affairs.” Here, people follow the path of living for the sake of others. Each establishes an absolute standard beginning with the marriage Blessing ceremony, an internal and external purification. In other words, this is the time of opening the era of Cheon Il Guk, when we can return to the heart of the one true God. Please engrave this in your heart.

Once the era of the substantial Cheon Il Guk begins, we will establish the Association Connecting the Spiritual and Physical Worlds, the central axial position that governs all creation. To put it another way, the spiritual and physical worlds will connect and substantially unite and the providence will proceed according to heavenly law and the heavenly way.

Elections conducted in a purely secular fashion will disappear from the face of the earth. All people will become one family through cross-cultural and inter-racial marriages, and we will live in tranquility and prosperity, enjoying true love, peace and happiness.

This day is now right before our eyes.

Teaching values and building true families

All of you need to engrave True Parents’ teachings onto your bones and practice them in your lives. We have no choice. All that is left for us to do is to inherit, succeed and accomplish the blessing of the opening of the gates to the era of the victorious liberation and perfection of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind.

If we do not prepare now, we will surely be left behind. We need to learn from the courage and fortitude of the white-necked cranes that in preparation for winter fly across the Himalayas, which are more than seven thousand meters high.

I believe that, based on the public laws and principles of the universe, our WFWP members need to form sound families in accordance with the heavenly way and rightly endow their communities and nations with a special sense of mission.

However, I would like to emphasize once again that the movement we must prioritize before anything else is the true family movement, based on true love through living for the sake of others, carried out in conjunction with educating for the highest values.

Women also have to become standard-bearers of the peace movement. Included in the essential mission of this federation are various activities for the reunification of South and North Korea. Women have to play a leading role in bringing about Korea’s unification and world peace. This will come by means of education in the thought and practice of true love.

Wars and conflicts arise from selfish motives from which emerge the desire to take others’ land, possessions and the like by force. On the other hand, peace arises from investing oneself for others by giving true love. In the final stage, the “era of heavenly affairs,” in which we are to follow the path of living for the sake of others, the Cold War has ended and new hopes for peace and social justice are spreading across the entire globe at an amazing pace.

Those leaders who turn their faces away from the new realities of the world, or who refuse to see them, will be wiped away by the changes that are sweeping in like a tidal wave. I believe the time has now come for us to step forward boldly, embrace our new opportunities and model the highest values.

Beloved WFWP members and my fellow woman leaders! Women are not born just to help or to be protected by men; rather, we are interdependent individuals who, as the representative of the other half of God’s nature, are meant to make men more complete and manly. Centered on the ideal of true love, women are the precious object partners of men’s love. In terms of value, men and women are absolute equals.

Thus men and women, united through the original true love of God’s ideal, are created to become completely equal in terms of value. Based on true love, they are to share the right of equal participation, the right to the same rank and the right of mutual ownership of their possessions. Therefore, men and women do not need to confront or contend with each other, imitate the characteristics, dispositions or roles of the other, or covet them and try to take them by force. Instead, we are to unite as a larger whole, sharing ourselves one with another, by giving to the other what we have, with true love, and thereby completing each other.

Now is the moment to rise to the next level

In the twenty-first century, women, together with men, have to play a major role in world events by serving as the wheels of progress advancing the construction of a peaceful world. Going beyond the century of power and technology, women will be the central axis in building the century of love and a culture of peace, with our role more important than ever before.

Even though the world of today is filled with confusion and chaos, the women’s peace movement of this federation, united under God’s vision of true love, will soar up to a whole new level based on our achievements of the past twenty years. We need to strengthen our network with global woman leaders for the expansion of the worldwide women’s peace movement and dedicate ourselves with the conviction that we can purify this world into a beautiful haven of peace wherein God’s ideal of creation is realized. If we can do so, God’s absolute authority and the divine protection and great blessings of the spiritual world will be with us.

Let us all walk the path of the true mother, true wife, true daughter and true woman leader, who can construct a united world overflowing with true freedom, peace and happiness.

Thank you for listening attentively, and may God’s blessings be with you and your families in all of your endeavors.

Thank you.