Sunday, March 4, 2012 (2.12 by the heavenly calendar)
True Parents (Father and Mother) hosted an event on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the founding of Women’s Federation for World Peace (WFWP) in the Daejeon Convention Center in Daejeon, Korea. Hyung Jin Nim and Kook Jin Nim attended True Parents at this event where over 3,500 people participated.
During the event, True Father said, “All of reality taking place now will pass away eventually. Today's strong nations will pass away; religions that thrive today will pass away; and Rev. Moon will pass away. The essence of the bond that connects to God, however, will not pass away. So we must hang on to this essence as we go."
Korean quote: 지금일어나는 세계의 실상은 모두 언젠가는 지나갑니다. 지금 강한 나라들도 융성하는 종교도 문선명선생도 갑니다. 하지만 우리가 하나님으로부터 인연된 그 골자는 지나가지않습니다. 그렇기에 그것을 붙잡고 가야합니다 -여성연합대회중 참아버님 말씀 중에서-
During the event, True Mother said, “The Women’s Federation for World Peace did not start off as an ordinary sort of women’s organization. It is not an extroverted, political or militant movement founded to recover women’s rights, one of the sorts of movements that mainly speaks to men about feminism, gender equality or women’s labor rights. [My husband and I] founded it in September, 1993, with the providential purpose of realizing the world of God’s ideal of creation.” (Korean quote was in Segye Times article)
Official event title: 천지인참부모 승리해방완성시대개문 계승성취대회 = Convention to Fulfill, Open the Gate and Inherit the Era of Victory, Liberation and Completion of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind
Monday, March 5, 2012 (2.13 by the heavenly calendar)
True Mother departed for Tokyo after the early morning hoondokhwe gathering together with Kook Jin Nim’s family, Yeon Ah Nim (Hyo Jin Nim’s wife), Hoon Mo Nim (Ms. Hyo Nam Kim) and Dr. Lan Young Moon (international president of WFWP). A luncheon was held at the Tokyo-Akasaka Hotel, True Mother gave the keynote address at an event titled, “The 20th Anniversary of the Founding of the Women’s Federation for World Peace Japan.” Her speech was titled, “The Role of Women in the Age after the Coming of Heaven and the Mission of the Women’s Federation.”
During her speech, True Mother said, “I would like to return the glory to God and the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind, who have worked in the background so that WFWP could develop and grow on a global level. I would also like to deeply thank all the members of WFWP who are active throughout the world, especially the Japanese members who have worked so hard.”
She also explained, “Now is the time of the Pacific civilization. It is a time in which the central nations are Korea and Japan. Korea is the Adam Nation and Japan is the Eve Nation… WFWP Japan should accelerate its efforts to more actively educate its members centering on the thought and ideology of peace and unification, as taught by the Rev. Sun Myung Moon. Publicly, WFWP Japan must educate about true family morality and raise women leaders who will prepare for the realization of a peaceful world. Moreover, WFWP Japan must invest its strength unreservedly in creating an international network of women leaders for the sake of realizing the ideal of a peaceful world in which all humankind is as one family. Moreover, WFWP members should each make efforts to become spiritually fragrant women leaders with maternal love and a maternal nature by cherishing and developing their precious original nature and value endowed by God.” At the end of her address, True Mother said strongly, “Let’s go the path of a true mother, the path of a true wife and the path of a true daughter.”
Tongil Foundation reported, “On Monday (March 5, 2012), True Mother began a visit to Japan by addressing a luncheon commemorating the 20th anniversary of the founding of the Women's Federation for World Peace. The event was attended by some 900 people, including 500 in the main venue and another 400 in a separate room in the same hotel connected by closed-circuit television. Mother was accompanied by several members of the True Family, including Kook Jin Nim and Ji Yea Nim, Sun Jin Nim and In Sup Nim, and Shin Sook Nim.
Tuesday, March 6, 2012 (2.14 by the heavenly calendar)
True Mother hosted hoondokhwe for over 350 members in the capital region, and was accompanied by Kook Jin Nim’s family, Sun Jin Nim’s family and Yeon Ah Nim (Hyo Jin Nim’s wife).
She said, “We have hope. Right? As Mrs. [Lan Young] Moon said, this is an age in which you can harvest the fruit [of your work]. Therefore, everyday, in a position of oneness with True Father, you need to gather a lot of results through the Word of God. Do not leave what you know within yourself. If you do not fulfill your responsibility to bring the people next to you, your tribe, your race, your nation and your world – all the people in the world – to stand as True Parents’ children during True Parents’ time on the earth, you will have no hope in the future. How should we live now? Depending on how hard you work every day, to bring one person or two people per day, heaven will have everything prepared for you. I want you to go out in person and meet people and make much effort. Will you make the determination to do so? You have to make the effort with the determination to witness to one person per day. There is not much time left anymore. There is less than a year left until D-day. How are we going to restore all 6.5 billion people on earth by then? Please make much effort, with the intention of starting with restoring Japan, the nation you are living in, with the faith that it can be accomplished, with determination and with courage.”
