Hak Ja Han
October 1, 2014
Hoon Dok Hae
Cheon Jeong Peace Museum, Korea
Hak Ja Han - October 1, 2014
October is usually referred to as the month of liberation and the month of harvest. Have you been working hard on your harvest? Anyone of you can say that you follow the way of God's will, but that does not mean you are preparing for the future. What are your dreams? Most of you here today are probably in your late fifties. The young people attending from the outreach revival group; please stand up. For everyone else who is seated, though you have lived for more than fifty years, there is no guarantee that you will live for another fifty years. With this in mind, consider: what were your dreams and when will they come true? A person who is late in years and has not been able to establish a successor cannot achieve their dream, because they have no one to carry that dream forward.
Hak Ja Han - October 1, 2014
Among Korean Unificationists, there are many age gaps. I have been looking for leaders that can ignite a new youth movement; sadly, I can't find anyone. There is much you still need to work on. As parents, you need to open the way for your children by emulating True Parents. You were determined to love and respect True Parents throughout their lives, but were you also determined to achieve their dreams? This vision must not end with your generation; instead you need to strengthen the foundation and environment that will enable this dream to be continued, developed and realized. A person with a dream is young, even at the age of seventy. No matter how young you may be, if you do not have any dream, there is not much guiding your life.
Hak Ja Han - October 1, 2014
You have repeatedly heard that the physical world is where we prepare for life in the spirit world, the eternal world. What did the Hoon Dok Hae we just studied say about the physical world? It said that this is where we prepare to harvest grain for the other world -- grain that is ripe, intact and uneaten by bugs! Only when that grain is stored in the heavenly warehouse can our Heavenly Parent connect with you with love. Our lives here on earth are a short moment. From now on, put your faith in practice and act to fulfill that dream. Cheon Il Guk, God's Heavenly Kingdom, is the substantiation of that dream.
When I am able to sit a while and watch the grains in the field blow in the wind, like golden waves on the land, many memories and thoughts come to mind. I wonder whether farmers in Korea are happy now that the harvest season has arrived, but I learn that, on the contrary, they have more worries. Our farmers in Korea are struggling with the issue of rice importation to Korea. All nations must be able to live well. Because of this problems surrounding the importation of rice, many places may suffer disadvantages during the distribution process of what little rice comes in. Such things happen because there is no true owner in this country or the world. You need to look to True Parents' example. A single word from True Parents should be able to put everything in order, but because this isn't the situation, people keep fighting and disputing issues. When you observe that, what do you feel?
Can I hold on to this dream of hope and have hope in you? I ask the young people in particular to develop dreams through which your courage saves the nation and the world. What matters is to begin. You are truly blessed people. Even if everyone has received the same amount of blessings, the people who develop those blessings well and expand the good environment through that become noble people, don't they? Those who fail to do s, do not. If you are wise people, what do you need to do? You received the Holy Marriage Blessing in True Parents' name and now have children and grandchildren. In light of that, how will your future descendants -- hundreds or thousands of years from now -- assess you?
Heaven is alive. I receive reports from the special emissaries I deployed to each region of the world almost every day. No matter what the environment, once a seed was planted, it grew. It bore fruit. This is amazing. I received a report from the special emissary to the Middle East. One cannot freely speak about God in the Middle East due to the current environment. Unificationist families there, however, have settled and preserved their families with a standard of absolute faith and absolute obedience to God's Will in such remote areas and are making the effort to find ways to bring people back into a relationship with God. According to the special emissary, he is greatly moved by these hard-working Unificationists and tours the Middle East with a heart of gratitude. Motivated by the word alone, these families are determined to work hard throughout their lives and all around the country. You, however, live in a different environment. Here, you are receiving a lot of support. Among the Unificationist families in the Middle East, there is one Unificationist who is making all kinds of effort to realize the dream of Cheon Il Guk despite the severely constricted environment. When asked how much support he needed to continue his work, he replied he needed only $500.
Hak Ja Han - October 1, 2014
There is much more we can do. Those following the way of God's Will from a very comfortable position can do so much more. In order to do that, you need to reach out to others continuously about our faith. If you do not reach out and just keep receiving grace without bringing growth, you -- who are just like any other dedicated Unificationist -- will be in debt. I felt sorry for not paying much attention to those who have been working hard until now. That is why I appointed special emissaries to report their stories back to me. I plan to give them a lot of support. In order to do that, Korean Unificationists need to engage in a lot of outreach activities and become a central nation that can send many missionaries around the world. Isn't that correct? Korea needs to become the source nation. However, it has not been able to do that yet, has it?
Hak Ja Han - October 1, 2014
In light of this, I am greatly interested in the Collegiate Association for the Research of Principles (CARP), the youth movements around the world, as well as all providential organizations. Isn't our goal to build Cheon Il Guk? We need to become devoted children and patriots that bring forth many Cheon Il Guk citizens. Isn't this how you can save your family and community and liberate humankind? While I am on earth, you need to let all seven billion people know of True Parents' emergence. They are in a very pitiable position without knowing about True Parents, so you need have that sense of responsibility. If you have not been able to guide your children to this standard, reach out to them and guide them to it.
The season of harvest is a good season for outreach. Please print the slogan, "We are brothers and sisters who realize the dream" on vests or jackets and ask the members of the outreach revival group to wear them. Then many people will wonder what the dream is when they see it. So please make it look nice. We are in an era different than those of the past. We need to be ahead when it comes to outreach methods, and you need to start in gratitude and joy. Isn't reaching out and bringing one life a joyful thing? The world is gradually collapsing. Isn't the fertility rate in Korea the lowest? Our young people must reach out about our faith and change people's mindset, especially about the importance of having and raising a family. True Parents -- the path we are following and our vision alone -- can save the world. Only True Parents can save this country, bring unity between the two Koreas and bring together Asia and the world. The hope for this is great. It is just as True Father said: "isn't God giving us results equal to our efforts?"
Please guide the revival group well. They are restarting our outreach efforts with fresh determination. Please pray that they succeed so that our young people awaken and the church revives. When this happens, the whole church will live. This is our joy. Not so long ago, Rev. Yo Han Lee celebrated his ninety-ninth birthday, didn't he? Is he still very strong, isn't he? I sincerely hope that you all live as long as he does living a life spent expanding environment of goodness throughout the world.