Hak Ja Han
January 7, 2014
Cheon Hwa Gung
Las Vegas, Nevada
January 7, 2014 - Cheon Hwa Gung, Las Vegas, Nevada
I hope you have all been doing fine. Are those here today members of the church in Las Vegas? The number of members has increased a lot. Are you new members or members who have moved here? How many people are here today -- about fifty to sixty members? [Yes, around fifty.] That's many.
Do you all remember the yearly motto I gave you during New Year's Day of the Gregorian calendar? Please tell me what it is. Have you made the determination to become true owners? This is not about something you resolve to do in the future, but something you must become. When we look at today's world, we cannot say it is one of peace and joy. We find problems within the individual, society and nation. This is not the ideal world our Creator, the Heavenly Parent, originally created. The damage brought about by the Fall not only affected mankind but also the creation. For instance, the United States is a democratic nation that represents free nations. Yet, it is unaware of God's providence. Even though it is a central Christian nation that has been waiting for the Returning Lord, it is pouring all its energy into developing weapons and waging wars that bring about destruction to humans and the natural world, when it should be looking for the Messiah instead.
Isaiah 2:4 mentions that a world of peace will come when swords are beaten into plowshares. I am saying that we should all get rid of killing weapons and return to nature. We must return to the days when God made his creation. Do you understand? Imagine if everything that is being made to reinforce the immense military power - - including weapons, planes, and other equipment -- were used instead for the process of being reborn into true people through the actions of the original mind or conscience. What do you think would happen?
First of all, you have met the True Parents, who are what humanity and God have hoped for. Through True Parents, you are standing in a blessed position. You are blessed families; however, that does not mean you know everything about God's providence and about True Parents. You must continue to learn. In order to get rid of the bad and false habits that have been ingrained over the past six-thousand-year history, as mentioned in the Bible, you must learn. From Heaven's point of view, blessed families cannot be regarded as being perfect or complete.
In light of that, how long would Heaven wait for the seven billion people on earth? You should be able to expand your surroundings and there is only one method -- you must witness.
Human beings are like orphans without knowledge of True Parents. You must let them know about True Parents. Only by expanding the environment through which people can come to understand True Parents can Heaven and humanity's hope of realizing the ideal world -- the kingdom of God on earth -- be fulfilled. You are not that young anymore. You have met True Parents and have established blessed families that True Parents have educated. Hence, you carry some responsibilities. One gains the term "owner" through one's own efforts. People do not just call you an owner and serve you. Do you understand?
Please ensure that you are in the position of having fulfilled God's will before you die, because only by doing do so can you be called a true devoted son or daughter. Let us say you have set up the position of a true child. Responsibilities will follow the setting up of that position.
How much have you contributed to God's providence during your lifetime? How much have you loved others and restored them to the non-fallen people and creation God originally formed? It is true that you are now in a position where you can fulfill this precious responsibility.
I work on too many things because I am one of the True Parents. I have the significant responsibilities of harvesting the fruit of the blood, sweat and tears that True Parents have shed for the restoration of the world and of setting it up on a strong foundation.
It is true that Heaven made many preparations around the world for the providence. However, the providence depends on blessed families to yield results. In other words, if blessed families were in a position where they had fulfilled their responsibilities, this could happen at a faster rate. However, because you have not been in such positions, True Parents had to unfold God's will in all details themselves. There were many such cases in the providence. Therefore, what I am trying to do is to distinguish them and carry out the responsibility that must be set upon on the rock.
For instance, let's take the Seongnam Ilhwa Chunma, the soccer team. No prominent soccer team existed in Korea in the days when this team began its existence. The Ilhwa Chunma soccer team can be seen as having played a key role in the development of soccer in Korea. Furthermore, the Chunma Ilhwa soccer team greatly contributed to the hosting of the 1988 Olympics in Korea. Our soccer team received seven stars. They were champions seven times in twenty-five years. Now, we have big conglomerates like Samsung and Hyundai that own many soccer teams. However, because the soccer team requires a huge amount of money to cover its operations every year, I gave the Chunma Ilhwa soccer team to the city of Seongnam. The reason I am saying this is… The soccer team could have been preserved, but I did it for you. To spur the worldwide missionary work, I decided to halt outside activities. Do you understand?
To be able to find one more life as quickly as possible and to bless you, I stopped such outside activities. As of now, I am investing everything in the development of the church through the Holy Spirit and the truth.
