Hak Ja Han
January 1, 2014
Hak Ja Han - December 2013
On January 1, True Mother announced the Motto for 2014:
"Let us become true owners of Cheon Il Guk who practice true love in resemblance to our Creator, the Heavenly Parent!" (창조주 하늘부모님을 닮은 참사랑을 실천하는 천일국의 참주인이 되자!).
True Mother welcomed the start of the New Year with the words: “Let’s dash forward until we fulfill the hopes of Heaven and all humankind.” She also said: "When we become one in heart, body and mind with our True Parents during our brief time on Earth, our descendants will receive heavenly fortune.”
She urged us forward saying, “We need to stand up. We need to run. If we can fly, it’s better. We don’t have much time left. We should fulfill all of Heaven’s will so our Heavenly Parent can say with pride, “Thank you My Sons and Daughters.”
She emphasized that we should uphold this new motto towards this goal and direction.
Inspired by True Mother’s words, FFWPU USA President Dr. Michael Balcomb said:
After such an eventful and frankly challenging year, we can all feel a sense of hope and excitement that a new year full of God’s grace and mercy is at last upon us. Taking a moment to reflect and re-determine ourselves for 2014, let's remember that we are a family. We're not perfect, but we are a family seeking to develop a culture of heart that can bring more joy to God and True Parents. We may sometimes forget how much blessing we have received, and how much we have to offer to others. We have an incredible message and a faith to share, and each of us has been uniquely called to do so. Let's walk into 2014 with a sense of confidence in our divine calling. We are not inviting people to a perfected culture, but we are welcoming them to help us build it together.”