Hak Ja Han
December 22, 2014
Hoon Dok Hae
Cheon Hwa Gung, Las Vegas
Photo February 12, 2014, location unknown
Are you happy to be here? (Yes) Stop taking photos with the flash. It hurts my eyes. Was it a good thing that I called you here? So what did you gain from your time here? (I came to realize what I had to do.) It’s all about building a strong heartistic bond with True Parents. Didn’t I make this opportunity for you? (Yes.) Aren’t you the children of True Parents? (Yes.) Then you should uphold True Parents’ will. I’m grateful that at the very least, you are all mature young adults. How wonderful would it be if you could play a leading role in building Cheon Il Guk, don’t you think? (Yes.) As I told you the other day, you have to take action so that many of your sister nations or the seven billion people of the world can say that they met True Parents while they were on the earth and it was because of you that this was possible. If you can do this your descendants to come will remember you with so much gratitude and appreciation. You stand in that position right now.
However, if you just continue on with your life not knowing this, you will face indemnity. You know what indemnity is through the teachings of the Divine Principle, right? (Yes.) You may not be aware of this but Heaven has its own perspective when it observes your actions. Depending on how you live, the burden of indemnity that remains might be great or small. Your descendants will either face more or less hardships based on how you live now. When you look at providential history, the Israelites were raised up by God for four thousand years, during which time, they waited eagerly for the king of Israel. The Messiah. Jesus. God sent Jesus but they did not recognize him. How could that happen? Even Mary who conceived him through the Holy Spirit, did not attend Jesus. How could she allow him to remain as an assistant to Joseph, a carpenter, for thirty years?
Even though she might have been unaware of the providence or God’s will and was placed in a difficult environment, in certain times of her life, Heaven had raised her very directly, had even sent the three wise men from the East at the time of Jesus birth to present gifts. It was a testimony that Jesus’ birth was special. Mary should have realized then, at that time, how special Jesus was. She should have offered greater devotion and depended on Heaven, asking God what she should do. But what happened? Jesus’ life did not survive in the historical records. Why wasn’t there anything recorded? Yet, this pitiful Mary is revered as the Holy Mother in the Catholic Church.
True Parents are aware of these secrets. True Parents opened the era of Cheon Il Guk. This problem should be reconciled, don’t you think? A new era has been opened. Therefore, the past should be reconciled and closed. How long will the established theology of the Old Testament remain? We cannot continue to give it credence. We have to teach them the New Testament perspective. Mary failed to fulfill her responsibility. Why do you think sixty-thousand Jews of Israel were slaughtered? Well? Heaven is a God of love. Do you think God would have condoned this? Heaven went through hardships to raise Israel, the chosen nation. This was indemnity for not attending Jesus. Incredibly, even today, Israelites have not been able to firmly establish themselves as a nation.
People are so unaware of Heaven’s will. They are ignorant and without knowledge. Somebody must teach them, yet there wasn’t a single person who could do that until now. Only True Parents know this truth. You are also in the same position. All of you were reborn through the True Parents. Didn’t I tell you that the other day? You were reborn as clear water, not the muddied waters of the fallen world, because of True Parents. And so, you have responsibilities.
Responsibilities. You should not abandon your responsibility. You should not ignore it. You don’t know what kind of indemnity might be waiting along your path if you do ignore it. You have to make it so that people know Heaven’s will. You might end up in the most blessed position or the most dreadful position depending on if you decide to ignore or take up your responsibility. You have to become second- and thirdgeneration blessed families who live above accusations from future generations. Do you understand? (Yes.) To do so, you have to learn what you failed to learn until now. This [Las Vegas] is where True Father carried out the final stages of providential history. You won’t be able to see everything during the short time you are here visiting. This place is blessed with the unblemished, beautiful nature. This city was once a desert. What did they build in order to give life to this city? The Hoover Dam was built later. This place is called Sin City. There is a lot of corruption where money is circulated. The Roman Empire and other wealthy nations in history perished because of the collapse of morality, rampant corruption, and illegalities stemming from money. This city however is being transformed.
How much would a hotel room cost in New York or in the other larger cities? What about the New Yorker Hotel? (It is about $350 per night.) Other cities charge about $350 to $500. How much is it here during the off-season?$ 26? $10? These are this city’s rates. Did you know that? That’s why True Father said that all the people of the world wanted to come to this place. Not to gamble. Conventions are held all year round in this city. The most famous conventions of the world are constantly held in this city. So, how many people come here each month? They say that about forty million people come and go to this place. True Father distributed a lot of copies of his autobiography in this city. He shared it with everyone. I’m sure there are a lot of people who read his autobiography. So if we meet these people on the streets, create a bond, and convey the word, later, when they finish their business in this place and return to their homes, they may just drop by one of the Unification Church centers, FFWPU, and be connected with our movement. If people are witnessed to at this place, the affect will spread on to other nations of the world, if not temporarily. True Father thought about how to create financial independence for the projects he started here. Will the construction of the Peace Education Center be completed at the end of February? When it is completed, I intend to have people educated there.
True Father spoke about this project but was not there to see it completed. I am now going to complete it while carrying this heavy burden. Do you understand that? America, You are indebted to me. This [Las Vegas] is that kind of place. True Father was thinking about the seven billion people of the world. He did not forget about them for even a second. He wanted to quickly tell all the people of the world during his lifetime that the True Parents are here and that people can live only by the lifestyle taught by True Parents’. So, should I bring an end to this or not? (You should continue this.) Then it will cost a lot of money. I heard that there are many competent people among you. Let’s put our strength together. Do you want to do that? (Yes!) I am no longer young. Will your success be with True Mother? Or for your own selves? There is a big difference between the two; if you succeed with True Mother, this will be recorded in history. Do you understand? (Yes!) Shouldn’t you offer a lot of devotion? For True Mother’s sake? (Yes.) And shouldn’t you make more effort? (Yes.) You should make effort to bring another person, another life, closer to True Parents so that they can attend True Parents.
You know all of this. There are a lot of problems in the world today. Border disputes, issues in Asia, and the Soviet Union is in conflict with Ukraine. Isn’t that right? Asia is also in turmoil. The entire world is in turmoil. Ideological conflict, racial discrimination, religious conflict, conflict after conflict. This only brings destruction. It is destructive. Human beings continue to destroy without any consideration for this beautiful planet. In the end, the planet Earth will be devastated, and human beings will perish. Isn’t that right? You probably don’t know this but I don’t sleep well at night. Well? What should be done at this, the last stretch? I will reorganize the system of operations for our future generations and trim away all the excess branches so that we can advance with a clear path. Didn’t I say this before? Our movement is one large current. It is the main stream. Where is it headed? It is headed out toward the world; to the great ocean. Countless of lives will be revived in the wake of this current. It brings life because it is healthy water. All of you must join this current. Only then, will you have a healthy future. Isn’t this easy to understand? (Yes.) Didn’t I use a good metaphor? (Yes.)
Yesterday, I considered whether to give a long speech to the ministers and others who came for the Christmas Sunday Service. The video featured was long and the entire program was long. I thought you would be hungry so I kept it short. After I came down from the podium, my grandchildren told me that I was awesome and that my speech was great. (Laughter) Shinwol Shinwol. You should boast about this to your older sisters and brothers. Didn’t you listen to my speech and say that it was great? Okay. Let’s sing “One day in October”.