During hoondokhwe, Mrs. Kuboki, the president of WFWP Japan, reported that ambassadors from 19 nations, 22 Diet members (13 current), and 225 new VIP contacts attended the WFWP event on the previous day.
At 11 a.m., True Mother spoke to a crowd of 5,000 leaders and members from the capital region, in a Universal Peace Federation (UPF) event dedicated to “hope for peace and security in the world and in Japan.” During the event, faith leaders of Shintoism, Christianity and Buddhism offered prayers, and there was a reading of True Father’s prayer on March 7, 1976. Kook Jin Nim spoke about building a strong Japan and strong Korea. (Within the past year, there have been over 100 national security events organized by Kook Jin Nim in Japan with the theme of “Strong Japan and Strong Korea.”)
At 2 p.m., True Mother hosted the capital region event to “proclaim the Era of the Victory, Liberation and Completion of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind.” She gave the keynote address, titled, “The Cheon Il Guk Foundation Day and Our Hope (The Role of Women in the Age after the Coming of Heaven and the Mission of Women’s Federation).”
During her speech, True Mother said, “Japan should have fulfilled its mission according to heaven’s will as the Eve Nation. However, instead of doing so, Japan opposed Rev. Moon’s entry and is persecuting his activities. Even so, I have been awakening Japan, with my heart of love for my husband and my oneness with him in mind and body; awakening Japan to the heart and situation of Heaven and to what Heaven desires of Japan. Your True Parent is devoting himself to set up Japan as the Mother Nation that can fulfill its mission as the Eve Nation, in other words the nation that stands as the restored Proper Eve Nation, which goes beyond the position of a daughter to a father, the position of a bride that can welcome a groom, and the position of a wife to her husband. You should meditate on the True Parent’s sacrificial course to always breathe in new life and love and thus resurrect you as people with new life. The True Parent’s limitless love and devotion is embedded in his course to save you.”
True Mother also stated, “The only way to live is to move as best as we can. True Father is always thinking about the providence, planning and going out to look for more things to do for God. He is on the frontline and is does no less than a young person could. True Father even now always says, ‘I will live busily.’ He is doing his best. True Parents love you and are putting great expectations on Japan’s role. I want this to be an opportunity for you to become even more united with True Parents in heart.”
After her speech, True Mother gave historical gifts on behalf of the True Parents to representative leaders: color photos from the time of True Parents’ holy wedding with this year’s motto imprinted.
True Father watched True Mother speak live from the Cheon Jeong Gung (Palace of Heavenly Righteousness)
On her way to the airport, True Mother spoke with True Father on the phone: True Father said to True Mother, “I pray that God will be with you so that a flower garden will come into bloom where the True Mother goes.” True Mother responded, “I am going together with Father.”
Wednesday, March 7, 2012 (2.15 by the heavenly calendar)
True Mother hosted hoondokhwe in Hiroshima for members from the 10th and 11th church regions. About 380 members attended. Sun Jin Nim’s family and Yeon Ah Nim accompanied True Mother. During hoondokhwe, it was reported that 10,000 members watched the previous day’s event through internet broadcast in their local churches, due to lack of space in the main venue.
During the hoondokhwe, True Mother said, “When I departed for Japan, True Father told me to take his wallet with him. I have it here and all the ID cards are still in it. So Father is here with us.”
She added, “God selects one person who knows His Will and intends to give that person His blessings. However, before He can bless that person, there is always a large ordeal that person must go through. Yet, if that person can overcome the ordeal, even descendants will receive much blessing. Japan has the mission of Eve. You could call it a ‘golden egg.’ Japan must give birth to a golden egg. God wants Japan to accomplish the mission of the Mother Nation by having the heart of creating heaven and earth, the heart that can deliver everything intends to do during this time. It is not easy to give birth to new life. You may all give birth to a great person through witnessing. Witnessing is our hope and our joy. We are not just here on earth. True Father has said that Blessed Families need to give the Blessing to 210 generations of their ancestors. You can open the way for your nation by liberating your ancestors from their mistakes. They can repent for their pasts and return to the earth to help. They will open the way for their nation to stand in front of God. Their liberation and Blessing will give you strength. They will become your cheerleaders. They are keener than you about God’s providence.”
After True Mother had given her message, she asked Sun Jin Nim’s family to sing a song. Sun Jin Nim gave encouragement to the Japanese members while shedding tears. Yeon Ah Nim also sang, and at the end True Mother led everyone in singing Saranghae Tangshineul. She said, in a loud voice, “Let’s make this a day of victory!” and the hoondokhwe concluded.
