Heaven's Providence through the History of Human Civilization and Japan's Mission

Hak Ja Han
May 14, 2017
March Forward! Hyo-Jeong Cultural Festival
Ariake Coloseum, Tokyo, Japan
Unofficial transcript of vimeo.com/220832281 by Airenae Culvy


Distinguished Guests, Beloved Ambassadors for Peace, Family Federation Members, Ladies and Gentlemen,

On this Mother's Day, I accept your beautiful hearts with gratitude.

The title of the message I would like to share with you today is:

"Heaven's Providence through the History of Human Civilization and Japan's Mission"

We need to know the truths of history.

In the beginning, God created all things in the universe and created humankind's first ancestors, Adam and Eve.

That was the dream God wished accomplished. However, something went wrong in the growth stage.


Thus, God had no choice but to begin the providence of restoration through indemnity to find humankind's ancestors once again.

During the long course of four thousand years, Heaven expanded the domain of the Cain-type world.

God raised a people, a comparatively good people in the fallen world.

After four thousand years, God sent Jesus, the only son of God, who could relate directly with God.

However, what happened? These central figures should have made the foundation for Jesus to fulfill his responsibilities. However, in the end they could not do that. Thus, Jesus had no choice but to go the way of the cross.


Jesus said he would return. He said he would return and hold the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. The purpose of Jesus' advent was to become the True Parents.

The two thousand years of the Christian providence should have developed the foundation for God's only daughter to be born, whom Jesus should have met.

Christianity began through the work of the Holy Spirit. After three hundred years, Rome acknowledged Christianity, which spread from the Italian peninsula across Europe to reach the island of Britain; and, the Atlantic Civilization began to blossom.


You must listen carefully to the following:

Geopolitically, island nations admire peninsulas and continents.

Britain, with its Christian foundation, began to spread its domain to surrounding Atlantic nations and the world. However, in the end, they did not understand Christ's true nature and they became a civilization that pillaged. Therefore, the Atlantic Civilization reached its limit.

In the sixteenth century, the King James translation of the Bible into English began a new movement of faith.

At that time, for Heaven's Will to be honored in institutions made by people was difficult. That is why many mistakes were made in the Christian cultural sphere. Communism also came out of the Christian cultural sphere.


Those believers who respected and loved God and only wished to rely on Him, sailed off to America. Heaven blessed those people so that they could make a foundation for the future returning Lord.

Due to the history of mistakes caused by individuals, Heaven blessed us with democracy to create an environment in which we could not fail.

Heaven also prepared the only Daughter of God, promised to Jesus. That took place on the Korean peninsula, in Korea.

Along with liberation, Korea divided---democratic and communist. Under the Kim Il Sung regime, the North was prepared to attack; and, the South had not yet found its footing as a democratic nation.

In 1950, the Korean War began. At that time, why did Heaven mobilize and send UN Forces from sixteen nations? This was because it was God's dream, and humankind's wish, to accomplish His dream through the True Parents, Who could become humankind's ancestors.

The nation that gave birth to True Parents could not become a communist nation. Therefore, miraculously the UN Forces mobilized. This is the historical truth. (applause)


The Christian foundation should have prepared an environment to receive the returning Lord. Unfortunately, Christians did not understand God's or Jesus' true nature. Thus, there is no individual salvation; there is family salvation. This is the path of being reborn through True Parents and standing in God's presence as true children.

In that respect, Mary should have fulfilled her responsibilities concerning Jesus' birth two thousand years ago. Yet, Mary did not understand who Jesus was. She did not understand Jesus' mission. In contrast to this, Dae-Mo nim fulfilled her responsibilities and gave birth to God's only Daughter, whom Jesus had hoped for and should have met. (applause)


As a result, Japan, as the Eve nation received the mission to fulfill its responsibilities as the mother nation before True Parents.

Therefore, you must love Chung Pyung and inherit Dae-Mo nim's foundation of victories. Through that, the many nations of Asia, centered on Korea and Japan, in the age of the Pacific Civilization (unlike the past age of the Atlantic Civilization) must create the revolution of the culture of heart centered on true love. (applause)

I heard that more than four thousand young people have gathered here today. In the many nations of Asia, I plan to raise ten thousand young people through their participating in the Top Gun Workshop.

They will go out, not only to Asia, but to the world. Will the Japanese Top Guns and other Japanese young members also be a part of this? (Yes! applause)

You must know True Parents. You must look to True Parents to solve all the problems in the world and in Japan. The Unificationist Church, the Family Federation, is the movement that attends God, Who has absolute authority as the Creator, the Heavenly Parent.

Therefore, in order to realize the dream of all of the world's people becoming one human family under God, Japan, the Eve nation---all of you---must go as a mother to the world and make the utmost effort to educate and unite humankind as brothers and sisters. (applause)

Today on Mother's Day, you must embrace the world with the heart of a mother. (applause)

In order to do that, I ask those of you who have gathered here today to lead the way and become great, historic key players. (applause)

I hope that Japan's 130 million citizens will form a mother nation that will embrace the world through practicing true love and living for the sake of others. (applause starting to stand)