August 30, 2015
Cheongshim Peace World Center
Transcription by: Airenae Culvy
My first rough notes taken live from ( follow:
The Third Universal Seonghwa Memorial of Sun Myung Moon, the True Parent of Heaven, Earth and Humankind
Broadcasting: Live broadcast will begin from 8:00 am (Korea time)
Third Anniversary Seonghwa
8:30 commemorative performance
Main Event 9:30 am with True Parents
Second Part a musical prepared by the Japanese Headquarters
After the end of the first part the World Summit Luncheon will be held in Cheon Seong Gung
After musical is finished stage will be re-arranged
The last Seonghwa song will be offered all together and all will be able to offer tributes in order of the floor you are on. First the first floor, second floor and then third floor
Second Floor lobby, until now True Parents life achievement are there. Please go and watch the exhibition and hope you can feel True Parents' Lives...
Those from World Summit have radios... There will be Japanese 88.6 E 88.9 Spanish 89.9 Fr 990.1 and Russian
Mike test
Thank you for waking up early in the morning to come here. As you know this is the Third Anniversary and is a time when we commemorate Father's Life.
We will now prepare for the events
Holy song music in prelude
Korea and around the world, I sincerely welcome you. Today, Blessed families from 192 countries are also participating via webcast and I also thank them. Recently True Mother spoke about morning conditions, and the three -- year period had to offer. Shim-il in Korea is a time when children offer their filial piety to Parents. Let us look back at the meaning and TMs Heart that devotedly offered these morning conditions.
Now we will give the 2015 Top Gun team... hosted based on True Parents special instruction Aug 7 to 27 and the young people from all the regions participated. During it they offered conditions with a heart yearning for True Parents... Here is 'The Father's Dwelling Place' and 'You Raise Me Up'...
We could feel the passionate heart of our young, future leaders... It was indeed a wonderful performance...
The Global Top Gun Team is a training course that True Mother Herself supervises to train future leaders of our Church... Please give more applause as they will be taking charge of our future.
Next is choir members from all five oceans and six continents is the Sun Hak Choir.... They include some of True Parents favorite songs: Red Dragon Fly, Arirong and Amazing Grace
A tape of True Parents singing the Red Dragon Fly song verse first...
They have the faces of all the choir members framed in the screen above...
Members across the world practiced these songs and made devotions for this day...
Soon we will begin the main event MC's by the Co-Executive Chairman, Kyeong Seuk Lu of FFWP Korea
Today is the Third Anniversary Seunghwa and I sincerely thank you for coming in your longing for True Father even amidst your busy schedules... and to make a fresh leap for the Unification Church to start anew... We are also looking back on True Father's entire life and how He practice true love and achieved the great peace achievements... Today the 20,000 people that have gathered here, I ask you to become one in heart and inherit Father's noble life. Today, not only you but members from 194 countries are participating in live webcast and please give a big round of applause to those families...
If you look at the stage, everyone, you can see True Father's portrait on the screen and if you look at bit down, you can see flowers in full bloom and the significance of this stage is actually quite deep. In carving True Father's Words in our hearts and centering on Cheon Seong Gyeong, if you look in the middles, there are long white flowers and this is a way heading toward Cheon Seong Gyeong and on the sides flowers flowing like water which symbolized all of humanity and the only way that humanity can go to Cheon Seong Gyeong. This represents and conveys True Parents Teaching and Entire Life... Please give applause to those that prepared this stage...
Thank you. Today on this Third Seonghwa of Sun Myung Moon Memorial we offer gratitude to True Father as True Parents and dedicating His entire Life as a Peace-Loving Global Citizen. As peace-loving people who have gathered here today, let's give again a big round of applause to our True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind.
Today, let us take after True Father's Life and from that Central Life let us all make determination to take after His Life and be like Him. We have all been given the great honor, the grace and love of our Heavenly Parent of Humankind... such love is a great Blessing and a lamp that will never go out. Big round of applause to True Parents who are at the Center of such providence...
Soon, the main event will begin. First of all the Memorial Ceremony and then the Performance of FFWP of Japan for the person who loved Japan more than anybody else. Through the first part let us all prepare with reverence. This musical focuses on how True Parents conducted The Providence in Japan.