At 12:30 p.m., True Mother hosted an event at the Grand Hall of the Hiroshima Cultural Exchange Hall to “proclaim the Era of the Victory, Liberation and Completion of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind.” Over 3,200 church members from the 10th (Shikoku) and 11th (Chūgoku region, includes Hiroshima) church regions gathered to hear True Mother speak. At 2:25 p.m., True Mother gave the keynote address, titled, “The Cheon Il Guk Foundation Day and Our Hope (The Role of Women in the Age After the Coming of Heaven and the Mission of Women’s Federation).”
Thursday, March 8, 2012 (2.16 by the heavenly calendar)
True Mother held hoondokhwe in Fukuoka. It was the twelfth time True Mother ever visited that area and represented a time to give encouragement to members in the southern region of Japan, according to a report by Sung Il Cho, one of the officers of the Unification Church World Mission Headquarters. Again, Sun Jin Nim’s family and Yeon Ah Nim accompanied True Mother. A selection from “True Parents,” the second book of Cheon Seong Gyeong, was read.
During hoondokhwe, one member testified about a spiritual experience at hoondokhwe the previous day, “During the early-morning HDH, as soon as I set my eyes on True Mother sitting on her chair, I saw True Father sitting next to her and tears welled up in my eyes. I closed my eyes and looked down. When I raised my eyes to look at True Mother again, I saw True Father sitting next to her. This happened three times in a row.”
One sister testified, “Up until now, my husband and children did not want to come to church, but my husband attended True Mother’s event yesterday for the first time. He spiritually saw True Mother surrounded in something like an aurora and said, ‘I truly think they are the True Parents of all humankind. I now understand why my wife was so devoted to the church.’ He said that he would now make sure that the children attend church.”
True Mother left Fukuoka in order to host an event for members in Kyushu. She spoke at the Grandmesse in Kumamoto to “proclaim the Era of the Victory, Liberation and Completion of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind.” Around 3,700 members of our church gathered to hear her speak. True Mother delivered the same message that she gave in other cities, The “Cheon Il Guk Foundation Day and Our Hope,” which is based on True Fathers address at the cosmic assemblies to proclaim the words of God’s substantial body that has settled as the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind.
During her address, True Mother said, “Jochongnyeon (the pro-Pyeongyang federation of Korean residents in Japan) and the (pro-Seoul) Federation of Korean Residents in Japan are like Cain and Abel. The two organizations must become one and Eve must embrace the two. That tradition must then be connected to the Korean peninsula. You can make it happen, right?” Later, she added, “True Father loves you!”
After the event, there was an offering to True Mother of 2,000 paper cranes, which had been folded up by two men who received a revelation to “fold cranes for the sake of world peace and the salvation of all people.” When they had almost completed the task, they received the revelation to offer the cranes to True Parents. These two men were not members and they had never heard the Divine Principle. True Mother told them, “Heaven has guided you up until now to meet me. However, you need to fulfill your own portion of responsibility to complete the revelation that you received. In our church, we consider the Blessing to be very important. Please start by studying the Divine Principle. Study the Divine Principle and then receive the Blessing.”
True Father watched the Kumamoto event live together with Yeosu workshop participants at the Geomun Island.
True Father talked with True Mother on the phone. Mother said that it was raining in Kumamoto. She said, “Father, I love you. I know it is late to eat lunch but please enjoy your meal.” Father answered, “I don’t know whether lunch has been prepared or not,” even though staff have told him many times already that lunch was ready (Father wanted Mother to know that he cared more about her and her tour than he cared about eating and taking care of his own needs)
Friday, March 9, 2012 (2.17 by the heavenly calendar)
Over 700 members from the ninth region of the Japanese church attended hoondokhwe hosted by True Mother in Kyoto. Sun Jin Nim’s family, Yeon Ah Nim and Ji Ye Nim (Kook Jin Nim’s wife) accompanied True Mother.
During hoondokhwe, there was a testimony by one Japanese sister who had given out seven thousand copies of True Father’s autobiography. She testified that she had a strong determination to testify to and speak out about True Parents even as she went through all sorts of ordeals. She reported to True Mother that she has resolved to speak out about True Parents and to love True Parents until she runs out of strength.
After the testimony, True Mother asked Ji Ye Nim to report about the launch of the Citizen’s Association for a Strong Korea, which True Father hosted in Seoul the day before. Ji Ye Nim gave a twenty-minute brief yet lively report of the event at the 63 Building in Seoul. The Little Angels performed at the event, Kook Jin Nim spoke, and Hyung Jin Nim introduced Father. Father started his speech saying, “This is not the Republic of Korea. It is God’s Homeland!” During the event, when Dr. Bo Hi Pak was about to lead the three cheers of Okmanse, Father told him to lead everyone in the “song of the Second Advent.” He led the singing of the Song of the Garden.
