Prayer: An atmosphere of True Parents' love and Heavenly Parent's efforts

Hak Ja Han
September 5, 2017
Dedication prayer for Cheon Jeong Gung A-Building HJ Gung -- a VIP Guesthouse


Beloved Heavenly Parent, today is 7.15 of the fifth year of Cheon Il Guk. We offer HJ Gung in an atmosphere formed by True Parents' love for humankind and Heavenly Parent's efforts. The A-Building in the Cheon Jeong Gung complex has undergone repairs and remodeling and is becoming a place that will lead and raise the providence to a higher level. True Parents have named this place HJ Gung. The basement underwent extensive remodeling and now includes HJ Cafe, meeting rooms and other necessary facilities.

Heavenly Parent! We ask for your compassion and love, so that while True Parents remain on earth, we will realize your dream, that of one human family under Heavenly Parent, the kingdom of heaven on earth and the settlement of Cheon Il Guk, which is the dream for which all the people of the world long. Please bless us, so that the ideal of Cheon Il Guk, the kingdom of heaven on earth, which you are working to realize, can develop faster through the prepared people whom we connect with through this palace.

Now, centered on this place, the world's 7.4 billion people will recognize True Parents' love and compassion and will not cease taking steps to come here. We are preparing this Cheonwon Complex so that they will be aware that this place expresses Heaven's glory and is where humankind realizes its wish and dream. You have worked hard for so long. Now, in True Parents' names, I pray that we will only have days filled with giving you glory. I offer this in True Parents' names. Aju!