Main Program
Distinguished leaders from abroad and many Unification Church Blessed families have joined us please everyone rise from you seats, stand from your seats...
The True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind is entering... Please everyone welcome her with big applause...
First True Mother offers a floral bouquet to True Father... with a deep heart of reverence
True Parents will now take a seat
At this time, let us all pay our respects to True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind and take your seats again
Today, we have now begun an historic Ceremony which both the spiritual and physical are participating in, The Third Seonghwa Ceremony Memorial with big round of applause by everyone...
(Cranes flying and big waterfalls in the background and sowing inside of Cheon Seong Gung and beyond with mountains and True Parents waving together...)
Now the Cheon Il Guk National Anthem sung together by everyone standing... Mother sings also while standing...
(True Family and a sunrise in the big background video... Sun Jin Nim and In Sup Nim appear with Mother in that video, photos of True Father praising, loving holding up True Mother...)
FFWPU Vice Chairman Ju Seuk An [was Young Shik An] who will be praying on behalf of all Blessed families...
Beloved Heavenly Parents, victorious Parent, today we commemorate...Beginning from the moment that True Father opened and closed His eyes It feels like yesterday when we had to send Him away... There was not a place He did not work day and night to realize God's hope and as a result we can feel His heart and tears for humanity.. We remember how True Father would look at each one of us and poor down on us Word of Love like an angry lion... We truly miss True Father... From a secular viewpoint, we mourn our parent three years but in addition at a time for Father to add His last filial to set that standard and condition...
Mother could hardly hide Her pain and sadness... I remember how Mother said 'Father do not worry, I will fulfill God's Will at all costs... the actual Cheon Il Guk, the legacy Father left us...
The last few years we have overcome many difficulties and now can visibly see the Cheon Il Guk setting down roots... around the world centered on Asia and the peace movement centered on True Parents Peace Ideology... We remain after the substantial path True Parents set down and expressed our hope by bicycle, foot and even by car... That peace ideology is being substantiated all over the world... existing problems are being able to be resolved because of True Parents Blood, Sweat and Tears and the combined hearts of all, I report...
(Thank you for the precious prayer)
Next floral tributes will be given by various representatives, first, The True Family of the spiritual and spiritual worlds... (please come more in front and stand by the stairs)
Next the true grandchildren
Next leaders from the World Summit
(Let us make a line)
Next Elders, members and Peace Ambassadors
(Lines of eight people)
Next representatives from around the world
The stage will be re arranged that every one of you can offer floral tributes
Now, it is time for the commemorative address will be given by Sun Jin Nim Moon
Beloved True Parent and True Mother, Distinguished leaders from around the world It is an honor to be here today
When I reflect on the depth and significance of our True Father life and Legacy I am filled fill such gratitude, not only because I have been given life by our True Parents but because of the Blessing they have give to all of humanity... Imagine what your life would be like without having met the True Parents and Their exemplary Lives... How Blessed we are to have been brought together as one family without any boundary, barrier or division... Thank you True Parents (applause)
Indeed to all people around the world, True Parents have given Their Hearts... an indomitable force of true love is True Father, expressing His embracing Heart with compassion, generosity, and hopes for peace... I see Him even hugging His enemies... called by Heaven, by Jesus Himself, to face a challenge beyond apprehension, enduring torturous, He prevailed... a roaring first of passion for God and humanity... One theme is of unification and oneness... everything He did for that centered on true love, life and lineage... 'to become one in a core nation of peace ' applies to every race, culture and civilization for establishing one nation under God...
Oneness, of course, does not come automatically but by every day of His Life to Teach, Bless and raise every human being... then forming the Partnership of Himself with True Mother as One absolutely united Couple, They fulfill the Position of True Parents... Thank you True Father, Thank you True Mother...
There is no place True Father did not take His Message, governance, sports, unification of Korean Peninsula, culture, education, the list goes on and on... Nothing can be encapsulated in one Book... what Their Life has substantiated... We each have our own portion of responsibility... and the greatest tribute on this day and the days ahead is our absolute commitment to True Mother to work each and every day to build the nation of Cheon Il Guk...
Will you do this? (Yes!)
