The Truth of History Seen Through Heaven’s Providence

Hak Ja Han
May 10, 2017
63 Building, Seoul, Korea
30th Anniversary of the Citizens Federation for the Unification of North and South Korea


Distinguished leaders of various fields, Citizen’s Federation members, ladies and gentlemen!

Thank you for all your hard work. Today, I would like to speak about "The truth of history seen through Heaven’s providence.”

At the time of our liberation, this nation, this people were divided along the lines of democratic and communist thought. The monarchy was finished, and this nation took the first steps toward democracy. Its name was the Republic of South Korea. Korea! Our anthem says, "Long live our nation under God’s protection.” How do you think this came to be? Originally God created all things in the universe and created humankind’s ancestors. According to the principle of creation, God gave humankind’s ancestors responsibilities. In conclusion, what caused the world of today was our human ancestors’ fall. Unexpectedly, God had no choice but to lead the course of the providence of restoration through indemnity to regain humankind. God raised the Israelites, whom we could call a good people relative to others in history. How difficult must it have been that it took four thousand years until God could send the only son of God, Jesus Christ? However, what was the result? Jesus having gone the way of the cross is not causing the realization of the providence of salvation.

In accordance with God’s principle of creation, there was a dream that God must realize. That dream is to become the True Parent of humankind. If Jesus Christ, as humankind’s ancestor, was born as the only son of God, it would have been Heaven’s dream for him to meet the only daughter of God, born without original sin and for them to become the True Parents. Yet, what happened? Jesus lost his foundation and had no choice but to die. Jesus went the way of the cross. As Jesus died on the cross, he said he would return. He clearly said he would hold the marriage supper of the Lamb. Those words meant he would become humankind’s True Parent.

However if was only after three hundred years that Rome acknowledged Christianity. From the Italian Peninsula, it crossed from Europe to an island nation, Britain. Then the Atlantic Civilization age began and Christianity spread to the world. People used to say, “The sun never sets on the British Empire.” Christians who did not understand God or Jesus’ true nature, could not practice true love, living for the sake of others. In conclusion, they took historic relics from many nations. That is not Christianity’s true nature. That is why we saw the limits of the Atlantic Civilization’s development. That is why Heaven’s hard work through two thousand years of Christian culture was to create the foundation for the only daughter of God, the bride in the marriage supper of the Lamb, to be held when Jesus returned.

Heaven had no choice but to select a new people to give birth to the only daughter of God. That people is what is today constitutes the Republic of South Korea. This means the owner of the Republic of South Korea must be God. At the time of our liberation, the northern and southern Korea were divided and democratization began causing must confusion. North Korea united under Kim Il Sung’s regime and waited to invade the South. In 1950, when it seemed that no choice remained but to become communist, sixteen UN member-nations participated in the war and young men shed blood. Why did that happen?


Sixty some years have passed since the Korean War. Those from the sixteen nations that participated in the war must be old now. Before they left this world, we should have expressed ourselves, "We will not forget you. Thank you.” However, when no politicians gave them consideration, Rev. Moon sent the Little Angels to them to give them comfort and encouragement. At that time, they shed endless tears. In the human world, do you know how beautiful it is to be able to say thank you? Will we become a nation, citizens, who do not know to repay a debt? Yet this people still are still unaware of the providence. This nation cannot move forward by the thoughts or judgement of an individual. We all want unification of the Koreas. This cannot be done by political strength or economic strength. It cannot be done by ideology or doctrines. The only path to become united is to attend True Parents. The True Parents become humankind’s ancestors who are able to achieve God’s dream. This means you must reveal the truths of history to this nation and to its citizens, and its politicians.

The proposal of the IAPP came in 2016 and it’s establishment took place on all continents. In the Kennedy Caucus Room in a United States Senate building, around eighty US legislators and three hundred other legislators from around the world gathered. I told them "I am the True Parent! Let us go together, you and I, on the path to global peace." This moved many US legislators at that time. Two thousand years ago, these were the words that Jesus should have proclaimed in the Roman Senate. Now we will have a meeting with Japanese legislators, which the Washington Times Foundation organized. On the 8th and 9th, we had a meeting in the Korean National Assembly. Now we will go meet Japan’s top leaders. Their wish is to speak on the topic of Korean unification. That cannot be done by human power or by the human brain alone. War cannot be solved by power. That is what I am saying. It is true.

We must embrace True Parents’ teachings, based on the true love of living for the sake of others. However, this government which is making a new start, must not become a government that creates problems. They must listen to Heaven’s call and learn what freedom, peace, and unity, which the people of this nation desire, is. In order for them to learn, you who have already studied this must lead the way. The unification of this people is not only Korea’s problem. Korea, Japan—all nations in Asia must unite. The culture of heart revolution centered on True Parents and the era of the Pacific Civilization must begin through true love and living for the sake of others. Members of the Citizen’s Federation, ladies and gentlemen, you must all now reveal historical truths. You must hesitate no longer. I hope you can lead the way in revealing these truths and move toward the day this people will fulfill its responsibilities and you can stand facing the world as a central nation that others will remember forever.