Hak Ja Han
February 13, 2019
2019 Sunhak Scholarship and Service Award Ceremony
Cheongshim International Youth Training Center, South Korea
For a long time, human beings have been longing to realize a world of peace. Humanity has harbored the dream of one human family. However, the world runs contrary to humanity's wishes. So many problems exist that we can't fathom the unsolvable problems in today's world -- barriers between religions, cultures, races, nationalities and ideologies…. As time passes, barriers increase. Could there ever be a real future? We cannot avoid thinking about this seriously. The world has more than two hundred nations.
The nations' being eager to realize world peace led to the founding of the UN. However, even seventy years after its founding, the world's nations want unity but are unable to come together. The world's superpowers, the smaller nations, too, all prioritize their personal interests. For that reason, they cannot become one.
All human beings wonder whom they should listen to, what they should seek. The conclusion is that human beings cannot solve problems by their efforts alone. We should know the original creator and owner, God. All human beings should know him; humanity should serve him. That's what we have to do!
Until today, despite the work of the main religion, Christianity, with its Christian culture, we have people saying that God is dead and communism emerged. This is incorrect. It is regrettable. The world is gloomy and when God looks at the world -- God who should have been our parent -- how much in pain must Heavenly Parent's heart be! God created heaven, earth and all creation in accordance with the principles of creation.
Nature follows the existing laws and principles in place, so spring comes and then summer, followed by autumn and winter. There's a natural way to life. No one teaches them but the cycle continues. Only human beings are not able to follow. There is an endless succession of war and conflict.... Take this country; look at the situation between North Korea and South Korea. Though they are on the road to becoming one, as long as ideas or thoughts are human-centered, we can't find a way to peace.
Historical truths
So in Heaven's providence, as we reach the completion stage, the time to reveal the hidden historic truth has arrived: I am here. I am the person that Heavenly Parent waited for. I declared that I am God's only daughter. Two thousand years ago, Jesus Christ came as God's only son. Mary gave birth to Jesus but the people around him did not become one with Jesus. Eventually he had to take the path of the cross. Jesus' good environment was lost. Jesus lost all and had to go the way of the cross. That is why he said he would return. He clearly said he would come back and hold the marriage supper of the Lamb. That means that two thousand years ago Jesus Christ would have come as a True Parent. Fallen humankind has to go through True Parents. Without going through them, humankind cannot come into Heavenly Parent's presence, the Creator's presence, God's presence. Humankind cannot move forward. Fallen humanity's genealogy has nothing to do with God. Only through True Parents can we receive new life. If we do not go through process of rebirth, Heavenly Parent cannot say, "My son" or "My daughter." If the True Parents did not support the environment of the 59th Holy Wedding anniversary, we would not reach 2020 and the 60th anniversary. Now we will.
The means of restoration
Around the world, we have created many blessed families. I asked them to become tribal messiahs. Through this summit, I told the heads of states, "When you return to your country be the messiah of your nation." More than 7.6 billion human beings should become God's children. The fastest way is for leaders who are in charge of a country to work for Heaven's providence. If they become their respective country's messiah, will it be possible to restore the country and restore the world? Such things do not happen overnight. It takes time.
But we wish to move forward and for people's spirit and original mind to be with True Parents on this position, to align with Heaven's will. Aren't you in our second generation? You have parents you can be proud of. Isn't that so? To unify the world, having one language is the fastest way. In our country, when babies start to speak, they cannot pronounce the word "Eomma" [mother] properly but instead they say "Ma!" or "Eum-ma!" In the West, the words "Abba" and "Oemma" are pronounced "Mama" and "Papa." It is like this. Isn't it similar? Among all languages, Korean resembles most closely the sound of the original mind.
You scholarship students have grown up in different cultures all around the world. However, by knowing True Parents and observing True Parents' wishes, humanity can become one family. You came to this country and found this wish in your heart to move forward. Is it possible for you to become perfect in Korean while you are studying here? Worldwide, people recognize Korean as the most scientific language. In addition, they say that by using Korean on the internet and electronic devices, we can transmit the most information. For that reason, I advise people in countries with a language using long words to learn Korean.
Yeon Ah Moon, chair of the HJ Peace Foundation, gave a welcome address. Rev. Gi-seong Lee, president of FFWPU Korea prayed. Jocelerme Privert, president, Republic of Haiti (2016–2017) gave congratulatory remarks. Gyeong-deuk Yu, secretary general of Youth and Students for Peace Korea was the MC.
You are now in a growing process. At the time of the Creation, God made Adam and Eve to become ancestors to all human beings and for that, he gave them a period of growth; God gave them time to grow up. To fulfill your life's dream, you are now at an age when you can learn and grow. For what dream are you developing yourselves? In the past, Adam and Eve could not unite with God. Self-centered desires emerged. Thus, the world you see today became a place unrelated to God.
Blessed second-generation members standing now in front of True Parents and Heavenly Parent, are you going to solve that situation? Do you know about sunflowers? Sunflowers always turn toward the sun during the day. Wherever you are in the world, your original mind is only turning in True Parents' direction, isn't it? That's why I love you. In all respects, you should grow well. Become loyal, filial sons or daughters who are proud to have and help True Parents and Heavenly Parent wherever -- on the five oceans or the six continents. I ask you to become a light for the world. To embrace the all humankind, I am investing in many areas. I pray that your efforts and your studies can bear much fruit in those areas.