Can we pledge our absolute faith, love and obedience to True Parents? (Yes! Aju)
Please never forget the Divine Light that dwells within you... Thank you my brothers and sisters
To conclude my remarks, in memory of True Father I would all like you to stand turn to your neighbor and offer that person the biggest hug -- 'h' is for harmony, ' u' is for unity, ' g' is for gratitude to God. Feel that joy and harmony and send that goodness to our HP and True Parents and all of creation
Kam sa hamnida Sarang hamnida... Can you feel True Father smiling and hugging you back... He is...
Thank you! Let us live each moment in absolute oneness with all of creation and vision to bring every child of God back to unity as one... and let's give our Sung Nee Sung Nee Sung Nee Aju!!!
Thank you for this very wonderful pledge and address and applause for Sun Jin Nim again
Thank you... Please take seats again... This was indeed a heart-moving commemoration address
And now eulogies
Former Prime Minister of Korea Lee Soo Song
Addresses all
3 years passed since ascension of Rev. Sun Myung Moon... Many have come and have been close to Rev. Moon on more occasion than I have, nevertheless I am humbled to have been selected to give today's address. First, I hope that the warm, beloved Hak Ja Han is able to fulfill the Mission given to Her by God...
We still see countless people dying...even in Korea endless conflicts and moral decay and whenever I hear that news I feel the importance of Rev. Moon's existence who devoted Himself entirely to world peace and world prosperity... His complete legacy cannot be mentioned but He devoted His mind and body and truly loved God and realizing the ideal world God longed for and in His prayer just before His ascension He said He has accomplished everything.
Until the last moment on this earth, filial piety and loyalty to God and love for humanity and life lived in accordance with Heavenly law and traveled around the world to promote peace activities and promoted the mature path of global community by walking the path of international reconciliation and cooperation.
At the time of unstoppable Soviet expansion, Rev. Moon announced the downfall and met with Pres. Gorbachev and led the way with women's.. Is there another person who has done so much... who has married young people and paved the way for them to realize peace and true love through the Blessing...
I offered opening remarks for the Blessing that transcends races and lowers divorce rates but also opens deeper harmony... Rev. Moon has incomparable passion for unification between North and South Korea, going there when tensions were greatest and dared to shock them by mentioning why their ideology was wrong... He could do it because He led a Life of true love... He created the unity centers and made ideals possible because of His own life as a model.
Rev. Moon may have ascended but His Words are still in our heart and Mrs. Hak Ja Han Moon has also, as Rev. Moon often said, we must invest our mind, body, mind and soul toward advancing it
I wish Mrs. Moon tremendous success and love and grace to all of you and your families...
(Applause for his precious eulogy)
Next... 1st Sun Hak Peace Prize winner from Republic of Kribali)
(Puts on glasses)
As is customary in my country let me share with you our traditional blessings of good health...
It is indeed a great honor and privilege to be given this opportunity and special tribute to the late Rev. Sun Myung Moon and commemorate His passing away from this life... It is never easy when a loved one passed especially such as Rev. Moon...
His legacy of one family under God will remain the guiding beacon of our lifetimes and the generations to come (He claps)
His vision of a world that co-exists in harmony in embodied in the principles that Rev. Moon has embodied and taught His family...
As parents and grandparents ourselves, we can well understand and associated ourselves with such principle for our children and grandchildren are who gives meaning to our lives and for them we must continue to advocate for a peaceful and safe world..
As recipients of the Sun Hak Peace Prize... the issue of climate change has been the focus of mine for many years, for this planet is one that needs to be nurtured and treated with the respect and reverence that it deserves. Our Lord God Creator not only blessed us with this planet but with being the custodians of the blessings and resources that are part of this planet... However, with that comes the responsibility and cooperation to ensure that it is preserved for future generations... not to ever forget... To do so would endanger our children, our grandchildren and their children..
I applaud and honor the tradition of Rev. and Mrs. Moon. to live for the sake of others as one family under God and I am so honored to be associated with it... and it is one that will guide and strengthen my resolves in advocacy against the ills of climate change.
I have every confidence that His legacy through His dear Wife, Mrs. Moon and through His children and grandchildren, this legacy will live on and will flourish through the world... Let us share contributions toward preservation of this world as one family...
