Julian Gray
December 15, 2017
Special Cheon Il Guk Leaders Meeting for the sake of "Heavenly Korea" Hosted by the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind
[These notes based on Mother's words are only partial and greatly summarized, and therefore may contain inaccuracies, so they should not be depended on; please refer to the more official translation to come. Moreover, changes in structure and personnel will be announced by official memo.]
Today, Friday December 15, some 300 church leaders and officials from around Korea gathered with their wives at Cheon Jeong Gung at True Mother's invitation. The main program began with Hoon Dok Hae, read by Wonju McDevitt. Following this, two presentations brought the church leaders up to date with international issues related with our movement.
Mr. Sung-il Cho, now doing a special public relations mission based in Japan, began with a very clear explanation of the declarations Father had made – many during the final years of his life – that clarified that Father and Mother were one in front of God, and had fulfilled the True Parents' final responsibilities in front of Heaven. He explained that those who deny Mother's victory with True Father are misunderstanding both what True Parents' accomplished, including giving the Blessing to save many people, but also what Father himself had achieved and clearly declared. Mr. Cho re-emphasized the work and sincere conditions True Parents (True Mother on earth) have been carrying out in order to fulfill the earthly providence.
Dr. Young-ho Yoon, Secretary-general of the International Headquarters then took the podium and took time to explain to the assembled church leaders the scope and breadth of the providence developing around the world under True Parents' leadership. He included mention of the founding of the International Association of Parliamentarians for Peace, the development of other initiatives such as the revival of ICUS. Dr. Yoon paid special attention to the interfaith work that brings religious leaders together around family values, and how that work has been bearing fruit in particular in Africa in recent months. He spoke about the preparations currently underway for the summit meeting in Senegal next month.
After a short break, True Mother entered the hall and spoke for almost 40 minutes. In her speech, Mother mentioned the Japanese church's dedicated effort that resulted in two successful rallies, bringing ten thousand people together, both in regions where the church membership was a much lower number. She wanted to know whether leaders in Korea were also confident to also hold such rallies. Mother expressed that God had discovered and chosen the Korean race, and that the Korean people have gone through serious trials. "Heaven blessed this nation," she said. "True Parents were born here and through the new lineage many blessed families were created." Even so, she continued, despite the efforts of many who went out, including national messiahs, we have not yet been able to establish the heavenly environment.
Mother indicated that the structure of the Korean church could be improved, and that leaders needed to be confident to be able to restore the nation, even by 2020. Mother expressed concern for the world's enormous population of 7.5 billion souls, and the burden that we could face if we cannot reach out to them and accomplish our responsibility. While emphasizing the centrality of the church leadership position, and that we must go forward in the spirit and the truth, Mother emphasized the importance of Chung Pyung and the course to bless our ancestors. Mother asked the leaders to gather their determination, emphasizing that leaders must not lead simply with words but must invest their whole life.
Mother then made some significant changes to the structure and leadership of the Family Federation in Korea.
After Mother's speech, the leaders moved to a separate room for lunch. There, six among the newly assigned leaders came out to the front one by one with their wives; each gave a short speech expressing his determination and then sang together with his wife. The program concluded with entertainment (featuring, most notably, the finely harmonized voices of Apple Heaven) and with Korea CARP leader Moon Sang-pil leading everyone in three cheers of Eok-Mansei.