To conclude hoondokhwe, True Mother asked Yeon Ah Nim and Ji Ye Nim to sing “The Young Lady from Ulsan” (the song is featured here). Sun Jin Nim’s family gave gifts of Hawaii Queen Coffee (Kona coffee) to the church leaders and sang a song that Hyo Jin Nim sang often. Finally, True Mother asked everyone to rise and join her in singing Saranghae Tangshineul.
True Mother spoke in Kyoto, a city in the Kansai region, at the Westin Miyako Hotel to a crowd of 3,200 church members. The name of the event and the speech given by True Mother were identical to those in previous venues.
True Father watched the Kyoto event live. Later in the day, the Yeosu workshops participants prepared to return to Japan and took a photo with True Father. (thus, they are not featured in later Yeosu photos).
Saturday, March 10, 2012 (2.18 by the heavenly calendar)
True Mother hosted hoondokhwe in Nagoya. Sun Jin Nim’s family, Yeon Ah Nim and Ji Ye Nim accompanied True Mother. Around 500 members were there to receive True Mother.
True Mother spoke in Nagoya (part of the Aichi prefecture) to over 4,300 church members. At one point during the speech, while testifying to God and True Father, True Mother could not keep her tears in. She commented, “In Nagoya, I feel that I have come to my hometown.”
True Father watched the event.
True Father on the phone with True Mother after she completed her address in Nagoya: "Mother, you were great today. Everyone here with me now makes their living speaking, and they were amazed at how well you matched the tone of your voice to the audience." Mother responded: "Daddy (Appa), I love you.")
Sunday, March 11, 2012 (2.19 by the heavenly calendar)
True Mother hosted hoondokhwe in Hokkaido for a group of 750 members from the 1st (Hokkaido) and 2nd (Northeast) church regions. Sun Jin Nim’s family, Yeon Ah Nim, Hoon Sook Nim (Heung Jin Nim’s wife), Ji Ye Nim and Shin Sook Nim accompanied True Mother.
True Mother spoke in Sapporo (in Hokkaido) to 3,200 church members.
During her speech, True Mother said, “We are in the position where we must realize God’s dream so we are fortunate people. Please say this with me, ‘We are fortunate people.’
After True Mother completed her speech at Sapporo (in Hokkaido), the final stop of her tour of Japan, True Father said to True Mother on the phone, "Japanese members, be well! Live well! Fight well!" and offered a prayer for Japan. May the Unification Church in Japan blossom with True Parents' faith, love and hope!
일본대회를 마치시고 박수를 치시면 참아버님께서는 원고를 덮으시며 '잘있거라! 잘살아라! 잘 싸워라!' 하시며 일본을 위해 나지막히 기도말씀을 하셨습니다. 일본통일교회 참부모님의 신앙사랑희망으로 활짝펴라. 홧팅!!
A finale banquet was hosted for True Mother in Hokkaido. Sun Jin Nim’s family, Yeon Ah Nim, Hoon Sook Nim and Ji Ye Nim were there to congratulate her. Over 300 leaders also participated.
During the report prayer, representing all of Japan’s women church leaders, Sato Taeko from the Aomori church district prayed, “True Mother came to Japan and gave us hope, courage, strength and heavenly fortune. She made a place to allow us a new beginning; a beginning of our lives where we offer the greatest results of our entire lives.”
Rev. Yeong Seop Song, the continental director of Japan, gave a farewell address for True Mother. He and Kentaro Kajikuri, the national leader of the Japanese church, offered a victory trophy to True Mother for the national tour, and to the True Family representatives who accompanied True Mother.
Monday, March 12, 2012 (2.20 by the heavenly calendar)
True Mother returned from Japan. According to In Sup Nim, True Father was so pleased with the tour in Japan that he went to greet True Mother in person at Incheon Airport rather than wait for her to arrive in Cheong Pyeong.
Tuesday, March 13, 2012 (2.21 by the heavenly calendar)
A victory celebration was held for True Mother at the Cheon Jeong Gung museum.
During the victory celebration, Rev. Song reported to True Parents, “It was amazing for me how wonderful Sun Jin Nim was to keep encouraging Mother. I would say Sun Jin Nim was the MVP this time, and I have learned lots from her.”
During the victory celebration, True Mother reported to True Father, “I keenly felt this time that our devotion towards Heaven always remains. (Holding back her tears) The faith of the Japanese members is so beautiful. There are so many difficulties internally and externally in Japan but when I see the members firmly holding their faith and doing the best they can on the front line, (holding back her tears) I want to do what I can for them. I wish I could have done more for them."