(This was a truly moving commemorating address)
Next someone who sent a very precious message Premier Kim Dong I from North Korea... Please applaud for this message and gift
Let us hope that the doors of unification of North and South Korea opens up wide...
True Parents' Life Courses will be watched on a commemorative videos
'The True Parents of True Love and Life of the Cosmos'
It begins: We had to say farewell to you. We miss You even in our dreams.
The seasons change, but You are the one that rises and sets in the hearts of all people.
...You come to us with God's Spirit and Love
Father sings
Even if you give me gold it is no better than a spotted cow that plows the barley field
In my young heart in which a
... Today as I have returned the completion to the Father...
Kang Dong Sik... Lord Tarsem King
Mother... Until the day we die we will work to establish Cheon Il Guk here on earth
I know that You will help us.... Please do not worry
... For us there is no stopping, there is only advancement
Blessed families around the world
I hope you will fulfill your mission as tribal messiahs with absolute faith, absolute love and absolute
obedience and inherit much grace from Heaven
Vision 2020
Cheon Seong Gyeong
Chambu mo Gyeong
I will graft the Christian cultural sphere with a heart desperate
As of today,
True Mother / True Parents Speaks
True Mother leads everyone in singing Saragnhae Abonim
We are attending True Father here together with all of you let us sing Saranghae Abonim
Today, we are so...we long for True Father so much... Until now, Heaven has yearned for and humanity has yearned for One Center for thousands of years in the history of the providence of restoration... unspeakable pain and tears have been shed to restore humanity. Two thousand years ago through the Israel nation, God sent Jesus Christ and wanted to complete the Providence of Salvation... Heaven worked so hard but with all of its efforts it ended with sorrow and pain and Jesus said 'I will come again'...
All history has been preparing to receive the Second Coming. However they did not know Heaven's eternal Providence and they did not understand who God is. That is why in the history of Christianity, even Communism emerged from the Christian cultural sphere... Think about it. From Heaven's viewpoint, how painful it was? However, the history of God's Providence marched forward...
At this time when Korea faces its greatest crisis... Korea was not known around the world, however, Heaven selected this nation and The Messiah Son and Daughter were born in this nation. However, in the world the people who are in the position of leaders, it is difficult for them to go to the lowest level... Think about it, the King of Kings, The Savior, The Lord of The Second Coming came on the foundation of the Christian sphere but they did not welcome Them... I am sure you are aware of this... Even though they walked this path, They determined to realize the Will of God.
However, when you look at the world in 1970 after the WWII, America was the representative nation of democracy and moving the world at that time. However, even to them there was a great challenge. In their notes they wrote 'In God we trust'. This was the nation ready to serve and follow God but... in the 70s they were facing the crisis of Communism and teenage problems, ideological problems... and the breakdown of the family. However, no one could stand and solve these problems at that time. True Father really left Korea behind and went all the way to America and said, 'I came as a doctor to treat the ailment of America and like a fireman to put out a huge fire in America'... What does this mean?...
All the leaders... Father awakened their spirit so that they respected F but they could not look to the future.. They blocked the path of Father from moving forward... Nevertheless, Father forgave them and raised America and eventually the threat of Communism was overcome (applause)
Not only in all of South America... It was a time when nations of the world was being communized, Tru Father educated leaders and raised these nations... The world does not recognize this... and that an individual achieved this. What nations with their wealth and power could accomplish it? they could not.. It was only possible because He was the True Father and True Parents...(applause) This is not all, on several occasions True Parents invested Themselves worrying about the future of humanity True Parents prepared for this earth.
For 2,000 years Christianity was prepared and if this nation and Christianity had helped, really the Providence of Salvation would not have been so painful... However, through many... as True Father mentioned, that the international highway was needed... 2006 True Father began to really move all the major nations and cities of America and I even lectured in Africa from the Cape of Good Hope going through Europe, Asia all way to Korean Peninsula... Alaska the Bering Strait... True Father spoke of highway across the Bering Strait and... island and Korean Peninsula... This is the vision that Rev. Moon gave us. This historic... When we look at the path, 121 nations participated in the global peace road and it was ended successfully... (Applause)
In history today when we look at the strong nations powerful nations, they all think they are the center and they look after their national interest first... However, the True Parents think of Heaven and how we can be all together all of us can become one because True Parents are opening the way for all of us to communicate and become one.
