Hak Ja Han
May 30, 2015
One-Thousandth-Day Memorial Celebration of True Father’s Ascension
Las Vegas, Nevada
We are very happy to offer this commemorative service in Las Vegas marking a thousand days since True Father’s ascension in attendance of our Heavenly Parent. Blessed families around the world that are remembering this moment, are you happy?
When we move into a new home, we need a lot of time to adjust to it. Only then can we say, “Ah, this is my new home!” and truly feel it in our minds and bodies. Today, as we offer this commemorative service, have you thought about how much our Heavenly Parent and True Father have awaited and prepared for this moment?
Truly, our Heavenly Parent, who has worked until now for the providential history of restoration through indemnity, has been lonely. God, who has to be the omniscient and omnipotent king of kings, has been lonely.
Why is that? He lost his beloved children. Can there be a king without citizens?
Sun Jin Moon made introductory remarks before True Mother spoke
Liberate your ancestors and humanity
As we commemorate a thousand days since True Father’s ascension, remember that you must liberate your ancestors in the spirit world. True Father spoke of this. What did he mean when he said to liberate 210 generations of your ancestors? The spirit world has formed during the long, long period of six thousand years since the Fall, as indicated in the Bible. Your ancestors there have no connection to God. They do not know God’s will.
However, do you that have received the blessing from True Parents understand the providence? You must liberate and bless your ancestors and change them into good spirits. You and all tribal messiahs must take on this responsibility today. Therefore, you must expand the environmental realm of the spiritual world. This means that our Heavenly Parent’s and True Parents’ people must increase.
By fulfilling your responsibility, you who are on earth will be able to carry out Father’s providential work more enthusiastically around the world.
Seven billion people do not know True Parents’ or God’s will. Shouldn’t we open the way to life and the way to hope to them? Increasingly, it is like this all around the world. Natural disasters!
True Mother presented awards to many early members of our movement
The earthquake in Nepal was a huge tragedy. Is America safe? It is the same here. There are many natural disasters. How are we going to settle this? If you live selfishly, concerned about your life alone, do you think you will live comfortably in the spirit world?
God created heaven and earth with a great dream and wished to become the true parent through human beings. However, Adam and Eve shattered that dream. Our history attached to the Fall has lasted six thousand years. Yet, because the beginning and the end must be the same, God could not abandon us.
God’s history of salvation and of the restoration of human beings has been such a sorrowful one. You do not know how hard it was to find and establish one person in a position to take responsibility.
God spent a long tortuous history of four thousand years to establish the individual, family, tribe and people and said he would send the Messiah through the Jewish people. However, what happened? The existence of the Messiah never came to light. As he was dying on the cross, he said he would come again. What did he say he would do when he came again? He said he would hold the marriage supper of the Lamb. This means that he would marry. If he is to be married, doesn’t he need a partner?
Therefore, you must know clearly that the two-thousand-year Christian history was the providential history to find the only begotten daughter of God. You know this through the Divine Principle, but if the person, tribe or people do not take responsibility when he uses them, he will not use them again. We know this well through the Bible. We also know that people or groups absolutely must go through the process of indemnity.
God spent a long time preparing the Korean peninsula in the East. Through the European continent and Great Britain centered on Italy, the two thousand-year Christian history brought the Christian culture to blossom in places. One of these is the continent of North America. In light of that, what should you do in order for this continent to take responsibility?
You must live your lives not thinking of yourselves but living for the sake of the whole. That is why Heaven blessed this nation. Yet it is not going in this direction.
True Father sacrificed himself
When this happened, True Father shed blood, sweat and tears for over forty years in order to establish America as a nation that can take responsibility.
In front of your parents, you are children. Yet, how much have you lived as filial sons or daughters? You must reflect deeply and repent. Providential history was centered on the North American continent, moved to the Pacific sphere civilization and then to Asia. God chose an island nation, Japan, as the Eve nation and established the Korean peninsula as the homeland of faith, God’s homeland. The history of God’s providence has been painful.
How many people know God’s providence in this year when we have the seventieth anniversary of the end of World War II, of the liberation of Korea, and of the founding of the UN? The founding of the UN resulted from God’s providential history to save True Father, the only begotten son of God. That was the time when Father worked for the providence in North Korea. For that, the Communist Party sent him to prison. In prison at Hungnam, at the point when he was to have been executed the next day, UN soldiers liberated him.
Right after World War II, both the vast countries of China and the Soviet Union were communist. If God had not worked through America, representing the democratic world alone, the UN would not have been able to dispatch soldiers from sixteen countries to fight in the Korean War. If True Father had not completed and concluded the providential work, God would not have regained his complete freedom.
Because of Father’s need to complete the providential work, God stopped the Soviet delegate from vetoing the motion and sixteen UN nations were able to take part in the Korean War.
I do not want to talk about political things. However, I hope that America will take responsibility until the end. You must take responsibility for this. God will be victorious in his providence.
Thus, the blessed families throughout world must ride the central mainstream and go confidently out to the world.
Hope for the future of the earth, the future of humankind, comes only through True Parents. Since the Fall, numerous people have been born and numerous countries formed, but do they perceive of America as the leader? Do they listen to the UN?
From their perspective, you are brother nations. Hence, you must take care that in the center, True Parents are the only path to solving all the practical, difficult problems.
Moreover, when America fulfills all its responsibilities as the eldest son in light of the providence, the united world -- the world of one family that human beings hope for and God desires -- will be achieved. Can you be determined and resolve to become those that will together pull this day closer? Today, in this moment, as True Father is looking upon you with a joyful heart, I ask you to take responsibility and strive to the fullest to achieve one world centered on our Heavenly Parent without fail.
In Paris, France in the garden of the Palais-Royal