True Parents' Special Gathering for European STF

Cheon Jeong Gung, 27. May 2017


I chose those myself. [Mother presented all the STF members with a new T-shirt]. I picked them out, thinking of you, feeling as if I were meeting grandchildren who live far away. Did I do well?

How old are you all (What is your age group?)? You are 17 to 23 years old? That's how old you are? Around 20? You all must have many dreams! What dreams? Shall I speak to you about Heaven's providence and Europe seen through the viewpoint of human civilization, about your responsibility?

After the first ancestors fell, God had to go through such a painful course of blood and tears. In order to realize the purpose of creation he had planned at the time of creation, God and the first ancestors of humankind had to become one. However, the first ancestors could not fulfill their responsibility and became separated from God. As a result, God had no choice but to go a difficult course... How difficult this must have been! You are around 17 or 20 years old. In His search to establish the purpose of creation and the first ancestors, it took God the long period of four thousand years to send His only begotten son, Jesus Christ. Four thousand years... The course of restoration through indemnity to right what has gone wrong was that difficult. However, the people who should have made an environment for Jesus such as Mary, Zachariah's family, figures in Judaism, and the Israelites could not fulfill their responsibility. Christianity today believes that they are saved because Jesus died on the cross. How can they think something so ignorant? Do you think God would spend the long period of four thousand years to send his only son, just to send him to die on a cross? This makes no sense. Jesus was all alone so Mary should not have lived a married life of her own. There are several stories of Jesus and Mary in the Bible. Simply put, Mary gave birth to Jesus without knowing the providence. She did not know Jesus' true essence. She did not know why she gave birth to Jesus. The only conclusion we can come to is that she did not know if you look at her actions... At that time, Mary and the surrounding central figures should have cooperated with Jesus.

When you look into God’s creation, God created man and woman. Looking into the fact that God had sent a man meant that a woman must also come. If they had found her and Jesus had become the True Parent then, a unified world through the Roman Empire would have been realized. The Roman Empire was a strong empire and it was said that "all roads lead to Rome." If the people of Israel had united with Jesus, it would have happened in this way without a problem. Heaven led the Israelites for the long period of four thousand years, and at the point in time when there was a national foundation for Jesus to stand on, and that nation could become one nation centered on God, that was the time that God sent Jesus.

No matter how strong the Roman Empire was, they would have had a weak point. An environment in which they had no choice but to accept Jesus, would have emerged. After conducting the providence of restoration through indemnity for the long period of four thousand years, God, the Creator, worked hard to once more realize that dream. However, the central figures could not fulfill their responsibility. Jesus therefore had no foundation on which to stand. Without a foundation it was impossible for Jesus to do his mission alone. That was why he had no choice but to go the way of the cross and said "I will return." He said he would return. He clearly said that when he returned he would hold the marriage supper of the lamb... That means the 2,000-year Christian providence had to prepare for the birth of the only daughter of God. Hence, Christianity's beginning did not begin with Jesus. Isn't that so? After Jesus went the way of the cross, Christianity begins from Mark’s attic room through the resurrection of the Holy Spirit. Christianity was persecuted and only after the passing of three hundred difficult years was it recognized by Rome. From there, Christianity spread through Europe and reaches Britain.

The people of Israel, who caused Jesus to die on the cross, had to pay indemnity. They were [then] no longer the chosen people. They lived as a people without a nation for two thousand years. In WWII, 6 million people were massacred. Why did that happen? It was for the sin of causing the death of the one who was to become the True Parent of humankind. Yet, it is true that the people of Israel, who failed to fulfill this great responsibility, have still not realized this truth. This is because they do not know Heaven's providence.

In the animal world, snakes in particular have to go through the pain of shedding their skin many times in order to grow. It is the same with the human world. We must make efforts because we live in a fallen world. That is why, today, not only Christianity but all four of the great religions emerged as well as indigenous faiths in many nations. Those religions prove we live in a world gone wrong. However, among these religions, Christianity is the one religion that knows God the most. Why? This is because Christianity teaches that God, the Creator, and people have a parent-child relationship. They explained it in a parent and child relationship. That is the only son of God, Jesus Christ. God called him "my son." That is why Christianity is one level higher. Yet, they do not know its center, true essence, and providence! They do not know this. However, it was the Christian cultural realm that had to prepare for the birth of the only daughter of God, who had to be found and who had to come again.

If we look back in history to the 16th Century, only members of the clergy interacted with the Bible. And they educated the believers. However, it is true many problems arose from the man-made systems coming from the minds of human beings. Communism, which believes that God does not exist, arose from the Christian cultural realm. It was for similar reasons in the 16th Century that King James had the Bible translated from Greek to English, bringing about the emergence of a new religious movement. This was because the Roman Catholic Church made many mistakes. It was a movement to attend God in your own family and your own tribe. That is why people left Europe to go to a new continent. The puritans had just one goal. They wanted to attend God in their family as they liked. That is why when they landed on the American Continent; the first thing they did was build a church. Next they built a school. They built their own houses after that. Heaven guided this movement. It was the providence to create an environment for the True Parents who would come again. Up until that time, the decisions of one ruler and the system of a single monarch resulted in the whole being harmed. In order to prevent the creation of an environment in which the returning True Parents would receive unfair treatment and not be able to realize God's dream, Heaven created democracy. That place is, today, the United States.

