The Keys to the Kingdom of Heaven

Hak Ja Han
July 16, 2017
Peace Starts with Me Victory Celebration breakfast with leaders at East Garden


To whom did Jesus leave the keys to the kingdom of heaven with when he died on the cross? It was Peter. Life on earth is important. You are very lucky! You are people filled with joy. You have received the blessing through True Parents. You have been reborn through True Parents. What more could anyone wish for?

Then, every day that you are alive on earth, you must live your life offering joy and glory, with a heart of hyo jeong, to heaven. In light of that, you who have received the blessing have responsibilities. Those around you, your family, tribe, race, nation -- all 7.4 billion people of the world must know the True Parents. They must be reborn through True Parents. I am saying they must receive the blessing.

Why did Jesus give the keys to the kingdom of heaven to Peter? God's principle of creation calls for the perfection of man and woman, the perfection of husband and wife. When the husband and wife become one during their earthly lives, they realize the kingdom of heaven on earth.

After you have lived your life, blessed families can live an eternal life in the eternal world. How blessed are you to be in that position? The most important thing is that you are the embodiment of True Parents. You received the blessing through the True Parents.

It will still take some time until all 7.4 billion people of the world return to God's embrace. The blessings will continue in accordance with the principles of the providence. However, do you know how great a blessing it is for a person to be able to say, I received the blessing under True Parents' direct dominion? If so, you must fulfill your responsibilities. No matter what, you must fulfill your responsibilities while True Parents are still alive.

You must go out as filial sons or filial daughters and loyal subjects. Your descendants will proudly praise you forever and you will be respected and congratulated throughout all eternity. Will you go down that path, or will you stop? [We will go.] Work hard! [Yes!]