One hundred years ago in India there was the one who wrote the poem praising Korea saying that name will become the shining light of Asia. Today when we look at the Korean economy; it is not the light of Asia... The Light symbolizes the Word, the Truth, the Teachings of True Parents that can really stand before all of Asia and this world and this nation...
If that is the case, all of you gathered here today, what would you like to tell True Father... This is what I would like to tell "Father, from now on please do not worry. We will absolutely complete our responsibility!... That is why Father the eternal God was lonely... Please comfort God and True Parents, Please liberate God This is my hope... This is my desire
This is our responsibility that we can show before the entire world... the light of the culture of heart our flight and power... All of you go forward and do your best with the same determination as I have. (end of Mother's Speech)
Let us thank True Mother for giving us such a great resolve and determination
Everyone please stand and let's offer a bow to True Parents please
and big applause as we resolve that we will become the shining light of this substantial world
Thank you very much
This ends the first part of the memorial service.
Second Part of the Program
In a few minutes we will begin the Second Part, the Performance
True Mother asked us to prepare a musical in Japan to exhibit and show True Father's works during His lifetime. We will present it to you. Please take a great interest. In 1941 True Father began studying in Japan as a student and in the end He chose J to be the Eve nation and raised Japan... More than anyone else in the world, True Father loved Japan and J members have invested their absolute faith, love and obedience. This musical depicts 40-50 years in Fs relationship with J.
Most of the participants cannot speak Korean; however, they want to offer the musical in Korean and practiced for months and dedicated all the songs in Korean today. (applause)
Please be seated
The first part will talk on True Parents Mission and vivid description of life accomplishments in J. In the first part, True Parents youth period is described and the first missionary that was sent. In the fourth part, it will describe the intercultural Blessing that was done between Korea and Japan and the fifth will be on True Mother's Tour and union on True Father and True Mother who received the victory of the world tour.
'The last Song Title 'With All My Dedication and Will'
This will show all the dedication and love that the global members have for the world and we would like to express the gratitude and love that the J members have felt for True Mother
Although True Father has spent a short period of time on earth compared to history, His love and dedication remains forever and He has loved and set Japan in the position of the Mother nation. Although the musical will never be enough to express the work True Parents have done and our position is not enough, we hope at least the work done by the dedication and cooperation of the J members will be received well.
Please give a big applause to True Mother who is now returning in the audience...
True Mother is meeting the heads of state from all around the world
FFWP of J entitled 'The Person Who Loved Japan More than Anyone Else' will begin
Mission of the Messiah
When light shone and He knew Heaven's will Jesus appeared, to entrust him with the mission of the Messiah
He prayed to God, the Parents of Love, Light shone and he knew Heaven's Will Jesus appeared the, to entrust him with the mission of the Messiah
To entrust him
Heaven is our Father, our father to restore the lost children The Will that Jesus could not fulfill.
Our True Parents fulfilled that Will
Only Blessed Families, whom they brought together with the true love -- no one understood in order to give True love and happiness, Heaven desired the Blessing
Messiah, the True Parents True Parents True Parents You have won, you have brought victory
True Parents Let us build a world of true love
To build a world of peace
The B C is the fastest the true mission Go beyond race and become one, go the whole world becomes one, The Parents' Way
I'll go to Japan to love the enemy to seek for truth I'll go to Waseda loving Japan I'll seek for God I'll go to Japan. Go beyond race, go beyond nation I'll find the way of God's Will. I will love God!
Old man: Are you looking for lodgings. It is hard for Korean man to find lodgings
Everyone: today we miss our True Parents more than any other time and with our longing we are celebrating the Third Seonghwa of True Parents
We have succeeded in victory
From now on, centered on True Parents we have to be completely united and accomplish the Vision 2020
With our Heavenly Parents and True Parents in absolute faith, love and obedience as filial sons and daughters we must fulfill our duty and we promise to move forward and march forward
Our Victorious Heavenly Parents Oeg Monsei
This concludes the memorial
Those members who have not yet offered flowers, please do so
The World Summit Luncheon is soon
VIPs from around the world are exiting
Members please be seated and begin the floral tribute offerings