Europe did not know such central contents and a representative nation in Europe then was Great Britain. Island nations, geopolitically speaking, have a longing for peninsulas and continents. That is why the Oceanic Era was opened. The Atlantic Civilization realm! That is why as Britain reached across the world, its empire was said to be one on which the sun never sets. It was blessed by Heaven.

In the end, however, they did not know the providence, and did not know Jesus' true essence. It says in the Bible, "Love your neighbor as yourself" and spoke of love. They began with a heart of love but in the end they took things from other civilizations. To put it bluntly, they stole things. If you look at what is on display in the British Museum, the exhibits were brought from all nations of the world. You said someone is here from England? This is the reality of history, isn’t it?

The Atlantic Civilization could not develop any longer, therefore. It reached its limits. At the end, an industrial revolution arose and the western world became a representative of the materialistic civilization. There too, Heaven should have been at the center. They should have attended God as the center and aligned all their thoughts with Him, but for a while because of the industrial revolution, materialistic abundance unfolded. A great deal of pollution resulted from that, however, and the situation today is very serious. The research and developments of scientists should have been used for good, but they were unable to use it so. As a result, there are very dangerous materials. This was not God's creation. The world of all things God created, the world He created for humankind must be a sustainable one. Sadly, this world of all things, the earth, is being damaged by man-made inventions. This is the result created by the nations that represent the materialistic civilization such as Europe and the United States, the big nations. Isn't that so?

During the long period of two thousand years, Heaven could no longer relate to the people of Israel because they had not fulfilled their responsibility and still had indemnity to pay. Heaven had no choice but to select a new people to give birth to the only daughter of God. Those people are the people of Korea. All religions in the world, Buddhism or Confucianism, can say that they roughly began around 2,500 years ago; that was about the time the Korean people were chosen. Since then they have been raised as the chosen people. That is why the only daughter of God must be born through the Christian foundation.

It has not been long since Christianity came to this nation. In the process, especially centered around Pyongyang, spirit-led movements were rising. The spirit and the truth. Christians believed, when Jesus said he would return, that he would return on the clouds. Everyone... However, these spiritual groups were waiting for the returning Messiah to come in the flesh. The Messiah returning in the flesh had to meet the only daughter of God. I am saying that the only daughter of God was born in 1943!

This nation was liberated in 1945. It was harassed a lot because it was a good nation, where the people revered Heaven and disliked war. Korea was ruled by Japan before being liberated. In 1945 as this nation became liberated, it became divided between democratic and communist thinking. As God quietly watched, democracy in the south had to be thoroughly prepared to confront communism. But they were unable to do so.

I was born in Anju in South Pyeong-an Province, which was in the North. God could not allow the only daughter of God born after six thousand years to die before I had grown up. However, my parents believed God's providence would be realized centered in Pyongyang. Therefore, even though Korea was divided, they did not consider going South. At that time, my maternal uncle had been studying in Waseda. He did not return to his hometown but instead we received a telegram that he had joined the military in the South. So the women in the family only, my grandmother, my mother, and I travelled to the south. At that time the 38th parallel border had already been drawn. The Korean war began two years later. Heaven's providence is profound like this.

Yet at that time, Father was in the south but Heaven told him to go to the north. What you must know is that central figures, those with responsibility, must fulfill their responsibilities in order to receive Heaven's blessings. Long ago, Adam and Eve should have fulfilled their responsibility and received Heaven's blessing. They were unable to go through that process. That was the Fall. Then the ones who must take up that responsibility again have to go through that process. It is the growth process.

Jesus was born as the only son of God but could not fulfill his responsibility. The environment overtook him and he had to die. Therefore, the responsibility that he could not fulfill must be fulfilled. That is why Father was pushed to the brink of death. Because I was still young and had to grow under heaven's realm of protection… Do you understand? This is the absolute truth. Father had to survive death and find the Word of Truth. That was also his responsibility. After he found the truth, he had to also find and meet the only daughter of God. In human history, the only son of God was found after 4,000 years. The only daughter of God found after 6,000 years is I. Do you understand? Special Emissary Moon Lan Young? [Yes!] That is why this nation must fulfill its responsibility.

Think about this. Korea had not been known to the world. Yet, during the Korean War, how could the UN nations be mobilized? Furthermore, with the Soviet Union in the picture [on the UN Security Council], it should have been impossible. Heaven could not just stand back and watch, however. This was because it was the nation that gave birth to the True Parents who would realize His ultimate dream.

Yesterday we celebrated the 63rd anniversary of the foundation of this association. From a human perspective, after 60 years there is not much time left [in one’s life]. However, this nation, True Parents’ nation, cannot become a nation that does not fulfill its responsibility. Right? I have said that this nation is God's homeland. God's homeland!

