Hak Ja Han
December 6, 2015
Cheon Jeong Gung
To a group of Japanese members
Did you miss me? How much? With longing as large as the whole world? It is good to see you. Mostly women seem to be here. Is that because this is the age of women? Yes it is. When I spoke to the Top Gun trainees the other day, I told them we need to take the path toward settlement of Cheon Il Guk, not merely occupation. The Chinese character “an” [安] in anchak [settlement], is formed from the characters of a woman under the character for “house,” which is the character for “security.”
In the world, a large house was built. Who is the owner of the house? Is it the man? Is it the woman? In Korea, we call the husband bakat-yangban [literally, the outside nobleman] and we call the wife anbang-manim [literally, the woman of the main room]. The husband is the owner of the male side of a [traditional, divided by sex] house and the outside. What this means is that in the context of the providential history, the woman’s role is important.
When God made the creation, he said that it was beautiful. He said that it looked good. Thus, he created one man and one woman, Adam and Eve, and blessed them. Why? He gave Adam and Eve responsibility. God’s wish and Adam and Eve’s wish needed to coincide. God wanted to become the parent of humankind. Not just a spiritual parent; he wanted to become the visible parent of the substantial world. Therefore, he created the universe. He gave a growth period to Adam and Eve.
That period, the growth period, was one in which they were to be responsible while in an absolute position with God. Had they reached perfection, God would have blessed Adam and Eve. God carried out the providence so that they would become the first true ancestors, the true parents of humankind. Yet, what happened? When you look at human history today, we can tell that this does not fulfill the purpose of creation as God had planned. Isn’t that right? [Yes] This history of humankind, or the six-thousandyear history in the Bible, is the providential history of restoration through indemnity that God has been searching for to establish human ancestors.
For example, God was conducting the providence to establish good individuals and a good people in the evil, satanic world. At that time, the satanic world had formed many nations. Thus, God prepared the chosen people, the Israelites, until they possessed the standards of a nation. He sent his only begotten son, who could personally carry out God’s providence and who could subjugate the satanic world.
The day that the Israelites had hoped for had finally come. Yet, what happened? They did not support and attend the only begotten son of God, which was their portion of responsibility. They did not fulfill their ultimate responsibility as the chosen people. The Roman Empire was very strong during that era. Rome held so much initiative that they were said to have global influence. However, Mary, who was a central figure, did not even fulfill her responsibility.
Because the Israelites, who had been prepared as an entire people, the central people, for four thousand years, could not fulfill their responsibility, Jesus had nowhere to stand.
In conclusion, he had no alternative but to die on the cross. As he died, he said that he would come again. He even explained what that meant by saying that he would hold the marriage supper of the Lamb. When we look at this, just as God had created the universe and created Adam and Eve, his having sent his only begotten son on the providential course of restoration through indemnity means there should also be an only begotten daughter of God. Do you understand? I should go to see who is sitting in the back.
What is seeing my up close like? Hmm? Ureshi? [Japanese for: Are you happy?] It is good to see you. I love you.
Where did I leave off? There is also a position for God’s only begotten daughter. The two-thousand-year Christian providential history was the providence of searching for God’s only begotten daughter. That makes sense, doesn’t it? However, Christians are unaware of this. This is the Christianity that came about through the history of the Holy Spirit in Mark’s upper room. Jesus was unable to say much during the three years of his public ministry. He could not bring Heaven’s secrets, the truth, to light. Thus, he retained it in his heart and said, “I will come again.” Yet, even though the Christian church, which needed to prepare the foundation, did not know about providential history or about the origin, they still prepared for two thousand years under the Holy Spirit.
World War II, between democracy and communism, made possible the birth of the democratic world and prepared people to welcome the coming of the Lord. America should have fulfilled her responsibility, but because she did not, Father had to carry out the providence while shedding tears of blood to save the world and to save America during the forty years he lived there. The end of the cold war… You probably heard earlier that an ACLC [American Clergy Leadership Conference] took place in Chicago. To save America and the world, Father extensively educated people on all levels of society, to those of high status through the International Conference for the Unity of the Sciences and the Professors World Peace Academy.