Witnessing is being conducted actively within the Asian region in countries such as Korea, Japan, the Philippines, Thailand, Nepal and other nations. However, the United States is the problem in the West. You must wake up. I did not plan to come to Las Vegas, but I had reasons that made it necessary. Wongu, which was founded by Father…. Which Wongu was that? Wongu University of Oriental Medicine... I cannot help investing a tremendous amount of money into Wongu University of Oriental Medicine; hence, you must conduct activities with a serious heart of responsibility. Taking into consideration not only the health of the people in the United States but also that of people around the world, the Wongu Oriental school must be developed according to the reforms Father has carried out. Since I have to invest here what I had planned to invest in missions worldwide, I had to come to Las Vegas.
Who is the president of Wongu University? Tony, I will free you from your responsibility as the senior pastor here. I want you to focus on your tasks as the president and be responsible, including for the development of the school and for the establishment of good relationships with the federal government and state government. Raise this school into a strong one. We also need to promote the school. Please do what you are good at, using either the internet or other means in that direction, to recruit many students and develop the school.
I have provided you with all the support I can give you. From now on, you are responsible for it. Please do everything you can with a sense of ownership to ensure that this school is on a firm foundation. Please become one with the teachers and do not expect that anyone will help you again.
God's creation started from nothing. However, I have provided you with the right environment and conditions to be able to do what you have to do; hence, not developing the school is inexcusable. Do you understand Dr. Guerra? [Yes, Mother] Please work with the determination of developing the school at the risk of your life.
Do so with the heart that you are witnessing to the students. The pastor of Las Vegas is Rev. Doo… Su-yeon Doo, Rev. Ken Doo, you are responsible from now on. Please unite with Kwon Jin nim. Do you understand? [Yes]
What was the name of your university? [UNLV] I heard it has many students. You and your wife must witness on campus. Do you understand? [Yes] We must raise young leaders.
The American Family Church is old now. It must become younger.
I said that you should become noble families. Do you know what a noble family is?
Father set up the "top guns" in America and educated them; however, these top guns have no second-generation that took after them; in other words, the noble family line has been cut off. They could not set up their second generation. They did not fulfill their responsibility in setting up the second- and third-generations. We must come to our senses from now on. Do you understand?
I set up a second-generation leader as the president of FFWPU Korea this time. Before doing that, I conducted a top-gun workshop in which forty leaders partook. I initially planned to make it into a forty-day workshop, but because there was not much time, it ended up being a twenty-one day workshop. I chose him from among these forty participants.
During the twenty-one-day workshop, they completed reading Cheon Seong Gyeong once. I asked all members to finish reading Cheon Seong Gyeong before the New Year, but because the English Cheon Seong Gyeong has not been completed, you have not been able to do that. I feel this condition will be completed fully probably before the second anniversary of Foundation Day. Korea and Japan are already doing this condition; unfortunately, you are always one-step late.
That is why you must come to your senses. When Father told you all to study Korean, why did you just sleep and play? If you go to the spiritual world without knowing Father's language, do you think you can become one in heart with Father? Do you understand?
From now on, the Las Vegas Family Church should also become young. I went on a tour of Japan too while conducting the top-gun workshop with the forty leaders. After everything was concluded, those top-gun participants each wrote a reflection on the workshop. I read every single one of them. They touched my heart; I felt that if they moved forward with such determination and became one, they would have such power that no one would be able to stop them wherever they go. They were even capable of persuading peace ambassadors to go through a two-day workshop in Chung Pyung. But what is more important is that they have changed. This is how much a person's determination and actions can change the person. That is why America too…. Rev. Doo, you must strongly move forward. I asked that the top-gun participants' reflections be translated into English and have brought it with me. Please read it every day. Please invest everything in fostering second- and thirdgeneration members into leaders. They are our future.
Do you know that I am raising many talented people through the Wonmo Pyeongae Foundation? Did you hear the news that some of the UPA students are traversing America?
Those children…. They are on America's east coast, experiencing the traces of the blood and sweat that Father shed there over a long time. Their experiences have moved them. They are now on their way to the west coast.
The children of all of your blessed families should be such second-generation members. Only by having such second-generation members can we see the traces of our lives. Do you understand?
Please make suitable determinations and resolutions. From now on, we must put everything into practice and must become productive. I am saying that without results, there is no value to our existence. Aju.