Benediction Prayer at the Dedication Ceremony for HyoJeong Sunsu Won

Hak Ja Han
September 9, 2017

Dear Heavenly Parent!

The wishes of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind are to establish one peaceful family for all humankind.

All of the providential institutes will be located in this place, HyoJeong Cheonwon, for the day when this country can proudly stand before the providence.

We dedicate HyoJeong Sunsu Won as a joint institute in the HyoJeong Cheonwon which assists us in realizing the providence and works hard every second of the day.

Please help us to accelerate our progress and work without rest until we can achieve the dreams and wishes of our Heavenly Parent, True Parents, and humankind.

I sincerely appreciate that you allowed us to make this place one in which everyone working here can become one and go forward together.

I pray in the name of True Parents. Aju!