Chosun News, Sisa Journal
February 9, 2014
[Chosun News] Scholarships Awarded to Students from 52 Countries
Raising Korean Students to Become World Leaders
“Every single person needs to take responsibility for carrying out the will. We need to combine our strength as masters of the knowledge of history and work together. Please mobilize your talents and strengths to join in the effort to foster the leaders of the future.”
On February 9th, Family Federation for World Peace and Unification Chairman Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon spoke at the Wonmo Pyeongae Foundation (CEO Min Ha Kim) 2nd Scholarship Certificate Awards Ceremony and Service Awards Ceremony, held at the Cheon Jeong Goong Museum in Gapyeong, Gyeonggi-Do. 10 billion won in scholarships was presented to 400 Korean and 1,055 international scholarship students.
The Wonmo Pyeongae Foundation was established last year as a scholarship organization, and expands the branches of the dream tree far and wide through volunteer services for multicultural families and disadvantaged social groups, as well as various public programs. Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, who established the Foundation, collected 110 billion won from the influx of donations received on Rev. Sun Myung Moon’s passing, and 50 billion won from the profits from the sale of the helicopter used by Rev. Moon. At the 1st Scholarship Awards Ceremony last year, 743 high school and university students from around the world were selected to receive 4.3 billion won in scholarships. This year, the scale of funds donated increased significantly. The program this year also changed to include middle and graduate school students.
[Sisa Journal] Rev. Sun Myung Moon’s 30 Billion Won Helicopter has been Sold
Through the sale of Rev. Moon’s helicopter, as well as donations from various benefactors, the Unification Church was able to establish the Wonmo Pyeongae Foundation and supply them with 100 billion won in funds for social contributions. Rev. Moon is said to have longed to establish such an organization during his life. In February of this year, the organization awarded 1,455 (400 Korean and 1,055 international) students with 10 billion won in scholarships.
International scholarship students are given the opportunity to learn about Korean culture, and are given chances to study in Korea and grow as global leaders. Sun Moon University in Asan, Chungnam, will be hosting these talented students. The Foundation will also be selecting 40 graduate students every year to receive tuition and living expense coverage.