Hak Ja Han
January 20, 2013
Joint service for Korean members HC 12.12.09
Peace World Center
Hak Ja Han and Young Oon Kim, date unknown
Beloved blessed families around the world, family members, ambassadors for peace, I am praying that this day will be one filled with Heaven's grace for all of you.
Beloved members! How are your preparations for Foundation Day going? In a phrase, it is the era of the recreation of heaven and earth.
Do you all have unity between mind and body? Have you created oneness in the circumstances you are in, oneness in your family, and oneness in your society? Those who have achieved that, please raise your hands. There are presently thirty-three days remaining until Foundation Day.
Today Church President Chang-shik Yang gave a good sermon.
Beloved members, you will have been thinking about many things. To put it briefly, we are sinners in front of Heaven. In front of the grace we have received from Heaven, we have not been able to fulfill our responsibility at all. Is there anyone who can stand up and proudly say he or she has completed everything?
At this point in time, what is very clear to us is that for the first time in history we are ushering in Foundation Day, a day of blessing never before seen and which will never be seen again.
However, what is your attitude toward it at this time? Do you intend to receive it without doing anything for it? Will you receive it in the capacity of sons and daughters? Tell me.
Is there one person among you who can place a hand over your heart and listen to what your innermost conscience tells you?
Once again, we need to think about Father, who has gone before us, and repent while dressed in sackcloth. We need to be able to forgive one another. How? How?
The work for God's providence of restoration through indemnity was hard enough, but True Parents still give everything unsparingly and wish for you to become proud citizens of Cheon Il Guk. We, however, are so unworthy in front of them. We are not ready at all. What, then, should we do?
You need to place yourselves in the lowest position and receive the coming Foundation Day with a repentant heart while asking Heaven to take pity on you.
On that note, I would like to say this: Those who are involved in these unnecessary lawsuits in Korea and overseas should repent. I wish to tell them to put everything down and start afresh through Foundation Day. The blessed families in all parts of the world who are making preparations to welcome Foundation Day should observe a period of time during which they have nothing to be ashamed of in front of Heaven.
I have opened all doors through Foundation Day. I have opened the doors wide for anyone who will resolve to join the ranks of the filial, the loyal and the faithful and translate beliefs into action, practicing absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience until his or her last moment on earth, centering on True Parents.
When we make such a resolution and carry it out, we will not need to indemnify anything in the future. Do you understand? We need to prepare for the era of Cheon Il Guk, which is free from indemnity. We need to fulfill our responsibility, therefore. No one else can do it for us. It is up to us to fulfill it. That is why, as I have said, we now need to stake our lives on and devote all our energies toward doing so.
Such things will be unnecessary in an ideal world. Isn't that so? Will you do it? If you promise to do so, clap as loudly as you can, until all of heaven and earth is ringing with your applause.
Thank you. I hope and pray that your devotions will bring glory to heaven and joy to earth and that you will all become beloved and acknowledged citizens of Cheon Il Guk in the eternal era of Cheon Il Guk.
Let us once again make the resolution to do our best to accelerate our work of guiding all 7 billion people of the world to become its citizens under our Heavenly Parents. Only when you have achieved this can you be free when you pass into the next world.
We will live in a world that is free from accusation. If you fail to fulfill your responsibility on earth, accusations will follow you into the eternal world. Then, in the spirit world, where you breathe with your heart of love, you will have trouble breathing. You need to know this.
Therefore, even if you are getting older, that is fine. I ask you once again to fulfill your responsibilities while you are still on earth, so that you can freely stand in front of True Parents in the eternal world and be proud of yourselves.
With these words, I would like to conclude this assembly.