Hak Ja Han
July 20, 2016
True Parents' Special Conference to Select the Key Strategic Nations for Vision 2020
Cheon Jeong Gung
Earlier, Thomas Walsh said that he hoped I would still be beautiful after four years, in 2020. Why four years? I will continue to be beautiful for forty years. [Dr. Walsh's expectation of forty more years' of True Mother's beauty was somehow lost in the translation into Korean.]
In order to do that, I must take care of my health. When you bring me news of your victories, I want to embrace you and say to heaven, Thank you. You have waited for so long.
Yet, you have said, until the day you die, you will bring me victories. Let today be a day you can make that firm resolve. That is why I expressed my heart of wanting to boast and compliment you on your hard work.
Preserve our planet
We must once again establish the environment that Heavenly Parent hoped for in the beginning. Today, humans are causing many environmental problems all over the world.
The Earth is diseased. That is why, through the nations selected based on their foundation for victory, I will protect a healthy Planet Earth and create a natural environment that will provide true nutrients for the health of future human beings.
Nutrition's importance
In order to survive, we must consume the necessary nutrients. We must eat to live. The food we eat should be derived from crops that have been cultivated in the cleanest and healthiest manner. So far, people in food-related businesses in the world have raised prices for the sake of their own profit, rather than from their being motivated to maintain the health of human beings.
For example, if you inject something weird into soda, raise the price and then make money, doing that has an effect on people who consume that drink. They seem not to have considered this. They think solely of their own interests. We must enlighten all of these people.
That is why, especially on the restored lands of Africa, we can protect the health of all human beings through scientific and ideal methods of planting crops or raising cattle on their vast lands. In order to establish one human family under True Parents -- a healthy human family -- we must develop nations prepared to do this both internally and externally. You must do this while True Parents are on earth. Do you understand?
The same goes for Asia and South America. South America has plenty of land. Of course, I have known this for a long time; we raised cattle on our land in South America. Nevertheless, they say that bovine flatulence, gas from cattle, causes extreme pollution. In that case, we should not only raise cattle on South America's vast land but plant such things as medicinal herbs or wholesome vegetables or fruit trees for the sake of our health. We can then move toward protecting the health of the people on earth.
Absolute values and brainy people
Father began conferences for scientists in 1972 for this reason. Circumstances were difficult back then, but he invited the top scientists in the world -- some of whom had received the Nobel Prize -- and taught them about the need for absolute values in science. He educated scientists on what they should do for human peace. Then, in 1985, he challenged Dr. Kaplan, the chairman of the science conferences, and told him to proclaim that communism would collapse. At this time, Father was in Danbury prison in the United States.
Dr. Kaplan was a professor specializing in East–West political relations, so he knew a lot about communism. To say something that he is not confident in is not easy for a professor of such prestige, so he asked Father if it was acceptable for him to add the word "maybe." But Father said, No, do as I say.
As a result, at the Intercontinental Hotel in Geneva, Switzerland, next to the Soviet Embassy, he proclaimed that communism would end. Proclaiming that was tantamount to risking his life. What happened afterward? Communism fell and the professor is still alive. Hence, a few years ago, I instructed someone to take care of that professor. To True Parents, whether it was a big or a small thing does not matter; he was someone who furthered the providence.
You need to be aware of that. Do you understand?
The world depends on you Whatever I have decided and have told you will surely come true. The problem is you. In this respect, as long as I am on earth, I will directly help you. The same applies to everyone else. We must be victorious while I am on earth. When you are a true filial, loyal son or daughter, you will receive blessings.
Do you realize what I am talking about? It is a blessing for you. Whether you receive this blessing and form a noble family is up to you. Do you understand? Centering on True Parents, we represent Heavenly Parent's, True Parents' and all of humanity hopes' for success. Waiting and hoping are 7.3 billion people. The people of the world must come to an awareness of how you are attending True Parents and that we are renewing and developing the providential history.
The regions with selected nations must do their best to ensure that the nations fulfill their responsibilities. At first, I said at least seven. That all twenty-one nations succeed would be nice but thirteen nations achieving victory would also be nice. I have increased the number, but I will not decrease it. I hope that everyone here will give their best effort.
If I were to add one more thing… When you look at the Christian providence, at one point in history, Britain had expanded her territory overseas to the point that people said the sun never sets on the British Empire. I am not sure what their starting motivation was, but as a result, the fact is that they spread Christianity all over the world. However, they did not realize the internal heart of heaven when it came to God's only begotten son Jesus Christ.
On the cross, Jesus died saying that he would return. However, Christians have received salvation viewing the cross as redemption. God is omnipotent. He is an absolute being. Would he have suffered for four thousand years in order to send his only begotten son to the cross as a means of salvation? Does that make any sense?
