Ki Hoon Kim
June 17, 2013
Translated by Lymhwa Kim from
Edited by Krista Karjalainen
June 15, 2013
True Mother and her daughter, Sun Jin Moon, light a cake celebrating her arrival to Hawaii King Gardens in Kona.
True Mother and her grandchildren safely arrived in Honolulu around 11:00 a.m. and had lunch in a downtown fast food restaurant and left for Kona at 4:30 p.m. When True Mother arrived at Kona, many Hawaiian Family Church members and young second-generation Unificationists welcomed her and some of the young True Grandchildren at the airport. It was a long journey but everyone was in high spirits. After True Mother arrived at King Garden, 30 members gathered and welcomed True Mother. She gave a short message:
True Grandchildren sing for True Mother
1. “We must recognize that we are the most blessed family who knows the best way of Heavenly Parent and True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind."
2. "The best outcome comes when we teach the Divine Principle as a style of Hoon Dok (reading of text.) Now we have the recently published, essential new scriptures that contain True Parents’ messages in the form of the Cheon Seong Gyeong, Pyeong Hwa Gyeong and Chambumo Gyeong. From now on, we should use these books. This is a very important mission to all the leaders. The Divine Principle is God’s revelations from 1960, but these three new scripture [collections] contain messages from True Father until his last moment as well as True Mother’s messages."
3. "To be a Cheon Il Guk citizen, we must teach the Divine Principle and the three absolute, essential new scripture books to others. [According to Archbishop Kim, the English edition will be available at the end of the year or next year by Foundation Day.]"
The True Mother’s grandchildren, wearing the white shirts, participate in the morning Hoon Dok Hae.
4. "The reason True Mother came to Kona was to educate her third-generation in Divine Principle.”
The grandchildren sing for their grandmother, True Mother.
June 16, 2013
True Mother gives advice and encouragement to her grandchildren.
Every morning True Mother received reports from her daughter, Sun Jin Moon, and son-in-law, In Sup Alexander Park, Hyo Yul Kim, vice-chairman of the Missionary Foundation and True Mother’s aide, and Archbishop Ki Hoon Kim.
True Mother visited the Queen Kona Coffee Farm together with her grandchildren on the second day of their schedule. It was the first time True Mother visited Queen Kona Coffee Farm together with the her grandchildren. She shared encouragements with all the staff during her visit.
Afterwards at King Garden, with her mind devoted to teaching, True Mother directed the Divine Principle workshop for her grandchildren.
True Mother, center, visited Kona Garden together with her daughter, Sun Jin Moon, second from right, and her grandchildren, wearing blue shirts
The workshop’s morning Hoon Dok Hwe began with the reading from the Cheon Seong Gyeong and singing of the Cheon Il Guk anthem. Most of the workshop was prepared in Korean, but there were also 23 English Divine Principle lectures [scheduled]. The Korean, Japanese and American second-generation Unificationists served as lecturers for this workshop and prepared fun, engaging lectures.
Group photo with True Mother and her family together with a second-generation Kona member at Kona Garden
June 17, 2013
On June 17, 2013, after a short break, the grandchildren report their workshop experiences to True Mother.
True Mother visited South Point in Kona, Hawaii with her grandchildren and staff. South Point is the southernmost part of United States and famous for its strong ocean currents and wind.
In the afternoon, the Grandchildren continued their Divine Principle workshop. At 7:00 p.m. they reported their experience so far at the workshop to True Mother and finished their day with another two-hour lecture.
True Mother and her family tried their hand at banana picking and took a family photo.
The following is a direction from True Mother that she gave to Archbishop Ki Hoon Kim on June 18, 2013:
“I will send high-school graduates to Korea and educate them. Korea has developed rapidly due to the blessing of God and True Parents. Korean should know that it is God’s providence. They need to realize the truth and appreciate it. The Israelites endured hardships after Jesus’ crucifixion but they didn’t know the reason for their hardships. If Korea can’t fulfill its responsibilities, we will face hard times. God gave us everything. We need to fulfill our responsibilities with an appreciative heart and give honor and nobility to God and True Parents. We need to realize that every day we are individuals who are living during same time period with True Parents and go forward. We need to thank True Parents that they chose us as True sons and daughters. Please fulfill your responsibilities. The reason that the Israelites were able to survive is because of the education they received in their home. After crucifixion, the Israelites were not aware of indemnity. In order to have a united world, the language needs to be united first. So, all the blessed families and second generation should study Korean exhaustively. My plan is to select high-school graduated second-generation through tests and give them scholarships to Sun Moon University in Korea. Archbishop Ki Hoon Kim should convey this message to the whole nation.”
Archbishop Ki Hoon Kim with a bunch bananas he picked