Hak Ja Han
June 14, 2014
Hoon Dok Hae after returning to Korea from Switzerland
Photo date and location unknown
It's good to see you all after about twenty days. Did you miss me? Rev. Lu just said that "True Mother is becoming younger, but we are sorry that we remain so old." That is why I developed a new way to help you maintain your health. Later, you will see a video that will show you what I have been doing. You should all learn what I have been doing through the video presentation and through Rev. Yong-cheon Song's report.
Chambumo Gyeong is at the very center of what I was trying to resolve. How can I describe Chambumo Gyeong? I came to the conclusion that I had to completely renew and reinforce what I had laid out in my mind. If Adam and Eve had not fallen, the True Parents would have emerged at that time centered on God. There was something that the omniscient and omnipotent God had to achieve. Yet, this did not come to pass because of humankind's mistake. I am sure you all know of this historical course through the Bible and through the word.
True Parents are what Heaven and humankind have desired and hoped for to this day. Of course, that Pyeong Hwa Gyeong and Cheon Seong Gyeong were formed centered on the word is important. However, the source is True Parents. Heaven endeavored throughout the years to restore fallen humankind. God carried out the providence of restoration through indemnity using the Israelites for four thousand years and restored a lineage untainted by the Fall. The birth of Jesus Christ, God's only-begotten son, achieved that. Would Heaven have only created his only-begotten son? God also created his only-begotten daughter.
With the birth of God's only-begotten son, providential history should have been fulfilled with God's onlybegotten daughter. However, this was not fulfilled. That is why, before his death, Jesus Christ promised to return. The foundation of God's only-begotten son remained intact. In light of that, what was the point of Heaven's providential history, Christianity's two-thousand-year providential history? Christianity was the religion that restored the bride. You must understand this. Through Jesus Christ, two thousand years ago, Heaven's providence led to the emergence of the True Parents and the formation of a national foundation. Through Rome, God cleared the path for this national foundation to expand to the world.
This time, I had the chance to see many famous mountains along the Alpine Range. I learned that historical missionaries had ventured to neighboring nations through the Alps. Didn't True Father speak about how the five nations were connected centered on the Alps? I saw with my own eyes the historic facts and evidence of those who paved the mission path beyond these mountains. Think about this. It is summer now, but snow still covers the summit. I was told that the Catholic Church had designated pilgrimage courses that pilgrims would traverse. What True Father had said came to my mind as I walked through those mountains. Didn't he deliver a speech about the Mongolian birthmark? I saw what the Mongolians, with complete devotion, had erected in those mountains. What do you think they prayed to Heaven for?
Recently, the situation in Korea has been very chaotic because of the Saewol Ferry sinking and the political landscape being in disarray. That is why I quietly departed Korea. I had also just sent out the special emissaries. I wanted to give them a chance to do something. I did not want to complicate things, so I left quietly. It was something of a 007 operation among my attendants. The queen's special emissaries were loyal. You should applaud.
I discussed many things with True Father. I promised that when I returned to Korea I would commence the compilation of Chambumo Gyeong and conclude it. The emergence of True Parents is Heavenly Parent's hope and humankind's hope. The True Parents did not pop up one day out of nowhere. You have to understand your history. You have to be aware of providential history, understand it theologically and be able to explain it. Chambumo Gyeong is a holy scripture that is perfect and faultless for humankind today. You cannot go to the spirit world without studying and reading Chambumo Gyeong. Among the three Holy Scriptures, Chambumo Gyeong is the most important. It is the source. I will take some time in contemplating how I will arrange, compile and put the finishing touches on this scripture. I will make it into a complete and perfect gem. Do you understand? I intend to make this scripture one that will transform those who encounter and read it, so that they revere Heaven, love True Parents and love humankind, and so that they receive strength to accelerate the manifestation of God's ideal for creation.
When you watched this video, didn't it mention that the ice on the Alps was formed millions of years ago? I entered and looked through underground ice caves that had formed in this way. In 2010, it was more than ten-stories thick, but due to the ignorance of human beings and the damage they had caused, and perhaps because I was fatigued, it seemed as if I had to walk down twenty flights of stairs then. I remember that it was up thicker in 2010. Yet, four years later, it had melted. We were witnessing with our eyes what the scientists had predicted. The human population continues to increase, while the ocean surface continues to expand. If this happens, where can we live? It is a very serious issue. It pains my heart when I see these things.
If we had truly created that environment and foundation during True Father's lifetime, we wouldn't have to be worrying about these things. However, the earth is deteriorating each day and with the passing of each year. When you think about this and the future of the second and third generation of our beloved blessed families, what do you think we should do? The only way is to let people know about the True Parents. You have to make them realize that True Parents' wish is their wish and humanity's wish. That is the only way. Do you understand? It is a serious matter. I called Sun Moon University professors and other people today. After this session, I will tell them more concretely about this issue and have them move in that direction.
I was briefed every day about what you were doing. There are so many places and environments throughout the world that await our caress. When we think about this, you must realize that it is not just about you; rather, you must raise many children to be your successors and that can carry on, as you have, to the next generation. I ask that you make effort in obtaining the best results by drawing from your wisdom and all aspects of your careers.
In conclusion, as God's homeland, and as True Parents' land, which is humankind's origin, this nation must stand tall in the world. Doing well in politics will not achieve that. Becoming a rich nation where companies make a lot of money will not cause that to happen. This nation, the homeland, must become the root of peoples' heart and the root of their original minds. We must create a nation people want to visit. That is why I believe Korea should systematically develop a plan for tourism. It should not randomly promote tourism but develop tourism while looking decades ahead. We must do this. We should make Korea a place that the people of the world can come to, view its beauty, and meet and be educated by True Parents, who are the center of heart.
Isn't Switzerland the premier nation in the world when it comes to tourism today? The Swiss did their best, despite their poor surroundings, to become what it is today. It was through prophetlike people that Switzerland looked to the future and began to develop (for example) a train that went vertically up to the tip of a mountain, or installed a cable car. I saw the power and the fruit of the efforts of human beings that surpass our imagination. Compared to Switzerland, Korea does not have many tall mountains. Yet, Korea does have many mountains. The temperature is gradually rising due to global warming. Yet, how wonderful would it be if we could cultivate our surroundings, for example, the mountains visible around Cheon Jeong Gung! While gazing from Cheon Jeong Gung, True Father said, "Place a cable car on that mountain; make a coffee shop on that mountain." Looking to the future, True Father showed us the way for Korea to survive in the world. Do you understand?
That is why you should do your best in witnessing and harvest the people that are prepared by Heaven. I believe there are many talented people through whom we can pioneer the future and build a beautiful future homeland. That is why I sincerely ask you to become good guides that can cultivate Korea, God's homeland, into a beautiful and flawless nation.