Now is the springtime of the Cheon Il Guk providence

Hak Ja Han
July 17, 2017
True Parents' Special Gathering with Regional Presidents and Special Emissaries
East Garden Irvington, New York


Now, in the springtime of the Cheon Il Guk providence, we must consider how we can substantially and specifically realize the settlement of Cheon Il Guk.

I see that we are at the point when we must strengthen our resolve and change the way we do things.

Especially our region in Europe - from where Christianity spread - is sleeping. I have repeatedly said that they did not know God and Jesus' true essence.


A framework created by people is inadequate to contain all people's hearts. That many problems that should not have occurred did happen within the Christian culture is true.

When we look at national histories in Europe, we see wars including the hundred-year-war and wars involving Islamic groups caused countless casualties.

How can we create the kingdom of heaven on earth without first solving these endless wars and endless conflicts, when people do not know about the kingdom of heaven on earth or about God?


We must know God. The dream of God, our Creator, was to become the True Parents of Humankind. The omniscient and omnipotent God hoped to become the True Parent through the first ancestors, humankind's ancestors, once perfected, who could have had dominion over the substantial world. That was our Heavenly Parent's dream. According to the Principle of Creation, God must be the same from beginning to the end.

For this reason, God had to begin the providence to somehow educate people and have them pay indemnity and raise them again. Humanity was unaware of Heaven's situation.

How difficult must have been, that it took the long period of four thousand years to send Jesus Christ, God's only son!

For thousand years...

This was an unbelievable circumstance. Yet what happened?

Jesus could not fulfill the will and had no choice but to go the way of the cross. Think about this. How must God have felt? We know through the Bible that the world became dark in a matter of hours.

Heaven was shocked, Jesus said, "I have much more to say to you, more than you can now bear."


Think about those circumstances, that heart. The True Parents have blessed you. Blessing! It is the most hopeful word throughout history. It is only through this blessing that you can stand in God's presence.

As Jesus was dying on the cross, he told the thief on the right "You will be with me in paradise." - He said "paradise." People today think that "paradise" is the same as "heaven" but it is not.

There must be a kingdom. The kingdom of heaven on earth and kingdom of heaven in heaven, this is the kingdom!

God is the absolute owner...

Therefore, we must realize Cheon Il Guk.

Just like a sunflower, which always aligns with the direction of the sun no matter where the sun is, you must be the same. You must deny yourselves. You have come together to live that kind of life.

Europe worries me the most. We must save Europe. We must properly educate Europeans, save them, and reveal the truth to them.

Many countries have changed their perception of us through IAPP.

They have realized that without working with UPF, their nations cannot survive or develop further. That kind of growth must also occur in European nations. My conclusion is that we must strengthen this aspect hin Asia and South America also; through UPF, we must create a more active movement, able to achieve national restoration. It must change. It must be changed through True Parents' sons and daughters.

While I am still on earth, we must give them the joyful opportunity to return to God's embrace under True Parents' guidance. Heaven's providence will absolutely be completed and be victorious.

I say this repeatedly, but substance is important. Jesus too on the course of dying on the cross gave Peter the keys to heaven .That signifies that the earth is important.

Remember these words "Whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven".


Your life on earth is important. How happy you must be that you can live your earthly lives with True Parents! You are in historic position that your descendants can boast of. Therefore, you must throw away selfish thoughts and greed. You do not know how seriously I have thought about this. I have to take all of you with me. Our destination is fixed. We need your effort in order to expedite this. We need your devotion. There are righteous people, people Heaven has prepared. The three leaders I met from Africa are like that. You must find people like them.

How hard Heaven must have worked to raise them to live this way! Your responsibility is to connect these people to True Parents. Thus, you cannot just sit there and think. You must move. You must find them as you busily move around. Depending on your actions, the kingdom of heaven on earth, the settlement of Cheon Il Guk, can be realized soon.

Heaven has waited for six thousand years. It has been six thousand years according to the Bible; however, it has been even longer. You understand, don't you?