Hak Ja Han
July 23, 2015
Adam Nation National Messiah's special luncheon (HC 6.8)
If I were to express why I called you here today in a few words, it is because I trust you and love you. I repeatedly say this in official meetings, but I am the True Parent. I am the True Parent of 7.5 billion people. The path the True Parents take is not decided by rule of thumb. What does humankind hope for? What is Heavenly Parent's hope? True Parents.
Humankind's six-thousand-year history is in the realm of the Fall. We are the one and only True Parents. There cannot be a second or third. True Parents have given birth to physical sons and daughters, but just as God created heaven and earth and created Adam and Eve and gave them responsibilities, True Parents' children must also fulfill their responsibilities.
Young Hwi Kim, chairman of Cheon Il Guk Parliament
Do you understand? You must receive the status of a filial son or daughter and the status of a loyal subject by uniting absolutely with True Parents. That is the Principle.
True Parents have successfully completed the providential history of the restoration through indemnity and opened a new era. In the new era, you must unite with True Parents and have absolute faith, absolute love, and absolute obedience centered on them. There cannot be any onlookers. Do you understand? This is the same in blessed families. Do not take the side paths.
You must understand this. These things are happening while I am here, and I will settle these issues. I will take care of them. I cannot help but doing this because I am thinking of the time after I am gone. We are different from the world.
I asked you a moment ago what you saw and felt when you first met Father. He is different from the people in the fallen world.
This life on earth is a preparation period so that our bodies can go to the next world, the eternal original homeland after we fulfill the will. There is no need to say that Father should go there in a beautiful way that does not even compare with the way the people of the world go.
As I was organizing his speeches, I said that I should make these gemlike words shine more brightly. The hope of Heavenly Parent is the providential history of restoration through indemnity, which has caused him to shed tears of blood for six-thousand-years.
True Mother met with Adam-nation national messiahs at Cheon Jeong Gung
There was not one day when he could rest. It has been a history full of pain beyond description. Can you imagine what Heavenly Parent must feel when someone he trusts goes astray or gives up? It is the same for me….
Wonju McDevitt, special assistant to True Mother
It is a good thing that I am alive. Heaven is taking care of all the issues that could happen after I am gone.
Do you understand?
Do not become foolish people. Not just anyone can become the True Parents. How can anyone become the True Parent if a person cannot get in the line for the only begotten son of God or the only begotten daughter of God? There is only one Heavenly Parent and True Parents -- forever. Become filial sons or daughters and loyal subjects who stand in front of them. In that regard, you must have very good fortune to have met me….
God has searched for True Parents for such a long time, more than six thousand- years. Now you must protect those that are close to you and your brothers and sisters. It is the Principle.
Kyeong Seuk Lu, president of FFWPU-Korea
You who are in the position of elder members should make it so that they become brothers and sisters that do not damage True Parents' status. You should embrace them with the heart of a parent, the heart of an elder brother or sister and be in a position where you can die well. Don't you all want to die well and go to the original homeland?
Because you are national messiahs, you must restore this nation before you die. That is more urgent. Father is the one who worried most for humankind -- and for the future world to come as well -- throughout his entire life.
Right now, every side feels urgency about global warming and other issues. Do you remember, though, how much he loved nature and worked for humankind's future food problems even before that? Living by an ocean or a river, he did not use just one fishing pole.
Do you remember him fishing in Jardim when you attended workshops there? Who was that for? Your responsibilities are important. You need to develop centered on the church. All of you should help the development of the church by working together and fulfilling your tribal messiah responsibilities.
Song Yong Cheon, chairman of BFA in Japan
Looking back on the experiences of that time and from a global point of view, the Korean churches need to soar straight up in front of the world as the owner nation. You must be able have pride in that. Do you understand?
You must witness. I hear that even middle school and high school students are witnessing. So you must let the truth be known to both sexes and all ages. No people should die without knowing True Parents, especially when they lived in the same age as they did. Isn't that right?
You will be slandered in the next world -- "Why were you the only one to be in that position?" You must witness to each person as a valuable person.
A Cheon Jeong Gung staff member sings accompanied by back-up dancers (also staff members)