Everything in this universe, everything on this planet Earth that has had to wait for six thousand years, was created by God and belongs to Him. Yet, everything was taken away by Satan due to the mistake committed by humans. Through True Parents, Korea must become God’s homeland and fulfill the responsibility of embracing all peoples in the world in the bosom of Heaven.

The Korean Church is now 63 years old, and I too am not young. We need to expand worldwide based on a national foundation while True Parents are still alive. Given that we should have already accomplished this, we cannot honestly say that the elder members have fulfilled their responsibility during the last 63 years. That is why, now that 2020 is just three years away, I am spurring you on with the words, “Let us fulfill our responsibility”. The time has come when the impossible is now possible, depending on what you do. At present, the European continent is deeply asleep, is it not? It is, when compared to Asia and Africa, which are being newly revived even as we speak. You need to wake up from this long sleep. Europe must be resurrected through you, who are gathered here today! Do you understand? That is why I decided to meet you. Now that you know this historical truth, I am going to give you an opportunity to indemnify everything, including the fact that Europe hasn’t been able to fulfill its responsibility before Heaven until now, that it failed to rightly guide the realm of Christian civilization, and that it did not accept the returning Messiah one hundred percent but instead persecuted him. Is that clear?

You come from a different root. You were born of the Blessing bestowed by True Parents, weren’t you? Therefore, you are different from the others of your generation in the world. You need to grow up well, knowing about the truth of history and this providence. Then you need to present yourselves before the world. You need to become a beacon. Do you understand? That is why I am working hard and making all efforts to create this environment to present to the world, as you have already heard through reports. Isn’t that true? As it is said, “A picture is worth a thousand words,” and they are people who only believe what they see. So, we need to show them. There is no other way to resolve all the dismal problems taking place in today’s world, such as religious disputes and political, ideological or racial conflicts, and to bring everyone together. There is no other way to unite all peoples as one. The only way is to know about True Parents, who are the true owners. You are armed with the weapon that is True Parents, aren’t you? You have nothing to be afraid of. You need to boldly speak of them. We receive education to become people who have grown up well. We attend grade school, middle school, high school, university, graduate school, and attain a doctor’s degree. Only when one goes through such a process do other people look upon them and say, “Oh, how excellent! Oh, that’s a leader!” The same is true of human history. Judaism? It needs to move forward and accept Jesus. Christianity? It needs to accept True Parents. Only then can people also achieve perfection.

Fortunately for you, you stand in a position where you can make up your minds to help Parents to your utmost best, in any way possible, when True Parents are still on earth, right? They are the True Parents of humanity. My heart, my love will go wherever your actions lead! Is that clear? Therefore, with the United States as the elder nation centered on Korea and Japan, the era of the Pacific Civilization Realm should be opened and then the revolution of the culture of heart, which is true love, must arise across the world. Through this cultural revolution, the 7.4 billion world population must be restored as quickly as possible. True Parents and Heavenly Parent are yearning to embrace them all. Do you understand? In so doing, Japan’s responsibility is very important.

Two thousand years ago, Mary failed to fulfill her responsibility. She should have helped Jesus until he reached the position of True Parents. Through the works of the Holy Spirit, she should have guided all humanity and the people of Israel to the presence of Jesus. Mary was the one entrusted with this responsibility. She failed to fulfill this responsibility, and yet today’s Catholics uphold her as the Holy Mother. For the past 2,000 years, Jesus was been hung on church walls, nailed to the cross…. This is contradicting. On the other hand, Dae Mo Nim, who gave birth to the only Daughter of God, performed the works of the Holy Spirit for True Parents, and she was victorious. She fulfilled her responsibility. And thus, she made the Cheongpyeong works possible. Do you understand?

I don’t know if you already know this, but I have announced my intention to build Cheon Bo Won. Cheon Bo Won is the report card of all Blessed families and leaders who live in the same time period as True Parents. Your ancestors have been liberated and Blessed through you. If you fulfill your responsibility and unite as one with True Parents in the present, I will have your names engraved at a place where your descendants can praise and esteem you in the future. You need to realize what an honor that is, and what great love is being bestowed on you by the Heavenly Parent and True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind. Do you understand? However, for this to come to pass, you need to first lead lives that will ensure such a position for you. You need to fulfill your responsibility and translate your words into action. It is not something that you can attain just by sitting still. Is that clear? That is why you should not leave the people who do not know of True Parents as they are. You need to inform them. This is hopeful news for the world’s humanity. True Parents! Human beings, who are like orphans, have parents after all. Their parent is the Heavenly Parent! How hopeful is this news? Isn’t it? We need to tell them about it. That is why I am asking you, your parents to fulfill the responsibility of tribal messiahs, to achieve national restoration. Is that clear? If your parents are not thinking along these lines, you need to teach them. You need to educate them. Do you understand? While True Parents are still alive, there should be one family under God, God’s dream, humanity’s wish, a center. It must be realized while I am still here. Do you understand? Do you resolve to do so?.!
