Hak Ja Han
November 1, 2013
Translator: Lymhwa Kim
True Mother shared words of encouragement to participants.
150 people including organization leaders, ‘Top Gun’ graduates, and members from North Gyeonggi and Gangwon parishes joined True Mother for the first Hoon Dok Hae of the new month of November, at the Cheon Jeong Gung Peace Palace in Korea November 1.
After a reading on the topic of True Love from the revised edition of the Cheon Seong Gyeong, everyone watched the short video “We are happy people,” which was first shown during the recent Japan revival tour.
150 participants attended Hoon Dok Hae on November 1, 2013 at the Cheon Jeong Gung.
After the video, True Mother encouraged everyone present to make a new start for November. “Should we just sit down because it’s so tough, even though we can see the final destination,” she said. “No! We need to get up. Now it’s the time to act, and to move forward with a clear goal.”
Mrs. Won Ju Jeong McDevitt, read from the Cheon Seong Gyeong Book of True Love,
“We may all have some regret that we couldn’t tell more people about True Parents when Father was still alive,” she said. “Because of True Parents, we have received both the great grace and the real responsibilities that come with being called a ‘Blessed Family.’ Of course, God does not give his blessings only for us, but expects us to spread that blessing to our relatives, neighbors, society and even the world. No one will do it for us; it is something that we each need to do.
“True Parents completed the course of indemnity and gave us the grace to be part of that great work. As such, it is our responsibility, and we can’t really blame Heaven if things don’t work out. Let’s rather think about how we can shorten the completion of indemnity even by a year or two! Then, wouldn’t God be relieved and share his compliments and appreciation?
“True Parents suffered from hardship in the front line without much care for their own health and wellbeing. They wanted to show us the example of how to live. As mature sons and daughters, do not think self-centeredly and determine to witness to even one person about True Parents, through living for the sake of others.
“I told the Japanese members that to become a spiritually rich person, we need to witness. This is how we lay up treasure in heaven. Our lives are not just for the here and now, and we need to think about future generations as well.”
True Mother also shared plans to create a museum dedicated to True Parents’ life which will preserve the records of providential history, and show how much True Parents and God loved humankind. “I don’t want people to be filled with regret when they visit that museum,” she said. “But, they will surely be very sorry if they come to learn that they missed the chance to know about True Parents even though they lived on earth at the same time. Our job is to do our best so that everyone knows.”
After True Mother’s talk, the head of the Gyeonggi parish and head of the Gangwon Parish reported recent activities.