How can we solve all the dark and sorry problems that are occurring on earth

Hak Ja Han
April 30, 2017
Hope for Korea! National Harmony and Unity Spearhead Rally
Ilsan, South Korea


Distinguished Guests, Ambassadors for Peace, Beloved Blessed Families, Ladies and Gentlemen:

Let us think about how we can solve all the dark and sorry problems that are occurring on earth today. The topic that I will speak to you about today is Heaven’s providence and Korea’s mission seen from the history of human civilization. Originally, God, the Creator, made all other living things and then created Adam and Eve, who would become humankind’s ancestors. He then said it was good.

God gave Adam and Eve, who would become humankind’s ancestors, responsibility. That responsibility was to go through the growth stages and live their lives united with God’s absolute position. However, during the growth stage, greed, looking toward themselves, formed. The greed behind thinking “I can be the same as God” formed. They made the mistake of acting before the time was right. Through that, humankind’s history ended up becoming history exhibiting the results of the Fall.


The omniscient and omnipotent God could not just stand back and watch fallen humankind. According to the principle of Creation, he is a being in which the beginning and the end are the same. God cannot use the word “failure”. This is why God had no other choice but to begin the lonely and difficult providence of restoration through indemnity to reach humankind Among the numerous fallen peoples, the Israelites, whom we might call a good people compared to others, were chosen.

How difficult must it have been that it took four thousand years to achieve a foundation from the individual, family, tribe, race and nation? Then what happened when God sent his only son, Jesus Christ, who could have been the first ancestor, whom humankind had longed for and who could have realized God’s dream of fulfilling the purpose of creation? Jesus, who had lost the foundation, had no other choice than to take the path of the cross. Therefore, he said he would return. He would return and hold the marriage supper of the Lamb. Jesus promised to absolutely realize the position of True Parent that he could not realize in his lifetime. In order to do that, Christianity had to fulfill the responsibility of bringing into existence God’s only daughter.


When God works through an individual or nation, he does not reuse a people that did not fulfill their responsibility. This is because the people that did not fulfill their responsibility have indemnity they must pass through. Through history, we can see what kind of life the Israelites lived. Heaven chose a good people to give birth to the God’s only daughter. That people is what is today the Republic of South Korea. After Jesus died on the cross, for Christian culture to be accepted, finally, took around three hundred years.

The Christian culture, which began centered on the Italian Peninsula passed through Europe and arrived at the island nation of Britain, through which the age of the Atlantic civilization came to fruition. Through there Britain Empire spread throughout the world centered on the sea. “The sun never sets on the British Empire” described Britain’s power. However, Christianity did not recognize Jesus’ true nature; thus, Christians have not been able to cast aside selfishness even though they speak of love. Jesus’ true nature is true love. True love is love that gives and gives, forgets it has given and gives again. Though the European nations that achieved the realm of the Atlantic civilization must have given something to the colonies they occupied, they made more effort to take.


As Jesus died on the cross, it is the mission of Christianity to listen to Heaven’s promise that Jesus would return and hold the marriage supper of the lamb, and to prepare for that. Representatives of Korean Christianity were meant to fulfill that responsibility. However, there is no truth to Christianity. They do not even know how heaven’s providence is progressing or know Jesus’ true nature. How can Christianity, which is made by human thinking, hang Jesus who should have been attended as the True Parents on the cross for two thousand years saying they will be saved? This is disloyal and impious. However, they do not realize this.

Now on this earth, God’s only daughter and God’s only son, the True Parents, for whom humankind has been longing, have been born. Then what must you do? There can be no perfection through ignorance. You must understand that. True Parents have been teaching you for fifty some years since the Holy Wedding and have been teaching all the people of the world. At that time, in 1960, the world had only around 3 billion people compared to the 7.4 billion now.

Ladies and Gentlemen! Do you see hope for the future? There is a future for humankind when you go forward in unity with True Parents. Do you understand? We proposed the IAPP in 2016! In only ten months we have expanded the organization to the six continents In the US Senate Kennedy Caucus Room some three hundred people attended, among them current legislators. Some eighty US legislators participated. On that occasion, I said that the way to peace is through me, and proclaimed that they must unite with God’s only daughter, with the True Parents. That is an amazing, revolutionary statement. Jesus should have said those words two thousand years ago in the Roman Senate. In this way, I have created an external foundation.


Even though this nation had been facing difficulties and the world was in confusion seven hundred legislators came to this country. I told them the way to peace is for each of them to return to their own nations, and I asked them to fulfill their responsibilities as tribal messiahs. I said they should become messiahs. Gradually, the IAPP is being established in 120 nations. A few days ago, an inauguration took place in India, a nation of 1.3 billion people. Neither Christianity nor Buddhism has been able to gain influence in this nation. However, more than 120 legislators gathered and had a successful inauguration. They do not know how urgent the situation is, but we are able to see that many people are looking for the true lord! The True Parents.

The wish of fallen humankind is to go through the process of rebirth through the True Parents and to become children of God, our Heavenly Parent. Now those of you here today must rise and teach the citizens of this nation about True Parents’ advent. Your dream is that North Korea and South Korea unite and their people live in a peaceful nation. Neither the power of politics, of religion, or of some specific ideology can achieve that dream. True Parents represent the only path to solving this.

A hundred years ago, the poet Tagore wrote a beautiful poem about us when we were under colonization. The poem prophesized hope to come in the future. “In the golden age of Asia, Korea was one of its lampbearers and that lamp is waiting to be lighted once again for the illumination of the East.” What is the light? The light is the true word, the truth. It is through the True Parents that the truth becomes true. We have received the blessing of being God’s homeland. Hence, all of us must fulfill our responsibilities. We must act on them. We must show this through our actions. Then this people, this nation, can stand upright in the world as a nation where Heavenly Parent and True Parents can dwell. In this new age, we must begin the age of the Pacific civilization and spread it to the world.

If the age of the Atlantic civilization, two thousand years ago, was a providence that collected and took things away from others, the age of the Pacific civilization will become the world all people want and Heavenly Parent wishes for – the world of one human family under God, which will be achieved through practicing living for the sake of others centered on True Parents. Will you make that resolution and put it into practice? Let us go forward continuously until the day we can give joy and praise to our Heavenly Parent with a heart of filial piety.