Back then, the way that America received Father at first was quite refreshing. Yet, some communists and Christian people set him up, and they put in Danbury prison in 1985. At that time Father said to declare the “end of communism” through ICUS. Dr. Morton Kaplan, who is still alive today, was the president of the conference then. His knowledge of Eastern and Western politics was quite extensive; he was a worldrenowned scholar. Father called Dr. Kaplan to visit Danbury prison and said, “Tell them now that communism will perish.”
When Dr. Kaplan thought about the global reputation he had built up until then, and he feared speaking nonsense. So he said to Father, “I think I would like to say “maybe.”” He said this about three times, but Father said, “”No.” Say that it will perish.”
Do you know where this was declared? It happened at the Intercontinental Hotel in Geneva, Switzerland, near where the Soviet Embassy was. At that place, it was declared that communism would fall. Back then, communism still had great power. However, didn’t it collapse a few years later? What happened to communism five years later? What happened? Do you know how your Parents carried out the providence, which no one knew of? Hmm? That’s not all is it?
We traveled around the globe hundreds of times for the providence for forty or fifty years. However, what was Father’s last request to us? Hmm? You need to take responsibility for the united world that God and humanity yearn and hope for, the time when Cheon Il Guk can be established.
Originally, a nation should have welcomed the Messiah and he should have been able to carry out the global providence on a national foundation. Heaven had prepared that path, but human beings, Christians and the Christian church, did not fulfill their responsibilities. Due to this situation, True Parents had to recreate an environment that had been lost and make their way up from the bottom. Those were such painful days!
God opened the way for human beings, through a long period, six thousand years, to be in a blessed position in which they are able to participate. He sent True Parents to earth, but because the environment was not ready, True Parents themselves had to pioneer from the bottom. This providential history of restoration through indemnity was heartbreaking. God alone knows about this path. People have been reborn and have blessed families through True Parents, but those people should not stop there. They have the responsibility to restore their tribe, their people and their nation, but they have not fulfilled their responsibilities.
Do you know that Dae-mo nim’s work began because such an environment was not made, not even up to the time of Father’s ascension? Dae-mo nim. You know her, don’t you? Dae-mo nim’s task was to carry out God’s command. Even though many blessed families are in the human world, they did not make an environment fit for the True Father, the True Parents, the returning Lord, the Savior and the King of Kings. There were only ignorant people who did not understand Father’s position, but Dae-mo nim knew the providential history.
As I said before, the two-thousand-year Christian history was the providence of searching for God’s only begotten daughter. The only begotten daughter of God... The only begotten daughter of God needed to be born as God’s daughter, separate from the satanic world. I was the one who possessed such a standard. The world did not know, but Satan knew.
Therefore, the moment I was born, Satan said, “Because you were born I am doomed. So I will kill you,” and he tried to kill me. However, Dae-mo nim fought and won. Thus, I am here today. Do you understand? Dae-mo nim had a Christian background and understood God’s providential history. She lived her whole life in a position similar to that of a nanny who bore God’s only begotten daughter. Heavenly Parent knew this. Therefore, what did Dae-mo nim, who was in the spirit world, do for blessed children on earth who were ignorant of the providence even when they had been told? She had to choose right? Thus, the Cheon Pyeong work began.
Dae-mo nim is in the position in which she fulfilled the whole of her responsibility to eternally attend Father as the returning Lord, the King of Kings. That was her role. Now she is busier in the spirit world with her providence. Chung Pyung is now in the position where it has grown within an established order, and if each individual offers devotion united with True Parents, they can personally experience Dae-mo nim’s work. Do you understand? [Yes]
You need to be aware of this. She lived her entire life publically and attended the returning Lord. In the sight of heaven and earth, she was truly loyal. You need to know this. That is why not just anyone can carry out Mother’s role. No one but me can. Do you understand?
If you go forward, one in heart, one in body, one in harmony and one ideologically with me, can you be victorious or not? [We can.] You are blessed people. There are seven billion people in the world. How is it that you met me? Blessed families have been made through me. Right?
You should live your lives each day with a grateful hearts and live for the future for as long as you are alive. This is the fatherland of faith. This is the original homeland. I need to create a new culture. Will you cooperate with that, or not? Therefore, I am trying to make Korea the world’s holy ground within ten years.
I hope that you will take part in this. Please take care of your health. Let’s accomplish this great work together.