Hak Ja Han
October 6, 2016
Korea–Japan Harmony and Unity Gathering: Kick off for the Victory of vision 2020
YongPyong Resort's Indoor Gymnasium
We must not forget the world's 7.3 billion people. Originally, Adam and Eve, without the Fall, should have achieved Heavenly Parent's dream, True Parents' dream.
We are responsible to accomplish the kingdom of heaven on earth and the kingdom of heaven in heaven by our own hands during True Parents' lifetime. This responsibility is a blessing to all of you, especially Korea and Japan, which are the parent nations to the world. The parent nations must unite. Concerning the providence, the father and mother must make more effort. I pray that you will become that kind of father and mother that will bring great results for heaven.
We are looking at the fourth year now since the beginning of Cheon Il Guk. During that time, what have we shown all of you? We compiled the Three Great Scriptures, the education materials through which you can say "I lived a life united with True Parents" about your whole life. We made the Cheon Il Guk Constitution.
In this earthly world, in which True Parents have dwelt, they should have started at the national level, however the nations with that responsibility, could not fulfill their responsibilities.
That is why True Parents had to rise up from the very bottom. Through that, they liberated God and opened the door to Cheon Il Guk in 2013.
In order for this to happen, in many areas we must be models for the world. That is why we selected the Supreme Council, and set up the five organs. In order for all these five organs to work properly, the father nation must have restored at least seven nations in the world.
Earth from all the holy grounds in Korea and in Japan were mixed together to symbolize the unity
We must take this path. Now, to go forward centered on True Parents, it is time for us to coalesce, in all areas, such as the existing institutions, and align them under one system. That is why I want to announce to all of you: From now on, as we go forward, all institutions and businesses will have Hyo Jeong at the beginning of their name.
Last time, I said we'd revive the science conferences. While looking at what is happening throughout the world, not long ago a typhoon covered this nation, causing a lot of damage in the Ulsan region. Why do these things occur so often? The Earth, which God created, should function naturally and reasonably. However, human ignorance and unilateral human greed are destroying nature.
In consequence, circumstances have occurred under which we cannot even guarantee the future existence of humankind in this extreme environment. People have been discussing the reason and are worrying about this, but there is no alternative.
In order to begin research and create alternatives, those who enjoy the wealth, must be willing to give it up. Because of that, the nations considered advanced cannot do anything even if they have a solution.
Being in True Parents' position, we cannot just stand back and watch. We must accomplish God's dream, True Parents' dream, the dream of all humankind. I will also work so that the father nation and mother nation can have that status in name and in reality. Without having to say anything more, my dream is your dream.
Until your life's last breath, you must absolutely realize this goal with True Mother!
In front of Mother, Jae-baek Oh, a Korean regional leader and Moriko Hori, chairwoman of WFWPJapan read aloud a resolution to kick-off the Korea–Japan harmony and unity workshop