Hak Ja Han
May 11, 2014
Given at the Global Joint Worship Service for the Victory of Vision 2020
Cheongshim Peace World Center HC 4.13
This is the second spring that we have welcomed since the introduction of the Cheon Il Guk heavenly calendar. Spring is the season of hope. It is a precious season through which our dreams can rise higher, grow bigger, and expand wider. Despite the beautiful season, we hear horrific and indescribably painful news from this country and from the world. This phenomenon can be compared to the world's people being on a ship that lacks sailors, a captain and even a compass and thereby experiencing deep insecurity, not knowing when or how well the ship will face strong winds and high waves or if it may sink by hitting a rock in its way.
As we watch these incidents take place, blessed members of the Unification Church around the world and Unification soldiers should stand up. We can no longer just look on and wait. We should not keep the blessing that has been bestowed upon us to ourselves. If we think of the seven billion people struggling like orphans, we must educate them and let them know that our Heavenly Parent lives within True Parents and is working with True Parents. It is in this light that as of yesterday I relocated the FFWPU International Headquarters to Cheon Jeong Gung. Our Heavenly Parent has begun a period through which he will directly visit this holy ground and command the providence. Isn't this something we should feel thankful for?
The blessing cannot remain ours alone. Not only are you true children that resemble True Parents but you should be in the position of the originators of a noble bloodline once you fulfill your missions as tribal messiahs. We need to take action to fulfill all these responsibilities. We can no longer wait. Many people across the world are still dying, unaware that True Parents are alive and well at this very moment. When we think of our brothers and sisters living in misery -- not knowing the providence and without having received the amazing blessing of Heaven, even though they live in the same age as the True Parents, and being aware that that blessing has been bestowed on us for the first time in six thousand years -- we cannot avoid rolling up our sleeves and taking action with all our strength. You must confidently proclaim True Parents and testify that this nation and world cannot live without True Parents. Let us offer gratitude to Heaven for being here at this very moment. I believe it is time we take the initiative to repay Heaven.
During the Global Joint Worship Service, True Mother presented new regional presidents, special emissaries and national leaders with items signifying their official appointment. Notably, Sun Jin nim was appointed director-general of the FFWPU International Headquarters.
I have divided the different regions of the world by language. I am trying to give an opportunity to all people to partake in the providence in this age when everyone can be connected in a second. Accordingly, I have appointed special emissaries that can embrace all the regions, all the world. The emissaries will be with you on the front line to testify about True Parents to all people on earth.
Hence, I would be truly grateful if all of you here today support the emissaries wherever they go as though you were accompanying them yourselves, with the same heart and resolution. I believe that these efforts will bring about the spring days that will give hope to humanity. I will conclude my message today with the sincere request that all members around the world rally until the day we bear results.