Catholicism honors Mary, who did not fulfill her responsibilities, as the Holy Mother. She is a woman who cannot be called a Holy Mother. She did not understand God's will in giving life to Jesus. She did not understand why Jesus had to come to earth.
She is a woman who greatly hurt God. It is wrong that two thousand years of Christian culture has seen the Catholic Church centered on Mary and for so long centered in Britain. For Protestants, the Bible used to only be read in Hebrew, but once it was translated into English, the general population was exposed to it. The Bible itself contains many metaphors and symbols, but it has no focus. Jesus said he would return and have the marriage supper of the Lamb.
Hierarchical support
Under those circumstances, in the providential history through the new True Parents, we must complete the past duties Britain left unfulfilled. I established a second-generation member as the national leader in the headquarters in England. The first-generation members around the world who attended True Parents have now aged. A gap exists between them and those in the second generation, who must take responsibility for the coming generation. However, I demanded that a second-generation member be assigned. As you know, I had assigned a second-generation leader in Korea. The president of FFWPUEngland, you need to know, even a twenty-one-year course [to national restoration] is good, but England must fulfill its responsibility while True Mother is still alive. You still have much to learn in those areas. Do you understand? Jack Corley, you are the regional president and must mostly help the FFWPUEngland president and must move forward with full strength for the national restoration of England. A similarity we have with the Catholic Church is in the way they have bishops and above them Cardinals. Jack Corley, as the president above the presidents, you must educate them and help fill in their deficiencies, doing your best for the national restoration of England.
Do you understand? That does not mean you should not take responsibility over the region. Fulfill your responsibilities. In your activities in England, focus on the good relationships we have created with ambassadors for peace. When Father held the ICUS gatherings of scientists, many doctorate holders and scholars from England participated. Work with them through UPF. You must not let those people just pass by. You have to open the path, so the providence can bear fruit. Do you understand?
England is important. Right now with the situation in the world being what it is, each nation only thinks of its own profit. This is causing many obstacles on the path to creating one world. In that way, England must stand up. The same is true of Germany. Jun-seok An is in Germany as are two special emissaries. Europe must not wilt like a flower; you must revive it. I am saying that Europe must not fall behind Asia and Africa.
Members in the strongest nation invested in their country, but it does not make sense that there was no result. Do you understand? [Yes] Everyone else should answer too. Do you understand? [Yes] We must become one.
Restore the Earth as God created it
I am doing activities to find the 7.3 billion children of the world through the church but you must create the environment in which we can save the Earth and protect the health of humankind. Now we will work with a "brains" once again through the Segye Times and we will continue educating humankind.
I will have you continue to report on how you were able to achieve good results from educating the nations and the world.
An example is the Kona coffee farm in Hawaii. At one time, bugs were causing a lot of damage in the coffee fields. I told one person, You should not use harmful pesticides.
You roast the whole bean, so using pesticides is not good. I asked the person to research ways to get rid of the bugs naturally and he found something. There is a way to send a signal to the bugs so they run away as if saying, I do not like it here.
I had heard that that was possible, which is why we humans must work harder to restore the polluted oceans and land tainted through some farming practices to their original states when God created them. I am saying that I will show the world scientific solutions that came from my brain. Do you think this is something good, or not?
1. Thomas Walsh, a Supreme Council member and president of the Universal Peace Federation
2. Seog-byeong Kim, head of the Mission Foundation
3. Sung-il Cho, director-general of the FFWPU International Headquarters
Continual assessment
"Chanting repeatedly in a cow's ear" is a Korean proverb about ignorant people, but we have to repeat things over and over until the day we come to a realization. That is why through giving these presentations of your results, we can see a hopeful future in which all human beings can live healthy lives. I want to show through science that we can achieve one human family under our Heavenly Parent, which is what both God and humankind desire.
The conclusion is this, you all are happy because I am here. Right? What must happy people do? We must be filial children in relation to our parents. We must be loyal subjects in front of our nation of Cheon Il Guk. Do you understand?
I will guide you on that path. That is why, especially on this occasion, I have prepared Il Hwa products that the world acknowledges and which you should use strategically in your countries for your most eminent contacts and the people who will work together with you. If you get the Ginseng products, the world recognize them. We have solved the problem of how to absorb 100 percent of the ginseng when we eat it.
You need to explain that. You must listen, too and learn why this is so precious. I have another holy item for all of you–not just the seven nations, who are running with the heart of life or death toward the victory of 2020. I saw socks among Father's keepsakes. That is why I want to give you socks. I am only giving Father's socks to you here. Aren't these precious? The Ilhwa CEO will explain about the Ilhwa products.